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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/08/23 in all areas

  1. I like the use of the rubber gloves, as if that weapon was just used in a murder. Makes a change at least from the usual: 'take a photo of it on your bed with your hobbit feet showing at the bottom.'
    3 points
  2. Tackle

    Gun upgrades

    Agree with everything said above.......... BUT........ WHY ? Why do you need to upgrade ?, even most of the budget guns are pretty well set up straight outta the box, why potentially waste money for little or no gain, consider what you like the look of, make another post listing your likes & ask people's opinions, & if the stars align, buy the bleeding gun. Then play with it for as long as you can until: A. Something breaks that requires fixing Or B. You are able to positively identify a particular weakness that needs addressing What you quite literally waste on "pre-upgrades" could potentially buy you a second back up gun, a much better investment in my opinion.
    3 points
  3. Eh, its a tuna masquerading as a rifle i dont think we're meant to understand it
    2 points
  4. as far as my knowledge of the g&g versions of the f2000 go there were sort of 3 versions: 1. they originally released it as an f2000, only for cybergun who owned the rights to using fn's trademarks to sue g&g 2. g&g re-released the same gun, but with the markings changed to the G2010, which is what you have 3. idk the precise route but you could get cybergun re-branded f2000's which would have the proper fn trademarks ultimately, it's unlikely that anyone who cares about the serial number isn't going to want the version with the fn trademarks be it original or the cybergun variant. and tbh i can't say even being a cybergun fully licensed variant nets you anything meaningful in terms of secondhand prices, these guns are just too niche for folk to care and tackle's valuation is about the right ballpark.
    2 points
  5. Adolf Hamster

    Gun upgrades

    It's been said well enough already but it's a message worth repeating. When a much younger (but no less handsome 😛 ) hamster was starting out in this hobby he bought himself his favourite gun, a g&g f2000 because bad company 2. Needless to say as a serial tinkerer it didnt take me long to have the thing to bits and back again, and whilst the g&g implementation of the v6 box is an absolute dream to work on compared to an m4 it just means you can skip right past the easy mistakes and into the sneaky buggers that haunt you for years. For example, i installed an active brake mosfet after learning the hard way how quickly an 11.1v lipo can eat a set of trigger contacts if you let it. Had it been your common m4 of ak a new set of contacts is no big deal but being an oddball i had to order a whole trigger module from the states. So began the problems, i could never get it to fire reliably in semi auto, full auto was fine but the lack of semi annoyed me no end. I tried fully rewiring to heavy gauge wire, i tried different motors, i tried different gearing, nothing worked. And so she sat, for years, i loved and still love the quirky look, but every time i'd bring her out to play the janky trigger (bad enough at the best of times) always had me reverting to something else because even if she was running well i just didnt like using it. Turns out that looking good in a video game and actually handling a thing is a big difference. Eventually as my constant tinkering continued i ended up throwing in a warfet that was spare from another build and the penny dropped- gone was the semi auto issues that had plagued her the whole time i owned her, turned out all the fettling and filing of trigger components, lining things up just so wasnt actually the problem, it was the damned active brake. But by this point i was basically an ak convert, turns out that's the platform i most like using/working on, at least as far as airsoft goes. There are 2 key points from this story: 1. Taking some time, and actually getting hands on with a gun is worth the effort, you might love the looks of a particular platform from video games/movies etc and thats absolutely fine but you may well find that what you actually preferr to use irl is something completely different. 2. Jumping straight into trying to modify your pews, especially when you dont have a clear objective in mind and its your only pew is gonna be a recipe for disaster, trust me the walk of shame when your gun's stopped working or is shooting so wildly you couldnt hit the broad side of a barn from inside said barn gets real old the tenth time it happens and when you're just starting out it will happen a lot. That isnt to say you shouldnt get into tinkering with your pew, its fun and ultimately quite rewarding and something i absolutely advocate people should have a go at, but it's definately smarter to wait until you've got a reliable spare to fall back on. As has been mentioned paying someone to work on your pew is a minefield, there are a few about who will do excellent work but just as many who either dont know, dont care or both and will just about go through the motions of fitting whatever expensive parts they think they can convince you to spend money on with no care as to wether or not that will actually improve the guns performance.
    2 points
  6. Pistol kills are particularly satisfying though...like my one against Riot Shield guy the other week...got him right in the neck. 🤭😎 They're handy for kamikaze runs against an objective where rifles slow you down. But that is a very small amount if time.
    2 points
  7. Got stopped by the Belfast police last night. I gave them their names and addresses and they let me on my way.
    2 points
  8. Kzwi

    Gun upgrades

    Rent at different fields, they might have different rifle type to try, ergonomy is important Definitely try to play your RIF stock first. Get yourself a decent aeg,Save the money of the upgrades and get yourself first 1) a pistol, they are cool ( did i mention how cool it is to go in a building and go close range with a pistol 2) some nice comfy boots 3) some quality eyepro, i played years with cheap ( impact rated but cheap eyepro ) and that’s made a huge difference 4) maybe some cool gear like a chest rig 5) a second replica, most of us have different ones, i like short smg/assault rifle for cqb and i like dmr 6) figure out which replica to upgrade how: a) i dont need to upgrade my marui pistol because i am happy with how it shoots b) my hk416c could use some higher rate of fire, so that’s how i’ll upgrade it. c) i upgraded my dmr for consistency more than range d) look at the hop up and barrel first for any replica to upgrade, i started with JG ak years ago, hop and barrel made a world of difference DO NOT START with a bolt action rifle, they can be cool, but youtube does not show you accurately what it is to play with those, and some brands and platform will be easier to upgrade/tech/repair because they use a lot of standard parts or are clones of standard replica.
    2 points
  9. MrTea

    Gun upgrades

    If you're new i'd assume you don't have your UKARA meaning you can't buy a RIF (all black gun for example) from a retailer. This means you're buying two-tone. I'd heavily recommend playing as a rental and getting your UKARA before dumping cash into a gun, nevermind upgrades. Also, two-tone guns cost the same as the RIF versions, if not more because the retailer has to spray it. Assuming you've got your UKARA, you've played a bit with rental gear and enjoy playing airsoft and want to keep playing. I'd also assume that you've noticed how lacking most rental guns are. From here i'd suggest buying a gun and using it stock. Assess it against the rental guns you used and think about what needs improving further. From here you can A. give it to a local trusted tech B. A local player who knows what they're doing or C. send it to a tech such as the previously mentioned Negative Airsoft. Personally I can vouch for TheCageAirsoft who did the work on my MP5. As for Negative Airsoft his waiting list is quite long so you may be waiting quite a while and being a new player, you probably only have one gun (the one you've sent off) meaning you don't get to play or play with rental gear again. PLEASE don't use Dave'sCustomAirsoft. The prices there are fooking hilarous for the work they do and parts they use. Ask as many questions as you need to, there's loads of helpful peoples kicking around the forums who will bend over backwards to help you.
    2 points
  10. Mmm, "it only shoots around 10 - 20 foot" begs for "Bro, do you even AEP?"
    2 points
  11. I personally make protectors out of Lexan (polycarbonate), and use two layers. It’s super cheap—I cut the Lexan with tin snips and finish it off with a sanding belt.
    2 points
  12. Like Wavey says, strip it all down, give it a good clean, and look for any obvious signs of wear on the BCG. When you put it back together, make it as near stock as possible and see what the score is. And congratulations, of course
    2 points
  13. Pydracor

    Gun picture thread

    Haven't posted here in a long time, I'll restart with this Scored a steel version Bear Paw SVU GBB a while ago and wanted something special in regards of optics for it. Looked around a bit and finally got my hands on a rare 1P21 scope - very large russian scope that has been used on the SVD. I'm not sure if any of these have ever been used on the real SVU, standard for this was the PSO-1 scope. It's also not possible to mount large scope mounts like the one of the 1P21 on an SVU without disassembling it, as these are pushed onto the side rail from the rear, which can't be done on the SVU. I usually try to go more or less authentic, but here I didn't care - it just looks so nicely badass 😋 Bearpaw OTs-03 SVU steel version with realsteel 1P21:
    2 points
  14. You might think it's rough but looks good from here, I'm planning a DPM rattle rif, dunno which to use tho (might practice on a two tone(we don't talk about the blue one))
    1 point
  15. Just go buy a MWS. get it out your system as they are really good. Just make sure you buy a Bavtac 140% nozzle return spring for when the TM one breaks (and it will eventually). Once you get over the MWS start to have a look at something a bit more exotic like the GHK Sig 552/553 or the Archwick ACP9K (on pre-order now it seems). I've been running mostly gas guns this summer and if you find yourself at UCAP vendetta then feel free to ask for a shot of the GHK 552, ACP9K G, TM AKX or whatever I've decided to try out that day.
    1 point
  16. SSPKali

    Perun AB++ Front wired

    My XM177 is front wired AB++ with 2mm banana plugs for the power and signal cables. Colour code the heat shrink AND reverse the +ve and -ve connectors (female / male) so you can't accidentally get them the wrong way round!!!! Cracking little unit even if it doesn't play nice with my Warhead motor (2rd burst would have been a nice option but they just argue and fail to cycle properly 🤣)
    1 point
  17. Another vote for polycarbonate. 2mm and above will stop anything that should be being slung at a UK airsoft field by anyone except Kicking Mustang. I bought a sheet of 3mm which is way overkill (or over-stop), so I'd say 2-2.5mm is the sweet spot. You can cut and finish it by hand, but power tools make it easier.
    1 point
  18. But Maybe they are right and you might find yourself in a youtube video titled “AIRSOFT CHEATER WONT TAKE THEIR HITS until i go close to them and revenge killed by headshot with my HPA shooting 13 000 bbs per second” And then you’d have to move to a different county and change you name and loadout to escape the burning enduring shame
    1 point
  19. Leo Greer

    Gun upgrades

    Ditto to the previous three posts. In the early days of my teching career, I attempted to upgrade a RIF and made some huge mistakes. It took me almost six months of fiddling and research until I was able to fix that RIF properly. And many “techs” are just as bad as I was. They throw parts in with no logic and no proper technique, and it doesn’t work well. Before you upgrade anything, you should have a clear, concise idea of what you want to see improve and why. You should already be using high quality BBs and a good quality battery. You should also be a confident player. You don’t have to be great at the game yet (it takes a while 😁), but you should be confident in how you play, or the upgrades won’t matter a bit.
    1 point
  20. The words "I fricking love it" spring unbidden to my lips 😋 Now I've never had a chance to have a pop with an MWS, so I'm going by the fact that a couple of respectable reviews I've read have put the MWS ahead in the pecking order. I'm inclined to believe them, especially if you want to mag dump (but I doubt in real game play you'll even do more than briefly burst fire the gun, so that's no real difference) If it's more accurate then that's the thing to have... My VFC is no laser gun. I've still pulled off some cool shots at range though. I suspect most GBBR's aren't all that consistent or accurate, but damn they're fun. Could I have got more hits with an MWS? Quite possibly? I'd love to find out, maybe one day I'll buy one. But an MWS will cost a chunk more money to buy used. I got my VFC at a very decent price and I'm delighted with it 🤗 Amusing story from my last gameday. I was walking back to the safe zone at the end. Two guys in front of me were talking about the different gats they'd seen through the day... "Gas blowback is just a flex", at which point I adopted my best He-Man voice and called out "I AM THE FLEXOR" I wasn't embarrassed or annoyed, I was PROUD 😅
    1 point
  21. My point is that they've being doing this long enough to have figured out that it's buyers who have the problem with reality, not them. It's not like it's even "or nearest offer", it's take-it-or-leave-it, and some folk are taking it. Here's how I read that: "Used £265 gun in unknown condition. [Charlie Brown wah-wah-wah noises]. £700, won't split, buyer must collect".
    1 point
  22. Delete this! Haha...I used to pick up some gems, now everything is snapped-up in seconds.
    1 point
  23. What it says to me is that they arent confident enough in their tech departments work to stand by it like it were a new gun, which discourages any notion of buying even a new gun from them if you might need to avail of the warranty. As someone who has only ever played 2 games with an ootb pew i can say that i'd rather spend a month with an eye cast lazily over the classifieds for a good secondhand example at secondhand prices. Although i suppose to be fair, i'm not one who's put off by a little bit of natural weathering on a gun
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Cannonfodder

    Back again

    Welcome back. As others have posted not much has changed since pre covid days What's the Honey Badger like? I've heard it's a pile of crap 😁 I can understand why sites have stuck with pre-booking as it makes setting up for the day a bit less stressful as sites have a clearer idea of the numbers so can plan games around it. I'm sure everyone's regular site has games which work really well with the right numbers, but go to shit if numbers are too high or low.
    1 point
  26. The issue with the CYMA is not a MOSFET. A MOSFET is a chip that allows the vast majority of the power to flow directly from the battery to the motor, instead of through the trigger contacts. The issue is with the trigger mechanism, which is a very small microswitch. When unprotected microswitches experience vibration, the contacts bounce, causing current to switch on and off sometimes thousands of times a second. This causes immense heat build up, and burns these units out quickly. It’s impossible to predict exactly when they will burn out. I’ve seen some burn out within a couple games, and some last for more like 3-4 game days. They will do this on any battery, as it’s not the voltage but the current doing the damage due to CYMA’s design flaw. It’s a critical issue with the series and I don’t know why people recommend them. As long as people are still buying, CYMA isn’t fixing. You can replace them flatly for an excellent Perun Hybrid ETU.
    1 point
  27. Consider the possibility that the tree loses the man.
    1 point
  28. In my mind I look cool and in the photo......well no.
    1 point
  29. ak2m4

    Perun AB++ Front wired

    2mm banana plugs are a great option for adding a quick disconnect.
    1 point
  30. Usually I'll have a few photo's after a game of which one or two are really good, but for this set of photo's I'm happy with all the ones I'm in.
    1 point
  31. A few from the Battlesim Lite, with Outcast members @Smiling-Dutchman @Honey Badger 63 @GAMBLE and Joan Wick, who isn't on the forum, I don't think.
    1 point
  32. Yup. Working a treat. Desoldered the battery cables and motor cables as I was using new stuff. Deans to the mosfet +-, MOSFET to the motor +- and the two wires for the firesignal soldered to the tabs on the screw on bit by the motor screws. Semi and full auto work perfectly. £15 MOSFET happiness. Cheers for the guidance guys, much appreciated.👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️
    1 point
  33. Rocking my Irish DPM, A.K.A Paddyflage, A.K.A Lepratarn
    1 point
  34. On a different note, is the Jerusalem Post hiring proof readers? If not they should be
    1 point
  35. Nerd stuff, related to my pretend-space-soldier costume. It's from a far future sci-fi setting predicated on absolute ideological zealotry, where the slightest digression from the approved narrative in deed or word or even suspected thought results in accusations of heresy and non-humanity. So, nothing at all like the kind, gentle, nuanced and balanced political debate of CURRENT_YEAR.
    1 point
  36. So, Suella Braverman for PM then?
    1 point
  37. And they’re both okay to show to people, but not before anyone asks. 😏
    1 point
  38. Everyone at airsoft is usually a bit weird in one way or the other. I wouldn't ever take anything they say serious and I don't think sites should ever get involved in banning people for being stupid as long as they don't harass or threaten anyone. Wearing a Z patch anywhere in the UK is asking for trouble asking for a beating really. Its all our jobs to be mature adults and resolve disagreements through talking and with words. You can tell the type of people who spend too much time on the internet and probably have a mental disability and obviously we should try to not get too angry at them for being stupid AF. Airsoft is a cool sport and a lot of edgy internet individuals think its real war and have strong beliefs on issues they don't even understand. If I saw a guy wearing a Z patch I would probably ask him why he is wearing it, explain how insensitive that is to wear considering current events and then walk away. Its just as stupid as when you see grown adults getting angry at kids for not taking their hits and screaming, or people arguing over the game. Play the game, have fun and if you don't like something you see have a polite conversation and if its a real issue speak to a marshal. The German uniform crowd are usually internet edgelords who root for the bad guys because they thinks its cool. Not as bad as wearing a Z patch but still very weird. Airsoft is full of weirdos I can be weird sometimes too lol.
    1 point
  39. Now that would be almost funny, swaggering cuntchops turns up at his local site sporting his controversial patches, coupla visiting Ukrainians give him a "lesson" in humility🤣 I'm usually the kinda guy that intervenes when shit kicks off, but I think that would definitely be a "stand back & eat popcorn" moment lol😏
    1 point
  40. chat created... and everyone else is welcome to join as well if they wish
    1 point
  41. Seriously - Z patches ?????????? These types are highly attention seeking and pretty much deserve none of it But, if we bear in mind that I live in Salisbury, around the corner from the Skripals, am a friend of the Sturgess family and have interacted with the troll defenders of Putin with their disgusting narratives ………… I would be providing a Z ‘player’ with attention via a considerable sense of humour failure There is a time and a place At least with the SS it was in the region of 80 years ago …… and though taste can be questionable does align with the reenactment element of skirmishing If a player wants any credibility to just playing airsoft re-enacting Russia in the Ukraine war then they ought to be removing all badges and claiming to be 2014 tourists on a trip
    1 point
  42. Z patches may genuinely upset someone and spoil their day. It's an arsehole thing to do. If we're worried about dressing up as a force that has taken part in illegal wars of aggression, we'll have to start using Irish Rangers or Swiss reservist loadouts... A few years ago, I got an ear full from a chap from SA. He was angered by my wearing 'SWAPO' camo. It was East German strichtarn as donated to said terrorists/liberation forces/communist baddies/peoples freedom army. Most kit has the potential to piss someone off. Intentionally offending people trying to enjoy a fun day out is not on though.
    1 point
  43. Interesting topic and viewpoints. A big part of our hobby is dress- up, let's face it. A bit like @Skullchewer above I'm into my spaceman patches and am definitely a walty Spartan/ODST/DoomGuy/Space Marine. I've seen all kinds of loadouts on the field, including very accurate RusFor (complete with Zs etc) and SS uniforms. None of which has offended me in the slightest. That kind of thing is not for me - I'm into my own personalised look rather than accurate impressions but that's just me. If someone wants to dress up as a "baddie" that's their bag. I'll just do my thing, they do theirs, and as long as we all play fairly and have fun that's all I care for. Must admit, I do rather like the Space Shuttle Door Gunner patch above... definitely a worthy addition to my Space Marine Beefcake shoulder armour... Eezer G
    1 point
  44. If you didn't earn it, don't wear it.
    1 point
  45. I'd say both. They know exactly what they're doing and are only doing it for a reaction so can play the internet big man later, complaining about how snowflakes are upset by a bit of cloth. Imo the best way to deal with them is make sure the only attention they get is from a few extra bbs (especially to the more sensitive body parts). They're nothing more than attention whores who thrive on creating drama
    1 point
  46. On the odd time I’ve found someone wearing something in poor taste I’ve always made sure they were left with no doubt that they were hit Thankfully it’s been years since I’ve seen anyone being silly. Don’t chuck the sport in. Are there other sites you could try that have a better vibe?
    1 point
  47. Yeah well I gotta invisdible sheeld an, an, anyway my fingers were crossed so it don't count😋
    1 point
  48. Play to play. The "sport" is full of assholes, weekend warriors and wannabes, I just ignore them and wear my "I'M A SPACEMAN" patches, because we're playing cowboys and Indians in the woods (hey, I said bang and you didn't fall down!). Play for the fun and don't let dickheads stop your enjoyment of something.
    1 point
  49. Wo1f

    THE TM MWS thread

    I had a test dummy this time. He’s stood at 75m away. I’ve still got a few clicks of hop travel so I may try .45 next. Specs are: Orga 6.05 410mm barrel SixG super nub Modify tan bucking 380-390 FPS on a .20 ASG Accuracy International.43 what I’ve learned.... at that range, even though it’s shooting almost flat, canting the rifle even slightly on the bipod caused them to just miss. According to my brother, the misses were skimming past him, so they were very close.
    1 point
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