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  1. It's the same design as the G3 . Just one guy who hadn't used one before refused to read an instruction manual before uploading to YouTube. I'll do an in depth review and update over the years like i did with the G3
    3 points
  2. Tiercel

    Torn hop up rubber

    Id be tempted to just neatly cut it flat all the way round so it doesnt rip further, wrap it with PTFE And see how you go. Also I find rubbing alcohol to be a great way to lube up hop rubbers, slick enough for a couple of seconds to slide it on, then evaporates and doesnt damage the rubber or risk swelling like actual lubricants.
    3 points
  3. Well, I'm actually interested - I was looking for a G36 but an UMP tickles my fancy too. Post up pics.
    2 points
  4. No arguments there, I've no idea of the actual costs of setting up and running a site but I'm sure the cost of a chrono is minimal in comparison and any site owner who says they can't afford a chrono is obviously talking out of their arse (and would make me wonder what else they're bullshitting about)
    2 points
  5. I was sceptical that doctors could improve my posture but I stand corrected
    2 points
  6. Fatboy40

    Torn hop up rubber

    Cr0 is 100% right, the Maple Leaf AEG silicone bucking's are an absolute turd, never buy them, never use them. Recently I had a horrible feeding issue with my son's AEG, I tested so many hop units (from big players like Maxx Model and Retro Arms) + nozzles + inner barrels, but the moment I went back to a standard rubber 60 degree ML Macaron everything was perfect. The ML silicone Macaron had such a grip on the BB's, this is in an AEG that is right at the 1.14J UK limit shooting 0.28g's, that they got just past the lips but no further with zero hop applied and BB's then started to back up. I suppose if you play somewhere where the ambient temps are always freezing then maybe the silicone grip will help, but as far as I'm concerned they should all be sent to hell! (and now my son has a Maxx Model M4A-PRO in his AEG, so I'll move him to an ML inner barrel as well + MR bucking + 0.32g BB's, so a £10 silicone bucking has cost me a fortune).
    2 points
  7. Cr0-Magnon

    Torn hop up rubber

    Those rubbers are horrible, for the price I don't think it's worth faffing around. They're a consumable item, so I often buy three or so at a time.
    2 points
  8. Rogerborg

    Europe Vs. America

    Revisiting old ground for us. I have a lot of sympathy for site runners, as it tends to be a weekend passion project for them, not a pay-the-rent business. On the other hand, I agree with @Tommikkathat many of them are half-arsing it and hoping for the best. I'm not sure what the legal situation is in the Great State of Texas, but in the UK we can't waive our statutory rights to sue for negligence that results in death or injury. And yet most sites require us to sign these silly waivers that profess to do just that. It's a little concerning that they seem to believe they have a get-out clause, given that on most sites, on most days, you can see shenanigans unfold that they should (by their own published rules) be dealing with. Generally minor stuff, but people - children, even - do sometimes lose an eye.
    2 points
  9. Said the bishop during choir practice
    2 points
  10. Don't get sarky The ratings DO matter because they determine how long the battery will last.
    2 points
  11. Tommikka

    Europe Vs. America

    You would have hoped it was serious But real life doesn’t appear to have these basics in place to ensure the basics are enforced…… On a fairly serious tack of the same subject, a site ought to have insurance and to adhere to VCRA/UKARA principles would be insured ??? and also any basis HSE/council checks a business open to the public ought to have industry standards systems and working practices in place For airsoft/paintball/activity insurance there should be a risk assessment, mitigations and an insurance price based on the remaining risk. An insurer may have just sold a ‘standard’ insurance package for the related industry/activity. But even that will have small print and obligation on the site. Waivers are well known on here for being misnamed / misunderstood - they are not a get out clause relieving a site of responsibility, but a confirmation that the player or their responsible adult understands and will comply with the basic safety requirements - therefore the basis safety requirements should be documented, made available and also complied with by the site. It’s laughable that many sites ‘cannot afford the staff’, but airsoft is supposedly ‘cheaper’ because it has plastic balls that take up less storage space and also don’t degrade in days / hours. There is the argument that it’s a luxury activity when people are choosey on how they spend their money when the economy isn’t great, alongside with the overheads of a site - but airsoft is always ‘cheaper’ even in an economy boom. If the site can’t afford to run the basics of the staff to do safety checks then the price should go up or the business isn’t viable Both airsoft & paintball are arguably sold too cheaply to the player. In paintball the ‘high expense’ is down to street ticket sellers under cutting other brands in the 80s/90s resulting in Delta Force dominance (and its name changes) and then laying on the real extra costs on the day Paintball is now in a trap that no site can up its price as their competition will take the customers. All they can do is put in various price structures and to diversify with multiple activities available - give the options that customers are going to want, and also help sell to stag/hen/corporates with a multi activity day Airsoft really ought to also be run on multi activity sites on a business basis (including zombie experiences etc) If a site is exclusive to airsoft, is it so good a site/experience that it can run a viable business in that manner? Or are they only doing airsoft, not doing the basics and relying on ‘player marshals’ to work for free / pay for the privilege to work ? (Bearing in mind I’m going to be working for free this weekend, and not only that but I’m getting up early Friday morning after getting back from London on the late train, to pickup, drive, work for free, nip off for a wedding reception and work for free the rest of the weekend. But that is for free entry, and build / expand friends business …. Not the entire business model) The rant on the basics of event safety may be over
    2 points
  12. Cannonfodder

    Europe Vs. America

    Hpa is quite common over here. You're right about hpa set ups being an easy route to getting a wankergun and that's probably why it has a bit of a bad rep. For example there's one person on here who seems to think hpa automatically equals cheater
    2 points
  13. Currently working on a 2 piece Spas 12 set. It'll be the heat shield and the sleeve style body of the reciever, so may also interest aliens builds. Prototype will be ready potentially Friday, but just gauging interest? Looking to do 10-15 of them, though will be keeping 3 back for personal use. Can either supply as clean bare metal or painted. Material will be steel. (I work at a sheet metal fabrication firm)
    1 point
  14. Farstarbuck

    PTS G&P CAR-15 N23 PDW

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    • For sale
    • Used

    Detailed as used but it's been on a range and thats it. Never fired in anger. A lovely piece that doesn't come up very often. Never used in a game. I’ve played twice in 2 years. Used my MP5NGRS. Internally, the i5 G&P gearbox features a quick change spring for power adjustment, bearing bushings for higher efficiency and lower power consumption, and an electronic trigger and MOSFET for faster trigger responses and electrical wiring protection. Shooting Modes –Safe / Semi Auto / Burst / 5 Rounds / Full Auto Magazine Capacity – 110 rounds (G&P M16 VN style short magazine) Wired to deans Price includes postage and PayPal fees The price is more than fair for this item. I will not respond to anyone haggling more on price. Price includes postage and PayPal fees.


    1 point
  15. Colin Allen

    Right battery's?

    I suspect that people are recommending that you change to a lower voltage battery because they think that you have what is called overspin. This is when the battery voltage is too high and causes the rifle to cycle more than once in semi. As guns are usually run with much higher power levels in the USA, they can run on an 11.1v battery without this happening; however, with the weaker springs used in the UK, overspin is possible with 11.1v batteries. However, this would not only happen immediately after changing from full auto to semi auto; it would happen at other times as well. If it is only happening immediately after you change from full auto to semi auto, it is probably not overspin; it is more likely that your gun is sticking in semi for a moment, either because the selector is not returning to semi auto properly or because the cutoff is not resetting properly. As to why the gun will sometimes not fire after connecting the battery, but does so when you reconnect it, that may be down to the connectors. Are you using Tamiya connectors? If so, it could be that one of them is a bit loose and not always connecting properly. I note that the gun has a micro switch trigger; these are not designed for the currents that pass through them in an airsoft gun and really should be protected by a decent mosfet.
    1 point
  16. YungMcNamara

    Umarex EFCS G36


    • For sale
    • As new

    For Sale I have my Umarex EFCS G36 Included is: Base Rifle -Umarex IDZ stock -Umarex IDZ top Rail with Flip Up Sights -4 Inch Barrel Extension to convert to a G36K -Ares Replica G36K B&T RIS Rail -Umarex Mid Cap Mag -5x PTS EPM-G Mid Caps (these have been used for one game day) -2x 11.1v 1000MAh 20C split cell Lipos The Gas block has been shaved down to allow for more battery space - I do have a pristine gas block I will include in the case that you would like to swap this out. Price is posted, but not inclusive of paypal Fees. Please message me if you have any questions or offers.


    Tewkesbury, gloucestershire - GB

    1 point
  17. Lets talk honestly: most site runners would rather sit in their shop being noshed off by a coterie of matey-mates, than actively walk around the safe zone welcoming rentals and newbies, or telling people things that they won't want to hear at the chrono station. That's an observation, not a value judgement.
    1 point
  18. Meh, another M4, only this time with a weird looking magazine making it even uglier If that's the case I wish they'd do airsoft versions of some of the less common guns around.* *Yes, I know they clone other stuff so they don't have to worry about R&D but I can dream
    1 point
  19. Got fired from my job making kitchens. Apparently I was counter productive...
    1 point
  20. Tommikka

    Europe Vs. America

    As an event organiser, been there, done that, and literally do have the T shirts, hoodies, etc…. ‘Profit’ just means we didn’t spend enough But we have never run anything for the money, only ‘for players, by players’, and design / run the games that we wanted to play but only getting to watch others Our first events were for the privilege of running the events, income to the site and charity … and our date in the calendar was due to the site finally calling our bluff and giving us a weekend in the quiet season - but benefited in the sense that we opened the event season each year. (Even so far that a commercial organiser that scheduled a game on the same date as ours and ‘allegedly’ were going to end us. That didn’t happen) We have profited. But everything has gone straight back in, or more often two of us have personally ‘invested’ far too much up front for specific events. I know what’s in the accounts, and I’ve a hunch about the ballpark of the rest. That doesn’t count sponsorship. We’ve been very proud of what we’ve done with their products, but as sponsorship is a form of advertising it’s hard to believe they get their VFM - especially having sponsored teams myself, though that started as a joke and ended up with people actually paying for my services One in particular I’m aware of has not only the annual number of days limited, but also a direct cost for just having one person step on site. That’s directly impacted on our event planning & preparation
    1 point
  21. Soooooo I went over to the dark side and got a HPA! Fantastic so far, accurate and consistent. Didn’t really notice the tank and line which I was quite surprised about. Got a few tweaks on my plate carrier to sort out but it’s a great system. cheers Danny.
    1 point
  22. BigStew

    Europe Vs. America

    Most sites are restricted to 24 or 28 game days a year before they become crippled by business rates and planning permission restrictions ( hence why you don't get many milsims they are rarely profitable so why lose a regular walk on day?) . Airsoft is trapped by limited customer base who aren't prepared to pay what it would cost to be more than in most cases a one man show that depends on volunteers who do it for free games and petrol money. Add eye watering insurance premiums high rent and uncertain durations( how much are you willing to invest if you are going to lose your site in a years time to a housing developer are wind farm?)
    1 point
  23. Lozart

    Torn hop up rubber

    Seriously though, throw it away and buy a better rubber.
    1 point
  24. Rogerborg

    Europe Vs. America

    Hmm, with an interesting distinction between "ordinary" and "gross" negligence. Well, interesting, and lucrative for lawyers arguing over the difference. We have a blanket voiding of any such terms, for any degree of negligence. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1977/50/section/2 "A person cannot by reference to any contract term or to a notice given to persons generally or to particular persons exclude or restrict his liability for death or personal injury resulting from negligence." https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2015/15/section/65 "A trader cannot by a term of a consumer contract or by a consumer notice exclude or restrict liability for death or personal injury resulting from negligence." (Losses other than injury or death can be reasonably waived)
    1 point
  25. Colin Allen

    Tech Advice

    Not at the moment, Skylar; I resolved a feeding issue last night. Oh, by the way, I burned your patch.
    1 point
  26. If it makes a good connection and can handle the current then use whatever your comfortable with. Only real argument for deans versus others is there's a non-zero chance someone else on site will be running them, which is a boon if you need to borrow a battery.
    1 point
  27. Leo Greer

    Europe Vs. America

    I figured. In the USA, you are allowed to waive your right to sue. People still will try, and it's a hassle for the site, but there's no legal grounds, and most sites nowadays should be under LLCs anyways. Had a guy just recently get a BB stuck underneath his tongue. I don't get why people think wearing only glasses is cool...
    1 point
  28. Yeah very true, once you’ve factored in customs I guess it’s not overly bad…his sites always over priced especially if it somthing new. Please pop up a review when you get it, not much out there currently.
    1 point
  29. Leo Greer

    Europe Vs. America

    Glad this thread is going in interesting directions...
    1 point
  30. I meant to emphasize how high the ratings could be, not how low. 😁 For example, the gun will be fine on a 7.4v 10,000 mah 100C brick. Of course capacity matters--I'm not a complete idiot. 😉
    1 point
  31. Colin Allen

    Tech Advice

    There shouldn't be anything there that would cause a problem; it is all pretty standard. However, the aluminium cylinder head and piston head combination is not a great idea as it transmits a lot of impact to the gearbox, potentially leading to cracking. Have the front corners of the gearbox, where the cylinder sits, been radiused to reduce the risk of cracking? What is the purpose of the carbon wrapping on the gearbox? I am not a huge fan of full steel toothed pistons; polymer toothed ones act as a "mechanical fuse", protecting the rest of the geartrain if something does go horribly wrong.
    1 point
  32. Davegolf

    THE TM MWS thread

    This is the problem with all aftermarket parts - quality control / part quality consistency. The main thing is theat the DP and GM nozzles are actually dimensionally correct, you may have got a lemon. I dont know why TM dont make more spares TBH, massive sales potential there.
    1 point
  33. It’s back up…£180 markup vs ordering from Asia, £22 extra per mag. Insane.
    1 point
  34. concretesnail

    Which connectors?

    I use xt connectors on everything. Simply as all my charging kit is xt based for quad flight batteries and other rc stuff. They work really well xt30s are compact and the weather seal is good to. If you have issues soldering them connect a male to female and then if the connector over heats it can't drift as the other half holds it.
    1 point
  35. Tackle

    Europe Vs. America

    Wot only one 😜
    1 point
  36. Impulse

    Europe Vs. America

    Only HPA guns I have are a bolt action sniper rifle and a semi-auto m21 build (so... another sniper rifle). Not all HPA users are spammy wankers, and not all spammy wankers are HPA users.
    1 point
  37. Well it arrived today. Made by ASGK and also branded by Yonezawa Japan - 1987 Single fire and its 100% plastic, takes about 50 beebs fed into the mag tube underneath sadly it’s missing a cap to stop them rolling out Fires .25’s about 6m 😂 Im determined to get a kill with it next game day Its tiny!! Aps Cam870 for scale
    1 point
  38. On Friday one of my mags developed a leak. I was sure it's from the valve, but that was wrong. It was a top leak due to the gasket being Factory damaged (pics from Redit as i did not make pictures of my damage but this is the same ) Nothing was helping . I assembled and disassembled the mag 100 times. Then I just picked up a different mag and changed the whole top. Surprise no leaks. Hope it helps.
    1 point
  39. Similar experience myself , bought a second hand gen1 UH1 which had a few dead spots in the reticle so sent it in for a look over , got a brand new Gen2 UH1 in its place within 72hrs
    1 point
  40. Looks like I picked the wrong night to quit being a clever dick.
    1 point
  41. Eagle6 seems to be the only place I can find in the UK that consistently has good stock of TM spare parts, especially with the amount of bits Ive needed to try and repair my MP7 (with no success I might add ), I need a new hammer chassis and the only place Ive found that has one in stock is in New Zealand. So if Eagle6 doesnt have it, youre probably shit outta luck.
    1 point
  42. Flat/R hopping was all the rage here like 10 years ago when I first started people were wanking themselves silly over it, it was too much effort back then and its too much effort now when a good maple leaf rubber and omega nub achieve the same results The biggest difference between UK and US airsoft is you dont get stuff like this happening here Also see wankergun/wankergunner High RPS is for people who cant aim and have no skill.
    1 point
  43. I like that one....it's got a nice ring to it.
    1 point
  44. mp5a4

    ICS G36K

    Are you sure this is ICS? Not seen a 'traditional' G36 from ICS, but curious if it is Edit: Actually looking at the mag release, looks like an SRC! To the question below, it's a G36A1/E with a G36A2 carry handle
    1 point
  45. rj1986

    THE TM MWS thread

    I'm experiencing the same. Nuprol green, fills in about 8 seconds and fires lovely. Propane adapter, I get about 3 shots worth. On another note, I've got a mk18 that i got in a bundle deal I've noticed the nozzle seems to be dragging on the bolt. The spring seems snappy as it starts its journey back perfectly, but then i hear it rubbing, almost like air is escaping from it. Edit, on closer inspection it looks like an AG drop in set, so not sure why its rubbing. I think that when it gets low gas/cold, the bolt cycles but the nozzle doesn't. So maybe a 170% spring is needed? Edit 2: Post on pg90 says the AG buffer is too big and drags, so maybe that first?
    1 point
  46. Is that even an AK mag, or one of those deformed AR mags that just looks like one from a distance?
    1 point
  47. I accept every gun as it is but this one extremely ugly even by my standards. 🤣
    1 point
  48. Wavey_Gravey

    THE TM MWS thread

    I would have tried taking the 10ps out just to give the spring a little more slack, stripped any grease and ran it “dry”. Also a top tip, put your coat over your chest rig / PC. I’ve played in 0 degrees with mine and the mags where lovely and toasty under my rab jacket so didn’t notice any major drop in performance.
    1 point
  49. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Tokyo marui recoil shock cqbr never been skirmished excellent condition comes with grip suppressor 3 epm mags storm grip warlord sling plate car15 stock warlord butt pad all stock internals.


    1 point
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