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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/23 in all areas

  1. Nah they're fine. Apropos of nothing, here's a nice picture of my wife at the beach...
    8 points
  2. Kudos to people who have dragged themselves out of the pit of despair. I've had depression and anxiety my whole adult life and unfortunately they both carry the joys of debt creation well. I've been there. I think I was u to £16k in debt at one point. The joy of opening the freshly delivered parcel was greater than the worry of how to pay for it. "Oh, I'll sort that at the end of the month" "I'll do a PayPal pay in three" "Whack it on the card, I'll pay it off" Over the years I've learned that having the latest and greatest doesn't make you the "man". In fact the opposite is actually true. I've had the expensive hobbies (rc cars, rc planes, Italian cars, marine fish, flying lessons, the list goes on) and each one has caused me issues. Airsoft with two boys of airsoft age is the latest. My boys want this, that and the other. So I'm TRYING to get them to work out what they actually NEED rather than what they WANT. I've shown them that a second hand whatnot is cheaper and just as effective if you learn how it works and fix any potential issues. My eldest got hold of my phone yesterday and decided to put an offer in on a drum mag for his AAP. The first I heard of it is reading a message from the seller accepting my offer.....needless to say I've had to apologize and have chewed him a new one. He didn't have the money and the bank of dad wasn't supporting this move. Big tears, big row and a big talking to and we have established that he is stupid for doing it (apologies again if you're reading this) but I don't need him to make the same mistakes as I did. It is a state of mind thing. You want something and the access to be able to buy it is waaaaaay too easy to do. I can go to patrol base now and buy a grands worth of stuff and it'll be here on Monday/Tuesday. In 6 months time when it's paid off plus double for interest and what have you, was it worth £2k? Nope. Depression and spending are inextricably linked. It's a black hole on loop. there's help out there (ironic that you have to pay for it, adding to the problem!!). Amazes me the kit that some people have. I wonder how much it adds up to but if they CAN afford it, good luck to them. Just pause over the "add to cart" or "buy it now" and think: Do I need it? If you're stressed, struggling or in a sand pit with you head buried, TALK TO SOMEONE. it helps. Trust me. I've been in your position. You can turn the light on at the end of the tunnel......
    5 points
  3. Stock photos kinda defeat the purpose of this thread Dontcha think
    5 points
  4. Poor guy can't catch a break, every post they makes he gets railed on 😂
    4 points
  5. My wife accused me of achieving nothing so I told her, 'Well I won the Leslie Nielson award at school.' 'What's that?', she said. 'It's a big building with kids in it.'
    3 points
  6. Bloody hell, even an MP couldn't say that with a straight face. In my experience cunts and cheaters are attracted to it like flies to a fresh dog turd Careful, you'll give the guys at Killbox ideas
    3 points
  7. Indeed; unsurprisingly, real steel M4s do not rely on tiny screws to keep the mag release in place :). You can get a clip that will hold the ARL in place while you reassemble; https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/gearbox-tools/gearbox-installation-hands-kit
    2 points
  8. Rogerborg


    Agreed, I'd only use 11.1V on something that I didn't mind rebuilding. With even a moderately uPgRaDeD motor, I'm at the limit (or beyond) of what the mags can feed, and it's really a question of when rather than if something goes KERUNCH.
    2 points
  9. Have tried an assortment of those and no dice. Surprisingly hard metal for something that scratches so easily. Merged edit. Figured it out..... Bolt catch is held in with a pin, then the mag release needs pushing all the way in so you can unscrew the arm on the other side. Guess it's marginally better than a tiny little screw to strip.
    2 points
  10. Tackle


    Me personally I wouldn't use an 11.1 on anything I'm currently running , I've owned one 11.1 & while it definitely made things "snappier", it also spun the motors waaaay too fast, some mags struggled to keep up & it made everything I own sound like a "wanker gun", plus as I only use semi 99% of the time, every time a gearbox cycled & then tried to stop itself itself, made a horrible sounding "kerchunk" like it was hitting a wall, that can't be healthy in the long run ?. 🤔
    2 points
  11. SSPKali

    BBs in bulk

    Just tested all the BBs I own in my new (to me) TM M733. 300mm polished brass barrel, Macaron 50deg rubber, shooting 320fps on 0.20g. RIF was clamped, and some warm up shots fired and hop set. 10 shots fired at 10m and the diagonal of the box around the hits measured. *Warhead 0.28g - 43mm (30x30mm box!) Longbow tracer 0.30g - 45mm **Greendevil Bio 0.30g - 46mm Warhead 0.32g - 50mm ***Geoffs Super Precision 0.32g - 54mm Amoeba 0.30g - 72mm While it can easily over hop the heavier ammo the M733 likes 0.28 - 0.30g BBs and the Warhead ammo seems really consistent AND a good price! When I can be arsed I’ll check them in my MWS and see what results I get Obviously this was in my gun, with all the quirks and varied performance - YMMV * - Polishing the barrel with cleaning rod and Autosol dropped this from 51mm! ** - Spartan Airsoft specific *** - best in test for my MWS with CrazyJet barrel
    2 points
  12. Chelmsford half marathon completed today alongside the Mrs. I managed just under 2 hours she got back in just under 2hrs 45. Another step for us both on the journey to the London Marathon
    2 points
  13. Chasing that new toy? Need a new plate carrier for an “impression”, want to be adorned in the latest forward observations group drip? It happens to us all, we get lost down the rabbit hole, looking for that perfect load out, that ultimate “thing” that will make us the envy of Instagram / insert site name here…it costs time, it costs money…it can cost a lot more. If you’re struggling, talk to somebody…today I nearly lost a friend who is thousands upon thousands of pounds in debt, all from trying to impress everybody else. Is everybody doing ok? Vent here if you need, just remember it’s a game, don’t sink yourself financially trying to keep up, I’m guilty of it and I imagine there are quite a few others here too.
    2 points
  14. I absolutely agree, and the post wasn't intended to point out any posts that were or I'd have quoted the ones that I felt had. Purely highlighting there are two sides to it, and you shouldn't feel bad every time you buy something... as long as you're responsible in doing it.
    2 points
  15. I for one have throughout my life put into practice the right not to grow up I don’t think that any post here has demonised spending (even out of your means) The thread highlights other issues, whether spending is a temporary escape from the issues or whether spending is the cause of the issue In both the spiral is the same I take the thread as a call out to think, and to not be afraid of seeking help Just one is a victory
    2 points
  16. That unboxing buzz sure is addictive. It's great to hear that you're out of the hole now though, and helping your sons to avoid falling in it. Goddamn Klarna at every checkout. Can't afford it now? No problems, just pay it off later! No interest, no fees, no catch! Unless, you know, you can't afford it later either. Then they'll be happy to turn your payment into a loan at 19%. Can't pay that off? Then they'll turn it over to Big Baz at their debt collection arm and start piling on the fees and valuing your furniture. It's predatory behaviour: their entire business model is based on pushing people into the debt pit.
    2 points
  17. Since delving into this hobby I have learnt 2 things from those that go 1. The social and those you know make the weekend 2. The Airsofting is shit Those people that left the toys in the car all weekend had the best time....
    2 points
  18. OTH21

    Gun picture thread

    After a sale of one Rif and a trade on another today, my modest collection now stands at: LCT TKMS with DB GP25, with launcher attached it is very front heavy. Cyma cm077 - this will be my skirmish primary. King Arms faux wood M1928
    2 points
  19. I meant 1.06 to 1.07j 1.6 would be fun though in an arp9 wonder how long it would last 😅
    2 points
  20. Impulse

    Gun picture thread

    "Take one out while the other's not looking" - Some guy in a video game circa 2007 I'm so happy this is working again. 55psi on the regulator has it firing between 1.112J at the lowest and 1.137J at the highest on .32s, so it's mega consistent and just where I need it for no MED shenanigans. I've semi-locked it, despite not being a "DMR" as it's meant to be an m21 sniper rifle, and the m21 was semi-auto only. Stubby mags are feeding flawlessly now, which is amazing as it means I don't need to run a chest rig as I can store 3 spare mags in a medium utility pouch (and they don't rattle around) and an Odin speedloader in another pouch, plus it makes it look very sniper-y and unique. I still have half a bag of .4s though, so I might rattle a few shots at 1.64J on the range (my local site's DMR limits) to see how it shoots there, but likelihood is I just keep it at 1.14J and keep the ability to point-blank, especially with how close we are to my local site growing some thick foliage through spring and becoming woodland CQB As the weather warms up, I might revert to my longest standing weapon combination: m21 sniper rifle and 1911 pistol is what I used to run when I played in Spain, because it's what I ran in CoD4 as a teenager
    2 points
  21. I once designed a couple of weekend immersive military experiences. In version 1, participants would arrive in the dark, ideally while it was raining, and would be sent off to dig slit trenches on the edge of a field. Once they had settled into their slit trenches and were just starting to heat up their ration packs, they would be ordered to move out immediately. On arrival at their new location, the process, or a similar one, would be repeated. Keep doing this until endex and then send them home. The alternative to this was to stick them in a barracks for a weekend, complete with ironing boards, irons, boot polish and all the other wonderful bits and pieces. Their first task would be to get their kit into a condition that would pass inspection by a grumpy former senior NCO, who would be well paid for throwing their kit on the floor, emptying their lockers and shouting at them. Once they had got their kit sorted out to his satisfaction, they would be sent out for an eight mile run in full kit, ideally in the rain, after which they would have to do PT on the parade ground. This would be followed by sorting out their now wet and scruffy kit, again subject to Mr Grumpy's inspection and approval. Then, get them to clear up the barracks before they get a chance to eat. Keep this going for a couple of days and send them home. I thought that these would provide a far more realistic insight into military life. I also had an RAF variant, which consisted of checking into a 5 star hotel for the weekend and running up a huge room service bill.
    2 points
  22. "Purple Airsoft" Tech Services Services, Repairs, Upgrades and Modifications Primarily work on; AEG, AEP, GBB pistols and Bolt-action Sniper Rifles However, if you're unsure, can't hurt to > ask < > Website < > Youtube < > Facebook < Current turn around time: up to 2 Weeks For more pricing and more info, please see the website Cheers, ///Davo
    1 point
  23. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    In excellent condition M249mk2 full metal fn herstal aeg In fde Looks new Fully working with fn herstal trades Full metal version (not the cheap polymer versions ) comes with a faulty box mag common on this/ recommended the ak smaller box mags or m4 magazines Wickford Essex please not this is not the cheaper polymer version on land warrior this has a metal receiver


    - GB

    1 point
  24. hitmanNo2

    IWA 2023 - New releases

    I haven't seen much of interest yet but a Stechkin APS with stock from VFC. GBB assumed.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Gate Nano ASR.
    1 point
  27. BigStew

    Upgrading a cyma 48

    what do you actually want the gun to do? what issues do you feel need to be sorted. just chucking a load of top of the line up grades can make you gun perform worse or not at all.
    1 point
  28. Great day at ucap green ops. Marshalls and staff were on top form. I, especially,had a good day because I have adopted a dmr role and the gun that I used,purchased from this very forum,(thanks @cyanide14k),performed faultlessly. I was surprised at how much more range I could get with .30. The scope made so much difference to target finding. Total of ten good hits although I have to admit to two home kills🥴 Not a large turnout,about 45,but good, honest play all round with no player fallouts and lots of complimentary calls. I think I have found a style of play that suits me now that I am getting older.More relaxed and laying in wait from good cover. I will still switch to assault play on good days when the bones aren't shouting STOP! You maniac lol. Tired but happy🙂🙂 Regards
    1 point
  29. To be fair to site operators thats kinda linked to the "herding cats/inability of airsofters to understand safety briefing in 5 game on in 15". Don't get we wrong I remember trying a new site locally (run by company whose name rhymes with "burst and lonely") who thought naming and giving origin stories for each of the marshalls followed by a round of applause was an integral part of the safety brief to paying customers (see also taking the players out of the safe zone into a literally sub-zero temperature area to give a 45min brief).
    1 point
  30. Fun day at AWA, bit chilly, plenty of puffer jacket clad rentals not taking hits, another cluster fuck with guns not working.... But was genuinely fun. Touching cloth to start with (aka capture the flag) our team was trounced by time, but at least I kept up my average by being the one to get the flag for our team. Some how managed to bend my thumb back on itself too which is now v sore. The boy's M16 shit itself on chrono, so we have decided to make it my "learning to tech" gun. My newly returned (as in yesterday) Rapax M7 managed two shots on chrono before the gearbox locked up. So we were stuck my new Honey Badger and the boy's L85. The latter performed nicely. The Honey Badger was great apart from being incredibly fussy about the spring tension in the mags. Several occasions saw me lying in my back behind a tree taking fire on all sides trying to ferry bbs from a duff mag to the least fussy. Best game of the day was a rolling retreat, then counter attack, but sadly I got caught short with the battery dying at the end of the first round necessitating a 20 minute round trip to the safe zone. The Badger's accuracy is a little sporadic but then it was never going to be a sniper. Got more than my fair share of kills when I found a nice hidey hole behind a tree Marshalls were fair and kept things flowing once everyone was out of the safe zone. For some reason, two dappy old codgers decided to meander through the game area on their bikes at one point. Last time out it was a dog walker. You'd think the sound of explosions and 70 adults dressed in military gear brandishing assorted automatic weapons would have been a deterrent. But hey ho 🤣
    1 point
  31. Brother was gauging my interest about attending NAF in '24 (too busy for this year) and apart from trade stands, food and it being a piss-up I wasn't terribly interested. I read stories about how the queue for chono was over an hour long and the standard of play (for those who did play) was shit and not even worthwhile. Am I pretty much in the right area?
    1 point
  32. Skirmishin' CR in CB from about 2018-ish, changed the main bits since but it was decent.
    1 point
  33. I will say I also don't think we should be demonising spending money on things we want, as long as it's within your means. Finances are such an individual thing, and for the most part an entirely case by case basis. Just be responsible.
    1 point
  34. Tackle


    Mate, I did start off by saying no offence intended, & I meant it. End of the day, Airsoft guns propel bb's, it's their only purpose, irrespective of rrp. If yours are doing what their supposed to, why blow your wad ? Every few weeks we see a new member post, asking about upgrading, many of whom haven't actually even fielded the guns in question yet. It gets tiring lol. How do yours perform on the skirmish field ?, what's their fps/range/accuracy like ?
    1 point
  35. airsoft innit 🤷🏼‍♂️ then add Nuprol into the mix .
    1 point
  36. Those overhead rails, it looks like a defunct hospital somewhere, probably preparing to get knocked down anytime now, the timing of which will perfectly coincide with the demise of the "Killbox experience" 🤣
    1 point
  37. I dunno mate. Naff pretty much describes the airsoft aspects of the weekend..... Pretty sure individually pulling out my pubes with tweezers would also be more fun than attending......
    1 point
  38. Not quite. You still have to apply for an airgun loicence, but it's effectively an automatic add-on and only costs £5, instead of £72 for 5 years. It's shockingly close to being sensible.
    1 point
  39. There are post-conviction laws regarding airguns too. If you've a criminal record, possession can be a serious offence.
    1 point
  40. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    My wife.asked if she could have some peace and quiet while she cooked dinner....... So I took the battery out of the smoke alarm!
    1 point
  41. I know retailers have to record sales, but are they habitually collated by Central Services? Genuine question, I have no idea how it works.
    1 point
  42. Been working on a M41a/Thompson midcap insert for someone (I dont personally care for either gun but Im happy to help a fellow player), figured Id share it here.
    1 point
  43. JimFromHorsham

    Gun picture thread

    Couple of recent WIP builds MRE done on the cheap , optics TBC. KC-02 /Magpul 10/22 build
    1 point
  44. Love me 3-points, simple as. Very much depends on the gnu though, where the sling mounts are, and where it naturally sits and balanced at rest. I find they work very well on an MP5K or G36C, not so much on an AR. But then, you can use it as a 2-point if that works better. Plus, it's more stuff to fiddle around with, which is half the fun. Bungies can get bent, simple two pointers work just fine.
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. Hope your friend pulls through his situation dude. Financial awareness is something that is severely lacking from our education system, coupled with susceptibility to peer pressure and you have a very dangerous concoction. Thankfully for us we have reached peaked space constraints now, so no more pews after this evenings' acquisition. Now I just wish my customers would collectively pay the tens of thousands I'm owed so I can pay everyone else LOL. This game is a good release for both me and the boy from the day to day grind, and I hope it remains thus for everyone else. As you say, it's only a game, do no more than you need to have fun playing it; and balls to everyone else who try to make it otherwise.
    1 point
  47. I'm in the hospital after being diagnosed with bad camouflage disease. They've just moved me to ICU.
    1 point
  48. sp00n

    What have you made?

    Still a work in progress …. I need to remodel the flash hider and coat the inside to make it reflective
    1 point
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