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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/22 in all areas

  1. DopeYourScope

    Good Grief

    Ok, I’ve been lurking this post for a while. I can’t be bothered to go through and quote individual posts because I’m at work on my phone (don’t tell the bosses). KM has been caught on video firing TAG rounds AT people within 50m, if anyones unaware of the affect of being hit by a tag round at that sort of range it will knock you out if it hits you in the head. (The video was recorded at Apocalypse Airsoft it was brought to his attention in the comments and as far as I’m aware it was re edited) He has been caught at numerous sites in the southeast using a hot gun, this is technically hearsay as I was told this by the site owners/managers themselves and as we all know is banned from more than just the sites mentioned in the OP. KM is, whether we all like it or not (majority of us don’t like it) a role model for the sport and especially its’ younger audiences. His portrayal of airsoft is not in a good light and unfortunately in this general society the smallest negatives will always outweigh the positives, and as I’m sure it’s been mentioned it was fought for airsoft to remain as it is under the VCRA and the last thing we need is a Facebook group called “Bored Mums Against Airsoft” or similar gaining any traction and using his videos as evidence to prove the activity is dangerous. If you want a more “hardcore version” of airsoft do a milsim, if you bitch and moan there you’re on your way home. Be prepared for all the other caveats that come with it (ammo/camo limits/ hard routine/multiple day events), or speak to your preferred site about private hire days and you and all your friends can go shoot each other till you look like you’ve got monkey pox.
    8 points
  2. EvilMonkee

    Good Grief

    Having met him more than once, I don't think he has the mental capacity to think about such things. Not the sharpest. And if he is making so much money (which I doubt) why does he drive a knackered 1990s Merc?
    6 points
  3. So, the local nail bar had a refurbishment job and slung out a load of coated 18mm mdf... Myself and my two boys have a few pews, so a plan formed pretty fast... 18mm mdf is VERY heavy. Lol. Got the boys to drill and hold things, life skills and all that. The plan is to outline the guns in a cod zombies way and put the question marks on the storage box like they mystery (aka the jingly) box. Need some shelves to put mags and chargers but not bad for a grand total of £20. 😁
    4 points
  4. Rogerborg

    Good Grief

    I can neither confirm nor deny that I still sometimes wake up in the middle of the night, drenched in cold sweat, yelling "No, the Bayeux Tapestry is not a primary source!"
    4 points
  5. Nick G

    Good Grief

    I just work on the basis that all youtube so called 'celebs' are self obsessed pricks who should have been drowned at birth.
    4 points
  6. Rogerborg

    Good Grief

    It's why I gave up historic re-enactment. The groups I was in were always trending towards "professionalism", i.e. committing to providing clients with more numbers, bigger living history displays, and showier arena performances. It got to the point where we were prepping and loading vans days before big events, and staying on after weekends to tear down, as the chap running each group tried to turn it into a career. Me, I just wanted to eat hog roasts and swing swords. Airsoft needs more hog roasts!
    4 points
  7. Kls77

    Good Grief

    Well there's 20minutes on the toilet at work done .... Cheers peeps great read hahahha . Tbh don't think KM cares . He making shit load of money form it all . From something he likes doing . If he gets away with stuff then who is to blame . The people letting him . Phoenix are getting publicity from it and it's always packed out there twice a week .. Let it go . Is all business and money .. wish I thought if it instead of reading about it on the bog in dead end job ........
    4 points
  8. Cannonfodder

    NAF 22

    Hot guns at the NAF? Next I'll be told bears shit in the woods and the pope wears a silly hat. The op on zeroone sounds like a right tit
    4 points
  9. Bit hyperbolic, it doesn't actually 'break' your account, but it stops you from using it. I've spent the last 4 days completely locked out of my account because I changed the email address on my profile. Basically, the forum's emails are being blocked by google so verification emails are not coming through to the users - leaving you in a 'pending validation' limbo and unable to post or access your PMs. I was able to contact @proffrink via Discord, and it's now been sorted for me - thanks for that. So..... avoid anything to do with changing your emails in your profile for the time being!
    3 points
  10. Yeah. The other four didn't give a fuck.😂😂
    3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. Rogerborg

    Good Grief

    You mean, by the access roads at typical airsoft sites, right? In Minecraft.
    3 points
  13. Tackle

    Good Grief

    Cos anything nice would probably get trashed ? 😏
    3 points
  14. Cannonfodder

    Good Grief

    The idea of a "hardcore" game tends to be brought up every couple of years, usually by some insecure child who thinks they've got something to prove
    3 points
  15. gbbparts.com have the CL custom adjustable valve for them for those that don't fancy making something themselves . I use one in my G3 and it's super stable
    3 points
  16. Cannonfodder

    Good Grief

    Thats a very poor strawman argument there as I've seen what professional make up artists can do and Miss Heard's attempts were amateur at best. Istarted watching from a neutral perspective and was quickly able to tell how much of them were nothing more than click bait manufactured drama Have yoy actually played airsoft, or have you only watched YouTube videos?
    3 points
  17. RostokMcSpoons

    Good Grief

    Yeah, to be clear, my opinion is if Kicking Mustang is doing any of the stuff he's being accused of, he's a complete c*nt and needs to be banned everywhere. We're supposed to do this stuff to have fun, not to get hurt by some twat who think he's above the rules.
    3 points
  18. Nice, it certainly looks better than the gun rack I made out of an old pallet. I must admit I read that bit and wondered where you were going😁
    2 points
  19. Must admit you look younger than I imagined.😂😂👍 Regards
    2 points
  20. Cannonfodder

    Good Grief

    Fixed that for you From what I've heard from mates who've done reenactments have said, many of them are such stichbitches they'd put most airsoft geardos to shame
    2 points
  21. That's not a 'boonie' , that's a "boonbrella'
    2 points
  22. Cannonfodder

    Good Grief

    I'm guessing he's the sort of bellend who thinks any German made car is the height of luxury, no matter how old and knackered it is This is one of the reasons Bodgeups gave as to why he stopped filming
    2 points
  23. Rogerborg

    Good Grief

    That's the thing, I'm not sure that he does. His fans like to rattle off "You're just jelly of his success", but I actually pity him. I'd hate to turn a fun hobby into a full time job where I had to travel further and further to keep making and faking more and more extreme clickbait to chase those rare multi-million-view hits. And the tragic thing is that he doesn't even seem to enjoy it, or not in any way that's healthy, as he has to constantly surround himself with grief and conflict. When he looks back on his career, I wonder what he'll have to feel proud about as a human being, beyond Bigger Number Better. In terms of "yeahbut, where's the proof", there was a series of videos made 3 or 4 years ago detailing his shenanigans. He got them taken down with copyright strikes, and, as above, he does seem to re-edit the most egregious stuff after getting the initial views. He's good at what he does, there's no denying that. The incident that solidified my opinion was when he was deliberately shooting a couple of players in the face, explicitly to punish them, because "dead players don't talk". Well, they shouldn't talk about game issues, but: 1) If he was 25 or 30m away from them, how could he hear what they were talking about? 2) In order to do this, he was camping their spawn. That's typical of the stuff that I watched. The narcissist narrative is CHEETARS PUNASHED, but if you apply a bit of thought, he's often condemning himself more than the players that he's policing.
    2 points
  24. I don’t think anyone in the discussion disagrees about the instant consequences of the public waving of an imitation - and that offence is actually very straightforward (as explained) and the article doesn’t even have to resemble a gun - as said two pipes taped together resembling a shotgun barrel is an “imitation firearm” for the purposes of the 1968 Firearms Act
    2 points
  25. So you think you would be fine waving about an if at your local post office?
    2 points
  26. Imo theres a simple way to determine if an airsoft gun is a rif. Ask yourself if waving it around in your local post office wod be a wise idea
    2 points
  27. Scorpion Evo all ready to roll for my first real skirmish with it. First time I used it got 5 mins before it died. Bought it fairly cheap a few months back. Upon inspection it had stripped teeth and the rack had pushed through the piston. Completely new to AEG it was my first 'see if I can figure out what I'm doing' project. A new piston and 16:1 gear set along with new motor terminals have been installed. I gave shimming a go with understanding but no experience and it seems like I've done an ok job. Sounds pretty smooth when fired. Firing around 330 on .2 and 275 on .28 a little low but it's well within chrono for both weights so I'm fine with that. I now know this lil thing inside out as it was 99% dismantled so i could learn it in and out. Only thing i didn't remove was the mosfet and cut out lever. Overall happy with what i have learned and cant wait to try it out. Should be working sweet!
    2 points
  28. Ran across this on another forum and thought "that would make a fun airsoft place. https://www.abandonedspaces.com/uncategorized/plane.html?chrome=1 Abandon pizza joint with a couple of airplanes (areoplanes for the weird ones). Might make a fun CQB field.
    1 point
  29. I have bought guns before decided I didn't like them/wanted something else and sold them without ever doing anything than a test shot.
    1 point
  30. With the number of adverts claiming guns have never seen a game site I'm surprised sites actually have people playing. Am I the only one who buys guns to use?
    1 point
  31. I was going with the desert cowboy look... 🤣🤣
    1 point
  32. It's 1st September and so buyers regret is in full flow.
    1 point
  33. Tommikka

    Problem selling a rif

    VCRA Section 38 does state ‘real firearm’, but does not exclude unreal / sci fi firearms etc. With 38.7a covering an actual real firearm, but 38.7b the ‘appearance of a category of firearms’ If someone sees it and thinks it is real then it meets the VCRA definition of a RIF unless it gets covered as an IF by the design age, colour or size (Star Wars wasn’t the best example as their blasters are real firearms with extra things - Sterling SMG, Mauser, MG34 etc, but others could be those from Aliens etc which are ‘unique’ sci fi guns but still tend to have a basis on real designs … the pulse rifle being part Spas shotgun in a shroud) The underlying solution is of course to bag them in public and never find out what the law thinks it is Meaning of “realistic imitation firearm” 38 (1)In sections 36 and 37 “realistic imitation firearm” means an imitation firearm which— (a)has an appearance that is so realistic as to make it indistinguishable, for all practical purposes, from a real firearm; and (b)is neither a de-activated firearm nor itself an antique. (2)For the purposes of this section, an imitation firearm is not (except by virtue of subsection (3)(b)) to be regarded as distinguishable from a real firearm for any practical purpose if it could be so distinguished only— (a)by an expert; (b)on a close examination; or (c)as a result of an attempt to load or to fire it. (3)In determining for the purposes of this section whether an imitation firearm is distinguishable from a real firearm— (a)the matters that must be taken into account include any differences between the size, shape and principal colour of the imitation firearm and the size, shape and colour in which the real firearm is manufactured; and (b)the imitation is to be regarded as distinguishable if its size, shape or principal colour is unrealistic for a real firearm. 38.7 In this section— “colour” is to be construed in accordance with subsection (9); “de-activated firearm” means an imitation firearm that consists in something which— (a) was a firearm; but (b) has been so rendered incapable of discharging a shot, bullet or other missile as no longer to be a firearm; “real firearm” means— (a) a firearm of an actual make or model of modern firearm (whether existing or discontinued); or (b) something falling within a description which could be used for identifying, by reference to their appearance, the firearms falling within a category of actual modern firearms which, even though they include firearms of different makes or models (whether existing or discontinued) or both, all have the same or a similar appearance.
    1 point
  34. Mhm...Venice... A decent 5h drive for me, the article talks about legal issues with the place so I expect it to stay abandoned forever. Playing in there might be cool, but I don't think anyone really wants to own such place. Plus with our Justice system it's basically asking for trouble. Safety hazards everywhere, getting the place back on track is gonna be unimaginable levels of expensive and after that, it's gonna be a nightmare for insurance. Also, if a burglar or a random dickhead decides to break in and injure himself doing so, he can sue the fuck out of the owner (and the owner's gonna lose 101% of the times, go figure). I'd class it as "a place that couldn't" regarding Airsoft.
    1 point
  35. 1967PF44

    Problem selling a rif

    This is another interesting discussion actually, for an imitation firearm to be a “Realistic” imitation Firearm, it must actually be a copy of a Real firearm produced by an actual firearms manufacturer- the famous star wars blasters produced for airsoft are in fact not RIFS. And do not require the seller of them to verify a defence. it’s all made even more complex (and confusing for airsofters) by the fact That the term “Imitation Firearm” is defined differently for the purposes of the Firearms Act, 1968 (the principal licensing and criminal ownership legislation) and the Violent Crimes a Reduction Act, 2006 which deals with importation, selling manufacture and modification. If I recall correctly “Realistic Imitation Firearms” are not mention at all in the FIrearms Act 1968, and I believe under that Act an “Airsoft Gun” which has a specific legal definition cannot be an “imitation firearm”, I say that as in all my years of experience in enforcement roles, I am yet to come across any legislation where 1 item can be two different defined things in the same legislation. This principle of not being able to be two different legally defined things however I am less certain of, however a Police firearms expert agrees with me. “Realistic” in the definition in the VCRA2006 ONLY relates to size, shape and principal colour. (See section 38(1), 38(2) and 38(3) - imitation Firearms for that Act, are specifically define pd to be imitations of “REAL modern Firearms”. the “Realistic” concept only relates to the offences of selling, importation, manufacturing and modification. The only mention of “imitation firearm” in the 1968 Act, is at Sections 16-20 ? (There may be others) Which the part of the Act that prescribes the various offences involving imitation firearms, possession with intent to cause fear, commit crime, resist arrest, in public without reasonable excuse….etc For those offences “IF” is defined very simply as “any thing which has the appearance of being a firearm” (at the time of the offence and not at any other time- and it can be based on the perception of a witness and not necessarily based on expert testimony) (unlike. RIF which requires expert testimony to prove the article) This definition covers all sorts of things e.g 2 pieces of pipe taped together poking out a bag to give the impression it’s a shotgun during a robbery, but not someone making the shape of a gun with their fingers in their pocket (case law references are here https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/firearms) Right must sleep, that was going to be a short explanation highlighting the confusion caused by the two separate pieces of legislation, with differing definitions, but became very detailed and referenced knowing how much evidence some individuals want on this forum. if the legal stuff really interests anyone, I do enjoy the discussion feel free to PM
    1 point
  36. Problem is, I own this motor. Bought it about 4 years ago when I thought the higher the price, the better the product must be 🤡
    1 point
  37. Rogerborg

    Good Grief

    That's certainly possible. However, if it turns out to be as accurate as Mustard's marksmanship, how persuasive is it likely to be? Fresh opinions and challenging the status quo are fine and healthy: that's the basis for all improvements. Of course, as Mustard demonstrates, it can also result in becoming righter and righter in fewer and fewer places.
    1 point
  38. spamofthejungle

    Good Grief

    Where is all the talk of headshots coming from? Headshots are fine in airsoft and noone has a problem with it. Being a douche nozzle and shooting people in the face when you could shoot the chest annoys people, but that is far and away the most minor thing that KM does which is douchery. Literally noone has said they have a problem being shot in the head if that's all they're presenting. Are you under the impression people can't scroll up and see what you wrote? Because you very definitely did suggest a new type of airsoft with different limits etc. You are entitled to your opinion mate, and everyone else is entitled to theirs, notice how all the experienced airsofters disagree with you? A smart person would consider why.
    1 point
  39. Tackle

    Good Grief

    I've never seen more than a snippet of km's crap videos, personally I'd rather watch paint dry, but when you "hear" the crap he gets up to, which can't all be hearsay given the number of sites that have elbowed him, makes me think I'd struggle not to slap the shit out of him if I met him on the field. Obviously I'm not endorsing anyone to engage in violence, but it's small wonder he hasn't had a pasting due to his antics. People tend to talk about him with the same venom as they do a certain NI scammer. 🤔 Anyone seen my pitchfork? 😜
    1 point
  40. Tackle

    Good Grief

    I'd never criticise anyone for taking safety seriously, to be fair even if it means you don't turn up on Monday morning for your "respectable" job with your chops covered in red marks & welts, then it's done its job. But changing fps limits for more "hardcore" games is ridiculous, it's hard enough to enforce what we've got so giving players carte blanche to increase fps could get out of hand. Anyway, whys it even being discussed, to do so would break the laws of the land, so it's obviously never gonna be an option, shit like this only gets more draconian, not relaxed ffs.
    1 point
  41. Adolf Hamster

    Good Grief

    well this seems to have escalated........
    1 point
  42. Tackle

    Good Grief

    @BigBell1987 welcome mate, but NO NO NO, no offence but it seem like every noob seems to want to reinvent the wheel (or circumnavigate the law), on paper Airsoft is almost perfect, almost, the issues/changes that need fixing are cheating in its various forms, & sites with shit staff that can't organise a piss up in a brewery, & ideally understand the physics HPA etc. It's not a lot to ask really, I've always said that organisers could make their own lives easier & their sites more successful if they copied the best aspects of what are considered the best sites, literally what works best. Everyone's a winner surely🤔
    1 point
  43. thank you , no full family pic as that may be too much of a wake up call 😛 I may do a few group shots though 👍🏼
    1 point
  44. lokkers

    WE gbbRifles

    WE L85A2. All stock internals at the moment, other than an LFS disc. Externally, replaced the polymer (plastic) foregrip with the Daniel Defence rail (Madbull, I think), and added the top picatinni rail. It's great fun to skirmish! Annoyingly, the dust cover catch has departed the upper receiver, so it's always open now. I need to see if someone can 3D print the part, as you can't get them aftermarket 🙄
    1 point
  45. My recent VSR build
    1 point
  46. Made a little dropper panel so I can move my admin pouch down, makes the front of my chest rig a little cleaner. 2” Velcro at the top, three rows of PALs at the bottom. Also a couple of very hi-viz muzzle covers.
    1 point
  47. Just knocked up a new belt, thicker and stiffer than I’d normally make, used three layers of webbing for the main belt, meant there were five layers to attach the adjuster webbing, that’s a workout for the machine. Also added Velcro which is a new one for me, hoping it helps with the rotational stiffness.
    1 point
  48. Rogerborg

    What have you made?

    Wow, lovely stuff. Props, or with shootable internals? I guess I'll re-shill my Imperial Guard kit since @Musica bumped the Load Out page 30 seconds after I posted it there. The helmet is just a MICH that needs some work. The armour and gun shell (around a G36 with an M4 magwell and short VN style mag) are EVA foam which turns out to be great for LARP airsoft use. Cheap, easy to work with, light, and takes all the sting out of hits while still giving a distinctive noise and feel that has allayed my initial concerns about accidental God Mode. What's interesting is just how much of the initial pattern I had to remove in order to make it usable. Big sections around the arms and neck, and that large side gap isn't accidental, it's to give sufficient movement between the front and back to stop the thing riding up when I bend and twist and shout. You'll see cosplayers with more complete armour including solid side plates, but they're mostly just posing in it, not moving and aiming.
    1 point
  49. A thread adapter for one of my h8rs so I could plop a tracer on it. Made from a biro and stuff from my plumbing kit. Will paint the tracer unit to match the gun at some point, probably when I put a torch or laser on it.
    1 point
  50. This is really minor but I have my first cqb game next week and there's some dark areas. Was looking at a pressure pad torch but didn't fancy paying £20 or whatever incase I didn't like it so modified this £1 petrol station torch using a bit of an old biro! VID-20200215-WA0006.mp4
    1 point
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