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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/08/22 in all areas

  1. Speedbird_666


    Was at UCAP Valiant yesterday - and some of the staff playing the day along with some of the regulars and friends. The day's reffing staff made the effort to ensure that there was roughly equal numbers of players with experience of the site on each team. The day went smoothly and the playing staff received their fair share of eliminations from the game throughout. Probably the best day of airsoft I've had in years TBH. So while yes, favouritism does happen, it shouldn't on a decent, well managed site.
    6 points
  2. Lozart


    Something I always remember from the days of The Mall was that Luke et al would be more harsh with the regulars and "friends" because showing favourites is a dick move.
    5 points
  3. TheFull9

    Gun picture thread

    Had to redeem the previous super trash pic.
    4 points
  4. Cr0-Magnon


    I don't get it, how can you even feel like you're "winning" at something if you're not playing by the same rules as everyone else. Regulars should be held to a higher standard if anything, because they can't use ignorance as an excuse.
    4 points
  5. Cr0-Magnon


    One of my guilty pleasures is reading the lowest Google reviews for various venues and shops (hey, it beats the Daily Mail!), including airsoft. One of the reoccurring complaints for skirmish sites, is that the regular players received preferential treatment. Ranging from all being put on the same team, so they can use rentals and other new players as target practice, to accusations that they weren't even chronoed and were subsequently probably using hot guns. Has anyone here actually experienced that, or is it just a case of new players being disappointed (possibly due to Youtube videos etc)?
    3 points
  6. As a bush, I say the rules apply to all. If I can wear it on my ankle, the non bushes can too. If I can hide it with my gear, they can too. Then it's a personal choice with its consequences. I never wear it on my ankle, I'd get friendly fired too much, but I do prefer blue over red. I do see it too many times that it is explicitly said to be an armband and non ghillies wear it on the front of their vest's shoulder strap. It's not about being in ghillie, it's about being a certain type of person.
    3 points
  7. Sorry but if you put it on your ankle then your trying to hide it , which in my book = cheating . Unless your playing on a tennis court 75% of the time it’s going to be concealed by the general plant life on site when your moving around , and unless your chosen shooting style is that of rifleman Plunkett shooting General Colbert during the retreat to Corunna then your legs will DEFINITELY be out of sight when your shooting from under cover .
    3 points
  8. Challenge or shoot. The same applies to random players milling around in a ‘non agressive’ stance We like to encourage sneaky players, so if you cannot identify a player (cannot see team colours) and they aren’t showing that they are eliminated (hand up, dead rag etc) then assume that they are active opposition You are in your rights to point a gun at them & challenge them, tap them for a silent kill or shoot. (All of the above are of course rule dependant) I like the idea of team colours in clothing, but there will always be someone who decides to wear a DPM vest on a tan t-shirt. Then for armbands you can wear them on both arms (so there’s no doubt of left/right arm - and it also allows for ripping off the arm bands to signify opposition, or in a compliant group you can have red left, blue right (so if you see the colour then you know, and if you don’t see the colour then you can work it out (to a degree this could be used with removable arm bands on elimination - if you are red and don’t see a blue armband on the right then they are friendly or eliminated - but can still cause problems ) Ghillies etc don’t want an obvious colour showing - but they ought to be capable of disappearing if they are a ninja sniper. If you can hide like a bush then you can tuck your elbow I dislike armbands on ankles, backs, vests, goggles etc. If a player chooses to wear them on unusual places for added recognition (because they don’t like being shot in the back by friendlies) then they can wear extras ….. when they argue about wearing on their arm as well as their back then I know it’s a deliberate choice to avoid being identified from the front
    3 points
  9. concretesnail

    Gun picture thread

    Got out to play yesterday.
    3 points
  10. Stevobeavo

    What have you made?

    decided to make my own gun case. It's not the neatest but it works. Bought a tool box from b&q, hardboard, pick and pluck foam and a few cans of plasti dip. I made it three layers with the bottom one glued to the base of the box. With the pistol layer I can pick the foam out for other attachments if needed and just plasti dip that section again to firm it up. All the layers also have foam under each piece of equipment.
    3 points
  11. Given an overheard conversation about how he enjoyed bouncing BBs off people's heads, I suspect that he may have been an acolyte of that particular twat. I don't quite buy the 'super sneaky ghillie wearers should be allowed to conceal their armband as much as possible' viewpoint. As someone who is sneaky and who tries to match camo to the site, the weather and the time of year (except for the Mimetico Deserto!), I have to put up with having a brightly coloured armband that sometimes gives my position and team away. I don't try to hide it because I consider that to be unsporting and ungentlemanly. It seems to be an example of what might be termed 'ghillie exceptionalism' to argue that the clear wearing of the team armband should not necessarily apply to folk who want to dress like a bush (not Kate, George or George W).
    3 points
  12. Rogerborg


    Some folk are there to socialise, and the game is a distant concern. Not a problem, as long as those people get balanced out, and don't take the piss. If they're all on one team, that can be an issue. It's very much site dependent. One local - defunct - site was dreadful for it, with marshals' mates being told how to cheat chrono (making it a complete waste of time to even do it). The old Depot site, on the other hand, was much better, and caught and turfed out a few marshals for running hot guns, and regulars for being loons. I even saw the site owner being chronoed in-game, which is exactly what should happen.
    3 points
  13. colinjallen


    I have seen it happen from time to time and have heard complaints of it happening far more often than it has happened. Some players just seem to be unable to accept that they are not elite Squeal Team Six operators who should win every time.
    3 points
  14. Tried the Spectre on the 249, looks good I think and works well.
    3 points
  15. Their site, their rules. However I do think it's a bit of a dick move. Same here. I wonder how people would react if I started wearing said atmband on my ankle
    2 points
  16. Site rules apply but if its supposed to be an arm band it should remain an arm band. If the site doesn't object to the armband moving shoot on sight.
    2 points
  17. I generally find gillihie suit wearers complain about getting shot by there own team alot for that reason. My opinion is team tape should not be hidden and if you can't see it shoot them.
    2 points
  18. Picked up a lovely Surefire clone suppressor & flash hider last week from a member on here. I feel it compliments my Ghk just nicely 👌
    2 points
  19. Conceivably he was playing to the Licking Mustard rulebook, and had "pre-emptively positioned" himself.
    2 points
  20. I'll add my two pence as a regular bush cosplayer. In short, if you're unsure and can't see a band just shoot them first. My local site makes you put them on your arm, however I've found it's really easy to mostly conceal the armband beneath all the ghillie flippyflappy bits on the arm and actually prefer it to putting it on my leg which isn't as easy to conceal and tends to be more visible with how I play as I go prone a lot. However the trade off is that I get friendly fired more than I get shot by the enemies, but as a ghillie who tries to keep my armband out of sight that is something I fully expect and encourage; if you're not sure on a ghillie's team, shoot first and ask later to be safe (unless it's super obvious they're on your team / they're actively waving or shouting at you and trying to get your attention). If they moan, maybe they shouldn't be using a ghillie as that's just part of it if they want to make their armband hard to see, which you want to do as a ghillie because bright blue or red or yellow doesn't blend in well with the UK woodland. In terms of wearing it on the ankle, if the site allows it then you should be allowed to do so, but my earlier point still applies; if you're unsure, shoot the ghillie first unless it's obvious they're on your team.
    2 points
  21. Tackle


    Most definitely, even worse are the "MATES" of the staff, literally act as if no rules apply to them, something I've witnessed for myself at many sites.
    2 points
  22. So update, been firing it this morning and it seems to have sorted itself out, nice and snappy, no auto on semi...thanks for the replies guys 😁
    2 points
  23. Mk5 Thunderflash holder to go on the front of my chest rig. Velcro backed - it'll have a loop of shock cord to provide tension.
    2 points
  24. I'm going to do this review slightly differnetly from normal. Usually I'd take the AEG to bits and talk about the good and bad parts but there are plenty of youtube videos out there comparing the GBLS to other platforms and very little on what it is like to use one. I'll cover the elephant in the room, the price, later on in the review and give my thoughts. So this is my GBLS and I bought the budget/skeleton kit for a couple of reasons. As much as the full rifle is nice I was never going to keep the supplied rail and was probably always going to make my own verison (Mk18 ish in my case however this might change to a MK16 or L119A2 depending on what I finally settle on). If you have been living under a rock a little bit about what the GBLS is might help..or not. It's not a GBB rifle but it uses a similar design, it's not really a typical AEG but it uses a similar design. Confused? Well the closest thing to it would probably be the TOP M4 shell ejecting M4 but the GBLS doesn't eject shells. Inside the lower receiver you will find the gearbox and in the pistol grip is the motor. In the upper receiver you will find full sized bolt. Inside the bolt is the piston head and spring. The way it works is you pull the charging handle to the rear and when you release it it pushes the bolt forward and chambers a BB in the hop unit. You pull the trigger and this releases the compressed spring which pushes air out the front of the bolt propelling the BB out the barrel. At the same time the gearbox kicks in and cycles the bolt again and loads another BB. If set to semi it does this once. If set to auto it does that until every BB is fired out the magazine and the bolt locks in the rear position and you then take out the mag, replace with a fresh mag and hit the bolt release which loads a BB in the hop. I'm going to be aiming these next comments to people who have been skirmishing a while and use PTW's, GBB's and NGRS's. You know that way on a PTW you can get a quick double tap off quickly and both BB's will mostly likely hit the target. On the GBLS that's not going to happen. Well it will but you are going to have to train with it to get a grip with the recoil as after the first cycle of the bolt your aim will be off by quite a bit. You know the way when you full auto a GBB rifle and the FPS drops about 30 or 40 from the first shot to the 35th shot. Yeah that doesn't happen. The FPS is consistant from BB 1 to BB 60. You know that sound and slight recoil you get when you fire a NGRS well that doesn't happen. You get a very nice kick and quite a loud sound as the bolt slams forward. I'm not having a go at these other platforms as I have them all and enjoy them but the GBLS is just a bit different and in a good way. I'll do a few more comparisons to the other platforms so that the more experienced players get where I'm coming from. On the GBB it's great to have the bolt lock back making you do a mag swap, slap the bolt release and get back in the game. When I run a GBB (MWS, GHK, VFC, or any of the others I run) I'm always concerned that the gas I'm using which was under the site limits at the start of the day is now pushing the BB's above the site limit because it's now the afternoon and it's 10 degrees hotter. I'm also concerned that in the colder months in the UK I'm not getting the best from the platform because it's cold so tend not to use them. The GBLS gives me the mag swaps and the recoil I get from my GBB's but at a consistant FPS the whole year. The recoil is probably just as good as my MWS running sub 350 FPS and if there is a difference it's hardly noticable. On the PTW or a NGRS with a Titan fitted I get some nice snappy shots off. I don't get this on the GBLS. My first shot is snappy and on target but the 2nd shot will need adjusting (GBB people will know what I'm talking about). On the GBLS the trigger pull feels very real. I've heard that the trigger pull was about 10 lb but mine seems to be about 8. It feels very realistic with a nice break and reset. It feels more realistic than my GBB's never mind the PTW and NGRS. My opinion at the moment is the GBLS DAS is more realistic than a PTW or NGRS and more reliable than a GBB. Before I move on to price I'll mention the following. I ordered 2 Nupol 11.1V 30C Lipoi batteries as I thought the GBLS might eat through a battery since it's shifting the heavy bolt back and forward. I used 16 full mags today on 1 battery and there is still plenty of juice left in it so it doesn't seem to be current hungry. I had zero jams, stoppages or feeding problems with the 8 mags I used (although I did loose one somewhere along with a Glock 19 but thats another story!). I took it out the box, set the hop with 0.3g blaster BB's and was easily hitting 55 meters with accuracy and the FPS is running at around 320 (on a 0.2g BB). To be clear I have done nothing to it, straight out the box if fires flawlessly and that leads into the price. So £1350 for a toy gun is quite excessive or is it? Let's have a look at the other toys out there. Let's start with the GBB as this is probably the cheapest platform when comparing it to the rest unless you look at the running costs over a long period of time. So a MWS is around £500 then you add 7 more mags at £45 a pop. Let's also remember that carrying 8 BGG mags is a chore as they weigh a ton. Let's say you want to get the best range out to 55/60 meters so you might chuck in a tightbore and maple leaf rubber and possibly a NPAS to control the FPS. So you are probably looking at about a grand now. TM NGRS can be a bit of a money pit when it comes to getting the best out of them. £550 for the AEG, £150 for the titan, 8 mags at £25 each, tightbore, S hop, new spring and spring guide and possibly reinforced gears to replace the soft TM gears. We are probably at around £1200 now. PTW's are anywhere from £1200 to £2000 depending on the model you buy but then you have spare mags, possibly get the hop sorted, have the electrics waterproofed and then maybe have the motor rewired. God knows the final price of a full tuned PTW. I hate to think how much I've spent over the years on them. At this point you might be seeing the point I'm trying to make. £1350 plus £35 a mag doesn't seem that expensive when you don't have to upgrade/replace/rewire anything and it justs works as advertised out the box and is more realisitc and reliably than the other platforms. Are there any negatives? I know of 1 and heard of another but never experienced it. The electronic board in the gearbox doesn't like to get wet or so I have heard. Tell me a titan or Systema board that does. My only slight gripe is the metal mags rattle a bit inside the magwell. This is genuinely the only negative I could find with the GBLS. Is it the best airsoft gun in the world? well no but it is the most reliably realistic one out there and it's very much a nice experience using it. I'll finish this review of with a couple of notes. I handed it to about 10 team mates today and everyone had a stupid smile on their face after that first shot. I think a few AEG's will be getting sold off shortly to fund a GBLS. I'm probably going to be one of the ones selling other AEG's as I see that there is now a HK 416 GBLS. I'm not in anyway associated with GBLS but if you want to send me the steel bolt and Type B buffer I'm not going to get upset. Just saying.
    1 point
  25. Floperator

    Airsoft Bingo

    Just a bit of fun. Feel free to play on your next game day.
    1 point
  26. I went to a fancy dress party with a Durex on my nose. The host asked what I had come as. "Fuck knows" I replied.
    1 point
  27. Another jigsaw puzzle Guarder G19 - steel edition! ---------------------------------------------- Really like the forced barrel tilt and 15mm cylinder that was added in the G19 design. What I didn't really like was the velvety matte black finish that came with the steel slide, so I took a brass brush and some polishing compound and carefully carded most of it off. Not sure how this will affect the corrosion resistance (if there's any left at this point), but really like how the slide is a lighter shade of grey than the frame much like the real steel models prior to the new deep black nDLC finish. Referenced pics of heavily used police trade-in Glocks that have a worn-in tenifer/frying-pan finish and tried to match the dark grey and metallic sheen. Not quite 1:1 but still like how it turned out. Now to get some more weathering on it by using the sh*t out of it🙃 This is the Guarder finish that comes as stock. Guarder calls it "P-process" but I've read that its some form of QPQ finish. It's a flat black/dark grey and the texture feels almost parkerized. If there's any metal experts out there please educate us on what this finish is. Below is an RS example of a heavily worn police trade in gen 3. The light grey hue is more from the reflection at certain angles On a side note, a company called RST does produce a true-to-spec tenifer finished steel slide for Marui G19's (seen below) but for the price (£100 vs £1,000) I don't think you can really do better than Guarder..
    1 point
  28. as others have said- if they don't have a band visible just shoot em. that's the risk they're taking for adopting that playstyle, and if they get annoyed by friendly fire then that's a them problem.
    1 point
  29. Am considering selling up - haven't skirmished for over a year - and am hoping to get some prices for a few items I have to see if it is worth my while to sell or to keep. This was purchased via a GunMart ad. Unskirmished. Does fire. Comes with 2 x HiCaps plus original low Cap. Tatty box but still has the original bits and pieces except for the bb packet. Not an advert. Thanks.
    1 point
  30. True enough! I had to admire him for getting where he had so quickly but the whole idea of clearly displayed armbands is to enable players to identify who is on which side.
    1 point
  31. Yes, I have seen it though I don't think it's as prevalent or as intentional as a lot of people believe, say or think. Seen it at some skirmish sites, it's super funny when the group of "rentals" absolutely run rings around the regulars! Many times I have seen the teams get split and predicted it to go one way or the other and have been shocked by how the day has actually panned out. Unfortunately there have been times when it looks like the rentals/newer players are going to get smashed and they have been, generally though the sites I attend have split the teams pretty fairly from the off and made changes if one side is getting battered. I used to do a lot of stirling events and have heard it said that the stirling team get the preferential treatment, they get the "gucci" taskings etc. I used to believe that as well. However what I saw repeatedly was the stirling team doing the basics well and almost always had boring taskings. Then when they are on their 5th perimeter security tasking of the event and there is an intense counter attack which turns into an awesome firefight it looks like they had the "good tasking" rather than the team that was tasked with door kicking. Most teams/squads moaned about getting the "boring" taskings and would often flake (especially if it was their 2nd/3rd one of the event), when they got hit with a decent counter attack they'd often get rolled up cause the players got bored, didn't pay attention, chatted/had banter etc.
    1 point
  32. Ok who forgot to feed the gerbil?
    1 point
  33. My wife's off to a party tonight. The invite said 'dress to kill.' She's gone as Rose West.
    1 point
  34. I feel fine 🥴
    1 point
  35. Shamal

    going to my first game

    All the excitement has left him drained. He's gonna sleep for a week lol
    1 point
  36. Shamal

    going to my first game

    Hey don't start all that blubing.you are a roughty,toughty Airsoft man now.😉😊 Regards
    1 point
  37. Rogerborg

    going to my first game

    I feel like a virgin, shot for the very first time. Renting is a good call. If you have any problems at all with your rental gun, ask the nearest marshal for help, that's what they're there for.
    1 point
  38. Talltom

    A&K Sr25

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    up for sale is my A&K sr25 with magpul pts stock and grip extras: afg grip, eotech (needs new batterys), dummy peq, 1 high cap mag (yellow), 3 midcap mags (black), 1 tan 1 black highcap pmag, 4x tan midcap pmag, tracer suppressor, bipod, warrior placard with 3 x 7.62 mag pouches attached via molle it has a new hop rubber, high torque motor and is rear wired to deans fps around the 425 mark only negative is its missing the bolt release catch split postage 50/50 tracked and insured



    1 point
  39. Hi, ALL! 👋 Near enough 2 months MIA! 😂 Bought a new prop, can’t wait to test it out soon? 🤪 Doing the best with what I have, enjoy it for what it is! 🔫😎👍 💷GAMBLE💷
    1 point
  40. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    Cloning machine. To whoever stole my cloning machine, I hope you are pleased with yourself.
    1 point
  41. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Unfortunaly having to downsize my collection and this AK is one of them. Bought last year from new and put the following into it: - GATE NANO Mosfet (Deans) - SHS Compression Internals - ASG M105 Spring - SHS 16:1 Gears - Madbull Black Python Tightbore Barrel - 5Ku Zenitco Style Upper & Lower Handguard with Rubber Ladders Fitted - Tactical Selector Lever - HFG Front Grip - AK Sling - Paracord Style Para Stock - x1 Hi-Cap - x1 Mid-Cap -Currently chrono's at 323 on 0.20's. It hasn't been used in a while and would benefit from a service to re-lube any air seals in the gearbox as it used to be firing at 345+fps on 0.20's. -Included with the gun is a 1450mAh 11.1v battery which is what i used it with and have a photo of it fitting. - Potentially has a decent Hop Rubber and Nub in as its firing well, but cannot remember/confirm to include in this advert - Includes original furniture -Location North Yorkshire. - Can post for £20 - Happy to accept Paypal G&S at buyers expense to cover fee's. Any questions please send me a message.


    1 point
  42. SSPKali

    What have you made?

    Raid modded my Helikon BDU shirt. Wrist adjuster and chest pocket buttons replaced with velcro. Lower pockets removed and large loop velcro patches added. These were then attached to the upper arms. Also bar tacked over a small rip. Quite a productive afternoon given how bleedin’ hot it was! Coyote brown velcro from ContactLeft (Ebay) and Gutterman thread (colour 208 - from Amazon)
    1 point
  43. I suppose it's time for an update on the GBLS. Well the AEG is still running solid and still turns heads when shooting in full auto during a game. I bought 8 of the new PTS EPM 30/120 round GBLS magazines and the good news is the bolt lock works fine on the new version. I had to give 4 of them a good strip down and spray with silicon oil as they didn't want to feed but since the maintenance 3 of the 4 work fine. The last one actually has a damaged feed lip (weirdly at the front, not the top part where the BB exits). I've emailed PTS to see if they sell the feed lips as it looks to be an easy piece to replace but failing that I'll design a 3D printable version instead of buying another magazine. it's very much a niche AEG because of the price but everyone who tries mine always has a smile on their face.
    1 point
  44. Well we all know about the last piece of shit who thought a tacticool Thompson was a good idea
    1 point
  45. yup, I got that wrong and you are correct. on another note I seem to have acquired another one. Things worth mentioning are: any attachment on the front end of the gun have a tendency to work themself loose because of the recoil so you need to make sure you tighten them up well or use some sort of thread lock. They destroy chinese optics or at the least throw off any zero within a couple of shots. The FPS is very consistant even to the point that I thought my chrono wasn't registering shots because the results were the exact same. The standard hop/inner barrel with a FPS of 320 feels very Marui like in accuracy and range. with the slightly higher FPS than a standard Marui it reaches out accurately to 60/65 meters once the hop is set (I'm using 0.3g BB's). because the trigger has a soft uptake before the break I'm finding that I can hold the trigger on the break for long periods before snapping of a very quick first shot and because the break is solid I'm not too worried about shooting myself in the foot by accident. I'm a few full days in now with these and I really don't feel like I want to go back to TM recoils, PTW's or GBB's. I'm not saying the GBLS is a better AEG but for me the shooting experience is better.
    1 point
  46. shots fired! don't worry, he's got a gbbr he's almost out of ammo already.......
    1 point
  47. decided on a Mk16 look. Also picked up a spare bolt that needs a little work. Had it in bits so thought I'd share a photo for those that might be interested.
    1 point
  48. Mine just hit the 15k rounds mark with 0 issues and was bought off here second hand. I use it when I don't fancy lugging GBBR mags and accoutrements around all day. As far as recoil go's its a bit weird as its more on the forward stroke than into the shoulder but am probably spoilt with the feel of a GHK running direct fill Co2. Talk of GBLS bringing out a Pistol as well as a new rev to the mechbox so if it was me looking to buy one and I could hold off I would wait till this time next year for the new build. No issues with grip changes and the coof got the better of me so had it in bits to do a bit of waterproofing on the electronics and is no harder disassembly wise than its TM counter parts. Thanks for the write up and review mightyjebus was a good read. Obligatory bad photo
    1 point
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