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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/08/22 in all areas

  1. Rogerborg

    NAF 22

    Wacka wacka.
    3 points
  2. colinjallen

    NAF 22

    It has nothing to do with age; I know, and have previously known, some older folk who are or were into drugs of all sorts ranging from a bit of weed to Heroin. in terms of Airsoft, what it is about is safety. Do I trust some twat who has been sniffing coke or even someone who has enjoyed a joint to make the right decisions? Having spent far too much of my life with people like that, the only possible answer is NO.
    3 points
  3. Behold! The Billund Marui 1911: -Great performance out of the box -Good-feeling, high quality polymer frame and slide all the way from Denmark -Fully LEGO compatible allows for the sea of aftermarket parts to be fitted -Just don’t expect much out of a melée (warranty becomes invalid)
    3 points
  4. Merchant Lord

    NAF 22

    I do love a NAF debate😁. So many emotions 🤭 For everyone who is attending Player packs are available to download from the NAF website (all 9 pages worth😱)
    3 points
  5. Just failed my RAF entrance exam. Bomb bay doors are not an Indian tribute act apparently.
    3 points
  6. Tackle

    NAF 22

    Amen 100%, I've camped, done 72hr pure milsims, various other crap, often in the worst conditions, all on the understanding that the gameplay & organisation will be top notch, anything less & I'm not interested. Hence why in all the years I've been playing, never even considered doing the naf, it's reputation precedes it, bit like most AI500's lol.
    3 points
  7. Speedbird_666

    NAF 22

    3000 players at GZ? Yeh...nope. That is just going to be a shit show. I would rather a play a day with 30 honest, decent, objective-playing people with a decent scenario than 3000 half-pissed (and some half-stoned) folk lighting up anything that moves on the Somerley Estate. Quantity =/= Quality
    3 points
  8. Here's an unfunnily funny story After acquiring a VFC G3A3 GBBR I was very impressed with it, there was only one problem. The bolt/cocking lever assembly made a horrible scraping noise and pulling it felt like dragging a sandbag along the beach. I decided to try solve it myself, there would be no warranty as I previously modifed some parts before the scraping made itself this apparent, although some was there from the start, but I didn't think it was anything wrong. This got worse and worse and eventually it felt more like dragging an anchor through gravel. Polishing the bolt and the hammer didn't do much, so I wasn't sure what to do. I took the gun apart again to polish the follower, when I put it back together the scraping noise was gone, and once the nozzle releases the bolt runs smooth and clean. And this is where I don't get exactly what happened, because I determined earlier that the scraping noise came from the bolt assembly and not the follower. Or did I miss something? I did notice that the follower had some sort of paint residue on it. I also filed out a small nick on the hammer that I don't know how it happened to begin with and repolished it, but I think it would have created a click or simply locking the bolt up rather than making a scraping noise So in the end I never found out what the issue was, but at least it is gone. Such is life.
    2 points
  9. I had a (very minor) brainwave. I was trying to source a small spring to fit into the pair of small recesses (one in the body, one in the catch), without re-using something from one of my other guns. The spring from a retractable biro, cut down to a couple of spirals, was just about the right size! And it damn well actually works, the hold open catch works again. It'll probably fall apart again the next time it takes a knock though...
    2 points
  10. Shamal

    NAF 22

    I bet the anti gun lobbyists love seeing this sort of arguing. I can see the headlines "Airsoft events rife with drug taking and alcoholism" Paints a pretty picture don't it. 🤦
    2 points
  11. Tackle

    NAF 22

    I find it kinda funny that some people are talking about drinking & drugtaking as a means to wind down & relax after a "hard" days skirmishing. For me, skirmishing is my relaxation from the pressures of everyday life, I thought that was the whole point of any hobby or amateur sporting pastime. Is the gameplay so poor at the naf that people need drugs to get over it ?, or is it all those speshul operators who think they're so hardcore that a full weekend of non stop walting needs some serious "gear" to recover with ? 🤔
    2 points
  12. Cr0-Magnon

    NAF 22

    Only old and/or boring people don't want to be around intoxicated people, who are operating equipment which can cause life altering injuries? Does that sound like a strong stance to you?
    2 points
  13. Impulse

    NAF 22

    Pretty sure if they start sniffing players they might get law suits filed against them...
    2 points
  14. Tackle

    NAF 22

    Its got feck all with getting old, some of us would just rather not be around doped up twats, especially when there's the possibility of Airsoft being involved, it's hard enough to enforce safe play with some idiots, what they gonna be like if their toking🤪🤯
    2 points
  15. Speedbird_666

    NAF 22

    Not everyone needs drugs and alcohol in their lives to get their kicks, or use as a coping mechanism. I know I don't. And I don't consider myself old at 40. Just the smell of the 'herbs' being smoked is pretty disgusting to me. Never liked it as kid when my parents (and later my siblings) smoked it. I certainly can't stand it now.
    2 points
  16. Over £100 to sit in a field getting pissed, while trying to avoid all the annoying kids pissed up on half a shandy who won't take the hint that im not interested in their bullshit? I'll pass thanks I could probably put up with all that if the games were half decent but they're not
    2 points
  17. So I figured I may as well transplant my initial review here and also post updates as the internals are almost identical to the upcoming VFC FAL/LAR. The Umarex G3 Gas Blowback Rifle by VFC Firstly it's been a while since I wrote a review , years in fact . This rifle has been one i've been looking forward to for many years so a bit of that enthusiasm is most certainly going to find it's way in . However I am not one of those young guys from Youtube who gets their first rifle and thinks it's the best thing ever. I've got an extensive collection and have been in airsoft since 1990 . This rifle was not supplied for review , I paid for it myself as soon as pre order was available . Upon the rifle arriving you will see it packaged in typical umarex style with black H&K marked cardboard box with stiff card inserts holding the contents very securely . The rifle itself being wrapped in a tough plastic “bag” . Also in the box you will find the instruction manual and loading tool for the included 20 round gas magazine . Once unwrapped you can feel the heft of the G3 with it's steel construction running around one metre in length. The plastics are of good quality and feel very solid with only the very slightest of sideways play at the rear of the handguard , Although the plastics are of high quality , I intended from the start to switch these out for real furniture as I do with the vast majority of my rifles . If anything the VFC plastic is of too high quality with decent texture in contrast to the H&K parts . The muzzle device is steel and a very good replica although I will likely switch this out for a real one soon. Behind that is the steel outer barrel extension which runs into the steel front sight block . The outer barrel under the handguard is alloy and does serve to lighten the front end a touch compared to the full steel barrel of the LCT but it does not detract from the overall feel for me . The Handguard is patterned on the slim green handguard we are all so familiar with . It is real spec and every real handguard I have tried has fitted perfectly unlike the LCT which has some annoying protrusions from the reciever pin that must be ground down to fit some . So far Ihave tested the following real handguards …. Slim , wood , Wide(tropical) and RAS from Fab Defense with no issues . In fact all of them removed that tiny bit of sideways slop that the factory handguard had . Above the handguard is the steel cocking tube with it's steel charging handle assembly which has the usual green plastic sleeve on it (the cocking handle appears to be real spec but I have yet to find time to change mine out). The cocking tube is correctly and neatly welded to the reciever which is of course more steel . The reciever appears to be made just like the real rifle , being made of a stamped sheet which is then folded and welded in all the right places and with attention to detail. On the left side of the magwell you will find the markings which say “G3FS 106****(serial number protected) HK 2/72 Bw . These markings denote that this is based upon a later “freefloated” model of the G3 manufactured in 1972. The only other markings on the upper are the usual white umarex markings which are very cleverly done on the part that is covered by the lower when assembled so there is no “cal6mm” ruining the look of the rifle until you take it apart for cleaning . The lower is again a stamped steel construction and is again real spec so you can fit the real pistol grip sleeve on with no mods required . Due to the insane attention to detail from VFC you could also use a real lower by dropping the well replicated GBB trigger box into the real lower . I will be doing mine in the next few days hopefully but mine is a FMP lower so I will need to quickly run a file inside the front lugs to make it match up against the VFC (this is a known point when using FMP lowers on H&K G3s). The stock again is a very well replicated part , VFC opted to fit the recoil assembly to the end cap like it would be on the real one so you will need to move this to the real stock unless you use the VFC end cap . I have tried using a real stock on the VFC end cap and also using a real slither stock and moving the recoil assembly over and both worked great. Internally the level of replication continues with the trigger group and bolt carrier group both replicating the real parts very well . Field stripping this is all but identical to the real rifle. So …. onto the airsoft side of the replica The 20 round GBB magazine is a good design and not only replicates the real one very well but also cleverly enables the rifle to give the “dead mans click” on empty or allow for dry firing depending on how you set the “dry fire switch” . The fill valve is on the back of the magazine just below the strike valve which means it's protected from debris but also hidden from view when in the rifle . Filling with gas and Bbs is easy which is a relief for those of us that use GHK rifles . The gas tank is enough for around 60 shots when using RWA Airsoft Surgeon gas unless you try to mag dump every mag. Given the size and weight of the bolt carrier this is quite astounding . Upon inserting the magazine (if you haven't used a G3 this can take practice) you need to charge the rifle by pulling the charging handle to the rear and then allowing spring pressure to carry it forward into battery . This gives a very satisfying “clunk” and you feel the weight of the bolt carrier close as it hits the steel trunion . Once charged you remove the safety catch which has a stiff , positive feel like the real one (manly) and you are ready to fire . The trigger has some take up and not a very distinctive wall before breaking at surprisingly lightweight . The reset is quite short with a bit of slop but audible with a noticeable click on the trigger finger once it resets . The recoil is sharp and has good travel which is nice for a rifle of this size and weight but does not feel sluggish in the slightest . It's very satisfying . On auto the rifle will rock about nicely but of course that is not what users of this rifle will be using in the field so it's just a fun factor when messing about . Once the magazine is empty the hammer will fall will a”click” and you will be required to change magazines and charge the rifle again . The “correct” military way to do this is to lock the charging handle into it's rear recess , take out the spent magazine , insert the fresh mag and then “H&K slap” the charging handle into battery . This feels great and you can be confident doing this with the steel construction . The hop up is easy to adjust and is located under the handguard (no more damn allen keys) . I have not range tested my rifle yet but the grouping at CQB distance was nothing short of surprising . With 0.28g airsoft surgeon ABS Bbs ,the rifle was easily grouping into an inch group from rested and not quite two inches freehand ! That kind of repeatability on a GBB is almost unheard of from the box and the chrono helped me understand why that may be with only a few FPS variance over a 20 round mag when firing semi auto at a steady pace . Mine currently reads 416 fps average with green gas and 0.2g but I will be restricting that to be around 1.1J with 0.3g just to be safe , This is just a first look and I will be updating this review with photos and more data over the coming days as well as continuing to test real parts compatibility (note this was from 2018 and updates will be posted below ) link to 2018 photos https://imgur.com/a/8MLdgX1 update from early 2019 An update on use after a couple more events . a month ago I used it in minus 3C and incredibly it emptied every mag , every time which was a shock having had earlier VFC rifles and it also having such a large bolt . Especially on only green gas and not red or black I used it again this weekend and this time it was a little warmer . I had also fitted the adjustable valve so I was using it as a battle rifle with slim fore-end and iron sights instead of as a dmr . Range was still amazing with airsoft surgeon 0.3g BBs with no loss of range with the drop in power created by the adjustable valve . The hop has bedded in now and accuracy was nothing short of astounding to the point I was quite easily picking out parts of bodies behind cover at 60-70M . Mag changes are getting smoother too. As an aside , I had also fitted the selector from a real G3 and that worked flawlessly on all modes with no modification or tooling . Literally a drop in fit Update 2022 So Since 2019 I have updated several things - Firstly I replaced the only alloy part (outer barrel section under the handguard) with a steel part that completes the feel and adds even more durability. Also i'm using real iron sights , muzzle device , mag release , cocking handle and support , lower frame , selector and all types of furniture from the sliding stock to various solid stocks , grips , foreends , rails etc . it's still the best shooting airsoft gun i've owned and i have literally owned a good number over the last 32 years (I still have around 80 in the armoury) I can't wait for the VFC FAL to land as I really hope it shoots and feels like this G3
    1 point
  18. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    Cloning machine. To whoever stole my cloning machine, I hope you are pleased with yourself.
    1 point
  19. Impulse

    NAF 22

    I'd also be looking forward to seeing how they handle chrono because it looks like they'll be doing it on .2s. If they do, there will be plenty of hot guns on the field as anyone running gas or HPA who sets 350fps on .2s will creep on heavier ammo; can confirm as someone who pretty much solely uses GBB(R)s and HPA systems.
    1 point
  20. colinjallen

    NAF 22

    What people do for post event relaxation should be of no interest to other players or event organisers provided it is done off-site; however, what we were discussing was people playing while under the influence. Rogerborg's comment was clearly about that and you responded with a childish attempt at a put-down. Your attempt to reposition yourself is weak. Strangely, many of us make do without either a post-event joint or post-event drunkenness. Spending too much of my life around people who were/are long term users helped me understand the medium to long term impact of drug use, even of cannabis.
    1 point
  21. And that's why needed the prohibition on "bawdy and unchaste telephonics" in the Telecommunications Act 1884.
    1 point
  22. The Baofeng BF-88E aka BF-888S PMR comes pre-set to a law-friendly 500mW, tuned to PMR frequencies, and look to take Kenwood K plug accessories, so you can fill your boots with PTT gubbins. It seems that you can reprogram it to other frequencies, and to 2kW, using a programming cable, but that requires deliberate action. As stock, they do appear to be PMR compliant. https://www.baofengradio.co.uk/bf-888s-pmr446/ If you're using unlicensed radios without an assigned frequency, I'd respectfully disagree. Nobody should, of course, just like we should never own anything that's notionally capable of auto-shooting any missile at over 1.3J. But if you are broadcasting at over 500mW, and you're not sure what you're doing, then I'd suggest that you should stick to PMR frequencies, because them you're not going to conflict with anyone or anything that actually matters.
    1 point
  23. Cr0-Magnon

    NAF 22

    Ahhh, I see you went to the Twitter school of debate, where you resort to childish misdirection and passive aggressive insults, in the absence of a legitimate refutation.
    1 point
  24. C-Diddy

    NAF 22

    Let's face it, the site organisers can't even be arsed to cover basic safety, like chrono-ing on a regular skirmish day. There's no way they can police 3,000 people for alcohol or drugs. As for people blazing up, it seems to be a common occurance at GZ. Played there half a dozen times this year and there's always a smell of it in the car park. Can't stand it myself, mainly because the majority of weed heads all seem boring as fuck. Each to their own I guess, but I'd rather not have to put up with it.
    1 point
  25. Speedbird_666

    NAF 22

    They can't, not with 300 players, let alone 3000. It's just lip-service.
    1 point
  26. Impulse

    NAF 22

    I think the gameplay I'd be most looking forward to would be the pistols and shotguns game and would probably give the night game a very, very wide berth, but otherwise I gather it's mostly just an excuse to hang out with the boys (and girls) from your local airsoft site. I find AI500 to be the same, gameplay is a bit crap but the social experience is incredibly fun. That said, I won't be at this one and have actually never been in all of my 17 years airsofting. When I was in the UK when I started airsoft I was a teenager and my parents wouldn't want to go, then when I was old enough to go alone I was in Spain, then I was back in the UK but too busy / poor to make it and now the guys that I go airsofting with are staff at my local site and the NAF always seems to be on the same weekend as skirmish days at Worthing so we can't go. Fate itself is conspiring against me going to the NAF They do. "Please save your drinking for after you have finished playing for the day" is in the player pack, but you're correct, doesn't say anything about not playing while high as a kite.
    1 point
  27. A teeny tiny stock to replace my …teeny tiny stock? The chopped car-15 stock wasn’t the most comfy, so thought I best upgrade:
    1 point
  28. Rogerborg

    NAF 22

    Yeah, but no. I have no moral axe to grind, I'd just prefer that you took up fishing or rambling if you're predominantly interested in finding somewhere to spliff up. Interesting that NAF make no mention of playing under the influence (of anything), or make any pretence that it's a legal-substances-only event. Actually a smart move from a duty-of-care point of view. It does amuse me when sites declare a "zero tolerance policy", then exhibit zero ability to smell what's wafting in from the car park.
    1 point
  29. Glad to hear you enjoyed it. I like it as a site, it's small (so short walks to respawn!) but well thought out, and the staff know how to use it well. Yes, there are a fair few Major Moveups always shouting "advice" at you from behind, but it's not like they're unique to Biohazard.
    1 point
  30. I took a trip down to Battle Sector X in Strood on Tuesday and had a great time. Well run with a quick turn around between games without feeling like I was rushed. Sportsmanship and hit taking were good with no stand out moments of obvious cheating. The only negative I can think of is that the site is very small, but that's not really something they can do much about. All in all I'll certainly be going back
    1 point
  31. Another one for the baofeng, really good and the earpiece it comes with is great. Have really only scratched the surface with its capabilities so far as still figuring it out but have used it on hikes & airsoft and would definitely recommend.
    1 point
  32. I'd second the baofeng. I've been using them for years and they are still going. I run a fist mic attached to my rig then plug in my earpro when I wearing them. The only mod I did to the fist mic was to add a mute switch so I could sneak up to folk and not have the radio give me away.
    1 point
  33. For radios themselves lots of people will recommend baofengs uv5r which can be good and can be good for starter or Airsoft radios. However, to use them you should have a license and when people get the licenses they tend to go for the small business licence (£75 for 5 years) and covers a group of people. Some sites (gunman Airsoft for example) and allow customers to use their licence/channels. Lots of people don't bother to get a license and I have never heard of anyone being caught, but that's the law bit covered. You shouldn't use them on pmr channels (too powerful) but you'll have channels you can use them on They take the standard Motorola or kenwood (can't remember)fittings, so you could get a standard speaker mic for them and a covert ear piece. Or you could go to someone like JCI Comms and get a military style ptt which would mean you can plug them into your military style headset. Going this way is expensive, but good Comms are expensive. There are issues mixing and matching repro comm stuff with real stuff, JCI can recommend. You could also go for standard pmr radios from Argos, but most won't be powerful enough for some sites (especially with buildings). And headsets etc will be more limited. Next up you could go for Motorola, kenwood or yaesu. They're the next level and most will need licenses. Similar issues as with baofengs on the accessories department but the QC on the handsets it better. Baofengs have a habit of failing when they are exposed to damp, I used then for weekend events and after binning off my 4th or 5th one I got a Kenwood and have used it since, £25 per baofeng or £175 for a Kenwood. I was using it for a lot of weekend events, in the rain, cold, snow, hot etc. If you really want to pay out but have what should be amazing comms, you could get a TCA or Tri 148/152, basically repros of real radios, £250+ for the radio + only works with legit ptts and headsets. JCI Comms (Facebook and instagram) will be your friend here. From what I've seen they're amazing when they work but often have issues or niggles. For you, my recommendation would be a baofeng uv5r, a baofeng speaker mic and a covert ear piece from eBay, roughly £45 all in, plus your license if you need one (depending on your site). It works for most airsofters needs 95% of the time. If you really enjoy them etc, then upgrading when you're more knowledgeable is sensible. I don't know about blue tooth for the foregrip based ptts, sounds good but risky Vs hardwired
    1 point
  34. Floperator

    Airsoft thoughts?

    Like a lot of hobbies, you decide your level of engagement and how expensive you want to make it. You could get kitted out from scratch for <£200 and go out and have a fine old time. Not that fools like us do this of course, but we *could*...
    1 point
  35. Cannonfodder

    Airsoft thoughts?

    I'm sure a crack habit would be cheaper
    1 point
  36. Druid799

    NAF 22

    WoW and I thought I was the grumpy my fellow man hating one ? 😉 😂😂 I do see where your coming from , I’ve always gone with my best mate and others have come and gone as well , we go just to try and decompress a bit as we both Have very high stress jobs . We make a point too keep away from the ‘ninja warriors , Gods of war and the crotch goblins with their “my bbgunzuk gun am bestest !” or trying(and failing)to regale me with their exploits of daring do that day but I do enjoy a beer or two and a general chat with the players I can see are on the same wavelength as us . I always head for the back of the ‘quiet’ field my self , far too old for all that noise ! 😱 but no we’re not going this year , I think 3000 too many plus I’m still a bit cautious around very large gatherings due to the Covid risk .
    1 point
  37. Cannonfodder

    NAF 22

    Couldn't have put it better myself. Over £100 for mediocre at best games with fuck loads of cheating, combined with a large number of dickhead kids in the safezone (which didn't seem that safe to me) means I won't be going back
    1 point
  38. Did you get the know that there's no Canaries on the Canary Islands? Its the same as the Virgin Isles, not a single Canary there either
    1 point
  39. clumpyedge

    NAF 22

    I'd rather shit in my hands and clap than go to NAE ever again 😂
    1 point
  40. Speedbird_666

    NAF 22

    That's the problem for me. I don't want to socialise. I don't want to hear some half-cut kiddies Airsoft 'war' story or be lectured on the why their gun/equipment/upgrade is 'am bestest eva' over a camp fire. I don't drink, so watching other people getting shitfaced doesn't appeal. And I would bet money that some cockwomble will be letting pyro off at some point in the early hours for shits and giggles. So for me it would be all about actually playing, which frankly is a bit shit on a good day at GZ. But if it's your thing - cool beans. Have a great time.
    1 point
  41. First time CQB play at Biohazard in Stevenston, 4 of us played the night games and really enjoyed the layout of the site especially the second floor, took the Ronin Tk45 but didn’t even break it out, because the arp9 with tracer unit was too much fun and better suited to the environment, fairly decent hit calling by all, really friendly regulars and staff added to the experience, games where varied and evenly paced. Took it slow at first to learn and familiarise ourselves with the chokepoints etc (which possibly pissed off a few other grumpy players that just wanted to push) but we soon picked up the pace.
    1 point
  42. Tiercel

    NAF 22

    Giving it a miss this year, gone fore the past 4 years and last year was possibly the worst sportsmanship I've ever seen. My theory is that its all the Deltas moving onto Others because we keep kicking their ass and sucking the fun out of it Will probably be back next year, maybe. Its just starting to feel not fun, spending half an hour lost in the woods, only for some HPA drum mag to arc 200bbs onto you from the bush theyve been lying in waiting for someone to walk past.
    1 point
  43. you're doing it wrong. airsoft reviews are 90% listing how ambidextrous it is, 5% chrono test and 5% accuracy test all conducted within 20 minutes of opening the box you're not supposed to give people actual information or give them any notion of longevity.... i jest of course, good work actually reviewing the thing properly over a period of years.
    1 point
  44. Cannonfodder

    Airsoft thoughts?

    Days? Ive bounced between being John Wick and a bb sponge from one game to the next, but had just as much fun. Definitely. Whilst winning is a nice bonus, it's not that important. Some of the most fun games I've had I've been on the receiving end of an arse kicking
    1 point
  45. Rogerborg

    Airsoft thoughts?

    It's a very silly and ludicrously expensive hobby played by overgrown kids who take it all far too seriously. It's also great fun if you don't take that description of it too seriously. You'll have a huge adrenaline hit from your first couple of games, so I'd rent first and put off making any purchases until you're sure that you're going to stick with it. The classifieds are full of what we might call "Renters Remorse" packages from people who bought early and then realised that the long term reality is a bit different from what carefully edited YouTube videos will show you. This isn't to put you off, just a cautionary note about enjoying it for what it is.
    1 point
  46. Merchant Lord

    NAF 22

    Oh Rogerborg it must suck getting old, i will leave one at the bar for you. You really need it. 🥱
    0 points
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