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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/22 in all areas

  1. I stopped myself from railing about this earlier, but I might as well now: that seems pointless, because you won't know that they've ignored it until the reputational damage is already done. You can't trust a rental, visitor or newbie to honour it, and you don't need a regular to sign it. It's about the people, not the processes. Which gets me back to my usual rant about how great airsoft would be if sites stopped wasting everyone time with long briefs that the majority don't need to hear, and the problem minority aren't listening to, and just kicked the gits out. Which is why this thread brings me such utter delight.
    3 points
  2. Lozart

    Good Grief

    It's not airsofters that watch them though, it's people like my brother in law who have absolutely no intention of ever playing but think he's hilarious. Ladbible has a lot to answer for. A good few sites have banned "cheater exposed" type videos already and some have outright banned cameras. All because the YT algorithm pays out more to clickbait fuck-knuckles like KM than to anything "sensible".
    3 points
  3. Tackle

    Good Grief

    Lol, that's brilliant, hopefully more sites will take notice & ban him on the basis that even if he hasn't played their sites, he clearly can't be trusted & therefore why take that chance 🤔. I'd happily see a blanket ban on filming on sites anyway, most of it is boring as fuck to watch, can't actually say I've ever seen anything that's ever made me want to go & play, & I'M PRO AIRSOFT, so it hardly inspires noobs in to the game, with the exception of codsofters who think scopes on guns really do show an "x" when you hit someone 🤣 #360NOSCOPEFTW😜
    3 points
  4. frontsight

    Gun picture thread

    Playing around with some editing trying to make it look like an ad🙃 Can you smell the Americana coming through the screen
    3 points
  5. Lozart

    DMR and a pistol advice

    Fair point, but the point is that you don't have to buy a £325 base gun and then spunk another £300 before it becomes a useful DMR. Bolties are very much more in the camp of needing to spend money to make it work well (outside of the odd outliers that have been "pre-upgraded"). If you work on the concept that a DMR just needs to have good range and accuracy then a completely standard Cyma M14 and some decent ammo will happily meet that criteria. Yes, a good trigger response is nice to have but it's not the end of the world if the gearbox is a bit lazy when you're in a role that affords you a bit more time to take aim and place your shots. If you had Luke fit a ZCI barrel and a maple leaf rubber and nub, that would improve it a good deal and not cost you anywhere near £300. Just for clarity I'm not saying you shouldn't have done that, I'm saying that if you don't want to sink £650 into a DMR, you don't have to.
    3 points
  6. True, it takes a while to reach the custard-and-Haribo standard of teching. Got to start somewhere though. Oh, we all forgot to say: don't start meddling with your only primary until you have at least one reliable alternative.
    3 points
  7. Tommikka

    Good Grief

    Absolutely. We’ve agreed many times on disclaimers & excessive briefs, but in the context of filming ….. a number of years back the training on military urban sites kicked up a few gears, just when paintball & Airsoft games were having a surge of ‘special site’ events. An absolute rule was put into place that no video recording was to be made on a site, the rule was distributed in the lead up to the game, stressed in the brief - and of course immediately on game on a player walked past range staff attaching a head cam. (To be told in no uncertain terms to turn it off) On the Monday or Tuesday very irate calls circulated as footage appeared on YouTube. With a lot of luck (not for the culprit) the originator was known and made to remove the footage immediately His ‘excuse’ was the team mate in front of him had been the one told to switch off now, and not him. Only the swift action by event organiser allowed further use of the site that year … and onwards. Filming is allowed again, but was politically sensitive at the time
    2 points
  8. RostokMcSpoons

    Camo talk

    I went from DPM to MTP because during the winter time I thought DPM was obvious against the mostly golden brown leaf litter, and the grey/green tree trunks... Exhibit A, M'Lord I'm on the left, and I contend that my camo is less obvious than the DPM (not that the DPM sucks!). What's obvious is how they're so much better than a pair of joggers If and when I get to play, and if and when the trees and shrubbery are in full green leaf, I'll happily be back in my DPM (which actually is quite faded, so it's a good bit nearer the MTP than that box-fresh set of DPM in the pic)
    2 points
  9. Very much dependent on site, season, shrubbery and situation. What works at the bright treeline won't be ideal in the dark depths. Most stuff works if you stay still, nothing works if you move. Nice, but isn't that digiflora with extra capitalism?
    2 points
  10. Impulse

    Camo talk

    Honestly, whatever you want. I tend towards woodland MARPAT and US m81 woodland because something-something muh freedom, but any decent woodland pattern will blend in well enough. Hell, because it's a warm and sunny time of year, I've simply been going to my local site in a black t-shirt, OD trousers and a Stich Profi cobra hood (lightweight Russian leafy hood thing) and I still get people walking right past me despite not wearing any proper camo outside of the hood that only covers my head and shoulders. If I wanted to get the "best" camo, it'd either be Pencott Greenzone for the more expensive set, or more likely I'd just get a set of woodland DPM from my local army surplus shop for the budget option. Both will work really well in UK woodland terrain, however the difference is miniscule between the two and also the difference is miniscule outside of most other woodland patterns. What keeps you hidden is staying still, not silhouetting yourself and when you do have to move, doing so very slowly and deliberately. I will, however, echo that multicam / MTP blends in awfully in UK terrain. Even all black blends in better as long as you keep to shadowed areas (speaking from experience as a VC player at Vietnam games)
    2 points
  11. Asomodai

    Camo talk

    I find that DPM is just too dark in the summer. Italian Vegetato is where it's at!
    2 points
  12. Nixon

    Camo talk

    DPM is probably the most widely used camo pattern in the uk, along side multicam which has been done to death for a long time,yet blends awfully in our woodland environment. One of my team-mates wears pencott greenzone, it's been a long running joke that he's never in any event photographs, purely because no-one ever sees him. If I was setting out to buy new playing gear I'd certainly be looking at the pencott.
    2 points
  13. Adolf Hamster

    Good Grief

    i did wonder how much there was to the ol' "it's a tokyo marui" argument he'd trot out every time someone complained about the state of his pistol. the issue i have with the likes of km is that's the advertisement for the hobby the world is more likely to see, he has a responsibility to the hobby as a whole and has chosen to adopt a toxic attitude for his persona. the fact that cheating videos are more popular is sadly just human nature, no different to the floods of violence we enjoy seeing on tv, in movies or video games. the problem is that whilst yes, we all know fine well that cheating and conflict absolutely exist in this hobby, but at nowhere near the frequency these channels often show. i do agree, although it's a tricky one when so often airsoft arguments ultimately boil down to he said/she said with many sites not having the numbers or experience in staff to be able to tackle the problem head on. although that said, i'd wager the majority don't bother because they don't want to alienate paying customers (and by extension that customers freinds) if people can't/won't vote with their wallets and go elsewhere.
    2 points
  14. Rogerborg

    Good Grief

    Good for them. From the thread, it looks like he's been giving 3J facials with an overpowered pistol - he's a compo claim waiting to happen, I can't see why any site reckons he's a net positive for them. Anywhere being used as a film set for his dramas doesn't give a stuff about their players, that's for sure.
    2 points
  15. Can confirm. All I've swapped out in my Cyma m14 is a ZCI barrel, Maple Leaf macaron and omega nub. Puts .32s out to about 60m with 7/10 accuracy and hits 50m every time at about 1J. Not bad for a £190 gun, though it only cost me about £120 because I got the m14 from Taiwangun before it became harder to buy from them. Do I plan on putting another £190ish into it to make it snappier and quieter? Yes, as well as some Guarder steel internals that have been lying around for about 2 years from when I tried DMRing my TM m14 and hating it. Got a better grasp on what will make it do what I want it to do, and I am now so used to v7 gearboxes that I find them easier than others. As a note, I typically prefer 1.1J builds over the 1.64J and 30m MED limit of my local site's rules, as for a 30m MED I'll just use one of my many, many bolties at 2.3J
    2 points
  16. Obviously wanted an M4, just buy an M4...just cos you can do something, doesn't mean you should.....
    2 points
  17. Emergencychimps

    Camo talk

    Quite a fan of us woodland myself as a top and generally green or tan trousers. I find most woodland type sites have naturally darker/greener higher up. MC pants and a woodland/DPM top works well. Auscam works really nicely as well, far better than you'd expect.
    1 point
  18. Nixon

    Camo talk

    Admittedly it's not cheap stuff, side by side the Digi flora gear is very comparable, pricewise though, we know the winner 😄
    1 point
  19. Kls77

    Camo talk

    Atacs fg for me
    1 point
  20. Sniper780

    Camo talk

    Something to consider is Partizan-M camo, it is very good for UK woodland in my opinion, and its reversible so you get summer and autumn camo in one suit. https://mancraftuk.com/product/partizan-m/
    1 point
  21. Indoor or Outdoor? Indoor I've never had a problem with, I've never had a problem indoors and I'm friendly enough that they'd "politely ask me not to" before they blanket banned it. Outdoor I know they can be a pit pernickity about, they usually ask if anyone has objections to anyone recording and even the slightest mutter they prefer you not to.
    1 point
  22. FrostyMittens

    A&K M60 VN

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Selling my used a couple of times M60. Selling due to moving away from VN kit and for saving space. Not 100% on this but I don't think these can be had from new anymore. Only issue is the top flap of the box mag has been cracked but still works fine. £330 + postage and related fees


    1 point
  23. Lozart

    Good Grief

    F&O have made no bones about telling everyone he's banned!
    1 point
  24. #blackadder

    Good Grief

    https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoft/comments/wdlcvq/this_is_the_updated_list_of_uk_sites_which_have/ link with comments worth a read.
    1 point
  25. Excellent, I'll bear that in mind!
    1 point
  26. Shamal

    Gun picture thread

    Yeah that's true.we pay one way or another. You can't buck the system
    1 point
  27. Druid799

    Gun picture thread

    There’s no such thing as free , EVERYTHING in life has a price ! 😈
    1 point
  28. Just finished work on my own CYMA M14 (DMR) Taking it apart is like any other gun - easier after you do it a couple times The gearbox can definitely be a little finnicky. It has a few small springs, and free-floating parts, with little bits that will definitely want to ping off and be lost forever Main bits I did; - ZCI High Torque motor - m140 spring - Short stroke by 2 (knocked 40fps off each tooth) - Flat hop nub - Steel bearing spring guide (stock one is plastic) - Perun AB++ Mosfet - New piston/head (previous one had a bit of wear on the runner) - Degrease/regrease, general cleaning of hop/rubber/barrel - Shimming is tricky with m14 (see Negative's vid), it is a noisy gun, you can quieten down a little, but, it's a loud boi I kept the shimming basic on the spur and sector, .1mm each side, and shimmed the bevel up .5mm total (.1mm on top), which gave me a happier sounding motor It's likely possible to shim the other gears further to reduce up-n-down more, but I know the GB can be fussy, so didn't feel need to chance it Some notes; - Take it steady on disassemble (as you generally should) - Hop rubber is the shortened type, like snipers, so either buy to suit or cut one down if you're confident - The window to the gearbox is about half the opening to what you'd usually expect, so can be hard to get fingers through to hold cylinder down -- if you need to stick a stronger spring in there I used a magnet (taken from an old speaker) and a screwdriver in the spring guide to help hold in the spring so I could put the case on - CYMA is a TM clone, so is compatible with TM replacements/parts - the G&G M14 is it's own thing, steer away from parts for your CYMA Any questions/issues, feel free to shoot me a DM
    1 point
  29. I've had one of these If you can get it cheap, go for it otherwise, wouldn't bother for RRP price It doesn't open up like a normal v2 (gearbox is a normal v2) The Ambi-select is a BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLACHE to get back in AND aligned correctly You literally have to bend the bottom receiver outwards to get the gearbox in and out I'm just glad I got it working and sold it off. The hop is kinda shite, but it's only cos it's a split hop, so you're not gonna get super duper air seal, it's see-through, which is great for troubleshooting, but see-through plastic stuff tends to be weak and will eventually break Speaking of which, the stock Nozzle is the exact same see-through plastic and DID break. So replaced it with the CNC Airsoft Pro one Did the usual service stuff; degrease/grease/reshim , changed hop rubber It shot alright. Wasn't bad, but for £250-ish RRP (plus post), the Nozzle (plus post), and the time you need to put in to mess about getting the gb in/out, lining up the cogs right (free-floating btw, so, yeeeeeeeey) -- not worth (I got the gun as a boneyard pretty cheap, so wasn't too bad for me) Unless you get it cheap, and have the patience/skills, get something else
    1 point
  30. You can fit an adjustable flow valve into the nozzle . I've got mine on order and I can't wait. The G3 is awesome
    1 point
  31. 1st commando

    Sig Mpx AEG

    Sadly the specs are determined by Sig Air who are also one of the worst distributors currently in existence . The reason you don't see them in the UK (or much other sig air airsoft stuff) is because Sig Air gave exclusive rights to Highland outdoors who only wanted the air gun side and therefore has not bothered stocking much airsoft and when they do stock it they jack up the prices another 50% to discourage sales . HO are actually advertising the Virtus at over £600 and GBB pistols at £200
    1 point
  32. Rogerborg

    DMR and a pistol advice

    Fully agree, my spend was: £140 Specna Arms SA-E02, definitely not a recommendation, a contrarian way to get the cheapest metal body, QC spring, decent rotary hop unit and a basic X-ASR mosfet £8 ZCI Cylinder Stainless Steel (Closed) £3.50 Rocket Selector Plate (so I could swap back to the original to get auto back again) £8 XT Outer Barrel Extension (7 Inches) £20.50 AOLS AEG Inner Barrel (455mm) £7 Gearparts AEG Spring M130 I share a scope with my boltie and the rubber and nub came from the bits box, so that was me done and dusted for under £200. Not a .308" platform, not the most consistent or snappy, but lobs 0.32g well enough at 1.8J. Of course, with it being airsoft I've since spent more on a fixed stock, pointless bipod, Big Dragon M160 (that the mosfet doesn't like) and so on. But you could bag an M14 and do it for even less.
    1 point
  33. EvilMonkee


    Release date is 24th August according to VFC on Facebook. 2 days before my birthday!! Just have to hope that WGC fulfill my order now
    1 point
  34. I thought I saw a small,dead baby ghost in the road today. Turns out it was a handkerchief....
    1 point
  35. Played airsoft at the weekend just gone and the amount of HPA'd AAP-01's was insane.. It seems everyone is running these on HPA with a mix of Cow Cow and Waldo upgrades! I'm still trying to get my head around seeing a M4 adapter mag on a pistol but hey ho!
    1 point
  36. I call my grandfather Spiderman. He can't get out of the bath on his own...
    1 point
  37. And they allow people to vote, drive cars, and go to pubs... I think it needs a decent taclight and/or/scope to make it more tacticool
    1 point
  38. I would put money on it being a 3D printed add-on - probably with a cheap laser pointer on the inside if it functions at all. Infinity Ward artists designed a bunch of stuff for the 'new' Modern Warfare that would not fall foul of trademarks and trade-dress litigation (hence the moniker M13 for the gun), and this laser is one of those creative licenses - in this case roughly based on a Steiner DBAL-I2 unit This person's YouTube channel is about MW guns and 'real life' remakes of the reload animations. Makes sense that he has someone model and print the 'Tac Laser' from the game to spice up his video. Source:https://www.artstation.com/artwork/xzXAJY CG renders of the 'hero' gun: Note, on both the YouTube video, the picture on his YT banner, and the render above - there seems to be no way to fit batteries without removing the laser - which IRL would suck for zero-repeatability.
    1 point
  39. Shamal

    Gun picture thread

    Yeah but he gave us all free will. Lol
    1 point
  40. Jacob Wright

    Gun picture thread

    @Druid799Quite right 😉
    1 point
  41. Druid799

    Gun picture thread

    I like your way of thinking , pass the responsibility for spending ridiculous amounts of money on a deity that doesn’t actually exist so when the shite does hit the spinny roundy air moving thingy about the amount you’ve spent on yet another flight of fancy ? Well it’s not your fault if ‘the lord’ let it happen is it !?!?!? 😉👍
    1 point
  42. oh darn she’s changed again….full on longboi outer barrel. Geiselle scope mount and an rmr to top it off. 🤙🏻 Sorry for the spam of my mtw. But I finally feel like have a Rif that I can flex 😂.
    1 point
  43. He brings shame on all of us Ulstermen and should be subjected to the traditional treatment of tarring and feathering followed by a swift kneecapping
    1 point
  44. The summer holidays, followed by the autumn of lightly upgraded and overpriced sniper rifles
    1 point
  45. Batter powered? Is this like when you convert your car to run on vegetable oil?
    1 point
  46. Edit: to avoid this being a spam post I'd better mention the acrylic paint pens I picked up for numbering mags and doodling on my bfgs
    1 point
  47. Just another tacticool Krink.
    1 point
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