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  1. I think the number of trainees would severly decrease if they trained with live rounds at each other.
    6 points
  2. And he would have got away with it if it hadn't been for you meddling fuckers! 🤭
    5 points
  3. I have not been to Benidorm, don’t and have never lived in the West Midlands but have been out and about there more than once. To my best recollection I had not been involved with any Pauline’s in the 2000s/2010s Honest …… Call it Cardiff, Wiltshire or Dover/Calais ferries the in the 90s to 2000s and I wouldn’t be so sure
    4 points
  4. Has the last one on the right lifted his mask? You can get instantly kicked out of a war for that.
    4 points
  5. tfw you cheated chrono so hard you're being sent straight to the frontline
    4 points
  6. My mistake, didn't get beyond the opening & briefly seeing something about shooting people before getting distracted by the cheerful photos, looks like I have a promising career at The Sun, or similar, ahead of me with my inaccuracies 😎 Upon actually reading it, I particularly like "She added it was black and gold in colour, making it clear it did not pose a danger... It's gold and black so it can be identified that it's not a firearm." Unlikely a schoolboy is going to have a gold plated pistol, but since he is on the path of arms dealing...
    4 points
  7. Saw this online and had to post. These aren't Ukrainian trainees, right? Look like common or garden paintballers to me! Reuters eh?!
    3 points
  8. “They like to Spice it up by dropping in a steel ball bearing, they call it the golden snitch”
    3 points
  9. If you do this we all should. Go full Reservoir Dogs.
    3 points
  10. quango2k

    THE TM MWS thread

    Put it back to stock, get a supernub and an npas then leave it alone! You basically gave your mws cancer.
    3 points
  11. I was considering doing this, keeping an eye out for a cheap charity shop suit for the purpose...
    3 points
  12. We’ve been through worse in the UK Recognise it for what it is - a BB gun, that is not a toy made it’s way into the hands of a child with uncontrolled access Either fraudulently bought, or negligently passed on There may have been responsible access originally but kids do stupid things Keep this case in the back of your mind whenever posts come up asking for tricks to bypass the VCRA, and condemn stupid things that occur
    3 points
  13. Good day at RIFT The Ridge! Years since I was last there (in a 4x4) so it was interesting to see it from an airsoft perspective. The site is massive, but due to the extremely undulating nature of the ground and thick vegetation, I think 90% of all engagements throughout the day were at no more than 20m. At one point I was the opposite side of a small ridge line to the enemy taking potshots, but because of the bushes they just couldn’t find me 😂 Kit wise I had my TM recoil, decided to run my battle belt along with my chest rig. If it wasn’t for the fact that the belt kept undoing itself as I was crawling around I probably would have been tempted to just use that all day; it was only in the final 20 minute game that I actually used more than 3 magazines. So for now at least I think my shooter belt build will be shelved while I try to justify it! RIFT ran a tight ship and good game as always, there was the normal moaning but non-hit taking but as I only seemed to be getting shot by our own team I can’t comment on that! Not sure we’ll rush back in a hurry as the steep hills have completely knackered me, but it was a great one off for a bit of variation.
    3 points
  14. I watched a documentary on magic mushrooms yesterday and it was very interesting. In fact I'm going to watch all documentaries that way in future
    2 points
  15. I usually go for tubes of 3000 ish and will take a pair to a game day, though I've rarely used a full tube, but it depends on your style of play and mag capacity. Mid caps and semi auto will go through a lot less than a spray and pray hicap hero. As for the purchase of I tend to grab a bottle or two when ordering other thing else or grab a load to make postage less of an issue.
    2 points
  16. On a game day I get through 1500-2000 normally (with some single-shot games in the mix), but I'm sure I've gone as high as 3000, so I usually ensure I have a couple of kilos of BBs knocking around (or buy some extras at lunchtime)
    2 points
  17. Really depends on your style of play. When I had a support gun 4500 a game day. Just using an aeg 800 to 1200 rounds a game day I used .28g BBs. Avoid blasters, neuprol bbs.
    2 points
  18. Buy more than you think you’ll need to avoid disappointment. Personally I use about 600ish rounds a game day but I play with some lads that blast that from a high cap first game 😂
    2 points
  19. Apparently mum thinks she’s narrowed it down to a bloke who lives in the West Midlands who she met on a hen do in Benidorm . 👍
    2 points
  20. Rogerborg

    Gun picture thread

    Now being used to farm dopamine on Gun Jesus Wouldn't Like This Faceache group.
    2 points
  21. Davegolf

    THE TM MWS thread

    Ditch Angry Gun parts Use stock BCG or Mitch better quality. Npas of sorts Use 60d bucking SixG Super Nub or Laylax hop arm You really want a HSB or similar to stop the back end of the gun eating itself running high power. If you end up running a heavy bolt (which is pointless IMO) you will need a heavier recoil spring.
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. AFUK ASSEMBLE! well, some of us..... Front row @Honey Badger 63 @GAMBLE Back row @Sneaky, F4775 (non forum member), me, Jack(non forum member), Shortround (non forum member). Another BRILLIANT day at Red Alert. Lots of kills, lots of deaths, LOADS of laughter. Great marshalling, great hit calling. I bloody love that site. No two days are the same, as they change up game modes often, thanks to the size and layout of the site. I highly recommend Red Alert Newbury if it's within your travelling distance. Also, Sneaky is a damn good shot with his DMR!!
    2 points
  25. it was a good game. I shot someone and the BB went down the tracer's barrel. I was out more than I was in... It was a nice return after being ill.
    2 points
  26. A little more H&K appreciation
    2 points
  27. Another decent day at the very-CQB Biohazard. High intensity, not too much faffing around between games, and generally fair and good natured play. The newer upstairs area is great, with a killhouse maze in the middle that saw the bodies piled like cordwood. I'm surprised they don't make more use of that floor. The usual complaints regarding marshalling. Too much generic lecturing at briefings, too little enforcement in game. I got cheat called by a gobby grenadier who was adamant that I wasn't behind hard cover and so he must have got me. Every time I shot him, he came back and had another shouty moan about it. Unaware that there was a marshal standing right next to me who'd told me not to take his grenade hit. Funny up to a point, but she could hear him cheat calling and didn't do anything thing about it. Don't say it if you're not going to enforce it.
    2 points
  28. alxndrhll

    What have you made?

    Nowhere near as jazzy or fancy as half of the bits in here, but if it works it works 🤷🏻‍♂️. Made use of an old tracer unit, dremeled a bit of length off, added some o-rings and now it might actually see some use.
    2 points
  29. Yeah I think I need to get over on yt and watch a ton of videos, I just don't know what I'm doing at all. E.g there's a 5 pin socket in the charger for balance charging, but the balance leads on my lipos only have a 3 hole plug. Which of the three ways of inserting this plug is the way that doesn't burn my house down? 🤔 🤣
    1 point
  30. Neither is KWA or Krytac. They are all bog standard AEGs at the end of the day with no 'special sauce' that really differentiates them from a mildly upgraded budget blaster.
    1 point
  31. Shamal

    cyma sm032 400fps

    Hi fella. I think you need to put some idea of price to meet forum requirements. If it's swaps only then needs to go into swaps section 👍
    1 point
  32. Rogerborg

    Silver TAC-41

    100% agree. Spring change: M150 / 100N / Rapax 2J, be prepared to cut a few links or maybe buy some Rapax spacers to fine tune. Feed it something over 0.4g, and enjoy. Headshots centre mass all day long.
    1 point
  33. Rogerborg

    Hello from new player

    Verrrrry site and style dependent. Indoors CQB, I can shoot as few as a few hundred in a day, generally 0.2g. Outdoors sniping maybe 100-200 0.43g+ sniper shots and 500-1000 secondary BBs in 0.25g or 0.28g (I run an MP5K). Outdoor with a carbine, 1000-2000 of 0.28g, usually towards the lower end, but I'm a believer in aimed shots rather than... "Support gunners" can get through a lot, lot more.
    1 point
  34. PopRocket123

    Silver TAC-41

    100% yes it's worth it. All it really needs is a spring change and it's going to be one of the best snipers on the field. The build quality is excellent and the stock tdc hop up can lift .45s out to at least 70m accurately. And if you want to dump money into it there are plenty of options for aftermarket parts.
    1 point
  35. I remember seeing a Ross Kemp documentary in about 2015/16 where he went to Mariupol and pro government militia were training for cqb with airsoft guns
    1 point
  36. I think we are getting near the bottom of the gag bag now 😃😃 Can somebody give me some advice on getting a tattoo please. I am wondering how much it hurts, but I’ve been told it depends on what area. I’m in Lovedean, if that helps.🤔
    1 point
  37. i might be inclined to move more towards the WE ct25 style where the hop is a separate piece slightly further down the barrel. part A07 is the actual hop with A09 being the grub screw adjustment through the outer barrel. 2 main downsides are getting the slot cut in the barrel, really needs milling, and the seal quality isn't going to be great although tbf that's probably a worthy trade for actually having some hop. certainly with the WE as-is i didn't find it lacking in terms of being able to reliably yeet .32's at a meagre 0.6j, with the results being hilarious given the comically small nature of the gun. another possibility, maybe simpler, is to drill an undersized hole for a solid circular nub (same idea as the ct25 but minus the tab/slot which prevents the nub falling into the barrel) which you can press through with enough friction to prevent it falling out. edit: in both these case i'm guessing you'll have some ability to fit a tdc grub screw into the outer barrel for adjustability?
    1 point
  38. I'm re-watching Peep Show for the umpteenth time at the moment. Annoys me they didn't have any eyepro though! Definitely don't want a "Golden Snitch" to the face!
    1 point
  39. Or: why paintball, when airsoft is a thing? Do they think they wouldn't call their hits? I thought the Russkis were the baddies.
    1 point
  40. Could be some splatgunz got in with those fUlLy lOaDeD OuT PlAtE CaRrIeRs that folks were mad keen on donating. But, yes, journos.
    1 point
  41. Not personally but I've seen it done a few times, players usually regret it though, when they rip the shit out of their only/best suit lol.
    1 point
  42. Hi there, just sent an email and offer, looking forward to your reply!
    1 point
  43. Yeah he's not stupid...no wait...🤔
    1 point
  44. He didn’t shoot people - he facilitated it - Junior arms dealer bringing in guns for his friends to shoot people
    1 point
  45. I love the forced poses in articles like this 🤣 "Alright, we need you both to look like absolute miserable bastards that have been well & truly wronged, even though your little twat's friend started shooting people after devouring his happy meal with the pistol supplied by your little arms dealer"
    1 point
  46. Would this fit the bill? https://www.onlyairsoft.com/product/double-eagle-m4-with-falcon-fcu/
    1 point
  47. Kls77

    Gun picture thread

    So I played about with a hk53
    1 point
  48. I have no idea what you are trying to say. 我不知道你想说什么。
    1 point
  49. Fully trained by watching every Kicking Mustang video out there, I'm sure. Nice is a bonus, but the main attribute required is the confidence to take a decision to kick a player, or a group, back to the safe zone, or clean off site, and to back it up. The majority of players don't need marshalling. If marshals can't deal with the exception, what's the point of them?
    1 point
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