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  1. MagpieTactical

    Gun picture thread

    My Cyma Cm041b with deleted tri lug. Still want a retractable stock and considering the real steel Magpul handguard
    4 points
  2. People who are not prepared to lose are the biggest problem with airsoft. Most other issues are a symptom of that root cause. We all know the first rule of airsoft, right? It's a pity that attitude tests are done even more infrequently than test shots.
    4 points
  3. Man that's a mean looking setup! Can I interest you in a Hackathorn-style setup with blacked out rear and fiber front sights? I personally really like the JLP front sights. Because it's so open you can see below the sight picture is even brighter than the 2mm enclosed DP one. Feels as bright as a reddot in daylight. They make a fully open (booster) and semi-enclosed (accelerator) version for the 1911, should fit the army 1911's as well. Rainbow8 has them for ~£16 (~20 with shipping) Only con with JLP is it is a bit blocky with the sharp edges that can catch on holsters and such.. I think it adds a menacing look though Patrolbase seems to have army front fiber's as well, but not sure the quality on these are; they look decent though so check them out -> https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/army-armament-1911-fiber-optic-front-sight
    3 points
  4. My second eldest was down from university for the weekend, so we decided to walk on Saturday and play Airsoft on Sunday. Having had a good experience previously at Tower Airsoft, I recommended it and he agreed, so off we went on an unexpectedly misty Sunday morning. Having had a good day there with about 80 players a few weeks ago, I was a bit worried that there were only 40 of us on site. However, the day was superb. The lower number of players resulted in the play being more open, allowing us to follow our favourite approach of sneaking around and popping up where the other team do not expect us. A two legged team death match ended up with us chalking up 24 kills without being hit, which was rather fortunate in the second leg as I am not sure that we could have found our way back to our regen. The games were well thought out and well balanced, with great play from both sides; the marshalling was spot on and the attitude of players was first rate. it was the best day’s airsoft that we have had in a long time. Many thanks to all the players, the Tower Airsoft staff, the Camo team, and the marshals for an excellent day.
    3 points
  5. I only had I think one suspected non hit taker all day. I watched the flight of the BB and I'm pretty sure I heard it impact his inner thigh but he ran off. He took the next one though ASI managed to drop the shot behind his cover and hit him in the head
    2 points
  6. I had a good time playing with you yesterday. There were a couple of times we linked up as an assault sniper team which was awesome. I was the same, leading from the front with a bolt action, although that's more because this was my first time out with a bolt action, which hasn't been bedded in so I was having to relearn my tactics and learn to trust the gun. It was my first time at Worthing but I'll definitely be back
    2 points
  7. Had a great day at Reforger yesterday after 6 weeks with no games! First time at the site and the general consensus amongst the team is that it’ll probably be the new regular site. Fairly big site, good use of game areas and a nice amount of both man made and natural cover. Lunch was a standard burger van, safezone basic but no complaints. I think the biggest unanimous point was that between the 4 of us we didn’t experience a single hit-taking issue all day, which I think is my first in 10 years!
    2 points
  8. Yep. Plate carrier has weighted plates in it (originally looked at real ballistic plates for immersion, saw the price tag and settled on weighted plates instead) and I typically carry everything I will need for the day on my person, rather than leaving some stuff in the safe zone or by respawn (water, gas, BBs etc). I'm noticeably slower with it on and I can't run as fast or play as reactively, but I still combine this with playing far more aggressively (still sneaky though) than I usually do as a bush monster and it's giving me good results. I figured I have a lot of weight to shift, so I may as well do it doing something I enjoy as I hate exercising for the sake of exercising; I like doing things like airsoft or martial arts, though I can't afford the latter at the moment because I was made redundant and job hunting sucks (though diet is also very important in this. It's a two-pronged attack). As I said, I'll be changing to the m21, which is heavier than my VSR, for next game day at Worthing, so we'll see if I finally collapse under the stress! I frequently found myself being the front line with my sniper rifle while the AEG crowd were a bit further back and frequently found myself thinking "wait, shouldn't this be the other way around?"
    2 points
  9. Another fun day at Worthing, albeit quieter than usual due to Mother's Day (I'm so happy the sun is starting to come out...) where I decided to try playing aggressive sniper with my weight loss loadout; using my VSR I didn't need anything on my plate carrier, but I wore it anyway. It was interesting and I got a LOT of hits on people totally oblivious to my location, people looking directly at me while being totally oblivious to my location (wearing no camo patterns. Fieldcraft is more important than a ghillie) and people who totally knew where I was and were shooting their "my gnu can shoot 100m easy" at me, being about 70m away and watching their BBs just land 15 to 20m in front of me before utilising my .48s at 2.3J of HPA bolt action power to hit them with ease. That being said, I think I will be moving over to aggressive sniping with my m21 as I actually need my plate carrier for that, plus it's a heavier gun; also foliage will start to grow soon and Worthing totally changes to where those 70m+ shots are extremely few and far between. The ability to shoot within 30m will soon become way more important and my m21 build is typically used at 1.1J. I will say that I noticed more non-hit taking start to creep up; it's been fairly good the last few skirmishes, but this time I really noticed it. It's always difficult when you watch the BB fly through your scope, watch it hit someone and bounce off, them react to it and then keep playing. My friends were also saying similar things, so I'm really hoping that the sun coming out isn't also going to also bring out the non-hit takers. All that said, it was a pretty balanced day, with both teams winning and losing and the timed multi-objective attack and defend took so long with constant action that we didn't switch sides as the marshalls initially planned to do. It was a really fun day with a lot of really fun moments. I still found it damn hard and left the day totally drained, so my weight loss loadout is doing its job. I didn't have time to weigh myself on the Sunday morning before heading off (I leave at 6:30am as I get a lift with one of the staff), but I did on Saturday morning, which was a day where I ate slightly too much, so if anything the picture below is an underestimation as I probably gained a little over Saturday. Weighed myself this morning and was pretty pleased with the results (for context, I'm not a small person. My target weight is 100kg with around 15% body fat and I'm currently 134kg with about 35% body fat.
    2 points
  10. Oh ffs. Another one to add to the list of stuff I want but probably can't afford Considering the reputation the Japanese have for weird kinks he might enjoy it
    2 points
  11. Today at Reforger, nice and simple Arktis chest rig and Mk18!
    2 points
  12. A good pic from today
    2 points
  13. So I run Flecktarn with a tan rig. I honestly dont mind it...in fact I like it. However, my brother made some comments on how they dont work as one is tan. Is it as really as bad as he makes it out?
    2 points
  14. snuff

    Health and fitness...

    UPDATE:I bought a Turbo trainer(used it twice),then an opportunity arose for me to take on a menial job with the local council="Litter operative" easy~ish work with a lot of walking involved and I'm glad to say it is doing me the world of good.Only a week in and I can definately feel an improvement in my mobility and pain.Still not good with jumping impact but that's gone and I need to work around it.And the best part is I played the Sunday (20/03) before I started the job,fearing the worst but it's all working out fine.As I suspected it was/is lack of use that was causing the mobility and pain issues.Also I discovered that perhaps footwear is part of the issue,I wore boots for 4 days them swapped to safety trainers for 1 day and the difference is great.I may wear them at my next walk-on but I need to be wary of ankle support.Thanks for all the replies and advice...
    2 points
  15. Well, dude, hopefully the one good thing you can take away from this is discovering that not all of the Airsoft community are like that diseased blobfish prolapse.
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. Very short bit of footage edited to commemorate a special day of Airsoft
    2 points
  18. frontsight

    Gun picture thread

    Finally done with the bowling pin build! With the massive comp it won't even fit in my pistol case anymore🙃
    2 points
  19. Since I'm no longer dressing up like a bush, I finally got snapped while playing! Weight loss loadout in its full glory because I've put 20 of the 45 kilos I originally lost back on thanks to stress eating over unemployment Even managed to use my GBBR AK instead of my NGRS 416, since my friend didn't want to use his last weekend so I could borrow his mags (I only have 1, he has 4, so 5 in total at 35 BBs each is usable). If I managed to lose 45kg before, surely I can lose 35kg now! I'm even going to the gym and healthy eating (again) and stuff 😮
    2 points
  20. If they did put an M4 stock on it I’d crowd fund an air ticket to Japan just so I could beat the Tokyo Marui MD to death with a frozen Japanese horseradish ! wire stock yes but definitely no ponceification with fagpul stocks and bits’n’bobs ! 🤬
    2 points
  21. Skullchewer


    1 point
  22. Oh yes!!👍 Just one thing though....repaint that Feckin' dtd holster.....lol Regards
    1 point
  23. My thoughts at Red1 for hit taking: 'did that get through the under growth?... Maybe not, I'll send two this time' Distent shout of 'hit!' Me: Uh must have hit a leaf/twig/Nat's wing
    1 point
  24. So, the lack of tri lug suppressors, and the desire to move the suppressor a bit closer to the front sight prompted me to buy a 12mm CW to 14mm CCW adapter so I could get rid of the tri lug adapter on my Cyma MP5. And a Kriss suppressor and flashider from aliexpress. Note the spelling mistake lol. I like the look.
    1 point
  25. Sort of true above. You can buy anything you like, as long as you're 18+. Really, you can, there's no offence committed by purchasing, or attempting to purchase a RIF. Manufacture, modification, or importation are offences. Purchase, not a problem, that risk falls on the seller. A 2-tone where over 50% is in a non-realistic colour[*] isn't a RIF (realistic imitation firearm), it's just an imitation firearm. UKARA, or equivalent schemes, require at least 3 games, but only 2 months, or rather 8 weeks / 56 days. However, some sites will go by 2 calendar months, which is a bit of a sod as it generally pushes it out to 9 or 10 weeks. [*] transparent bright red bright orange bright blue bright yellow bright green bright pink bright purple
    1 point
  26. PMC sniper / I'm trying to lose weight loadout. Now that I'm not dressing like a bush, I'm actually getting snapped (that being said, there were times I had people staring right at me and not spotting me because staying still and not silhouetting works wonders). I'll be changing out a few things next game day as I'm still learning what works and what doesn't with this weighted plate carrier loadout, but I did like this loadout.
    1 point
  27. those torn lips will absolutely ruin the consistency, tbh i'm almost surprised it's not worse than it is. if it's tearing the lips like that then something mustn't be right, and nozzle as you're already thinking seems like the likely culprit, maybe going too far forward?
    1 point
  28. Played Southcoast CQB yesterday. Had a lot of fun, well-worth the arduous four hour round trip. As a long time woodland skirmisher it was really refreshing to play in a much different environment. It was also nice not having long treks back to spawn and the safe zone. I feel I made a few tactical errors, as was trying to advance too cautiously. Next time I'm going to lighten my loadout and play more aggressively. At the start of the day the Marshall giving the safety brief told people to just parlay, rather than get in to arguments about whose BB struck half a second earlier. I'm on board with anything which helps reduce aggro behaviour. However I did notice on several occasions people tried to force a parlay. For example, guy running round the corner with his pistol up in the air gets shot in the chest, lowers his gun and fires off a couple of rounds before declaring "I hit you too!" I will add, the opposing team did a good job of locking down key angles of "the map" and making us come to them. Which led to quite a few massacres. So kudos to them!
    1 point
  29. Hellfish

    Gun picture thread

    Basic bitch AA R28 with Surefire XC1 clone. There are many like it, but this one is mine ...... if anyone can advise where to get decent aftermarket fibre optic sights I'd be grateful.
    1 point
  30. I've never understood the whole winning is everything mentality as some of the best games I've had have been when I'm on the receiving end of an arse kicking, also being severely disadvantaged and having to think about what you're doing makes you a better player. I mean how are you supposed to improve your game if every game is a cake walk? Having said that, if the teams were so mismatched then surely the marshals should've swapped people around to make things more balanced? Hopefully some of the rentals would've seen that Mr and Mrs toxic were a small minority and will be back
    1 point
  31. My girlfriend's dog died, so I bought her another one that was exactly the same. You can't please her though. 'What the fuck am I supposed to do with two dead dogs?' She screamed.
    1 point
  32. That would be a big fat pass from me!
    1 point
  33. I've heard the modify mod24 is pretty good. Reports of it hitting about 90m. I wouldn't be surprised if that means it's actually pretty good at around 75m.
    1 point
  34. Stonking day at special ops yesterday, beautiful weather, a more reasonable player count of around 60 people meant there was more chance to push, and reasonably balanced teams all added up to a good day Personally I had some tech issues.. I brought my new Tippmann HPA M4 along, expecting to actually use that for the whole day, but ended up not using it at all - instead the trusty Double Eagle M906c was my choice throughout. And I got a mountain of kills with it, thanks to it reaching out a decent distance and me getting in some good positions or just being outright reckless with some pushes with some hip-fire suppression as I attacked. Possibly my best day of Airsoft since I started playing again in November ☺️
    1 point
  35. This is largely what I’ve run for the last few months, can’t see it changing any time soon. I generally prefer my RG UF Pros across the board to the M81 Cryes… but M81 is M81.
    1 point
  36. Had a good day at Spartan CQB in chippenham yesterday. Morning started with around 50 people, at least 25 of which were rental players. As per usual with rentals, we were finding a LOT of folks not calling hits. Marshalls were really good at enforcing it when they saw any issues, so much so, we could constantly hear "you're hit", "you're hit" from the Marshalls. After lunch gameplay was spot on though, 20 of the rentals left during lunch. We were down to around 30 players, suddenly everyone was calling hits, play was a LOT better. All in all a good day.
    1 point
  37. Personally, I run mine with .32 valkyrie BBs, never had any issues. I have also recently upgraded mine with a poseidon barrel and maple leaf hop rubber (but am thinking of swapping it for a madbull red shark rubber)
    1 point
  38. Sorry to hear that. This is how this parasite flourishes, by operating just under the threshold where the State takes an interest, or his victims make the trip to smash his teeth down his throat. We all hope that someone else will do it. I hope someday that someone does.
    1 point
  39. Got my first game in years tomorrow. Trying out sniping for the first time.
    1 point
  40. Hey Alec, welcome back 🖐 I don't know what things were like 20 years ago but I suspect not much has changed with the game itself. The actual equipment (guns) have surely improved in all aspects since then and probably become cheaper. The easiest way to get registered as an airsofter is to rent for 3 games at a single site where they will put you on the UKARA register. Then you can buy RIFs (realistic) guns. Do lots of reading on the forum for other bits of info. Will be interesting to hear your thoughts once you get back into it...
    1 point
  41. in that case your usual ammo weight for an assault gun would be a good pick if that's how you're gonna be using it, but if you wanna try heavier than why not. just a maple leaf macaron (green)+ omega nub, not particularly exotic, and bearing in mind that's at 1j. ofc you had to get all your firing done in the morning if you wanted to make hits in the afternoon..... even used to run them in the makarov at ~0.7-0.75j and it'd lift them. range was hilarious but given i can't shoot pistols for shit it was kinda pointless, especially as it had a habit of bulging nozzles so i stopped using them.
    1 point
  42. What a day was had at ‘Red alert Newbury!’ for some of us it was bit of a commute (Scotland) seriously good folk in attendance, seriously good marshalling, but most of all seriously fun skirmishing, 10/10. thanks to @Skullchewer for providing extra kit/weapons and advice on the day, I forgot to bring my patch home…I was one of the famous five and Lone wolf Scott it was great to meet you Next Sunday…going dark for some first time CQB at ‘the Depot’ in my home town
    1 point
  43. I've done a few more modifications to the suit this week, hopefully I can get a few picture on the Weekend.
    1 point
  44. My Airsoft day hasn't even started and I've already witnessed a guy coming in my local retailer asking for level 4 plates.....
    1 point
  45. MTP loadout, made a bunch of changes from last weekend and worked out great, nothing fell off at least so I'll call that a win.
    1 point
  46. Another one from back in the day when Multicam was a novelty. SDS ACH plus MC cover SKDTAC (gen1) BDU Hatch Tri-colour pads Danner boots or desert Magnums Hatch long operator gloves Blackhawk FR balaclava HSGI holster with flap and add on mag pouches CiRAS maritime with SBA soft armour Throat mic and PTT, Entel submersible PMR radio Emdom M4 (Pm4?) mag pouches Tactical Tailor zippered utilities Emdom hydration carrier HSGI pistol mag pouches M4a1/sopmod. Vltir stock, acog, peq. Not sure what’s up with the front sight post.
    1 point
  47. the answer is why would you even ask that you filthy heretic!
    1 point
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