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Showing content with the highest reputation on 23/02/22 in all areas

  1. Druid799

    Opening new airsoft site

    Half term ‘nuff said ? 🤦‍♂️
    4 points
  2. I honestly don't think I have ever had a bad airsoft day. I go with no expectations so am not disappointed with my performance. I'm crap all the time lol. For me it's an escape from the hum drum week in week out work. I can get myself dressed up,put a load of guns in the car and go. I often think as I'm driving that the people in other cars have no idea of the terrorist toolkit I'm toting lol. It would be interesting to get stopped by the fuzz on a game day just to see their reactions. But win or lose I enjoy every minute. I may not get dozens of kills and I will get some battle injuries but I'll shoot a lot of puddles on the long and frequent walks back to respawn.😀 Regards 👍
    3 points
  3. Your want to start an Airsoft business, you've crunched the numbers and have determined that it will be profitable, but you don't know what you need..... Yup, winning. Hold up, weren't you the one asking about shooting two Tone RIFs in your local woods not long ago? Seriously, I would educate yourself A LOT on this hobby before you start trying to run a business around it 🤦🏼
    3 points
  4. I sell international Airsoft permits. £5K for six months. PayPal (F&F) only please.
    3 points
  5. Obviously North Korea
    3 points
  6. £240 of RIFs, plus Bogging Blue paint. The usual random assortment of burn-your-house-down chargers, Pinty-knock-off, BBs and mags. Mirror-posing use only, maybe. Being "given" away for only £400! (And you have to collect) PatrolBase should really start marketing these as "buyer's regret packages".
    3 points
  7. Just arrived from Brownells. An AR-15 Tekmat, Strike industries dust cover and best of all, a Strike industries multi angle pistol grip. Going to experiment with different angles at UCAP Vendetta this weekend.
    3 points
  8. This. I hadn’t played for a covid while, first game back; one gun too hot, second; hop just sucked and some games a little speedsoft for my liking. Got several pistol kills, including two double taps in a row swiftly followed by sweet defensive position hitting me square in the face and drawing blood. fuck I love airsoft. Great day, great memories. On to the next.
    2 points
  9. TMs can be messed with inside but it'll most likely shorten the lifespan, potentially by a lot. The real MP5 barely kicks so trying to get the max recoil from a replica is kinda counter intuitive to some extent. For the second question, TM by a country mile there's no comparison there.
    2 points
  10. Never underestimate the sheer power of Airsoft, one minute your a noob asking about "speshul licences", next thing your Alan Sugar intent on world domination 🤣 PS to say that it's never been done in "said" country but is legal there is absolutely humongous bollocks, Airsoft is a global sport, & even the countries its not legal in, such as Cyprus for example, still have groups of players who do their best to stay under the radar, while at the same time getting out to play regularly. Prove us wrong, where is this magical land just ripe for conquering 🤔
    2 points
  11. Adolf Hamster

    No replies

    you can do it manually, so normally it should be done when an item has been sold (eg i do it when i have received money on paypal). sellers who aren't doing that will only get a week before the ad expires and they presumably won't bump a sold item. usually i tend to ignore any completed ads and only really pay attention to uncompleted ones if i really want the item (in which case i'll send a message knowing there's a decent chance of no reply) op- assuming you're messaging folk about current ads (ie not completed/uncompleted listings as above) you might want to think about how you're opening conversations with folk, a friendly "hey man, i see you have an ad running, is this still available?" will give a better impression than a blunt "where u live?" or "gie ye a fiver" low-ball offer. i do make a point of trying to reply to everyone who messages me about ads, but i can understand how some folk might not do that, especially if it's an account with minimal forum presence. another thing to bear in mind is that sometimes pm notifications can be a bit iffy (well, i've had a couple of occasions where it doesn't give me a notifications for new messages), so sending a chaser message isn't the worst idea, although obviously you don't want to spam someone's inbox every 5 minutes demanding a reply. rule of thumb i tend to go with is at least a full working day as folk may well not be visiting the site on weekends if they're out doing things (the most obvious example being out playing airsoft), if i've sent a chaser and they don't get back then i'll just assume they either don't visit that often or for whatever reason don't want to reply, sometimes they do reply a week later sometimes that's where it ends.
    2 points
  12. Go on then, what country is it? I mean, no one cares enough on here to nick your genius idea, so you may as well spill the beans.
    2 points
  13. Emergencychimps

    No replies

    I don't know how the adverts get updated by when they are completed or not (guess the seller does that after a period of time) but often I have found that sellers list the item on multiple places. When this happens if they sell it, they're often unlikely to update that places they didn't sell it through unless they just happen to go back to that site. If you are contacting sellers about items that haven't recently had activity, then it's probably sold and they don't check here often enough. Or you're contacting sellers about items that have completed and they can't be bothered to reply, whether they have seen your message or not, as they have marked the item as complete. Also, life happens, work etc so this could be why people aren't replying as soon as you'd like. If I were you, I'd make sure you're contacting only about items that have been listed or bumped recently, make sure your messages are polite and you'll see a good response rate. If you contact me about a completed advert, something from a long time ago or with a message along the lines of "I'll give you 50% of the advertised sale price" - I'd just ignore you.
    2 points
  14. Asomodai

    No replies

    Are you contacting people whose items are Completed or Uncompleted in the advert? You have very little footprint on the site beyond multiple wanted adverts and complaints. I would be unlikely to sell anything to you as you are very new to the sport and are unlikely to be able to prove to me that you are a regular skirmisher to want or legally be able to sell a RIF to you. Do you even have a UKARA number?
    2 points
  15. Aye. Bought the last brand new one known in the world a couple of years ago from a shop in Denmark, 90 quid! I've never used it, but being NOS for well over a decade it was not in the best of shape internally when I received it. Haven't used it in anger; It's currently in bits and will hopefully be reassembled tonight with new air seal, gearset and motor parts. Ready for its first skirmish this weekend!
    2 points
  16. Rogerborg

    Blind Firing.

    If they were demonstrably there before the date of the incident, i.e. on archive.org This is also why sites who are run a via Facebook "About" page might also be making a liability rod for their own backs. Thankfully there aren't a lot of incidents, and the Absolute Airsoft case went quiet so I assume was settled by the insurer out of court. That's what indemnity insurance is there for, to cover you when things go wrong. One thing I would highlight is that the Vowles vs Evans and Welsh Rugby Union court case has set a clear precedent that even unpair volunteer referees do owe a duty of care for the rules they agreed to help enforce. So as well as not being thanked for marshalling, you might (just conceivably) find yourself named as a co-defendant.
    2 points
  17. Cr0-Magnon

    Blind Firing.

    I can't speak with certainty but I would imagine that verbally stating the rules and safety advice is an insurance/liability requirement. I've been a part of and lead heavy/oversized cargo lifts. Health & safety rules state that you actually have to go through a proper induction process. You can't just say "check the board"
    2 points
  18. I'd say that lot wouldn't come to £400 brand new
    2 points
  19. I think I speak for all those who bought the first batch (many probably wishing to avoid missing out and forever regretting it) when I say...
    2 points
  20. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Owned for a few months and due to a new build is no longer needed. National match 12" handguard, milspec barrel nut. Brought from Brownells and is a real steel handguard, fitted on my mtw perfectly with no shimming. Cost £100 a few months ago and is now quite hard to get hold of. Really lightweight at 250grams and being real steel it is extremely robust. £60 delivered


    1 point
  21. BigStew

    vfc gbb vs tm ngrs mp5a5

    what this man said I have done mag dumps with a full auto MP5 at a range in the USA and the thing barely moved. Of the two TM hands down it's much more user friendly requiring significantly less maintenance, won't suffer performance issues due to temperature and will just have (if not external quality) much greater build quality. if you must have a GBBR MP5 I would look at WE MP5s over VFC.
    1 point
  22. EDcase

    No replies

    At the top of the conversation you will see the name of the person. Just below their name it will show 'when' and 'if' they last viewed the conversation. If it shows read but no reply then you can assume they're an a-hole and move on. There have been a lot of people joining just to sell their tat. As said above, many will advertise elsewhere as well so if it sells they have to manually set to 'sold' but I suspect that many won't bother. There should be a minimum number of (meaningful) posts per month to keep selling option available.
    1 point
  23. Thanks. That is encouraging.
    1 point
  24. Take your business plan to your local bank and see what they say 😄
    1 point
  25. Speedbird_666

    No replies

    I've never had this issue TBH. As others have said, you have no 'form' on these forums. You don't have an Avatar. In fact you don't have anything in your profile to indicate that you engage in any kind of LARPsoft/BBwarz at all. I am also perplexed as to how you can be ranked a 'Collaborator' with just 16 posts - not your fault - this new rank system is proper broken.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. BigAl

    Opening new airsoft site

    Your asking in the wrong country.
    1 point
  28. Tommikka

    Blind Firing.

    Lovely officer She reminds me of the police officers who were caught speeding and went to court on the basis of either the lack of correctly spaced miniature reminder signs or that the 30mph speed sign was the smaller reminder diameter and not a full size sign. They got off on the technicality, but I like to think that they suffered other consequences such as a stern talking to on the values & standards expected of the law - without coffee & biscuits
    1 point
  29. My money's on this tbh 😅
    1 point
  30. Or he'll end up with an absolute horror that constantly shits itself whenever the Nine o'clock News comes on. Either way it'll be an adventure!
    1 point
  31. Yeah about right. A bit of tweaking you might get a bit more range. But if you can hit a target consistently at that range you are good. Most airsofter can't judge distance and forget that a pistol is a back up and expect to be getting aeg range.
    1 point
  32. It's kind of endearing, like adopting a rescue puppy. You'll turn that poor broken two tone horror into a gleaming fully functional rif. Post pics when it's done. 👍
    1 point
  33. The rules state that you must list an asking price. Please add one or the advert will be removed.
    1 point
  34. Spartan09

    Blind Firing.

    site i go to often adds "or hollywood action heroes" on the end of that line... RIFT do this, but also cover many of the more important or obscure rules in the actual briefing as well, such as the "no running from grenades" rule that i havent seen at any other site. answer to that is to have the head marshal/site owner remove it, then set it up again next game day... avoids vandalism and allows the rule board to be amended if required
    1 point
  35. Cannonfodder

    Silicone Spray

    There was me thinking of a different Cassandra
    1 point
  36. @andrey Very interesting rifle. A friend of mine who knows far more then me said that these were sold by Guarder back in the day, but the OEM was Lih Ying Toys Enterprise Co.LTD Here's some more info. 關於利盈公司介紹 (lihyng.com) http://www.intrudershop.com/show_product_eng.asp?idproduct=790
    1 point
  37. The "licence" is more of a defence, and you'll need it for any gun-shaped-object of the airsoft variety. Of the 2 you've listed i'd lean tm, if only because vfc have a reputation for making pretty but unreliable pews. The best option would be to get your brother involved in the process, assuming he's already into airsoft he'll have a better notion for what he specifically wants and have the relevant defences to buy it. It does take the surprise element out of the gift but i reckon he'd preferr that to randomly recieving a 2-toned pew that may not be his cup of tea.
    1 point
  38. Unexpected gnu in bagging area... This really was unexpected... I drive past Action Hobbies a couple of times a week, so keep up to date with their Clearance and Bone Yard specials... saw this yesterday, made an offer on it, and now it's mine... It's a dead JG S-552, normally retails ~£160, I got it for £50. Why buy a perfectly good gun and break it, when you can buy a broken one and break it some more! I've not had a chance to take it apart, but it's a V3 gearbox (my 'speciality') Thanks to all my recent tinkering I've got a spare motor and two (count 'em - thanks @Adolf Hamster) trigger units (which is what Paul at AH thought is the problem), so I think I've got a fair chance of fixing it. If I can, I'll have a tidy little back up gun. Picked up a decently large padded gun bag for a tenner too.
    1 point
  39. Bit of an oxymoron as soon as you open it up what ever reliability you had is gone just go for what you like the look of.
    1 point
  40. Even though it only weighs 685g it feels more like 692g. You can also load it with 0.48g bbs adding 11.04g which makes all the difference, until you empty the mag.
    1 point
  41. How I see it is this way, airsoft sites are there to A: Make money, B: provide people with a fun environment to pew They are not there to provide an income stream for any old yahoo to rock up, film, then edit the footage in a way that can potentially cast the site in a bad light (deservedly or not). I'm all for people being allowed to film, and with the size and quality of cameras now, a ban is unenforceable. But with such a signed waiver on file, a site owner might at least discourage the click bait merchants and possibly give them good grounds to have videos taken down.
    1 point
  42. Area-66 are meandering in that direction by asking people to show them "OMG cheetar cot" videos before publishing them. Ultimately their sanction is to tell clickbait drama llamas to not bother coming back, but as always with airsoft "rules", it's all down to enforcement of that, rather than "why I oughta" fist-shaking rhetoric.
    1 point
  43. I am going to generalise but since covid i have found every site i have been to a little lack luster. Our local site.. The late the great Combat South ( pours drink ) closed. So we have tried lots of other sites and have not yet found one we would go back to regularly. We have had some fun, don't get me wrong. Sadly the effort most sites seem to be putting OR equally the lack of staff they seem to have these days seems fairly noticeable. I am no Combat South fan boy ( Love you Russ ) . They had some games that didn't work and honestly most weekends were a rinse and repeat of tried and test scenarios. But it was always delivered to a high standard, the marshal's were visible and engaged. They also provided a high quality lunch. (Which i do not understand why other sites who are now charging upwards of £25 a person, do not provide something so basic. Well not without an additional fee. Tight asses) I am hoping that as Covid fucks off, that competition for players returns and the the sites start upping their effort. Or i'm just jaded and overly entitled.... Or due to the great sites being lost to housing developers that the glory days of airsoft are dead. Or because today's airsofter seems to be weak, whiny and scared of being drilled full auto. Or its the speed softers fault. .......... it is speed softers fault
    1 point
  44. Oh I see... ... Hairy palms?
    1 point
  45. Peanut Butter Family Photo. Not all my HKs, just all my tan HKs.
    1 point
  46. While we await @rocketdogbert fondling report, I have just seen this video on YouTube. Guess this is the best we can do for the moment
    1 point
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