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  1. Getting my colonial marine freak on , “game over man ! it’s game over !”
    6 points
  2. Impulse

    Acceptable rates of fire

    I had someone twerking at me last game day from a long range (about 75m ish), right in the middle of the path. Clearly he didn't think my VSR could reach out that far... He was wrong
    5 points
  3. Yeah, but it's not 'the sniffles' is it 😠 At worst, it kills people. Imagine if Al-Qaida was killing 150 people per day (last figure I've seen for daily COVID deaths in the UK) and people sat around saying "I don't want anything done to stop it", perhaps even more pertinently "I won't do anything to stop, even though I could help". How much respect would you have for those people? Maybe you've not lost anyone close to you so let's make it more relatable. I've got friends I play football with who caught it before their jabs, and they could still hear the scar tissue in their lungs crackle months afterwards. I had it, and even with the harshest edges of it knocked off by my two jabs, it was a pretty crappy week. That's not the worst of it for me though. I've lost a big percentage of my senses of taste and smell. Maybe permanently. Same for my wife and daughter. Losing your ability to fully enjoy steaks, curries, beer, wine and all the other good things that usually make life enjoyable - that's really shit. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. When a normally delicious curry becomes an exercise in swallowing a load of pencil erasers in a tasteless liquid, and you wash it down with a beer that might as well be water, you will not be a happy bunny, guaranteed. This is just an example as the senses thing is obviously towards at the 'best case' / 'inconvenient' end of the spectrum of outcomes. If you're happy for others to suffer because of 'personal freedoms', then... words fail me. Rebuttal to your one study, a meta-study published in the British Medical Journal: https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj-2021-068302 "Results from more than 30 studies from around the world were analysed in detail, showing a statistically significant 53% reduction in the incidence of Covid with mask wearing" I absolutely don't want to get into an argument over this, I don't suppose any of us will change our mindsets (for better, or for worse). Also with the Omicron variant the whole battlefield is shifting beneath our feet, the scientists are unsure of the longer-term outcomes, maybe we'll all end up catching an essentially harmless COVID that grants herd-immunity in the future. That's probably ridiculously wishful-thinking, but there's certainly a possibility the way we approach the disease will change. It may just be so infectious that we can't dodge it, masks or not.
    4 points
  4. £220 in stock at patrol base... the grip sight and torch add £130 in value apparently with no depreciation.... damn
    4 points
  5. All the data shows that vaccines work to reduce the risk of infection and transmission of the virus. Does it give 100% protection? No but it significantly reduces the chance of infection and if you do get infected the chances of being hospitalised are far lower. All I'm hearing from the anti vaxx crowd is that it's a attack on their freedoms and other such nonsense. Nobody is being descriminated against or rounded up and its worth remembering that your rights end when your actions affect others.
    3 points
  6. To everyone who cites civil liberties & freedoms, & the alleged attempts by government to remove those said freedoms (for the greater good of the many), what's your opinion on conscription, in particular in wartime 🤔 For everyone screaming about their freedoms, remember without government taking decisive action in 1939, essentially breaking families up, many never to be reunited again, was necessary to ensure even the most basic rights & freedoms. Kinda puts the mild restrictions we face today in to perspective, those that disagree should all get together & give each other a big unmasked hug 😏
    3 points
  7. ahh the bane of many an airsoft argument. "headshots don't count".... on a site where they did.... "he didn't take a bang kill"..... at a site with no enforced bang rule..... "gun hits count".... at a site where they didn't..... even worse is when a site can't even be consistent within itself, had games where the initial brief was X zone was out of play, except when the game bogged down the owner told one team they could use that zone, leading to a lot of "i hit you!" "yeah but you're out of bounds so it doesn't count" arguments. sites should really work out exactly what variants of rules they're going to enforce, put them up on a board, then consistently enforce them. for example i don't care if a bang rule states you have to take them, if you take them voluntarily, or you never take them, so long as i know exactly which variant i'm playing to and wether or not to be prepared for folk trying to pull a john wick.
    3 points
  8. Happy Christmas to all on the forum 🥳 I shall raise a glass on the day to the health and prosperity of all in the coming new year. ✨. Best wishes to all 🥂 Regards
    3 points
  9. Last time I looked, vaccinating isn’t mandatory; maybe that’s why this thing isn’t going away. on a personal note, I’m a stonemason, most of my work is outside. I don’t get the sniffles, can’t remember the last time I had the flu either. I’ve had my vaccinations because if I was to catch this and pass it on to my elderly relatives, I would never forgive myself. Remember, these vaccinations aren’t just to protect you; they are to protect Everyone.
    3 points
  10. Fraud requires gain for yourself or loss for another, which would be a hard argument to make unless you consider a potential fine as a loss. You might stretch it to conspiracy to commit an S36 offence, which would be rather bizarre as if you just walked in and said "Sell me a RIF" without providing any reason why, there could be no mens rea. This just further illustrates how bonkers the whole legislation is, although I wouldn't expect any changes to be in our favour. Every time some skip-licker goes postal with a RIF, I wonder if this will be the time when Fleet and Downing Streets decide to call time on our hijinks. OP's fine rather than fined though, I'm really just jealous of that go-faster pistol.
    3 points
  11. So you don’t believe it…..but we’ve been lucky? Maybe that’s because we’ve had draconian lockdown measures, used masks AND had one of the most successful vaccination programs in the world….oh and don’t forget the brave NHS workers who worked tirelessly, even more so for the last 2years, and died on the frontline try to save our old and infirm? shut up you nobber. (Apologies)
    3 points
  12. On the matter of ‘other defences’, reenactment is a valid defence for RIFs. But just buying reenactor insurance doesn’t make someone a reenactor, nor does it make a modern RIF suitable for period reenactment. Theres also cosplay insurance mentioned above. As many of us know there is not a VCRA defence for cosplay, and if you’re in the know for which retailer takes cosplay insurance as a defence then you may also know that they ‘partner’ with a comicon organiser who does not permit RIFs in their cosplayer rules. (There is one valid form of cosplay for RIFs - the professional cosplayers who get paid for personal appearances at comicons etc are performers and may qualify under the theatrical defence) Under the VCRA a retailer that accepts a ‘nudge nudge wink wink’ defence is committing the offence. However a purchaser who uses reenactment / cosplay etc as their option when purchasing without the intent to reenact or cosplay etc is taking part in the deception and committing fraud. As long as your intent when purchasing a RIF is to play airsoft skirmishing at an insured site then you are VCRA compliant, all you need to do is sufficiently persuade the retailer - which is most commonly via the UKARA route It’s best for all to wait and follow the UKARA route (it also inspires a tiny bit of confidence in the trustworthyness of a retailer if they aren’t bending the law However if you have a good search around of UK retailers and the forum then you could find one or two that will sell on the basis of your intent to skirmish as opposed to fiddling with other activities
    3 points
  13. Rant away, I know it’s not aimed at me and I’m know where you are coming from. It does seem like a system that can be abused but it won’t be abused by myself. I will probably still look into my UKARA if that’s possible but it was a means to an end as this pistol was calling to me.
    3 points
  14. RIP, buddy, fliing hi wit de angles now. I guess we didn't get a Christmas miracle from either seller? I got a small one of my own though. The solid stock that rattled around inside Chyna, apparently got returned to sender there (twice!), then sat in UK Customs since November 26th got put through my letterbox yesterday. No sign that Customs had opened or inspected it, it seems it just sat on their desk for weeks for no apparent reason while they stared at it and regretted their life choices.
    3 points
  15. You are so right about all the other things needed too for CQB, I have just left my local airsoft shop and came out with a new pistol. The owners was so helpful and even help me set up my MVT so I could purchase the pistol without having to have it two toned. just got a AW Custom High Capps 5.1, holster and everything needed to attach to my tactical vest too.
    3 points
  16. I was looking for a high torque motor to put into my R85, so after a bit of research I ordered a Chihai "Distruction of God" motor from AliExpress. I ordered it at the start of November, and it had an expected delivery date of the 24th of December... well, it actually arrived today! It seemed a little easier to turn by hand than I was expecting, but it gives much more resistance than the stock one from the R85. I've just fitted it, and it seems to have eased the semi/auto stalling a little - so hopefully once I get a MOSFET in, that'll sort it... I know that @Rogerborg has mentioned using the Big Dragon motors from AliExpress, but wondered if anyone has used the Chihai motors and has a view on how they compare? This one was just under £30 delivered
    2 points
  17. Druid799

    Gun picture thread

    I freely admit I’ve a penchant for dodgy paint jobs (hello kitty cannon and don’t carebear Bizon to name but two) BUT some of those paint schemes are just f***king horrendous ! Look like a low resolution unicorn barfed over them ! 🤢🤢🤮 so welcome to the madhouse ! 🤪
    2 points
  18. Anyways, let’s step away from Defences at the moment and take a look at my full black M4PI. I am buzzing now and can’t wait to play on Boxing Day. The tactical torch and red dot just blend in so nicely now.
    2 points
  19. I had this plan to put perforated fake plates in a Crye mairitime JPC to make the holy grail of PC that actually wouldn't be very hot/sweaty in summer, so I bought some hollow plastic medium SAPI dummies aaaaages ago and through sheer fuckin laziness I never got around to doing what I wanted with them until this week. Tried just using a knife and mk1 hand first but being about 4mm thick and 'sticky' when cutting I could tell I was going to lose a finger if I proceeded, so I swapped to a holesaw + electric drill. End result has the solid edges/outline needed to fill out any PC and looks exactly like a proper plate when inserted, but it weighs almost nothing and has just enough rigidity in the middle to support everything. I'm already working on a connect-4 meme never fear.
    2 points
  20. Merry Christmas all. Hope you all find BFGs under your trees.
    2 points
  21. I'm the other way around. Even with waning efficacy of the current vaccines versus omicron and beyond, it seems clear that they're continuing to offer protection. Although the HSA (and BioNTech) are implying that we're looking at re-doses every 90 days or so, which comes with a moral hazard[*]. Masks, I haven't found any compelling evidence for community efficacy (as opposed to careful use in clinical settings). I mean, "it's just common sense", but my common observation is that many-to-most are being worn performatively rather than diligently. For context, I bought and used a box of FFP3 respirators in early March 2020, "responsibly stockpiling" before the panic buying started. I have no problems with measures that work, my issue (as with chrono!) is performing ritual safety theatre without any real benefit. That's an argument in favour of better mask wearing, but it's probably a futile one, given that the same talking heads exhorting us to wear them generally don't even bother when they think they're off camera. Coronaviruses mutate rapidly, that's why they're so successful and tenacious. We've never had a vaccine - or persistent herd immunity - for the common cold, as the several coronaviruses that cause those symptoms keep tweaking themselves just enough to escape immunity. SARS-COV-2 is likely to do the same, vaccines or not, and the significant difference between 1 and 2 is asymptotic transmission. That means variants are likely to spread because they'll already be out of the country before they're recognised as existing, or novel, let alone been sequenced and having a specific test created. [*] Out of interest, what's your thoughts on the WHO's position that richer countries should be sending doses to poorer countries rather than engaging in universal booster campaigns? If it was an either/or, would you prefer to get your third or fourth, versus a rural South African community nurse getting her first or second? https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/who-head-tedros-adhanom-ghebreyesus-admonishes-countries-with-blanket-booster-programs/vi-AAS4mkw
    2 points
  22. This should be the default at sites. You could skip most of the briefings, just point at the board and say "Read it, no excuses." The eye-twitcher for me is when you ask a marshal (e.g.) "Oh, do gun hits count here?" and they go "Uhhhh..."
    2 points
  23. that's pretty damn good, if it can maintain that level of consistency then that's a great start. interesting to see how the specna 0.28's are performing with that setup.
    2 points
  24. Ah, sorry Roger if I didn't make myself clear, it's being anti-mask as well as anti-vax that I have an issue with. I appreciate your point regarding the vaccines is fair and valid especially given the new strain breaking through the immunity. For the previous strains we knew it was never 100% but still demonstrably doing a good job in reducing infections. If everyone in the UK had got their jabs done, it wouldn't have stopped Omicron from appearing - that's a failure of the SA govt and the international community.
    2 points
  25. Rate of fire on some rifles and pistols are ridiculous. High rates of fire spoil game play, turns players away. HPA is a menace in CQB, I have seen 20 or so new players come and play once and call it a day, the comments I hear are often centred around "I can't hit anyone because I keep getting hit" or that they can't return fire because they are unable to break cover because the bb's are coming in thick and fast. From my observations in game, HPA's ruin game play on indoor CQB, it is more suited to outdoor use than indoor. The main issue IMHO is that there are too many sites where there are varying rules and this leads to confusion on new sites and why rules get broken and people get pissy with people not taking hits, one site I know says that kids are not targets and your hits on the kids don't count... well great, teach cheating to the young. There needs to be a set of standardised rules that can be agreed upon that is a guide and also those setting the rules need to have insurance companies onboard as they are the guys that have to cover sites for liability cover, so a site can't stipulate different rules that are dangerous to players as the insurance company would be on the hook. Players that want higher rates of fire and power should hire venues and advertise it as a free for all and go shoot yourselves up to your hearts content, leave airsoft to those who want to enjoy game play and not get beat up in a game, there is a certain thing that is called enjoyment that can rapidly diminish and the sooner players recognise this (the ones insisting on high power and rates of fire) wake up to this fact, the sport might improve to attract more players. As I say, if you want higher power, go airgun or powder round shooting or clay pigeon shooting...
    2 points
  26. With respect, I have to note that two doses didn't protect you from being sick and symptomatic, so demonstrably can't prevent infection and transmission. Do I think people should be vaccinated at this point? Yes, I do. I even agree with Tony Blair (on this point only) that it's idiotic not to be. But do I blame the unvaccinated for the ongoing spread? No, not really, they're mostly harming themselves at this point. Given the dwindling numbers of unvaccinated versus the rising numbers of cases, it becomes harder to argue that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated, let alone because of them. Stupid people, yes, not plague rats. At the risk of broken drumming, who are the Gibraltarians blaming for cancelling Christmas? It's perfectly understandable to want to blame a human agency for harming you, even when the damage is being done by something with no ill intent that's barely even a lifeform. And pre-coofs, I was always the guy in the office shouting at plague rats stupid people bringing their coughs and sniffles in with them. I haven't changed that opinion one iota - symptomatic people need to learn to bloody well isolate themselves, regardless of what they have or think they have. However, I prefer to reserve my real ire for the people who ordered, funded, and carried out the gain of function research in Wuhan.
    2 points
  27. the other fun one is if they're within your range, and assume because you can shoot that far so can they.
    2 points
  28. To clarify, I meant we've been lucky compared to other countries that have suffered worse government stamp downs on freedoms. Now don't get me wrong, I agree that mortality rate from covid can be brought down with extreme measures. For example; a full shut down of the country with martial law enforced lockdown. Mandatory vaccinations for everyone etc.... Is this a world you'd like to live in? Or maybe you're comfortable with the Mandatory vaccinations but not the martial law? For me, personally, I believe everyone should be able to choose their own response. If you want a vaccine, go for it. If you want to go out in public wearing ppe, that's fine. If you want to lock yourself in your home for the rest of your life for fear of catching the sniffles, knock yourself out. Freedom isn't free. And the only things that will survive the heat death of the universe are "temporary government powers".
    2 points
  29. Huh. Well, that's one way of doing it. With no disrespect to you - you're not the one committing any offence - it's an absolute cad's trick by the retailer, and ill advised of the MVT to allow unvetted membership if it's being abused like this. The retailer knows fine well that they're selling this for airsoft use, not reenactment. There's no reasonable way they could claim that defence, for that pistol. It's a cynical box-ticking exercise, and if they're going to accept a bogus defence that won't actually protect them if legal push comes to shove, then I'd note that JustCos is only £20. Sorry, that rant isn't aimed at you, but at the whole farcical system. You've just illustrated how utterly pointless it is.
    2 points
  30. She is a keeper as she is was the one encouraging me to go to the shop and get some stuff I like. She likes it as it gets me out the house so she can sit with the dog and watch crap on the sofa. MVT is “ military vehicle trust,” if you register with them and pay the £35 a year subscription you are classed as a re-enactor so you are able to purchase full black RIFs without the need of a UKARA. I am really impressed with the pistol, I need green gas tho as unfortunately he didn’t have any at the shop when I purchased it. He filled it with red gas which he said would be fine for the cold weather but green gas would be better. He is going to let me know as soon as it’s in stock or I will see if they have any at Bristol Airsoft on Boxing Day when I am playing next. I am planning to invest in a torch/stone light for the pistol for the dark areas in CQB. Yeah that’s exactly what I did.
    2 points
  31. Yes it was a tournament for regulars (dare I say friends by association..) and a complete waste of time.As most if not all I would have preferred the time used playing.
    2 points
  32. EDcase

    Gun picture thread

    Duno, some of those paint jobs could disqualify you 🤔 😆
    2 points
  33. I take it that was an over 18s only event? If not the organisers could've got themselves in serious trouble with child protection laws Gimmicks like some bint getting her tits out make me wonder how good the site actually is if they have to use cheap stunts like this to pull in the punters. Concentrate on making sure the games are well run and you'll get players wanting to come back.
    2 points
  34. All most certainly, Nuprol tax and the airsoft shops who will have to add to the price to make their money. I wonder how much the magazines will be? I have all ready seen a post on the Airsoft reddit lamenting the price (Obviously this for a Canadian shop but it may be a potential indictor for the UK when they are in the shops.) With regard to the spare parts front LCT are normally fairly good on that point WGCshop carries a lot of spare parts both internal and external. The slim motor is also an interesting development.
    2 points

    • For sale
    • Used

    I am Selling my G&G – CM16 Wild Hog 12″ with Keymod Rail, ETU & MOSFET. Very reliable, fun and sturdy gun, especially with the choice of burst or full auto as well as single, when it was last chrono’d on site it was firing at 327fps running on a 11.1v 1450mah LiPo Battery. It also has 3 attachments plus rail attachments to fit attachments 😂, red/green dot site, foregrip and a flashlight/red laser combo with pressure pads. Im Asking for £350 but willing to listen to offers, Any question please ask I also have more items for sale as I’m selling all my airsoft gear due to health reasons and unable to play 😭😭 I have a Large Nuprol Carry case in Black £50 extra mags £5 each 11.1v 1450mah Nuprol LiPo battery £15 each (I have 3 brand new never used) Nuprol DELTA PIONEER DEFENDER BLACK £90 WE Hi-Capa 5.1 gas blowback (magazine broken) £40 any question please feel free to ask, I can provide picture of anything. I also have odds n sods like bb’s, goggles and other bits I haven’t listed


    London, Lewisham - GB

    2 points
  36. Mad-Al

    Gun picture thread

    I think i may have a new favourite! LCT LK53 ARMS mount Vector frenzy VFC torch grip HK 3 point sling Perun hybrid, maple leaf macron, omega nub.
    2 points
  37. Farstarbuck

    PTS G&P CAR-15 N23 PDW

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Detailed as used but it's been on a range and thats it. Never fired in anger. A lovely piece that doesn't come up very often. Never used in a game. I’ve played twice in 2 years. Used my MP5NGRS. Internally, the i5 G&P gearbox features a quick change spring for power adjustment, bearing bushings for higher efficiency and lower power consumption, and an electronic trigger and MOSFET for faster trigger responses and electrical wiring protection. Shooting Modes –Safe / Semi Auto / Burst / 5 Rounds / Full Auto Magazine Capacity – 110 rounds (G&P M16 VN style short magazine) Wired to deans Price includes postage and PayPal fees The price is more than fair for this item. I will not respond to anyone haggling more on price. Price includes postage and PayPal fees.


    1 point
  38. Response seems okay, but with the temperamental nature of the trigger at the moment I'm having to pull it slowly (and not all the way) in order for it to fire consistently. For RoF it was getting around 8 per second using a 7.4v LiPo. I'll probably pop the other motor back in to see what that was getting before. To be honest, I do most of my firing on semi, so not too worried about the RoF. I'll have a play with pre-cocking once I get the Perun in. Ha ha, I'm from an electrical engineering background and have learned so many lessons using the "I'll not do that again then" method 😉
    1 point
  39. It’s a stretch, but gain could sit on either side - managing to get a RIF without a defence, making a sale without confirming a valid defence, and loss being the risk of an invalid RIF sale fine. But that’s all moot, nobody is ever going to find out ……. Unless one of the parties confesses on the internet ….
    1 point
  40. I was DMRing. Player-marshal was not. You think he'd know better. He did not.
    1 point
  41. Cannonfodder

    JD Airsoft

    I got my Golden Eagle gas boomstick from them earlier this year and had no problems. One thing to take into account with reviews is that a happy customer will tell one person, whereas an unhappy one will tell 10.
    1 point
  42. SBoardley

    HAO Taiwan

    Just letting anyone interested know; I received a package from hao yesterday via airmail. It took 12 days from order to receipt. So all seems good there again.
    1 point
  43. Not really having fun to just inform someone of the facts, how they handle the information you give them is all on them, you're doing nothing wrong by doing that. Could the rule-abiding players not just say hey we're not playing with that/those guys because they keep breaking the rules? Has nobody gone and had an adult conversation with them over it? I know we're supposed to just tut and carry on but sometimes shit needs to be said.
    1 point
  44. snuff

    Acceptable rates of fire

    Shit my nana said she was at knitting club.....fine figure of a lady there.
    1 point
  45. And a sight protector and a tracer unit and single, two and three point slings and a forward grip and a different pistol grip and a CQB stock and... Cancel your wedding plans now, you won't be able to afford it. Ahoy and welcome though. We're so-so on those Bulldogs, but they seem to be pretty standard V2 gearboxed M4s so anything that does go wrong should be fixable without too much drama. It'll doubtless migrate to become a loaner / backup / tinkering gun if you stick with the hobby.
    1 point
  46. Huh, seems like a lot of effort to go to to scam you, but looks like it. Sadly, I suspect this will be the eBay decision.
    1 point
  47. Haha. I get told I look like so many people. Last one was Linus Sebastian.
    1 point
  48. Sniper780

    LCT SVD teaser vid

    Interesting I imagine UK price are going to be quite high, especially with noprol I believe being the exclusive UK distribution agent, and they add their tax on top of the RRP.
    1 point
  49. This. It can also be applied in game as well as to your gear
    1 point
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