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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/10/21 in all areas

  1. Groot

    First night game

    Expectation Reality
    6 points
  2. Start of a Multicam loadout, which I always said I wouldn't do, but hey ho. Warrior low profile plate carrier, dangler, radio pouch and cargo pack all from UK Tactical. Ferro Concepts Slingster, BFG QD loops and Esstac KYWI triple 5.56 panel, single 5.56 and single pistol pouch from Tactical Kit, and an AATV t-shirt because it helps a brother out and, well, why not? Still waiting on the FRV shooters belt (hope they've sorted their deliveries out as only read the thread after I ordered, and a TMC 354DO holster.
    3 points
  3. Druid799

    First night game

    Unfortunately from experience I’d say @Grootis oh so spot on , you start off with great expectations of stealthily moving around darkened terrain like an SF god of war , silently taking out your enemy one by one or sneaking up on them all and taking them out with a perfectly coordinated strike but I’m afraid to say on the whole the reality is distinctly different to what you’d hopped for . Take a normal ‘run of the mill’ walk on game day multiple the lack of real following of the ‘game plan’ by oh I don’t know say 50 , then blind fold everyone taking part and then drop them all in a totally unknown area and your starting to approach the reality of an Airsoft night game ! 😳 its hard enough trying to function at night in a ‘combat training’ situation when it’s your daily job , stick a load of hyped up gung ho don’t take life too seriously Airsofters in the mix AND it’s all going to go to rat shit on a greased roller skate ! 🤦‍♂️ BUT if you go with an open mind not expecting too much you mite be lucky and have a few scary ‘gets the adrenaline running’ moments and bit of a giggle at someone else’s expense , because there’s nothing as funny as seeing your best mate OR a total geardo end up face down in a muddy puddle because they tripped over and went arse over tit in the darkness ! 🤣🤣
    3 points
  4. Groot

    First night game

    I am going to be brutally honest. Do not expect much. In my personal opinion. Airsoft at night, unless you have gucci nods. It's shit. Yeah you can sneak around for a bit and its fun enough if you are in a urban site that is actually well lit. So you can use the new shadows to go ninja. On sites where its just dark and you have to move by torch. Its generally really shit. In woodland, meh you will spend more time tripping over stuff or walking into shit than actually shooting. THEN when you do actually try and shoot something. You cannot tell what is hitting what, unless you want tracers. You will think you hit someone, you will be sure of it. You will get frustrated and then head back to bed for an early rise the following day. Sorry.
    3 points
  5. N is for Nuclear. N is for Nuprol.
    2 points
  6. This. I started at a practical pistol night with my son and it was great, lots of help and advice on hand and a good bunch of people. I shall be keeping an eye out for Tower's Practical Shooting nights.
    1 point
  7. Also worth noting that the 8's have a longer battery cable running from the Falcon controller, so easier to use with stock that supports crane / butterfly batteries in them. Also not all models have ambidextrous fire selectors on them, so those with only the switch on the left of the receiver will be easier to add a mechanical lock to them so that auto can never be selected. My Xmas bonus is going on an M908A which I'll be building a DMR from, I'll be moving my PTS EPS stock to it taking advantage of the longer battery cable, plus the metal body will be easier to add a bolt to the receiver to prevent the fire selector ever being set to auto as the selector is single sided.
    1 point
  8. My unit has been fine since I bought it ages ago. I feel like I am missing out by not getting to smash it into tiny pieces.
    1 point
  9. Adolf Hamster

    First night game

    you missed the blinding white light as someone lights up a 2 MegaLumen weapon light 6' away seconds before unloading half a mag......
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Nite games are fun but very hard to get bearings and decide who is who. It helps if you are familiar with the site but throw in a alien landscape and it's pot luck really. Even at the nae you can play all day on the Saturday and think, yep,I've got it nailed but come the night game it's a case of Fuck! Where am I? Lol. Last night game there I got three cracking kills with tracer and muzzle flash(spitfire).they shat themselves unfortunately they were my team😳 I find I have to keep asking marshalls which way is away?? Lol. But still it's a great adrenalin rush when you can lay in wait for 20 mins in a bush,hidden and then crack off a couple and hear the yells lol. Have fun👍
    1 point
  12. @RostokMcSpoons Bit of a guide for the different types of DE M90: 4 is polymer 6 is metal with a forged style body 7 is metal with a milled style body 8 is a different more TM spec body with a Geissele style handguard and a different stock For the M904s: The length varies with the letter A-D have metal handguards E, F and H have M4 stocks G, L and R have the PDW style stock. R and H have suppressors. G and E have different grips from the rest.
    1 point
  13. Postman delivers 10.5 ICS Barrel. 2x prom plates, modbutton, unity button, XT cylinder/head, ICS bolt stop assay, plastic spring guide with no thrust bearing. Fixed the DBAL button from: To:
    1 point
  14. Did you order the last 906E then?😁 Every time I go on there the one I want is sold out. Decided it was time to act and ordered myself the 906C version.
    1 point
  15. Adolf Hamster

    First night game

    make sure your main torch has a simple on/off switch, or a hold switch. the last thing you want is not to be able to turn your torch off in a hurry, it needs to be on-shoot-off if you have spare torches, take them and hide them in trees/covering areas so you can keep a place lit safely. expect any torch you use for this purpose to get shot to shit and hastily re-angled (or possibly pocketed) by the other team. expect on the attack to get lit up at point blank with no warning if you use a tracer then expect every burst you fire to be met with return fire expect anyone with decent nods (gen 2 or better) to be absolutely owning the place. and expect it to be colder than you're used to. in general night games can be pretty good fun if there's enough people of equal playing level, eg a well filled site of players without any decent nods can be pretty fun, especially on the defensive (which is biased at night even more than during the day)
    1 point
  16. Mr Dad

    Sniper rang? Really!

    Hi all. Thank you for all your help. So here’s what happened, the nozzle was damaged, don’t know how so it wasn’t sitting on the bucking right. So new nozzle, new harder bucking and a re-fit and double check and now I’m getting my 270fps and and 1.2j (ish) also changed to a m140 spring so it’s a lot easier to pull.
    1 point
  17. That was a joke btw, should have specified. Enjoy the paper weight for what it is and save up for something that will work. That co2 mag will die quicker than the gun did and while it does hold gas it'll kill the gun quicker.
    1 point
  18. concretesnail

    First night game

    I love night games, they are the best. Over the years I've never had the funds to have a set of nvgs, they are lottery win prezzie, but a few tips I found and things I've tried I'll pop below. Move less and listen more. Your eyes only really work in one direction, ears work 360°. Trim your kit, make sure you've got thing clipped where possible over velcro, it's really noisy when everything is quiet. Red light filters, white light hampers you night eyes while red light effects it much much less and is less noticed by some nvg units. I use a filter on a leash so it can be knocked off if need. Have fun.
    1 point
  19. Captain Darling

    THE TM MWS thread

    Yes, I own a modded MK18 and they are the same internally as far as I can see. It doesn’t look much like a MK18 now though
    1 point
  20. DON'T use it with Co2 😬 That will end with a catastrophic failure. A pistol has to have a Co2 nozzle valve to function properly and a strong slide to withstand the recoil. Pistols sold with a Co2 mag will be configured for their use. Is THIS the magazine you need? According to THIS, the HFC can use TM, WE, KJW and Taurus mags. Some may be a bit tight but will cycle. I applaud your scruples Maybe keep it for spares. Certain parts may be reusable with other pistols...
    1 point
  21. Expect not to shoot anyone... Seriously, the first night game I did I became seriously confused on my local site. I later learned to have a tight beam on my rif light and a wide one on my head torch.
    1 point
  22. Welcome buddy, you'll find lots of friendly players, have fun
    1 point
  23. Reasonable enough choices - I mean for a daft hobby where we play with toy guns. You might find that you can fog up any eye protection, plenty of us more padded gentlemen have that issue. You can try dual pane / "thermal lenses", various anti-fog potions (I like Revision wipes), or fan solutions, either DIY or Ex-Fog. Worst case, mesh is available, and we love HeroShark custom mesh goggles. See how you get on first though, just be aware that even with the magic of hop ups and heavy ammo, airsoft guns aren't as accurate or consistent as air guns. Mind you, if they were then nobody would ever emerge from cover.
    1 point
  24. I've just checked my spare nut and it does look like it's about 31mm . It might be worth contacting Fire support (I'd ring them) to see if the alternative nut is smaller. Otherwise as suggested a few wraps of PTFE tape might do the job. As an aside , if you aren't already it's worth joining the L119 Owners club on FB . Its an extremely knowledgable group and someone may have had the same issue and know a fix.
    1 point
  25. Same set up for me too , boefeng uv5 , fleabay fist mic . With my mounts one set fitted fine other side kept slipping (now that was annoying !)so I just put a piece of heat shrink on each leg and they stay in place fine after that .👍
    1 point
  26. So in an attempt to take a little pressure off of my head when wearing my ear pro and helmet, i found the combination was pressing on my temples and giving me head aches and making my ears hurt like hell from the head band being pressed down by the helmet. A few Google searches and armed with some knowledge and no skill I decided to 'modify' my Howard leight ear pro to be helmet mounted. To clarify they are out of warranty as this would invalidated it and its also pretty darn permanent. So here it is before hand.. helmet, ear pro and some earmore exfil mounts. So.. After cutting the leather headband and carefully avoiding the wires. Then using a dremmel to cut the metal wire mounts, I removed the headband then twisted the remaining wire mounts and removed them from the ear cups. Inserted the wire mounts on the earmore attachments into the ear cups, mounted them to the rails on my exfil and ran the wire under the helmet cover. All still works they have enough flex to be stored up or down for use. Simple enough for even me to do.
    1 point
  27. i went to stirlings 'themed' game at catterick last month. i think jacobs post has it covered, though i will add: from my sole experience i wouldnt expect you to be sleeping in game as its from 11-11 sat with a break overnight with a few hours on sunday ending at 11. cant remember if it was game on at 8 or 9. i slept in one of the aforementioned barns. i didn't see anyone with a tent,i dont see why you would need one, and i didnt see an obvious place where you put one. everything i needed to play with i had on me: loose bbs, spare batteries, water and snacks. there were 2 respawns in play and which one we used was dependent on the objective we had at the time. everything else i had in the car which was easily accessible. thats where i had my lunch and dinner. bring absolutely everything on the kit list and that does include a pen and paper as we were given our objective location and timings all at once, and quickly.
    1 point
  28. It’s Catterick FIBUA training village, so pretty big like. Would probably take you 15 minutes to walk from one side to the other?
    1 point
  29. I am. you have to use a couple of bits to do it. I use a cheap baofeng radio, this fist mic https://www.amazon.co.uk/EasyTalk-Speaker-Microphone-Portable-Talkies-KMC-17/dp/B0768Y2YSD/ref=sr_1_10?keywords=kenwood+speaker+mic&qid=1581976035&sr=8-10 then a 2.5mm to 3.5mm jack adapter as the fist mic has a 2.5mm hole and the howard leights have a 3.5mm cable. The whole set up works a treat and full credit goes to @SgtTalbert who recommended the leight/fist mic combo to me originally
    1 point
  30. I was, with my perfectly concealed flamingo shirt! There was some great yellow ad hoc squads pushing flanks and bases all day. Some wonderfully aggressive play from everyone it felt like. We somehow got wonky watch and all the barrels out in about 15-20 minutes. My friend definitely found that out, lol. MVP 100% goes to whoever dropped that training smoke on sandbag in the final minutes. Gave us the cover needed to get sandbag and diffuse the bomb.
    1 point
  31. Khyber

    help with lipos

    Hello, As stated, if they are not swollen they should be fine. I have no experience with airsoft/LiPo but do have experience with FPV drones which also use large capacity 6s LiPo so the care is the same. You may have lost a little performance/lifespan but should still be fine. If you have a balance charger that can storage charge them and tell you the internal resistance then put them to storage charge and check none of the cells have a crazy high resistance. If not then no damage has been done. I would highly recommend a decent LiPo bag that can withstand and enclose a LiPo fire. Not sure what airsoft marketed ones are out there but in the drone world Torvol make an extremely good LiPo bag which can mostly contain a fire inside with 15x large 6s batteries. https://www.unmannedtechshop.co.uk/product/torvol-lipo-safe-pouch-stealth-edition/?msclkid=904ade6809f213220991bf1e9d082c4a It could save your life one day. I personally would not trust any cheap unbranded LiPo bag. Never let your guard down with a LiPo they are probably the single most dangerous thing you own if not treated carefully. Apologies if you knew all this already... I just know when I got into FPV drones that this info was expressed very strongly to newcomers who didn't have experience with LiPo.
    1 point
  32. EDcase

    help with lipos

    Give em a little test in a gun. If they haven't swollen or distorted they should be OK. Make sure to keep them in a safe place the next time you charge them. (LiPo bag or metal tray)
    1 point
  33. I run different things depending on the type of site I'm playing on. If it's CQB or I'm feeling particularly fit, I'll run the JPC and shooters belt. For longer games, or on hot or wet days I'm really favouring a Virtus belt and Jayjays yoke. Loads of space for mags, water, BBs & gas, spare kit and snickers.
    1 point
  34. Today's game, everyone was calling hits, no overkills, generally people were there to enjoy the game and no shot guns. The previous week was a mixed bag of issues, people not respawinging after being hit, not calling hits, head shots despite centre mass being the bigger target, I am not bothered by head shots, had one this week, got a bleed from it, it wasn't intentional unlike the previous week when I had been hit in the head then a few seconds later, again with three more despite signalling and calling my hit. Overkill. So this weeks game was like a breath of fresh air.
    1 point
  35. DerDer

    LCT SVD teaser vid

    Seems like it would be about that. Taking Fire support prices, the GS SG1 is about 500 while the AK47 is about 650. So in the interest of speculation will predict £600 myself. Off course could be off and it might be closer to their RPD in price. Will be curious as to what the internals look like? Probably close to the Real sword or Cyma.
    1 point
  36. Raven R226. I'm just gonna stop hoping to stock nuprol guns, I cannot in good conscience sell this thing to someone when it can't hop a 0.2 out the box. Looks lovely externally, slide is nice and smooth, action is nice and smooth, but the hop is just... wafer thin as stock. Decided write this one off and buy it myself. Shimmed (read: put tape under) the hop arm until I can get something more permanent sorted out. At least it hops 0.25s now even with a drop in power. We'll see how it handles the field this weekend. On the other hand, Swiss arms adaptx holster, really, really happy with it. I didn't think a universal quick release holster was really doable but this is quite nice. And it's ambidextrous! I've fitted it to the R226 and my WE EU17 Gen 4, and it can fit both no worries. Takes some adjustment, some parts are a bit fiddly, but overall a fairly simple process. Again, field testing this weekend.
    1 point
  37. A more suspicious person would wonder at a new account bigging up a retailer as their first post. Not me though, I trust everything that I read online without question.
    1 point
  38. july_pi

    custom gbb

    【CUSTOM GBB WORKSHOP】 COLT XM16E1 model 603 rifle WE base deep marking, deep 0.3mm Steel out barrel custom stock ra tech teel bolt ra tech Magnetic Locking NPAS aluminum loading nozzle ra tech steel select real takedown pins real ejection port cover real forward assist real slip ring real crush washer real charging handle real rear sight real front swivel real trigger guard real handguard retainer Anodizing phosphate coating detail fix
    1 point
  39. july_pi

    custom gbb

    【CUSTOM GBB WORKSHOP】 Mauser kar98K Portuguese 1941 bell base spring version deep marking, deep 0.3 mm remove paint Anodizing Handmade black dye wwod Handmade dye detail fix
    1 point
  40. july_pi

    custom gbb

    【CUSTOM GBB WORKSHOP】 BERETTA 90 two WE base deep marking, deep 0.3mm
    1 point
  41. july_pi

    custom gbb

    【CUSTOM GBB WORKSHOP】 WW2 FN M1935 GERMANY WaA613 we base deep marking, deep 0.3 mm remove paint Handmade black dye
    1 point
  42. july_pi

    custom gbb

    【CUSTOM GBB WORKSHOP】 FN Browning Hi Power mk3 WE base deep marking, deep 0.3mm remove paint Handmade black dye
    1 point
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