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  1. Currently not working, but once I have a job I have plans to try a few things to fix it. This is Matilda my SMLE by Ironairsoft. It may not be the best sniper rifle available but it is by far the sexiest looking. It's gas powered and strips and functions like the real thing. The gas release valve on the mag blew up and they are discontinued so I cannot get parts but I will come up with something. I could either make a new magazine using different valves or maybe come up with some way of using small pistol mags. Oh and it can be fitted with an 18 inch long P1907 bayonet
    3 points
  2. Mr_Crabs

    Gun picture thread

    I think Honey Badger is like marmite.... except everyone hates it in two-tone
    2 points
  3. MrMcG

    what a result!

    Sooooo Used my Vector for the first time last night and what can I say other than what a great bloody gun. I was a little worried at how it would work underground in the cold but on nuprol red gas it was sublime. Didn't miss a beat all night and on full auto could easily empty the 49rd mag with enough gas to fill again. Such a relief to have something work and live up to expectation. The main shock was the weight of 5 mags and the rifle compared to the other ones I used... Drew a large crowd as well which was nice I am a happy man
    2 points
  4. Way back before the VCRA the sale of airsoft weapons was unregulated as they were viewed as toys, and in the beginning these toy guns really did look like toys. Then we saw the introduction of realistic looking weapons from the likes of Tokyo Marui. Again, in the early days, these things were expensive and generally had to be imported directly from Japan. Single-shot springers soon gave way to electric automatic weapons and before long Soft Air evolved into Airsoft and it became viable to use these sorts of weapons to skirmish. Airsoft started to become popular, and once this occurred the Chinese saw an opportunity to market copies of the TM stuff or to produce their own versions of the cheaper springer weapons. Before long a lot of retailers, including market stalls, were selling toy guns that looked like real weapons. Because these weapons were pocket money priced a lot of children were buying them and running around the streets with them; the so called 'springer kiddies'. This was at a time when there were big problems with the gang culture, and soon gang members were carrying these as they were almost indistinguishable from a real firearm unless examined closely. This let to a lot of high profile cases of Police firearms teams being deployed to people walking around with 'guns' only to find them carrying toys. There was a big movement nationally, following on from the trend in the USA, where mother's groups were campaigning to get guns banned - I can't remember exactly, but I think one of the groups were called 'Mother's Against Guns'. These groups put pressure onto the Government to take action. So, as part of a wide review of the powers to deal with violent crime, the Violent Crime Reduction Bill was proposed. There was lots of involvement from Airsofters to try and get the hobby recognised, but at the time our voice wasn't very strong, and the view that it would be safer to annoy a small niche group rather than allow these realistic looking toys into the hands of gang members who commit crime. The bill became an Act, and overnight retailers were no longer able to sell realistic looking toy guns and a problem was solved; Thankfully though airsofters were persistent and our voice became louder and a specific defense was introduced allowing airsofters to continue using such 'toys' for our hobby. As a side note on paintball markers. At the time paintball markers didn't resemble realistic firearms at all; it is only in recent years they have started to look like realistic weapons. As far as the law goes I would suggest it all depends on which legal person is looking at the legislations - personally, I feel that these realistic looking paintball makers would come under the VCRA, but this has not been tested in court as yet.
    2 points
  5. Happy

    Let's talk tactics

    Just my thoughts on tactics: 1. Tuck your elbows/knees/feet in when behind cover. I've scored a lot of kills shooting these areas as people don't get fully into cover. 2. Always follow a grenade into the room. The enemy will scarper on seeing the grenade come in leaving you with the opportunity to cut them down or mop up anyone smart enough to get in cover. Throwing in a grenade without following it gains no tactical advantage as you're not gaining ground and allows the enemy to reinforce that area. 3. Avoid bottlenecks/choke points unless you're defending. Even then be wary of the attackers finding a different way around. 4. Keep noise down to a minimum. If you're engaging someone or a group who you think are on your side just have one person shout to find out. That way if it's an enemy they don't work out how many of you are there and if it's a friendly then they will hear you easier. It becomes a right cluster f*** when you have two groups shouting "We're red!" at each other and neither can hear the other because everyone's shouting. 5. Keep moving. Even in a fall back game when you're on the defence. If you stay in one spot the enemy will pick up on that and gun you down. Even by simply switching to the other side of the corridor is sometimes enough to keep them guessing. Especially if you do it after every kill. 6. Actions speak louder than words. Rather than shout "push up!" like everyone else, actually do it. Unless it's a bloody ridiculous thing to do (like rushing a choke point on your own).
    2 points
  6. Spend at least £800 on gear to make yourself a complete shadow as you blend seamlessly with the terrain around you. Spend the remaining £200 of your budget on a £150 pistol and a horrendous AEG. Never move from behind a tree and don't run. Occasionally lean out and get shot, but for the most part spend your afternoon complaining other people aren't taking their hits and shouting for your team to 'move up'.
    2 points
  7. Albiscuit

    Great Looking Gear

    The new shop attached to The Mall had some LARP ninja stars for sale last week, was very tempted
    1 point
  8. Next time her mates are over walk about in just your pants with a helmet on rubbing your gun calling it "precious" and see how much of a lunatic they think you are then :op
    1 point
  9. NickM

    Ohshiboom or trmr x4

    You don't need a coin to reload the ohshi at all........ ( I know in their video they used a one pound coin but that's unnecessary and partly a joke ) Simply insert the blank, screw in the base with the blank, gently press the "wobble head" and reinsert the pin. They have competitions to reload them when the Ohshi guys turn up at the trade shows and stuff. Think their official record is something like 6 seconds. I've never timed myself but it doesn't take me all that long to reload it, I have used it on a room, recovered and reloaded it while the guys cleared the room and prepared to take the next, then used it on the next room. And as for loosing pins I'm still on the original I got with the grenade and I bought one of the first batch when they came out originally. The pin is now on one of those spring loaded lanyards you can put keys on, it was about £3 and means when I take the ohshi out of the pouch the pin pretty much automatically gets pulled and then it sits just above the pouch. If anything I will have to replace the pin due to it starting to bend after repeated use. The weekend before last I put 8 blanks through it. With probably about 20 over the last month. Mine has never gone off with the pin in either. If I was buying another BFG I would be 50/50, I enjoy the simplicity of the ohshi but the new bases for the TRMR make it a very interesting prospect. The tri shot and the ability to use any size blank with the appropriate base are great concepts especially the MagFlash. Who knows OhShi might decide to make something along the same lines.
    1 point
  10. Obviously a great seller with a high level of customer service honesty & integrity.... How did the seller test the gun prior to shipping if battery was f*cked ??? Witnesses - are these normally used when a version of events is being brought into question ie - to try and justify the truth and not a lie ??
    1 point
  11. Give the barrel a good clean too with the usual alcohol and squares of kitchen towel if you've not already - bio BBs, regardless of brand, tend to leave a fair bit more residue in the barrel.
    1 point
  12. Biosphere and Green Devil are the two I know are properly degradable. Madbull and G&G being a couple that aren't but can't confirm others. So yeh, buy new ones. They tend to start warping after a year.
    1 point
  13. Actually it depends on the brand. The issue with a lot of bio BBs is that they're not truly biodegradable - most of them still have a non-degradable shell on them. If that hasn't been broken then they're fine to use. The proper biodegradable ones will warp anyway like Adam says.
    1 point
  14. Yeah, think they absorb moisture in the air over time so expand a bit before degrading, best off chucking them if they're not sealed.
    1 point
  15. JackHG

    Gun picture thread

    Red two tone is better than the toxic green that mine are
    1 point
  16. Nah the Chest Set is not a chest rig or PC, it's kind of like an assault vest-webbing hybrid. I'm just advocating the use of a battle belt as it looks a bit more like PLCE webbing so you're less likely to get in trouble for having non-issue kit. Also it's a little more survival-orientated as there's space for loads of utility pouches to fit all of the stuff you want in it. The exercises run by my company seem to be much less 'by the books'. I decided to have something lightweight for this sort of thing, and it paid off as I took part in a scenario where we used an RAF Merlin to extract a 'VIP' and we needed to move around quickly. Ultimately it's your choice, I just had to suffer the use of webbing and the terrible Cadet Training Vests for several years before getting my own load carrying gear.
    1 point
  17. As Sitting Duck said 209 primers are much cheaper. 9mm are louder but I find it negligible and to be honest who can't hear either very clearly at 5 metres?!
    1 point
  18. Happy

    Let's talk tactics

    I pretty much do the same. Hurts like hell when you run into half the enemy team but you'll sure kill a lot of them first
    1 point
  19. Alright Marra nice to have someone from my old stomping ground. naturally being my home county I will always favour towards Northumberland but as far as airsoft is concerned you have landed into the Bermuda triangle. Noticed you posted you were in the CCF can't you talk them into it then you can use unit transport. if you get on the bus with ya combats and a rif they are likely to report you to the polis as awol from Otterburn.
    1 point
  20. Yeah I just missed him selling that rifle by 45 minutes, was well gutted
    1 point
  21. I second Kerby91's comment about the WE Bulldog well worth a look got one for my nephew to use as a back up I fired it once and nephew hasn't seen it since.
    1 point
  22. yes, as simple as that. three holes in an offset cam shape, load three .209 in chuck it - bang, and twist to the next. no repriming, no pins, just a twist, its nice and big and knurled so can be done with gloves on.
    1 point
  23. I have been asked to change sides once when it was one sided and the other team were constantly getting pinned. I actually like being on the bad teams side it gives you more opportunities to shoot people and really get stuck in.
    1 point
  24. ImTriggerHappy

    Let's talk tactics

    Playing Cqb I tend to run into which ever room or corridor the grenade came from. No one ever expects it and is normally easy pickings.
    1 point
  25. Mr_Crabs

    Gun picture thread

    My Honey badger AM-14 I know two tone sucks but I am u18 so can't help it
    1 point
  26. Yeah, I've been split up before too. Last Thursday was so one sided though that I guess it made me think otherwise. Thursday nights have far less players than Sundays so the odds that it could end up beign unbalanced is greater I reckon.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. I second the 4x for long range. Being able to see your bb in flight is the only way to reach out to the end of your range with any degree of wind without hosing down an area. If you're using an AEG, then the latter is an option. With a GBBR, you're stuck with semi auto and you need the precision that a magnified optic offers. It does come at a cost though. Raising the gun to aim down the sight takes a little longer with magnification than with a dot sight, but in the extreme close range where it matters a lot, I don't even bother with the backup sights and I just "feel" where I'm shooting. At a push I'll turn on my torch so I can see the bb flight clearly, but for most of the time I'm either using the scope for long range, using the backup irons for the close /medium range and not bothering at all in CQB
    1 point
  29. I have a VISIONKING 1.25-5x26 on my Scar L and it's spot on! I've gone from wasting mags of ammo trying to hit people out of range to now carrying 4 mids and a 1 Hi cap. A scope is great fun on an AEG (Unless your playstyle is to "Spray and prey").
    1 point
  30. Thanks baxter me an the bro are at alnwick. If you know where that is. If not... Then I'll post a map in the next post..
    1 point
  31. Not sure if this is a troll post... Good luck getting them through customs without a UKARA number and being underage. Especially since it's illegal for you to purchase one (regardless of whether it's two toned or not) unless you got an adult to do it for you. Expect it to be seized by customs and destroyed but that doesn't mean it won't arrive at all - there have been times when RIFs have sailed through customs before.
    1 point
  32. After finding a guide to correct insignia locations for my Aussie service dress, I moved everything around to be spot on. This left a gap between the rank stripes and unit colour patch. I was feeling in need of a pick me up so for a small expenditure I added a marksmanship qualification. £8 from soldier of fortune. I know some people say you shouldn't wear it unless you earned it but since the brass badge has not been used since 1943 (earlier in the UK), I feel there is no risk of anyone thinking I earned it. It's a nice little bit of bling and when doing re-enactment it helps emphasise the different starting ability with firearms between British and Australian recruits in WW2. Most British troops would have never held a gun before, most Australians would have been using them from a young age. It's therefore logical that many Aussies would have been able to pass the marksmanship qualification very easily.
    1 point
  33. Haha, You 'gun nut' you! ;D
    1 point
  34. Snakeeyes75

    Orange tips

    Maybe email Evike? There must be a US seller that can sell you some plastic flashhiders in orange. Normally they come with a tiny grubscrew, dare I say it but superglue it on Another option... break the gun down and send it to atleast 3 locations in the US. (Do you have friends or family over there?) use a different name and it should be fine!
    1 point
  35. airsofter2015

    Let's talk tactics

    Most of the time i spend three quarters of the game out as i get shot straight away.
    1 point
  36. After the first game everyone has to choose whether to keep or remove the tape. Perhaps there's a bit of unspoken tactical tape removal/keeping, but if there's a secret facebook group or something then i'm not in the know hehe! There's definitely a group of local regulars who seem to know each other in day-to-day life and they usually seem to be on same team, but in my mind that's no different to any other group of mates being on same team. There's definately twice as many regular lone-gunmen like myself or triggerhappy for example, and the marshals seem good at splitting regulars between the teams, they ask for show of hands after first game. Last time i went couple weeks back all the regular faces kept the orange tape, but where quickly split between the two teams. I've been switched to other team halfway through the day a few times.
    1 point
  37. Alex34

    Let's talk tactics

    I find a lot of it depends on what weapons you're using. Military tactics seldomly work in cqb. You tend to find your own niche after several skirmishes. I just go with the flow really... as long as you're having fun nothing else matters.
    1 point
  38. Colonel Kurtz

    Let's talk tactics

    Hard to offer solid tactics, so I'll offer a few common scenarios and their basic principals. Patience is definitely key to successful sneaky bastardry, and this is the best way to shoot more people than you get shot (perhaps often not best to win objectives/points, might have to leave your team to do that while you increase their chances with lots of kills). Also not wasting valuable time to revel in shooting people/ capturing an area when you could be making a decent advantage and many more kills from it. During a game people will develop an idea of what areas are controlled by them and what by the other team. The further away from the front lines you go, the more complacent people get, and a couple corridors/rooms away they'll all just be casually strolling up the the front lines guns pointing at the floor, unless they're new to the site and don't know where they are lol. It's better to keep sneaking further behind the lines and clear a whole room of people than move parallel and only get a couple. So after you get past the front line you're free to rush around more, as your unlikely to encounter someone waiting for you/camping a doorway etc, just unprepared strollers. In this manner if you can defeat/sneak-past/let-go-past-you an initial group to get past the front-line, you can then shoot lots of people guns down strolling up to it while you dash through to another section of the front-line and shoot them all in the back because no-one's covering the door/direction their team is coming from. To achieve you might have to let people pass you while hidden in a corner etc. But again patience is key, if you hear someone coming, why pop out and engage them (and probably get them due to surprise) when you can let them and their team-mates pass and shoot all 3 in the back. Then if you can dash through to where they came from before they start walking back, their team won't have seen it happen so wont be expecting enemy coming through where they just saw their team push into. It's all a judgement call based on whether you have space/time/opportunity. Gun ho tactics are best used when there's a corridor stalemate or similar. You'll probably get shot more than you shoot in these situations, but the sooner this stalemate is resolved by one team pushing more than the other, the sooner you can get back to being a sneaky bastard. One point I'll make is about the 'casual strollers' is this is in my experience when people cheat the most in airsoft. If someones strolling up to the front line in a zone they consider their teams/safe and they feel a hit, their first assumption isn't going to be 'oh my god the other teams pushed forward this far', it'll be 'oh god some muppet on my team who doesn't know where they are has shot me, i'll ignore it'. I've found it's 50/50 at best to whether they'll take the hit without you having to point yourself out to them. I've lost count of the number of times the opp has responded with 'wtf are you doing' or 'i'm on your team' and me have to say 'i'm shooting you, i'm on the green team' or 'no we're not, I'm green and you're dead'. A best-case scenario is someone taking the hit but not realizing it was you or you're on the opp team and storming back to respawn muttering about team-killers, as that wont spoke the rest of them. To me it seems like the CQB equivalent of the common woe of snipers in woodland skirmish. I have the luxury of a site where there's many available routes and much potential for flanking, I'm not sure what it's like at strike-force but might be a bit linear/square from the looks of it, and much harder to get past the 'front'line'. So yeah, basically try be patient and maximize the potential for shooting lots of people in a sneaky/cowardly fashion, rather than spend your advantage on shooting one/two in a fair fight. As you can imagine I am much loved for such tactics at my local CQB site, and the average airsofter is mature enough to not get emotionally frustrated about being shot in the back a dozen dif times, certainly not to the point where they'll bitch or even make false claims of having hit you when they do finally get a 1vs1 fair opportunity (which you gotta agree to as why not give the guy something to keep their ego balanced, unless they're well rude, then they can go f*ck themselves and waste a marshals time following me around for a game if they really feel the need)
    1 point
  39. This was asked before and unfortunately we couldn't find one then: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/13031-kwa-m93r-stock/ Looks like you'll have to shell out for one. Don't get them from the US though - go East or the postage is through the roof.
    1 point
  40. ImTriggerHappy

    Great Looking Gear

    If I saw someone turn up with them shin pads or that hard shell vest I would take the piss badly. Best looking kit would be a tshirt or lightweight top, combat trousers for the pockets and some sort of lightweight rig/belt. Because then you look like you are there to run around and play airsoft. With that sort of kit you just look like a girl whose scared of getting a little owwie. The only armour kit that looks good and is good for airsoft is some of the masks/helmets. The rest is just unnecessary and should be banned.
    1 point
  41. TheFull9

    Osprey mk4 or other PC?

    The Osprey is an armour carrier for conventional troops with a whole crap load of space for soft armour protection, not just a plate carrier. Hence, in an environment such as airsoft and military cadets where you're not getting blown up by IEDs, RPGs and other IDF, it does not make any sense at all. It's huge, bulky and heavy; massively over the top compared to a decent set of webbing as mentioned. Personally I'd never recommend them to anyone for airsoft, child or adult, total overkill. If people like the look/for brit mil impressions then sure, but in terms of practicality - poor choice compared to many other options on the market.
    1 point
  42. I have more issues organising all my mates to turn up than I do fitting a game around the rest of my life!
    1 point
  43. I use a shortdot, its 1x-4x adjustable scope. It kind of gives me the best of both worlds for close up combat with the 1x and for the extent of the range firing or spotting with the 4x. Being able to see where you BBs are precisely going at long range is quite important especially in the wind. But I use 1x just as much as I use 4x even in the woodland, I wouldn't want to be without the 1x.
    1 point
  44. Baz JJ

    Understanding optics

    I think I have nearly all the different optics in one form or other. My favourite is the ACOG or the Raytheon ELCAN - I find the magnification really useful in long range airsoft use and if you shoot with both eyes open, you keep good peripheral vision. To get decent quality on an ACOG, you will provably need to spend a bit more, I would just stay with ironsights until I had enough to buy a reasonable one.
    1 point
  45. DMRs too? Hngg.
    1 point
  46. TRMR Multishot in Hot Pink (got to be different ) HW Kydex Holster for TRMR Multishot in Black
    1 point
  47. Antt570

    Gun picture thread

    Got a little busy this afternoon with my Firehawk and SAS-12. I've always liked the whole "post apoc" and battered feeling! I'm looking to add a few bits, maybe some rope/tape. Maybe give them a steampunk feel! I've only ever painted a one coat on RiF's... Thought I'd get the paint brush and sponge out and paint away! Also have this "post apoc" looking chair in the garden so thought I'd use that to stage them on (Sorry for photo spam and bad quality!) You can't see it clearly but on this side, on the red dot I have stenciled "Antt570"
    1 point
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