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  1. I often wonder what is happening when someone doesn't take their hit. Guess it depends on the player as i've told a mate once or twice he has been hit in the past year or so as I heard it but i'd assume he didn't and i'm confident he wouldn't shrug a hit off if he was aware of it. On Sunday I heard the distinct noise of a shot hitting a chaps chest rig, he didn't take it but took the second shot. Later that day a player rushed me, lacing up the cover I was behind but missed me, he then hit the ground 5-10 metres away from me. I put my rifle on the ground, drew my pistol and fired a few rounds and hear the sound of one hitting fabric(almost certainly on his calf for reference). I heard no call of "hit!" so I said "mate I heard that hit you" at which point he took the hit. I think the thing to note is that we all miss the odd hit. I've had two instances since I started of a marshal telling me I was hit when I wasn't aware of it(although one I am almost certain it hit another play, but I took it without question anyway) - What I mean is give the player the benefit of the doubt unless it's consistent One thing that does concern me is the rise of recording game footage. Fine in itself but when the footage is used as a witch hunt it all becomes very iffy. I played a game recently where we were told that a sniper had footage of a player not taking hits and if they ID'ed the player they would be banned. Issue with this is that you don't know if it is a case of a player neither hearing nor feeling the shot and also I'm sure I am not the only one that has jumped as a shot whizzes by them which could be misconstrued as flinching(you will reflexively move away from the direction of the shot as if you were hit) I am actually quite concerned that jumping when you are taken by surprise could be taken as conclusive proof that, actually you flinched and as such are a cheat. I am all for politely telling people they have been hit though. It's something that is only sensible to do within earshot so you aren't shouting across a field. It all depends on how you phrase it, and bizarrely the only time I have had the player disagree is when I saw multiple BBs bounce off them at close range. At that point it meant they have hit me by blatantly cheating so I just take the hit and carry on with the rest of my day.
    2 points
  2. SUSAT replica (apparently i get a 5% discount for being a member of POW) my capsules arrived. i bought 20 and received 30
    2 points
  3. proffrink

    L96 Mag Pouches

    Here you go. It'll fit two side-by-side or ontop of one another pretty damn perfectly:
    2 points
  4. Some places tend to do them all in 1 batch every so often, and can be sitting around for a while. If you want it on ASAP send it in to Patrol Base, James or Jack will stick it on as they open the envelope
    2 points
  5. ImTriggerHappy

    Not taking hits?

    What has rentals got to do with none hit taking?
    2 points
  6. MZKaleem

    Gun picture thread

    My newest guns, and the three I'll be using the most throughout NAE later this month. Top one is a CYMA AK, I added a rail system, which required some "dremelling" to get it to work, (I guess it was designed for a AK47, not a 74 style front end..?) The Middle one is a Black FNX-45 Tactical, just got this today, really awesome kick on it, got it for £115 on Airsoft-worlds new auction thingy. considering their "sale" price is £150, not too shabby for a brand new pistol. Bottom is my ICS L85, got an Elcan for it, currently It's got a G36k flash hider on it because the pistol took all of my money and made me poor lol.
    2 points
  7. CASV M4 arrived today and dropped the P* Jack into it:
    2 points
  8. Colonel Kurtz

    Not taking hits?

    Airsoft relies on people taking their hits, otherwise it'd devolve into a sadomasochistic event where people just shoot each other until someone uses the safety-word or has to change their underpants. In my experience, everyone who plays airsoft regularly has the right idea about taking hits and how to behave in their mind. However, many people aren't used to adrenaline, or any shade of combat, and many people can behave in a manner they're hopefully embarrassed about once the juices get going. People can get trapped in the moment, and the most common kind of non-hit-taking i witness is those who don't acknowledge the hit until their current purpose has been completed (like the person they're shooting at taking the hit). Then the logic side of the brain takes back over from caveman and order ensues. There's nothing airsoft can do to stamp it out other than turning it into laser-quest, or making everyone use tracers, or have 1 marshal per person like in some those mental Japanese tournaments I've seen online. The best thing the community can do is to make the process of taking the hit seem easier and more enjoyable. This is achieved by all those good-sporting types who congratulate people when hit and cheerfully skip back to re-spawn. Kudos to you all, I try, but sometimes barely able to squeak 'hit' let alone any kind of congrats (the arm goes up with a raised thumb on reflex now, I've beaten the paintball urge to check my clothing for marks finally hehe)
    2 points
  9. Lastman

    Suppressor for my G&G R8-L

    As the title suggests, I want a suppressor/silencer for my R8-L. It's standard apart from the DMR setup with a sight and bipod. I love the gun but the extended barrel just looks bare. The suppressor I would like, if it is available, would screw onto the barrel as normal but have an extended sleeve to cover the barrel and go inside the rail assembly. I took some measurements Barrel diameter - 19mm Barrel length (exposed from the front of the rail to the start of the screw end for silencer) - 119mm Inside diameter of rail - 33.5mm Allowable depth inside rail assembly - 32mm Any suggestions?
    1 point
  10. Andy the owner of UCAP is famous for hating anything involving UKARA. +1 to Combat South though, my first RIF came from them in a hire purchase scheme with UCAP.
    1 point
  11. I have exactly the same problem there. Its the double edged sword of tracers, its good to see what your hitting but twice as irritating when they dont call it. I do find though that most people if I point out nicely that they had been hit tend to take it and go back to regen. If they dont then I aim for the parts they cant ignore.
    1 point
  12. EvilMonkee

    Not taking hits?

    I find it frustrating at the Mall as I always run a tracer and can SEE THEM BOUNCING OFF YOU, YOU UTTER C*NT...sorry had to let that out. Better now
    1 point
  13. This thread never fails to deliver.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Today's 'Bargain' is brought to you by Meths and toilet duck (Presumably) £290??? Unless the suppressor is made out of solid gold, Is this guy for real?
    1 point
  16. Cheers, its good to know that they can go side by side, its my preferred orientation. Gonna get one of these ordered in A-Tacs.
    1 point
  17. MrMcG

    Not taking hits?

    Actually found the rental/noobs to be pretty good at epsom theh tend to turn up in thin jumpers and trousers so they know when they have been pinged seeing as epsom is also full auto cqb you tend to get a yelp and screamno chance of denying a hit on that. Last week though a veteran was not only bullet proof he also ignored tbe rules of where you could and couldnt go claimed he was hiding in a room which 5 of us swept so had to have come from the tunnel not in use to get behind us Bit frustrating but when we got our chance 5 people with full auto made it all better
    1 point
  18. Garage/mancave missus nor kids venture in there, ever!!
    1 point
  19. Guns: In hard cases or boxes under the bed... Or in bits on my work desk. Gear: Has it's own dedicated set of drawers and shelf in my wardrobe. Ghillie Suit: In the shed for a very good reason.
    1 point
  20. Placed another order with UK Tactical for a Warrior Assault Systems black PLB belt, slim-line dump pouch, and a holster. They had 20% off so could not resist buying more kit.
    1 point
  21. A mate of mine being a chippie has made a weapons & kit cupboard out of MDF & has done it a way that it blends in with all the furniture He's done it in an alcove and has disguised the front as a normal display cupboard so you can't see any evidence of the alcove As I don't have the room in my bedroom, I've got 2 cupboards with a work bench between them, all the small items go under the lowest drawer in both cupboards & rifles, bags & other large items are under my bed so I have it on wheels to roll out
    1 point
  22. My visionking and 30mm qd mount arrived this morning, omg it's nice
    1 point
  23. proffrink

    L96 Mag Pouches

    I have one of the Warrior .338 mag pouches and some APS-2 magazines. I can test and will report back later this evening.
    1 point
  24. These look good, warrior kit is always good quality, am i right in thinking they will fit 2 MB-01 mags, as they are about half the size of a .338 magazine?
    1 point
  25. There won't be a pouch specifically for the MB01, but what about these? http://uktactical.com/search.aspx?SearchTerm=338 Or some kind of sniper rifle magazine pouch in general. Looks like if the magazines were just a bit smaller they could fit in pistol mag pouches like most other sniper rifle ones, which is a shame cos you can get them much cheaper.
    1 point
  26. Just add an accompanying note saying you're about to buy a gun from them soon and you need to get yourself onto the database. I did mine at ZeroOneAirsoft. You get an email when you're entered onto the database and I put my order in straight afterwards.
    1 point
  27. Jedi_Master

    Not taking hits?

    Having only used rentals to date and taken all my hits (must have re-spawned 30+ times in my first skirmish), I would be more inclined to say it can be some of those players in full plate carrier/kit who do not feel the hit. I have never noticed any post game welts other than on my arms and legs, where it is definitely stings in game when hit.
    1 point
  28. I know there are other threads on this but they did make it very clear. Can someone who is under 18, with site membership, spray paint a two tone gun a realistic colour? Is this a good enough defence? Sorry if this is a stupid question
    1 point
  29. yes, there is no age restriction on the manufacture of a RIF, only sale and purchase.
    1 point
  30. Antt570

    Theme music

    Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball
    1 point
  31. jcheeseright

    Not taking hits?

    I generally tend to aim for legs arms or faces, even with full face protection a whack in the boat race is enough to make most people call it.
    1 point
  32. I think we would like to blame rental noobs and yup seen crazy crap like lifting masks in middle of game I could say a fair percentage are the younger players - perhaps young rental noobs But there is also some veterans or older players taking it way too seriously no way did that little 12yr old JBBG $hit take out me & my TM mofo gun little $hit was camping I'm not having that so close to objective..... But non-hit takers are not the biggest ar$eholes..... I think the gobby players abusing other younger team members, screaming & bitching then doing the same mouthing off to marshals when they pull them up looks a lot worse Seriously - You look real bell-ends, despite that some players/marshals may not be perfect either but causing a scene only makes it worse and in then end it is just a game with toy guns - nowt to stress out over that said - if I got a bit pumped up or had an internal hissy fit myself I'm sorry to anybody seeing me throw my dummy I think I've tried to mellow out a bit and see it as a "fun" sport rather than a "win" sport
    1 point
  33. Russell down at Combat South is an absolute legend. Only place I'd send my custom. Highest recommendation possible!
    1 point
  34. Welcome. As a new player I have only experienced the UCAP Bunker (I will be down there in the darkness tonight) but I want to try the other two UCAP sites of Woodland and Sandpit. I will have to ask tonight to see if I can get any information on whether there is a new CQB place to get Up Close And Personal.
    1 point
  35. Randymanpipe

    Not taking hits?

    One word. RENTALS. That is all.
    1 point
  36. Sitting Duck

    Not taking hits?

    Yup I'll admit to delayed reaction when pumped up Group of people screaming at me OK ffs I didn't recognise it in that split second coz I couldn't work out where it came from. A fortnight ago one bb must have grazed my top arm so much I called it but asked a marshal if he had hit tested me but said no, like I said I called it already and was obviously enemy just just grazed me to think it came from marshal on my left side. End of the day, don't take it too seriously or get too worked up about it all. Then you just call it even if unsure Which is the exactly what airsoft relies upon Don't get too stressed if you see a bb bounce of an enemy, just tell yourself they need a two hit handicap and go for the second shot, followed by the rest of you mag until the bastid calls it. Seriously, all sites the odd incident or dubious player(s) Kids rental or noobs usually but you do get the odd veteran from time to time. If it bothers you or gets too much and marshals do little then try another site coz numerous non-hit takers can really ruin game/fun or even a site's reputation I hopefully play as fair as possible hopefully just calling it at times that it might be rebound If I feel 2 shots that were most likely to be rebounds I call it just in case it was a direct hit I haven't seen Well that the way I think/play with my hand on heart
    1 point
  37. Gaurder is the one mate
    1 point
  38. I could have sworn somebody already posted this, video here, obviously not. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VnTGEEVzax4
    1 point
  39. n1ckh

    "Service" M4 AEG

    No worries mate If ain't broke Leave it the Fuck alone
    1 point
  40. Mr Monkey Nuts

    Theme music

    Very cliche but ... Still pretty epic for a 320 year old score.
    1 point
  41. Hey there guys! Do you know what's better than paying vastly over the top prices? Buying it all in a single package, so you pay EVEN MORE!
    1 point
  42. Happy

    Theme music

    If it's the 80s then it just has to be this:
    1 point
  43. Just got a few 5.11 tactical items for my PMC kit. See its not all WW2! :-D
    1 point
  44. One the marshal told me The Malls been broken into a fair few times, they've arrived in the morning to find an open door or similar. Mostly 'urban explorers', and no-ones burnt the place down yet. Most the vandalism there seems to be done by muppets during games, trying to shoot out lights etc. Also told me an amusing tale of a 'terminator' game, where the terminator spotted someone in casual clothing in the basement and shot at them. The guy ran off so the terminator followed him, and got to one the fire-escapes which was open. Their guess is it was another explorer! i chuckle at the thought of what must have gone through that guys mind when he broke into an abandoned building, walked round the first corner and encountered a very realistic looking terminator holding a rifle. Personally after escaping my first step would have been to check i hadn't traveled in time when stepping though the door...
    1 point
  45. Shooters cut dude, really high and super manouverable, considering they are on offer at £120 AND I got emailed a further 20% discount code for this week, how could I refuse?
    1 point
  46. shooters cut or normal one Spatch? got another order from UKT...damn discounts!!.....just some small bits, grimlocks and web dominators
    1 point
  47. New warrior recon plate in coyote with some warrior fast mag pouches, cargo pack and 'name pouch arriving tomorrow along with the 2 Mike cripps custom pistols I've had built as this time I just couldn't be arsed to build some more and one of my houses has sold so who cares about money
    1 point
  48. Lol Yeh man. I wore them as a extra precaution. When I was standing with my arm up I got a funny feeling about "that" BB....it sailed straight into Captain Winky....The padding cut down the worst of the sting but I was glad I was wearing them. The only things I really protect seriously is my eyes (Hero shark all the way) my ears (I play bass in a band so wont risk injury to my hearing) and my palace of fun. all the rest will accept bruises no worries.
    1 point
  49. Samurai

    Not taking hits?

    That's no excuse. If you can't feel it, you still can hear it.
    1 point
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