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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/15 in all areas

  1. FatHeadLovell

    Washing bb's

    You should always wash your balls before using them. Ladies appreciate it
    11 points
  2. NickM

    Washing bb's

    Mostly because the blaster bottle caps are crap, every one I have ever had has split, they aren't designed to withstand any pressure, even slightly over tightening them causes them to break. Coke bottles are designed to be far more robust. My heavy weight ammo comes in plastic bags. I have a supply of 500ml coke bottles and a slightly ocd nature that means I want them in matching bottles. So I now have a washed set (about 2000 of each) of .20 for chrono. 0.25, 0.28, 0.30, 0.36, 0.40, 0.43 and 0.45.
    3 points
  3. Pinned down with nowhere to go. Finally built up enough balls to run out past the 6 foot gap that bbs were flyin through and make it to freedom. Deep breath and away I went. Made it! Put the breaks on, body stopped but feet didn't. Must have tried to stop on the only pile of bbs in sight! Next thing I know am looking the ceiling and beside me is my m4 minus it's stock which is now inserted in my anus.
    3 points
  4. Hey all, I was asked a while ago to do a review on the OPS combat clothing I got from Hueys, this was inspired purely by a copy of airsoft international and my need to always buy things that are slightly different! So without further ado – I bought the following from Huey’s OPS combat shirt multicam Black OPS combat trousers multicam Black OPS plate carrier multicam Black The only downside really is the stock levels that are maintained I was waiting for around a month or so before the above all came into stock luckily the guys had me on the list and let me know the second it came in! This is how the kit looks now after 3 uses at Epsom Tunnels, for those that don’t know it’s a dark dirty and damp environment so good clothing is essential, I previously wore jeans and well it didn’t go to well for me. The trousers and top have the option to add removable protective inserts for the elbows and knees and these come with it this was one of the reasons I went for the brand as my worst pain so far has been dropping onto my knee and landing square on a BB seriously this was far worse than being shot or cracking a bone in my foot I was incapacitated for a good few minutes whilst crawling along the floor in the dark.. Not a manly look. Plus I then had damp jeans for the rest of the bleeding night double whammy. So far the quality of them I think is brilliant, they are very comfy and have endless amounts of pockets and storage space I haven’t felt the damp yet and it does a great job of taking the edge off the bb hits. I do have the habit of jumping on the floor and crawling or bashing into walls and wood, I haven’t noticed any damage marks or tears to the clothing so durability seems to be good as well. The temperature is normally around 1-4 degrees as well but you get warm running around so it’s not noticeable the real test will be when I take this kit outside which will hopefully be soon. Pleasingly it blends really well into the darkness better infact than my all black outfit I used to wear ( yes the jeans ) people said that it appeared as a void and just shot me, with the multicam black on more than one instance I have managed to creep up on people or indeed have them walk past me oblivious cue pistol to arse shot As you can see with the trousers there are plenty of pockets and storage compartments, some of which can easily hold m4 mags, the knee pads are a solid construction and have prevented bb knee syndrome as I know call it so I am eternally grateful for that and no longer scared of the floor. My missus said they make my backside look good to so I guess that’s approval from her… The waist is adjustable too which is grand via some Velcro straps, the only thing I’m not keen on is driving in them while done up as they really can dig in when sitting or playing it doesn’t happen I have only noticed it while in the car although that could just be the silly seats I have. I haven’t owned any clothing like this before but the biggest compliment I can pay is since I bought these I haven’t looked at all for any other clothing. I use a Blackhawk thick belt with it too which fits nicely through the waist band hoops you won’t have any issues getting a belt through this. Overall I am really impressed with the trousers as they do have a hefty price tag in comparison with other brands but from my experience with them I don’t regret paying it. The shirt is a simple no nonsense piece again very comfy and you forget you’re wearing it, the elbow pads have been a nice touch when clattering into walls avoiding a barrage of BB’s. It also does a very good job of dispersing sweat I wear a T shirt underneath and it’s never soaked so kudos to the shirt for that. You have Velcro points on the arm for badges and what not or if you’re like me and have a crazy mate who just buys hello kitty storm troopers and sticks it on without you noticing. Not too much to comment really on the top as it is a shirt but matches the trousers is the same quality and shows no signs of wear or damage cant moan! The plate carrier this is probably my favourite thing, but also my most loathed due to the availability of pouches and accessories for it! It’s a lovely piece of kit I think, very well made and very comfortable I think it looks great too with plenty of space and molle attachments, it seems a sleeker design than some others too but it hasn’t been a hindrance yet. In its current guise it is set up with the following Admin pouch medium with pistol mag Admin pouch large with pistol mag x 2 Dump bag M 4 mag x 2 556 mag x 2 Grenade pouch Water bladder pouch and 3 ltr bladder OPS sling mount ( great little thing ) Sadly the majority of this has come from abroad due to stock levels in the UK but a man has to do what a man has to do! I also have some SMG mag pouches but wont use them until I get my P90 and ill probably build another plate carrier anyhow the one you see now is still work in progress as I haven’t decided what my main weapon will be yet. With all this attached and rigged it doesn’t feel uncomfortable or overbearing you may notice the grenade pouch is black as I can’t find a multicam version of it sadly but hopefully one will appear. Nothing has broken or fallen off in the 3 harsh games I have given it so durability so far is good and for me comfort is great which for me is key. Currently im very pleased with the purchases and the kit shows no signs of wear or damage, it’s also washed up very nice too, what will be interesting is to see how it holds up with prolonged use and outdoor conditions I personally think it will hold up totally fine and I have no intentions of looking for any other form of combat gear. I love the look and the feel of it also that its unique im yet to see anyone with a similar look to me at Epsom. Would I recommend it, Yes I would if you want the black/dark special ops look or something different it ticks those boxes impressively for what is a high initial cost if it continues like this it will be a very worthy investment that will last years to come. Hope this is of use to you all and any questions fire away
    2 points
  5. Ever been on a super cool 6 kill CQB streak and then ran into a door frame? Vaulted a trench to storm a dugout but fallen flat on your face at the worst possible time? Basically this is for us to share those stories where something went wrong in unexpected ways or right in spectacular style! I managed to clear 3 rooms in Tin town at my local site while feeling like Seal team 6 when the worlds smallest/stealthiest 12 year old literally appeared from behind a fence post and knifed me in the face. Replaying it in my head I have not the faintest clue how a human can hide behind a fence post so bloody well!
    2 points
  6. Happy

    Washing bb's

    I only wash my sniper rifle BBs. Just to remove the grease that comes on them so it doesn't instead rub off going through the hop up. Soak in diet coke for fifteen minutes, another fifteen in soapy water and then left to air dry on a towel. It's easier and quicker cleaning the BBs in one go rather than disassembling/cleaning the hop up after every game day.
    2 points
  7. Raggedy_man


    And that's stolen! Fantastic!
    2 points
  8. a video from my mate Ian, at my local site. According to Ian he when down then got straight back up no one realized how long he was down for till he re-watched the video.
    2 points
  9. on a serious note, my l96 is shooting at 500fps with 0.2's ... its gunna hurt if i shoot people below my min engagement distance. i don't want to be accused to ignoring it etc in my mind its a safety thing.
    2 points
  10. Your welcome glad you can find happiness in our misfortune. On that note, I recently had the a painter and decorator at my house who left after a couple of days without warnin. Next thing police "knock" at my door concerned I was planing an attack. What really happened was I had set all my kit out for a days Airsoft the next day, the painter had seen all this (not in a room he was supposed to go in, think he was havin a good look around) left and went to the police. The lesson of the storie is: Shoot everyone who enters, they may leave and you don't get the chance again.
    2 points
  11. Sitting Duck


    plus on here we are beholden to no single store so we can freely say buy this from there this is a good shop - don't buy that from z1 get if from ak2m4 or lwa or Gunfire etc....... (without having our bottoms slapped - yes please beat me hard ya bitch) only downside to this place - ME
    2 points
  12. beastmode


    Welcome to a civilised forum
    2 points
  13. I was at the malls, half the team were pinned by fire from one of the shops so I heroically stormed to the side of the shop front, prepped a flashbang and promptly threw it into some camo netting hanging 12" in front of me. I laughed, the marshal right opposite me laughed, it went bang and I went deaf. Good times.
    2 points
  14. I've been booked in for this one since Josh announced it. Will definitely try and get a lot of pictures taken for you guys
    2 points
  15. Alton towers would make a pretty good site. Just don't go on the smiler
    2 points
  16. beastmode

    phone protection

    I keep mine in the car. Don't want people disturbing me while I'm pew pewing anyway.
    2 points
  17. Recently bought a g&g l85A2 from here. Was cheaper than most the online retailers. Had to order it in which only took 2 days. Top notch service. Not really much of a website but the shop it self is pretty good as they sell tones of army surplus. Very good service will be going back for more gear soon.
    1 point
  18. Standbystandby


    So I've been the travelling airsoft guy for a few months now and had a great time. I have noticed one key thing..... Marshals can make or break a day. I have been to a few sites where the marshals were professional and calm let the day flow freely. Sadly at some sites I have witnessed what can only be described as egotistical show offs acting as if they a special forces and you are plebs...who happen to pay for that privilege. I like many others airsoft for fun and maybe a bit long in tooth for that crap! I would be interested in you guys opinions on it?
    1 point
  19. Airsoft_Mr B

    Which holster

    What pistol do you have? A hard moulded holster would be best but they are not available for every gun, and replicas like WEs are usually off compared to the real dimensions. Also, you are supposed to have magazines on your left (as a right handed shooter) rather than reaching across to reload. I personally don't see why you'd want magazines where your holster is.
    1 point
  20. Adam3088

    fobus paddle holster

    I'd avoid fabric holsters, tried a WAS dropleg one before getting a fobus, it cost me a magazine. They're not always very secure and can occasionally press down on the mag release, or at least that's what I found with my G19. Stick with plastic holsters, much more secure imo.
    1 point
  21. I saw an enemy on the other side of a door, we couldn't shoot each other without being out, so I threw a grenade into the corner of a door frame, hoping it would bounce and land where he was standing. But no, it bounced back towards me and I stood there dumbfounded whilst everyone laughed at me. Happy times
    1 point
  22. Does anyone else have the same issue as me. You're walking around somewhere, be it a city centre, tourist attraction or wherever and I'm thinking this would make a great airsoft site!
    1 point
  23. Antt570

    Places to shoot it out.

    A little disrespectful on the dead but... Just watch "As above, so below" and had this idea. Paris Catacombs
    1 point
  24. Polarstar JACK Ninja LPR and 42" line Element PEQ
    1 point
  25. DEF

    backup AEG

    Pistols are cool. For that reason alone it's great to have one!
    1 point
  26. Lozart

    backup AEG

    I'd get a backup rifle first. If you play mostly cqb you can get away with using a pistol but then you'll need extra mags so...
    1 point
  27. Dannn

    Washing bb's

    I do clean rifle, mags and pistol after each game... And the bottles will be rinsed out too. If I'm using very modified pistol and aeg which I've spend fortunes on I'm going to make sure everything is just so. As for washing... Get a bucket throw your balls in, I use pure soap flakes as it doesn't leave any residue at all give them a good rattle about, then rinse off a few times to get anything off them that's left then (ask the gf/wife to help😆)pour in to your wife's/ mums siv or couldiner rinse again, put them in a clean bowl, dry your bucket out put them back in and use a none fluffy towel to dry them, them I leave them in the conservatory to dry off for a day, nice smooth clean balls ready for action!
    1 point
  28. I also wear martial arts style junk protection. mrs haze wouldnt be interested if i came home with a load of welts on my bell hahaha That's a small target, I don't think you run much risk 😂
    1 point
  29. Jedi_Master

    Washing bb's

    So a newb question. Should you always wash your balls before using them? Or do you only do that with cheaper brands?
    1 point
  30. I have the cheapo polystyrene one, i removed the poly insert and put my own pads in. If youve got a fat head and small buget, this is the way to go. i find the helmet/headset/lower mesh combo gives me more confidence to run em down. Where as with a ball cap and sawflys i tend to be more cautious. I also wear martial arts style junk protection. mrs haze wouldnt be interested if i came home with a load of welts on my bell hahaha
    1 point
  31. skarra333


    1 point
  32. Antt570

    Places to shoot it out.

    Definitely not haha! Though.. the loadouts would be pretty cool!
    1 point
  33. Now that's one awesome set up! I may have to look next month.
    1 point
  34. R34V3R


    See thats what i thought, it just seems the Z1 forums are a breeding ground for FFB (Fuck, Fail and Bullshit).
    1 point
  35. Does it leave marks? I took a few to the chest and shoulder this weekend which have left a good old welt
    1 point
  36. This wasn't me, but we had just started a round and there was quite a steep and long slope down from our ridge to the playing area, and it had rained all night. This un-slender chap starts going down, and towards the top slips and lands with a massive thud on his back side and slips down about half a metre. But rather than face the indignity of trying to get up on a slippy slope with nothing to hold, he paused, started using his feet, and tobogganed on his rear-end down the remaining 10 metres or so yelling "banzai!" Suffice to say, he styled out of his fall like a pro in my opinion.
    1 point
  37. There is non oppressive ear protection out there.
    1 point
  38. Getting shot on the ear, I'm fairly sure that's the pain the eternally dammed have inflicted on them!
    1 point
  39. proffrink


    I couldn't agree more. It's a job that needs to be taken seriously, but some take it a little too seriously and that's when things get really bad. I'd rather have stand off-ish marshals than ones that try to pick up on every detail and constantly micromanage the games.
    1 point
  40. A farm with about 1 mile of surrounding land. With vehicles and tanks and helicopters and planes and boats and hovercraft and apc's and afv's and I got a bit overexcited 😛
    1 point
  41. Try having to buy 3 of everything as I've got 14 & 15 year old sons
    1 point
  42. Josh95

    Gloves, talk to me

    I have some cheepo £4 fingerless gloves with knuckles... had them for over a year theyre great. IMO you dont need these fancy pants gucci operator MLG gloves
    1 point
  43. Sitting Duck

    Krytac bb's

    I'm thinking of getting some of my crappy guns engraved Instead of KRYTAC - I'm looking into getting MY-CRAP engraved on them (mind you think the engraving would cost more than what my guns are worth) ((soz derailing thread once again))
    1 point
  44. BBrotherwood

    Noobs and Milsims

    Role playing with airsoft guns is the best description for the Okto Games. Its a lot of fun because of it as well. Most of the MDF (Government) team was just in DPMs or Flaktarn with a simple rifle and chest rig or plate carrier. The biggest irony was that the rebels seemed to have the more gucci kit then us...
    1 point
  45. Update: Thanks to all your help, I have bought the Krytac Trident CRB and kitting it up with new scope and angled foregrip
    1 point
  46. marcruss

    Marcruss stores Bristol

    ive been there for thirty years
    1 point
  47. Thorpe Park - not too far from the Mall in Reading then
    1 point
  48. Welcome aboard Everyone's a noob at some point, but not for long, so don't worry about asking stuff, there's no dumb questions. So ask away. If you're doing CQB, obviously light and maneuverable is the thing. So gun-wise, small is good: UZI, Mac 10/11, MP5K, P90, AKS74U, Skorpion, short M4, tactical shotgun etc. Keep in mind that some CQB sites are semi-auto only, and those that aren't may still have a semi-auto only rule at short ranges, so avoid anything that can't go semi-auto, such as the ASG STEN gun (well, not without modification anyway), which would otherwise be a good CQB choice. Also be aware that many small SMGs such as the UZI and the Skorpion have high rates of fire and comparatively small mags, which can easily leave you out of ammo at an awkward moment, whereas most things like an AEG MP5K or AEG AKS74U, will come with a high cap mag (typically something like 300 rounds), so there's less expense initially in not needing to buy spare mags straight away, and the likelihood is that the one high cap mag will last the entire fight without the need to reload. Most people and most guides will tell new players to not worry about a pistol until later, and whilst that is generally good advice, in CQB, a pistol is a good thing to have to hand, and you could even go pistol only at some small CQB sites. But, it being winter, gas blowback pistols can be iffy choices, since they can struggle to work well in cold temperatures, so if you are considering a pistol, then either a non-blowback gas one is a better choice, since they are cheaper and more efficient on gas, or more preferably, an electric semi-auto pistol, since they'll perform okay all-year-round whether it is hot or cold. At a push you can use a cheap cock and fire springer pistol, but it's slower and not ideal, although they do have the virtue of being reliable and inexpensive. A plastic knife is also a good thing for CQB, since although you can touch someone with your hand and say 'knife kill' at most sites, and it will count, one thing you cannot do is throw your hand, whereas obviously you can throw a plastic knife, and as with a BB, a hit anywhere on someone with a thrown knife will count as a kill. Make sure anything you do buy has a bendy plastic/rubber blade though, or you will not be able to use it. Similarly, grenades can be a game-changer in CQB. But be sure to check with your regular site as to which kind are permissible (typically that will be BFGs - blank firing grenades - but check anyway). they can be pricey, so make sure that if you do get one, you don't get one that is something you cannot use at your local site, for example, some pyro grenades cannot be used at sites where there is combustible material such as curtains in the place. If you get a tactical vest or webbing, be sure to get something that you can easily open and close the pouches on when it's cramped and dark (as it often is in CQB). Practicality wins over cool looks every time. Ebay and Amazon are the place to look for inexpensive ones. Worry about getting cool top notch crap later on. Get a small portable torch. You can mount a tac light on your weapon, and that's a good idea in CQB, but a small torch is also good to have for things like reloading and such. Make sure you wear full face protection and cover your neck, a helmet is good too, but a baseball cap will suffice. You will take more hits to the head than anywhere else in CQB, and at those kind of short ranges, even a sh*tty cheap springer pistol will fire a BB fast enough to smash a tooth out. An Arabian Keffiyah (shemagh) scarf will provide good neck protection, and you really do want to cover your neck, because a BB hit on your Adam's Apple will make your eyes water, and it will also draw blood. Take a small water bottle, even in winter you will dehydrate when running and diving about all over the place. Consider knee and elbow pads. CQB sites invariably have hard concrete floors, and that will hurt your knees if you kneel down behind cover. failing that, consider wearing long johns under your combat pants, they will help to stop hits hurting so much, will keep you warm in the present winter and will also provide additional protection from hit, bumps and bruises. Gloves are not a bad idea too. Your hands will take hits, since they are generally exposed to fire because you are holding your weapon with them, and a BB hit on the fingernail in cold weather will hurt like a motherf*cker. Any old thin leather gloves from a cheapy shop will do, but make sure they are a snug fit so that you can operate your weapon's safety catch easily. Hope some of that helps. You'll be an old hand in no time, but when it comes to buying gear, think carefully and don't let your heart rule your head. Almost everyone who starts out ends up buying some crap that they later don't use or regret having bought, so be sure to ask on this site if you are unsure about whether anything is a good or bad choice. Airsoft gear may not be free, but good advice is, and there is plenty available from the people on here. Have fun and enjoy it. It's a really cool hobby to have and one which will let you do many cool things.
    1 point
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