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  1. What do you mean "changing to"?
    3 points
  2. Esoterick

    CQB injuries

    Oh is this going to be a reverse snobbery thing again? I've played with lots of bellends in both hoodies and jeans and high end loadouts. Just as some people want to run cheap and cheerful setups some people like having really nice quality gear. Please don't read too much into it.
    3 points
  3. ImTriggerHappy

    CQB injuries

    Thats why face pro is always a good idea.Never understood the people who dont wear it. I have seen some people laughing about face pro and saying people are soft for wearing it but wonder if they still think that when paying £600 to get the broken tooth capped.
    3 points
  4. TheFull9

    Vest pouches

    If you don't actually know what it is you're missing, then it's not essential. All I have on me equipment wise is ammo, a pistol, my phone and wallet. Water as well if it's an outdoor game where I'd be any distance from the safe zone for more than half an hour or so, but I'm mostly playing small/indoor sites anyway. That's a beefy armour carrier as it is by modern standards, don't load it down any more than you need to. Literally everyone that's been playing enough years goes through these phases, you pile on more and more, realise you're not using it then take it all back off again. Just think about what you find yourself actually really needing to use while you're in a game and only carry that. Don't be lured in to carrying 2 extra speed loaders, 5 grenades, a tool kit, a days' rations and 3 litres of water etc etc etc if you're only playing standard games (around an hour). Some people like having all that on them and that's fine too, but as I say just tailor what you're carrying to the games you're playing and get rid of what you don't need. I can always tell the seasoned players when I rock up to a site as they'll generally have a simple, well-sorted loadout of a small belt or chest rig and a light weapon. Save yourself the 'middle man' as it were.
    2 points
  5. TheFull9

    Rail Covers

    Of course the metal clip scratched paint off the rail. It's a sharp metal edge scraping against super cheap airsoft paint; that is going to happen and the real KAC panels those are cloned from do the same thing. The other issues are different but the paint scratching is not the fault of the particular covers you've purchased.
    2 points
  6. Mack

    Scopes and Bipods

    Another vote for vision king. I have there Shortdot and the glass is top notch. Heres there ebay store, They have best offer on most scopes and usually can get £10 or so off the listed price. http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/Sights-Scopes-/7307/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=25&_ssn=vktechltd11
    2 points
  7. proffrink

    Scopes and Bipods

    Visionking; they're all excellent and very well built. Extremely clear lenses. Check DHGate as they sell direct on there for a lot less.
    2 points
  8. You won't miss me mate. I have Daniel written across my left hand. And my neck tattooed. So if you see me before I see you. Come tap me on the shoulder!
    2 points
  9. So when are you changing your name to Boba?
    2 points
  10. Yeah. The thing about Thursdays are its straight to the point. Its enough gameplay and short breaks. More for reloading than anything else.
    2 points
  11. So Tactical Outfitters finally came good!
    2 points
  12. Hi all. I took the plunge and bought the type 97. It's a fantastic quality gun, probably better than my g36k shock from TM. Just a warning to anyone else, I swapped the spring for an M100 and it's now at 370fps. Hopefully it will settle down or I'll be cutting a coil off I guess.. Thanks for your help.
    2 points
  13. Albiscuit

    Slings and vest

    I deliberated on all sorts of carrying aids for skirmishes. I was sold on a plate carrier as i wanted the protection in cqb and the option to carry loads of things by putting pouches all over it.. However i couldnt get in with one.. found it restricting and bulky so i bought a chest rig... loved it and customised ot with extra pouches. Now i feel i carry too much stuff but always fins myself wanting more pouches to be able to carry more kit... Its dangerous. I carry too much but need so much more!!!. My (long winded) point is only you wikl know what you need and want to use once you play often. I find myself constantly adjusting loadouts and kit.. But then i play cqb and woodland and have a couple of guns which require different pouches so its not easy knowing what to have.. Theres no such thing as THE PERFECT loadout as we arw all didferent with different guns and needs. Id love a low profile set up bit ots not my style. We tend to tweek loadouts and kit after each game..
    2 points
  14. Clovisspike

    P90 slings

    Hi all, I don't post very often, well at all if I'm honest, however I found a very cheap way to make a chest sling for a p90 aeg. If like others you are having difficulty in locating one or if you nave found one, such as from the vest guy, which costs a fortune this cheap way will save you those precious pennies so you can by more airsoft stuff. Basically I bought a go pro chest camera mount from Amazon for the massive price of £5.74 😀, added a connector clip to the P90 and the chest plate and away you go, a perfectly fitting chest mount for a fraction of the cost of an "actual" mount. I've attached the link for your ease and even left a review on Amazon as I was that impressed. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00ECU4H30?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00 The only extra bits are a couple of clips, one for the chest plate and the other for the rear of the p90 and a bit of strapping which I took off an old backpack and job done. Hope this helps guys.
    2 points
  15. The Mall is one of those places where team work doesn't. The CQB in there is pretty chaotic and the end result is its hard to stay with your team mates or work together in any reasonable way. You list line up at the fatal funnel and try to fight through it and that is about all you can do there. There are teams in the woodland games where we have medic rules so staying together and fighting tactically are worth it.
    2 points
  16. Albiscuit


    There was a guy at Dorking a few weeks ago who was almost blue head to toe due to picking up a smoke nade to throw back just as burst out Looked like a smurf!!
    2 points
  17. Cady

    CQB injuries

    Walked round a corner one time, only to find a bloke there with a shotgun. Took a few BB's to the hand from about 3ft resulting in a golf ball sized knuckle for a week. Lesson learned,got some nice gloves after that
    1 point
  18. In airsoft I use 'the farce' more than 'the force' it's similar but not entirely intentional ("omg that actually hit him")
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Airsoft_Mr B

    Scopes and Bipods

    Have a look at Nikko Stirling ones and say save £10-£15 for Picatinny mounts.
    1 point
  21. You will have a much better idea of what you want in 6 months time. Besides once you start messing with the gun you'll appreciate having a backup in the cupboard.
    1 point
  22. I've very much found that people either love the Mall or just can't stand it. If you take the time to learn your way around it's a great place. They've recently changed the layout and opened up some more routes out of the basement so the spawn camping/funnel of doom should be less pronounced but it's ALWAYS an issue in an enclosed environment like that. Personally I love the place but I can see how it doesn't suit everyone!
    1 point
  23. I'll be there tonight, I'll be the one who looks like Chachi from Happy Days and holding an MP7
    1 point
  24. BrightCandle

    Scopes and Bipods

    Before Christmas I was looking for a shortdot for my rifle, ie 1-4x. I looked through a lot of scopes and my conclusion was unless I spent £100 or so I was going to have a lot of parallax, colouration and other problems, not least of which was often they were more like 1.5 or even 2x at the lowest magnification. So I ended up buying a real steel Bushnell which was about £120 IIRC. Its very clear, about 1.1x on the low end and has good turrets you can get to and move with your hands for adjusting zero. I know why people don't want to spend that sort of money, I wanted to spend £40 as well I just couldn't find anything I was really happy with at that price point. I view this the same as laptops, you need to take yourself down to Pc World and actually use a £400 laptop, just open up notepad and start typing and compare that to the £1000 one next to it and you'll see the difference immediately. Go look at some scopes in a gun shop and an airsoft shop and you'll determine if you can live with the problems of the cheap ones or not. A great example for me was before the shortdot I was looking at the 3x flip to the side in pro airsoft. Turned out the eye relief was really small, to the point where I thought it was likely my goggles would interfere! That put an end to that possible purchase in an instant. Wouldn't have realised how bad it was unless I tried it. I think its the way to go because without experience of a decent scope its hard to evaluate the airsoft one other than "works".
    1 point
  25. Albiscuit

    Slings and vest

    Excuse the typos.. fat fingers n small phone whilst walking are a bad combo.. im actually surprised there are not more!!
    1 point
  26. MrMcG

    Another new guy!

    Thanks all Looks like i have my first game planned with my mate next wednesday at Epsom Tunnels just making sure we can make it at, Looking forward to it get these 3 games under my belt then I can purchase my own weapons. As for loadout and gear I cant help but think of copying the SAS layout from the OLD cod days with the gas mask hehehe I guess thats what this is about enjoying and mimicking who and what you admire.
    1 point
  27. Clovisspike

    P90 slings

    As to testing I simple attached the P90 and kind of swung it around a bit ( over soft cushions mind). Seriously I have tested this on a few skirmishes with no problem whatsoever.
    1 point
  28. The hardest part is looking as anti-social and miserable as possible, so you don't get people coming over and try to talk to you. Even then you get someone appear next to you "oh wow, Ive got that scope too, we're like scope brothers"
    1 point
  29. Colonel Kurtz

    Slings and vest

    Yeah, I think you only really need a vest to spread weight if you're carrying lots of heavy stuff, otherwise belt does the job and you don't get quite as bad patch of sweat underneath lol. Vest is also prob better than belt if you're a portly gentleman and it's hard to get the belt to comfortably sit round your waist. vest will support the weight from the shoulders, belt from the waist, so upper/lower body strength could be considered. I could kick a tree in half but struggle to bend a spoon (non psychically) so i go for the belt.
    1 point
  30. I mainly play alone. I prefer just getting on and playing and not having to worry about anyone else. Or maybe I am just an antisocial barsteward
    1 point
  31. Snakeeyes75

    Scopes and Bipods

    I have the Hawke Optic http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hawke-Sport-HD-IR-4-12x50-AO-Mil-Dot-Illuminated-Telescopic-Rifle-Scope-HK3019-/231256213901?hash=item35d7f1c98d I don't think they make it anymore but there's the "Updated" version on their website. I paid £65 for mine (Mounting rings sold separately) and it's a top quality piece of kit! Crystal clear glass with optic, Nitro gassed to prevent internal fogging, Paralax adjustment and more than enough zoom for airsoft! I know you can buy the cheapo £25 China scopes but when you compare the quality there's no question! In regards to bipods, perconal choice but on my VSR I don't bother! It's so light I can hold it steady naturally and I find it way more manoeuvrable that way! If you are really into one then Harris bipods are the best but be prepared to pay about £70+ for an original! (China clones are much cheaper)
    1 point
  32. Yeah agreed, I'm happy to pay 10-20% extra knowing it's keeping lots of the people who founded the sport going, rather than get it all dirt cheap in a Walmart forced the local grocer to shut-down kinda way
    1 point
  33. You will buy that, then get bored because it will be everything you want. Yes TM are good for the brand, however there are more then a few who have pointed out issues with their internals. I am going to be the voice of reason here.. Since you are newer to airsoft, why not get a decent entry level (£120) or Amateur (£240) and then learn about the sport. Put that extra money aside for things like gear / holsters, a side arm / Uprgades.. Heck you can get all of that for less then that gun, and then you can start learning the internals and upgrading them. If it all goes badly you've not spent £££ on something that you may not want.
    1 point
  34. Zak Da Mack

    CQB injuries

    I do usually wear a lower face mask, but I've never really gotten used to them and can make aiming a PITA for me. If I consider the risk low enough, like I'm unlikely to get shot at alot for whatever reason, I'll try and get away without a full face mask. I feel like in airsoft, many people only think about the most serious consequences when you choose to do this or that. The ALARA principle needs to be thought of. And I think like everyone else, I'd only shoot someone in the face if it was the only part showing and that I'd be waiting for some time for them to reveal the rest of their body.
    1 point
  35. You cannot go wrong with TM... plain and simple. Are they worth the money? I haven't heard a REAL TM owner complain yet. Do yourself a favour and have a test drive of TM recoils and other AEGs at your local shop. Even if you don't get to shoot them, handle them and shake them about... decide for yourself.
    1 point
  36. Esoterick

    CQB injuries

    Yep I also think there's definitely no black and white divide. For instance I know a chap who is a really good player but he completely loses the plot if he takes even 1 BB after he has been shot. Whilst it's quite funny to watch what I'm saying is people are all different. I think the main thing really is do what you enjoy provided it clearly isn't something that would be malicious to other players(e.g throwing BFGs overarm or overkilling players just because) - Don't let this be that other people are bad because they don't do what you do, even though both your choices are perfectly valid.
    1 point
  37. Colonel Kurtz

    CQB injuries

    Hehehe I don't think demographic has anything to do with it, perhaps if you can divide people into how calm/in control they are, or as Esoterick perfectly puts it how much a bell-end they are, but that isn't the same split as kit/experience. Perhaps rentals are more prone to this as they haven't gotten used to the excitement/rush yet, you'll always get one in a group of them. But plenty people have all the gear and play less often, or don't experience adrenaline in much else in life. As for snobbery, can't we all just get along, or at least shoot each other in an 18th century dueling gentlemanly fashion?
    1 point
  38. Colonel Kurtz

    Slings and vest

    3 point sling you connect to a couple points on the gun, front and back, so the gun it supported at both ends and therefore stays more level when not being held. This is more suitable for rifle sized guns. Personally I find this easier to walk around but harder to sprint around compared to single. Single point sling connects to the gun on a single point, the back, so the guns only supported from one end and will hang down towards the floor. More suitable for CQB sized guns, and easier to sprint around with i find. Dont have to get a vest if it seems like too much clothing, can just get a Molle belt (molle is the name of the system used to attach stuff to stuff, essentially two lines of loops), which i find enough room to fit 4 mag pouches on one side and pistol on the other. Essentially you either buy a vest with molle or a belt with molle and then buy and attach the pouches, or you can buy a vest with inbuilt pouches. Most people prefer molle as it's possible to customise/adjust to your ergonomic needs Don't think you've missed anything you'd need to carry during a game, unless you get comms or reusable grenade might need some more pouches. You won't need to carry a spare battery, just swap it at lunch and you'll be all good. You'd prob want to head back to the safe-zone to swap the battery even if it did run-out mid-game.
    1 point
  39. Zak Da Mack

    CQB injuries

    I didn't wear my hat or lower face pro last time I went the the school. Needless to say, I took a few nasty ones to the face and got an especially nasty one from a few meters away to the temple as I stuck my head or the door to peek round the corner. Didn't realise till later that I had blood dripping down my ear. I'll remember to wear my face pro next time and not leave it in the safe zone
    1 point
  40. TM everyday if you can afford it. My regular skirmishing weapon is a Tokyo Marui MC51 which I had imported from Japan about 17 years ago. I thought she died recently, but it was just the hop rubber had perished (can't think why?). A friend of mine has a large collection of airsoft weapons (we are talking over 100) and has several TM weapons that are over 15 years old, and they fire without missing a beat. Granted, they aren't skirmished with, but still...
    1 point
  41. Lozart

    High Cap Mags

    This^ Oh the irony.....
    1 point
  42. n1ckh

    CQB injuries

    Your spot on there trig, I know I certainly talk about welts I just received but it's usually my mate I wind up as he wears goggles & hat so he usually gets tagged in the middle of his forehead I like winding up noobs or rentals with my scars & say this or that happens, it sometimes stops them charging in but we do need cannon fodder from time to time
    1 point
  43. Happy

    CQB injuries

    Surprisingly enough, no haha. She spent way more on MTB bikes and gear than I ever would on Airsoft lol All my injuries were over the course of the last two years. The broken fingers was the worst since I had to ditch my rifle and run just pistol all day. I had paid my £35, I was determined to get my monies worth lol! (Though the ex really was pissed after that injury haha)
    1 point
  44. Colonel Kurtz

    CQB injuries

    i started about a foot away when going round the corner but the other guy was right on the corner with barrel raised, him being a foot back would indeed prob made the difference! My only solace is he didn't seem to enjoy having someone knock him over/ fall on top him while moaning and holding their cock either
    1 point
  45. It makes me laugh when people advertise anything as 'brand new but only used once' soon as you buy something, it's no longer brand new but 2nd hand
    1 point
  46. TheFull9


    All the pics of the CA gun I can find show it with the gas blocks in black, whereas Ollie's has the light grey hue as per an A&K gun. The quick-change barrels might be compatible between brands admittedly but if it was a test gun the MoD was trying out it's unlikely they'd have swapped parts like that around between guns I reckon. AFAIK nobody's manufactured an airsoft Minimi with the para stock and that thinner old-school 'Mk1' handguard but given where that gun's come from they probably took the US style handguard off and replaced it with the style we issue (that's my guess anyway).
    1 point
  47. Can of Krylon spray paint in Olive Drab and a bottle of WE Nuprol .32g BBs from Patrolbase Trying a new type of ammo in my sniper rifle as I'm struggling wih my current black ammo to see if it makes it to target. Also intend to respray said rifle to match my local outdoor site's scenery. Thinking a black/tan/olive vertical tiger stripe pattern is in order
    1 point
  48. So had a game day yesterday to run my Tippmann and SMP at my usual site. Wasn't expecting much and had my Cba mind on. First game ok to long and a lot of standing waiting for something to happen or a lot walking. 2 1/2 hrs of that. Stopped for dinner. Afternoon game started in the smaller side of the site and what a game. Brilliantly setup, plenty of action, BBs flying, pyro going off here there and everywhere, Vatara was in play as well. Has defo made me think twice about quitting or not. More games like that as it was new and I'll defo be staying with the sport. Tried some Nuprol .28s in my SMP & Tippmann which were awesome, took a few top shots which I thought might be out of range but nope hands going up for a hit.
    1 point
  49. M_P

    Real Sword Type 97

    It's a real sword so the quality surpasses almost anything else out there. Stick to 7.4 lipos to be on the safe side, but they're very good guns and you won't need anything more in reality anyway
    1 point
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