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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/23 in all areas

  1. As a complete newbie to the game, I've now played twice at Alpha55 in North Wales over the last couple of weeks. The first day I completely forgot that I am an overweight, unfit 50 year old and was running around like I was still in my 20s. A couple of hours in and I slowed down. Really slowed down but it was still loved every minute. Slowing down let me play a different game. I used to play a lot of paintball when i was in my teens and remember it being a rush of speed to get to the flag but, I've realised, airsoft is a much more tactical game and by the end of the day I was talking more to my team and planning the attack. I was absolutely worn out by the end of the day but I havent grinned like that in a while. The week after I booked myself and my 15 year old daughter to play at the same site. It was so hot, even at 9:30, that the old DPMs I'd brought for us were discarded and we played in just our t-shirts. She was a little apprehensive of being shot and held back in the first game but soon got into it after the inevitable hit. We worked well as a team, giving each other covering fire as we pushed forward to the objective. I was so happy, and really proud, of being there with my baby. She hates it when I call her my baby, but she is the youngest! I talked to a lot of people there, especially on the second day, about their kit and equipment. Ive already done a deal on a 2nd hand, but hardly used and like new, Valken RIF. Its the same as the sites hire RIF so I'm quite comfortable using it. I know its only a starter and I will probably upgrade to something better in time but for now its brilliant. The site is great. It's all woodland with a lots of different buildings, towers, CQB areas and the like. It was very well run, very professional. It made me feel safe. The hire kit was great, all well looked after and unlimited BBs. On the first day I used about half, of the supplied 2500 ish, over the day. On the second day i had to refill my carrier twice! My new spending addiction is coming into clear view!
    5 points
  2. I'll raise you almost the entire tm spring catalogue, kwc and some other strange stragglers 😁
    5 points
  3. JinxDuh

    Comrades needed

    Ask an airsofter that looks friendly about their gun, even if you think it looks like shite. No doubt they'd love to chat about it, and then you're already a foot in the door!
    4 points
  4. ZakLav-

    Gun picture thread

    Got my Rossi “L119A2” back from Negative Airsoft who has once again absolutely smashed the build. Now time for painting!
    3 points
  5. EvilMonkee

    Comrades needed

    For the love of all thats Holy don't go to Phoenix. It's plain awful and habituated by one of the worst Airsoft 'celebs' out there. Go anywhere else local, trust me on this
    3 points
  6. Original 1991 Tokyo Mario springer Desert Eagle. Oh the fun me and my bruv had with this! I also had a Beretta 92f that ran off a compression tank/pump which was rather fun. But that was sold at uni for beer. Things are somewhat different now....
    3 points
  7. Just so happen to have that out, it the ktw George Washington model.
    3 points
  8. 3 points
  9. At a guess I'd say one of these Section 13 of the Terrorism Act 2000 states " 13Uniform (1)A person in a public place commits an offence if he— (a)wears an item of clothing, or (b)wears, carries or displays an article, in such a way or in such circumstances as to arouse reasonable suspicion that he is a member or supporter of a proscribed organisation. (2)A constable in Scotland may arrest a person without a warrant if he has reasonable grounds to suspect that the person is guilty of an offence under this section. (3)A person guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable on summary conviction to— (a)imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, (b)a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale, or (c)both. If you're worried then you better stick to the old Ludwig Van
    3 points
  10. Adenley

    Gun picture thread

    I felt the need to show this one off. After years of searching I somehow managed to stumble upon this wonderful TM Aug A1 with the steel HBAR kit with the correct bipod and flash hider. Not sure how rare these kits are but I’ve only come across a small hand-full of these. Just wish I could get myself a drum mag for it it. The inner barrel is a ridiculous 655mm in length
    3 points
  11. Beorn

    Comrades needed

    I started playing late last year and have been going solo. I found it weird at first and was a bit uncomfortable but eventually you'll become comfortable especially after a few times at the same site. Third time playing at a site recently, got talking to a guy and before you know it we were playing as buddies all day which was a ton of fun, so its definitely possible to make friends if you persevere
    2 points
  12. Tackle

    Comrades needed

    Alex, welcome, don't sweat it, most airsofters are a very friendly bunch & you'll usually find everyone is soon chatting to each other in the safezone, with exception of those cheating hpa wankers, they're usually sitting in the corner on their own fiddling with their regulators, or each other 😜
    2 points
  13. Strictly speaking they were always illegal in Russia anyway, which is one of the reasons why they only opened an office in Russia last November But laws don’t count in Russia if your Putins mate and / or pay him off. …. and of course Wagner never were mercenaries, they have always been a deniable part of the Russian army
    2 points
  14. @DanBowWelcome to the hobby first of all. Always good to get new people shooting bbs 🙂 Dont feel like you need to upgrade just because it is a starter ( and ignore the brand snobs ), so long as you are having fun with it. As someone who started in the early 2000’s, starter aeg have come a really, really long way, they are highly playable and enjoyable.
    2 points
  15. So uh... some you of guys may remember this: Or this: And maybe this: Well, I'm glad you're back! Because here comes the fourth iteration which combines the strengths of each previous model. I'll keep this short and sweet. As per usual, the MOSQUITO is a 3D printed, open-source airsoft kit that is super compact and lightweight. This newest iteration now only requires an AK-style V3 gearbox as there is now a custom 3D printed hop-up chamber. In addition, from the above images, there is now a front and rear wired battery solution so that you don't have to get angry at me anymore for having to rewire your gearbox. You can find the STL and STEP files on the Printables page here: MOSQUITO Airsoft Kit (Open Beta 2) by HYBRID AIRSOFT | Download free STL model | Printables.com There is also an 86 page handbook that I wrote up which details the 3D printing and assembly steps (have fun with that). I hope you guys with a 3D printer can try it out. If you get stuck or want to discuss anything, the easiest way to get help is to join the discord server (1500+ members), linked at the bottom of the Printables page, and there will be people more than willing to answer your questions about the kit. This test will now run indefinitely until I release a final version of it (whenever that happens). Thank you for reading and have fun printing
    2 points
  16. Well we shouldn't be seeing any more Wagner patches now https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-66724396 From about a quarter of the way down The proscription order will make it a criminal offence to support the group - including by arranging a meetings aimed at furthering the organisation's activities, expressing support for its aims or displaying its flag or logo.
    2 points
  17. Fixed that for you😁 Bad jokes aside glad to hear you both enjoyed yourselves
    2 points
  18. Colin Allen

    Chemical airsoft

    Surely not!
    2 points
  19. I'm having, for the second time in 9 years a desire to fuck the kit off bar a western rig and a revolver and call it a day, and just make stuff. Z patches and Wagner patches and general bell-endery. I've never done camo wearing or patches or flags, I'm a former soldier and play airsoft completely apolitically. I just can't work out if they're edge lords or actual fucktards.
    1 point
  20. ZakLav-

    Gun picture thread

    Full SHS compression parts and gears I believe - not sure what ratio just went with whatever he thought was best for the gun. Warhead brushless motor. Perun hybrid v2 mosfet. rotary hop with macaron 60° bucking and zci barrel. shoots about 340fps on a .20 and hops .32s with ease nice and far
    1 point
  21. Impulse

    Comrades needed

    Or they'll agree that it looks like shite and would still love to chat about it 🤣
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Gryph

    Gun picture thread

    Looking good mate!
    1 point
  24. andrey

    Ares EFCS fried FET's

    Tks for the answer Chris. I have shown my mosfet to a friend of mine (electronic officer) and he told me the same. As inspected mine, exactly the same part failed so l have ordered some spare parts from ebay and will replace it soon. In the meantime l have contacted ares and they will send me 2 MOSFETs for £35 posted. For the other users of this platform: l burt mine on a skirmish day, playing 2 hrs with a 11.1v Lipo only semi (was cqb) and when my battery died l have switched to a 7.4v lipo battery and after one more hr, the mosfet died.
    1 point
  25. EvilMonkee

    New but old.

    In short doesn't matter about your FAC you still need a UKARA or other form of exemption. No, it doesn't make sense to me either.
    1 point
  26. Chris_B

    Ares EFCS fried FET's

    Hi Andrey, Yes I did get that the bottom of it, after a bit of bench testing and probing, I found that a 3.3V SMD regulator wasn't getting power directly from the battery, this 3.3V SMD regulator powers the hall sensors for the selector and magnet in the sector gear, and following this back, I had found a blown Schottky diode, with the letters 'SL' printed on it (circled in the picture). Seems like it's a common fault in these, as two separate EFCS boards had the same one blown. I ordered some new ones from RS components and it's been running beautifully ever since (touch wood). I haven't had any experiences with the trigger micro switch failing... I see lots of comments online pointing to this, but a simple continuity test with a DVM can quickly tell you this. Probably a bit easier for me to diagnose and repair as I'm an electrical techie by trade, but can always offer a hand if anyone experiences the same EFCS failures. All the best. Chris
    1 point
  27. Man. That’s a work of art. I’ve been tempted to get one to actually skirmish it for a laugh but I don’t think it would be viable even for that 😂
    1 point
  28. No comment lol ordered from SIXmm around 4 weeks ago, either customs have mixed up packages when they 'inspected' them or SIXmm have mixed up my order coz the grip for my honeybadger looks (and smells) awfy like a scented candle.
    1 point
  29. Without defining what a 'Wagner flag or logo' is, the opera lovers amongst us will live in fear. Is a Ring Cycle poster/print enough to get you a spell in chokey now?
    1 point
  30. Had the same issue a month ago! Sold me a Scar H but sent it to the wrong address, I kept sending emails to communicate and got nothing back. Luckily paid Business PayPal and they're getting my £415 back His alternative paypal account/ name is: "Rami Hammami"
    1 point
  31. Your fitness levels are not the fault of the site
    1 point
  32. Finally managed to get home and fit the VFC handguard to the MP5 and ditched all the MLOK...apart from the charging handle as who knows what UPS are doing with it but hopefully will turn up before Sunday! Think MP5s look so much better with the older furniture and think this will suit my Sheriff loadout better than with the MLOK...but happy with the crazy rate of fire on the CM041J!! Just need to get all MLOK sold off so i can do the same to the MP5K i have!
    1 point
  33. Running a binary trigger is not using semi; I cannot see a legitimate reason for using one.
    1 point
  34. So if someone with a binary trigger 'spams' said trigger it's gonna be like full auto? Surely the marshals or other players will notice that and sound off. My arthritic digits can just about manage one pull before they need a rest. Since I have been dmr'ing I've not used f/a and I'm loving it 😉 Regards
    1 point
  35. Thanks for the heads up, Jedi has banned him & another profile he'd set up. Sorry to hear he'd scammed you elsewhere, did you manage to reverse your payment or initiate a dispute ?
    1 point
  36. A man is working in the fruit and veg department of his local supermarket when an old lady taps him on the shoulder and says "excuse me I can't find the broccoli, where is it?" He replies "sorry madam we've sold out but there should be another delivery tomorrow" and she walks away. A few minutes later the same old lady taps him on the shoulder and asks again "where's the broccoli?". Again he tells her they've sold out but the should be a delivery tomorrow. Another few minutes go by and once again she taps him on the shoulder and asks "where's the broccoli?" Getting annoyed he replies "can you spell cat, as in catastrophe?" "C A T" she answers so then he asks her. "Can you spell dog, as in dogmatic?" "D O G" she replies. "Now can you spell fuck, as in broccoli?" He asks. Confused she says "But there's no fuck in broccoli" to which he replies "That's what I've been telling you for the past 10 minutes"
    1 point
  37. The lad has had one for about seven years. He does have others now, but the original is fine. I have one of similar vintage but only wear it for CQB, so quite rarely. I actually use mine to cheat loadouts when hard to get Russian gear is required too. It passes the 10 yard rule. 8Fields is better than most cheap stuff IMHO.
    1 point
  38. Darkmikey22

    Gun picture thread

    So another British rifle added to the collection. To most its nothing special. "Just another M16vn"..... But here I have started to build a colt model 604. As issued to the British army in the late 60s, early 70s. Now the 604 is something of a Frankensteinian. It's neither a M16VN (XM16) or the later M16A1 (model 602). Main differences are compared to either the xm16 (VN) or the 602 (M16A2). The 604 comprises of a xm16 stock with a pivoting sling mount. Not the static version fitted to the later model 602. It also sports a partial fence. The XM16 was known as a slab side, where the 602 was a Full Fence. It also comes with an A1 barrel but still uses the early 3 prong (duck bill) flash hider. The British version also came with just plain export markings, aswell as being painted black with a paint called Suncorite. Now mine is still a work in progress. Ive had the markings filled. I'm still to source the correct rear sling mount, as well as the chromo smooth fake bolt. I then tried to replicate the suncurite paint best I could. As the real paint was just slapped on. I tried the same but in the pics looks smoother than it actually is. Only other thing is slings. Early version came with AR15 slings. But very quickly guys swapped these out for SLR slings. So will look at that in the future too. Next up. A British colt model 701. To most its just a M16A2.... It is, but not quite. Main difference being, the fire selection. The US issued A2 was colt model 702. Which externally are identical apart from the 702 was 3 round burst. Where the British issued 701 was full auto. Pictured here in use during OP barras in 2000. As far as I'm aware these where only purchased in small numbers, compared to the earlier colt model 715 (C7) which is still in wide use today. With mine, I've replicated the correct export markings along with with the correct "auto" one. Upper is just a standard G&P upper with a real A2 handguard.
    1 point
  39. Alimcd

    Gun picture thread

    Picked up a WE Apache MP5k, I was not prepared for how tiny it is!
    1 point
  40. Tooand

    Gun picture thread

    My Specna Arms HK416
    1 point
  41. This you ? https://forums.zeroin.co.uk/forum/classifieds/lost-souls/3315641-pupa2794-aka-joshua-clowes
    1 point
  42. Yes, they have the barrel blocked so that the gas can cycle the action. From close range/point blank range, a blank could seriously ruin your day. Not the point I'm making
    1 point
  43. If dressing up like this annoys you, don't do any historical filmsim. WW2 airsoft has to have two teams, after all
    1 point
  44. Polycarbonate and a Dremel. I just order 50x50mm samples sizes as and when needed for new optics.
    1 point
  45. Latest arrival GHK SIG 553 Bloody hell it’s SOLID Full steel construction, the only thing not steel is the aluminium top rail The Ceracote finish is lovely, more a green/grey than grey Cant wait to try this out tomorrow😍
    1 point
  46. And this absolute whanger, which is why I'm not blasé about "mid century history enthusiasts" with a very specific interest in lightning bolts and friendship windmills. I draw a distinction here between generic Wehrmacht or Rooshan, versus sporting ᛋᛋ or Z emblems. At an actual historic re-enactment event representing the totality of a conflict you can (but don't have to) make the "Well, someone has to do it" argument. At an airsoft skirmish, or even a milsim, that doesn't apply: it's always a conscious choice to go full fash. And the warning sign for me is not how long ago the events occurred, but whether the ideology behind them is still active now. And especially if it's still actively recruiting. If it is, then I'll always doubt the motives for choosing to display and promote it, regardless of any public protestations to the contrary.
    1 point
  47. I'd say both. They know exactly what they're doing and are only doing it for a reaction so can play the internet big man later, complaining about how snowflakes are upset by a bit of cloth. Imo the best way to deal with them is make sure the only attention they get is from a few extra bbs (especially to the more sensitive body parts). They're nothing more than attention whores who thrive on creating drama
    1 point
  48. That's my pet hate too, I hate it when I've got someone screaming in my face "COME ON PUSH UP, GET MOVING, MAKE SOME EFFORT YOU USELESS TUB OF LARD" I hate Saturday nights with the missus😭
    1 point
  49. PigDoggy

    TM MP5 NGRS Owners

    I have been running my mp5a5 with a sub 350 fps (for zero engagement) without issues with the switch assembly. I had been using a 7.4v 1200man 20c lipo. That said, the local shop ended up with an mp5 sd6 yesterday which was unexpected according to the manager…I was asking about it as Marui H&K things aren’t common here due to licensing/ contracts with umarex (h&k officially license stuff). I would imagine that their distributor wouldn’t be too happy about the shop carrying non-licensed stuff. I ordered one from redwolf a couple of days ago so I’m waiting for that as well. Anyhow…picked up the one at the shop with full trademarks and no orange paint to deal with.
    1 point
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