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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/05/23 in all areas

  1. Skara

    Europe Vs. America

    That is how airsoft is ran here in Italy. We don't have sites, we have clubs (teams), each club has its own "field" either private or public, each club member pays for a yearly insurance fee (not much, about €23) + yearly club subscription fee. Rentals are managed through one-time use insurance "cards" + whatever equipment the club has. Treating airsoft as a business leads to very poor choices imo.
    4 points
  2. Hecker

    THE TM MWS thread

    fuck sake lol i thought i put 330 😂 thanks i was wondering what people where going on about
    3 points
  3. [trigger warning] I may have been using the 40w fixed heat soldering iron from the real robots magazine kit since that was a thing that existed. I may have just used random solder from amazon for everything I may have never used flux, ever It may have worked just fine [/Trigger warning]
    2 points
  4. * batteries Just sayin'
    2 points
  5. Wavey_Gravey

    TM mk18 MWS

    Sounds reasonable, I reckon you’d have that sold on here within a day.
    1 point
  6. Leo Greer

    Europe Vs. America

    I spend about half my airsoft time at the field, but mostly I play on eight acres of woods with my "team" (friends). If you have enough buddies and enough space it's the best of all worlds: great players, create your own rulesets and game modes, and no worries about costs or insurance. The biggest trouble is finding a place where its legal, or property owned by an acquaintance.
    1 point
  7. I'm more triggered that you got sucked into those weekly magazine kits. Did you complete the full set?
    1 point
  8. Smiling-Dutchman

    NAF ‘23

    Seriously considering it still, looks like it could be a blast. If my wallet has no objections end of this month I might be getting a ticket start of the next.
    1 point
  9. Tiercel

    Which connectors?

    I use one of these too, biggest advantage is the small size and portability. And that you can also run them off a Lipo battery if you need to do some emergency soldering in the safe zone
    1 point
  10. That's pretty much covers it. And at the time (a couple years ago) it was around £25. Think they are around £30 now. The TS-100 that the unit is cloned from was around £60. It won't suit everyone, but for simple soldering (like XT60s or Deans), anything Airsoft related (e.g. rewiring a gun), building a small RC Plane/FPV drone, or small general electronics projects, it's a good little unit and about a million times better than the Weller 'dumb' soldering iron I was using before (slight exaggeration but you get the idea). It heats to whatever working temperature you set in just a few seconds and has an accelerometer built in to detect if you are using it, so powers itself down after a set time of non-use (you can specify in the options) until you pick it back up again. It needs a seperate power source (a big LiPo can be used, but I use a ToolkitRC power supply) so that's something to consider. At the end of the day it won't replace a decent soldering station as it's still only a 65W Iron.
    1 point
  11. It depends, do you accept kidneys as payment?
    1 point
  12. Lozart

    Which connectors?

    I'm sorry, what? You have a soldering iron with "custom firmware"? WTF?
    1 point
  13. EC3 and EC5 are just bullet connectors in a plastic housing, much like XT30/60. But unlike XT30/60, the EC connectors are seperate to the housing. Batteries should always be female (the tube ferrules). Gun side should be male (the bullets). I used to hate deans, but I've learned to live with them for Airsoft and can solder to them to a pretty decent standard. Biggest thing for me was switching to a good soldering iron - I use a Sequre SQ-001 with custom firmware and TBS 63:37 solder (both from HobbyRC) and soldering deans has been a doddle ever since.
    1 point
  14. Those who get too big for their britches will all be exposed in the end.
    1 point
  15. Why does Elton John always play piano? Because he sucks on an organ
    1 point
  16. Land Warrior have just emailed me to say they've fixed the mags and they're on their way back to me... should be here in time for Saturday's skirmish - so fingers are crossed they really fixed them!
    1 point
  17. Tommikka

    Europe Vs. America

    Yes - rentals do mean you need a business You can have a club element, but there’s no benefit to the way of running ….. and of course the unknown element of random rentals off the street is a whole different ball game of consensual ‘player marshalling’ Run it properly There are some fun ways of avoiding / minimising business rates
    1 point
  18. Rogerborg

    Europe Vs. America

    That is an interesting suggestion, although rentals are such a big part of some sites that it might be a tricky one to argue if put on the spot by the Clipboard Stasi. The Depot 1.0's Old Abandoned Furniture Factory was (notionally) owned and run by a local sports charity for local neds, thereby evadi- I mean, avoiding £180,000 a year in business rates.
    1 point
  19. Tommikka

    Europe Vs. America

    Not for the running side (as dickheads will be dickheads) and what I would consider a ‘well run’ site should be on a business basis. If an airsoft site is basically a local club for the local airsoft regulalars then why couldn’t it be on a ‘sports club’ basis? (An element of business methodology will be required for using the venue/land, insurance, permission via the council etc) When I refer to event organising we aren’t doing it as a business but as a ‘sports club’ style team But there is a point there ….. and the proof was shown when ‘COVID reopening dates’ happened / didn’t happen Reopening included ‘sports clubs’ and the criteria needed to be Sport England (or equivalent) recognition, and council approval. Council approval was pretty much rubber stamping of the Sport England recognition. Sport England recognition has very specific criteria - paintball does not meet that. But did get endorsed by Sport England for reopening. Recognition includes many things such as a governing body, the scale of player membership, sites/venues operating under governing body standards etc There has been work underway for many years pressing for that, the UKPSF exists and isn’t a compulsory governing body to operate, but is a recognised body across the industry and the home office (Active) Player membership wasn’t sufficient. This year they have passed the threshold UKARA wouldn’t necessarily count as a governing body, but it is a representation for the trade community and is recognised as a way to establish ‘active player membership’ of something (in the threads back at the time there were the other ‘body’s’ such as whatever the airsoft players Union is called. A combination of those could make the way to a recognisable airsoft governing body Come the day of opening being announced by government paintball & airsoft sites announced their first post COVID game dates. Then read the small print. UKPSF cleared the criteria with Sport England paintball member sites read the UKPSF guidelines and were able to get a tick in the box from the council - even though paintball was not on the format sport ‘recognition list’ but did have confirmation of meeting the opening recognition criteria Non member paintball sites may or may not have just opened anyway Airsoft sites then began to announce that they wouldn’t be opening, some may or may not have opened anyway Even with sites run purely as businesses the sports recognition would apply to the activity. It is also not about the moaning every 4 years that dancing, gymnastics, chess, etc are in the Olympics then why can’t my hobby be a sport ? But it opens the doors (literally during COVID) but also to council support, government grants, lottery grants and we’ve now missed the boat on EU grants Got a little airsoft site? Struggling with the basics of running a safe chrono? Talk to your governing body, set up a club with youth opportunities, get a grant to put in safe practices and fund some chronos ….
    1 point
  20. Speedbird_666

    Just fuck right off...

    Just fuck right off...
    1 point
  21. My mate draws sketches of escaped prisoners for the police. He's a con artist.
    1 point
  22. Leo Greer

    Right battery's?

    An inline MOSFET fixes it (not one of the plug and play ones). The issue being that it needs to be wired into the switch located inside the gearbox.
    1 point
  23. Yeah UMP’s are cool in my book too 👍 I found a metal threaded barrel from Apple Airsoft in HK with supressor Wish I’d kept it 👌
    1 point
  24. Leo Greer

    Right battery's?

    It will damage the gun over time, same as any other battery. An 11.1v will just do it faster. If you want the gun to sound nicer and shoot faster, but burn out your microswitch faster, run the 11.1v. If you want a little more durability, go for a 7.4v LiPo. LiPos are far superior to Nimh. As Colin notes, though, those kinds of unprotected microswitches are really just bad design and are being run above their failure threshold, which makes them susceptible to early failure on any battery.
    1 point
  25. Colin Allen

    Right battery's?

    I suspect that people are recommending that you change to a lower voltage battery because they think that you have what is called overspin. This is when the battery voltage is too high and causes the rifle to cycle more than once in semi. As guns are usually run with much higher power levels in the USA, they can run on an 11.1v battery without this happening; however, with the weaker springs used in the UK, overspin is possible with 11.1v batteries. However, this would not only happen immediately after changing from full auto to semi auto; it would happen at other times as well. If it is only happening immediately after you change from full auto to semi auto, it is probably not overspin; it is more likely that your gun is sticking in semi for a moment, either because the selector is not returning to semi auto properly or because the cutoff is not resetting properly. As to why the gun will sometimes not fire after connecting the battery, but does so when you reconnect it, that may be down to the connectors. Are you using Tamiya connectors? If so, it could be that one of them is a bit loose and not always connecting properly. I note that the gun has a micro switch trigger; these are not designed for the currents that pass through them in an airsoft gun and really should be protected by a decent mosfet.
    1 point
  26. I have an FCC 416 and I bloody love it! Cracking guns and well worth the price.
    1 point
  27. Got fired from my job making kitchens. Apparently I was counter productive...
    1 point
  28. Tommikka

    Europe Vs. America

    All valid reasons and also everywhere has different circumstances But it’s no excuse for failing basic safety standards If it’s not financially viable and they can’t afford to have someone actually check & enforce chrono then it’s verged on the fly by night cowboy
    1 point
  29. TM Glock 17 gen 4. Never been particularly attracted to glocks aesthetically but I picked this up to use as a bit of a beater sidearm. My god this one shoots nice, sends .3s to space
    1 point
  30. Cannonfodder

    Europe Vs. America

    IIRC insurance can also be a limiting factor for the number of game days a site can run. Personally I'd prefer them not to be as in my experience it can often have a negative effect on the quality of the games they put on, either because the site owners are more interested in taking your money than putting on a decent gameday or the site layout suffers as they need to accommodate the other activities.
    1 point
  31. xWebster

    Torn hop up rubber

    Cheers all - i've binned it and got a Macaron instead
    1 point
  32. On Friday one of my mags developed a leak. I was sure it's from the valve, but that was wrong. It was a top leak due to the gasket being Factory damaged (pics from Redit as i did not make pictures of my damage but this is the same ) Nothing was helping . I assembled and disassembled the mag 100 times. Then I just picked up a different mag and changed the whole top. Surprise no leaks. Hope it helps.
    1 point
  33. Couple more squint a bit cloners
    1 point
  34. Gask99

    Gun picture thread

    Finally finished
    1 point
  35. I can't see how that justifies the price. There are no features there that I'd want, other than the quick change spring, and you get that on anything down to an Edge. It's even got an old style dial hop (that it's in a metal hop chamber is neither here nor there). Problem is, the Specna stuff that I would recommend, with the Gate ASTER mosfets, is either out of stock, higher priced, or in a very different style. Are you married to full metal body, and that front sight post? If not, the Double Eagle M9XX range continues to offer decent value and features. https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft-assault-rifles-all?*brand=61&*inst=y
    1 point
  36. What do you call a woman who is a bell? Isabelle.
    1 point
  37. Sunday Skirmish at Gunman Tuddenham. We had not skirmished for a couple of years, and with the lad’s birthday being soon, and my promise to treat one of his mates to a game being keenly remembered, we went to today’s game. The weather was glorious, we arrived on time, and I remembered everything but my water bottle. Luckily, I always have a two litre bottle in the van… which some swine had not put back. First purchase then was six bottles of water, and three tickets at £30 a pop. I also added a bag of Geoff’s .25gs. These were £13 compared to my last couple of bags of Taiwan Gun Kilo 9s at less than a fiver! Safety briefing was long detailed and pretty funny. The youngsters laughed and seemed to stay attentive. No questions were asked at the end apart from a bit of clarification, so top marks. Game brief was concise and clear too. First question from chief marshal was to remind anyone with a medical issue to have a word pre-game. First game took place in the woodland area of the site and consisted of one team attacking two positions, both of which had a timed bomb. If armed and defended for (I think) ten minutes, the attackers won the position, if the defenders kept them from detonating, then the defenders won the position. This was a great game with the team moving up aggressively and communicating well. Radios were used to good effect and the positions were soon in the hands of armband team. We held these for the required time and were victorious in no time. Someone forgot which barrel held the bomb however and was standing too close when it went off, which hurt their tinnitus. They heard the warning shouts but assumed that they were for someone else. Totally the player’s own stupid error (I’ll try and remember next time… The game was turned around and this time, the bombs were defended with the same level of positive play that they had been attacked with, leaving both intact at close of play. What I really enjoyed was the level of sportsmanship. I heard a lot of ‘well done,’ and ‘good shot’ calls, and was on the receiving end of some great shooting. Twice I was hit by people with the first couple of BBs, no walking in or huge bursts of fire required. I shot well, getting the drop on several people despite little sleep. I thought that both games had been well played and was just warming up for some serious play when lunch was called. I seriously thought that we must have had two half hour games rather than the full sixty minutes each time. It was that fluid and fast moving. Lunch proved that you can lead a teenager to bottled water, but you can’t make it drink. ‘I’m fine with a can of Monster’ seemed a keen topic of conversation, including between me and the lad’s pal. I took a shoulder bag into the field with me full of water for the inevitable as the sun had really got out by now. The afternoon games were in the village, a group of old Second World War buildings used as accommodation by bomber crews. These are very difficult to fight around at this time of year as the foliage around them is thick and engagement ranges are extremely short in places. You need to be quick and have 360 degree vision. First we had to fight over two timers, one in the shower block, and one in a container in the open half of the site. Snipers were restricted to the open section; limited respawns for the defenders favoured the attackers. This was a seriously contested game with each side allowed use of one shield each, and the same level of gameplay achieved as in the morning. It was really enjoyable to skirmish without a hint of the silly shouty bollox that infects games occasionally. Unfortunately our team’s cooperation fell apart, and our attacks were ill supported at times, chaotic at most. We were badly beaten, gaining no time at all on the clocks. A certain amount of visible frustration did creep in for a couple of younger players, probably due to dehydration and post lunch torpor as much as anything else. At change around a couple of players were ordered to drink at risk of banishment to the carpark or somewhere, being identified by concerned friends. Looking after oneself in the heat had featured in the safety brief, and it was good to see silly sods get outed and watered well before the frustration reached a verbal level. As it was the gameplay remained excellent. I had traded with a player twice and both times we called having thought that we’d missed each other. I felt really switched on and it seemed to be a common feeling for some reason. Last game was a simple building clearance. These are classic Tudders games. Get four or five into a building and shout clear. If cleared by a marshal go to the next building, if an opposition player has hidden themselves when you call clear, then you’re all KIA. The non-banded team got off to a flying start, taking the first rows of buildings with ease, then slowing up as they got closer to the defenders positions. I got into a great position in one building, hiding in a bush and shooting in through a window at the doorway. I got a couple of attackers and was about to get a whole group as I was shot in the back by my own team, as I shouted out for them to watch their fire as we were in front of them. In airsoft, don’t bunch up, don’t hang back, keep alert, communicate, and push the flanks are about all you probably need. When you lose those, you’ve lost the game. We lost the game quite badly, but I honestly could not care less. At close of play, the marshals were amazed at the level of play, everyone sported a big grin, I had not heard one moan all day and we called it a wrap. It was only when we pulled out of the carpark that I saw the time, I thought that we could have squeezed another quick game. Then again, we had truly quit whilst ahead. To be honest, we usually avoid skirmishes as the themed games are so much better, but we had a whale of a time today. The game, gameplay and marshalling were spot on, the weather was perfect and the atmosphere was really good natured. I wished that Mrs TPH had attended. I leave her at home for the odd skirmish we go to, as any arguing, or sexist ‘banter’ or morale patches might lead to her sticking one on the offending player, but she would have loved it. As it was, no girls were in attendance. I hope that the high standard of play continues. We had a cracking day out. The G&G CM16 never missed a beat all day, although I accidently took the fucked ‘fet instead of the functioning one. Lad’s mate used my loaner CYMA AK47 which performed fuss free; the lad’s half-brother used his CYMA M4 which still performs 100% despite it being his only, and hence only used rif. The boy himself used a G&G electric recoil M4 which despite expectations has kept together as his main rif for four or five years. His CYMA AKM which was fitted with a scope for a laugh, but which did sterling work around the buildings in the afternoon, shot like a laser. We did have a few misfires due to weak mag springs; as our first purchased G&G midcaps have tired springs these days. I expect that most of us fell in love with this tomfoolery at skirmish games. It was fun to be reminded why today. My only moan is that we could have had an extra half hour or so.
    1 point
  38. To sell. I mean, point taken, but let's be absolutely clear that if he's 18+ then there's no offence committed by buying, or attempting to buy, a RIF within the UK. If he's under 18, someone call the UKARA police.
    1 point
  39. acrxil

    Gun picture thread

    First time spraying my rifle, I think I will be spraying the rest of my collection now👀
    1 point
  40. You are correct hitman they didn't as standard, which blew my mind but not my tag rounds... Thankfully i've managed to design (after afew test runs) and machine myself up both of firing mechanism components (one on the side of the missile and another on the inside) to make it fully funtional now.
    1 point
  41. Given the ending of my current work contract, and a possible period of being a bit skint, I thought I'd invest wisely, so to add to my 5000 0.20g for plinking and test-firing... 10KG of Warhead 0.28g Bio BBs, should see my running through a good few skirmishes (especially if I turn the fun switch to semi, a bit more often) £105 inc next day delivery. Just over a tenner for each bag of ~3,500 BBs seems like a good deal to me.
    1 point
  42. Decided to try this tomorrow as my primary with my Makarov as secondary as my site is mostly buildings (HQ Airsoft) so should be good fun!
    1 point
  43. alxndrhll

    Gun picture thread

    Glamour shots of the AK, the Scalarworks mount really finished it off imo.
    1 point
  44. Lozart

    brands to avoid

    Too true! Lowest bidder and all that. I think he was more miffed that I had a pair of Lowa Zephyrs and he didn't! He was saying that pre-deployment nobody could get hold of gucci kit because airsofters had bought it all!
    1 point
  45. Tackle

    Delivery nightmares

    I couldn't possibly advocate that kinda behaviour 😏 BUT Change generally only takes place when companies are punished either financially or litigiously, why is it most of us are conscientious about our rifs & staying on the right side of the vcra/law, & everyone else doesn't give a shit. 👿
    1 point
  46. Hecker

    THE TM MWS thread

    it isnt to stop the buffer from shattering its so when the buffer bottoms out the rear screw of the gas key cant come in contact with the back of the receiver denting it! also it stops the wider sides of the bcg from making small dents on the front edge of the entrance of the buffer tube never herd of a mws doing 530 fps out the box on a gas comparable to gg
    0 points
  47. Eh, hamster's financial insensibility has been a life long ailment..... I did complete the original robot but iirc it broke pretty soon after that.
    0 points
  48. Uzzy1

    Titan Batteries

    yes but P & P is heavy about 18 pounds 🙂
    0 points
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