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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/22 in all areas

  1. Skullchewer

    What have you made?

    So, as can be seen in THIS POST, I bought a crappy cheap mandible for my helmet. It did not go well. However, I was able to salvage the arms that attached the mandible to the helmet rail, and I had an old mask that I've never used knocking around. Some measuring, fiberglass paste, sanding, more measuring, drilling and finally painting.....
    6 points
  2. This is a very good point.... I am also looking forward to seeing how things go. So far just testing in shop they seem a lot nicer than most micro-switched guns I have used, the ETS3 is still a micro-switch so no optical yet. We have a shop one that is going to be used tomorrow and also at future games, so we can give our personal experience on them rather than just the brochure/manufacturers information. As far as we have been told by Evolution, they are put together in Italy, obviously we can only go off their word, unless I book a little weekend getaway?
    4 points
  3. Probably the most 'Murica thing I've seen for a while
    4 points
  4. Pupa2794

    Gun picture thread

    Lancaster pistol, uses Cassieopiea shells. Wood just needs to be done and its ready but this shows the really unique trigger mech.
    4 points
  5. Whats

    Gun picture thread

    Posted In the MTW thread but no harm sharing it here. started life as an m4a1, quickly bastardised with a g&p a2 stock & m5 RAS. First gbbr since a GHK ak74 back in 2013-ish.
    3 points
  6. English subs 👍
    3 points
  7. 3 points
  8. Opinions vary on how safe they actually are, but better than nothing. I charge mine in a deep ceramic pie dish. If you seen any sign of damage or puffing, I'd replace them.
    2 points
  9. Pretty sure you're not an airsofter until you've told your gun to fuck off...but yeah, we love it!
    2 points
  10. Looking like it's a tools out job followed by curse words, buyers remorse and a finishing move of " I overreacted" after yeeting the gun across the room......or is that just me that does that
    2 points
  11. No fancy pics just yet but got a VFC MK20 SSR GBB and it is definitely more fun to mess around with than the G28 😎 Heavy c*nt though! Now to find a suitable set of attachments 😰 Also happened to have a real Hogue pistol grip to replace the VFC Hogue grip, very strange coincidence!
    2 points
  12. Skullchewer

    Gun picture thread

    After years of buying and selling I'm finally happy with my collection. Only one that doesn't get fielded is the M41A.
    2 points
  13. My Canadian girlfriend agrees. This isn't Facebook: you're not going to fool anyone, or fool us that you're fooling yourself. All[*] airsoft toys are cheap Chinese made tat with various degrees of markup and marketing. You're selling them, so you'll lie about them in order to sell them. You can go ahead and lie about how much you're lying, but... this isn't Facebook. [*] With the exception of Tokyo Marui, but you're not trying or lying to sell us Tokyo Marui.
    1 point
  14. What do the films Titanic and Sixth Sense have in common? Icey dead people
    1 point
  15. "I need to go to Italy for work reasons and definitely not for a holiday I promise."
    1 point
  16. I charge mine on a granite place mat just in case things go tits up. As Rogerborg posted, any sign of damage or puffing up do not charge them as that's usually when they go pop. One word of warning, if they do start to burn avoid using water to fight the fire. This is why
    1 point
  17. Tackle

    What have you made?

    Great work mate, I bet you look like Predator with your dreads hanging out the back.
    1 point
  18. Looks good and I'm not usually a fan of mandibles
    1 point
  19. That mandible looks the bollocks, nice one
    1 point
  20. Khyber

    What have you made?

    Solid work there matey. Great job!
    1 point
  21. Microwave burgers are straight from hell. If pressed for time, a Foreman grill and a timer is good for fuss free burgers that are cooked with little input from oneself.
    1 point
  22. Michael Douglas did it better Also apologies for the double post
    1 point
  23. Thanks for all the help guys. Just ordered one from a small online drone store along with an XT60 to Deans adapter 👍 Must be pretty decent as they seem to be sold out pretty much everywhere… Will report back once it lands.
    1 point
  24. Aren't Rustlers those microwave burgers? If so I'd be more surprised if they didn't taste like cardboard with a side helping of rotting dog shit
    1 point
  25. Jesus Christ was going to be called Gary, but Mary stubbed her toe.
    1 point
  26. Do these cnuts write speeches for the Government? They clearly lie like Boris Johnson at a wankerthon in aid of entitled handsandy tit buggery.
    1 point
  27. A big ass bag to carry it all in?
    1 point
  28. LOL, I know what you mean, I had to scroll to the top to check what we're actually discussing, but I'll be grumpily honest & admit I'm so feckin tired of spoon feeding noobs answers to the same questions that have been asked a thousand times before, made worse by wannabe trolls that say shite like "if the plod come round, make an official complaint about wasting time" etc. There's a core of members here, you & I included, that literally have hundreds of years of combined experience within Airsoft, add to that our own personal life experiences & skill sets in numerous professional fields, & I'll bet that not one of us has fallen foul of the law due to how we use/behave/own our Airsoft rifs. Why. Because we've been sensible, applied common sense & been aware of the massive responsibilities of "gun" ownership. Yet we're still having to spell it out to new members ffs.
    1 point
  29. I've honestly forgotten what it's about, I'm just enjoying the <ackchyually> handbag fight.
    1 point
  30. Alimcd

    Gun picture thread

    I’ve totally fallen in love with the old WA Magna gas system. Here’s a cheeky semi-only SR15 DMR build, excuse the aeg mag jammed in the magwell, it’s there to hide my HPA shame. G&P Roller bolt is smooth as silk and the recoil at 145psi is beautiful
    1 point
  31. @Josh SocomTactical how are you finding the ETU's? Is it fully micro-switched or a mix of optical? We're testing micro-switched ones at the moment - so far so good but early days yet. I've always been super weary as they are prone to failure after extensive use. Even the more expensive Japanese switches are only rated for 50,000.
    1 point
  32. I have their M40A3 and it's pretty good. Just haven't got around to tuning it properly yet because other projects have taken up my time, but eventually I will.
    1 point
  33. Whats

    THE TM MWS thread

    Picked my first MWS up on Monday - managed to source the g&p full stock and front end from a lovely chap on here. Had an absolutely brilliant time rebuilding the front end & threw in a maple leaf 60d rubber & an omega nub for now. luckily for me I must have put everything back together okay as it still cycled, fed & shot a smidge over 1j on some freezing cold Ultrair with .28 devil blasters. id like to get a fixed carry handle upper at some point and run an a1/2 hand guard but I’m more than happy with it for now.
    1 point
  34. If I wear my hi-vis, there's a fair chance that I might be brought tea and biscuits instead of being arrested.
    1 point
  35. Blimey thank you. This will save a lot of agro and certainly help stop people hijacking accounts
    1 point
  36. I laughed, but I also welled up a wee bit too, seeing as I've not yet been forced to fix mine Yet 🤞😬 (my ducati that is🚜)
    1 point
  37. That... uh... may not be the flex you think it is.
    1 point
  38. SheriffHD

    Good Grief

    I don't know, I'd say he's a cunt because we all love to let a cunt get fucked.
    1 point
  39. Cannonfodder

    Good Grief

    I'm guessing it's because he's a cunt, although he hasn't the warmth, depth or ability to provide pleasure
    1 point
  40. DrFumbles

    Gun picture thread

    My MWS. Never been a fan of anything other than black on guns but recently started liking the look of the dark green and black. Just got the Magpul and Red dot mount to do.
    1 point
  41. Thanks for the advice gents. That was exactly it. A little dab of LT2 grease on the empty mag lever at the back of the magazine and it is working perfectly. They must have got a little dry in storage. I did the same on the spare mags just in case.
    1 point
  42. Rogerborg

    Lipo Charger Advice

    The SkyRC S65 is a popular choice, but it's actually overkill for airsoft batteries. That M4AC looks fine. Nice simple interface (read the manual though regarding voltage!). I'd like a bit more granularity in the charging current, but unless you're in a real hurry, 1A is going to be OK for most airsoft batteries, and 2A for big ones. [EDIT] Lozart is right that if you're running something really meaty then you might want more than 2.5A, but I never run batteries that big, and in any case, it's not like you're going to need to charge them more than once a week or fortnight anyway, so it wouldn't put me off. I'd always err on the side of under-amping during charging rather than trying to rush it.
    1 point
  43. sp00n

    Gun picture thread

    At first I was all yin then I yang’ed
    1 point
  44. Seems to work okay for me, thanks. (Albeit I am using a different authenticator app, but the principle is the same).
    1 point
  45. Bought a second hand Tokyo Marui MP5K to go with my Tokyo Marui MP5K High Cycle, so I can John Woo indoor arenas over the winter. The stock will be coming off.
    1 point
  46. For reasons I cannot explain I bought myself a Rustlers Meatless Maverick for lunch today. Jesus fucking Christ. What a pile of shit. The bit that was supposed to be the burger looked like the contents of a babies nappy. Not just any baby, but one that had shat out six pints of Guinness after an especially low grade kebab. I tried one bite, being one not to waste food, it was more than I could stomach. It was SO bad I had a pang of sorrow for vegetarians (but not vegans) who may have had this as their only option to stave off hunger. I hope whomever at Rustlers decided to bring this to market is ashamed of themselves. Even the bap was rubbish. The top being rock hard on toasting and the bottom as limp as Rolf Harris’ legal defence. In all as welcome as a chat up line from Anne Widdicombe. 💩💩💩
    0 points
  47. Tackle

    Thermal imaging

    Don't think I'd gain anything with NV, already got some awesome torches that will get a good "cats-eye" reflection at up to 200 metres-ish, even the very best NV might struggle to match that, shame really as prices are pretty good. Trying it all, splattered all over the local fb pages, large flyers in all the local shops & we've posted hundreds of smaller flyers through letterboxes, & continue to do so going further afield according to possible sightings we've had (last one was 2 miles away ☹️) We've also deployed a capture cage from cat protection league in gardens that think they've seen him, loaded with fishy food & a blanket his sisters been sleeping on. Can't get any of the drone mobs involved as they only do larger dogs, kitties are too small & more inclined to curl up under shelter when not on the move, especially as temperatures are starting to drop. I'm walking miles in the early hours just to try & spot him, which is agony😭, as I'm getting a new knee in november, last week I had an op in London in relation to my cancer, rode the 80 miles home 2 hours after waking from the anaesthetic, had some grub then went out looking until 3am, Dunno what IV painkillers they gave me but I was marching on like robocop lol, good shit🥴. When I catch him I'm gonna wring the little shits neck.
    0 points
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