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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/06/22 in all areas

  1. Yeah, looking at it a couple more times, I agree, I think it's a skinny guy not a girl, & another reason why I don't like HPA boxmags on pistols, he's essentially a speedsofter minus the lycra 😜 Plus I think he's a ginger, hit him again😜
    7 points
  2. Clickbait title, poor quality content, airsoft drama. Kicking Mustang is that you?
    6 points
  3. So…. Impulse has written up the gameplan and thoroughly decent sportsmanship of the last Namsoft game. There’s not much that I can add in that respect. I was in another squad, but played VC too rather than PAVN for once because… we had two VC loadouts, and my nearest and very much dearest decided to play along for the weekend. It would have been wrong to abandon her to the ranks of the filthy imperialists, no matter how much US kit we have. So a few personal notes. The weekend was extremely relaxed. The social was chilled, and the beer flowed freely après sport as it were.* Apart from an isolated incident already related above, gamesmanship was excellent. The chilled atmosphere definitely leeched into the game itself. My wife was ultra-impressed at the helpful attitude of the other players when we became split up by the need to respawn etc. She described help personified. For a first airsoft game a two day filmsim could have broken any love at all, but she was fully smitten and buzzing by close of Saturday. As far as I went, guiding my wife up to the very perimeter of the enemy firebase was amazing. We got right up on the wire and then I let loose the RPK. We slotted many yanks. An experienced support gunner giving it large at close range is an ouch to behold tbh. After the game a couple of GIs came over, still laughing, and shook our hands. Getting within three feet of the objective unobserved was a real achievement. It made our hard 20+ minute crawl more than worthwhile. TBH a more experienced sideman and I could have made hay, but there we go. We should have hit and run, but we tried to take the full garrison on. It ended predictably. Sunday was a full on head to head as Impulse lead the one squad of yanks a merry dance, we had to take the other squads on as full on as the VC ever do. This meant firing with real intensity and then backing off into the bushes. It was during this period that Impulse pulled out his sidearm and I actually recognised the chap, fron a few forum pics. Jesus wept, that bloke can play sniper! It was nice to put a face to a forum name. I’ll certainly try and play on his team in future… Anyhow… I had a great weekend. My wife is suddenly after all these years suddenly hooked on Namsoft, and our son had a great time as GI, as he regularly does. I'm going to book onto a few non-Gunman games to see what they're like as far as Namsoft goes. I'll report back here. *I’ll miss the ugly details. It did involve incorrect tent identification and entry, tuneless singing, questionable scotch and, arguing about aeg performance, all within a self defined 'bar'.
    6 points
  4. Of course, the real unforgivable offence is posting Reddit clickbait here. Man, woman, I don't see gender, I just see an HPA wanker and a burger-roid-raging plonker who seems incapable of shouting the word "hit!". I don't know about you chaps / lady-chaps, but at the sites where I play, the briefing tends to make a point that you'll stop getting shot if and when you acknowledge the hit.
    5 points
  5. What a weekend; Namsoft is incredibly fun. Went to Operation Boogaloo at Gunman Eversley Alpha as VC with two friends and we caused havoc. Myself and one of my friends were a pair of VC snipers who harassed the US forces all through both Saturday and Sunday. We would shoot a few, then bug out before they could organise a counter-attack and we basically did this all weekend. US forces kept leaving their radio masts unguarded, so it would've been rude of us not to constantly take their radio masts down through the weekend, which sent their morale-o-meter into the gutter (which was our objective as VC and PAVN). The other guy in our group spent the entire Saturday playing as a farmer, ditching all his military equipment and walking around the site with a rake, watching the US forces and their movements, then getting somewhere quiet and radio-ing in their locations. They were getting very jumpy, but to their credit they never shot him as he played the part of the scared farmer very well. This continued into Sunday, where we kept going with the same tactics. Our farmer changed out into a French uniform and played the part of a French mercenary HVT for the Aus forces to hunt down and kill, but they never got him. We even went on a stealth mission as two snipers (my friend was also marked as a HVT by this point), our French HVT and a PAVN soldier to take out one of their radio masts, but we managed to sneak past the US platoon in the area, do the objective and then bug out. Our HVTs never died (though the Aussies got very close to the French merc) and it was a fairly dominant performance by the VC and PAVN. Numbers were 55 US/Aus vs 22 VC/PAVN on Saturday, down to 25 US/Aus vs 15 VC/PAVN on Sunday, so while outnumbered we played to our strengths really well and the VC/PAVN guys I played with were all absolutely knackered by the end because we had to fire and fade so much over the weekend and Eversley Alpha is a pretty hilly site... Only my 2nd Namsoft game, but I'm definitely going back. The VSR performed amazingly and I think all bar two of my kills were 60+ metres (with most of those being 70+ and one of the less than 60m kills being with the pistol) and I thoroughly enjoyed the filmsim experience. I'll never get into milsim, as when I tried that I didn't really enjoy it, but filmsim is an absolute blast and I encourage people to give it a go. Also, especially considering how annoying we were being, I didn't have anyone get mad and square up to me this time (that group wasn't there, funnily enough), but I did have someone moan to me about a headshot I did at about 60m. I'll always aim for the chest and tried explaining how long range shots work (like how the hop up makes the BB go upwards towards the end of the trajectory, how a slight breeze will take the BB on a magical mystery tour, how a leaf will knock the BB out of the park and get a home run), but he wasn't prepared for me to speak and clearly just wanted to have a go at me; I tried explaining my side of it, but he wasn't interested in listening, only venting, so I gave up. Otherwise my experience was fantastic and I loved the whole thing. Some of the special forces guys shook my hand after the first day and said how impressive some of my shots were. Playing as a sniper can be pretty uneventful sometimes, but when you have one of these games where you feel like you're making a silly amount of impact on the game, it makes it all worthwhile. Haven't had such a good game in a long time!
    4 points
  6. alxndrhll

    Gun picture thread

    The full NGRS line up, the L119 needs some firming up and a once over internally but externally happy. Super pleased with the longer modern upper, nice to have an AR setup where an LPVO doesn’t look out of place.
    3 points
  7. There’s a Ukranian special forces anti tank division uniform up for sale in my local auction tonight
    3 points
  8. At the same time he charges at her tiny box (snigger😂), with the intention of shooting the two occupants point blank via a head height hole, it was always gonna end badly for someone. He still needs banning for his response🤬
    3 points
  9. Shamal

    Only airsoft/ combat UK.

    🎵 I'm so dizzy,my head is spinning🎵😂😂
    3 points
  10. It entirely depends on the type of connectors you're using. As you say it depends on the type of connectors, my personal experience has always been that the type of pliers you've linked there are hit and miss at best. AMP type connectors (with the moulded on insulation) are best done with an AMP specific tool that has the correct indent on one half so the two prongs of the crimp itself are pushed in evenly. I've just picked up a set of these https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B09DCCB9DB/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and they seem to be pretty decent (I've been using them for the uninsulated motor connector types). Unless you're spending proper money on professional quality crimping tools, £20-£25 budget is going to be the decider rather than brand, as has been mentioned already at that price point you're mostly looking at rebranded imports anyway.
    3 points
  11. No excuse for throwing hands in a game of toy soldiers. The scrawny one shouldn't have tried to turn the chunky dudes head into a collander, but, let's be honest, if he didn't want to risk being shot in the face at close range, he shouldn't have gone charging in like a stupid twat bahaha!
    2 points
  12. Well this is already a few months old and airsoft hasn't been banned yet 🤷‍♂️ I would've commented earlier but I was busy shooting rentals within MED with my hpa gun.
    2 points
  13. tricky one. there's an argument to be made that by participating in airsoft you're willingly consenting to being "assaulted" by other people using their pews as would be normally accepted for the requirements of gameplay. for example we accept that merely being on the field be that as a marshal, a dead player or just standing around means possibly getting tagged by either mistaken identity or some random flier. if that's not enough we take it for granted that if we retreat to the safe zone during gameplay that nobody will then shoot us the understanding being that we're only happy to be shot at when on the playing field. exactly when that line would be crossed into non-consent would be personal for every individual, although in terms of a legal precedent there'd need to be a court case to decide how many rounds under what circumstance would break that line. of course what nobody wants is for something to have to go as far as a court case seeing as that'd be awful PR for the hobby. this is why i take exception to those characters who say things like "shoulda worn facepro" or "man up it's just a bb gun" to justify various dickish actions (like shooting in the head unnessecarily), as if disliking being put in unnecessary pain is somehow a character flaw. i'm perfectly happy to accept that sometimes you're gonna get hit somewhere it stings, but i'd like it to happen only as frequently as random chance or my own actions (eg presenting only my face as a target) provides for.
    2 points
  14. They're both in the wrong in terms of gameplay but yeah, that's video evidence of felony assault (seeing as it's US based). Pretty disappointed in the guy filming that let it go on for a while before rather limply pulling the bloke away. Also not convinced that the "woman" isn't actually a dude (who could well have been doing this to all and sundry all day).
    2 points
  15. it can be too easy to fall down the youtube/reddit clickbait hole, just remember that the internet is a wonderfully effective filter for bringing up only what generates clicks, and for airsoft what generates clicks is the shit the majority of players hate. it's no different to regular tv shows being filled with crime shows or films with violence and death, for some reason humans want their entertainment to feature the extremes that they don't want to see actually happen to them. and you don't need an airline for any of that to have unfolded, hell lacking an auto switch probably helped in this situation by reducing the *ahem* "justice" that the first player was able to dish out.
    2 points
  16. for those sites yes. i picked those numbers mostly to highlight the potential for the case rather than being strictly representative.
    2 points
  17. #NotAllHPAUsers I feel called out by the title 😐. In short, that guy is a cretin. Even if it was two guys it would be wrong, because you should never go for blows over BB wars, but the fact he goes in swinging on a woman is plain despicable. However, she is also partially in the wrong for spamming all those shots at his face at point blank range. Also, the guy recording is really slow to get involved. He should've jumped in there immediately to separate the two, but he just stands there and lets the assaulter swing a bunch before limply pulling the guy away. Literally all three people in this video are at fault and I hate it.
    2 points
  18. dug up the old spreadsheet: if we assume that the site limit is 350fps (1.14j) for non-MED then using 0.5g bb's: a 440fps (1.8j) dmr is going to need 12.94m MED a 500fps (2.3j) bolty is going to need 20.28m MED so for the sake of argument if a given site has a 10m MED for 1.8j then a DMR gunner using 0.32g is going to be hitting less at his MED than a rifleman could point blank, but if he used 0.5g (the heaviest available) then he'd be hitting slightly harder. needless to say these are token values using a simplistic drag model, and it'll vary depending on what a given site's limits and accompanying MED's are. ofc it's worth pointing out that whilst in this example we're assuming the MED limited users are perfectly honest and also superhumanly capable of judging exact distances, accidents and kicking mustangs do happen, so needless to say one's protective equipment should be tailored to accommodate the worst possible scenario. tbf, chrono's that measure velocity are perfectly servicable if you know the weight of ammo going through them. direct energy measurement is only needed to catch the ".2's honest guv'" crowd
    2 points
  19. Tackle

    Only airsoft/ combat UK.

    As @SBoardleysaid, fix it & move on, consider it a life lesson that you'll now know how to avoid in the future, next time you've got a wonky gat just stick a post on here & the extensive hive mind will quickly offer you a solution 😁. As for the retailer, they've clearly got a good reputation MOST of the time, so mudslinging isn't going to resolve anything.
    2 points
  20. Life is all about perspective. OP feels him and his friend were mistreated, shop disagrees. Most seem to have had a positive experience with the retailer, so I think we can call objection, hearsay! on the original statement that "issues will not be resolved"
    2 points
  21. This time. See, here's the thing. When you drop in and drip feed a narrative like this, it can look like you're making it up as you go along, or deliberately withholding information just in order to sell your side of it. I'm not saying that you are. I'm saying what it looks like. Either way, it's way too much drama over a cheap part and a common failure. The only thing I've learned here is to really avoid WE GBBRs.
    2 points
  22. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    The first-grade teacher was starting a new lesson on multi-syllable words, she thought it would be a good idea to ask a few of the children examples of words with more than one syllable. Jane, do you know any multi-syllable words? After some thought, Jane proudly replied with Monday. Great Jane that has two syllables, Mon......day Does anyone know another word? I do, I do, me me me replied Johnny. Knowing Johnny's more mature sense of humor she picks Mike instead. Ok Mike, what is your word. Saturday. Says, Mike. Great, that has three syllables. Not wanting to be outdone Johnny says "I know a four-syllable word, pick me..." Not thinking he can do any harm with a word that large the teacher reluctantly says, "O.K. Johnny, what is your four syllable word?" Johnny proudly says, "Mas...tur...ba...tion." Shocked, the teacher, trying to retain her composure says, "Wow, Johnny, four syllables, that certainly is a mouthful" No miss, your thinking of blow job, and that's only two syllables.
    2 points
  23. It really annoys me that nothing is what it seems anymore, lots of brands with great historical reputation are bought up and subsequently turned sub standard for bigger profit all unknowing to the end user that thinks they are buying the same quality item their dad had for 50 years. Its not just tools it’s everything from washing machines to cars. @Tactical Pith Helmet do have a pic of the terminals you are wanting to crimp?
    2 points
  24. 44 year old plumber here who played a lot of Rugby and crashed a lot of motorbikes as a youth. I'm 6'7" and 130kG so you can imagine the state of my knees. I've had torn pieces of cartilage removed from both of them now. To cap it off I had a mountain bike accident a few years back that ripped a kidney in half. Thankfully that sorted itself out with a bit of key hole surgery and a long stint in bed. So airsoft...… An overweight, middle aged, functional alcoholic running around the woods with random blokes lobbing pyrotechnics around - what could possibly go wrong? Well this weekend I went for a flyer over a tree root when someone popped out of a building surprising me (and a couple of others I think) at the same time as his teammates lighting us up on full auto? I think I have a torn ligament in my foot, and one knee has swollen to the point that I look like Heir Flick from the Gestapo when walking around. Fun times though. I love airsoft simply for the bonding experience with my rapidly growing up teenage son, as well as the exercise, which sees me running easily 4 miles on a skirmish day - which there is now chance of me doing otherwise. Makes all these minor injuries worthwhile.
    2 points
  25. I'll confess to not buying that much tool wise since Johnny Major was in no. 10. I have Facom, King Dick, Snap On, Stanley, and Draper Expert, a few TUV approved bits and pieces, some home-made pullers/presses and drifts, and Makita for the electrical stuff, all of which have lasted regular use for half a working lifetime. It's damn good to catch up on what's current! The Bahco looks superb. I'll toddle off to the local MM tomorrow. Think I Stihl have an account with them. (Sorry for the awful pun )
    2 points
  26. Unfortunately no one knows everything about anything. Fix it and tell yer mate to move on. There is a saying “ don’t mix business with pleasure” and in airsoft this definitely applies. I know.
    2 points
  27. Well that’s quite an easy fix I believe. You said the bolt catch isn’t working? The WE bolt catch always fails. The easiest and most probable fix is to put the thinnest aeg gearbox shim either side of the bolt lock pin!! remove the pin, put a small amount of grease either side of the hole on the bolt lock place a shim each side over the hole, and carefully slide the bolt catch back into position then simply slide the pin back in. Job done. the shims stop lateral movement making the bolt catch only move up and down. This is a must mod on ALL WE m4 style platforms. the shop probably didn’t know this. If the catch is broke then a new one is like £15 or summit from milspec solutions dude.
    2 points
  28. Welcome, I've got a Specna Edge v1 so can't comment on the v2 but I've been very happy with its performance and it hasn't had any problems (so far) As you say, even expensive toys can develop unexpected problems so I would say get what you want and test thoroughly in the time allowed for returns. Other options that are good value/performance in my experience are JG and CYMA. (Because I like to vary play style and actually collect more than play, I tend to buy many budget toys that perform adequately rather than one expensive one that may or may not perform better)
    2 points
  29. can't say i agree there, the 2 aren't comparable. a heavier bb might carry more energy at range, but it will never have more energy than it starts with. and if it's an acceptable level of owch for a pew to hit with [accepted non-MED energy level] then it doesn't matter if that level is delivered point blank by a 0.2g or 0.4g, and any range beyond that both will have less energy. ironically there's a case to be argued against using them for dmr's when a heavy enough bb could carry enough energy at the MED distance to exceed the equivalent limit for a non MED gun.
    2 points

    • For sale
    • As new

    UKARA (Or similar defence at my discretion) Needed for sale, Paypal only. I don't believe this M4 has ever been fielded. Fires good, works fine. Will come with a hi-cap. Rear wired. Original stock has been traded. I will wipe the paint marker off before sending to the best of my ability. Original carry handle has a crack but functions fine. If sending via "pay for a product" or etc, please confirm delivery when recieved on the Paypal transaction Price is all in included postage. I havent sold for a while so excuse me if i'm a bit rusty when replying.


    - GB

    1 point
  31. Both idiots, more so the bloke. Maybe airsoft it’s not for him and should stick to American football…..
    1 point
  32. Definitely the bloke with the busted nose & two black eyes 🤣
    1 point
  33. All very true, not wishing to go off topic but my stance on bang kills reflects this, even if a site says it doesn't encourage or recognise bang kills, my own moral compass dictates that I'm not gonna inflict unnecessary pain on fellow players if I've got them 100% bang to rights at exceptional close range, yet there will always be people who dispute all aspects of a bang kill, whether its site rules or they think their in a John Woo film. Their response will always dictate mine, whether its friendly banter or aggressive saltiness depends on them. LOL, if someone hits them six times in five seconds, they should probably find a new sport or hobby💩🐼
    1 point
  34. Agree 100% He has a very short fuse. I've been shot in face from close range.sure I get pissed and scream and shout abuse but surely a bit of self control could have avoided that? Call me old fashioned but hitting a woman is a big no no. Ok just read that it's a guy and not a woman. But no excuse either way. Objection your honour. Speculation 😂😂
    1 point
  35. Pretty sure this was covered a while back if you search for "Airsoft Trajectory Project" it goes into quite a lot of detail. There's a section specifically on MEDs at different powers, etc.
    1 point
  36. Iceni

    Crimping Tool

    The best Crimpers I've used are the Knipex ones. It really depends on the Style of crimp you want to use tho. If it's for ferules then the Self Adjusting ferule crimp is a fantastic tool. It's not cheap, but we use them at work for rebuilding machine cabinets. There are cheaper variants of this on the market, but you want something that crimps from all angles for ferules. Amazon should have a selection of off brands with ferules for under £30, but I can't guarantee the quality. https://ffx.co.uk/product/Get/Knipex-97-53-04Sbe-4003773030270-Self-Adjusting-Ferrule-Crimping-Pliers https://www.amazon.co.uk/0-25-10mm²-AWG23-10-Self-Adjustable-Connectors-terminals/dp/B08ZDN5WNQ/ref=sr_1_12?crid=1IIW3KETH2JLC&keywords=Self+Adjusting+Ferrule+Crimping+Pliers&qid=1655161907&s=diy&sprefix=self+adjusting+ferrule+crimping+pliers%2Cdiy%2C116&sr=1-12 If all you are thinking is bullet and spade connectors then the standard Knipex crimping pliers are a tad cheaper. Again there are cheaper versions on the market, but we tend to see a lot of Knipex pliers in industry because there generally about the best you can get easily. £20-25 is about average across the decent brands, Cheaper might be better for you if it's only for a couple of connectors a year. So check screwfix and amazon. https://ffx.co.uk/product/Get/Knipex-Kpx9721215-4003773034131-Crimping-Pliers
    1 point
  37. What do you call a video of two toads having sex? Frogspawn.
    1 point
  38. Well there is your issue. WE shite.
    1 point
  39. Can I ask which rif is it in question? Maybe there is a community solution to this?
    1 point
  40. Lipo or lion fine for ICS, you can even run an 11v as the gears are very good. (but there is no benefit in reality). I run Titan 7000mah 7.4's. The fire rate on them is about 15rps which is perfect for walking in rounds and not stupidly fast to annoy anyone. the ICS isn't fussy about mags like the G&G is either
    1 point
  41. Hahahaha thanks a lot for everyone's time. Yes indeed it is a DMR build. The only reason why I was interested in a Crazy Jet is because I'm planning on a 2.5:1 air volume ratio. Meaning that the gun will be quite over volumed. And this is where we get into the Theory realm: According to some other airsofters, a common issue with over volume guns is that all the extra air that did not have time to accelerate the BB will come out in an unorganized fashion creating turbulence. This turbulence can (allegedly) give a final tiny impulse on the bb in any given direction, meaning that it would fuck up your accuracy. Therefore i thought that the crazy jet feature would possibly help reduce this alleged turbulence and ait in the reliability of the gun. Am I and everyone else full of shit for believing this? Or do y'all think that it has some truth?
    1 point
  42. Great advice above, nothing much to add to it except some other bits of kit you might not have considered: Kneepads, or trousers with built-in kneepads Something to hang all your kit off, whether that be a belt/battle belt, assault vest or plate carrier ( this item is the perfect happy medium for me) Weapon sling, I like the bungee ones Wet weather gear, even if it's just a surplus DPM goretex jacket you can throw on over the top of everything. There really is no limit to the amount of needless accessories you can buy in this hobby but I'd consider the above to be pretty essential.
    1 point
  43. there you go , you saved me typing it up 😛 its actually a solid performer , I’ve been using a knock off RMR which whilst looking good won’t hold a zero or it’s battery life for shit , I spied a B&T Acro Glock MOS base plate whilst ordering another part and thought I’ll give it a go and see if it fits … which it does i wondered if it’d struggle to cycle with the extra weight but pleasantly surprised that it does not here’s a dodgy one handed cropped vid giving it a whirl , if it stops raining I’ll try again outside
    1 point

    • For sale
    • Used

    Here we have a DD MK18 from Specna Arms (SA-E19-EDGE2). This is the updated version with the new trigger. Recieved in a trade recently but due to me moving away will not be used any time in the forseeable future. The gun had a stronger charging handle spring and a maple leaf bucking and nub installed by myself, super snappy and fires very well. Included: RIF 7 SA mid caps Titan power 3000 mah lion battery VP Airsoft 7.4v 1300 mah battery Viper M4 Mag pouch (4 mags) Price Totalled up for this is £435 new, asking price is £250 + postage if required (collection from perthshire)


    - GB

    1 point
  45. HSP Flatpack arrived today which sees my PC finished. Been looking at the options available for carrying hydration and a can or 2 of gas as my GBBR usage increases. Having tried out the Ferro hydration pouch and the flatpack, the flatpack wins out purely because it’s more versatile (though the Ferro one is lovely). List of bits is: Ferro Concepts FCPCv5 Ferro Concepts Assault Cummerbund Ferro Concepts KTAR Front Flap Ferro Concepts Padded Strap Socks AXL Advanced Admin Zipper Spiritus Systems Small GP Pouch Esstac KYWI Single Tall Mag Pouch Haley Strategic Flatpack 2.0 SORD TED Pouch
    1 point
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