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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/05/22 in all areas

  1. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    Got the wife a new fridge for her birthday. You should have seen her face light up when she opened it.😂
    6 points
  2. Alimcd

    Gun picture thread

    Slapped a Ruger Target stock onto my Rogueworx Underlever KC02, aside a Rogueworx trigger it’s pretty much complete The Trijicon VCog knock off is surprisingly nice too! Beautiful glass that’s on par with my Vortex Crossfire LPVO
    6 points
  3. 5 points
  4. Are you sitting comfortably? Getting your muzzle energy up close to your site limits (typically 2.32J) is a stretch goal. I say "muzzle energy" rather than fps because you'll need to be clear on how your local site(s) do chrono. Sites that actually care will think and talk in Joules, and chrono using the BBs that you intend to use, which for a sniper should be over 0.4g. Some sites are still living in the 1990s and will chrono even snipers with 0.2g, and talk in terms of "500fps" for snipers, which is problematic for you if you're intending to play at multiple sites because 2.32J with 0.2g ("500fps") can easily creep well over that when you throw in 0.4g BBs. I use 0.43g, other snipers as high as 0.5g. And every sniper, I think without exception, will need a spring change to get the energy up there, so the quoted stock "fps" (quoted for 0.2g BBs that you won't be using) is essentially irrelevant. tl;dr version - budget another £10 or so for a spring change, but don't sweat it too much as long as you get over 2J, but under your site limit, with 0.4g or heavier BBs What's far more important for sniping is shot-to-shot consistency - maximum range won't matter if you're slinging your balls all over the place. That comes down mostly to decent air seal, hop unit and rubber, and using the heaviest BBs that your hop and wallet can handle. I like cheap AEGs and pistols, like, sub £100 plastic fantastics. Snipers though, you can have a great day smacking in hit after hit after hit, or you can have a rotten day with miss after miss after miss, and there's not much in between. I have a Well MB-03 which I bought to see if I enjoyed the experience of sniping. As stock, it was just barely usable, giving only marginally more maximum range than an AEG and in practice less effective range given the inconsistency out at 40m+ where you need a sniper to be more accurate. I threw the usual upgrades at it: spring and piston, barrel, barrel spacers, metal hop arm, DIY TDC hop. It got a little better, then it got a lot worse as the cheap internals started wearing out rapidly. The trigger got reluctant to release, and then the stopper went sloppy which ruins the bolt pull and eventually prevented the bolt even going forwards. It's currently in bits, and was ultimately a waste of money other than for learning the hard way that if you start with a cheap sniper, you really will end up replacing just about everything inside it in order to get to YouTube video standards. Contrast with my Silverback Tac-41. That costs £365, and still needs a spring change to get it up over 2J. But that's all it needs. The larger volume cylinder gives a light, short bolt pull. It has a superb indexed rotary TDC hop giving it great shot-to-shot consistency. The trigger is 90-degree (you want that), fully adjustable, and the quality of the internals is far better than on the Well. Even the bolt disassembly is a dream compared to VSR compatible guns. The difference in play against the Well even at its peak performance is startling: it's bang on target again and again and again, and much less fatiguing to use. It plays how sniping looks when you see it on YouTube. So you'll have to make a choice about how much you want to commit to sniping. If you're just dipping a toe in, I'd say: get the MB03 (or even the £50 Double Eagle M52), and run it absolutely as stock without spending another penny. You could even cut the spring down a bit to have a lighter bolt pull and less stress on the components, get it under 1.14J, and run it without a minimum engagement distance with any sight you like - we have a few folk here who do that, and say it's great fun. Then if you enjoy the experience of sniping - placing yourself correctly and picking your shots - you can think about whether to go in deep, either by retiring your taster gun, starting to update the internals on the Well (the Double Eagle is essentially disposable), or by jumping straight to a Silverback Tac-41 or SRS, a Novritsch SSG-10, or one of the other (very few) credible out-of-the-box options like the Steyr Scout. The other route is to let some other mug sink the money, and buy a used pre-upgraded gun. In that case I'd say it's vital to actually test it yourself at 60m+ ranges rather than trusting to a parts list or "Shoots like a laser" claims. Aaaaand breathe. I know this isn't the answer you want. We all wish there was a £100 sniper that shoots accurately at 80m and doesn't eat its internals, but I honestly don't think it exists. You can get started on a budget though, just don't expect great results, or longevity.
    4 points
  5. Have I pasted a link to a Double Eagle M904G in here yet? Damnit, I must be slipping. I'll stop getting those commission payments from DE if I don't do my job properly... Oh. Patrolbase out of stock. BBGuns4Less out of stock. Arggh. That's the bargains done for. it'll have to be these two: https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/double-eagle-m916g-utr556?pv=17877 https://bbguns4less.co.uk/products/double-eagle-m906c-ar15-rifle-with-falcon-system-in-black.html
    4 points
  6. 4 points
  7. Jethro Tull. (Wrong answers only) OP right now.
    3 points
  8. Like this? I should disclose that handguard on my SA-E02 isn't perfect. The top and bottom halves aren't quite flat, want to splay apart slightly, and are a little loose. Nothing that a roll of electrical tape couldn't sort out in about 5 minutes, but it's an inherent risk with that that style of handguard rather than something more modern and tacticool that interfaces directly with the receiver rather than via a springy ringy thingy.
    3 points
  9. Next up on the printer - the 'fatboi' under-slung battery extension/compartment for the KWA Ronin PDW stocks. Should be able to able to put pretty much any type of battery in it I need.
    3 points
  10. Impulse

    Gun picture thread

    As much as I love it, the Wolverine Hydra and the m14 hop unit don't get along, so I've put a strip of a drink can at the back of the hop unit to avoid BBs rolling back and jamming it open. Took the opportunity to get the G&P scope mount which is far lower and now the m21 is complete. I will need to cable tie the rails onto the outer barrel to stop it moving about though as I had to modify it a little to use it with a scope mount; mounting a scope directly onto the rails doesn't work and tilts the sight upwards, hence I need a separate mount to keep it level. Not sure if I can get the stubby mags to feed properly though, so we'll see next game day. Otherwise I'll just run it with normal mags. Also, I now have a decent camera, so have some m21 pics.
    2 points
  11. I had one of those when I first started airsofting, absolutely gutted I sold it because it was a really great and simple bit of kit! And doesn’t break the bank either!
    2 points
  12. Bought one of these on the back of this recommendation and I have to say I'm v. impressed so far- obviously I'll need to do a game day in it to see for sure, but it feels like the perfect compromise between battle belt and chest rig. There's enough inbuilt storage that I don't really need to have a ton of pouches hanging off it either.
    2 points
  13. @Rogerborg already hit many nails on the head there. Sniping is one of those things where it's either amazing and you feel like a god, or you barely do anything all day. I've had days where I've single-handedly, or as a pair, held an objective against basically the entire enemy team, but I've also had days where I can count the number of shots I've fired with my fingers and not have to resort to using my toes. Depending on what you're looking for, that can be enjoyable too, though it takes a certain mindset to find sitting/lying totally still in an uncomfortable position for a few hours, not pulling the trigger at all and just relaying the enemy team's movements to your friends via radio anywhere near fun. Not saying "don't do it", just saying it's a very different experience. When I started getting into sniping properly around 14 years ago I knew a pair of German guys at my local site in the south of Spain who said "it's not about how many you hit, but how you hit them" and in all these years I haven't heard anyone sum up sniping as well in as few words. I feel it encapsulates sniping perfectly; you won't get as many hits as your friend running around with an AEG, but each hit you do get will feel way more satisfying. I can tell you that the Evolution M40 is marketed as "VSR compatible" but in truth it's "mostly VSR compatible"; there are slight variances in how it's built where VSR parts won't all necessarily fit into it, like the Action Army hop unit which is usually a staple in my builds, though I believe there are alternatives like the Maple Leaf unit or arm, but don't quote me on that as I haven't tried it myself. It's possible to do a good build with one, but it'll require a bit of trial and error. If it were me and I had to choose between those three, I'd choose the Evolution M40 or the Well MB-03 (as they're the two "VSR compatible" ones, though the MB-03 has some inconsistencies too I believe), swap out the barrel, hop rubber, hop up nub and hop up chamber/hop arm and just run it at the stock power with the heaviest BBs it can lift. Running a bolt action at 1.14J is pretty enjoyable and can be really effective when tuned correctly, though be prepared for people to get salty and say "that's a bit close for a sniper!" and "you have a 30m MED!!" when you shoot them up close. Also, whoever told you that FPS is king has clearly never sniped before, or they're just not very good at it. Hop up is king; fps makes very little difference. For example, I have two pretty comprehensive HPA sniper rifle builds that I've built up over the years and consider my best performing rifles. One is a VSR that fires at .48s at 2.3J and has an effective range of 75m. I can hit out to 85m relatively consistently but at that point I'm angling my shots slightly and it's not hitting the target every time. The other is a semi-auto m21 build that fires .4s at 1.1J and has an effective range of 65m, though I can hit 70m angling shots it's not anywhere near accurate as the BBs just don't have enough energy left at that point. As you can see from this example, that extra 1.2J of power is giving me an extra 10m of effective range at the trade off of a 30m MED. Yes, more "fps" is giving me more range, but the amount of times you notice those 10m is rare I find, and usually you can just let them come a bit closer anyway as if you're remaining still at 75m range, they're not spotting you unless you're standing in the open. On this, I will echo what was said already; you want to chase consistency, not max range. Ignore the people who saunter about, boasting that their sniper rifle has a range of 90m+. You want to tune it so that you're hitting the target every single time. If you can't hit that target every shot (well, 9/10 times because BBs can sometimes get caught in Mother Nature's loving embrace and carried away by a slight breeze) then it's not worth considering in my opinion. I have a number of VSR-based cheapo builds, but chasing the 2.3J limit is never a cheap option. They're often either 1.1J builds or they're whatever the stock power of the base rifle is. If you want to increase the power, either you shell out for internals that can handle the higher power spring without exploding, or you shell out for an HPA engine, line, tank and regulator; both are expensive, both have their ups and downs. I prefer HPA and gas for the effortless bolt pull and quieter shooting, but most prefer spring as it's consistent, doesn't require a tank and will perform exactly the same all year round. This. My KJ m700s can chrono at under 350fps on a .2 (I think I got it down to around 0.9J), but then I put .48s in them and they are suddenly 2.7J. Gas guns creep like crazy
    2 points
  14. Ouch, I hope so too. I've done a bit amount of re-enactment archery and it's a case of trust on both side: that the archers will ensure that our arrows are always heading downwards when they reach the targets, and that said targets won't say "What arrows?" and look straight up just as you're dropping a cloth-yard of rubber-blunted cedar straight down onto them. But in the heat of the moment, I have seen absolute wankspankles flat shooting at full draw, in one case resulting in the miscreant being physically tackled and restrained by his own side. Like airsoft, reenactment is a great hobby, except for the very occasional freak accident, and the 5% who will never listen or learn, and who should really find a different pastime.
    2 points
  15. I've had it for a few years and it was one of the £100 ones. While the gearbox is fine (it's handled a 11.1v LiPo fine), the plastic body has all the strength of a dairylea cheese triangle that's been left out in the sun.
    2 points
  16. alxndrhll

    DAI Leisure - AVOID

    Hi folks, Here seems as good a place as any for this. TLDR I ordered some scope mounts from here on May 3rd, I haven't received my order and have only had one reply from them (on May 14th) which was essentially a generic 'we'll look into this'. I've emailed 3 times since getting that reply chasing any sort of correspondence and received nothing. Hopefully a phone call can see it resolved, not my preference as I prefer to have everything in writing. For what appears to be a fairly professional outfit it's been an absolute shambles, so yeah, as the title suggests my experience would lead me to advising folks avoid ordering from here. FWIW usually I'd be a lot more proactive about chasing this sort of thing down, not that I feel I should need to be, 'fortunately' it's a cheap order and I've simply been too busy during their open hours to dick about with phone calls... but alas. And no, they don't accept PayPal (likely down to what they sell at a guess) otherwise I would have thrown in a PayPal reversal/cancellation thing a few weeks ago. Cheers, Alex
    1 point
  17. I did look at those, but I'm after something that's got the old style unrailed foregrips
    1 point
  18. That was a good read @Rogerborg and as someone who buys guns impulsively that DE M52 would certainly tickle my fancy. Thanks for highlighting it!
    1 point
  19. Yes this is true. One recent game I found a bunch of day rental puffa-jacketed teens seemed to be impervious to single rounds, it became "let her rip, or aim for the head". That does me no credit, but by heck lad, it felt good at the time (and had the desired effect of getting their hands in the air. I suspect they walked about 20m before returning to the fray, but small victories...)
    1 point
  20. put your sights on a 1" riser. sorted. Also means I can wear my glasses without steaming up, have coms built in, only 1 strap to put on/off and amazing vision (no restrictions). Ive gone i4 and Bolle 800 before that, not going back Oh and I can go one better than a Glaive, I lost my right eye to an Arrow !!!!!!. My nickname for years was Harold the 2nd. oh and yes it hurt
    1 point
  21. Thanks dude I appreciate it. I'll give it a go and see if I prefer it enough to keep running it. I do have another if all goes pear shaped. Thanks for your input 👍
    1 point
  22. I'm slightly short sighted, so need glasses to see in sharp focus past about 15m. But I find what works is no glasses and a 3/4X sight. means I can see perfect detail up to the 50-60m range of my rifs and watch the BB's bouncing off the non hit takers and can see the snipers who think they are invisible. All my Rifs either have Vortex Spitfire 3x (great sight), or the cheaper £60 amazon version (far less eye box, but OK) Pistols I just do fixed sights and that works fine for me out to 25m of so
    1 point
  23. Does anyone know of anyone that is selling or can 3D print a stock in this style for the Ares Striker AS-03? I think the files are already out there.
    1 point
  24. Great. Now I have to add a gun to the "I want one" list. At least the "I want one maybe" list. I think a WE m14 might be a bit of fun, but I also have an aversion to anything WE...
    1 point
  25. Mine is stock except for an upgraded Mapleleaf bucking and nub. Lovely gun on a 11.1 Lipo.
    1 point
  26. ak2m4

    Specna Arms. Worth it?

    I believe E&C are the actual OEM, but not seen an Arthur up close.
    1 point
  27. Jacco

    WE f226 valve

    Awesome, thanks bud will order some.
    1 point
  28. Just an update, I turned off active breaking turned on precocking set it tk manual on ots pre set lowest setting and now my nozzle rests perfectly in the forward position. I'm sure its the delayer chip causing it just glad I worked it out cheers guys hopefully this assists someone else
    1 point
  29. Shamal

    THE TM MWS thread

    Hi 👋 Yeah paypal goods and services is best for buyer protection. Have you looked at sellers reputation? Have they got good feedback? Does the pictured item contain the sellers forum name and date? Is the pictured item the actual item or a stock photo from a mag or online seller(you can generally tell)and this is the reason that the sellers forum name and date are included In pic. Trust your judgment and ask seller questions and judge by their answers. You can tell a lot by how they respond. Nothing is garenteed but with goods and services you have some protection. Good luck( they are a pretty honest bunch on here)👍 Regards
    1 point
  30. Rogerborg

    Black Air soft Gun

    Not a great sign, is it? If you are 18 or over, you are legally fine to purchase, or attempt to purchase, a realistic imitation firearm from anyone in the UK. You are not committing any offence by doing so, and you don't need any sort of defence or licence to buy or own it. It's the seller that's committing an offence by selling it. They need a defence to do it, one of which is selling for the purposes of historical re-enactment. They clearly don't believe that's your real intention, they're just asking for a MVT number that they can record against the sale in the very, very unlikely event that it ever becomes an issue for them. Some sellers even accept "defences" that are (legally speaking) nothing of the sort, e.g. cosplay. That's a concern for them, not for you. They want to sell, you want to buy. My concern would be what you intend to do with it, and whether you're likely to attract the wrong sort of attention. Please be aware that public possession of any imitation firearm, realistic or otherwise, is an offence, and that you need to be able to produce a reasonable excuse on demand. That would mean being on the way to or from an airsoft event at an insured site, not showing it off to your mates down the local woods. tl;dr version - if you're at least 18, you're fine to buy and own get an assault-style toy inside the UK. Just be very careful what you do with it.
    1 point
  31. The best part about being a scientist is having your hard work and research questioned by people who spent every science class peeling glue from their hands.
    1 point
  32. a scientist at the lhc managed to get caught in the cooling system, when they got to him his body temperature had dropped to -273.15°C fortunately he was 0k
    1 point
  33. A set of Comtac XP’s courtesy of @Speedbird_666 and a HW T2 on a scalarworks mount.
    1 point
  34. The state of the roads locally means four five hour day time drives are usual for me. Driving through the night I can be in Glenn Coe in eight. Having to wait to pick up mates after work for games and then driving Friday evening is crap tbh. If I go on my own I leave at 3am and have a kip in the van on arrival. Bloody big gamble to play somewhere the first time with a journey like that, which is why I like playing themed games as different sites get the same group of players, and word soon gets out about badly run days. There were players from The Wash, Leicestershire and somewhere Oop North to judge by their accents this weekend. Couple of lads from Wolvo regularly play themed games there too.
    1 point
  35. You may need three!! 😂
    1 point
  36. I'd say my MWS is mostly complete. I've added a M300 knockoff since this but can't be bothered to whip out the dove soap box I used to elevate the gun for the picture to retake it 🤣 G43 magnifier is also on the way. Edit: Also tried a UH1 + 3x & RK-1 grip.
    1 point
  37. I reckon I'll just leave this here 😏 https://www.flecktarn.co.uk/odtmb2nx.html Cheap as chips, excellent quality & amazingly light & comfy, just add whatever pouches you need at the time. The bulle pouches are also very good quality & well priced.
    1 point
  38. SBoardley

    Gun picture thread

    Just modded 5 emags to work in my WE A2alike. SHIBBY!! IMG_2411.MOV
    1 point
  39. Bic tactical do them. You have to supply your own duct tape as they don’t come with a solid mount. Make sure you used correctly threaded tape as CCW duct tape will damage a CW barrel thread. Alternatively there is the MagZippo’s version. Some people like them but they tend to make it barrel heavy. I wonder what happened to the lad who wanted to build an airsoft flame thrower user a petrol leaf blower? I’m sure he used to play at Ulitmate Wargames. Anyhow this is why we have November the 5th burns unit 2 for 1 special offers. 😉
    1 point
  40. I'd like to start off this thread by saying that the pistols, rifles and shotguns that I recommend are, and always will be, from my own experience of using them and by popular opinion from regular users on here, other forums and other reputable sources. This thread will also be updated over time. The amount of threads I keep seeing about this subject literally popping up every other week is getting a tad bit annoying, so, I figured I'd create this thread to save people from repeating themselves. So, you're a new player looking for a decent gun hmm? You have a set budget for a gun that will be suitable for skirmishing and won't break anytime soon. If you have a budget of £20 - £60, these guns will do just fine. Primarily gas and spring. - Any Double Eagle/AGM single-shot shotgun: These things have good range with .25g BB's and don't shoot above site limits, for around £30 you can't go wrong. Bison shotguns are a good option if you prefer a different look. - Any Double Eagle tri-shot shotgun: Like the single-shot shotguns, these also have good range but cost slightly more (around £50.) Do not purchase the Marui tri-shots new because, personally, the quality is on par with the Double Eagle tri-shots, not worth above £100. Cyma make metal tri-shot shotguns with folding stocks, full stocks, stockless and all metal or polymer for under or a bit over £100 depending on the model. G&P shotguns are outdated and overpriced, avoid. - ASG, KJWorks, HFC MK23: Absolutely the best gas pistol for under £70, very efficient, accurate and cheap to buy. The included 'silencer' will increase the FPS, try to find the Marui silencer to make it deadly silent. - Cyma AEP's: Like the MK23, these AEPs are excellent for the money, reliable gearboxes, some upgrade options out there on sites such as Eagle6 and Firesupport, magazines are very cheap, LiPo kits are also available and are a worthy upgrade. - HFC gas pistols: These are OK for around £30, average accuracy and gas efficiency, plastics used aren't great BUT the pistols are rugged enough for skirmishing, but they won't stand up to long-term use, consider saving up for the MK23. If you have a budget of £60 - £100, this is an ok budget for a gun. - KJWorks P226, Glocks, M9s and 1911s: These guns are absolutely solid, will last a long time if taken care of. Good kick, average gas efficiency due to metal construction, fully Marui compatible. These are capable of using Co2, but is strongly advised due to inconsistent FPS. Magazines are poor quality and WILL leak during your ownership, replacing them with Marui magazines is advised. The paint that is used is very easily chipped. - WE Glocks, P226, M9s, XDMs and PX4's: Like KJWorks pistols, these pistols are very solid performers and are reliable, average gas efficiency and good range. Avoid purchasing second hand, these pistols are usually very well used in their lifetime, check the condition of the pistol before considering purchasing. The Glocks are slightly fatter than the real thing, so as such, they do not fit most plasic holsters, either trim the holster or purchase an adjustable cloth holster. The paint on the pistols is slightly better than the KJWorks, but will still easily be scratched off. - ASG Dan Wesson revolvers: These guns are reliable, but have no hop up, so they lack range. Only capable of holding 6 rounds, these are not suitable for skirmishing due to the lack of range and the inconsistent FPS. Good, realistic backyard plinkers for collectors. - JG Skorpion, Mac 10: These are very reliable and rugged AEP's, clones of the Marui so plenty of upgrade options and magazines online from sites such as Eagle6. You will be outgunned by regular AEG's such as Combat Machines however due to the small gearbox and weak motor. Will make a decent side arm if using a high-capacity magazine. - Well R4 & R2: Decent AEP's, on par with JG. Clones of the Marui, so upgrade options are available. The plastic Well use for the AEPs are very poor, and will shatter under heavy use. The R4's magazine release will snap if used a lot, so take care. Please consider the JG over the Well if possible. If you have a set budget from £100 - £200, the options are essentially endless. This is the budget you need for a good reliable gun. Spring guns aren't included on this list as you'll end up spending more than you'll realise when you end up upgrading them. AEGS: - Any: G&G Combat Machines/GC16, Cyma AK's/Mp5's/M14's, JG G36/AUG/AK's/G3s, ICS M4's/Mp5's(Sportline)/AK's/G33/Sigs/Mx5's, Classic Army Mp5's/M4's/AK's/P90, SRC G36's, ASG Sten-gun/MP40/MP44/AUGs(JG)/M14(Cyma), APS AK's, King Arms P90 and D-Boys KAC/AK's. Pistols: - Any: Tokyo Marui gbb pistols! Their Hi-capas, Glocks, M9's and 1911's have the most after market parts. KWA/KSC pistols are also very good, the Glocks are extremely robust apart from the full auto versions due to their weak fire selector. Marui pistols will work fine on propane/green gas, though I wouldn't recommend using propane/green gas in them on warm days, stick to HFC gas instead. KWA/KSC gbb's have inferior hop up designs, as the 'nub' that is used to apply pressure is just a tiny ball bearing, whereas in the Marui pistols, they use VSR buckings and regular nubs. "Why aren't sniper rifles/DMR's included?" . Spring guns aren't included on this list as you'll end up spending more than you realise when you start upgrading them to 'outperform everyone on the field'. DMR's are just AEG's; put an oversized scope on an unweildy rifle and you've got a DMR. If you have a set budget above £200 to £300, any AEG will do. Consider Krytac AEG's as they're very well shimmed and have excellent air compression. If you like realism, try gas blowback rifles such as WE/GHK/KJWorks, the WE's will definitely require upgrading for long-term use, also consider HPA use for consistency (or Tippman M4's). If you don't like the idea of buying gas but still want the realism, consider the Marui recoil shock series or CTW's. Hope this helps!
    1 point
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