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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/04/22 in all areas

  1. have to say i agree here. at the risk of opening a can of worms I'm not sure how comfortable I'd be continuing to buy stuff from Russia given current events. I might like their kit on a technical level, but I don't want any part in supporting the present actions of their government, no matter how indirectly.
    6 points
  2. Y'all are thinking its something shady like out of his bedroom window in a built up area, it could just as easily be out of his mums corsa window when he went to meet the lads in Aldi car park. Our beloved hobby is safe.
    5 points
  3. "test fired 10 shots from my window" Tell me I'm not the only one who read this and thinks they shouldn't be allowed nea anything remotely gun shaped
    5 points
  4. Yeah but you get a 25p refund every time someone tells you they'll definitely come back to you on payday.
    5 points
  5. Shamal

    High caps or mid caps

    Don't forget the 40 or so into puddles on the walk to start point after briefing 😅
    4 points
  6. If you're up against the puffa jacketed teen terrors then 3 high caps will get you about 6 acknowledged kills...
    4 points
  7. I'm not you, but you're asking me so I say mid caps, 5 will get you 350 guaranteed kills, though deduct about 50 for the random plinking that's obligatory whilst waiting for the game to start. Still, 300 kills dude, that's enough, don't be greedy.
    4 points
  8. Had a great day at Reforger and even better to randomly meet so many AFUK members. Got to try out my new DMR by Luke of Negative Airsoft and had a blast in the morning with it performed excellently. Was fun going on the left flank having that little more range watching those bbs falling short and taking out the shooters until that other sniper/DMR would fire back ha ha. That's what you get trying to flank in the open I guess. Changed up for the afternoon to normal AEG again had a blast was some great fun. Though I did underestimate how many bbs I would go through and only just had enough spare on me in the field to resupply all but my highcap mag. Even went down to my pistol in the capture the flag game(defending). Though was great that I was able to to stop 2 captures with said pistol one with the last shot of magazine. Then was killled during mag change. The last game enjoyed the 25min rest we managed to have ha ha. How they didn't spot me on that final push I have no idea. But was a very enjoyable day and a great place to play as a sniper or DMR player as proved by the number of them who showed up. Oh by the way @Skullchewer that's a great pic of the AFUK patch in action you should get one😁
    4 points
  9. You can get rid of a lot of it by brimming the reservoir, covering the top with your thumb and shaking the mag to get the bbs to settle, and repeating that a few times until the bbs can't move at all. You can dive around all day and they won't make a peep until you start using it.
    3 points
  10. Just found out my brother in law is a mime artist! He kept that quiet.
    3 points
  11. Funny that people don't feel the same way about sending money to American or Chinese companies whenever their respective governments gun down a minibus full of kids, assassinate some journalists or harvest organs from prisoners. Nor for that matter did anyone seem to be all that bothered about buying Russian kit in the aftermath of Georgia and Chechnya. We've had a hand in demolishing a few countries ourselves in the last few decades. Let's not get carried away with framing this as a moral choice, or implying some kind of treason or direct contribution to whatever misery the Russian government is inflicting at this moment. If people want to draw a line with where they spend their own money then fair enough - personally I don't buy anything from Amazon, but I'm not going to judge people who do. On a practical level you'd have to be nuts to try and mail order Russian replica firearms parts at the moment. But it sounds like some people are a few newspaper headlines away from burning their cyma ak74s at the moment and it's all a bit silly and hypocritical imo.
    3 points
  12. Hard agree with the posters above. I'll not purchase anything from Russia or Belorussia now, most likely forever. As someone who mostly does Soviet WW2 airsoft, that does make getting good kit difficult as the main suppliers are either in Russia, Belorussia or Ukraine. But WW2 airsoft is a nicety that my friends and family who live under the Russian bombardments wish they could go back to. War is much nicer with toy guns.
    3 points
  13. To be fair, he does seem like more of a collector / displayer than a player. Maybe we could apply some of that Twatter/Google language policing to flag up the word "new" in any advert.
    3 points
  14. I raise you - Bellenden Gardens 😂😂
    3 points
  15. So many wasted kills 😂
    2 points
  16. OR just get two JG hi-caps for now start saving and then get the mids at a later date ?
    2 points
  17. I paid £299 for mine from Patrol base with mags at about £30 a go I deliberatly waited as I wasn't prepared to pay the £450 figures being asked by a couple of sites.
    2 points
  18. I was further behinds you but directly behind the objective I really blended in well with the tree I was behind in my blue top/grey trousers and sandy cap ha ha
    2 points
  19. Ha! As you well know, I've bloody tried, twice! Both times royal mail have apparently binned them. I've messaged Profink about trying for a third time. I did indeed, not as much as I'd have liked as I was too hot, and kept talking my helmet off, so I got lots of great footage of trees and grass, but the rest of it I pulled together what I could....
    2 points
  20. Oh, that's handy. 19.18mm + 2 x 2.46mm = 24.1mm. 👍 I've been getting on OK with generic 19mm / 2.5mm = 24.0mm o-rings, stretched out by popping them over the cylinder and then heating them a bit - you know, a fire-based ritual ceremony.
    2 points
  21. @RostokMcSpoons cylinder internal diameter varies quite a bit, from 23.6mm to 24mm. Recheck the seals on yours. Most problems stem from the piston head o-ring either isn't big enough or something is blocking the vents (not allowing the oring to be pushing out). A BS910 o-ring is slightly larger so grab one of those. The o-ring on the nozzle might make a small amount of difference but in my experience doesn't affect fps greatly, it's more there to keep the nozzle centered.
    2 points
  22. Yep there is. Just pm me for payment details.
    2 points
  23. As long as the wiring reaches the correct terminal and the doesn't foul the way the motor sits against the gears and box then you'll be fine.
    2 points
  24. L42a1 would be nice , Ares though so I’d only be able to sit and cradle it , staring across the horizon wondering what a working airsoft version would be like
    2 points
  25. I saw this pop up on the Ares facebook page and since i have such as soft spot for the T variant I had to share it; Wood and metal... i just hope that the hop up is built a little better than the glued S&T No 3....
    1 point
  26. Acquisitions through the middle of last year. Haven't written a list in a long time, but I'll make it optional viewing:
    1 point
  27. Yep, get out & use it, you might be pleasantly surprised. Very few aeg's need upgrades from the off, maybe just a barrel clean & hop adjustment.
    1 point
  28. You can grab this one https://www.bullseyecountrysport.co.uk/jg-works-g36-m4-magwell-adapter-with--nozzle-9801-p.asp , it's cheaper. Personally I use PTS G mags, they are expensive but slimmer than g36 original and works without any problems.
    1 point
  29. Hi bud and welcome to the forum 👋 Seeing as you have never used it yet,I would be inclined to field it for a couple of games to get the feel for it and check its performance.You may just be surprised.On the other hand it may be shite in which case the guys here can advise on upgrade possibilities 👍 Have fun with your new hobby and enjoy.🙂 Remember to call your hits.👌 Regards
    1 point
  30. Matt.2504

    High caps or mid caps

    You must have more luck than me then; I had 7 KA ones and only found out mid fire fight that they don’t feed in my rifle so sold them.
    1 point
  31. Yep they work, not as good as G36 mags but it's close, if your a bit of a "Hose monster" you may find they struggle to keep up.
    1 point
  32. Absolute hoot using it like that. I run .30's in mine and am very impressed with the performance out of the box . 2 or 3 mags and a speed loader and you're good to go !
    1 point
  33. Joking aside that’s a nice design you’ve made their , I do see the logic behind the idea BUT I had it drummed in to me your gun always points where your looking never in different directions hence looking down the sights of your gun and not glancing around , plus try and make your self the smallest target possible so again hunched over your gun smaller target that standing upright ? But then again I was trained practically back in the days of muskets so what feck do I know ! 🤦‍♂️ 🤣🤣🤣🤣👍
    1 point
  34. Depends on your play style I guess… ?
    1 point
  35. Try this place for weird parts bud Is it this? https://airsoftspareparts.com/en/m249-parts/bullgear-cnc-hop-up-m249
    1 point
  36. Were you on the right flank with me and a few others in the holly bushes? We had that nicely sewn up 😎Basically did to them what they did to us in the first game!
    1 point
  37. Seems like the real-steel-mall-ninja-cool-kids stateside are making 'NV' height optics a 'thing', especially after the former DEVGRU guys at GBRS Group have been extolling the virtues of 'heads up' shooting in CQB to maintain situational awareness. Thought I give it a go - I dub thee the 'tower-block' riser: Yes, it looks ridiculous. But they might be onto something. It feels very natural and works much better with Paintball goggles in the Airsoft context. This was the initial inspiration for 'going high': Along with: https://youtu.be/BuYNpTYJb7k
    1 point
  38. Indeed, which is why I try to caveat my experiences with estimates of days played, BBs shot, or "for now." "Buy cheap, buy twice" gets a Chad Yes from me, given that the alternative might be "Buy expensive, get worse internals, and have nothing left in your budget to fix it."
    1 point
  39. It's going. Not quite TM performance, but certainly adequate for a secondary. May even be more reliable than my kjw g17 with the mysteriously jamming slide... It Will go through a magazine (providing the magazine valves behave), accuracy is alright and range is good enough for engagement limitations for when pushed using my SVD. Are you aware of raptor's Facebook page? It's likely heavy trolling in part, but reviews from others are not amazing for it. Might be a lot of lemons out there. But for grach, there are no other options. Still like the way it sits in my hand though
    1 point
  40. I think rogerborg has a good point. Have you played before? If you haven't, the best one is probably one that a site rents to you. Rent the first at least 3 times. Yes it will cost you a bit extra but I swear there are thousands of people who have thought airsoft was the dogs danglies on YouTube, maybe had an awesome first game, but by their 3rd/4th game have lost the hype and they've sunk a small fortune into the hobby and you never get back what you've paid when selling it. It's also a great way to get chatting to other players on site, airsofters love talking about their gear and guns, chat to them, ask to hold them, test shoot them etc. You'll get a better understanding of what you want, what's available and you'll at least get a bit chatty with the other players. If you haven't played before then you'll need to get a two tone, which if you get into the sport you'll probably be keen to replace, so you won't end up saving any cash. If you have played before and like m4s personally I'd suggest a g&g m4, anyone in your price range that you like the look of. They all basically do the same thing and the quality control of g&g seems good for the money, so then just getting one you like the look of is sensible, longer barrels aren't more accurate etc. The performance and functionality of them will all be the same/very similar. Don't like m4s? well......I'd honestly recommend sucking that up and getting an m4. You can get some great cheap ones, Parts are easy to get, they're common so onsite techs aren't working on something weird and they should be good to go out of the box from a brand like g&g or specna. Accessories, kit (chest rigs, mag pouches) are common and cheap. Also, they can be lovely. If you really must have an AK or some other weird shaped one, by the time you can justify spending the money you'll be in a better place to understand what's good, what you're looking for etc. Just don't be one of those people who is like.....I've just bought this gnu , is it any good?
    1 point
  41. You will get a variety of answers to this question. I would still go with the traditional G&G Combat Machine Raider. They are solid out of the box and easily upgradeable. Start by sticking in a ZCI 6.02mm barrel and a yellow Maple Leaf Macaron rubber with AK2M4's red Omega nub for your first upgrade. Maybe add a ZCI plastic rotary hop unit as well.
    1 point
  42. "I got a real bargain on that RIF, it was too good to pass up." [Goes into the back of a cupboard, never gets used]
    1 point
  43. EDcase

    Motor Orientation?

    Welcome. As concretesnail said, it doesn't matter which way around it sits. (It still spins in the same direction) Its all about the connector wires reaching the correct pin and there usually isn't much room to move them around.
    1 point
  44. I've floated my latest marsupial fighting series idea to my bank manager. If all goes well, Mortal Wombat will be on your screens soon.
    1 point
  45. An update on the TAC 41 chassis
    1 point
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