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  1. Why can't I shake the suspicion that there's really only one actual OEM for all airsoft toys? I mean, it's literally one eight year old kid working 27 hours a day shackled to an assembly line, and everybody else just rebrands from there.
    10 points
  2. 8 points
  3. Daza

    Ares G39 Naughty Sticker

    just brought a new ares g39 ebb £230 as it is cheaper than the umerex g36c just peeled of a black ares sticker on the left side where umerex version have the hk trades and guess what this has the hk g36c trades under it same rifle this has the new stock just ares have a brown box pic
    5 points
  4. You want buy dvd?
    5 points
  5. I'm a tradesman so my work gear will fit in perfectly because I'm already a cowboy
    4 points
  6. Congratulations, it appears you have indeed won Mack's. Is there a prize? Feels like there should be a prize.....
    3 points
  7. On the upside you can now answer the world's most unlikely pub quiz question "Name a gun with two (count 'em) trigger guards"
    3 points
  8. In that case I hope you have deep pockets if something goes wrong. Medics and firefighting equipment won't stop you being sued when one of your cast or crew end up injured from your stupidity or negligence I suggest thinking a bit harder as a gas burning will produce a flash of flame, not sparks. With every post this is looking like an even dumber idea
    3 points
  9. I’ve got one of their L119A2’s, & I can confirm it’s a thing of Beaty! It’s a solidly built & performs brilliantly, only issue I’ve had is the grub screw for the buffer retaining pin came loose, but a quick strip down & some blue thread lock soon solved the issue
    3 points
  10. Pretty darn good day at Area-66 on Saturday despite the usual paucity of marshals. The site was packed, but it was all good natured and generally fair. Nice weather, decent briefs - using a whiteboard, even - and well thought out games. A couple of rental hoodies playing in God Mode, and the usual DMR flexible interpretations of "one in the air", but otherwise great stuff. It was particular nice to see some bush wookies acknowledge hits at extreme range when the BBs must have been just about dropping on them: that always deserves a thumbs up and a thanks.
    3 points
  11. You want them to really flip out? Point out their ID cards says Royal Navy ......
    3 points
  12. Bittersweet weekend for me. I'll start with the negative, because there's only one thing (but it was pretty major). The VSR managed to tear its hop rubber. I swapped the suppressor and threaded adapter for the original end cap (no other changes and it was shooting perfectly two weeks earlier when I last used it), and it managed to push the barrel in or something which then caused the rubber to tear and fold in on itself from the barrel side and all along the contact patch, meaning it wasn't hopping at all. I originally thought it was clipping the end cap, but I was wrong. I've put the suppressor back on and will just scrim it up next time I go to a Vietnam game so it's not on show, because I'm not using that end cap ever again! However, let's move onto the many many positives. Vietnam airsoft was fun as all hell. I had to do it with my £130 AEG m14 build that I brought as a backup because my VSR died as I said above, but it was a lot of fun bouncing the GIs all through Saturday. From what I gathered from the other guys I went with, VC/PAVN are usually pretty badly outnumbered and usually means they die horribly, but this game was balanced as the guy who organised it refused to sell more US tickets until VC/PAVN numbers went up. As a result, we absolutely hammered them through Saturday (though I don't know how it ended on Sunday as I could only do the one day). Favourite part was a bit of escape and evasion I had to do after the GIs managed to push us out of a fort (well, the team took a prisoner and fell back from the position), leaving me lying completely still in a concealed position as the GIs were all around me. Managed to take a few out on the approach with the m14, then a few up close with the 1911, but I then just had to lie totally silent as they took my friend captive as I couldn't take them all on by myself. Managed to avoid detection, waiting for a gap in their patrols before making my escape back to base. Real heart-pumping, adrenaline fuelled fun and the moments I absolutely love, being a traditional bush wookiee. I did almost get into a fight though, for the first time in my 16 years of airsoft. Some GIs marched into our base and demanded our objectives, completely ignoring the morning briefing where it was explicitly stated that our base couldn't be attacked and therefore we couldn't bring any of our objectives there, instead carrying them with us in the field. When I told him this, he said he didn't care and that I was now his prisoner, so I shot him point blank and said that I wasn't; there were no bang kills and I never accepted any surrender. I then got lit up full auto by his teflon-coated friend, that I shot with the m14 as well, with an m16 at about 5m away (it was also a semi-only game outside of support guns) and we finally managed to get them to leave, though the other guy who was with me was prodding him with a stick, calling him a little boy and telling him to walk away and such because he was acting like a baby. He turned around and looked like he was about to start swinging, but I think one of the other US guys talked him out of it and they finally left. I thought it was all very amusing, personally; being a chonky 6'5 martial artist I wasn't really that scared if he did start swinging. Absolute man-baby hours and fortunately the only episode I experienced in the day 🤣. Most of the US guys I spoke to were great guys! Didn't play much today though. I was exhausted from sneaking all over Gunman Eversley Alpha all Saturday and had very little sleep over the weekend because of timings and discomfort while camping on-site on Friday, plus it was today where I found out my VSR hop rubber was torn and that, combined with the tiredness, just made me say "screw it, I can't be bothered". Ordered two new rubbers (will test between 80 and 85 degree Maple Leaf silicone autobots). Shout out to all the PAVN/VC guys at Eversley over the weekend, you were wonderful to fight alongside and we worked really well as a team (especially whoever had that damned whistle. The charges were glorious!). Shout out to most of the US guys too, especially the Hawaiian guys who finally dug me out of my position while I was harassing one of your bases in the afternoon. You guys were a class act and it was a pleasure to play against you.
    3 points
  13. Great day at the same event that @Impulse played at. Dustoff is the first game weekend on the ever expanding Namsoft calendar. I couldn’t find the silly black pjs and had to settle for PAVN green and being shot by friendlies three times the first morning. It did feel good donning the pith helmet again. Due to the storyline, both teams were pretty evenly matched number wise, which was a Namsoft novelty. I did wonder if this meant a complete spanking for the US, as the VC usually come away victorious in terms of objectives fulfilled, despite playing two or three to one. Anyhow… Saturday started on time, and consisted of much more of a straight infantry skirmish than the usual VC guerrilla stuff. Attacking The Wall, I was hit with more grenades than I have ever seen thrown in my life. Honestly, I was hit by BBs and then about seven MKVs. On the second or third rush, someone started chucking orange (incendiary) smokes too. It was hilarious fun, if noisy. It later transpired that someone had put a box of pyro at the base of the wall to sell, and in the heat of the moment the lot got used by over eager players. I expect the would be entrepreneur will punt them in the car park next year. Or I heard another tall airsoft tale. We’ll never know. The afternoon produced a series of attacks on the hilltop bases held by Aussie and US players. These were accompanied by much whistle blowing and charging like loons up slopes with sparse cover. I had been using an AK, but the full on style attack had me reaching for my trusty RPK. The rules only allowed full auto for support weapons, so the suppressive fire that the RPK gave was useful. Sunday proved the maxim that all plans fall apart in the face of the enemy. The carefully worked out fall back game turned into the US really getting it all spot on and outflanking us until the two US forces met in a pincer movement. We got completely hammered, although we did put up a lot of resistance at the beginning. I got the RPK set up on high ground with a mate, and held out until the inevitable happened and the GIs got within pyro throwing distance. TBH, I enjoy these games so much that I don’t mind missing skirmishes and the like for weeks on end if work etc gets in the way. The storylines and high standard of gameplay are great. The social side of things is brilliant too. It’s a proper weekend away in Victor Book for Boys fantasy land, with industrial quantities of BBs through the support weapons, stupid amounts of pyro being thrown, and a huge amount of beer. Anyhow, being evenly matched didn’t suit us and we lost for the first game in ages, if memory serves. In any case it hardly matters as I had a great weekend and am all set for the next in May. Du ban GI!
    2 points
  14. Yup. Did I say "Hand carved? Looks more like he used his foot, and a spoon."? If not, dibs on that now.
    2 points
  15. So no insurance, what, couldn't afford it or nobody would give you cover ? But you can afford to have qualified medics & firefighting personnel on standby ?, who'll expect payment even if they do nothing. & on the subject of insurance, or the lack of it, should the shit hit the fan & someone is hurt, expect the legal action to take everything you own, and some, for many years to come, as well as possible criminal charges. Sorry, I call bullshit on this whole thread, just like every other "film" thread that's ever graced an airsoft forum.
    2 points
  16. Ah, give the kid a break; after all, nothing ever goes wrong on a film set, does it? 🔫
    2 points
  17. Tackle


    Looking closer at it, they literally bodged the parts around to bullpup it, no consideration for looks, even the trigger rod is on the OUTSIDE ffs, they obviously didn't want to do it, so made just the one, as ugly as possible, for one presentation.
    2 points
  18. Tackle


    That's fugly, but to be fair it was a long long time ago, & looking at that they obviously didn't want to actually make them lol
    2 points
  19. Many moons ago when I was at school we had a visit for a few days from some RM PT instructors doing the usual recruitment stuff. As part of it they ran a self defence class at lunchtime and one day I made the mistake of not checking which t shirt I'd grabbed out of the drawer in the morning. It was a marron one with a parachute reg badge on it and, despite my best efforts to hide at the back of the class, it was spotted and I was "volunteered" for all the demos
    2 points
  20. Or ask which instrument they play
    2 points
  21. Per my first-day review, I honestly don't think the TAC-41 needs anything other than a M150 / Silverback 100N / Rapax 2J+ spring, and to be fed 0.4g+ BBs. Beyond that it seems to be a case more of visual, aural and tactile aesthetics, or lifting 0.48g with less hop pressure. I bought two extra mags but given their generous 48 round capacity, I never got past the 2nd. You could probably have a good day with nothing more than what's in the box (in a garage test I saw 1.8J with 0.43g and a hop settings of 5), plus a speedloader.
    2 points
  22. There was once such a device on the market, but don't ask me what it was called or who made it. Regardless, it's a terrible idea. Not only is it an unnecessary fire hazard, and not only would it necessitate having both a charged magazine and an open barrel thus introducing a risk of debris being fired at cast and crew, it still won't look as good as muzzle flash added in post (which I've seen VFX people saying is extremely easy), or indeed as realistic as just not having muzzle flash at all. Good interaction with props by the actors and well thought out foley will do far more for realism that a huge fireball coming out of the muzzle, which it bears repeating is very rare to see in real life.
    2 points
  23. That's exactly why I never did it. However I get asked a lot of questions "what is the best combination of motor and gears" etc. Of course no right or wrong answer.
    2 points
  24. If you're serious then surely you should be asking these questions on a platform dedicated to film and TV production, rather than one for people running around playing soldiers
    2 points
  25. Me: "Hmm, my holster plus dump pouch on my left can really weigh my battlebelt down... what can I do to counterbalance it?" Rational Brain: "Move things around, maybe transfer some vest weight to the belt?" "Irrational Brain: "Axe. Large, Nordic Axe." Too much?
    2 points
  26. They're never happy... Miserable cunts.
    2 points
  27. Bit of a mixed bag today. A lot of frustration and things not working properly and games being a bit messy. It started off promising with everything working at chrono but then I immediately ran into issues out on the field. The AK was misfeeding and double feeding and hopping really inconsistently so I wasn't having much luck with it. Then it started acting like the battery was dead so I went back to the safezone when it started working again randomly. Tried the sniper but I think I need to clean the barrel as the accuracy was atrocious. I carried on anyway but I was shooting a lot and not hitting much. Went back to the AK after lunch and nursed it through the rest of the day. I started to have a better time until I lost a pistol mag. Especially annoying as I'd planned on upgrading from the viper tacos soon anyway but too late now. The actual kit I was using was great besides the pistol mag pouches. My FRV belt and WAS RPC were solid and super comfortable all day and the rubber tacos held the am mags in really well and got some good pictures.
    2 points
  28. Who says town planners don't have a sense of humour
    2 points
  29. Bic tactical do them. You have to supply your own duct tape as they don’t come with a solid mount. Make sure you used correctly threaded tape as CCW duct tape will damage a CW barrel thread. Alternatively there is the MagZippo’s version. Some people like them but they tend to make it barrel heavy. I wonder what happened to the lad who wanted to build an airsoft flame thrower user a petrol leaf blower? I’m sure he used to play at Ulitmate Wargames. Anyhow this is why we have November the 5th burns unit 2 for 1 special offers. 😉
    2 points
  30. So we can probably expect to stay in service till at least 2035
    2 points
  31. I believe there is a prize.... And your prize iiiiiiiiiss.... NOTHING! Now go forth and find more Macks fodder for us to enjoy.... =P
    1 point
  32. they look a similar size to SVD mags so maybe try some of those? unfortunately you would probably need to get them from russia https://grey-shop.ru/magazine-pouch/svd-pouch/SVD-Pouch-SVD-Mag-Pouch-Classic
    1 point
  33. This'un: https://www.skirmshop.co.uk/silverback-aps-spring-13mm-100-newtonsrs-tac-41.html I was actually going to go for the Rapax blue 2J+ spring, but of course they sold out while I dithered: https://www.skirmshop.co.uk/rapax-aps2-style-spring-2-joule-srs-ssg-vsr.html Other alternatives would be the M140: https://www.skirmshop.co.uk/m140-aps2-type-13mm-spring-for-srs-pull-version-co.html or M160: https://www.skirmshop.co.uk/m160-aps2-type-13mm-spring-for-srs-pull-version.html Notionally an "M150" would be spot on, but they don't have that. I also bought the Rapax spring tensioners, now of course... out of stock: https://www.skirmshop.co.uk/rapax-srs-ssg-vsr-steel-spring-tensioners.html The 100 Newton spring with 0.43g and the hop set to 5 was coming in a bit spicy, so I lopped 2 coils off one end, then (because I'm a halfwit) 2 coils off the other end. This got it down to about 2.27J in the garage. On site, I had to crank the hop to 8 for 0.43g, which dropped the energy to about 2J. The largest tensioner from the Rapax kit brought it right back up to 2.27J again at lunch. I reckon I might have been OK with the 100 Newton spring uncut, but I wanted to be sure to come in under chrono rather than over.
    1 point
  34. On a $12K production? I suspect that means his mum says it's all right.
    1 point
  35. What I learnt over the course of this thread was that the KJ tolerances are off TM spec JUST enough to be problematic when trying to replace almost anything. if I could have started again, I’d have sold my SSP as it was and bought a TM 5.1 I have also encountered a working SSP that was almost as good as any of my capas in terms of chucking a pellet in a straight line, maybe not as snappy but they’re not all dogshit it seems
    1 point
  36. Fireball near Birmingham. Is a great change in play style when you are limited to single action guns with limited capacity.
    1 point
  37. Cool as funk, wheres that?
    1 point
  38. That's why I do what I do really. I like doing the irregular stuff. Why you never see me post the more regular stuff.
    1 point
  39. I've floated my latest marsupial fighting series idea to my bank manager. If all goes well, Mortal Wombat will be on your screens soon.
    1 point
  40. Finally got to use my was RPC in a game. It's so solid and comfy
    1 point
  41. Mum’s just found the porn collection!
    1 point
  42. At primary school I got in trouble for pissing in the class rubbish bin. It's a shame as I had a great teaching career ahead of me
    1 point
  43. Also Allo Allo, what's all this then?
    1 point
  44. Mags push up against the BCG, the BCG in turn pushes the charging handle up into the recevier. Ive said it time and time again, if you have any problem revert to stock and start again. You cant upgrade something if it doesnt work in standard form.
    1 point
  45. DId you check the piston seal is not dry? Have you checked the valve knocker is functioning and resetting correctly? With a 'good mag' does it happily fire off all shots? The guns not pathetic - you have a problem somewhere. Most machines eat themselves when theres a fault Stay frosty
    1 point
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