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Showing content with the highest reputation on 29/03/22 in all areas

  1. For those kind of enough to contribute to this thread, and anyone else who’s interested enough, I thought I’d provide an update on my original post. Over the weekend my friends and I went for our second day of airsofting at a different site from our first go, and it was awesome. From the get go the staff were great, instantly welcoming and helpful. Our day was full of fun game modes on a really varied site with the marshals being spot on throughout. The players were brilliant, friendly and encouraging with a nice focus on teamwork without it being overbearing. In short, we’re going back again (and probably again and again). All those here that said to stick with it have been proven right in my eyes. And for those interested, the site was Viper Strike in Dundee. I’d highly recommend it.
    12 points
  2. Jam_Man

    Gun picture thread

    Looking to get back to Airsoft so gave a couple of mine a facelift ready for it. Colour is a bit off in the pics, colour is more green than brown
    5 points
  3. mightyjebus

    Gun picture thread

    The perfect storm.......
    5 points
  4. Shamal

    Gun picture thread

    It's his white lipstick from when he does the rocky horror show 🤭
    4 points
  5. Put together my loadout for the Battlesim at Red Alert Newbury this Sunday. It'snot that different from my usual loadout, though obviously the backpack isn't usual for skirmish days, but as with most sims once you're on the field you're not back in for reloads etc, so I need to have everything I need with me, including food and water etc. The backpack, with shotty, will be staying at our FOB, mostly.
    4 points
  6. Get screen shots of his messages saying the gun works fine and send them to paypal
    4 points
  7. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    I found that I’ve been much happier since I stopped drinking coffee in the morning and switched it to orange juice. My doctor says it is the vitamin C and the natural sugars, but personally I think it’s the vodka.🍹
    3 points
  8. If the gun worked when you sent it and when they received it then I'd tell the buyer to do one. It sounds to me like they've fucked it and are now trying to blame you for their stupidity
    3 points
  9. BRRRRRRRRRRRRT incoming
    3 points
  10. Finally got myself some AOR2. A US surplus field shirt and more interestingly a beyond clothing set of prototype trousers that were made for NSWDG at some point, really nice bits of kit that go for very low prices for some reason. 😎
    3 points
  11. My lad came home from school with a bloody nose today. 'Where the hell did you get that from you fucking psychopath?' I asked him.
    2 points
  12. Skullchewer

    Gun picture thread

    Alright you primitive screwheads, listen up. See this?
    2 points
  13. One of those times when the camo really pays off... I was covering a flag point from there, I ended up chewing through more than 3 high cap's worth of ammo (much of it in semi) because it took so long for anyone to spot me and then get a decent shot at me
    2 points
  14. Rogerborg


    Indeed, it's really no more than an expression of interest, and sometimes not even that. I don't sell stuff here, but Gumtree is a bit of a chore where you're plagued with the "Still available m8?" button, and fantasists who just spam lowball joke non-offers at anything and everything. I'd far rather open a conversation with a serious potential buyer rather than a chancer.
    2 points
  15. sub-optimal air seal is something i'd expect on a lot of new guns to some extent let alone a secondhand gun. tbh i'd say a secondhand pew showing up with perfect airseal would be more noteworthy. same with wobble, ar derivatives between the upper and lower or ak frontends getting loose are pretty typical. hard to be more exact without knowing exactly what type of gun it was.
    2 points
  16. It was my first time out with a sniper and I really enjoyed it. It made me team up more so make up for my low fire rate and to be properly sneaky. You're right. Who needs camo when you can just be where they're not looking
    2 points
  17. I picked up a set of RS XM177 foregrips from Brownell’s , they where cheaper than airsoft ones ! 😳
    1 point
  18. If I'd bought an example of the most leaky and fragile type of airsoft gun, with the worst parts support and repairability, that had been custom modified to add more unknowns, I'd be delighted if it shot one BB, once. This is like selling someone a kit-car and them expecting a Honda warranty.
    1 point
  19. Cr0-Magnon


    Am I the only one who isn't a fan of having this feature on my classified (selling) ads? I'd prefer buyers to PM, so we can discuss any questions they have and establish whether they possess a suitable defence etc before I accept or decline an offer.
    1 point
  20. If mila kunis said that to me I'd remortgage to ensure she gets what she wanted, as would I. But seriously, Ssg10 a1 or A3. Other platforms require parts and/or mods.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Well if you have Russian kit it might go up in value. A lot of it seems to have holes in it now, especially the trousers. In order to avoid controversy probably best to wear the Magdelene Nun load out instead of playing as a Red Dawn extra.
    1 point
  23. haha, it was you! As I said, no hard feelings over it as I don't think it should really be counted either. I didn't get too worked up over it because it's impossible to feel them and is a silly rule (though I can see why they do it; lowest common denomimator and all that). The gun hit was me, as was the shot that eventually got you, as I saw the gun barrel sticking out the side and know what to look for as a bush-cosplayer myself, but I was pointing your exact location out to people and they just seemed to refuse to shoot. I was just like "bruh..." as I watched you take them out when all they had to do was spray the corner that I was pointing out to them (I was being pretty exact with the description), so eventually I just decided to push up myself to a range before my hop up started to hop the BB, then push up with the pistol to clear out the rest. If you want something done right, sometimes you just have to do it yourself!
    1 point
  24. If they were prone right on cross and got gun hit, that might've been me, in which case I apologize! But I agree, it's near impossible to feel those, It's only really around the upper body you can hear it. And if we go off video game logic they wouldn't be a part of the hitbox. And if it was me, I had a bunch of people look right at me while I was lying on that corner not seeing me at all. I think only Tom had spotted me and watched while I took out a few people. One quite nice shot to someone's glasses I must say! Oh well, another weekend, another set of players. There'll be little excuse on saturday though 👍
    1 point
  25. Then you'll have to deal with the situation as it is, rather than as it should be. /thread, really. It sound like you've bent over backwards to do the right thing. It's a shame for the buyer that airsoft toys are fundamentally fragile, but he chose to take a gamble on a used example. That's on him, not you.
    1 point
  26. Adolf Hamster


    iirc last time i had an offer i just sent them a pm to have a more conventional dialogue and closed the sale that way. tbh, i'm not really sure on the whole site-organization of things like offers, postage etc as it's kinda making the site a part of the transaction but not really as it's still just between 2 individuals. that said, i'm not exactly doing a lot of buying/selling so it doesn't really matter all that much to me.
    1 point
  27. Well yeah, ie my opening salvo. From a reasonable perspective you haven't done anything wrong. However unfortunately you're totally at the mercy of Paypal.
    1 point
  28. The part that's the issue, essentially the reason for a refund/return request, what is it & more importantly would the gun have functioned with it broken ?. I ask as the seller thanked you for a "functioning" gun, if this part is reliant upon in order to function, then I'd be inclined to think it was damaged during the "techs" disassembly ?
    1 point
  29. Taking what you've put at face value: You sold a gun, with known faults which the buyer was happy to accept They then either used, or immediately dissassembled it and found/possibly caused a broken part Despite the usual caveat emptor of second hand sales you offered a partial refund, which they refused. If it were me i'd say no to a full refund. Its an understood part of buying secondhand that any pew can have hidden gremlins that even a honest seller might not be aware of, hell even face to face sales where you can test a gun is no guarantee. Some people aren't happy buying something with potential faults and no comeback and choose to avoid secondhand sales for that exact reason.
    1 point
  30. If you have the money the warhead should be one to consider but if funds are more limited then I'd atick to the ifrit motors, they are usually solid performers.
    1 point
  31. When it comes to Resident Evil, the U.B.C.S. are the OG's & now, I'm finally ready to start building my RE3 airsoft loadout! There's still a lot of work to be done with attachments/upgrades, but this Specna Arms RRA SA-E01 EDGE rifle is a good start. I'm currently looking for a couple of metal old-school magazines for it, and unsure whether or not I should go for Nuprol or ICS mid-caps, anyone got any experience with those?
    1 point
  32. Why not just the same again? The stock ifrit motors are decent.
    1 point
  33. That's excellent news! Now prepare your bank balance for regular 'beastings' 😋
    1 point
  34. haha if you'd asked me a while back I would've agreed! I thought they looked like someone stuck one of those small hotel soap bars in the triggerguard. I think continuing to look at them a lot made them grow on me. Or it could be that the disgust/trauma from seeing it made me grow affectionate of them; kinda like Stockholm syndrome😂 It seems to be a recent tacticool fad but they do present some practical value as it provides a consistent trigger "press" even if the finger isn't perfectly centered on the trigger More pics to flip you as well
    1 point
  35. Hi, ALL! 👋 Decided to put this video up and get better soon! 🤬 Doing the best with what I have, enjoy it for what it is! 🔫😎👍 💷GAMBLE💷
    1 point
  36. GAMBLE


    Apologies, edited it should be up now! 🤷‍♂️ 💷GAMBLE💷
    1 point
  37. Oh yes!!👍 Just one thing though....repaint that Feckin' dtd holster.....lol Regards
    1 point
  38. GAMBLE


    Hi, ALL! 👋 Decided to put this video up and get better soon! 🤬 Doing the best with what I have, enjoy it for what it is! 🔫😎👍 💷GAMBLE💷
    1 point
  39. PMC sniper / I'm trying to lose weight loadout. Now that I'm not dressing like a bush, I'm actually getting snapped (that being said, there were times I had people staring right at me and not spotting me because staying still and not silhouetting works wonders). I'll be changing out a few things next game day as I'm still learning what works and what doesn't with this weighted plate carrier loadout, but I did like this loadout.
    1 point
  40. Another fun day at Worthing, albeit quieter than usual due to Mother's Day (I'm so happy the sun is starting to come out...) where I decided to try playing aggressive sniper with my weight loss loadout; using my VSR I didn't need anything on my plate carrier, but I wore it anyway. It was interesting and I got a LOT of hits on people totally oblivious to my location, people looking directly at me while being totally oblivious to my location (wearing no camo patterns. Fieldcraft is more important than a ghillie) and people who totally knew where I was and were shooting their "my gnu can shoot 100m easy" at me, being about 70m away and watching their BBs just land 15 to 20m in front of me before utilising my .48s at 2.3J of HPA bolt action power to hit them with ease. That being said, I think I will be moving over to aggressive sniping with my m21 as I actually need my plate carrier for that, plus it's a heavier gun; also foliage will start to grow soon and Worthing totally changes to where those 70m+ shots are extremely few and far between. The ability to shoot within 30m will soon become way more important and my m21 build is typically used at 1.1J. I will say that I noticed more non-hit taking start to creep up; it's been fairly good the last few skirmishes, but this time I really noticed it. It's always difficult when you watch the BB fly through your scope, watch it hit someone and bounce off, them react to it and then keep playing. My friends were also saying similar things, so I'm really hoping that the sun coming out isn't also going to also bring out the non-hit takers. All that said, it was a pretty balanced day, with both teams winning and losing and the timed multi-objective attack and defend took so long with constant action that we didn't switch sides as the marshalls initially planned to do. It was a really fun day with a lot of really fun moments. I still found it damn hard and left the day totally drained, so my weight loss loadout is doing its job. I didn't have time to weigh myself on the Sunday morning before heading off (I leave at 6:30am as I get a lift with one of the staff), but I did on Saturday morning, which was a day where I ate slightly too much, so if anything the picture below is an underestimation as I probably gained a little over Saturday. Weighed myself this morning and was pretty pleased with the results (for context, I'm not a small person. My target weight is 100kg with around 15% body fat and I'm currently 134kg with about 35% body fat.
    1 point
  41. No mate, well and truly sold!
    1 point
  42. A good pic from today
    1 point
  43. Shamal

    New guy in staffs

    Speak for yourself🙂 I revert back to childhood when I get out there. Tantrums,wetting myself and sulking when I don't get my own way.🤭 Good to see you back. Been on holiday? Regards
    1 point
  44. Brophy

    New guy in staffs

    Depending on where you are you are based in "Staffs", another site for you to try out could be Ace Airsoft . I normally go with a few mates and usually see another forum member ( @strykerles ) there. 100% agree with this, I was a bit unsure when starting and did wonder how "clique(y)" people were at Airsoft, but the people I've met are very welcoming and you find yourself upholding this attitude when you see new guys joining. Don't forget, we are adults running around the woods with toy guns 😂
    1 point
  45. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    In our search for ever cleaner and cheaper fuels, Engineers have just developed a car that can run on parsley. Now they're hoping to make buses that can run on thyme.🤭 Regards
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. People pay extra for premium genuine forces kit. Only the cleverest Chinese ten year olds with the nimblest fingers are used to make the best stuff...
    1 point
  48. Given the pay and conditions, and that the "Armed Forces Covenant" is three empty words that mean absolutely nothing to anybody with an ounce of power of influence, I can't say that I blame them. It's the taxpayer picking up the tab, but in the context of MOD typists getting gibsed £60K for claiming carpal tunnel hurties while squaddies get a couple of grand for having a hand blown off (and only if they can prove it was their wanking hand), I can't say that I begrudge it that much.
    1 point
  49. I am not a fan of the owner, but there's a few things I consider. He did serve his time, agree with the sentence or not the whole point of our justice system is that people get punished for doing naughty things and then should rehabilitate. There's an awful lot of stolen mod kit about, most is very low level(pairs of glasses etc), he just went to the extremes and got punished for it. I understand that they went after his finances as well via the tax man. With his diagnosis, it doesn't excuse what he did etc. but considering how awful it is, I don't think he needs a rougher time of it so I'll avoid any personal comments. I actually really appreciate their stance on subjects like 2 tones, binary triggers and pistols with high cap m4 mags. They championed the opinion against 2 tones to their financial detriment. They make money off people attending their sites and by implementing that rule they have fewer players, I am sure whatever "extras" they have made from more rentals or kit sold onsite, it isn't offset by the numbers that don't attend. Their principle was that 2 tone wasn't right and they stuck by that principle and were willing to take the hit to the wallet. Whether you agree with their principle or not, I do admire the conviction(boom boom) to stick to their ideals on it. Personally, not a fan of the idea of binary triggers (no idea if I have ever come up against one, normally these things are based on whether the person who has it is a knob or not) and pistols with high cap m4 mags, it's just not for me and if a local site had that rule I would see it as a reason to attend. I don't like speedsoft, if people do that's fine but the fact there is choice in the market is a good thing. If you want to speedsoft etc then great, go to sites that do it or allow that style, if you don't, I'd like there to be somewhere to go that applies suitable rules. More choice and variation of games, styles etc to me is very welcome, even if it means there are events, sites etc that I end up not wanting to attend. BFGs, had 3 for over 6 years and frankly they have saved me over £1000 in pyro, never had one stolen and I regularly leave them to the end of the game. Maybe I have been lucky or the sites I have attended have been ultra honest. even if they did get stolen I'd still be quids in (though annoyed!). However they do get stolen, I would hazard a guess that the rule is there so marshalls can step in and prevent dead players ruining firefights to collect their bfgs, if the area isn't in contact I can't see collecting used bfgs would be an issue. Have a strict rule in writing, then you can be flexible, don't have the rule at all and it can't be enforced when needed. Just my 2 pence worth.
    1 point
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