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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/22 in all areas

  1. I like the idea of other people carrying awkward things around... makes it easier to shoot them.
    4 points
  2. Ffs, no ones trolling the OP, it's just that most of the "mature" players on here have heard it all before, too many times, whether it's the next great product or technology, a whole new way to play Airsoft, or in this case, a website that supercedes similar that have gone before. And almost all of those failed, some got to the trial process, but most didn't get beyond the initial talked about conception, so when a new one comes along, it's hard to feel excited about it. As for those that have shown negativity, they're the same guys who will ALWAYS attempt to give well thought out advice based upon years of experience & knowledge, with very little conjecture. Even when a noob signs up & his first post is "what am bestest first gun", a question that's been asked a literal million times before, they still get a welcome & the guidance they seek, Unless they're attitude or grammar is so appalling that a sarky response or spoon-fed meme is called for lol.
    4 points
  3. This is my setup for my torch. Lenser P7 with a pressure pad mounted where my thumb rests when using my grip. Feels natural to use and can press it faster enough for a low frequency strobe effect.
    4 points
  4. I was perfectly factual in my post. I think you need to learn that being corrected when factually wrong is not an attack on you specifically, but to help you not make incorrect claims on a publicly available website. Could you please point out where I was not constructive?
    3 points
  5. I'm judging the ill advised pre-announcement of the newest bestest excitingest site, with nothing to back it up. Any engagement is a win, even negative, as you can leverage it into a positive if you have some substance to demonstrate. Wait-and-see promises will convince nobody. It's up to you where you want to invest your energy, of course.
    3 points
  6. A Scotsman, Englishman and Irishman are caught during an airsoft skirmish by a group of strict reenactment players after going out of bounds and stumbling upon their grounds, the leader of the reenactment group suggests a test of worthiness before possibly releasing the players as this was a common thing back in day according to their “good book”, the leader goes on to explain the test “you shall all be sent into the jungle to collect 3 items of fruit and then return for the final part of the test”, eager to get home they all headed into the jungle, first back is the Englishman with 3 apples and the leader says “you must now shove all 3 apples up your ass and if you make any noise at all we will cut your head off”, shocked and scared the Englishman attempts the test, one goes in with no sound but second one causes him to grunt in pain and in an instant WHOOSH head comes off, second out the jungle is the Scotsman with 3 grapes and he is told the same as the last man so he starts his test, 1st one no problem 2nd one no problem 3rd one BOOM he bursts out laughing and WHOOSH head comes off, up in heaven the Englishman and Scotsman are together and the Englishman asks “why did you laugh you were so close to getting home” and the Scotsman replies “after the first two grapes went up easy I looked up and saw the Irishman coming out the woods with 3 pineapples”.
    3 points
  7. Yeah, but you can’t tell, can you? 🤣
    3 points
  8. I can’t be arsed to check the price, as that isn’the reason I’ve popped it up here, it’s the “can’t tell it was ever two toned “ statement The red is burning through my fcuking retinas ya muppet!! 😂
    3 points
  9. Site Name: Skirmish Wycombe Contact details: 01494 578077 Website Address: https://skirmishwycombeairsoft.com Facebook Page: Skirmish Wycombe Airsoft | Facebook Site Address: Fryers Farm Lane, High Wycombe HP14 3NP The last true long standing site close to London that I had never been to. @Albiscuit and I were going to go to Red 1 Oblivion, which fell through so decided to dust off the old reviews and give Skirmish Wycombe a visit. We attended on 30/01/2022. Skirmish Wycombe are usually fully booked and run every week switching between Saturdays and Sundays. It's a paintball site which is also used for Airsoft. It's a fairly long running site. Small Woodland site which has nice variation with regards to elevation with a valley running through a third of the site and elevated precipice above it. Short/Medium/Long range engagement distances. Foliage is both low and high but hardly any at head height so there is enough visibility for bolt action users and not so great for the taller person. There are plenty of earthworks and man made structures (None of which are particularly complex and only one small elevated building.) Good: Playing Area: It is quite a small site but it's nice and varied, despite being a paintball site first, the zones are opened up nicely and run into each-other for Airsoft ranges. As explained before there are lots of manmade buildings and earthworks, though maybe something a bit more elaborate could make this a truly excellent. Turn around time: Pretty short, you certainly get your moneys worth, they get lots of games in. Safe Zone: Small area, though it looks like it could be expanding soon, everything is covered and was big enough for the small crowd that attended. Park bench style seating and tables. Digital signage for the food stall, Battery charging available. It was good overall, but it did feel a little "tired", could do with some sprucing up. Safety Brief: Short and sweet. Covered most things. Food: Pulled pork with BBQ sauce and for us non pork/veggies, freshly cut Mediterranean vegetables with Mac and Cheese. It was stonkingly good food for an airsoft site, and is included with the £30 entry fee. Seems to be cooked on site. The tuck shop had digital boards with the prices on, they do freshly made milkshakes (Shakeway style made with different sweets etc) Had what appeared to be syrup style fizzy drink dispensers. So for Food and Drink, this site is first class. All the more impressive that it's in-house. No food trucks here. Shop: Really good shop! A large and wide selection of RIFs and pistols. They had an LCT Val, WE Makarov, G&G GK5C, F2000's. Really interesting selection. Prices are high like at most on-site shops. But not many places have this breadth of selection. Game Modes: Mostly simple, but effective, usual domination/zombie/4 way round robin games. Have a nice looking bomb setup. Average: Value: £30 is quite a lot to ask for when the site is pretty small, but the food and turn around time does make up for it. Clientele: Very young, lots of rentals and new people to the sport with very few older gents. They were friendly enough, but behaviour in the field was very suspect. Toilets: In an elevated shack in the car park, not an ideal position. It has real porcelain which is usually a good rating by default, but they were a little dirty and stank quite badly! I think the waste is stored underneath and removed periodically. Car Park/Entrance: Small mud car park, sign posted at the entrance but you need to follow signs for Fryers Farm thereafter and not mistakenly come off the other junctions within. Car Park is nearly right at the end of the main track after you see a gate that says "Staff only". It hadn't rained much recently, but I can imagine it getting slippery up to the nearby elevated safe zone. Chrono: Mandatory and everything was tagged. Usual 350 FPS for AEGs, shotguns and pistols. 450 for DMR and 500 for BASR. Would get a "Good" but Al overheard a marshal ask another marshal "This guys rifle is shooting over 350 on one chrono and 320 on another, what should I do?" "Go by the reading that lets them play". They also required me to chrono by .2's so they do not account for joule creep on heavier ammo. Bad: Hit taking: This was the massive bugbear of the day. In the morning there were some poor hit takers, mostly from frustrated players who couldn't break through enemy lines. We really enjoyed the mornings games despite this and were glad to carry on without grumbling. I made a prophetic comment at lunch (As long as the hit taking doesn't get any worse, I would consider this site fantastic, we'll see what happens!) The Afternoon was a complete shitshow for all three games. Two almost whole site games fighting over a single objective, there were about 4-5 grey hooded rentals, none of which would take their hits, you could see bb's pinging off them, they held important buildings which overlooked the main objective and wouldn't budge. I went up to one at the end of a game and said how well they held up and if they died at all? "Nah mate". It was almost comical how it was the grey hooded players that didn't take hits. It was a classic stereotype. On my own side there were other hooded rentals who would get shot, take the hit and instead of walking back to spawn 3 minutes away, would go behind a hedge and spawn straight back in. I had to exclaim to many rentals on my side that dead men don't talk as they kept trying to relay information to me about enemy whereabouts after they had been shot or asking me where I was shot from when I was walking back to spawn. Marshalling: I was tempted to put this in "Average", there are a number of marshal's, but only one appeared to have any experience or clout, and was looked to for advice by the others on a consistent basis. Considering how many people were complaining about how bad the hit taking was, I didn't see anyone get spoken to, no test shooting and no shadowing of suspect people. CEASEFIRE: In the afternoon games ceasefire was called no less then 6 times in two half hour games. Unsure as to why, some people say it was because people were walking on a footpath nearby. This needs to be sorted with maybe a proper fence etc as it killed the flow of the game (And many people would sneakily move up and into better positions from where they were when the ceasefire was called). Conclusion: A really difficult one, we really like the site and we will come back to see what happens playing against different people. The morning was excellent and was great gameplay but the inaction over hit taking really killed the Afternoon for us to the point that we left slightly early deflated. It goes to say, there were roughly just as many rentals as there were experienced players. We liked the informal atmosphere and the on-site facilities were great. They limit numbers as the site is rather small and the numbers were about right. I'd like to come back and see what it looks like with summer foliage. The Marshalling team need to be far more pro-active/confident in dealing and directing players, maybe some more experience would be a good idea. Bullpup Watch: T97, an Aug of some description. Best Guess Map:
    2 points
  10. So my final update in the Gunfire versus Taiwangun race to the UK started just before Christmas, as somewhat surprisingly UPS finally got around the releasing my Gunfire parcel from it's special shelf in their Stanford Le Hope warehouse and my parcel arrived today, although to be fair the Border Force tape did show it had been subject to an examination. Conclusions? Well Gunfire is the winner as TG still aren't shipping to the UK despite their email to me about test purchases. Surprising as I would have thought the UK market to be worth chasing, although I get the distinct impression TG got their fingers burnt by UPS. Just to keep TG on their toes I do like to fill my TG basket up with goodies whilst browsing their website, if only to let them know what I might spend if only they sorted out their delivery service. Gunfire performance. I can't fault it up to the point they hand over to UPS and then you enter somewhat of a lottery. Total transit time was 43 days, of which 40 was the parcel languishing in a warehouse in Essex, waiting for UPS to decide if they were going to collect import duty, after which it entered a waiting area for a Customs examination. They don't seem to have any SLA with Border Force which is bizarre given most couriered mail with other companies is cleared in hours by Border Force (DHL being my best experience). Gunfire also made a lot of effort with plastering my UKARA number over the parcel, so no chance of a misunderstanding in this regard. If you want to chase the parcel's status UPS Customer Services aren't much use, but Brokerage seem to be better organised and were quite helpful. Fees and taxation were what was expected, so despite the wait I have saved money. If you are prepared to wait, and you really do need to be prepared to play the long game here, Gunfire will deliver... eventually.
    2 points
  11. Ahh yes but you must remember these ones have been ‘beded in’ for you already so ‘technically’ they’ve been worked on so that means ‘technically’ there ‘upgraded’ and as we all know on here ‘upgraded’ = higher price ! Savvy ?😉 OR poor bloke got rogered on the original price from a uk retailer and thinks that’s a fair price !🤦‍♂️
    2 points
  12. Patience’s I think and go the hire route until we can obtain UKARA. thanks guys
    2 points
  13. Makes a change from the “want to play what’s best gnu” threads 😂😂 You clearly have done your research, it’s refreshing to see rather than being asked best gun and best place to buy and do I need a license haha
    2 points
  14. I have a similar gas iron in my arsenal of hot pointy tools, while yes, it's "adjustable" it's not got anywhere near the finesse needed for working on a PCB. Cards on the table, I used to do this kind of stuff for a living and spent 4 years doing an electronic craft apprenticeship with the MoD/Defence Research Agency (as was, now Qinetiq). There is definitely a knack but better tools always help!
    2 points
  15. I just want to send a very delayed thank you to all the posters above and wish I had seen these replies back in October. Being new to the Platform I could only see the first post when I logged on, but there is some great advice above I wish I had had in hindsight! Thank you all, much appreciated!
    2 points
  16. Painted black but you can't tell* *Apart from the bits he missed on the stock and sling loop
    2 points
  17. I gratuitously repeat this old Barry Cryer gag: "Do you know what speed you were doing, Sir?" asked the policeman. "I do apologise Officer," I replied. "I've never used this road before, and I honestly thought it was an unrestricted zone." "No you didn't!!" my wife protested. "We only live round the corner, you said you were putting your foot down because there wouldn't be any coppers around this late!" "May I see your insurance?" the cop said grimly. "I've just renewed it," I assured him. "It'll be in the post, I'll drop a copy to the station next week." "Actually," said the wife, "you were short on cash this month and said you'd leave it 'til you had the money. It ran out a fortnight ago." I turned to her and snapped "Will you keep your mouth shut, you stupid bitch...." "Does he always talk to you like that, Madam?" asked the copper. "No," my wife replied. "Only when he's been drinking."
    2 points
  18. Similar sort of tac , many moons ago I made a similar sort of jig’a’mathingy to work on V2 gearboxes . My one was a piece of board approx 6inch X 10inch with a piece Approx 4inch X 6inch screwed upright at one end , hole drilled through then a nut epoxied into the hole so a threaded rod could be screwed through that in tho the spring guide to keep it ‘tied down’ , an oversized outline of a gearbox around it with lots of holes that corresponded with the body screws from the gearbox to keep them safe . Unfortunately don’t have it anymore to take any pictures of it as even with this magnificent example of a homemade jig to assist me when I wanted to work on my guns my self ,,,,,,,,,,,,,I STILL SUCK AT TECH WORK !!!!!!!🤦‍♂️ So I gave it to my mate who fixes any busted guns for me ! 😁
    2 points
  19. Druid799

    Gun picture thread

    “Do you even Airsoft Bro ?” “I JUST KNOW IT WOULDN’T GET USED” ????? it’s Airsoft what difference will that make ? It’ll be cooler than a penguins dangly bits , of course you MUST HAVE THE PRECIOUS ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    2 points
  20. I've been lurking here a while, and I've had a lot of comments about these Racals, so I decided it's about time I actually joined and posted something (hopefully interesting to the community). So I got fed up with breaking and fixing repro comms kit for myself and the team, (now on my 6th headset in 2 years playing). But I didn't want to fork out £500 on peltor comtacs. I'm sure many of you can relate to this. I found real steel Racal Frontier headsets being sold off dirt cheap. The catch being they come with a lemo connector for military prr radios. I read the threads on the lemo connectors and the price of adaptors and custom PTTs and thought what the heck, I'm going to have a go at modifying a set to work with a TP-120 / u-94 ptt. So a bit of experimentation later, I figured out a tidy way of doing it. I've done a few with with a Kenwood 2 pin cable to go straight into a Baofeng, retevis etc. radio. I've also done a few with genuine peltor tp120 cables to go into a u94 PTT on your shoulder. And I have to say, I'm dead chuffed with the results. The custom ear moulds are made from polymorph plastic. It melts in hot water and is hand (or in-your-ear) mouldable. The headsets are pretty slick. They electronically allow talk through, but limit the volume, the radio comes in your left ear and the cool bit is the microphone picks up from inside your right ear. Even at a whisper. I also like that there isn't a big can on your ear getting in the way of your cheek weld! The set on my plate carrier is my first off. The ones with the curly cables are a later version where I've managed to do all the mods inside the control box so the cable is all intact right into the control box. Anyway there's my show and tell, I'd be interested to see what you guys think! PS. The diagram in the background is a different project - Music phone and comms in my snowboard helmet (don't try and put that in a Racal!) PPS. If there's interest in these I'll put a post in the Classifieds.
    1 point
  21. Didn't I go off on a mad rant about Titan batteries a bit ago, I'm going to like one of your posts in it rather than drag it all back up For the FET. Personally I like them to be as cheap as possible, I typically use the Xcortech XET304U or similar (Acemos). Simply because there dumb, and run forever. They will take up to 30V input. don't have any features at all, and work as just a contact protection fet. Supply of them seems a little dry ATM and the price has gone up you used to be able to get them for £10ish. If I wanted titan features but with a bit more robustness I might look at the MERF(£40) or warfet(£70), since it does a similar set of things to a titan whilst using standard trigger contacts. The Merf is really good value IMO. It's got pre-cocking (smart trigger), Lipo protection, self resetting fuse, and 3rnd burst. For the same price as the perun++. The other huge advantage with both units is they have is they have deans connectors both ends and a little trigger wire that also disconnects, So if you felt so inclined you could run 1 unit on multiple guns. https://gatee.eu/products/programmable/merf-32 My go to for a basic fet that also has AB has been the Gate Nano hard (£30). It's not a pre-cocking AB. Just a Dumb AB, but the package has a few nice features like a self resetting fuse and lipo cut-off that can be set to 7.4 and 11.1v. The gun I loan to others has one of these in it as I know they can't damage the battery through inexperience. The cut-off is a hard cut-off, The gun simply won't shoot. The price however is the kicker there, when they were release they were about £20 and good value for the features, but I feel now spending that extra £10 for the Merf that hasn't gone up in price in the same time period is far better value. https://gatee.eu/nanohard
    1 point
  22. Get the real McCoy not a knockoff , when you fit it cut the hook to match the pressure pad but the piece of loop that goes on the gun cut it so it’s a good couple of Cms bigger that way it ‘shouldn’t’ get pulled off also then positioning it only stick it down once don’t reposition it as it’ll loose adhesion every time you move it AND make sure the area on the gun is as clean as can be . When ever I need to put Velcro on any hard surfaces I always give it a really good clean and a final quick wipe down with a spot of alcohol just before fitting and touch wood 🤞never had it come off by its self .
    1 point
  23. "Is the use of drones unfair?" goes the question. Well, yes, but the other way around. If Team Red has got someone doing nothing but spotting Blue Team with a drone and shouting "They're behind the tree! The big tree! On my left. No my drone's left, it's facing towards us..." then advantage Blue.
    1 point
  24. MagpieTactical

    New Game Scenarios

    These type of games don't appeal to me at all. I am not there to carry awkward things around. I get why some may like them, but as others have said, I am there to shoot people.
    1 point
  25. Hamster82

    Gun picture thread

    My little G&G family is growing. My main primary is the TR16 556 and absolutely love it BUT it does get heavy by the end of a game day and can be a bit tight when moving from woodland where it excels into buildings and narrow spaces. So it’s little brother arrived today to keep it company and give me something to swap over to when my arms are getting heavy or have a lot of CQB coming up - ARP 556 Must say I’m very impressed with both of them. 😁
    1 point
  26. Rogerborg

    New Game Scenarios

    Mmm, I may have been... slightly more than usually robust. There's nothing wrong with having ideas, as long as you're aware of the prior art, why it failed, and the very limited size of the target market. It's something that would be fun to lash up as a hobbyist project, even just for local site use. If you want a device, then Pi / Arduino GPS modules are dirt cheap now and you could do initial prototyping using wifi between devices to share their location. 11n claims a maximum of 250m outdoors although reality may have something to say about that. Once you start factoring in screen, input, sounds, battery and a case though... well, phones exist now, and you'll have to write software either way.
    1 point
  27. A bit over priced. Great mags, but can be had new for a tenner each if you shop around.
    1 point
  28. I think you might struggle to find a retailer who'd "re-tone" a gun for the same £15, I suspect they're maybe taking a small hit in profit to widen their market place by offering the two toning service. Also I think some guns are manufactured that way? ("Pre two-toned"?) However, I have had great fun painting my guns with some camo paints bought from Halfords (and there are lots more paints on eBay too). Personalised guns FTW! Wear and tear may make the bright colour show though, which might not look as acceptable as some original black or tan paintwork.
    1 point
  29. Tommikka

    New Game Scenarios

    Don’t worry - I have been called out for breaking his dreams in our team chat We had some discussion by PM and the questions he asked me about our devices that I had referred to earlier in the thread. Without him actually telling me what his specific plans were, we discussed some types of features. We have those in our devices, but do not have live tracking (at least not as a player feature) On that basis, and from our conversation he isn’t pursuing his project, as it appears that his ideas have already been produced (and may also be in the public domain under open source & project demos etc) I did add a comment that I’ve pissed on his parade, but that doesn’t mean he won’t have an outlet for his idea, nor that he won’t come up with a product that people will want to buy - just bringing down some expectations that the customer base will be small such as taking a first edition to his local site etc ………… On the matter of ‘future soldier’ I was in on the fringe of an boring element of that programme, important but boring. Had a previous poster about his super new idea timed things differently then the Brigadier that he said he was speaking with would have spoken to my Brigadier and I’d have ended up in the discussions if they went anywhere. As an aside for that, at some Future Soldier programme happenings they would show us two displays side bush side - “Future soldier” and “eBay soldier”, not only the example of big money defence investment filtering down to the private market cheaply, but cheap and cheerful tech rushing on ahead with cheap disposable ‘good enough’ technology giving the capability to the poorest countries armed forces or terrorist/Irregulars today whilst technological nations were floating around prototypes and concepts
    1 point
  30. Another great review and one to avoid I think. Personally I judge a site on the quality of hit taking and how well the staff can do their jobs, everything else is secondary
    1 point
  31. At the risk of being called a horrible, dream dashing, negative cynic the idea you are talking about has been part of the future soldier programs for years. It’s never come to fruition and more importantly has therefore not been repeatedly rendered obsolete by newer, better versions to allow it to eventually be released to the civilian market (see gps and night vision as examples). If you can genuinely make this product work then considering it as airsoft targeted (re-microscopic participant numbers) and the belief that you can protect your product in the face of Chinese clones no matter how much better (see Odin) makes me question your sanity and probably goes a long way to you receiving the level of incredulity you have experienced on this forum. but then “I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams”
    1 point
  32. By the huge amount of regret in the tone of his post I think he bought an EVO !😭😭😭
    1 point
  33. We're having a strong week of these.
    1 point
  34. Adhesive Velcro ? Hook on the pressure pad and the loop on the gun(so it won’t pick up and hold crud on your gun) what I use .
    1 point
  35. I wouldn't bother with paste flux (solder mistake picked up on below). It's fine for some applications, but for electronics where you want to put the solder where it's needed without excess the liquid types are easier to use. Like I say make your own it's very cheap. One of those tins has enough flux in it to last many years for the casual user. https://www.amazon.co.uk/ROSIN-electronics-solder-COLOPHONY-Purity/dp/B077WF6QTS/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=colophony&qid=1643719514&sr=8-3 And a bottle of IPA (it's good for cleaning gearboxes as well so get a decent bottle). It's also good for cleaning the joint after soldering. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Trade-Chemicals-Isopropanol-Alcohol-99-99/dp/B08FCK988C/ref=sr_1_11?crid=M798NPBAHMRX&keywords=ipa+alcohol+99.9+isopropyl&qid=1643719574&sprefix=ipa+a%2Caps%2C69&sr=8-11 Tip tinner, really not needed. Dip in the colophony and just tin like normal. Brass sponge... £3 for 3 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Kleeneze®-KL072177EU-Antibacterial-Scourers-Utensils/dp/B0881STRPJ/ref=sr_1_3?crid=287VAQN3M02LN&keywords=brass+sponge&qid=1643719755&sprefix=brass+sponge%2Caps%2C70&sr=8-3
    1 point
  36. So what does your site offer that other similar sites and forums don't?
    1 point
  37. snuff


    "Par for the cause" to tightbore all AEG's I thought,LOL..It's a Krytac and grouping is the only criticism I can levy,propably now because I can see where the bb's should be going...If I can get the grouping a tad tighter all is good.The life of an airsofter is blighted with trials.....
    1 point
  38. BigStew

    H&K G11 sort of

    Not quite but they are small https://www.showgunscustom.com/. There hasn't been any good images of the kit disassemble yet to see inside. But given its size some time with a dermal and sheet plastic practically anything will fit in it.
    1 point
  39. Ezrion93

    ASG EVO Scorpion Custom

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Hello, Selling my 2018 Scorpion Evo with various external configuration options listed below: Ripper Tactical 3D Printed Short barrel and handguard (currently fitted) Ripper Tactical 3D Printed Retractable stock (Currently Fitted) 3D Printed handguard and rectangle suppressor, has the original external barrel fitted to the handguard. Original handguard Buffer tube adapter (Requires Buffer) Magpul Moe Stock 5x Mid Caps with 3D printed Magazine Pull tabs 3D printed Odin Magazine Adapter Internals i have only changed the inner barrel from the stock to a Madbull 6.03mm tightbore MP5K size. Selling due to no longer playing airsoft, i have no time for it anymore. £270 all in posted via PF48. No Swaps No Stupid Offers........


    1 point
  40. Tbh I was expecting this to be about the wife or mother in law
    1 point
  41. SeniorSpaz87

    Gun picture thread

    Time to wire this Bullgear mag into my Galil. Hope this doesn’t require the milling machine...
    1 point
  42. Tommikka

    Health and fitness...

    I know how you feel when Velcro is bad. Either that it’s badly designed with the Velcro going over the top or bottom edge, or that it pinches in the space behind the knee - when that happens I’m just not going to wear the pads at all Ignoring the specifics of the pictures that I’ve just randomly picked from the internet for their look, these are a couple of styles I’ve used: Hinged - these I only use when I have to be serious, and my knee is threatening to pop out, or I’ve had one of the occasions where I’ve turned around but my foot has decided to stay facing forwards. The brace hinge locks the knee together and my leg knows it’s under scrutiny (There have been occasions where I’d be sat with my trousers around my ankles to ease the brace off for a break !) Less severe - elasticated support Something stretchy and supporting, no Velcro etc, just an elasticated sleeve giving support. These are much easier to wear for a whole day I have a few ‘proper’ paintball knee pads, depending on the pair they give the support of an elasticated pad plus some padding for kneeling (I’m not going to be spotted diving and sliding, but could be crawling)
    1 point
  43. google is your friend https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/cowcow-tech-ksc--kwa-enhanced-15mm-piston-head-cctkwa003
    1 point
  44. The Southers will rise again!
    1 point
  45. Tommikka

    New Game Scenarios

    For a ‘more interesting’ scenario it takes the game author to have ideas rather than objects that enhance the game When I began (in paintball) I began with basic rental games under which the site staff would run basic missions but apply some tweaks here and there for the returning customers. I looked around and was introduced to scenario paintball, this was in the heyday of UK scenario just in time for a boom in games across the country run by players for players. Most scenarios would have ‘special’ props which could be a few pipes and a circuit board to be found and ‘assembled’ into a super weapon As a team we decided that we could do it as well as the others and put on our own games, we quickly got into building working props in preference to pretend props. Flashing lights, sounds etc just made a prettier prop than slotting some pipes together or glow sticks in water bottles with coloured water but still needed an overall scenario that had to be simple enough to understand, complex enough to gather some interest and to have different angles for different players wants - there are always those who want to just shoot, those who want to search in bushes and those who want to solve a puzzle, and those are the hard core scenarioists LARPing with guns We are known for our events and devices, but our ‘best’ loved ones perform an actual function which contributes to enhancing the game experience - for example a Hollywood style bomb device that triggers remote pyro, we used one in a game letting teams acquire the device and set it against other teams in a 3 faction game - our tech guy was rushing back and forth as teams would set alliances to capture a key location at a key time for points and then double cross each other by settting the device and detonating to ‘destroy’ the location and eliminate their temporary allies for bonus points Airsoft has a loose match with scenario paintball, but the typical game on site is a crossover between rental, site regular, scenarioist/LARPist and cosplayer just dressing up When we began to run games for airsoft a few players said they wanted more complex games than the basic site ones, but then many quickly disliked the full mission - they talked a good game but just wanted a dressed up gun fight Real time tracking is a possibility, but introduces technological problems of making sure it works and is reliable. Our tech guy won’t touch it with a barge pole, they don’t meet his perfectionist standards We’ll plant tracking devices in some devices / props but they are to aid us in knowing where they are Theres also a recent video by another tech guy in a different industry - he demonstrates using a real time tracker, but as he goes on the reliability gets worse and worse giving false readings which he begins to resolve with error correction but they repeat inconsistently and give false positioning A commercial GPS device will do the job, as long as you can get good enough signals and can pass that information on to a receiver. If there’s a device to be made and sold then there’s a limited customer base (sites / event organisers) and those customers are limited down to those who can apply a device into a good game, then slice them right down to those who don’t have a geek on call who can make something good enough putting their time into it for the fun of solving a problem and making some code (plus copy / paste from free online demos with a little tweak) I spent some of lockdown one working out the hidden menus from an undocumented commercial ‘device’ and building a series of custom devices plus my own code drawing from a a few free online examples and my rewriting to my own game plans.
    1 point
  46. Davegolf

    Gun picture thread

    ^harsh but true 👀 + suppressor
    1 point
  47. I need to rehome a dog. It's gentle enough but it barks constantly and won't respond to commends to shut up. If anyone's interested, I'll nip over the back fence and get it for you.
    1 point
  48. Yes, just. I just tried it with a typical 1600mAH stick battery, 205mm long. Wired with small Tamiya connector My gun is a new Double Eagle M906c with a simple stock design, and Deans connector. The stock tube is 160mm from end of the receiver to the end of the tube. It's 120mm long internally. I have no idea if there's a standard size for these things! The problem is the wiring, with a Deans to Tamiya adapter lead, you'll need to do some 'squishing to make it fit. And 'squishing' leads to damaged...leads. And that's not good, make sure you get the cabling tidied up with no slack to get in the way. I'm buying a Titan Li-ion battery... 3000mah in a smaller package. 135mm long, 20mm diameter. Expensive-ish at £30 (and you'll need a smart lipo charger) but no worries with charging or storage, just like wavey-gravey said.
    1 point
  49. Bucking https://www.thecageairsoft.co.uk/maple-leaf-macaron-hop-up-rubber-aeg/ Nub https://www.thecageairsoft.co.uk/maple-leaf-omega-hop-up-tensioner-nub/ How to
    1 point
  50. Op the best out of the box gun is the one where you spend 2mins removing the upper and swapping out the hop rubber for a maple leaf 50 or 60 and the matching omega nub. This can be done by the most noobie of noobies and requires literally no skill or knowledge of AEG's to achieve. Remove two bolts, lugs. Gently pull upper forwards. Remove hop from barrel, bish bash bosh. You have the most accurate AEG achievable. Personally I would avoid recoils like the plague, they are piss poor power out the box and a whore to work on compared to every other AEG on the market. I would look at a https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/specna-arms-daniel-defense-mk18-sa-e19-edge I got one of these second hand an upgrade the hop and spring in under 5mins. It is as good as my 1k Recoil that I sold because they keep breaking after you up the power and ROF. Really any AEG with the hop upgraded is going to more accurate than any out of the box AEG and it is sooooo simple to do. SO SIMPLE! Don't drink the TM Recoil coolaid.
    1 point
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