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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/21 in all areas

  1. Finally a decent picture of my Authentic Battle Damaged 40K Imperial Guard costume. So many deaths for the Emperor yesterday.
    4 points
  2. Pretty good Hallowe'en event at Biohazard, equipping a friend-of-a-friend with loaner gear. He wasn't expecting to be loaded with with M4 and pistol (both with spitfire tracers), and grenades. He had a blast, got right into it and was pushing like a proper speedy boi - sometimes even still with BBs in the mag. Biohazard have the top floor open now, which really increased the length of a whole-site fallback game, and it's got a fair bit of potential for further development, kudos to them for that. We had the usual barely audible briefs in the echoing safe zone (bad), mostly very fair and good natured play (good), and laissez-faire marshalling (good or bad, depending on what you were there to do). Some rental blind firing and trigger spamming was in evidence, and I Had Words with a Sergeant McShouty after an earful too much following a zinger in the face. All hugs and back slaps before the safe zone though. Much amusement from a wee lad who was about 4 foot high and ran around the whole day with a pistol and backhand knife, coming around corners fast, low and stabbing. The costume competition was obviously a fix, being won by shop bought efforts rather than my hand crafted pretend space soldier rig. Granted it was hilarious being shot by knights, bananas, and a squad of Telly-Tubbies, and I don't grudge the winner in his inflatable T-Rex costume, firstly for even getting into the play area, but then for actually playing pretty well - you wouldn't think an 8 foot dinosaur could be sneaky, but he actually managed some great ambushes. Clearly a natural predator.
    3 points
  3. I may have just bought... [looks around guiltily]... a Valken M7 full-face. It's only a matter of time until I'm talking about engines and regulators and shopping for long stripy socks.
    2 points
  4. First visit to adrenalin in North Yorkshire. The site is very well run and despite the monsoon all were up for what lay ahead. This particular event was a Halloween special battlesim which all proceedings were donated to charity. At chrono they had multiple weight bb's and use whatever they had closest to the weight I used. Then we had a brief under shelter and off to the first game. Quick games, fast changeovers, not a single person being a dick. Lots made a great effort to get dressed up as nuns with chainsaws, fluffy bunny's, zombies and a very mixed array of costumes to have a chuckle at. Later on the zombies had god mode (cannot die) so after almost being stood on by one after clever concealment I had to run. By this point I was on my 3rd 150 rnd mag so the bb's weren't flying down range as normal but the game style was to not be seen and shoot to survive. Now somewhere between my hiding spot and 150m worth of zig-zagging through dense bracken /woodland the rear part of the butt stock fell off, thankfully the battery fell out as I sprinted across the trail as a Marshall found it. So for around and hour I looked but nothing was found. Since I only took the kac sr15 and the mk23 I didn't fancy the rest of the day as the afternoon consists of a huge firefight between both teams. I called it a day after another long search as as it was raining, didn't want to f my sr15 up by being silly in the rain. Thankfully I have these exact spares at home so I don't have to buy the pts eps stock that I really, really want. I only got 3 hrs gameplay but it was more than enough to establish what a great site this is. Thoroughly enjoyed the event.
    2 points
  5. I'm quite serious about ditching pre-game chrono, or making it more of a service for those who want to use it. Catch folk in-game, during the course of the day. Test with what the player is using, then test again with heavy site BBs, and if there's a significant discrepancy, take it further. I'd love to see a marshal (who actually knows what they're doing) at each site doing nothing but test shots and chrono, all day long. Sadly, just finding a site with sufficient marshals who are more interested in marshalling than Facebooking all day long seems to be a rare treat.
    2 points
  6. And a rape dungeon is pretty damn good for struggle cuddles, but it's not anything to be proud of.
    2 points
  7. Anyone want to pay £350 for a shagged VFC MP7? https://prefired.co.uk/ads/boneyard-umarex-vfc-mp7-aeg-v1/
    1 point
  8. I've got a U35K on 18:1 running 7.4v 2200mAh 35/70C. In one of my AUGS. It's a bit too fast and double shoots until you've dumped a mag or two. It overruns by a shot or two on auto as well. Gearbox is standard, Trigger is standard V3 contacts and dolly on a mosfet. No AB. The U30K I have is on 13:1 7.4v 2200mAh 35/70C. Very snappy, Requires a short stroke 2-3 teeth. 24ish RPS. Semi is about perfect. Standard trigger contacts V2 on basic mosfet. Out of the 2 the U30K is the better motor it's a very similar motor to the 16TPA SHS/RA HT. On a standard 18:1 gearset you should be fine provided you are careful and try a 7.4v before an 11.1 and even then only drop in the 11.1 if you are happy to open the gearbox up and potentially have to do a repair if it eats itself. Personally I like the motors but if you are wanting the speed as more of a test with the potential of keeping the upgrade then save some money and grab a more basic motor for cheaper. The 16TPA HT motors are about £30 from AK2M4.
    1 point
  9. Vitalij

    New player

    Hello my name is Vitalij, based in London. I'm new to airsoft, and trying to learn all about the spot, because I'm loving it. I'm one of those people who go to the game to have fun, entertain myself and others. I move a lot around the game area, and need a suitable gun for my style of play. I would like to get some advice from other. Planning to buy my first AEG and i really like G&G PDW15-CQB Honey Badger. Would it be suitable for outdoor skirmishes, or will i be restricted by maybe range or accuracy because it's ment for CQB?
    1 point
  10. EDcase

    Vorsk hi capa

    Yeah Tim, don't fiddle if it ain't broke. Adding buffers to short stroke is easy enough if you want to do that but its silly to throw money and time at a pistol when you're new to it all. Use it as is for a few games and learn by talking to others. Then you'll have a better idea if you want to upgrade a specific part or buy a new base gun and go from there.
    1 point
  11. Tackle

    Vorsk hi capa

    Hey Tim, does the vorsk not do what it's supposed to ? I ask you said your just getting in to Airsoft & like many new players, seem intent to reinvent the wheel😜 Genuinely not taking the pee, obviously if it's not working as it should & the mod you've mentioned is the fix, then yeah fill yer boots, but if this isn't the case, why bother "fixing" something that ain't broke, you might end up creating a money pit that'll never be as good as a stock tm hi-capa.
    1 point
  12. Woooo west midlands airsoft high command is re opening 😁
    1 point
  13. RostokMcSpoons

    New player

    Yes, there's plastic, and then there's plastic these days... when I was buying my TM AK47S (back when they were still excitingly new) plastic guns = creaky and wobbly. With modern polymers they can feel rock-solid and really rather premium. I remember grabbing an Ares Honey Badger in a shop when they first came out, and I absolutely couldn't believe the difference in the feel of it, I was immediately impressed. And the G&G CM's are similar. Very good for the money - light AND durable. I started a thread a couple of weeks back asking for advice on cheaper + short + light rifles. After a lot of research I've settled on one of the Double Eagle M906/M907s as my choice. A little longer than the Ares Stubby Badger and G&G Firehawk I originally thought I wanted (both really cool guns still!), but the DE guns really seem to be a fantastic long-term option that'll leave my two old guns as backups.
    1 point
  14. Rogerborg

    New player

    Agreed, that's fine for CQB or woodland. I'd even go a little shorter if you intend to use it indoors a lot. I'd also agree that I can't see what justifies that price, in a world where (e.g.) Specna Arms Edge 2.0 and CYMA Platinums exist. I'm not knocking the brand, I had a quick play with ex-workmate Eddy's plastic G&G CM16 yesterday and was reminded how nicely it felt and shot. But again, that just illustrates that you don't need to drop twice that money on something that will perform much the same. But it's airsoft, and the heart wants what it wants. If that's the gun for you, then it's the right gun for you.
    1 point
  15. Yeah, that's a good charger (Same one I have) Use 'Balance' charge mode. Hop rubbers may have deteriorated so be prepared to replace those but they're low cost and relatively easy to replace by you or a tech. Fitness is another matter 😉
    1 point
  16. Welcome back Simon 🖐 Yeah, if they charge with an intelligent charger they're fine. (What charger have u got?) You can get Lithium Ion (Li-On) batteries now but I haven't used any so duno if they're better. BBs will be fine. (Bios might be an issue so test a few to be sure) Nothin new except airsoft pew pews are much harder and more expensive to get with Brexit and Corona messing up supply. Very few European retailers ship to UK anymore. (Gunfire is the only one I know of that will)
    1 point
  17. EDcase

    New player

    Hi and welcome Yep, that will be fine for outdoor and indoor games. (Bit pricy in my opinion) Size doesn't really have as much effect on range unlike real weapons. Of course a longer rifle can shoot further but not always the case as there are many factors involved apart from barrel length. Do lots reading on the forum because most of these things have been discussed.
    1 point
  18. You got me! I'll be hiding inside my dye mask while I finger blast fools with my HPA powered Hi Capa on Wednesday night! Pepsi Max for everyone!!!
    1 point
  19. Finally something we can all agree on. Wait: regular, classic, cherry, diet, or caffeine free?
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Cheers mate. Im definitely up for it. And yes, a large part of airsoft is cosplay... Think I'll rope in the Mrs to help, she's very arty crafty and good at this sort of thing.
    1 point
  22. That's great. I've been tempted to make some sci fi armour myself in the vein of Halo/40k/Starship Troopers/Aliens. Nothing OTT just a chest/shoulder piece of some sort. Just not sure how to go about it... as for "weathering"... nothing like genuine damage for authenticity! Have seen your lasgun previously on the guns thread and long admired the job you've done on that 👍
    1 point
  23. You've clearly never seen my cellar.
    1 point
  24. Loving the loadout @Rogerborg. Where did you get the armour or was it home made?
    1 point
  25. Many years ago on New Year’s Eve after closing Salisbury Vodka bar the owner slept in the bar overnight The next morning he parked up outside to load up various decorations and his fancy dress - including comedy inflatable AK47 He was joined by Salisbury’s response team after reports of an armed robbery at the Vodka bar
    1 point
  26. 🤦‍♂️We've got it all wrong. Every player brings a coke can. Sorted.
    1 point
  27. i'm not saying i disagree with such a subjective assessment.......
    1 point
  28. Happy Halloween everyone.
    1 point
  29. I see this far to often at games and someone needs to speak out. To guide the youth of tomorrow. Here is a simple handy guide Wrong Very Wrong Better Closer Warmer That's it, That's it!
    1 point
  30. Pffft.. Stop being such a normie.. Eye pro is for squares!
    1 point
  31. Groot

    Krytac KRISS Vector

    Firstly are you using 11.1s or 7.4s? You need 11.1s and you can get ones that fit in the standard grip. My Vector needed a cut down M120 to get to 350 fps. It sounds to me something is struggling. Even though its new, that means nothing in terms of how well it was put together. Take the box apart. Check for missing teeth, bad shimming, over grease etc. I had a Vector and its was really snappy in stock form with an 11.1. So while this will be obvious, you have an issue somewhere and you are going to need to get into it to work out what. Also the vector has propriety parts. So yeah... This could be fun for you. That said, it might be that you are feathering your trigger faster than the gun can actually work. That being the case, a short stroked or dsg gearbox is your future.
    1 point
  32. Captain Darling

    THE TM MWS thread

    Yes, I own a modded MK18 and they are the same internally as far as I can see. It doesn’t look much like a MK18 now though
    1 point
  33. Last weekend at Gunman Alpha. It was my first time using the leaf suit and was a blast. I had someone about 3m away staring right at me.
    1 point
  34. This was a brilliant day with decent gamemodes! Kudos to Carl and the other marshalls!
    1 point
  35. Rocking the combat Jellybeans this past Sunday..
    1 point
  36. Probably going to sweat to death during my next game but eh, it's a bit of fun right?
    1 point
  37. Firstly, forgive my wife's squint photography and the assortment of kids toys etc lying about!!! Here's my first loadout cobbled together on a budget purely out of practicality. The clothing I already had, the gloves and balaclava are what I use riding my motorbike. As a sci-fi fan I'd love a sci-fi loadout inspired by the Colonial Marines from Aliens, Halo, Doomguy etc, this one has sort of ended up a weird mashup of USCM meets 80s British Army... At least it offers protection and camouflage plus it's unique to me. Might get a more futuristic piece like an XR5 or an FN2000 in time. Currently looking for an AEP as a backup (prob 1911 or DE).
    1 point
  38. There's no right or wrong way, just what suits you & sometimes the situation/scenario will dictate what works best. as a young squaddie we were instructed to have our mag pouches (58 pattern) on our sides/hips, mainly because the "reaction to fire" taught was to drop to the prone position, obviously mag pouches on our front would have been inaccessible & also increased our target profile, not good. but as an old knackered airsofter, if I drop to the prone position, I ain't getting up, so I don't do it & therefore can justify having mags on my chest. end of the day we're just playing at it, whatever works, same goes for the rigs, for some players this is a glorified fashion show, much of what's worn & carried is unnecessary, but it looks the dogs bollocks lol 😏
    1 point
  39. Waiting for PRE + elimination panels + qd sling mounts, and will be ordering a real EXPS2 next month.
    1 point
  40. Most of my kit in one photo, still some not included lying around. Guns - Asahi MG34 Shoei MP44 Custom Real Steel build K98K w/ Rudiger Hildesheim ZF39 Custom real steel build MG42 Tanaka Luger A fair chunk of the uniform is now real or very very good repros (SMWholesale etc). Taken years to get to this point.
    1 point
  41. Just a few images of my WW2 load out and East German circa 2020 fantasy load out.
    1 point
  42. Been working on my feldwebel 2/Pz.Gren.Rgt.125 for the winter of 44-45 mainly operation wacht em Rhine and Nordwind. Decided to give my a-frame another go set up with zeltbahn and blanket instead of my pack. Hope you guys like it and I've got my winter 44 wacht em Rhine windhund impression to photograph next.
    1 point
  43. I used to play alot about 5 years ago. Sold all my gear to fund travelling/wedding. Decided 3 weeks ago to get back into it. Here's what I've got since, but unfortunately unable to play due to tier 4 🤬 -ASG YHM M4 with lonex A1 motor - Was recon plate carrier - OD gloves - OD dump pouch - 2x3 m4 mag pouch - 10x valken mid caps Still waiting on these to arrive - pressure switch and mounts for Olight M2r - warq full face mask -Source kangaroo 1L hydration system
    1 point
  44. Picked up a 2nd WAS 901 so have set it up for my AUG. Warrior 901 modified by the person I bought it from. Bib section removed making it lighter and more flexible. British Tactical double mag pouches x3, British tactical OMG open mag pouches x2. FMC Airframe with Urtactical cover and battery pouch in ranger green. PIG FDT gloves.
    1 point
  45. here are a few from the last time i played with my new set up for the xm177
    1 point
  46. Getting there with my WW2 British kit, webbing all Blanco'd green. Just gotta get myself a lid, and decide what patches I'm going to have...
    1 point
  47. Couple of pics from the gangster city event at sparta.
    1 point
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