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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/21 in all areas

  1. Glad I'm not the only one who'd rather have a wank with sandpaper gloves than listen to that smug sanctimonious prick As for the whole freedom of speech thing, yes we all have the freedom to say what we like (to an extent) but this does not give you freedom from the consequences of what you say
    4 points
  2. Partly generational as I am a bit older at 45 but I would say in my case it is more based on societal. As I said I grew in Bham surrounded by all cultures so my friend group was always very varied and that meant racial jokes were the norm and still are. There was never any real racism though it was just banter and no one got offended, my mates dad who was from Trinidad was an encyclopedia of white boy jokes and gave me hell for years and it was hilarious. So I suppose I am more thick skinned about it all, especially growing up on a council estate where giving each other shit was like a tradition. Also I see stuff from my friends points of view and quite a few black friends have said that their blackness feels like it is more of an issue now than ever with all the constant talk. I actually had a friend walk out of a job because he said the diversity there felt like stealth racism and he needs nothing handing to him because of some racial pandering. Racism comes in many forms and the only way to beat it is just treat people as people and lets stop looking for issues as that just keeps things alive.
    4 points
  3. KC02 in a muzzelite stock. The red dot is temporary, it'll have something much more 80s/90s action movie on it, it'll have a MFG tracer on it and also probably a .223 lookalike mag housing. But, it might be a bullpup @Asomodaidoesn't own.
    4 points
  4. EDcase

    New guy

    Welcome Paul Same questions as above 😁 (For skirmish or just plinking in garden?) I have the Well MB01 (L96) and it seems to work well out of the box. I only use it for plinking in the garden at about 20m. I don't think it would be powerful enough for an actual skirmish. Because snipers rely on single shots they need to be accurate and long range which are two things very hard to achieve in airsoft. This means you'll need to spend a lot of time and money to make something work well otherwise you'll get frustrated as so many others before you. If you are not registered with UKARA you will have to get one that is painted a bright colour. I would suggest to get a green one and cover it with camo mesh as real snipers do.
    3 points
  5. Brophy

    New guy

    Hi @Paulrep Welcome to the forum. Have you played airsoft before? If not, any reason why you are anchoring towards snipering? It can be an acquired taste, don't be fooled by the 10 min videos you see of people getting hit, it's normally taken the guy filming a whole day to capture anything of worth sharing, especially with the minimum engagement rules. You can get budget sniper rifles, but unless you've got a valid defence such as a UKARA number, you have to have it two tone. EDIT: Kudos to @Shamal who seems to have posted at the same time as me 😉 So ignore the double asked questions 😅
    3 points
  6. Shamal

    New guy

    Hi @Paulrep👋 Welcome to the forum. Are you a complete newbie or have you played before? Are you hoping to take on a sniper role or is it just for back yard use.(if you have a long garden) If you aren't already it may be good idea to find an airsoft site near you and attend a few games to get an idea of what it's all about. I've never been interested in the sniper role preferring instead a more active approach. There will be plenty of people on here that will guide you though👍 Have fun and enjoy🙂 Have a look at @GAMBLE. He has a you tube channel which is very informative and fun 😀 Regards
    3 points
  7. CYMA CM.123 AEP. I mean... it works, as advertised. BBs come out at a very consistent 0.37J or so, but it's thiccer than a Brazilian bum implant convention, more front heavy than the Boob Job Con next door, and the trigger feels about as rubbery as the off-cuts left in the shared dumpsters afterwards. I was going somewhere with this, but I got kind of lost in the analogy.
    3 points

    New guy

    Hi @Paulrep 👋 Welcome to the forum, full of advice and like minded players! 🔫🤪👍 just like the others consider what you want? 🤔👍 Thanks @Shamal for the mention! 🔫😎👍 💷GAMBLE💷
    2 points
  9. heroshark

    Gun picture thread

    Trio of Tanaka saa's
    2 points
  10. At Military Odyssey Last Weekend in my 2006 era Timor patrol kit DPCU Land125 cut uniform, DPCU Land125 Assault vest and various pouches, DPCU armour vest, Early Camelback (owned since 2004), Land125 drop leg panel with 40mm pouches, Redback Terra Boots. Rabintex 303 helmet with: DPCU cover, NSEAS type 12 Mount, TAGir strobe, ESS goggles, Rifle is a JG based AUG with various mods. Very rare GB-Tech 203 mount kit.
    2 points
  11. EDcase

    Buying a RIF advice

    Specifically regarding international purchases: I've never had site membership so I can't comment on that but for importing into UK I'd rather use a UKARA number because that's the most common identifier for customs officers to recognise. This is why many Eastern retailers have a specific entry for the UKARA number.
    2 points
  12. AT LAST! Someone else that shares my view of Gervais. I was working up in York, years ago, one of the guys I was working with said "I like that Ricky Gervais, the more I learn about Reading, the funnier he is". Pretty much sums him up really (for the uninitiated, Reading is a shit hole, Gervais comes from Whitley which is the shittiest part of said hole).
    2 points
  13. I have a NBB Desert Eagle from way back when the gas went in the gun and the mag looked like a pez dispenser. Now THAT'S sad when you pull the trigger!
    2 points
  14. I find him about as funny as unanesthetised dental work. But it's great that we don't all enjoy the same things, that's what actual human diversity is about. Oh, a reminder that this is the internets, not a pub, and there's a very easy way to deal with people that you don't want to hear from.
    2 points
  15. Last comment as I’m the one who set off this discord on the forum , all the time I’ve been on it I’ve only seen two members ? properly accuse other members of any kind of racist/phobic behaviour and the two of them turned out to be nasty little hypocrites who tried and failed with their accusations to find any real malicious intent then accused the whole forum of it and disappeared . Mr Sparkles anyone ? I rest my case .
    2 points
  16. This^👍 With the exception of London instead of Birmingham, this mirrors my youth (I'm 53), & let's not forget racism doesn't just affect people of "colour", when my dad came to England from Eire, most of the lodgings had signs outside stating "Irish & Black's not welcome", & even before that he'd go for a job back home, one that he'd be considered to be way overqualified for, only to be rejected at the last minute for being a Catholic. 🤔 How many on here can say that they've had to go to another country to find work due to overt racism in their own ?
    2 points
  17. Just to see how fare the subconscious bias gos vs what is perceived racism. Like how people tie country vs religion vs race when really all 3 have nothing to do with the other.
    2 points
  18. "To which Wang in HK replies “Wat da fluck you talk about ? I plint good nock off platches you plick !” "Hay its a mea, I is alika meat balls and da pasta da source" “Bwai, ya done know seh mi deya gwaan easy." So when you read the above quotes what person do you see in your head reading them? Are all 3 quotes racist? Is it racist to assume because someone talks that way they look a certain way? If you said Chinse, Italian and Jamaican you think the same as me. Does that mean you and I are prejudice?
    2 points
  19. Hardly a monologue fella.thats your department lol. No coming back? In your eyes? Well I shall loose no sleep about that 😉 Here's another one.Judge not less ye be judged. 👍
    2 points
  20. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Is that you?? 🤔
    2 points
  21. My best man was a coloured gentleman. I don't mean lots of colours just one main colour.Black He was a groundwork on a site I was working at. We started talking and struck up a good friendship. And as @Tacklesays we could say anything without it being offensive for either of us. It was always a laugh if he was laying tarmac or I was spreading snowcem plaster lol Regards
    2 points
  22. @TheFull9 R.I.F.T. seem to have about four (?) sites in total, and they are on my list to verify and add. Currently, I’m working through improving region pages for faster loading and better viewing, as well as having a dedicated search/filtering page for more sophisticated browsing. I do encourage anyone who knows of any sites that aren’t on PlayAirsoft to submit them, even if you don’t know all of the details. Don’t be afraid of submitting just a name and web address, if this is all you know about it. I’ll get to it and try to verify all the details anyway. The hardest part is to provide meaningful descriptions for each site. Most of them have a little blurb about what they offer, but nothing specific about the site features, which would be of most help to players who don’t yet know a given site. I will be going on a little tour and visit some sites that aren’t too far from me for the sake of gathering intel, but it’ll be a slow process. Anything you may know about your favourite site that isn’t mentioned, file a report through the website and I’ll take a look at it.
    1 point
  23. This thread gave me the kick I needed to get an SADF M83 chest rig. Probably one of the best purchases I have made! Can take M4 or AK74 mags easily, side pockets fit my timed and impact BFGs and the skinny pen pocket takes the reloading tool. Throw a tin of primers in the tiny pocket and I am set! Even with 6 (!) TM M4 gas mags and 2 BFGs it is comfortable with no hot-spots on the straps. My Viper Spiritus clone is ok with 3 mags in but add any more and after a while it starts to kill my shoulders. I will be keeping that for CQB and short games; for woodland / OPFOR / and long games the M83 will be the go-to 👍 I will be adding some Velcro OneWrap to the strap ends to tidy them up and might add an elastic section to the waist strap (along with cordura “concertina” cover) to allow for pie intake 😂🍔
    1 point
  24. MalHollywood

    Gun picture thread

    Tomorrow is definitely an MWS day. See you at Anzio!! 👌👌
    1 point
  25. PatrolBase have 1-or-some short modern M4 (not Nam-style) mags in stock. Some folk might be after them. (Full disclosure, I finally bagged 3 VN style short mags from Airsoft Supply Drop, but didn't mention it because I got the last three ) https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/battleaxe-110rnd-polymer-magazine-ar-15-m4
    1 point
  26. With a name like Hardballer why wouldn’t you!?
    1 point
  27. C-Diddy

    THE TM MWS thread

    Looking good 👍🏼 My Hao rail has just been delivered after ordering it in May, so looking forward to getting it fitted. Did you need any barrel shims or is it a good fit?
    1 point
  28. Just a acog replica i got from Ali express https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002138181699.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dplR3OA
    1 point
  29. Rogerborg

    Buying a RIF advice

    And to be crystal clear, yes, it really is membership that matters. That's the condition in the Home Office circular that actually defines airsoft as a "permitted activity" VCRA defence. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-violent-crime-reduction-act-2006-commencement-no-3-order-2007-firearms-measures I've never had a membership card, mind, although one site did capture my soul on camera while starting the clock running on membership. Note the curious condition on the central database entry (UKARA or similar) expiring: if it's unused (for purchasing) for 12 months, not if the player hasn't renewed membership. That's not how it's played out in practice, and it's clear that all of this is merely suggestive - what matters is a "genuine skirmishing club or site", i.e. one with third party liability insurance for airsoft activities (also as per this circular). tl;dr version - ask your ex-sites.
    1 point
  30. Rogerborg

    Gearbox lubrication ?

    Love custard?
    1 point
  31. Unless their Mum threw it from a first floor window and they failed to catch it when they went out for some "plinking in the garden"
    1 point
  32. BigAl

    Buying a RIF advice

    Rogerborg summed it up perfectly. UKARA is simply a convenient method of proving your defence, your site membership is your defence. So whatever you need to do to renew your site membership is al that matters. As long as you are a site member a retailer can check you out with the site.
    1 point
  33. look guys, we gotta accept that airsoft is a sport that attracts folks from various ages and backgrounds, it should be no surprise that forums surrounding it will be no exception. that's inevitably going to lead to dealing with folks with whom you have some fundamental philosophical disagreement with whether that separation be age, politics, religion or whatever. however i do think that alex has a point that certain things are best left unsaid on a public forum, although not for the same reasons. one of the things i've always loved about this forum compared to many is how rarely debates of this sort arise, either because they're not talked about or because folks here realize the truth that arguing with someone on an internet forum isn't going to get them to change to any great degree. on the flip side, shamal and druid have a point that if you support free speech as an ideal then you have to accept that also means accepting others should be allowed to voice opinions that don't sit well with you. I realize that it's an easy trap to fall into, hell i remember the vaccine debate suckered me in good and proper, but looking at the long term you can choose to either hold the grudge and end up having constant little spats (until the forum suffers for it), or accept the inevitability that nothing's going to change the other party's mind and you're better off forgetting it and focusing on the real issues that affect us all. like kickingmustang and speedsofters and hpa users because for sure we ain't gonna be solving a problem as complex as racism from behind a keyboard.
    1 point
  34. MalcyFett

    THE TM MWS thread

    Ordered a mk16 rail from Hao directly, took a week to arrive from Taiwan. Finally got the guts to open up the mws, installed a sixg brass nub and fitted the new rail (not too bad to fit, even for a complete novice with gbbrs). Really happy with how it’s looking now.
    1 point
  35. Hao mk16 rail and a tool to install it.
    1 point
  36. I would recommend against a compressor unless you have a serious level of use out of it, or plenty time to leave one running and allowing for cooling. You cannot use domestic or workshop types of compressors. (Actually there is a way, but I’ll get to that) You need something capable of compressing to 3000psi, and providing clean breathable quality air. That will cost a number of thousands, and needs to be maintained. You can get cheaper ones now that are capable of that level of pressure, but I’m unconvinced and you need to know what you are buying to ensure the quality is up to the job. There are booster compressors such as the discontinued Shoebox compressor by Tom Kaye. This type needs a workshop style compressor as a primary source to feed the shoebox at 100s of PSI which then boosts to 1000s of PSI The source air from domestic or workshop compressors is at high risk of oil or other contamination. Best case scenario is dirty air which clogs the bottle side of the regulator and gives an early burst disk failure. The worst case scenario is when you get any heat from air pressure you end up with a flash fill explosion. I’ve seen the effects and you don’t want that. The photos below are from a flash fill explosion near Southampton a number of years back. It was due to oil contamination remaining from an earlier unidentified player and the player concerned had their regulator explode during filling, their bottle became a rocket, their clothes melted onto them and you can see the state of his hand. He luckily lived to tell the tale. My recommendations are: 1) get a fill from the site you play at. This might not be possible at all airsoft sites 2) occasionally use the stirrup and build up your muscles 3) get a fill at a friendly dive shop - you will probably need to bring your own fill adaptor rig, and it will get expensive per fill for a playing size cylinder 4) buy spare aluminum cylinders and fill as many as you can in one go from a site compressor 5) buy a scuba cylinder, fill it at a dive shop, then use your own fill rig to cascade fill to your playing cylinder Fill by as little as possible and as often as possible, just topping up to minimise the pressure difference between cylinders to make your scuba source last the longest
    1 point
  37. Davegolf

    THE TM MWS thread

    Or the mag case itself gets bent in stopping it from working. @Whereismyhammer is your gun internally standard otherwise?
    1 point
  38. Hey guys whats with all the notifications....
    1 point
  39. Lol, thread derailment is the norm here, no one should be surprised. As for racism, my best mate is from Trinidad, spitting image of Mr T, & there's nothing we don't say to each other, literally nothing, does he take offense ?, of course not, do I ?, not a chance, why, because we're bigger than that, we're aware of what's important in life & being offended by banter/jokes, even if it's by unknown third parties is the least of our worries. In fact rather then lament & whine about genuine cultural wrongs/crimes that happened long before anybody here was a stain in their daddies undercrackers, he embraces it, so much so that when he married, he wore the tartan of the plantation owner slaver from whom he is descended, in acknowledgement of everything he is & has. How's that for some "fuck you racism" ironic shit ?
    1 point
  40. wasn't particularly offended. believe it or not as someone who basically grew up with the internet i don't find racism or whatever particularly shocking or offensive. but it wasn't very funny either - think you may be better off leaving the jokes to ricky gervais, no offence intended of course.
    1 point
  41. Hi, just joined, why can't i contact a lot of sellers on the classified ads? Message comes up saying my account isn't allowed to contact this seller?
    1 point
  42. Any version of NBB MK23 I've used. They perform incredibly and have absolutely earned their reputation for that, but fuck me if they haven't all been the saddest thing the moment I pull that equally sad trigger. I want a pistol that goes bang, not that sounds like a trapped fart popping out. Purely goes down as disappointing for me because I didn't think it'd bother me as much as it did, alas, disappointment is a very personal/subjective thing.
    1 point
  43. Rogerborg

    Buying a RIF advice

    UKARA is really just a way of recording site membership, so I'd agree with talking to your site(s) and seeing what they're prepared to do. I'd 100% agree with not trying to import a RIF without a defence at the moment. But within the UK, it is not, and never has been, an offence to buy or attempt to buy a RIF. So: buy privately from someone who wants to sell. It's entirely up to them. And truth to tell, there are some retailers who will sell to anyone, which is dropping a huge turd in our punchbowl. However, if you have a history of playing or membership, you can always ask retailers if they're willing to sell to you - they are in the business of doing that. Given the stocking issue at the moment, your first challenge is to find something for sale.
    1 point
  44. Gask99

    Gun picture thread

    The family
    1 point
  45. For personal use no. What would make you a nob would be acting like you think you're the next Stanley Kubrick and starting a shitty youtube channel, then spamming social media begging for likes and subscribers
    1 point
  46. So if I buy one of your springs with the Japanese steel, will that make my BBs sharper? Hattori Hanzo style 😁
    1 point
  47. I'm no expert but have a small bit of experience with spring making companies as I have my own (Gearparts) springs made. Yes stock springs on the whole will lose power over time. They're generally made from cheaper non-tempered wire, sometimes call "piano wire". This wire is readily available and cheap. My own springs are made from oil-tempered Japanese SWOC-V steel and less susceptible to shrinking overtime. The M110 I've been testing for the past 18 month 300,000 cycles is still the same length as day 1. I've never performed a stress test on Guarder but imagine they are pretty much up there.
    1 point
  48. Current TM MWS set up (with assorted UKSF inspired bits and pieces).
    1 point
  49. SHS high speed is not a good choice for 13:1 gears. That might not be helping with the heat aspect of things. Change over to a high torque.
    1 point
  50. paradoxum

    Gun picture thread

    It looks fucking sick dude. I hope you exaggerate the recoil when you fire it because it's just a massive hand cannon I'd hate to see it pew pew pew BBs and not BANG BANG Yes I make noises for my WH40k miniatures too.
    1 point
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