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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/05/23 in all areas

  1. Random 1911 but I like it
    3 points
  2. Getting back into airsoft after a recent move. Was looking for some cheap storage for my guns. Went from wall racks to gun lockers to stands. Now, I knew that Novritsch guns were overpriced. You're paying for the brand, sure. As you please... But this did make me laugh. He's marketing a guitar stand as a gun stand and charging almost twice the retail price! Absolute dreamer 😂 Guarantee there's a few people who bought it too!
    2 points
  3. Bit of a funny one that. A quick search for lacruise shows that they've been a member for a couple of years, but only have 4 posts, all of which are sales posts of which 3 were posted today. The bit that strikes me as odd though is that the new adverts all start with the phrase "Shit hit the fan work-wise, so need to get rid of a few things." If this is the case then why would they be buying up more kit? While there's nothing that is obviously dodgy there's enough to get my spidey senses tingling which is enough to make me ignore their messages
    2 points
  4. Colin Allen

    Europe Vs. America

    I completely agree; many milsims in the UK seem to take it far too seriously, to the point where all the fun is sucked out of it, in the deluded belief that they are genuinely simulating military operations.
    2 points
  5. Pupa2794

    Gun picture thread

    Very much a WIP but a Cobray Terminator for Cam 870 and madbull/pps shells.
    2 points
  6. My “Honey badger” at home, the syrup ferret:
    2 points
  7. BrightCandle

    Radios guide

    You have two choices when it comes to radios for Airsoft purposes and they each have their pros and cons. You can either use a PMR 446 or a licensed radio such as a Baofeng. PMR 446 Comes in two types, analogue which has 8 channels and digital which is 16 channel. Most people use analogue as digital is still expensive. Is unlicensed so you can just buy a radio and it will work with all other PMR 446 radios. It is limited to 0.5W. It is lower range and penetration than a licensed radio. In thick woodland expect below 100m sometimes you can shout further. In open ground in the best conditions it could go 1KM. They have a fixed antenna so you can't change it. Licensed Radio Baofeng is the make that most people buy due to the costs. The UV-5R is a cheap and decent radio with a tonne of possible accessories. The UV-82 and other radios in that series from Baofeng can do two push to talk buttons for two different frequencies which is a really awesome for radio men as they can talk on either of the frequencies they have setup. The UV-5R can tune into 2 channels at once but it can't transmit on both only one of them. The UV-5R can be used at 2 power outputs, 1W and 4W. There is also a High power model which has an additional 8W mode which isn't usable with a UK simple business license. You can do just about anything with a license and could get a personal frequency just for your group but it could cost thousands of pounds. However the easiest and cheapest thing to do is to buy a Simple UK business license (https://secure.ofcom.org.uk/busrad/). It is £75 for 5 years and takes about 2 weeks to come through, it requires little more than name + address. It will give you some FM, VHF and UHF frequencies for a total of 11 usable on a Baofeng UV-5R and you can hand out these to a group you play with or just some people on the same site for the day. Businesses all over the UK share the frequencies so you may have to move channel to avoid interfering but you have plenty of options. The license grants up to 5W of power and the Baofeng on high uses 4W. The license is for narrow band which is the same as the PMR 446 uses. These penetrate through a lot more woodland and go a lot further as they are 10x more powerful. They have a replaceable antenna so you can get a smaller one to fit your gear or a much bigger one to allow better reception and a bit more power. The Baofeng can be tuned to receive the PMR 446 frequencies. However because it is too powerful (1W) and has a removable antenna (which can change the power output) and it can use other frequencies its not legal to use it on PMR 446 frequencies. Thus if you are using a Baofeng for this purpose you are committing a crime. It is OK to listen but you can't transmit. The Baofeng radio's as far as I know all come with push to talk buttons and an ear piece in the box, the UV-5R certainly does. You can also get accessory ones from other companies like Code red headsets, Z Tactical and Baofeng themselves. The plug it uses is called a Kenwood so when looking for addons this is what you need, its widely supported. There are a vast array of options even to the point where you can get a bone conduction set for $100 or so.
    1 point
  8. I can't believe musicians are using mop racks for their guitars
    1 point
  9. You'll find these are actually mop racks, I should know we have them at my work place.
    1 point
  10. On Monday I will be taking an exam on the Study of Flying Insects… I've been up all night swatting!
    1 point
  11. Good day at Red Alert Airsoft. Met with @Skullchewer and had some good fun. Especially the last game mode (can't remember the name of it) was fun. (no spawn, you raise your hand when you're hit and others can revive you. Aim is to shoot all the enemies so there's noone left to revive them) Only downside was my new G&G Firehawk shot a bit too hot (307 FPs with 0.28's, where the max was 296). Hopefully gonna be able to get the spring out this week to shorten it a bit and get it within limits for the battlesim on Sunday. Lastly, this was my first time using the ExFog system. It worked an absolute treat, haven't had any fogging at all today. 10/10, would recommend.
    1 point
  12. Went out today, taking the tri-shot with me as I'd not really got prepared to run the aeg... Thoroughly enjoyed myself all day and I'm happy to report that the shotgun was only let down by my weary biceps by the end of the day. Being up front meant playing the objectives which is what I prefer so played with a grin all day. Not so much grumbly behaviour and hit taking seemed good (though I "missed" a bloke from a yard away somehow so not sure there...) so a good day all around. Absolutely stiff as a board now though! Gotta do some cardio inbetween games!
    1 point
  13. Another great day at Ambush near cobham where I decided to take the SA-02 put for some fun. Performance wasn't the best but I'm putting a lot of that down to me being a crap shot. Fortunately I had my MP5K with me to act as back up. On the downside, there were a few who seemed to think hit taking was optional, but they were only a tiny minority and were dealt with by the staff. To me it's nice to see a site actually do something and boot cheaters rather than be all talk and no action.
    1 point
  14. Colin Allen

    Europe Vs. America

    I believe they are a slightly different design; I don't think the Macaron has the internal ring. My Lancer has steel bushings.
    1 point
  15. Khyber

    THE TM MWS thread

    Ah I see. Wasnt aware of these shops. Think i will go that route then. I'll just stock up on a bunch when they come in. £3-4 is much more reasonable. Thanks for the info.
    1 point
  16. Fixed that That would involve effort on the part of the OP
    1 point
  17. Welcome to the forum I'll leave the tech stuff as I tend to struggle with anything which doesn't involve duct tape or a hammer That's because 99% of the players running these very high rof builds are trying to over compensate for something, whether that's a lack of skill or something more personal. Strangely they also often whine the loudest when on the receiving end. This. I left all the airsoft groups I was in on faceache as most of it was either bad advice or crappy youtube videos. Forums may be old, but the information tends to be of a higher quality and it's easier to search for so you don't get the same questions asked every other week
    1 point
  18. Colin Allen

    Europe Vs. America

    In the UK, AK2M4 sells the Macaron and nub for £9.50; the ZCI hop unit is the same price. I am not sure why one would need to buy a ZCI hop unit to run ML rubbers; they seem to work in a range of hop units. A decent decision.
    1 point
  19. WTF is going on with that rail/receiver join? It looks like the receiver was built for a very specific rail system to lock onto it, and the OEM decided to throw on another altogether, leaving a gap. They don't even match in height on the upper rail. Having looked through the rest of Delta Armouries product line, it looks very much like the same fodder that comes from Huntsman, Specna, Lancer, Evolution et al. I would be interested to see the internals of the gun before passing judgement.
    1 point
  20. Leo Greer

    Europe Vs. America

    Do y'all have Lambda in the UK? Here in the USA they're close-ish to ZCI's pricing (more like $30-45) but at PDI's finishing level. Most of my builds hover in between 25 and 30 RPS on 11.1v and 16-20 on 7.4v--above that I believe is impractical. As I've become a better player I've begun playing more and more semi-auto only. At this point I typically use FA-burst only when suppressing corners or windows for teammates to move up, which I believe is a proper use. Interesting findings on the Macaron vs. the MR.Hop--Y'all have convinced me I need to test those some more! Price mostly. In the USA it costs about $16-18 to purchase a ML packing and nub combo (about 15 beans for you guys), which puts the cost of the rubber and nub at near the cost of a new motor. The main practical advantage of flat hopping vs replacement is usually compatibility with the original hop unit, and hopefully fitment to the nozzle, assuming the stock setup is any decent. If you have to purchase even the excellently priced ZCI hop unit in order to use your ML hop rubber it brings the cost up. Not a huge amount of money, but money spent regardless. You would be correct about the toxic combo being real. Most of the players at my local field are good sportsmen and are just playing to have fun, but you get the occasional player who seems to show up just to cause trouble. And sometimes it's just that senile old 'Nam vet who doesn't think someone's "out" until they stop moving (true story). I may not agree with everything he says, but there's no question that Luke is a huge asset to y'all's community. In the USA you very, very rarely find techs who both know what they're doing and offer their services for "ordinary man" prices. That would be exactly why I'm on the forums and not on social media--I like to learn new things, practical approaches, and ways to do it better, and social media/Reddit rarely turn up anything besides hype. I've gone down the road of spending 400+ beans on "upgrade" parts only to have everything fail (and I spent six months trying to build that rifle). The average air softer at my local field is in between 13 and 15 and fits every stereotype you can think up, aside from most of them using Lancer Crapticals and not Lancer Polarstars. Never been to a milsim myself--I look at ticket prices, and then I look at that part I wanted to try in my M4, and then I look at ticket prices again... and I end up buying myself a sandwich instead.
    1 point
  21. If you already have a channel and are already an airsofter, why don’t you fuck off and use your own brain.
    1 point
  22. Impulse

    Europe Vs. America

    I can only give my opinion on each of these points, so... For me, I prefer stainless steel barrels to brass barrels as stainless steel barrels won't corrode and to me they seem to require cleaning a little less often. Had one brass barrel corrode pretty bad, while I still use the same stainless steel barrel in my first VSR build for the past... 14 years? It's pretty much that simple. Reason for ZCI is their prices are great for what you get; £25 for a stainless steel tightbore is pretty nice. Trial and error for me. I've found that I might get a higher maximum range with the MR hop, but the macaron gives me way better consistency and better effective range. For me, effective range trumps maximum range every single time. Nubs, probably, but I wouldn't want to try to replicate an autobot or macaron contact patch by hand, though I'm crap at that kind of thing. Also, hop rubbers are pretty damn cheap. They're usually less than £10 and the nub is less than £5, so it's not exactly breaking the bank. I think it's "all of the above". I know my local site has a 25rps limit, because if you put a 1 second burst into someone that's still 25 BBs hitting them, potentially in the face. It's not nice getting absolutely hosed by someone with a wankergun build and an itchy trigger finger. I've got some pretty snappy builds, but none of them are over 20rps on full auto (and I never use full auto anyway). Also, if you're going that snappy, semi-auto might as well be full-auto. Insert the "that's not full auto, this is" video here. Also also, full-auto on something that isn't a support gun is just a crutch for people who can't aim. The crutch gets bigger the higher the ROF. Change my mind
    1 point
  23. Grom

    Aimpoint clone

    Hello Mate. Send me your PayPal and I will take it off you. Is £30 including postage? I'm only in Horsham if you are local. Many thanks Robert
    1 point
  24. mp5a4

    What should be done

    Sure if you want to paint it for aesthetic reasons for ahead. You have a Realistic Imitation Firearm and you can customise it as you wish. As other said, you can leave it as is too, possession is not regulated and you already possess it
    1 point
  25. What am bestest Famas!!!!!???!!!!!1111111shift
    1 point
  26. Don't paint it, use it and enjoy it sensibly.
    1 point
  27. @Ranger can we have a pool party please?
    1 point
  28. I'd not bother, could be one of those overseas £1k per minute jobbies, sounds like a random bot that's just latched on to your pm to chance it's arm. End of the day, even if its a genuine attempt to purchase from you, do you really want to get involved with someone who can't string a coherent sentence together, never mind give them personal details to allegedly proceed with a payment, & don't get me started if it's anything rif-like their after lol. I'd block them if possible ?
    1 point
  29. C-Diddy

    THE TM MWS thread

    Impulse101 are out of stock, as are Rainbow8. Keep an eye though because they're a lot cheaper, service is fast, even from Japan/HK. Impulse charge 550 yen. That's a little over £3!
    1 point
  30. Yeh - this. The VCRA is about the Import, manufacture and selling of RIFs, not ownership. The defense is to satisfy the seller that you are a legit airsofter. The seller fucked up - not your problem - you don't need to paint your gun. Enjoy it - responsibly!, and enjoy the additional resale value when it comes to selling it in future, as two-tone always command lower 2nd hand prices.
    1 point
  31. Honestly just forget about doing anything at all, it doesn't matter once its in your hands, the defence is to buy, owning it doesn’t break any laws , if you’ve bought it and its not two tone then your not going to have a firearms team storm your home over it, as long as your not a dickhead and go waving it around down the street that is
    1 point
  32. Probably. Either that or a Nigerian prince wanting to move money around
    1 point
  33. Hi, If you read my post again you will see that I was a sniper in my army days (long time ago). So this is not YouTube driven 😉 Thanks for the advice. Soldering won’t be the problem, I am more worried about not putting small mechanical things back together (e.g. in case I have to take the gears out etc). If you can just open up a gearbox and solder a mosfet in without having to take the whole thing apart then that might be an option.
    1 point
  34. Easy peasy lemon squeezy , get a CYMA M14 Socom, great out of the box, wee bit shorter than the standard m14 so still adept at urban sites, hi caps have big mag capacity so no need to festoon yourself in tactical nylon with a gazillion pouches, in fact a small grab bag & 3 mags would probably cover most skirmish day needs & make being a sneaky mofo a piece of piss. Works for me lol. Edit. Just see your "deal breaker", don't think quick change spring is an option (I could be wrong though ?), but still a great rifle for getting in the dmr/sniper mindset for not a lot of money.
    1 point
  35. AiRsofT FAMAS Am maDe of Cheez WHiz thO!
    1 point
  36. Rogerborg

    Gotta love people

    I've had initiated a chargeback 30 seconds after the promised delivery date, left negative feedback, and put a horse's head in your bed.
    1 point
  37. Best part about moving back to Midlands? Enough sites within a reasonable distance to get this shit back out again.
    1 point
  38. 2 Commando (AU) 2016 ish
    1 point
  39. Marco1991

    Gun picture thread

    My NSW recce rifle
    1 point
  40. OTH21

    Gun picture thread

    Receiver change on my LCT RPK, going for a Romanian Paratrooper look, so the next part to source is an RPK dong lower handguard. And to pick up RPK mags/drum mag
    1 point
  41. Alimcd

    Novritsch SSQ22 GBBR

    Saw a comment earlier on about how the A1 Raptor or the SSQ would be better than a stock KC02. For anyone that cares, this is nonsense because: •The Nov/A1A gun is made of the cheapest, heaviest and most brittle pot metal. There’s the leftover redundant front section from the A1A’s take down function, meaning the only thing that centres and retains the outer barrel assembly is the rail. •The “improved” tdc wheel has no tensioner. It’ll happily just adjust itself from the action of the bolt. •The A1A banana mags are infamously leaky, potential hand grenades. The KC02 mags are indestructible. •The Novristch team left behind several redundant parts from the A1A’s trigger box, one of these being the full auto sear. The split sear system in those full auto packs is terrible and I can see many of these guns refusing to fire in semi auto soon. • The roller bearing on the hammer is going to destroy the Chinesium bolt carrier on the SSQ22. Finally, the feedback I’ve had on the feel of the SSQ is that the quality of the plastics is comparable to a cheap Nerf gun. Stock KC = much better base gun for a build. If you’re curious about the Novristch, the sales section will be full of them soon. Rogueworx are designing a replacement hop unit and nozzle for this dumpster fire. Give it a year or so and the SSQ may be a good platform As a Brucey bonus for getting to the end of my wall of text, here are my own rather naughty KC02 builds. @Speedbird_666 Buy a KC, slap it in a Ruger stock and stand out as the guy with the all-American plinkster at your next game day
    1 point
  42. Be a Proper Chap, and get a video of it doing it’s thang to tease us 😉
    1 point
  43. Hey, I want to introduce you to a personal friend of mine... Peak nerd.
    1 point
  44. GunmanAirsoft

    Radios guide

    One standard licence covers your whole team's use of the frequencies as long as you are there being responsible for the use. The simple business licence has standard frequencies which can be used anywhere in the UK and they all use the same frequencies so you have to coordinate with anyone else using them. It's like the Pmr446 but you pay for it and you can use higher powers and more frequencies.
    1 point
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