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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/23 in all areas

  1. I'd rather have a wank with sandpaper gloves than go to that shitshow
    4 points
  2. I once designed a couple of weekend immersive military experiences. In version 1, participants would arrive in the dark, ideally while it was raining, and would be sent off to dig slit trenches on the edge of a field. Once they had settled into their slit trenches and were just starting to heat up their ration packs, they would be ordered to move out immediately. On arrival at their new location, the process, or a similar one, would be repeated. Keep doing this until endex and then send them home. The alternative to this was to stick them in a barracks for a weekend, complete with ironing boards, irons, boot polish and all the other wonderful bits and pieces. Their first task would be to get their kit into a condition that would pass inspection by a grumpy former senior NCO, who would be well paid for throwing their kit on the floor, emptying their lockers and shouting at them. Once they had got their kit sorted out to his satisfaction, they would be sent out for an eight mile run in full kit, ideally in the rain, after which they would have to do PT on the parade ground. This would be followed by sorting out their now wet and scruffy kit, again subject to Mr Grumpy's inspection and approval. Then, get them to clear up the barracks before they get a chance to eat. Keep this going for a couple of days and send them home. I thought that these would provide a far more realistic insight into military life. I also had an RAF variant, which consisted of checking into a 5 star hotel for the weekend and running up a huge room service bill.
    4 points
  3. I dunno mate. Naff pretty much describes the airsoft aspects of the weekend..... Pretty sure individually pulling out my pubes with tweezers would also be more fun than attending......
    3 points
  4. Fancied a change in colour 😁
    3 points
  5. Tommikka


    A new gun doesn’t immediately begin to customise you It may have appeared to do so If you leave off from the marriage part then you can work on getting a good range of spares with all the spare disposable income ….. But there’s always the danger of so much choice that you find yourself unable to decide and then find yourself twiddling your thumbs not doing anything with any of them
    3 points
  6. Shamal


    It's a bit like getting a new girlfriend. You liked the look of her or she was cheap,(either way works),all the functions worked and she did what you wanted. Its when you get married that you see where changes can be made and like Airsoft those changes come at a price. It's around about this time that you may think about getting another model that suits you better or keep the one you have and get a backup.👍😉 Ouch! Dammit Hun I didn't know you were behind me.😂
    3 points
  7. He charges money for pictures of old rope.
    3 points
  8. I suspect he's thinking that people will pay over the odds in order to dodge proving a defense........
    3 points
  9. Nick G

    Pulse Rifle

    As my GBBR pulse rifle build seems to be of interest to a few I thought I'd do a build thread sort of thing. Bear with me , I dont do 'tech' so the order of posts and pictures might well be a bit random ! I'm starting with a WE Thompson that I've been gifted. It's seen better days and came a cropper when an hpa experiment went very wrong, however I should be able to sort it given time. The upper reciever has cracked in a couple of places so I've ordered a replacement. Untill that arrives i've done a very rough and ready strengthening job with some scrap angle ally. Looks a bit frankenstein, but will hold the upper together for now which means I can crack on and get everything mocked up then fit the repacement when it's in pieces for final prep and paint. What I started with Snow Wolf body kit, there are lots of bits in the box ! Very basic strengthening job to hold the upper together for now. You can just see the cracks. The puls rifle outer barrel mounts via an aluminium adapter, on the aeg this also mounts onto the hop unit extension. The holes on the side of the block take M3 bolts that also secure the front brackets to the body. I plan to drill and tap the botom of the block and secure it to the handguard extension on the tommy to help support everything although it seems pretty robust just bolted to the body. In order to hold the hop unit and inner barrel into the GBBR upper I chopped the mounting lug off the spare barrel that came with the Thompson. This them mounts and secures the hop / inner in the standard fashion. If I had access to a lathe I would have shortened and turned down the outer so it would fit the mounting block in the way the aeg one does.
    2 points
  10. In case you didn't know, the bookings have been live for a couple of days now. This year the are open earlier than last year. Just search for National Airsoft Festival 2023 to find.
    2 points
  11. Add in a selection of little back dresses and a packet of biscuits and you would have a Royal Marines immersive experience.
    2 points
  12. I'm guessing the navy version would involve getting to know your battle buddy extremely well
    2 points
  13. Also.... where did you buy it from as certain shops apparently class stripping the slide off the gun to set the hop as "Voiding the warranty". As above tho if it's new and you've just bought it return it right now. Do not take tools to it, do not try and fix it just get your money back or a replacement.
    2 points
  14. Look at that subtle off-white decor. The tasteful daylighting of it. Oh by God, it even has a tripod...
    2 points
  15. Tackle


    How do they perform, do they: 1.shoot straight 2. & have a reasonable fps, by reasonable fps I would say 250+ for the pistols & 285+ for the rifles. If points 1 & 2 are achieved, then leave them alone internally, they're not broke so you can't fix them so to speak, & attempts to usually go one of two ways, the manufacturer balance is upset & they end up worse, or alternatively you chuck more than their worth at a "tech" (?) just to gain a small improvement (hopefully). Now, no offence intended, but 3 of the 4 brands you've purchased are considered to be cheap & pretty mediocre in the scheme of things, chucking more money at them isn't gonna drastically improve quality or value. Essentially, if they work OK, use them until they don't, that could be a long time potentially, & when they finally do break, sell them for parts & get the kit you really need. As for the external cosmetic, your only limits are your imagination (& wallet), do your research as to what you need, which is not always what you want lol, it's easy to waste money on unnecessary dead weight that looks pretty lol. You don't need to send them to anyone, plenty info & guides on the net, diy👍 Edit: man above has faster fingers than me, but we're both singing from the same hymnsheet.
    2 points
  16. Rogerborg


    Ahoy. I wouldn't spend a penny on the Ravens, unless you're using them as CQB primaries. But then, I wouldn't use a Raven as as CQB primary. What sort of "adjustments and customisation" are we talking here? Because if you send off a gun to a typical tech with a remit of "Make it betterer!" then it's a toss up whether you'll even get anything functional back. It's important to be clear about what they're not doing now, that you want them to do, or to do better. Semi-auto trigger response or trigger pull; rate of fire; burst fire. More power (or less), and better consistency (note that I don't say "range" or "accuracy" there, since those aren't necessarily the same thing). The ability to hop heavier BBs. Rewiring, or a shim and re-grease. Your KWA and Lancer are both reasonable spec to begin with, but aren't particularly common (and the KWA has a "V2.5" gearbox which might be a head-scratcher for techs), so I wouldn't send them to any rando. The only person I'd actually trust with anything decent is Luke at Negative Airsoft, or maybe Kingdom of Airsoft. Luke in particular can also do cosmetic customisation.
    2 points
  17. "Secret location" A subtle way of saying we haven't found a venue dumb enough to let us do this yet
    2 points
  18. As God (but not Stoner) intended. The black rifle in 1980’s style.
    2 points
  19. Temptation got the better of me and I bought some of the Guns Modify P-Mags for the MWS. Not tested beyond sticking some gas in to make sure they're tight, but they look the nuts and set the old girl off just right.
    2 points
  20. "Purple Airsoft" Tech Services Services, Repairs, Upgrades and Modifications Primarily work on; AEG, AEP, GBB pistols and Bolt-action Sniper Rifles However, if you're unsure, can't hurt to > ask < > Website < > Youtube < > Facebook < Current turn around time: up to 2 Weeks For more pricing and more info, please see the website Cheers, ///Davo
    1 point
  21. Bloody hell, even an MP couldn't say that with a straight face. In my experience cunts and cheaters are attracted to it like flies to a fresh dog turd Careful, you'll give the guys at Killbox ideas
    1 point
  22. OTH21

    Gun picture thread

    After a sale of one Rif and a trade on another today, my modest collection now stands at: LCT TKMS with DB GP25, with launcher attached it is very front heavy. Cyma cm077 - this will be my skirmish primary. King Arms faux wood M1928
    1 point
  23. Rogerborg


    Mmm, Lancer are known for their budget (but decent enough) M4s. That Lancer ARP-9-a-like is a bit more upmarket than their usual fare, I'd be interested to know if it justifies the price.
    1 point
  24. @Emergencychimps I use Zero One Pro gas. Plastic nozzle, basically Abbey Ultra but cheaper and no issues filling
    1 point
  25. NAF by name NAF by nature. I'll airsoft my way not theirs.
    1 point
  26. As above, if it's new send it back and don't let the shop fob you off with bullshit excuses
    1 point
  27. lokkers

    THE TM MWS thread

    Thanks chaps! Yeah I figured the 9.3" is the one for the 10.5", but wanted to double check. Here's my Flannel Daddy inspired 14" URGI. Want to swap the DBAL for an NGAL at some point
    1 point
  28. sp00n

    Pulse Rifle

    Loving the pics mate 😎👍 regarding the hop/barrel head spacing, I think when I do mine, I’ll just get the original Thompson barrel turned down to fit.
    1 point
  29. 1.7J perfect for field use!? Errr....what?
    1 point
  30. No, it's exactly the same.
    1 point
  31. How old is it ? if you've only just got it then I'd send it back. Certainly on my G18 the trigger doesn't release the hammerif the slide is off. As I recal the last Raven 17 I had on the bench had the same issue of the hammer getting stuck down. If you decide to replace the hammer unit , the WE one fits the Raven , however the last Raven 17 I had apart needed a WE G18 hammer unit.
    1 point
  32. They actually have a parts website and it's out of stock there as well. Seems to be a very popular product
    1 point
  33. Another one of these………
    1 point
  34. Do it right. Swap the nozzle for one that feeds and seals on the zci unit, then build your two barrels on those. Also be aware that those extra 7 centimetres of barrel will dramatically increase the muzzle energy, so your gun may end up being too hot.
    1 point
  35. Not quite. You still have to apply for an airgun loicence, but it's effectively an automatic add-on and only costs £5, instead of £72 for 5 years. It's shockingly close to being sensible.
    1 point
  36. There are post-conviction laws regarding airguns too. If you've a criminal record, possession can be a serious offence.
    1 point
  37. hunter511

    TM MP5 NGRS Owners

    In my experience stock recoils are amazing with good quality .25s. If you can find some Marui Perfect Hit .25s you're in for a treat.
    1 point
  38. Can we have that in English now for us normal people 🥴
    1 point
  39. That tells me all I need to know and from Herrgh's post this sounds like someone trying to monetise their rape fantasies
    1 point
  40. I would just like juxtapose these two bits of the website: [A] Yeah, I don't think I'm going to be taking my family along for a fun day of being "exposed to and (potentially) participating in scenes of brutal and/or sexual nature." I don't think anyone wants to see their parents or siblings "consensually" force-fed while "consensually" hooked up to a car battery.
    1 point
  41. Middle class, maybe. But not prepubescent in this case. The named director is 44-45 years old. He's also a "NFT and Metaverse specialist" at another company he's director of. And a crypto investor! I swell with confidence that Killbox will be a success. Dibs on the NFT of the consent page on the website lol.
    1 point
  42. ******Be warned that reading up on this is at your own risk and isn’t for the faint hearted***** At the very least this can result in crossing your legs, wincing and horrific images in your imagination Operation Spanner covers the investigation and prosecutions - the whole thing never went away. Prosecutions took place escalating through magistrates, crown court and to the Old Bailey with guilty verdicts covering 8 convictions sentenced between 18 months and 4 1/2 years Appeals were unsuccessful in the appeals court, House of Lords and European court of human rights Guilty verdicts remained standing. Protests, a legal review and proposed legislation changes came to nothing. For @Killboxthe situation remains that to the very least ‘consent is limited’ Let alone a basic duty of care if you’re ‘shocking’ someone who doesn’t realise that they have a heart condition. It’s quite timely to think about a reckless act and being imprisoned for manslaughter
    1 point
  43. The forum to Killbox: "Go away now!"
    1 point
  44. Badly thought out hairbrained schemes that involve Airsoft, usually touted by by prepubescent middle class eedjits with tiny amounts of life experience/Airsoft knowledge/business acumen ?. Nah, I've never seen anything like that posted up on an airsoft forum 😏
    1 point
  45. Pretty sure that was when all the subs turned out to be politicians or high court judges and the whole thing went away, wasn't it?
    1 point
  46. Nick G

    Pulse Rifle

    The body fits pretty well, I've had to take a little bit off it in certain places where it was very tight, still making adjustments to that but the first proper mock up looks decent. The round counter sets to 95 when the mag is in as it should. Small micro swith and circuit board fits into the top of the mag well. I've yet to solder up the sensor that should count it down as rounds are fired. This fits into the front of the outer garrel inside the triangular support. I've now added the stock to the mock up and that works fine (although it wont retract fully because of the angle ally on the upper) The gun cycles but sticks on the mag occasionally, this doesn't seem to happen outside of the body so when it's apart again I need to see if something is affecting the mag position slightly. It's very much a work in progress with lots of things to solve along the way and going to be a longish project but I think the cool factor when it's done will be worth it.
    1 point
  47. Can’t be bothered to try and make a barrel clamp on RIS fit under the front sight so I trimmed a Polymer Magpul Mlok extended rail to suit 😂 Clamps through the holes in the fore end and keep the light out the way. If my repro light had threaded holes I could lose the clamp and bolt it directly - might invest in some taps and try threading it.
    1 point
  48. bought a KWA GBB Scorpion VZ61 for shits and giggles at UCAP vendetta on Sunday and after waving it about in the dark like a moron I decided it needed a torch and tracer adding. I found a file on thingiverse and modified it so that the folding stock could still fold and here it is.
    1 point
  49. bit of a work in progress. Fitting LED's and laser to the TM Curve pistol. LED's work but the laser is giving me grief. Need to redesign the push button as the grey one on there now was just to get things working.
    1 point
  50. Not sure about these trousers from AliExpress...
    1 point
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