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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/22 in all areas

  1. He’ll be fine. What’s the worst that can happen?
    4 points
  2. I'd be moving the lowest glow stick as light attracts bbs and a shot there could be painfull😁
    3 points
  3. Most natural thing in the world, it's how I met the missus 🤣
    3 points
  4. I can’t stop making stuff!!! My first ever Airsoft rifle was a second hand G36 which came with an underslung grande launcher and 4 40mm Grenades (the sort that shoot a load of BBs and a rubber bung). This has been sat in a cupboard for years so I decided to try to make use of it. As I don’t use the G36 anymore, I wanted to make it stand alone. I stripped the hand guard off the launcher and designed a top to it that will hold the now detached aiming thingy (what ever they are called). 3d printed it out and now I have a grenade launcher that looks similar to a M320 minus the stock and fore grip.
    3 points
  5. If you really want a licence socom tactical have it covered! https://www.socomtactical.net/proper-ukara-licence/
    3 points
  6. no idea on that front , can’t say it was ever an issue for me . all I will say is coming on here asking for guns and giving out his phone number is just asking to be scammed . At least with a pre constructed advert you have a little more info on the seller in the way of post history / feedback etc . There is a lot of time wasting zero post shitheads lurking on here . To me the op is just opening the floodgates for them to get in touch
    3 points
  7. MandalShArK

    Gun picture thread

    Low power scout rifle setup, (1.13j with a .25 , annoying my chronograph doesn't have settings for a .36 but it's under my local site limit) The only thing I want to change is the micro red dot for a better looking RMR type unit.
    3 points
  8. Also had great fun at the Worthing night game. Thankfully it's still quite warm so sitting still in the dark didn't end up with me freezing. If anyone does do night games I cannot stress the importance of light discipline, the small blinking light on my tracer unit is a beacon in the dark. Also tying down kit. I've never actually lost anything until this game. Dropped stuff sure, but always found it. But now my angled torch is lost to the darkness 😭 Still, lots of fun was had. I got knife killed three times by some very sneaky bushes, tracers flying every direction is quite the sight, and not being able to really see beyond 40m really brings up the tension in the game. Definitely recommend a night game for anyone considering it!
    3 points
  9. 1) It’s the bastard child of EDRL and MERDC. 2) ‘merica! 3) Mr T loves it. If you don’t know who Mr T is I pity you, fool. 4) It technically the third best camo in history. After Brown and Green. But it’s better because it’s got both in. 5) It was created with one function. To skull f£&k ruskies in Central Europe. It’s still there, waiting in the forest. 7) In 1978 four elite commands escaped from maximum security detention. They were located by Aerosmith and the subsequent classified debriefing resulted in three things. Woodland camo and two things that have yet to be made public. 10) It was still being issued new in 2015 to guard units. Probably never gone out of inventory in the Armies of the US since introduction. It will not die. 11) Today’s programme was brought to you by the number one and the letter ‘merica. 12) Few things say the eighties like and getting out old painless. 13) I you’re wondering where number 6 and 9 is…. It’s wearing Woodland camo so you can’t find it. 14) Get some! Our next episode will be on Alice - the US Forces ex-girl friend.
    2 points
  10. I remember when you could walk into a public phone box and an array of completely trustworthy phone numbers had been handily left. Young people today. 🙄
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. May need a thread on the dangers of MRE over consumption. First rule of airsoft club - don’t eat the burgers… Second rule of airsoft club - bring your own loo roll.
    2 points
  13. You say screaming out to be scammed, it could of course be the other way around. I'm not saying either will happen, the message here is that we all need to be wary buying anything on classifieds, not just here, not just airsoft. Either way, @Steff get yourself over to the new players section and introduce yourself, it'll help potential sellers to get a feel for who you are. Personally, if I were a seller and you came to me with a post count of one having joined three hours ago, I'd be very wary to the point of just thinking *scam* and ignoring you completely.
    2 points
  14. Tackle

    I want to buy a gun!

    Agree with the man above, screaming out to be scammed, also to be considered is we don't know steff, is he legal ?, even if a legitimate member sells him a rif, that still has the potential to bite us all in the arse if he is not responsible enough in its use. Yep ukara etc is a proven way for players to put in some time & effort in to understanding how Airsoft & it's legal side works, but then so is putting a bit of time in on the forums, learning as you go & asking the right questions. Just not generic posts stating "sell me your guns, cash waiting" etc.
    2 points
  15. I'd recommend getting your site membership (please don't call it a licence, airsoft licences don't exist and those who say otherwise don't know what they're on about) sorted first. This way you won't be stuck buying a nasty looking 2 tone which sticks out like a bulldog's bollocks. Isn't there a minimum post count to access the classifieds? @Steff post a few more times (preferably without spamming threads) and you shouls be able to see them
    2 points
  16. Marshalling in the pitch dark, sure is impossible 😂
    2 points
  17. If any DE M900 owners are interested I bought a couple of these as I was off work last week relaxing at home... https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/motors-parts/xt-high-torque-motor-22tpa-long-fan ... and wanted to see how they'd effect things (one for me to play around with and another for my son's upgraded G&G Firehawk that has as stock an M130 spring). DE have said to me that the stock Chaoli motor they use is 19,000 RPM, but not at what voltage of battery and what its TPA is, so I put one into my M904E which is currently running an M105 spring. Just turning the stock Chaoli and XT motors pinions with your fingers there's a massive difference, with the Chaoli turning very easily and the XT requiring substantially more force with its strong magnets. RPS only slightly improved, I wasn't really interested in that though, but the trigger response on semi is substantially better with all that torque available (and I run a Maxx Model Advanced Trigger so have set a very short trigger pull as well). I play most of the time at a semi only site so will definitely be getting my first shot off quicker and will be able to merrily spam the trigger if I'm in that sort of mood. For a while I was tempted by a 27,000 RPM Warhead Base motor, but with the trigger response now so good I'm not sure if it's worth it (plus I'd be worried about PME and I don't want to play around with gear ratios to be honest). For only £33.50 it's a cracking upgrade
    2 points
  18. 15. M81 is so cool you can run your optics backwards and still be the ultimate skullf*#*er
    2 points
  19. Been trying to sign up for the last few months but it looks like the email side of it went pear shaped 🤷‍♂️ Been playing airsoft for the last year at a local site in essex, For some reason i cannot even remember why i bought a 2 tone airsoft gun, Since then done the ukara and the collection has now grown to 2 gas pistols 1 gas gun 3 aeg m4 variants 1 sniper rifle Ronin conversion kit Still trying to work out which loadout suits me best depending on which game is being played and losing the odd bit of kit here and there running around like a Blue arsed fly in the middle of forests on an early sunday morning is quite entertaining Definitely hooked on it and started bringing the grandson along aswell to get him to have some sort of "normal" day at least once a week which doesn't Involve TikTok or being stuck in front of a Pc all day, He seems to be taking to it quite well 👌😊
    1 point
  20. Yes, UKARA is only one way (the usual) to buy a realistic looking (black) airsoft weapon. Once you have your airsoft toy you can take it to any event without any questions being asked where or how you got it. Just make sure to keep it completely hidden from public view when transporting.
    1 point
  21. An actor gets out of brand new Porsche, a lorry racing by takes the door clean off. “my Porsche, my lovely Porsche”, screams the actor. A police officer arrives & says “I can't believe you, your so focused on your possessions you haven't even noticed your right arm has been ripped off". The actor looks down & screams “oh no, my lovely Rolex".
    1 point
  22. Why is this thread completely blank?
    1 point
  23. Check out these, where I buy my gear from. @Skullchewer https://esstac.com https://www.ur-tactical.com
    1 point
  24. G36s are a tough one where most are *okay* but non are amazing. JGs are incredibly cheap and will never break, but their stock hop up is ehh and their body is cheap (Cyma is a similar story) Classic Army has an amazing body but their internals like to strip. Ares are solid enough, but have some proprietary stuff, easy to find parts though (by extension specna) G&G is solid, again a nice body but have funky compatibility issues with magazines (TM spec though) WE AEGs I've heard are good, but not 100% on details. ICS ones are good too, but they're not exactly a G36 Iirc there's a few other brands out there but not too common these days (src etc)
    1 point
  25. I’m sure Steve Glennie can sort him out 😂
    1 point
  26. Tackle

    I want to buy a gun!

    Unfortunately wanted posts have a long history of attracting scammers, & a noob member is often a scammers dream mark. Sad but true☹️
    1 point
  27. @Skullchewer how about one of these: https://www.ur-tactical.com/product/quattro-s-m-g/ (they do Multiglam Goth too).
    1 point
  28. 1st commando

    I want to buy a gun!

    There are some steps you need to go through before you can buy anything . I suggest slowing down ,do some reading and research so that you don't waste your cash or get in trouble
    1 point
  29. Did you look through the classifieds ?
    1 point
  30. Cannonfodder


    Welcome. I see the addiction to buying new guns and gear has well and truly set in but don't worry this is completely normal, I'm sure most airsofters have enough spare kit to equip a small army. Personally I find I get to the point where I think I've got everything set up just how I want it, only for a new shiny bit of kit to be released and the whole process starts all over again
    1 point
  31. @Skullchewer Use airsoftdb.com Invaluable tool for finding stuff, even works with parts numbers if the retailers list them properly 🤞
    1 point
  32. Skullchewer


    I just got rid of an SA249, as it was pretty awful, and I generally think Specna Arms are not bad guns. Wouldn't recommend their 249s at all. Also: welcome.
    1 point
  33. Hatchet

    TM MP5 NGRS Owners

    It's fair. I fell into the "moar powaaaah!" trap. Also playing outdoors in a dusty environment and judging by the amount of crap, grit, etc on the innards it hasn't helped. I guess by the time I get spares, there'll be mags back in stock. Incidentally, there were a load over at Impulse101, which I was going to order but... eh, maybe not right now.
    1 point
  34. Just skirmish in billericay at the moment as it's the nearest one airsoft plantation is the next nearest which i need to get me backside over to and try out A support gun of some sort just for the fun of getting trigger happy with it im liking the specna arms sa249 at the moment as two of the m4 variants are that manufacturers guns ones a core base gun and the others edge based both good guns so far so it seems 😁
    1 point
  35. In cases like this UKARA should make the player two toned and not the rif.... Like a nice bright green shell suit until they get there licence. 😉
    1 point
  36. Should be sorted now but as usual outlook, live, hotmail and btinternet, yahoo etc. are still putting them straight into spam so we'll see what happens in the longer term.
    1 point
  37. What combat machine gun goes with a sheep outfit? (Asking for a friend) It’s okay I found it.
    1 point
  38. Kite, failing that Elcan.
    1 point
  39. 17) So good it even works on hippies . 18) So good it even works on dress down Mondays. 19) So good it’s worn by sneaky bastards. 20) That’s not Mario Van Peebles. 21) That’s Mario Van Peebles. 22) Highway gives a f@ck.
    1 point
  40. Tbf, neither is anyone else in this thread.....
    1 point
  41. The guys at the Christmas cracker factory are gonna be all over this thread looking for new material. Not joking lol 👍
    1 point
  42. When poor dolphins die they're given a porpoise funeral.
    1 point
  43. Madhouse


    Hello & welcome 👋 Glad you're enjoying it, nice to have a pew to suit every mood. What's next on your shopping list? Can't wait to get my eldest into it and then I can use him as an excuse, he's itching to come but not quite old enough yet.
    1 point
  44. proffrink


    I was about to delete this thread and never acknowledge its existence but realised I should probably just add the new section.
    1 point
  45. played at RIFT Comms site 3 yesterday, and decided to run my ww1 loadout. pissed with rain on my way to the site, which meant that when the sun came out later in the day the woodland was rather humid, and the wool uniform was rather warm. Chronoed the lee enfield, and found that despite having a weighted piston fitted, it was chronoing at 1J on .32s, so no MED. i had a great time, and despite the low power level of the lee enfield, i was getting some satisfying kills. at one point during the third game myself and a couple of team mates got into the lower level of an old pumphouse building, and i sniped at least 10 players out the window of the building as they peeked out from behind trees or barricades. it wasn't all good though, as toward the end the second game, where we had to attack the pump house (among other locations) to capture balls from a bucket to take to our HQ, i decided to charge the pump house in order to post grenades onto the roof and into the downstairs room to clear out the four defenders and allow the rest of my team to push up. i slung the lee-enfield and drew my webley and a grenade before charging forwards over approx. 15-20m. unfortunately as i got to the building, i trod on a rock hidden under the leaves and took a heavy fall, despite my best efforts to regain my balance, and then my attempt to throw a grenade onto the roof failed when the grenade hit the sandbag barrier and bounced off behind a barricade beside where i lay. when i stood up (with assistance from a marshal who helped untangle the enfield from my webbing) i noticed the webley had sprung open and the cylinder had become detached from the frame. the barrel was clogged with mud and the shells had been scattered in the mud and leaves. i managed to find only one shell, then headed back to safe zone to dust off and examine my gear to check if i could use it for the rest of the day. i was able to borrow an unjamming rod so that over lunch i could strip the lee-enfield and pull through the barrel, finding that there was no debris in the barrel, and there was only mud in the front sight that was easilly cleaned off. i got some compliments from a member of the enemy team that was inside the building for my push and he offered to lend me some dan wesson shells, if they fitted, to get my webley functioning again. unfortunately they didnt fit, but the offer was much appreciated. i have spent today stripping and cleaning both guns and fortunately there is minimal damage to the webley, but now i need to try and find some replacement shells.
    1 point
  46. july_pi

    custom gbb

    【CUSTOM GBB WORKSHOP】 beretta 950bs inox we GBB base deep marking, deep 0.3mm grip cerakote detail fix
    1 point
  47. Just got back from Worthing Airsoft's annual Halloween night game and it was a whole heap of fun. Went down with my spring VSR with a red dot instead of a scope, as the rules are nothing over 1.14J as we don't allow NVGs or any of that at Worthing night games so MEDs are a big no-no. Having that level playing field is one of the things that gets me down every year, even though I'm awful at night games since I've only played two now and I steer clear of milsim events for more reasons than just not wanting to play against NVG gang with my naked eyeballs in the dark. So, what went well? For starters, I had 100% accuracy. Literally every shot I took I hit. Using a bolt action at night is great because it's quiet, but it's a challenge because you really have to make sure you hit because if you don't they're swinging around powering on their torch and lighting you up both metaphorically and literally. Every shot was probably no more than about 15m tops because at Worthing Airsoft it gets absolutely pitch black levels of darkness, especially when it's overcast like it was tonight. All I was doing was shooting at silhouettes, tracer units and torches when people had them on and for the most part people were really good at taking their hits, though at those ranges you really hear the impact as well. The games themselves were good fun, basically skirmish type games that you'd see on a regular game day but played in the pitch black and only with about 25 players all in. Lots of sneaky shenanigans were done, getting lost happened more than once and many laughs were had as most took it in the spirit of the game. My friend was just going around knife killing everyone in the darkness until they finally clocked onto his silliness 🤣 So, what didn't go so well? Marshalls allowed full auto. With most engagements happening quite close, this caused some issues and they eventually just said semi only, which was definitely the right call (though it should've been semi only from the start). Also, there was some absolutely laughable levels of non-hit taking at times. I lined up a shot at about 10m away, heard the very audible noise of it hitting the guy, only for him to flinch, scurry forward and start calling out to another person asking them what team they were on. He took the second that was aimed a bit higher up. Also, there was a bunch of milsim-ers there and they were predictably milsim-y. The team play, the callouts, the tryharding I didn't really mind, but they moaned a LOT and were party to some of that laughable hit taking I mentioned earlier. Me and another guy were set up watching a path, they walked right in front of us about 5m away and we lit them up as they approached, heard the BBs hitting them and they kept pushing forwards. They eventually took it when a third person started rinsing them as well as us, but she was using tracers that visibly bounced off them so they couldn't exactly not take those. Will I go next year? You bet I will. However, I'd hope to have my SR-25 or one of my m21s all set up for it and I'll run those. It would've been really nice to have something silent and semi-auto rather than having to slowly pull that bolt after every shot while trying to not be heard. I was planning on running my HPA m21, but when I took it to the range last week it started jamming again, so that was a no. Oh well, these things happen
    1 point
  48. july_pi

    custom gbb

    【CUSTOM GBB WORKSHOP】 beretta 950bs we GBB base
    1 point
  49. I only played half the day today purely because I'm still recovering from a foot injury I sustained two and a half weeks ago when I was out for a run and I took a fall. Was good to get out there and play again, especially since numbers were so low because apparently most airsofters are scared of the rain; it only rained during the morning sign-in, chrono and safety brief, then half way into the first game it cleared up all day until we were heading home when Mother Nature let us know she had been gracious enough to let us enjoy our game day and now it was time to leave with a heavy thunderstorm! The m700 also continues to impress. Chronoed right on the power limit at 1.1J for no MED and it really slings those .5s out there. The jury is still out on the .5s, as not being able to see my shots is difficult as airsoft guns are not that accurate in the wider scheme of things even when you do everything to make it so, but at the same time it means my targets also have no idea the shots are coming in. Plus, .5s are cheaper than .48s, probably because people don't like the fact you can't see them. Still got most of my bag, so this will probably last me a good few months, so I'll get very used to them moving forward. If I decide I don't like them, I'll just go back to .48s. In terms of the gameplay itself, first shot I took I got a complaint against me. Not sure what was said, but one of the marshalls came around the corner after I hit a guy on it 5 seconds earlier. Walked over to near where I was and asked if there were any snipers around as he couldn't find me in my ghillie. I answered and he was like "oh, it's you. That's fine then." I think it was probably accusations of either a hot gun or shooting within MED, because .5s really do hit hard even on 1.1J. Was also on a skill-up day as I decided to go out there with the short m700 magazines instead of the long ones, so I was out in game with 40 shots in total (4x mags with 10rds in each). We then did a rolling assault where the enemy team didn't clear me out twice. First time I started harassing them outside their spawn and two of my friends on the other team hunted me down eventually, but the second time I decided to use the opportunity to practice my sneaky sniper stalking skills. I waited for them to start pushing onto the next objective and opted to just follow the enemy team down the hill towards the objective. I didn't shoot anyone, but having to pay attention not just to what's in front of me, but also behind me and all around me was a real challenge. Had to move very slowly to avoid getting spotted by respawning players behind me, but I managed to follow the attacking team all the way down to the next objective and right up to the game end. I almost took a shot at two of the younger regular players at the end, but wasn't able to line one up through the foliage that I was 100% confident would hit, so I held off in the end. I didn't hit many people during the game, but it was one of the most enjoyable games I've had in a while.
    1 point
  50. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Mini 600 lumen pistol light with quick release. handy little light is real steel and comes with a charger. no battery required. £5 to have it posted if you fancy a trip to Anglesey you can pick it up. used a few times but not heavy use as I’m more of a daytime woodland player. price drop to £40


    1 point
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