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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/22 in all areas

  1. If true I'd be posting as much negative feedback as I could. If they don't want bad feedback then maybe they should've listened to feedback from previous games and made improvements, but I suppose that would involve a bit of effort
    4 points
  2. I'm on it. That's exactly what literally Hitler would have said.
    4 points
  3. Oh, it's always a risk, there was a 15 year old who straight up begged his way to being bought a bunch of RIFs by sweaty nonces strange men on Facebook, without having played a game. Naysayers were told to knock off them negative waves. Of course, instead of skirmishing, he then went on spree of public photography, including posing on his rooftop. 🙄 OP is at least claiming to have played, and practically speaking, there's nothing stopping anyone hitting their dayglo with a rattlecan of best Poundland black. Even asking the question is a decent sign.
    3 points
  4. Allegedly they told people at the morning brief that they're not allowed to post negative feedback on social media. I take that with a shovel of salt, but if it's true that's HILARIOUS.
    3 points
  5. Just changing the motor out will increase your trigger response and ROF It should work fine but for how long is another question, the M90 series is quite popular on here so there will be others that can give you more information. One I know of is @RostokMcSpoons he sleeps with his he loves it that much 😜
    3 points
  6. Will you two stop being so horrendously nice and just fight already? I'm bored.
    3 points
  7. ^^^ Although legally speaking, as you're under 18 it's an offence for you to buy it, and for him to sell it. There's no defence for that - you need the gifting-from-parent wheeze to get around it. It's really not that hard to buy RIFs, especially 2nd hand: just don't volunteer information unless you're asked. However, I'd sound a note of caution: a realistic gas-blowback pistol is a lot easier and more tempting to mis-use than a two-tone rifle. Being completely honest with yourself, are you sure, are you absolutely certain, that you're not going to be tempted to take a pistol round to your mate's house to show it off, just once? I'd check if your parents are OK with it first.
    2 points
  8. This thread is now worthless without said memes.
    2 points
  9. What i_need_help57 said on Reddit is probably the most accurate reply to you so far, in that a motor that powerful will probably give you more negatives than positives in what in all honesty is a rifle made to a cheap price point (the gears, piston, ETU / controller). The stock Chaoli branded motors are undoubtedly dirt cheap and using ferrite magnets, so really inefficient and we've absolutely no idea who many turns there are on them. Even the Warhead Base models are quite expensive, and have will have huge amounts of torque compared to the stock Chaoli, so maybe start with a... https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/motors-parts/shs-high-torque-motor-16tpa-long ... and ask @ak2m4 for some advice? 👍
    2 points
  10. Got some Shadow Foam from Airsoft Anonymous. For the top layer of the extra large case I bought some velcro straps from Amazon, cut slots for them then glued the whole thing into the lid with a strong foam adhesive. I have a foam layer that sits in the middle when the case is shut. Decided to try something fancy for the other lid. The triskelion came out a bit wonky, but overall I'm very happy.
    2 points
  11. Hah! I'll have you know I do NOT sleep with my M906C, I sleep with my recently acquired Cyma M14, as an homage to Kubrick's FMJ! And so I can do the Rifleman's Creed properly. So there! I must admit the last time I had a plinking session with mine the motor temp got quite toasty too. Maybe it's because I'm usually running around with gloves on, firing short bursts in a more tactical way, that I hadn't noticed it before. So maybe it always been prone to that.. or maybe something is out of whack? I'm using an 11.1v battery which is against the recommendation of course. I'll be interested to hear how you get on with your motor change!
    2 points
  12. 35k might actually be too high speed if you want to keep RPS lowish for ammo/battery conservation or realistic ROF reasons. Any speed Warhead will have the torque (therefore trigger response) and efficiency (less heat). So all things being equal, you actually just want to pick the Warhead speed based on the RPS you are trying to achieve. It also depends on which battery you are using. I guess you can use this video as reference: From the video the 35k Warhead doesn't seem to increase ROF as much as it suggests from 27k at 11.1v so you might want to pick the 27k for better efficiency if you are using 11.1v.
    2 points
  13. Note that ‘gifting’ has to be a gift. If you identify any friend with UKARA that is willing to be the middleman of a sale of a RIF (or also an IF) to a 16 year old then they are committing an offence Under 18 you cannot buy an IF or RIF But you can be given an IF or RIF which is where ‘gifting’ comes in. That is why parents usually get referenced If a UKARA holding adult wants to give a decent quality RIF to a 16 year old then be worried about their motivations
    2 points
  14. Hearing that it's a train wreck. I'm so shocked.....
    2 points
  15. So, Ive been searching for a decent kit bag after lusting after the 5.11 CAMS , but no danger can I justify the price for the real thing So a few days after searching, a faceache advert popped up for a Chinese seller “Ali Express” style bit the bullet and ordered one of these Looks like they are using genuine 5.11 catalog pics for their advert will be interesting to see what turns up 😂
    2 points
  16. Angry Gun will be releasing an M-LOK handguard for the SA80 to keep up with the latest version of the A3, as troops have complained about various components on the current version. I messaged AG and they said to expect it around Christmas time, and that it will come Cerakoted and feature the correct H&K trademarks. They're also releasing an ICS L85 painted in tan (or black) and will have the handguard and optic rail pre-installed like they have done already with the 'HKey' version. Attached is a teaser image of a production model, along with the real version.
    1 point
  17. I'm not like that and my parents have a deep hate for guns and it took alot of convincing them to let me start airsoft in the first place, if I ever did that and was caught by them not even the police I would be kicked out. Due to my dads place of work it would look TERRIBLE for me to get a charge for a situation like that. I also have to keep my airsoft guns and bow n' arrows in a locked case in the utility room removing the option for me to do that even if I wanted too. However my parents don't mind what I spend my money on along as it falls under the other rules as they see it as my money that I earned not there's so they "don't have control" over what financial decisions I make
    1 point
  18. wicksy101

    AI500 2022

    Anybody go to AI500 this weekend? I didn’t go but after posts in the Facebook page and the organisers threatening to call the police for harassment over some memes I need a little more information 😂
    1 point
  19. The Warheads are £85+ aren't they? I'll be better off spending that money on fixing my other guns... so I'll leave mine alone - having a toasty motor will save me a few quid on those chemical hand-warmers through the winter
    1 point
  20. Love the cut cases
    1 point
  21. Nick G

    Techs for gas guns

    I do my own (and a few for mates) gas guns are generally pretty easy to work on. Honestly your best bet it to watch some videos and get stuck in. Learning to tech your own is worthwhile and satisfying.
    1 point
  22. I heard is was a shit show too.. Trying to find some details on how SHIT the SHOW was ... My face this morning when confirmed...
    1 point
  23. Agreed. I get the feeling that any charges relating to RIFs and the VCRA would be on a list of other more serious crimes. I always feel a bit iffy giving out info on loopholes on kids getting rifs on a public forum. While the OP's intentions are honest, little Johnny chav who wants something to wave around in the park and impress his chavvy mates wont be
    1 point
  24. Entirely up to the site. UKARA (and equivalent schemes) are just centralised registers of site memberships. It would be a crappy thing to do to any site that's running limited numbers of players, since he'll be taking a place away from an actual player, and not buying any consumables. I mention this because there's a difference between legality and morality. What I will note is that there's no age limit on the defence for modifying an IF into a RIF [edit - see below]. If you are an active airsoft player, you can adduce that defence, and there's no statutory requirement to have a UKARA number (because there's no definition of the defence in the statute, or even in the regulation that added our defence, it's in an accompanying circular, and suggestive). In plain language: if you're an active airsoft skirmisher, you can paint your two tone, same as anybody else. Or practically speaking, private sellers tend not to care as much about defences. Legally speaking, if I were selling to your parent, and they could provide evidence that it would be gifted to and used by an active airsoft skirmisher (of any age) then I'd be fine with it. That would apply even more if you could find someone at your local site(s) who's looking to sell. Those things should go together, but airsoft doesn't work that way. The cheapest CYMAs are cockroach tough, while VFCs can come pre-broken. Unmeddled TMs might qualify. Just don't expect startlingly better performance than your Lancer. Fair point, but the VCRA isn't secret and S36 (offences) and S37 (defences) don't make any mention of age. Age is an issue for Firearms Act 1968 S24A, which applies to the sale and the purchase of imitation firearms. The inconsistency there is off the charts, given that there's no VCRA offence of purchasing a RIF (at any age). Which gets to another piece of lawyer-bait, whether the same item can be an imitation firearm for the purposes of the Firearms Act, and a realistic imitation firearm for the purposes of VCRA. I say yes, of course it can, while other people argue equally passionately that something can't be both a firearm (for FA) and a realistic imitation firearm (for VCRA), i.e. airgun replicas. As you say, test cases, test cases, test cases. But if OP is going to be sensible with his use, it won't be his test case. And if he's not, then the VCRA will be the least of his worries as he'll be looking at Firearms Act offences first and foremost.
    1 point
  25. I've heard some say the age restriction part of the VCRA only applies to the sale of rifs, not the modifying an IF to a RIF part so the OP could change or paint the snot green parts. However, I wouldn't take this as gospel as you don't want to be the test case in the unlikely event you end up in court and something tells me "some guy on the internet said it's ok" wouldn't be a good defence
    1 point
  26. Ignoring no, being a dunce and not noticing it in the first place maybe.....
    1 point
  27. Rogerborg

    Selling my collection?

    They might go as low as what OP told his wife they originally cost. That is some lovely stuff though, sorry to hear you're passing them on, but they'll bring joy to someone else.
    1 point
  28. Me: Our kids were arrested for setting a car on fire. Wife: Arson?? Me: And our daughter too.
    1 point
  29. So I picked up a very cheap brand new ICS MP5 off these here forums - just because I've never owned an MP5 in the last 16 or so years I've been playing: (Needed a 2 minute solder job on the torch wiring and is now working lovely) Been buying bits of kit off AliExpress lately - namely a Spiritus 'Thing 2' clone for my cheapo Viper VX chest rig which arrived a couple of weeks ago, and yesterday a zipper top for the front rig pouch, a velcro admin pouch and a velcro vented pad. Gotta say, everything I've been ordering from AliExpress lately has been arriving in about 10 days, and the quality of the kit is more than good enough for LARPsoft or BBWarz.
    1 point
  30. (This may be a sign I have too much time on my hands)
    1 point
  31. I’ve started something loud and obnoxious
    1 point
  32. Check for shorts but it's likely the mosfet is fried if its been smoking. The link you posted took me a set for a v3 gear box, the arp is a v2 gear box so that product won't work. If the etu is OK, then the mosfet replacement should be all that's needed, I'd not look at the g&g unit nut instead look for the perun mosfets. They do a plug in upgrade unit that is very good. Etu++ I think it's called.
    1 point
  33. Clanktank

    What have you made?

    Some gear and shim holders for when the gearbox is in bits. Made from old bearings, brass hook stubs, and some wood offcuts. Can't have them lying around and getting mixed up. 😉
    1 point
  34. Got my hands on a Desert Eagle L6, absolute monstrosity 🤣 I'd like to get some Hogue grips for it Also finally got my genuine Strike Industries Gridlok after all these months!
    1 point
  35. Believed to be an S&T Tavor bought off @VonGrimm on these very forums , all dressed up and ready to dance ! 😉
    1 point
  36. Some people will enjoy it despite the foul-ups, some will enjoy it because of them, and some men just want to watch the site burn.
    0 points
  37. even though it has an orange tip and my UKARA displayed on the outside packaging in multiple places. Took over 2 months for them to release the RIF. I had to send my defence which was just the same player number they had for them to release. I feel this was poorly handled by them and there was no need to hold the package. So be warned if you are buying from Asia in particular.
    0 points
  38. Despite the repeated shitshows taking place, 5 minutes after the bookings page for the latest AI500 went live..........
    0 points
  39. My Dad is decently old being 53 not sure he wants to play. Could he turn up pay the fee then leave the game after 10 minutes and go home? Or does he have to be there for the full day?
    0 points
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