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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/22 in all areas

  1. KM is to airsoft what The Sun is to journalism. We don't read The Sun for the same reason that we don't eat from the toilet bowl. KM should receive the same disdain.
    9 points
  2. Jez_Armstrong

    Good Grief

    Tell that to my missing tooth πŸ˜‚
    4 points
  3. Hey... no need to make it personal now.
    3 points
  4. Sorry, but I'd rather shit in my hands and clap than pay money to that bunch of cheating cunts who couldn't run a bath, let alone an airsoft game. @Dalerj94do you have some connection to AI? It's just that you only post in relation to their events and you're the onlt one who has something positive to say about them
    3 points
  5. Tackle

    Good Grief

    Agree, while I've had no issues myself, I have seen at least 2 players get front teeth smashed by bb's while playing, one of whom I knew personally & next time I saw him I think he mentioned £600 to get it put right. Double ouch😭
    3 points
  6. Some kit for a cqb game today
    3 points
  7. No moscarts? Well, my loadout just got a lot lighter, but far less amusing. I wanted to mine some salt! I don't get why people get so mad about moscarts since they hit you with all the force of a stiff breeze. Also, it's not malice that would have airsofters let off bangs, it's incompetence/stupidity/cheating dicks who want to win at all costs. Oh boy, my favourite thing to counter. As someone who mostly plays sniper / bush cosplaying looney, you can always find points where the range helps in all but the most close quarter sites (like UCAP bunker, which is underground tunnels. Would never want to bring an MED there!). I could run my 2.3J VSR, never shoot within my 30m MED and have massive impact on the game if the rules allowed it in this shopping mall going by the pics on Facebook and my general knowledge of how shopping malls tend to be built; it's all about finding the spots you'll be useful and abusing them. Plus I've upgraded my pistols a whole bunch because I'm used to having that MED, so with how much I use them I could easily move about with the VSR slung and the pistol out until I got to my next position and still be useful. Time will tell on this one and it could go either way. I'm hopeful that the site will be big enough, but we won't know until we actually get there and play. Site could work wonderfully, but 400 players is a LOT. The Citadel fell into this trap where the game devolved into a big line battle and felt very WW1, just with modern gear. I'm going in sceptical, but I'll take the event however. If there's too many players, I'll probably just dedicate to locking down areas since my MWS reaches out pretty far and I'm good at going invisible in dark corners. It's all I did last time I played at the UCAP bunker, sitting in shadows with a mk23 and shooting people in the back when they zoomed past
    2 points
  8. No, no, don't hold back, say what you really mean 🀣
    2 points
  9. But they don't chrono, and even if you do get caught in game, all that happens is you need to change guns. What could possibly go wrong.
    2 points
  10. That actually sounds like a smart idea, although I imagine the stacking at chokepoints will be over 9,000. Rules are here. Yes, their treatment of DMRs is utterly inexplicable. It's just "we don't like long guns, cope with it". Predictions: You'll be told by a marshal that all DMRs are prohibited. Bang-pyro will be flung for the first half of the day on Saturday, and nobody will be ejected over it. Someone will argue the toss over BB shower grenades, because shower claymores are allowed because of reasons. 40-Mikes will be used and abused, because nobody said they couldn't. All that said, if it really is mostly in play, it could be a great weekend.
    2 points
  11. hi guys new to air soft and the forum thought i would say hi
    2 points
  12. I will let you off this time. I normally do the @GAMBLEplug but I was washing my hair.πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚ Regards
    2 points
  13. Cannonfodder

    Good Grief

    He's probably into that sort of thing
    2 points
  14. clumpyedge

    Good Grief

    Fair points. It does however leave me thankful that the events I go typically aren't frequented by him or his entourage and funnily enough the vast majority of the time have little to no drama ever.
    2 points
  15. I'll be heading up this time because the staff at Worthing go way back with the AI guys (some have been going to AI500 for well over a decade), so a large contingent from Worthing will be going as it's not on a game day this time. Like the NAF, it's mostly a social experience for me, but I also tend to be able to still enjoy games if they're poorly run by playing my own way. Going to be harder as this one's purely CQB, where the Citadel at least had the outside areas for me to terrorise, but I reckon I can still do it. If I were into betting, I'd put money on them telling me my m4a1 is a "DMR", which are arbitrarily limited to the point where they're pointless (same power limit, same BB weight limit, half the ammo per life, can only be used outside the shops as well as the inherent disadvantages of being longer and heavier; all drawbacks, no benefits), at some point over the weekend because it has a LPVO and is fairly long with a suppressor. Part of me wanted to bring my m21 specifically because it's clear they hate me, but I can't be bothered to take all my HPA stuff that far purely just to be rebellious. I've only been to one AI500 and it wasn't the best run game, but the running of the game wasn't the issue for me. The issue for me was that it was pay to win, with whoever had the most pyro winning because they could just use it like artillery. I didn't get hit by a single BB on the Saturday, every time it was a hail of grenades instead and I feel that ruins the game. This time there's no pyro at all because it's in the middle of Rochdale and they don't want the police called every 5 minutes because a random person on the street hears loud bangs coming from inside the shopping centre. Failing everything it'll be a good workout since my CQB kit is heavy thanks to the weighted plates in the plate carrier. Weight loss takes time, but this'll be a nice kicker towards that goal. If I can't enjoy the games, I'll enjoy the gains! (sorrynotsorry πŸ˜‚)
    2 points
  16. Madhouse

    Good Grief

    Problem is the clickbait and drama provides these people with an income, so gets worse/more extreme until we get to where we are today. Then new players wanting to see what they're letting themselves in for can be either put off or encouraged (depending on their disposition) which could lead to more of this bellendery and less new players that you actually want to share a field with. At least if new players find their way here they'll get a (relatively) sensible view of what actually happens on a game day. It's not just our sport though, my mate's boy rides an MTB like a youtuber thinking it's cool - no, it's slower and you're wrecking the trails for everyone else.
    2 points
  17. Just wait till you get to level 2, collaborate
    2 points
  18. clumpyedge

    Good Grief

    I've lost one of my bottom front teeth, was at a CQB site in the open area. Guy came round the corner with his gun up way to high. We were about 5m from each other and blasted my tooth into nothingness. Yes, I could have been wearing lower face protection and it was my own fault for not having packed it that day but there is also an onus on every player to be aware of where and what you are shooting. Did I lose my rag at the guy, yes. Should I of, maybe not. I don't have a problem with head shots when they are justified but like you say to do them purely for clickbait and internet drama crosses the line into being a sadist. To publicly post it to a community that has a hell of a lot of new players sends completely the wrong message about a sport supposedly based on honor. Other media outlets also have a lot to answer for when they advertise the sport based purely off the above mentioned clickbait and drama.
    2 points
  19. I'm absolutely knackered from my French self-defence class last night. I've never run so fast in all my life.
    2 points
  20. To be fair on the AI team, not only are they incapable of running events, they've got a longstanding reputation of being cheating feckers when they attend skirmishes themselves, which I've witnessed first hand, hardly inspires confidence in anything they get involved. 😏 & don't get me started on their inability to use a spellchecker 🀣
    2 points
  21. It's not hi it's hit. Practice that word cause you will be saying it a lot! Lol. Good to have you aboard the good ship Afuk.πŸ™‚ Have fun and remember to call your Hi's....I mean hits. πŸ‘ Regards
    2 points
  22. Exhibit A. Which brings us to... It's not malice that I'm thinking of, but miscommunication, or ignorance. There's a lot of it going around. Because if it's shooting 1.1J then it's not a DMR in any meaningful sense, it just looks like one. That's the point we're making here: that they're punishing guns based purely on some (arbitrary, undefined) appearance, not their performance. If everything is limited to 1.1J, when why on earth are some guns restricted in ammo and usage? What possible rationale is behind that? Especially as I guarantee that there will be folk running 1.5J Mk23s or CO2 pistols without an eyebrow being raised. I wouldn't be surprised if there's far fewer on Sunday, one way or another.
    1 point
  23. Shamal

    Magnum Amazon Boots Size 8

    One of the pics says UK size eight l. They do look bigger though πŸ€”
    1 point
  24. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    Somebody rang me earlier, sneezed a couple of times then hung up. These cold calls are really annoying.
    1 point
  25. They've said on facebook that moscart shower shells are allowed, but no 40 mikes, but I feel like they should really update the rules on their website when they come out with this stuff, because as you said people will bring 40 mikes and say "but there was nothing in the rules saying I can't!" then they'll throw their toys out of the pram until the marshalls acquiesce and let them use it. Personally, I'm bringing my underbarrel and a few moscart shower shells because I've got 1600 .2s that I've accumulated over the years as free gifts that need to be used. Not sure about throwable shower grenades (I'd assume they'd be fine?) but I wouldn't take one anyway because you know for a fact it's getting stolen at a large event like that unless you go collect it straight away after throwing. And yeah, last time at AI500 I had a marshall come up to me and say I wasn't allowed to use my m14 because it was a "sniper rifle". Yes, I've got it set up like an m21 sniper rifle, but in airsoft terms it's not even a DMR since I set it to 1.1J. It's a battle rifle with a telescopic optic. It's a real shame they hate long guns as the Citadel's outdoor areas would've been amazing for my VSR and very easy to observe a 30m MED without any issues; it's harder to play my VSR at my local site during the summer than it would've been at the Citadel. Last AI500 I went to snipers were banned and DMRs were limited to 1.48J, then the next one that I missed they allowed bolt actions at 1.48J too. Now for this event their rules on DMRs for this event are as you said, especially in the context of the last two AI500's rules on long guns:
    1 point
  26. Never fails to amaze me when marshals wear hi-vis vests or jackets, but a camo cap. If I was only going to make one part of my body day-glo, it would be my head. (I know, I know, my profile pic )
    1 point
  27. But makes you look like the enemy right in front of me looking towards me. Instant head removal with a 7.62mm (well the 6mm bloodless airsoft version of it)
    1 point
  28. Hi, ALL! πŸ‘‹ Today, finally ordered a new laptop and will get it tomorrow. Been a busy holiday, working and now can’t wait to edit what I have and start uploading ASAP! 🀞 Currently at the moment lost 2 game micro SD cards…. Try and find them?! 🀬 Thankfully have a milsim and possibly 2 skirmishes to through…. πŸ€” πŸ’·GAMBLEπŸ’·
    1 point
  29. Hello & welcome πŸ‘‹ @GAMBLE on here has a YouTube channel and IIRC it's got some useful beginner stuff on it. So have you played your first game yet?
    1 point
  30. No - just a player mate who's had nothing but good experience, and based on the current sales of tickets (I'm keeping an eye because I want to know if there is any disparity in numbers between tans and greens, did the same for the last Citadel event in Apr) I'm not the only one as over 340 players are booked on. I had 0 issues with cheating at the last event, and the entire team as a whole, the players that we run alongside and a recurring portion of the YT airsofters have never had issues with their games either both on winning and losing sides, so we'll have to agree to disagree there - simplest way for people to find out is to turn up for themselves, they wouldn't have been running the scale of events they do for as long as they have if they were as notoriously bad as you're making out. Additionally I post team related content almost exlusively, this was a sheer community post to get some people fired up for the event in case they were unaware. If you're going to check my activity history, at least be transparent and not enforce a bias. No - the last one was at The Citadel in Dover, they hosted events there every year for years but The Citadel has now been sold off to be turned into a data centre. And yeah - most service passageways, empty shops, and 3 of the 5 floors are in play. As you said anywhere the public and store staff could go when it was open is playable, with exception to 1 shop (couldn't tell you why they've done that) and some select areas I've no idea what they are specifically that I'd imagine would pose a risk for insurance purposes. But per AI on their FB page near enough the entire thing is in play, so should be plenty enough space and some wicked areas for engagements, I'm really looking forward to it. There's a bias of losing teams leaving shitty reviews every year - and yet the tickets for the losing team at April's event sold out first - the thing is, some games aren't for everyone naturally, I'm not a fan of woodlands as an example; I prefer urban and CQB. As I say, I myself and loads of others around me have had nothing but positive experiences both on winning and losing sides across multiple years of events they've run. Not every organiser gets its right every time - and example of this as of my recent experience is with Legion @ Longmoor. Years of great games, but recently all of their games have been handled appallingly (including the game we did a couple months back). Shit happens, it's airsoft. But it's always been a good calibre of players on average in my experience; you can go to your local every weekend and have new faces turn up that are cheating bastards, a bit green to the hobby and get a bit lost in the face of it, etc. Again, shit happens, it's just the way airsoft is. But overall I can't fault them, it beats your average skirmish every time imo and to me I want to have enjoyable experiences and memories; weekend socials with the team seal the deal, but the airsoft itself I find it to be of a good enough standard to be enjoyed by all as long as you're not just a moaner looking to pick faults - it's only ever going to be what you make of it I guess is what I'm trying to say.
    1 point
  31. Tackle

    Good Grief

    To be honest, I occasionally buy the sun, but in my defence its because my elderly demented mum in law likes the TV mag, the rest goes in the budgie cage🐦 to be shat on. If only we could find a similar use for KM🀣
    1 point
  32. I get that. But in my head that doesn't apply to a two-tone. If you're buying two-tone you've not got UKARA so you're new to the game. New enough to have either liked playing and be so stoked you've gone out and got your own kit or you've been so keen that you got your own kit before your first game. If it's the former then you're likely to have gone to a game to try your kit out, if the latter you've probably gone to a game and found you didn't like it. Neither fall into the 'never been skirmished' bracket. Also failed the username / date in the photos test too, so does it even exist?
    1 point
  33. I'm glad I asked, I can't find much positivity for them outside of youtube content players and it's putting a pending disappointment feeling in my gut. Despite the draw of getting to play a cool site I think it might be worth using the funds to get to a better run site.
    1 point
  34. Adolf Hamster

    Good Grief

    I counted 3 during my time, one rando and 2 battle buddies. Never got me to wear face pro, although i did tend to be concientious about keeping me gob shut if i was ever getting close to folk. To be clear that isnt because i'm some kinda tough guy, it's because i hated being both uncomfortable and blind when wearing it and i aint a fan of mesh. This is one of the reasons unnessecary headshots are a dick move, yes yes those of us who choose not to wear face pro do have to accept the risks involved, but that doesn't mean it's ok to intentionally increase that chance just for the sake of some bullshit sense of leetness.
    1 point
  35. Just picked up this VFC Mp5 a5 Super snappy , has a tracer built into the hop unit 😎 With the wrong (but looks cool) B&T supressor, I quite fancy a tri lug barrel tip somebody must have a tri lug muzzle flash that’s redundant 🀞
    1 point
  36. Look forward to that 'phut, phut, phut,' of your GBB AK.
    1 point
  37. Great weekend run by Gunman at Eversley Alpha. The unusual feature of this event was that the VC and PAVN forces would have to stand and fight as a conventional unit. Two man fire teams were possible, but both units would fight as groups. Since both outfits tent to be harder to heard than cats, this promised an interesting weekend! Friday night was the usual banter around a roaring fire, plenty of beers and the now traditional brandy and cigars. Obviously one wishes to prepare oneself before a weekend of vigorous activity; and a few coronas and balloons of Courvoisier help tremendously. These were enjoyed after a large helping of exquisite curry cooked by one of the players. Just because we’re in tents doesn’t mean that we slum it. Saturday morning saw a few regulars and several newcomers take to the field. Being VC, our task was to kill and capture when possible GIs. The PAVN faction had a whole set of objectives that our hit and run chaos was to aid. We would tie the GIs up, whilst the PAVN did their thing. This was really enjoyable as we formed a three man fire team and played havoc with tripwires and ambushes, occasionally posing as civilians in order to delay or divert the enemy. Being equipped with explosives and an LSW, we had a fair bit of wallop when we did attack. A good feature of the site is the regular fly pasts by vintage aircraft. The noise allowed for seriously rapid deployment in deep cover as the noise covered the sound of the movement. In the area around the brewery section of the site, I played a blinder. Being separated from my team as one player had become separated, and the other lost their rifle playing civilian, I attacked alone. Seriously I was on the ball, and managed kill after kill with no hits to myself. I was located at one point, but both grenades that were thrown failed to explode. I must have trodden in some lucky shit I think. For the first time I wished that I had kept count of the kill/death ratio. Another team member claimed 18/3. My personal highlight was locating the enemy in a trench and earwigging their plans, radioing these to command and getting comfortable until they moved out twenty minutes later. When I got eyes on, I realised that the players were two regulars and my son. I laughed out loud as I took each one out. The family that sprays together etc… At close of play, we had given the GIs a good pasting as a team, with the PAVN having carried out all of their objectives. The US players had recovered quickly after each attack and also done well, so good work all round. For the first time ever at one of these games, someone mentioned hit taking, which I think shocked us all, but I think with hindsight that someone was playing less than switched on rather than taking the piss. The heat was not too bad, but humidity was really high, and I can understand a bit of sloppy play at days end. Everyone was seriously wilting. The night time was very relaxed after the day’s events. The new bars were still full of singing idiots until late and we talked over the day’s game over steaks and scotch. Sunday was more objective based. A series of escape routes had to be closed by the US and defended by the Vietnamese. This went less well than Saturday. Two Viet fireteams came across almost the whole US force, and not realising their error, stood and fought. The outcome was inevitable and we lost all three citations and only hid our equipment box by luck. We all went back to respawn well chastened. Bollox! Splitting our team into two we felt on more familiar ground. As a team of four we re-entered the field and followed in the US’s path. Doing this we retrieved our equipment and hid it ready for another opportunity. We also managed to win a quick firefight with a recce squad that we bumped. This cheered us up considerably. Close of play was frustrating. We prepared a damn good all units ambush only for the US to rumble our plans and some fool to open fire all too soon. We got a thorough drubbing and deserved it for the lack of fire discipline. One thing or so of note: The new players were not as switched on as the old hands. I noticed that when we patrolled, the experienced players held their rifs at the ready whilst the newbies used the carry handles right into the objectives. New players not only talked, but did so loudly, actually bickering about plans rather than confirming quietly via radio. Loose buckles rattled, equipment thunked and twigs cracked like gunshots. None knew any hand signals either. It soon became an educational weekend too. Hits of the weekend: I honestly played better than ever before Saturday. The social was fantastic. My wife played too, and is developing into a seriously good player. She now wants a lightweight machine pistol. What would anyone recommend? We will try her with the lads Skorpion, but I expect that she’ll want her own 60’s rapid fire sidearm soon. She also fancies a lightweight sniper rifle. You can imagine how gutted I am at the thought of yet another gun. Favourite bit: chap shaking hands at the end of game stating that we were the sneakiest bastards that he’d ever played against. This was especially generous as I aimed for his rucksack as he ran away… and all five/six shots hit him on the arse. I did apologise. The heroes who got us a couple of gallons of water from Tesco deserve a mention too. Moans: where were we all? The best games on the whole calendar IMHO and we were seriously depleted. I would say that only a third of the expected players were there. This did not affect the gameplay as such, which was great, but I did miss a few faces. Seriously, playing this type of event once a month leaves our old bi-weekly skirmishing routine lacking. Anyhow, another great Gunman event, as expected. I’ll do the next at the end of the month, and one in October. I might just skirmish over the winter unless a Soviet themed game comes up, or possibly partisan based. Whatever, it will be a blast.
    1 point
  38. I bought a knock off Surfire warden, made by 5ku I believe Got it for Β£35 delivered ,from 6mm in HK,ordering to delivery took around 2 weeks must have caught them on a good day !
    1 point
  39. It might not be broken but might be out of place or worn slightly. If you attach the motor and hold the selector in place to fire, and cycle the rif and get normal function then I'd look at the selectors shape, it's a D shape if memory serves to lock into the mechanism and then the plates interaction with the etu.
    1 point
  40. @ak2m4 would be the place to start off with.
    1 point
  41. Jacket2122

    WE gbbRifles

    I agree mate, it's a pain when something little requires the replacement of a big part. I just thought I'd give you a steer to the replacement. On the plus side its very realistic, the real steel is constructed with the same 50p sheet metal haha.
    1 point
  42. BigBell1987

    Good Grief

    Apologies. To me though it kinda is on topic, at least for some of my stance throughout ie the ability to give credit to some aspects of someone that one dislikes as oppose to allowing the things one dislikes to form ones entire opinion. Let's all try that as a group therapy session, list one reason you dislike KM and try your hardest to list one thing you possibly like but hate to admit πŸ˜‚ also only use what you saw with your eyes on your negative point ie in his vids and such. I'll start, I dislike his 0-100 anger (although somewhat entertaining). I liked when he was in France and clambered up some rocky/slate hillside and seemingly disappeared while 15 or so enemy units walked straight past him! Good to know, knowledge appreciated! Doesn't dismiss the whole point though right, meaning you get my drift? I hope you wouldn't allow your general distaste for my opinion on some subjects to motivate you to nitpick any one point of any paragraph I write totally disregarding the whole statement and I offer my hand in order to dissolve any potential lingering animosity 🀝
    1 point
  43. Rogerborg

    Good Grief

    I can neither confirm nor deny that I still sometimes wake up in the middle of the night, drenched in cold sweat, yelling "No, the Bayeux Tapestry is not a primary source!"
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. Stevobeavo

    What have you made?

    decided to make my own gun case. It's not the neatest but it works. Bought a tool box from b&q, hardboard, pick and pluck foam and a few cans of plasti dip. I made it three layers with the bottom one glued to the base of the box. With the pistol layer I can pick the foam out for other attachments if needed and just plasti dip that section again to firm it up. All the layers also have foam under each piece of equipment.
    1 point
  46. Nick G

    Gun picture thread

    Tried the Spectre on the 249, looks good I think and works well.
    1 point
  47. Today I ran my second game day, a tribute game for my best mate's young son who passed suddenly last year. Connected games based on a post apocalyptic idea with 'zombie' super soldiers thrown in to the mix ! Went very well with a turn out of over 70 players and a very hot day, all good natured and everyone seemd to have a good time. Marshalling certainly gives you a different view of our sport and an apreciation of how hard good marshalls work ! And we raised just under Β£430 for charity, all in all a great day of airsofting .
    1 point
  48. Rogerborg

    NB tactical mask

    I'd go for nose protection, it's not like it's going to deflect much breath upwards at your eyepro. Depending on what guns you run though, I'd caution against full mesh as you may not be able to get your eye in line with the sights or optic. For M4s, a mesh-fabric mix like the OneTigris inspired masks work better. For pistols or if you're running a rail riser, sure, full mesh all day long.
    1 point
  49. I've been trying to get my max 1.14J Double Eagle M904E to be the best it can be on 0.28g BBs, still have a snappy'ish trigger but try and surprise people with its range, and I was disappointed with the consistency / range from a ZCI plastic rotary hop unit so I've sold my soul to the devil... ... to try and get as consistent and light a hop as possible. The stock trigger spring snapped right at the end of my last game so I thought sod it, get a Maxx speed trigger and an M4A-PRO. I've already got a few Maxx nozzles so used a 21.25 with it, and Maxx do warn that your FPS may be a little higher, and I gained a good 15 or so FPS from it (going from around 290 to 305) so will go from the current M110 spring to an M105 which should make the gearbox and motor happy. So I'm happy, but know that probably 50% of other players think I'm now a twat πŸ˜†
    0 points
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