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  1. Tackle

    I Love Airsoft but....

    Blimey, where do I start, @Cr0-Magnon, my "burden", a lifetime of crap has left me with cumulative ptsd & the associated depression/anxiety that goes with, on the physical side there's a wrecked back from two serious rta's, both knees awaiting replacement thanks to serving in the infantry & years of ice hockey/rugby/boxing/running, add to that I've dealing with a growing prostate cancer since 2020, & even though I'm having treatment, no one can tell me if it's close to being beaten, which can be a daily mindfuck if you let it. BUT, & THIS IS A MASSIVE BUT TO EVERYONE HERE...... we have one life, for some it's incredibly short, for others it's painfully long, & for those in the middle it can be meh at times, But if there's stuff you love doing, then find a way to do it, for me it's anything from robocop style knee braces, back braces, & copious mounts of pharmaceuticals if required, jabs in the knees too if I can, what am I gonna do, fuck em up, that ships sailed lol. If I can't do what I enjoy whats the point, Airsoft, riding bikes & hopefully getting back out on the water on my yam super jet at some point in the future once the knees are sorted. In your position I'd be considering a fencing style mask with safety glasses underneath, & change your playing style to minimise the possibility of falls or knocks to the head, essentially slow the fuck down & embrace being a sneaky bastard, works for me, tortoise & the hare lol. On Thursday I lost a good friend, 77 years young, all his life he had numerous serious health problems, including a severe curvature of his spine & diverticulitis, later life prostate cancer, but he became an awesome teacher & scout leader, literally inspiring so many & often leading by example in sports etc. So don't let shit get you down, you'll figure out a way to overcome it if you really want to. Good luck matey👍
    5 points
  2. Glad to hear recovery is ongoing, and by the sounds of it as expected. My big two where annihilating the quad on my left leg (rectus femoris for those that care) by doing the extremely intense action of... standing up from crouching. And a completely shagged right shoulder from years of playing rugby when younger and just not taking care of injuries at the time. The former of which was much more recent, and was affecting me while working (I'm a joiner, or carpenter to those that live down South). I guess these are more of a physical worry than a mental one, with the mental aspect more being if I do something that puts me out of work for a period of time I'm leaking finances which eventually becomes a mental strain. And that's truthfully something that's at the back of my head everytime I play. In terms of powering/pushing through, it's kinda just that for me. These things happen, and they can happen if you're charging around an airsoft field with all the protection in the world... or they can happen bending down to grab a pan out of a cupboard in the kitchen. And there are two ways you can go from there, bubble yourself away from everything that you perceive to be dangerous (which is potentially literally everything), or crack on with the things you enjoy while you enjoy them. In terms of getting through the mental side of it, professional opinion has always helped me with these sorts of decision to give me a better idea of what risk, if any, is involved... and whether that risk is worth it for whatever I want to be doing. Shitty as it is, ultimately you're the only person that'll know when you're ready for that and I'm sure we all hope that when that time comes you have an absolute blast.
    4 points
  3. Glad to hear you are on the mend fella. Here's to a full recovery.👍 Not quite the same but about eight years ago I had a stroke. Left sided dysphasia with a 1cm intracranial infarction or words to that effect lol. For couple of months after I left hospital I wouldn't let myself sleep or lay down because in my mind I thought that by putting my head on a pillow I would constrict the blood vessels in my head and cause another blockage,irrational I know and when the doctor explained that that wouldn't happen I was ok albeit with help from Amy trip to the line. Afterwards I was banging my head at every opportunity lol. Wear good eypro or even two pairs if it helps you mentally but I'm sure that eventually you will get over the angst and be good to go.🙂 Take whatever time it takes to get yourself better and then venture out when you feel comfortable. Hope that makes sense and best wishes 👍 Regards
    4 points
  4. I bought a project gun. G&G M14 EBR. It's old and tatty but I love the look of the EBR. Going to rip it apart internally and totally rebuild.
    3 points
  5. I hurt. A lot xD So another great day at Worthing today. Went out with the ghillie and the m21 in the morning and it was okay. Had my obligatory "that's a bit close for a sniper isn't it?" when running my m21 at 1.1J for no MED, but I didn't get too many people in the morning. Most of the time I was just holding flanks and holding angles that often didn't get attacked (though without me there the other team could've just waltzed past our front line, so I stayed the course. Just before lunch had a good moment holding a corner and keeping the other team back with my lack of MED. Seriously, Worthing now is so thick with foliage that MEDs are just a liability now. However, the afternoon was amazing. It was rather warm, so I got rid of the ghillie and picked up the MWS, which I have now installed my standard setup of Maple Leaf autobot rubber (70 degree), omega nub and a crazy jet barrel and hoooooly balls it shoots far. We had to escort a scientist VIP up a hill to one of the bases and get him to let off a smoke, but we were just getting shot by our own players when we went for him. So what we did is we decided "screw that" and instead went and took the base we had to bring him to and just... let the other team bring him up. We then bounced them, took the VIP and got him to release the smoke so we won in the end, despite the other team doing the hard work for us getting up that hill; there were some great firefights and I got some brilliant shots holding the far flank. The MWS is even punching through foliage with those .3s I put through it and I had a lot of fun firing it off on semi and feeling that crispy recoil. Some speedy tacticool reloads were also needed thanks to 35rd magazines and it was just a great experience. When we then played a game where we had to hold that base again as we were getting towards the end of the day and I took up a similar position and got some wonderful shots. I can't believe how great the MWS shoots! When we swapped sides, me and a friend crept behind the enemy team and caused havoc by pushing through some pretty tall stinging nettles and shooting everyone in the back. And that's why I hurt. I had to hit the deck a few times during the gunfights we initiated from behind the other team (it was great, we got so many of them!), right into the nettles and I was wearing short sleeves. My arms currently feel like I have needles stuck all over them
    3 points
  6. Previous incarnation of my MC chest rig for simple average sunday games.
    3 points
  7. EDcase

    I Love Airsoft but....

    Yeah, the years take a toll even if you try to look after yourself. My lower back is a problem but I haven't been able to get it checked yet. As Tackle said, you can still enjoy a game of airsoft at a slower pace from further back and wearing good eyepro will protect the peepers no problem.
    2 points
  8. @PseudotectonicThanks for the feedback! Really good to hear from the community. I’m currently working on a V2 of the website, since there will be a slight shift towards how things work in the future. The design will change as well. Currently, most locations don’t even have photos on them (which I would prefer), let alone any logos or emblems to use, since most information is crowdsourced. The map is therefore used as a placeholder, but the idea is to use a photo when one is available. I’ve not implemented this yet; it’s on my list. 👌 Now, change log is a good idea that I explored last year, and it hasn’t happened purely because the current software stack would make it very challenging to create something that doesn’t have a lot of benefit. So far, I try to summarise changes to the site quarterly on the blog, which might give people a better idea of the status of the project. I’m happy to ponder this once V2 is out, as I’ll have much more room technologically to weigh different features.
    2 points
  9. My 2 cents: I think the layout as you enter the site/directory is a little flat in terms of the layout of the grid of maps/locations, the small maps of each location themselves are useful but a whole grid of them is a bit too monotonous, if the site has their own specific logo or badge or icon next to the names (if they have an official one) that will make each site more differentiable and identifiable from one another. The different panels/sections can use a slightly different colour background for legibility. (or like the big "our mission" panel with some image) The "explore the map" panel is redundant if you can immediately just put the map there, or maybe add a "full view" button if you want to keep a separate page. Maybe even streamline/incorporate the search bar function into it, maybe even make it a big search bar in the middle. "Where to play airsoft" perhaps should be renamed to "(Browse sites) by region". "Search for sites" maybe "Find sites near you". Maybe a very basic "change log" or "updates" page (just a list of "this date added what") can be useful to show when the list is being updated and how update it is. But overall I think the site works quite well already, these are just minor comments.
    2 points
  10. It’s been a bit quiet about the website, since I’m working on its second incarnation in my free time. However, I’ve made some minor updates recently to the way certain things are displayed on the homepage to give you better way to view what’s out there. In addition, I just reviewed and published close to 20 new locations throughout the UK, bringing the total to 171 sites (161 are currently open). There’s plenty of places to play in the mainland, though I’d like to see more locations from the outer edges, predominantly Scotland, mid-Wales, and smaller British Isles, as I’m sure there’s a ton of great places I haven’t heard about. Got any intel? Share it: submit a new location! PS: If you have feedback about the website, use this thread to let me know. I can’t make any promises about immediate improvements while I’m building PlayAirsoft V2, but I still wanna hear it all: good and bad. I only have one condition: be constructive. This is hobby project of mine, not a full-time job (I wish it was, though).
    2 points
  11. I drag a fucked leg around. Given enough meds and willpower it can still work-ish. I can sit at home in pain or get out and enjoy life. As to eyes... when motorcycling or airsofting I have double+ eyepro. Glasses, tinted visor plus actual visor on the bike. Double lensed full seal goggles and contacts for airsoft. I figure that BB shrapnel is better embedded in a lens than my eye if the lenses fail. I still enjoy martial arts, boxing etc, and a detached retina is a risk in many of the things that we enjoy. I wear eyepro sparring these days. No real reason not too. Take it sensible and do what you love. If it helps I can recommend Uvex goggles. . I drilled a series of holes in a pair of ancient Uvex goggles and put a 40 Mike into them at 6". I then shot them with a bolty at 480ish fps. The sniper marked the lenses but they held up 100%. Fucking tough and inexpensive. If you are worried about cheek strikes a fencing style mask may be the thing. Good luck finding your personal solution!
    1 point
  12. Cr0-Magnon

    I Love Airsoft but....

    Totally agree @Tackle, you do have to take at least a calculated chance to do the things you enjoy in life. Obviously banging my head wouldn't be ideal but my main concern are the shots which hit the cheek bone kinda area from time to time. Will keep looking for suitable masks etc, as I do have a very nice DMR which I can hang back with. @EDcase - Bloody lower backs! It's always "fun" seizing up at lunchtime and then having to head back out on the field isn't it 😬
    1 point
  13. They are fine, golden rule if buying something expensive is to contact them first. Otherwise no issues with them.
    1 point
  14. New summer ghillie. Turned out so well for its first outing.
    1 point
  15. There is a section on Places to Buy, with a topic for Tiger111 (airsoft.tiger111hk.com) May be worth checking there, although it may be out of date. You could also search for the word "tiger" and read any results, if not already tried that.
    1 point
  16. lucaslu1709


    From my understanding looks like a simple code input bomb defuse or uplink app to rig up to a phone for a cool game mode for airsoft. Always liked the idea, as long as it sounds convincing and not overly cheesy, and the UI is simple. Maybe having a very, very simple UI would be better, like one that looks like just a digital number pad and timer so that game organisers could strap a cheap phone to a few bricks of plasticine for a more convincing game prop? I don't think the leader boards aspect is that necessary. Defo an idea worth pursuing mate, hopefully I've not just completely misunderstood what you're trying to say! XD
    1 point
  17. alxndrhll

    I Love Airsoft but....

    Haha, I'm from the Midlands so carpenter/chippy is what I'd call it. I'd always consider a joiner to be a bench joiner, but up here carpenter just doesn't seem to be a word that exists 🤷‍♂️. It's all bashing timber around at the end of the day I suppose, bit confusing when looking at jobs initially though!
    1 point
  18. As always here, thanks chaps n chapesses for the wealth of info, advice, opinions and experiences. Much to think about. Why a 1911 or DE? Pure vanity I guess. My two AEGs are fairly budget models and are very practical and sensible and I guess I fancied something rather more "characterful" (read: completely impractical and full of flaws ). And of the multitude of pistols out there, these are the two I love the look of. The 1911 as its what I've always regarded since a kid as "the" classic pistol, and Deagles are just Deagles... Big berthas that often feature in sci fi settings. Did try a GBB Glock once years ago which was lovely, dont know what make it was, but I just don't get the look. Same with HiCapas. Just my taste.
    1 point
  19. Love it, one of my first ever RIF's was a Kart M14 EBR. Good choice!
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. I'll have a look when I get back home and check for the notch. Is the Loctite 243 variant OK for the front sight job? https://www.bearing-king.co.uk/bearing/loctite-243-medium-strength-oil-tolerant-10ml/5721?gclid=Cj0KCQjwvqeUBhCBARIsAOdt45bC5PmAQKY-h8IDLaSNKm1iw3fnV5sxrzP8TRflCH2xD6NTjCSPXdUaAnKwEALw_wcB
    1 point
  22. EDcase

    First rifle advice.

    Adding my 2p I don't think you need to spend much more than £100 for a basic rifle to do target practice in the garden. Any of these will be OK for plinking: Two Tone Airsoft Assault Rifles | Buy Now Pay Later | Patrol Base (Don't know about Lancer but CYMA and Specna are decent) Low stock is a problem everywhere 🤔 Be aware though, airsoft weapons are nowhere near as accurate as air rifles. Especially above 30m. Get some 0.28g BBs to help with accuracy and you should have some eye protection just in case. Check the one you want comes with a battery and charger although a better battery (LiPo) and intelligent charger will be good investments later if you wish to continue with airsoft.
    1 point
  23. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    Haha. I just knew as I typed that exactly what you would say. And I was right. 🤣🤣 Regards
    1 point
  24. Tackle

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    Why ?, you feeling horny 😜
    1 point
  25. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    Mmm. What breed of dog was it please? Was this in England? Regards
    1 point
  26. Rogerborg

    First rifle advice.

    What sort of ranges are we talking? If it's a few tens of metres or less, then pretty much anything with a hop unit is viable. Any electric rifle with a metal gearbox, a gas pistol (non-blowback should be more efficient and consistent, blowback is much more fun), a bolt action sniper, or even a cheap pump action single barrel shotgun with a variable hop unit. You don't have to throw upgrade money at them, just clean the barrel and hop rubber and feed them the heaviest BBs that they'll hop. Just be aware that airsoft guns are never that consistent or accurate, and you'll always get the occasional flyer.
    1 point
  27. Tackle

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    A man applies for a job at a gorilla sanctuary . At the interview the sanctuary owner says to him “ I will be needing someone to help me cull the amount of gorillas here your reference seems ok so what else would you require to do the job”.. The man replies “nothing much just a shotgun I already have a dog with me oh and I will need you to come along for a bit of assistance “ . “Ok I will see you first thing in the morning “ Next morning the two men are out in the sanctuary and the owner says “ right today we need to get rid of some silverbacks there’s one in that tree we can start there what would you like me to do” “If you hold the gun I will sort the rest “ With that the man walks over to the tree and shakes it and the gorilla falls out. Suddenly the dog bolts over and shags the gorilla to death ! “Right onto the next one” says the rather supprised but satisfied owner “that one in the tree there . Is there anything I can do?” says the owner “Just hold the gun I will do the rest“ replies the man . Same again he walks to the tree shakes it, gorilla falls out dog shags gorilla to death . They get to the end of the day and the owner says “Right last one for today, that oversized silverback has been a problem lately so we will finish with him are you sure there is’nt anything I can do?“ “Just hold the gun” the man replies. The man walks over and shakes the tree but nothing happens! He walks back to the owner shaking his head , taking off his coat and rolling his sleeves up. “What are you going to do now?” asks the owner “Well he won’t come down so I’m going have to go up and wrestle him out” replies the man “What do want me to do?” asks the owner “If I fall out the tree shoot the dog!!
    1 point
  28. I have given up buying anything other than CowCow T1 front sights now. They are by design a slightly loose fit but have 2 grub screws you can crank down once it's in place (with threadlick on grubs of course) and this problem is removed. The CowCow sight also has a brushed "top" which aids reflecting light back into the fibre.
    1 point
  29. The window cleaner is outside the house swearing his head off. He's completely lost his rag.
    1 point
  30. Davegolf

    THE TM MWS thread

    The stock bucking is fine whatever weight, i didn’t think the Laylax arm gave trouble but may be wrong. TechT GunSav and Parker Hale Express gun oil. Just another check - old swollen or generally duff BBs will give loads of jams. The MWS is a fussy eater.
    1 point
  31. BigStew

    First rifle advice.

    if you can find one CYMA M14 is an excellent AEG can be got for £150/170. I will add unless you live in the middle of nowhere with no neighbours back garden target shooting can get you in a lot of trouble.
    1 point
  32. The above is good advice. If I was going to shim it, I'd do what I've done in the past and use a thin strip of drink can or feeler gauge cut to size. If you can get something like that in there as well as loctite you should be golden. Also do triple check exactly which loctite product you're buying and what the specs are, they sell loads of different grades of threadlock and surface bonders (perhaps better for this application?), both at varying strengths, and the strong ones are...really fucking strong. Too strong.
    1 point
  33. SeniorSpaz87

    Sig Mpx AEG

    I refused to buy one until mags were available. So now, I have one haha. I built one years ago using a Sig Air springer, but Im happy to have the real thing now as well. If theyre appearing this side of the pond I imagine theyll be appearing in the UK soon.
    1 point
  34. made-to-order set of magwell-cut grips for a Springfield Pro build. Closest to the real thing I could get here in the UK. Should darken up nicely to a deep reddish brown like cocobolo once it gets a few coats of tung oil Real-steel reference I'm going for. Still waiting on the magwell to get here
    1 point
  35. Another decent day at the very-CQB Biohazard. High intensity, not too much faffing around between games, and generally fair and good natured play. The newer upstairs area is great, with a killhouse maze in the middle that saw the bodies piled like cordwood. I'm surprised they don't make more use of that floor. The usual complaints regarding marshalling. Too much generic lecturing at briefings, too little enforcement in game. I got cheat called by a gobby grenadier who was adamant that I wasn't behind hard cover and so he must have got me. Every time I shot him, he came back and had another shouty moan about it. Unaware that there was a marshal standing right next to me who'd told me not to take his grenade hit. Funny up to a point, but she could hear him cheat calling and didn't do anything thing about it. Don't say it if you're not going to enforce it.
    1 point
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