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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/22 in all areas

  1. alxndrhll

    THE TM MWS thread

    Chopped and changed a lot over the last year or so, but I strongly suspect this’ll be my MWS from here on out. Only thing I’ll be changing is the Aimpoint mount to something a bit more fit for purpose. Internally just had the standard Supernub and HSB, have an npas to sling in at some point.
    6 points
  2. Another decent day at the small-but-perfectly-formed Area-66, at its 1st birthday celebration. Yes, cake was had. I'm now a confirmed fan of woodland sites that are less walk, more rock. More decent whiteboard briefings, and generally fair and good natured play. More marshals this weekend, but still too laissez-faire for my tastes. The usual delays caused by a couple of teams of Banter Buddies who only started bombing up when those of us there to actually play airsoft were heading out to game start. Hanging's too good for them. Chuckles when we had a bloke with a 40K Commissar hat and chainsword as a VIP. I'm currently waxing my helmet (not a euphemism) preparatory to wearing my Cadian kit next weekend. Let's make dying for the Emperor great again.
    3 points
  3. Good first game out for a few years today at Driver Wood. Nice to have a chat to a few people and not feel like too much of a loner after turning up on my tod. Didn't expect to see quite so much camo and as many guys who have spent a fortune on kit. I was rocking a hoodie and my old helikon greyman jeans. Much prefer having mags in pockets to some slightly walty chest rig, that said I could have done with somewhere to carry some fluids. Was gutted my newest acquisition didnt feed in the chrono (bastard worked fine when I got home) but the Tippmann performed solidly all day despite the charging handle catch falling off after about 30s of being out of the bag (fortunately it does nothing on the Tippmann AEGs) Game ran all morning, 09.00-12.00 long slog but a massive game, 35 acres and we had 180 players in the game today. Did alright got some very clean hits in, didnt die much, TBH I was being quite cautious and hanging back supporting. Cant believe how knackered I was after, drenched in sweat, checked my fitness tracker, burned 2500 cals over the morning, went home for a second sleep. Glass of wine and a movie this evening then. 👍
    3 points
  4. Had a cracking day at Ambush Airsoft in Cobham. This is fast becoming my go to local site with plenty of fast paced gameplay and minimal time spent back in the safe zone. Its a mid sized woodland site with 5 main game zones (village, bridge, bus, fort and church) and the beginnings of a decent trench system currently in the works. Gameplay is mostly outdoors with some small scale CQB in the village with the church and fort being good sized two storey structures. Plenty of pyro and smoke at the site based shop and trust me it is well used 😁 Seem to be a good mix of regulars, experienced walk ons and rentals and one of the friendliest sites I’ve played at with very little in the way of cheaters, non hot takers or other nonsense that can ruin a day. All in all I shot some people, got shot a lot more, got grenaded several times and ran around in bright coloured smoke like a loon! No one took themselves too seriously but both teams were definitely trying for the win throughout the day and I can’t ask for more than that for a fun Sunday skirmish!
    2 points
  5. Yep they can be swapped over, put the ring one on a mates to get it closer to his old service weapon.
    2 points
  6. The lad and I spent today at Airsoft Plantation; it was my third visit and his first. It was very busy; 250 players turned up, which raised some concerns about how the site would cope with such numbers. It is a big site, but that is a lot of players! However, it worked really well; the site did not feel crowded and there was still plenty of room for flanking manoeuvres and lots of little individual combats. The games were well thought out, challenging for both sides, and interesting. Hit taking seemed pretty much spot on and the games flowed well. Credit must go to the marshals for making the day work so well and to the other players, especially the poor chap who fell in the pond and then had to go back in to rescue his rifle.
    2 points
  7. Rogerborg

    UKARA problem

    If you can find a copper or prosecutor who even knows the law on RIFs, let alone cares about it, between now and the heat death of the universe, I'll eat my 2nd best helmet.
    2 points
  8. Mine, although I’m not sure how much longer it will be mine…baby number 2 due this year! T2 and mount are being swapped for a scalarworks when it arrives.
    1 point
  9. Thank you so much, that did the trick, and so of course the line came straight off the small tank without any effort!
    1 point
  10. that’s the bleed screw , close the main valve and undoing that lets the pressure out of the whip line .
    1 point
  11. It looks like you dont have a bleed valve on your fill hose so there will be some residual air still in the hose itself. Should be fine to undo as your scuba tank is off. Just be careful
    1 point
  12. july_pi

    custom gbb

    【CUSTOM GBB WORKSHOP】 COLT RO991 SMG 9 mm WE GBB base deep marking, deep 0.3 mm custom 10.5" pencil out barrel custom no gas tube FSB 9mm Ejection Port Cover steel birdcage flash hiders Anodizing detail fix
    1 point
  13. @Shamal wee bit more info there, not much though ? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/265672414640?hash=item3ddb4f55b0%3Ag%3AFK8AAOSwGfxiboqb&LH_ItemCondition=4
    1 point
  14. Trigger is an old ASPUK Dan Mills Sniper one trigger. https://youtu.be/c6dLsZUok2o Barring the trigger and barrel, Most of the parts look to be somewhat middling, and definitely not £700s worth unfortunately.
    1 point
  15. Maybe you're just happy to see the photographer? 😂
    1 point
  16. K.I.S.S kit…face blurr for uglies not operator. Also not sure what that middle mag is doing 🤨
    1 point
  17. Dalerj94

    AI500 2022

    Did post this in the 2021 thread - but needs bumping in here too given my oversight (sorry admin). Team Sasquatch, CT17 Charlie division, footage from day 1 at AI500 Zero Hour - part 2 and footage from day 2 incoming. Give it a like & comment (and share if you please 😉) for us, cheers all, happy airsofting! 👍
    1 point
  18. A.R.M.S #16 clone ( I think ) mount , I had a spare upper ring with the trades so added that. Mounted on my spare upper
    1 point

    THE TM MWS thread

    G&P make that exact stock specifically for the MWS platform. Doesn't appear to be in stock in the UK, but Google 'G&P Viper PDW stock' and plenty of results will come up in and around Hong Kong, but then if you're willing to try and ship genuine firearm parts from the states (Something that most US companies WON'T do due to regulations, apart from Brownells as mentioned above), then it'll be much cheaper and easier to get one shipped in from MLE Mart or somewhere similar. Also regarding Brownells, I've used them repeatedly in the past with no issues, however I ordered an Ergo grip from them almost 2 weeks ago, in stock and ready to ship from the states as they drop ship UK orders in, and its not even been shipped yet, last update was 'Viewed' and that was the day I placed the order. No response to emails either. Hopefully that helps save you some cash and some of the headache. All the best.
    1 point
  20. CoCost

    THE TM MWS thread

    Although it's currently out of stock, your best bet is to order from a UK retailer like Brownells. https://www.brownells.co.uk/VIPER-PDW-STOCK-1 Never had any problems with these guys personally. I do however usually mention in the order comments that any parts bought there are used for airsoft....Just in case. Might want to check with other members regarding compatibility as I doubt the buffer tube that come with this will fit, but the stock itself should be fine.
    1 point
  21. Bert918

    UKARA problem

    Mmmm, could be wrong (usually am☺️) but if it's coming back that the buyer has a valid number according to the UKARA database, then I would be happy enough with that, even though the site's insurance has lapsed it must have been valid at the time of issuing his number. I'm sure someone with more knowledge will be along soon.
    1 point
  22. july_pi

    custom gbb

    【CUSTOM GBB WORKSHOP】 HK G38 arcturus AEG base cerakote
    1 point
  23. Shortys vs longbois
    1 point
  24. Celebrating me getting a new job in style
    1 point
  25. Yet another awesome must have , don’t know the make , don’t know the FPS , don’t really know it’s history and topped off very nicely with a couple of shite pictures ! and all yours for the princely sum of only £280 ! 😱 take my money now ! 🤦‍♂️
    1 point
  26. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    Well in the current economic climate it seems that ladders and umbrellas are going up. And talking about ladders the spacing between rungs has increased. It's all to do with climb it change.
    1 point
  27. Alright, *now* my MTW is externally done. Still need to tune it properly and add some “softening material” to the front for it to be 100% inside, but I’m really loving how it’s turned out, as long as I ignore the cost haha.
    1 point
  28. Great day at the same event that @Impulse played at. Dustoff is the first game weekend on the ever expanding Namsoft calendar. I couldn’t find the silly black pjs and had to settle for PAVN green and being shot by friendlies three times the first morning. It did feel good donning the pith helmet again. Due to the storyline, both teams were pretty evenly matched number wise, which was a Namsoft novelty. I did wonder if this meant a complete spanking for the US, as the VC usually come away victorious in terms of objectives fulfilled, despite playing two or three to one. Anyhow… Saturday started on time, and consisted of much more of a straight infantry skirmish than the usual VC guerrilla stuff. Attacking The Wall, I was hit with more grenades than I have ever seen thrown in my life. Honestly, I was hit by BBs and then about seven MKVs. On the second or third rush, someone started chucking orange (incendiary) smokes too. It was hilarious fun, if noisy. It later transpired that someone had put a box of pyro at the base of the wall to sell, and in the heat of the moment the lot got used by over eager players. I expect the would be entrepreneur will punt them in the car park next year. Or I heard another tall airsoft tale. We’ll never know. The afternoon produced a series of attacks on the hilltop bases held by Aussie and US players. These were accompanied by much whistle blowing and charging like loons up slopes with sparse cover. I had been using an AK, but the full on style attack had me reaching for my trusty RPK. The rules only allowed full auto for support weapons, so the suppressive fire that the RPK gave was useful. Sunday proved the maxim that all plans fall apart in the face of the enemy. The carefully worked out fall back game turned into the US really getting it all spot on and outflanking us until the two US forces met in a pincer movement. We got completely hammered, although we did put up a lot of resistance at the beginning. I got the RPK set up on high ground with a mate, and held out until the inevitable happened and the GIs got within pyro throwing distance. TBH, I enjoy these games so much that I don’t mind missing skirmishes and the like for weeks on end if work etc gets in the way. The storylines and high standard of gameplay are great. The social side of things is brilliant too. It’s a proper weekend away in Victor Book for Boys fantasy land, with industrial quantities of BBs through the support weapons, stupid amounts of pyro being thrown, and a huge amount of beer. Anyhow, being evenly matched didn’t suit us and we lost for the first game in ages, if memory serves. In any case it hardly matters as I had a great weekend and am all set for the next in May. Du ban GI!
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Bittersweet weekend for me. I'll start with the negative, because there's only one thing (but it was pretty major). The VSR managed to tear its hop rubber. I swapped the suppressor and threaded adapter for the original end cap (no other changes and it was shooting perfectly two weeks earlier when I last used it), and it managed to push the barrel in or something which then caused the rubber to tear and fold in on itself from the barrel side and all along the contact patch, meaning it wasn't hopping at all. I originally thought it was clipping the end cap, but I was wrong. I've put the suppressor back on and will just scrim it up next time I go to a Vietnam game so it's not on show, because I'm not using that end cap ever again! However, let's move onto the many many positives. Vietnam airsoft was fun as all hell. I had to do it with my £130 AEG m14 build that I brought as a backup because my VSR died as I said above, but it was a lot of fun bouncing the GIs all through Saturday. From what I gathered from the other guys I went with, VC/PAVN are usually pretty badly outnumbered and usually means they die horribly, but this game was balanced as the guy who organised it refused to sell more US tickets until VC/PAVN numbers went up. As a result, we absolutely hammered them through Saturday (though I don't know how it ended on Sunday as I could only do the one day). Favourite part was a bit of escape and evasion I had to do after the GIs managed to push us out of a fort (well, the team took a prisoner and fell back from the position), leaving me lying completely still in a concealed position as the GIs were all around me. Managed to take a few out on the approach with the m14, then a few up close with the 1911, but I then just had to lie totally silent as they took my friend captive as I couldn't take them all on by myself. Managed to avoid detection, waiting for a gap in their patrols before making my escape back to base. Real heart-pumping, adrenaline fuelled fun and the moments I absolutely love, being a traditional bush wookiee. I did almost get into a fight though, for the first time in my 16 years of airsoft. Some GIs marched into our base and demanded our objectives, completely ignoring the morning briefing where it was explicitly stated that our base couldn't be attacked and therefore we couldn't bring any of our objectives there, instead carrying them with us in the field. When I told him this, he said he didn't care and that I was now his prisoner, so I shot him point blank and said that I wasn't; there were no bang kills and I never accepted any surrender. I then got lit up full auto by his teflon-coated friend, that I shot with the m14 as well, with an m16 at about 5m away (it was also a semi-only game outside of support guns) and we finally managed to get them to leave, though the other guy who was with me was prodding him with a stick, calling him a little boy and telling him to walk away and such because he was acting like a baby. He turned around and looked like he was about to start swinging, but I think one of the other US guys talked him out of it and they finally left. I thought it was all very amusing, personally; being a chonky 6'5 martial artist I wasn't really that scared if he did start swinging. Absolute man-baby hours and fortunately the only episode I experienced in the day 🤣. Most of the US guys I spoke to were great guys! Didn't play much today though. I was exhausted from sneaking all over Gunman Eversley Alpha all Saturday and had very little sleep over the weekend because of timings and discomfort while camping on-site on Friday, plus it was today where I found out my VSR hop rubber was torn and that, combined with the tiredness, just made me say "screw it, I can't be bothered". Ordered two new rubbers (will test between 80 and 85 degree Maple Leaf silicone autobots). Shout out to all the PAVN/VC guys at Eversley over the weekend, you were wonderful to fight alongside and we worked really well as a team (especially whoever had that damned whistle. The charges were glorious!). Shout out to most of the US guys too, especially the Hawaiian guys who finally dug me out of my position while I was harassing one of your bases in the afternoon. You guys were a class act and it was a pleasure to play against you.
    1 point
  31. She wasn’t cheap, but I’ve been looking for an excuse to join the MTW club for awhile now and shiny things always draw my eye. #157/250. All externals are real Magpul and took very little modification to fit. Still need a few external parts to arrive tomorrow to finish the build, but she’s looking and preforming excellently.
    1 point
  32. Arktis, C222 as good as crye.
    1 point
  33. Like I said elsewhere most sites cant organise a decent days skirmish with 100 players why would we expect a bunch of magazine editors to be able to run a decent game for 400 people in a site they dont run?
    1 point
  34. Beat me too it ! 😁 yea I know how much I paid for mine new so I know if I was to do these ‘up-grades’ too it I still won’t be anywhere approach this price bracket either .
    0 points
  35. Pinovic

    S&t lee endfield

    Are you selling the No.1 MK.III, like this one? https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/s-and-t-airsoft-lee-enfield-rifle-no-1-mk-iii-bolt-action-rifle
    0 points
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