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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/22 in all areas

  1. I'm hoping this new rule set catches on and spreads to other sites. You know, like banning KickingMustang
    7 points
  2. Bespoke scope protector from Red Dot. Really tight fit and light spiralling from the lathe means loads of contact/friction. Fast delivery and less than a tenner, so well worth having on decent glass.
    4 points
  3. GearTech

    Cyberpunk Sci Fi loadout

    Armour from Sam over at Apextech UK Helmet from USACyberpunk on Etsy RIF is the ARES KEL Tec RDB Edited on Photoshop
    3 points
  4. https://www.ucap.co.uk/site-rules.html?fbclid=IwAR14HwOpAbS21zlLDn_yW_pn-SBwOLsEGr7AamSwXrgCJqKOPilNWWWbKuM
    3 points
  5. sp00n

    Gun picture thread

    *jurassic park music intensifies* ”clever girl…”
    3 points
  6. I think it's a disgrace on society and our education system when after 50 years, most people have no idea who Neil Armstrong is. Or what kind of trumpet he played! 😀 Regards
    3 points
  7. I used to be chief executive of a large non-profit-making organisation; but they have just let me go. We weren't supposed to be one.
    3 points
  8. Way back when the VCR kicked in the very same small group of retailers who really pushed for the UKARA scheme to be the only way to be able to buy RIF’s , which would basically allow them to control the market(allegedly of course) once it was in place THEN turned around and created Two-tones to circumvent the UKARA scheme so they could still sell cheap ass CAR’s (Chav Assault Rifles) to the unwashed masses ! UCAP took a stance over it and have stood by that stance and I’ve always supported them for that .
    3 points
  9. This looks decent until you read the line buried in the text. https://prefired.co.uk/ads/tippman-omega-v2-co2/ " It’s Genuinely a beast and ran perfectly fine until what i believe is an oring broke and cant seem to get a tech to take it on "
    3 points
  10. Alimcd

    Gun picture thread

    Stubby, full auto, Rogueworx KC02 ready for Sunday
    3 points
  11. Caught flogging stolen kit from Hereford Edit: https://www.forces.net/services/army/crooked-soldiers-who-stole-ps22000-sas-kit-pay-back-just-ps552
    2 points
  12. Their site, their rules. If people don't like it then they can go elsewhere
    2 points
  13. BigStew

    Price gouging ?

    It maybe gouging or just economies of scale bought at the right time or bought enough from the importer to hit the price point.
    2 points
  14. "I couldn't get anyone who knows better to touch it so now I'm hoping to offload it onto some poor shmuck with promises of an easy fix"
    2 points
  15. My daughter told me this joke and I was buckled (maybe just cos she’s wee and my daughter though lol) ”dad what do you call a spider with no legs? . . . . . . A raisin”
    2 points
  16. Tactical Pith Helmet


    1870 was the date that a license was required to carry a firearm outside of the home. Earlier vagrancy acts covered firearms too, as far back as the 1820s. Don't get caught sleeping in your car with a musket!
    2 points
  17. Some feedback, similar to what has been said already: - despite the title, the overall look of the page is pretty unexciting, definitely need better graphics, also go read up on landing page design. - other have mentioned spelling mistakes, there's some weird capitalisation as well (UK in lower case, capitals in your domain name). - the click to submit button needs some padding between the text and border. - collecting and storing email addresses (even without any other info) means you are processing personal data in the eyes of the law. You need to make sure you are compliant. Some of this might seem like nitpicking, but even to people unable to point out the errors specifically, it can take away from how trustworthy the site is perceived to be.
    2 points
  18. UCAP have been against 2 tones since they were an idea, the reasoning is that the defence against the VCRA was that airsoft needed RIFs to aid in the suspension of disbelief when re-enacting military/LE scenarios and IFs undermine that concept. I say vote with your wallet and go wherever works for you, it's not like there's no alternative nowadays.
    2 points
  19. M4 mags (or similar) on pistols, yeah I get it, binary triggers are a bit "grey" as there's nothing to stop players spamming any aeg trigger, but the one I don't get is banning two-tones or clear gats, EVEN IF THEY'RE PAINTED ? I get no one likes ugly b#stard two-tones but if they're painted or cammed up then they look like everyone else's.
    2 points
  20. I did mention before about reversing the return spring. Perhaps you didn't quite understand what I meant by that, so I've done you a diagram. My aps aug prefers the second way with the loop at the top, the JG likes it the other way round. The only thing to watch out for is the loop at the other end might look like it's close to the edge, But hopefully your shells are close enough that it can't jump off. It might be worth just giving it a try before you put more money into it.
    1 point
  21. You can tell him whatever you want; he is a piece of shit. An old acquaintance of mine was in one of the Guards regiments; some upper class twit put him in charge of the stores, which he flogged off. Realising that this might have been a bit of an error, he legged it to France and joined the FFL. On discovering that everything was done in French or, as he put it, "I thought it was supposed to be a Foreign Legion; everything was in fucking French!", he deserted and made his way back to the UK, where he was promptly arrested and spent some time in the glasshouse. He is now strangely reluctant to go to France.
    1 point
  22. I cannot even imagine how often that kind of thing happens and doesn't get found out. Not an excuse AT ALL, but the military cannot function without trusting people to a fairly large extent so yeah.. alas. Unless you can somehow disable the 2nd shot binary is definitely a bad idea safety wise and iffy even then given airsofters' trigger finger awareness. I'd just class it the same as auto personally if I were making rules on when and where it could be used in game, certainly not as a replacement for normal semi/repetition. I do despise the mindset that is attached to HPA pistols with AEG mags, but ban? Hm.. not sure. Super grey area on where you start and stop on what's allowed in terms of types of guns and gear. The two tone thing is clearly fuckin bonkers.
    1 point
  23. Oh fu....... Should have had a longer prison sentence 😠
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Lozart

    Not sure of my rights

    In theory, yes as it's not fit for purpose. In practice - it's Wolf Armouries so all bets are off. You could just try a different mag with it. Someone must be able to lend you one to try it with?
    1 point
  26. Rogerborg

    Price gouging ?

    Exactly, and it'll vary from shop to shop, and whether they're making their money on flogging many small items, or a few bigguns. It's annoying to have a range of prices, but that's how free markets should and do work.
    1 point
  27. They've had since 2007 (when the definition was clarified) to come around, like absolutely everybody else (outside of milsim) has. Points for stubbornness, I guess. They also still think that 0.2g BBs are a thing, and that Joule creep isn't. I do actually really like that they post their risk assessment (although I can see some issues) and PLI details. I'd like all sites to do this -there's no reason not to, and or else how would you know that they're actually indemnified if the worst happens? However, this is a deal breaker for me: "Players are not to retrieve BFG’s until end of game or area is captured" Nope, they can and do get pocketed. Given that they reserve the right to bill customers for damage, I'd reserve the right to bill them for lost pyro. That cuts both ways.
    1 point
  28. Not really being a fan of mesh facepro, but sweating like a bastard under woollen snoods or a shemagh, let's give Delta Mike a go. Seems a very comfortable fit and looks very good quality in terms of stitching and padding. Order to delivery in just over a week, which is great.
    1 point
  29. Its a lot cheaper now mate, and will start to get cheaper as they are issuing new kit.. I paid about £70+ postage from aus for my set with the standard shirt, the Ubacs i'm wearing was very hard to get hold of and was about £250 alone.
    1 point
  30. BigStew

    Price gouging ?

    It is all over the place. There are at least 4 or 5 wholesalers in the UK and a some of those will be buying from a eroupean wholesaler, who buy from an Asian wholesaler, who buy from the manufacture. So you can so I can easily see why price differs so much between shops. There is most certainly some piss taking with prices but most shops need a 30 to 40% mark up from wholesale to make it worth their while selling products. I'll bet some of these prices are maybe 5% to 10% mark up just to get them out the door.
    1 point
  31. that's a pretty common issue with a non-matched col. part of the whole "compatible-ish" nature of airsoft. sometimes it's a case of try a bunch until you find one that works nice and why a well stocked box o' bits is handy. did the original look particularly worn? yeah it's a steep curve but does get easier.
    1 point
  32. noctu

    Ares Keltec RDB

    Do they have a cylinder head that'll line up properly with the offset nozzle? Also, if you ever take off the wrong side of the fire selector and lose the metal ball bearing that makes it click into place due to being a fat handed twat, you'll want a 2mm one as a replacement. Sincerely, a fat handed twat
    1 point
  33. This, by the way, explains the... robustness... of many of my questions and comments to people excitedly sharing their awesome new ideas or inventions. Some of us exist in a binary world where "Very nearly right" is synonymous with "completely wrong". And further, have learned that it's more efficient to get things right first time than to fudge it then fix it later. You never get a second chance to make either a first impression, or a live update rollout.
    1 point
  34. no no no you’re thinking of Neil Diamond he plays the clarinet 😂
    1 point
  35. @Jimbosale Take the plastic one out and measure it, always best to see what the stock size is.
    1 point
  36. "Previously-living puppies for sale".
    1 point
  37. Zaxxon

    Ares Keltec RDB

    No real reason, I like tinkering with things. Both my wife’s and my guns were great out of the box. The sites we play at do skirmish and film sim. For film sim, sometimes we are looking for a bit more reach. Seeing as the Keltec has a longer barrel (450mm) than my SPR (416mm) that I am modding to DMR, I thought it would be interesting to see if I could get some better range and accuracy from the Keltecs (although at less fps). So far so good, learning by my mistakes etc. But really enjoying airsoft, modding and spending too much money.
    1 point
  38. Dang man. I just got around to watching this and I guess you missed the rest of the thread where I've determined that the balance connector board is perfectly fine (It even has balance error when you try to charge a lipo with no balance I was sitting there like "oh nice an easy fix - it's turned on and not apart!" hehe. Edit: Okay holy shit. I tried it anyway, and it works. I don't know how, I mean there's a video of me right there checking all the traces and it's fine. But it works. Thanks for that, one less thing I need to re-buy now. I suppose my idea about trying those 'balance connector boards' would have actually indeed worked, since they plug into the large connector.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. binary triggers i can sort of get behind as they effectively remove semi. sure you could fire one round then release the trigger pointing at the dirt, but lets face it nobody is gonna do that making 2 rounds the de-facto minimum you're gonna be sending at a target. sure you can get a reasonably high round count with regular spamming, but however fast you can spam on a regular trigger is doubled on a binary trigger. box mags on pistols i'm not so sure on, certainly for certain themed events i get it but for regular skirmishing? can't say i agree. sure i hate em, but you just gotta accept some folks don't think that way, and i can't really see them as being particularly enabling of dickish behavior in the same way binary triggers are (as in, what can you do with an m4 mag hpa'd hicapa that you couldn't do with an hpa'd arp9?) the 2-tone thing i don't get at all, so some people are impatient and don't want to wait to get registered? what's wrong with that? again for themed events maybe, but not regular skirmishing.
    1 point
  41. Tbh I’m pretty sure if you turned up with a painted two tone and didn’t point out it was a painted two tone just to make a statement. You would be fine.
    1 point
  42. Tommikka


    1870 as a date may have some context from that being the time that firearms licencing began in the UK, as well as it being a time that general design was changing - which means there are those that look ‘modern’ and precede 1870, but also those that look ‘historic’ and were still developed after 1870 Its self preservation by the seller to require a VCRA defence, which does not necessarily have to be UKARA As long as you are an adult you can buy any airsoft gun - but they may only sell in bright colours
    1 point
  43. It's always risky tinkering with a sole gun, given the potential to make it worse, or unusable. The basic non-ETU G&Gs are solid candidates for clean-it-then-leave-it-alone reliable workhorses. They don't come with a big list of trick parts like a Specna or Lancer Tactical, but if you get a good one, they can work very well indeed. I agree with @Speedbird_666 that the stock motors aren't great, and that's an easy enough swap, as above (I like the value proposition of Big Dragon M140 motors bought direct from AliExpress, to chisel every penny, but there's more of a risk and a wait with them). Electrics can be a bit trickier, but the Perun ETU++ does take the worry out of that. It's telling that Perun have come up with a mosfet specifically to sort the notorious issues with the G&G ETU. If you want to fling more money at it, you can look at the parts in front of the gearbox. ZCI and AOLS barrels tend to be pretty decent for not a lot of money, but as always with Chinesium parts its entirely down to the example you receive. ZCI plastic rotary hop units work well, as do Maple Leaf hop rubbers and Maple Leaf (or clone) Omega nubs. There's always a danger of introducing misfeeding or an air leak when fiddling with the hop and rubber, and they can be very frustrating to diagnose or fix as they only need a fraction of a mm misadjustment either way to manifest. That risk can be ameliorated if you replace the barrel, hop unit and rubber as one, keeping the original G&G assembly aside and untouched. If you do have problems on game day, it's literally a couple of minutes to swap the original back in. Just please be aware that "upgrading" an airsoft gun can make it worse, or no better than the original parts, which are all designed to work together. It's great fun to tinker, but generally after you have a spare to hand.
    1 point
  44. Whilst i wholeheartedly agree in principle with the above, there are some issues with the gun you have chosen that really should be rectified with some (non-invasive) upgrades. Perhaps these are not 'upgrades', more like fixes to make your experience a whole lot nicer. The G&G Raider-L 2.0 is equipped with G&G's notorious ETU unit which (unless recently rectified by G&G) has been a royal pain in the rectum when it comes to batteries (and reliability!) for many a player. The low-voltage cutoff will simply shut the gun down prematurely unless you are using 9.6v NiMhs, or 11.1v LiPos (bye bye warranty with some retailers with the latter). Commonly used 7.4v LiPo's can be very problematic. The fitting of a Perun ETU++ will fix this issue, it's a simple plug-in job that does not require the receiver to be opened up. You can then use a small 7.4v LiPo (space is a premium in that little PDW stock receiver extension). Problem is - you are then left with the godawful stock ferrite motor which ain't great on a 7.4v LiPo. So factor in an SHS/Rocket Hi Torque replacement. On my son's G&G CM16 SRS (essentially the same gun internally), I have only replaced those two items and it's now a lovely little shooter (still using the stock barrel and hop rubber). Snappy enough on the trigger, but not crazy ROF, but with the extra benefit of the programming options on the Perun unit. Just my 2 pence.
    1 point
  45. Druid799

    Gun picture thread

    Nothing tooooooo epic been collecting the bits’n’bobs needed to dress a Double Eagle M904G in a similar livery to the guns in ‘The Tomorrow War’ (boredom’s a terrible master) .👍
    1 point
  46. Druid799

    Ares Keltec RDB

    Have to ask , why did you ‘up-grade’ the internals so soon ? Was their a problem with yours ? I had a go of one last October and I thought it was outstanding , it was untouched internally about the only thing you could say about it was it had had several thousands rd’s through it so it was well bedded in .
    1 point
  47. The retro Diemaco C8 is almost there. So far; G&P M733 Upper G&P C8 lower G&P Steel flash hider G&P Steel 653 barrel G&P Steel M16A1 front sight GUARDER real delta ring RS buffer spacer plate RS diemaco but pad RS ar sling RS sling swivel RS barrel/muzzle washer Still to source. Correct style buffer tube and locking ring. Steel parts I.E mag release, selector lever etc.
    1 point
  48. Picked these up for £150 the pair .Didn’t realise how rare the TM with folding stock was . I don’t know if the stock is original or repro . I made the hook out of 15mm copper pipe with a pipe bender .
    1 point
  49. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Tectonic Innovations Qu8ke 7 Shot Blank Firing Grenade for sale! Good condition and cared for and regularly cleaned Quake 7 shot .209 BFG Made By Tectonic Innovations, save nearly £40 from RRP these are bomb proof and always go off!


    Cardiff - GB

    1 point
  50. Tackle


    Not had ukara for about 8+ years, but I rarely buy brand new gats, generally I've found that sellers don't ask for my ukara, possibly they've researched my online Airsoft related presence ?, & been satisfied I'm genuine, on the 3 occasions that I've been asked for it, I've explained why I no longer have it & pointed them to my considerable long term online Airsoft activity, on a number of forums, that's generally accepted, only on one occasion would a seller accept nothing less than ukara, not a problem, plenty more fish in the sea lol. I accept that the vcra apparently frightens some people, personally I think it's a badly thought out crock of shit, BUT in the absence of something better & not wishing to have our playing conditions worsen akin to the ridiculous rules faced by players in many other countries, I'll do my best to toe the line. What's paramount, whether your buying or selling, is common sense, something we don't always see enough of, thats the biggest threat to what we do, irrespective of whether someone presents what appears to be valid ukara details .
    1 point
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