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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/21 in all areas

  1. I would fully expect it. They're a Californian company, and will be crawling with purple-haired social justice warriors. AUP: https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/ua/acceptableuse-full?&locale.x=en_US "You may not use the PayPal service for activities that [...] relate to transactions involving [...] firearms" Federal law suggests that they're not firearms for the purposes of the Gun Control Act of 1968, 18 U.S.C. Section 921(a)(3): “(A) any weapon (including a starter gun), which will, or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; (B) the frame or receiver of any such weapon" California, well, here are the penal code references if you really want to put in the time to argue the case. https://airsoftaculous.com//airsoft-laws-in-california/ I'd just fix it up and get on with your life.
    7 points
  2. Hi fellow airsofters ! I`m Alex aka Tzan , from Romania but I live and work in Kent. I am not new to airsoft but never played in the UK; here`s a bit of info: Been practicing the sport since 2007 till 2015 when I first started at the age of 17 (in Romania) then I moved in Italy where I co-founded an airsoft club (Falchi Corazzati) with a bunch of friends and I`ve been a hardcore avid Mil-Sim player, attending the regular Sunday game but also hardcore 24h Mil-Sim Events (My team even got to play against the Italian Army in a charity exercise, also in a Castle ! Yes a bloody Castle !!! Of course, we got our a*** kicked, but I had the time of my life !) . Unfortunately due to personal circumstances I had to stop in 2015 and leave it all behind. Now I am seriously thinking to come back into it, since I totally miss it, and also have the time, however I don`t know where to start. I`m kind of lost since I don`t really know how things work here in UK Also I am curious if there are any airsoft teams/clubs willing to take me under their wing and give some guidance ? Hopefully I will see you guys out there soon ! And also since we are close to the festive season, Happy Holidays !
    5 points
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VertiBird
    4 points
  4. Jacob Wright

    Gun picture thread

    New optic arrived, so now as it’s stands! Mk18 Mod 1 NGRS with LBX M81 sling, Magpul RVG, Inforce WML (Repro until my genuine one arrives), and Theta Optics EoTech clone. Still deciding whether or not to paint it, but have a feeling I’m just going to leave it how it is. The only thing I might add at this point is a PEQ or DBAL.
    4 points
  5. Was a joint birthday/Christmas/Easter present from the parents , my mum even had to sell her body to help raise the money(no not that way bunch of perverts) for medical research , it was so kind of her do it but I never did get used to her with green skin and a third eye in the middle of her forehead ! 😳
    3 points
  6. The toy dog that always looked like it needed putting down...
    2 points
  7. Actually it was a Raleigh with rod brakes and a fixed sprocket. Going downhill you had to take your feet off the pedals other wise you would be going up and down like a jockey on Angel dust lol
    2 points
  8. We have to call it Training In Built Up Areas so as not to cause offence...
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. I do … I might wait until it warms up a bit as I have no indoor ventilated and dry space to do it at the moment though. This is the paint job I did on my other M4, after about 3 years of wear and I’m pretty happy with it, so I’m thinking of going along the same lines.
    2 points
  11. I'll just add, I love my CO2 pistols for winter use. I have 2 x ASG P-09's with upgraded inner barrels and buckings. They will shoot 5 x mags worth on one bulb at around 325fps and will hop anything I need to them to far and straight. However the mags themselves are super unreliable, I'm currently at 4 or 5 which are unusable due to leaks. At £30 a mag, that's definitely an issue. Also in 20C ambient temps, they shoot somewhere around the 370fps mark - making them too powerful for use in a skirmish during the warmer months. Any of the newer TM's should serve you well for most environments when using the right gas. If we're talking 100% stock, my favourite out of all the pistols I've ever owned is my TM Hi-Capa Gold Match. I left a mag outside in 4C for about three hours and it was able to rapidly shoot 30 rounds in a row with zero venting.
    2 points
  12. I am going to keep the gun, it’s only a first RIF and to be honest if it doesn’t last long I will learn to do some research next time. I have charged a battery and had a little go on it in the back garden but will probably do some proper plinking soon to set the sights in better.
    2 points
  13. Awww that's cool. And reminded me of my toy gun collection... A Mauser 98-style rifle with a working bolt and dummy cartridges that it could eject. That was so cool that when I started to outgrow it I cut off the butt plate and made a wooden extension for it. An SLR that fired little grey plastic bullets (Airfix again! Mine was all black but here's the wooden stock version, surprisingly realistic looking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFye5s3qrlc) I pestered my dad into making me a Sten and an Mp40 too. As he was good at woodwork and DIY they came out very well Three plastic kit replica pistols from either Tamiya or LS, they were 1:1 scale... I had a .25 ACP auto, a Python .357 Magnum and a P38. All with dummy bullets and working actions. They must have been quite sturdy as I can't remember them breaking to the point I couldn't glue them back together. Blimey, what goes around comes around... regressing back to childhood... well over 50 years old and playing with toy guns again
    2 points
  14. It has all arrived and to be honest it doesn’t look or feel that bad (I don’t know what to watch out for yet but seems okay). it will be a starting gun which I will learn with and will probably move onto something bigger or better in the future. I won’t be using it on my first game as already paid for a rental so will use that to get used to it then bring it out at a later date.
    2 points
  15. heroshark

    Couldn’t help myself.

    Unfortunately my experience of the bulldog M4 is it may last you about 2 games or less some times a bit more but don't expect much. They used to sell them at a place I did 2tone jobs for and a lot came back. I'd send it back as soon as you get it and buy something more reputable like from the GG cm range.
    2 points
  16. I was going to mention the 1.3j limit for guns firing semi again, but going to go and bang my head against a brick wall instead 🤣
    1 point
  17. The law isn't relevant, they are a private company and just like FB and You Tube they do not like guns. IF you pay by paypal do not sate its a gun or anything to do with one, I used to put sporting goods or toys. However if it is lost or you get done by the seller PAypal will not help as it is against there rules. On a similar vein always remove valves from gas magazine or you package may be destroyed, with the valves in they are presurized container and as thus banned by all couriers, Royal Mail and Parcel Force. Nine times out of ten you'll get away with it, but that tenth time can be very expensive.
    1 point
  18. Haha that's great. He walks like me lol
    1 point
  19. Fatboy40

    Double Eagle M908B

    A Maple Leaf Macaron 60 Degree and Omega nub are playing nicely in my stock DE M904E hop unit 👍
    1 point
  20. Cheeky fucker!! 😅😅
    1 point
  21. Shamal

    New to UK Airsoft scene

    Hi fella welcome and have a blast! 💣 Regards
    1 point
  22. Davegolf

    Gun picture thread

    Post up when you have the whole thing together
    1 point
  23. Haha ain't that the truth. I'll take your slr cause I had one as well but I will raise you a 'Man from Uncle' hard briefcase. It had a knife that ejected from the side when secret button was pressed and the whole case unfolded into a rifle. There was also a radio inside. I thought I was proper cool walking Down high street with it. Lol. I was only about seven. Regards 👍 I'll take your slr cause I had one as well but I will raise you a 'Man from Uncle' hard briefcase. It had a knife that ejected from the side when secret button was pressed and the whole case unfolded into a rifle. There was also a radio inside. I thought I was proper cool walking Down high street with it. Lol. I was only about seven. Regards 👍
    1 point
  24. they can be tricksy things, some brands don't even have a grub screw which means you sometimes end up with the latch making a bid for freedom when opening them up can't really help there, not sure if the g&g mosfets allow for mounting standard contacts (never really messed with any of the g&g stuff that has their mosfets)
    1 point
  25. Although thanks to airsoft physics and air seal shenanigans, it can also go up. Site dependent, I've never once been asked to dial my hop off. Some guns need to be disassembled in order to do it. I agree that the legal limit is a hard 1.3J, but it's quite tricky to determine what our gnus are really capable of, given that "any missile" could mean a 0.86g steel BB that would shred the hop and barrel in short order (but the intent is to limit what they could do, not what we would do with them). For all that I'm hot for chrono, I've never been a fan of dialling off to hop. For safety considerations (as opposed to legality), I'd advocate chronoing in game with the hop and the BB mass that players are actually using, since that's... well, what they're actually using. Urgh, that's weaker than a politician's excuse. 0.67J, even TM fanbois would have a hard time justifying that. Have you spooged any silicone up the nozzle? That might be enough to get a better seal. If not, I'd bite the BB and change that spring for a known quantity.
    1 point
  26. Rogerborg

    New to UK Airsoft scene

    Ahoy and welcome. And yes, you're spoiled for choice down there, enjoy.
    1 point
  27. Rogerborg

    Two tone guns

    Who said that it did? It does however distinguish between a discrete act, and an ongoing course of conduct. The fact is that it is not a "two tone gun", firstly because no such definition exists in law. It's either a realistic imitation firearm, or an (implicitly non realistic) imitation firearm. And it is a realistic imitation firearm. What it might have been in the past isn't relevant to what it is now. Who is under an obligation to modify it into a non-realistic imitation firearm, and why? What offence is being committed if they do not? Is the offence an action, or a course of conduct? Which Act and Section defines the offence? Good job nobody except you is making that point then. We're all going to agree that an offence was committed at the point where it was modified into a RIF. However, it sounds likely that a defence could be adduced, and it's irrelevant to the recipient, and always has been, now or in the past, as they committed, and are committing, no offence by accepting or possessing it. And what's the relevance of that? No offence was committed by either the person making or receiving the gift through the act of gifting. No defence is required, not that ignorance is listed as one. The amazing thing is that you do actually know the relevant legislation, which lists the relevant offences, and yet you've gone ahead and imagined up some more. Wait... do you work for the police or CPS?
    1 point
  28. Snow Wolf Cylinder is smaller, you need 702 specific (I ordered one by mistake) Fairly sure the original barrel was AEG compatible. Parts for the Novirsch SSG24 should be compatible.
    1 point
  29. Tommikka

    Two tone guns

    Note that I have also (legally) received stolen goods I buy items at auction, some of which are under police auctions of recovered goods I’ve also purchased RIFs at auction without providing any defence, and I have no intent to play airsoft …. The auction may have committed offences …. I have two intents which I have not presented to the auction: 1) act as a seller and will want to see documentation of a defence 2) as an event organiser use the RIFs for players within an insured site
    1 point
  30. Tommikka

    Two tone guns

    Possession is not an offence The only offence is modification under section 36 of the VCRA, and section 37 covers the defences. The modification in the past could have been fully legally compliant https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2006/38/section/37 It’s not in the same league as ‘receiving stolen goods’ in that the offence can be repeated into the future and by subsequent people The section 36 offences are manufacture (including modification), import and sale They occur at the time and subsequent changing of hands are either a new offence or are not an offence In the original draft of the VCR bill was an explicit offence of painting / modifying an IF into a RIF which did not have the section 37 defences The final VCR act does not have that as a separate offence - only within 36 which has defences in 37
    1 point
  31. Welcome to the UK! Oh wow you are right on top of Imperium airsoft. I haven't been but I want to, they host milsims and battlesims. They do also hire gear so you could do that until you get a ukara (three games over two months). It's not the only form of defence, which you need to buy a realistic imitation firearm (RIF), but it's by far the most universally accepted for retailers. Or buy a two-tone.
    1 point
  32. EDcase

    New to UK Airsoft scene

    Welcome Alex. Check the sites near you HERE You'll have to check where they do Milsim. Read about UKARA requirements HERE Its annoying you have to go through it but that's UK law at the moment. Lots of info on the forum so have a look around and hope you have a good time.
    1 point
  33. I would also recommend you put that £150 into an aeg. Two tone will add about £10, it might be worth just renting from a site for three games until you have a ukara. Otherwise, have a look at the specna arms CORE range, they have some decent guns at that price point, and a couple of hi-cap mags. For gear, get yourself some good, properly rated eye protection, EN166B (B is the minimum), ANSI Z87.1 or Z87+, or MIL-PRF-32432 ballistic rated. I use Valken tangos (£25) with a thermal lens (+£10), a bit bulky but excellent against fogging. If you also get yourself some revision anti-fog wipes (about £12 for 3, they last multiple wipes and you only need to wipe twice per day), You just won't fog, they are actual magic. I'd also recommend some lower face protection, the One Tigris half mesh masks are excellent, as well as some boots with good ankle support, especially if you're playing at a woodland site. For mag carrying, just use a hoodie and pockets if you're on a tight budget. If you have another £30 to spare, a Kombat trojan chest rig will cover your every need for now, there's also many other chest rigs about for a similar price, I can only recommend what I've used.
    1 point
  34. tbh co2 is great in principle and when they work they're great, however sadly the venn diagram of folks i've heard claiming to have reliable co2 guns (over the long-term) and people i've seen on the field using reliable co2 guns doesn't have much overlap green gas definately has it's flaws, but imo the poor cold weather performance is a worthy trade for the comparatively low maintenance demands (ie keep the mag gassed and the gun clean with a dab of silicone spray on the seals). tm's with their better tolerances and lighter slides definitely are more resilient, but when it gets too cold even they'll struggle. generally for winter i just accept that a sidearm is going to be mostly just a holster filler (although some folks do tricks like putting hand warmers in the pouch with the mag) and just stick to the aeg primary.
    1 point
  35. Paint it, go on, you know you want to... Looking good.
    1 point
  36. That looks like there may be a hex head in there. Try an allen key and see if it moves.
    1 point
  37. is this for the one you got that had a couple of issues? as was mentioned in the last thread you generally can expect zero comeback for a secondhand sale if the item actually shows up and is in somewhat functional condition (generally pull the trigger and bb's come out the front is considered functional). the seller might voluntarily issue a refund depending on their disposition (and asking for compensation for postage wouldn't be out of the question- they don't want to be out of pocket) although i've been fortunate to never have had to deal with paypal disputes in the secondhand market (only issued a refund for a mistaken purchase which i hadn't actually sent the item yet) less than perfect condition unfortunately is something that needs to be realistically expected when buying secondhand and is part of the reason why i strongly advocate people learn their own teching, so that you can buy in confidence knowing you can sort any issues the seller doesn't mention or even know about. i doubt namedropping would have much effect on here, iirc you're US based so given this is predominantly a uk forum (with a few European members) we largely wouldn't be dealing with sellers from "across the pond", and as I mentioned in the other thread it sounds like the issues you had were the kind of thing someone who wasn't all that tech savvy would know about and exactly the kind of thing i'd expect to find on a secondhand gun (indeed i've seen some gremlins in various guns over the years) generally when dealing with sending items, for example posting, i describe the package as "airsoft replica" or something along those lines to not use the word "gun" with those who might not understand the difference.
    1 point
  38. Yup, I had that I cannot remember for the life of me what it was called I was hooked with BigTrak & Starbird around that time too 🤦🏻‍♂️
    1 point
  39. I must have been a right spoilt Cnut, I had all 3 (not at the same time), flight deck definitely was my favourite of the 3, although I also remember having a helicopter game that a chopper flew in circles on a weighted rod, & you had to pick up & deliver payloads, anybody remember that one ?
    1 point
  40. Can't say I've ever seen any site disassemble a gun for the product pictures. The src g36 is about their best model I'd avoid everything else but then the JG g36 is better and not much different in price.
    1 point
  41. Uh, nope, it was a bad pun about this decidedly dodgy film from the 1930s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triumph_des_Willens
    1 point
  42. Another fun day at Special Ops. Might be the last of the year for me though which makes me sad.... Some really enjoyable flanking moves to pop a few people from behind... and a couple of "oh shit" moments in point-blank encounters The photographers never seem to get me running around. Probably because I can't do much with these arthritic knees and spaghettified ankles Slow and sneaky my preferred method of attack DE M906C performing great through the day, so the AK still didn't get to strut its stuff. Edit: Ooh, found an 'action' shot, here's me doing a semi-panicked tactical reload out of my fast mag pouches
    1 point
  43. Got some great pics of the ghillie thanks to the site photographer! Ignore my lazy knee...
    1 point
  44. Shamal

    Couldn’t help myself.

    As above ⬆️ plus call your hits!! 🙂 Regards
    1 point
  45. FIBUA. Tibua sound like it should be in your leg. 😉 Regards
    1 point
  46. They should be fine, Nimh batteries just lose power as they lose charge, Lipos have pretty flat power output as they lose charge.
    1 point
  47. Well, it didn't take long, but mines had a paint job now.
    1 point
  48. My sons main Christmas present sorted 😁
    1 point
  49. My airsoft day has been shit. UPS delivered me a couple of bags of BBs, a new foregrip, and a Titan battery. But didn't bother themselves ringing our loud doorbell, just left it out front instead. So some thieving git nicked it all. Arse. Edit:. Blimey. AirsoftAnonymous sent me an email at 9pm (which I've only just read) to let me know UPS made a bollox of their status updates, so it's not actually been delivered and then nicked after all! Huzzah! So it's now a good day 🤗
    1 point
  50. Rogerborg

    Airsoft black hole

    If headshots didn't count at a site, folk would just stick their mask and the muzzle of an HPA drum fed pistol above a barrel and play in God Mode. Gun hits seem to be about an even split between: ignore; takes the gun out of commission; counts as a kill. See rant upthread, site marshals don't always know the site rules. I like to play a little sub-game of test quizzing marshals by asking them about gun hits, and seeing how many different answers I get over the course of a day. Oh, marshals who misapply or don't apply site rules, or who prefer to spend the day chatting or on Facebook: please, no. I very much appreciate good marshalling, especially as it's often done for peanuts or less. But a disinterested or conflict-shy marshal is just hoarding a hi-vis from someone who could do a better job of it.
    1 point
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