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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/10/21 in all areas

  1. blobface

    TM MP5 NGRS Owners

    On a less firer note: Surefire handguard, as we already know, is a drop fit, with some patience I was able to fit a 7.4v 1400mah nunchuck, I also had a shorter 7.4v 1300mah nunchuck which was even easier to fit into this handguard. Eotech 551 on a VFC generic low profile claw mount, and as I have a game soon before I could get hold of a Gemtech I came up with a little MP5 specific housing for the Acetech S unit's internal.
    6 points
  2. How long has asda been doing nuprol guns?! 20211019_191345.mp4
    5 points
  3. Darwin theory might argue that joe public should have real firearms for this exact reason
    4 points
  4. I found this little nugget of outstanding safe weapon handling in the pics from a local sites reopening gameday this little gem was nestled among all the other pics of the day . If you ever needed reason to NOT allow ‘Joe public’ real firearms ? well here ya go ! 🤦‍♂️ even though I don’t think he deserves it for such stupidity I’ve still covered his face to avoid the shame !
    3 points
  5. Yup. Base layers, I go either synthetic, or merino wool. Merino is great stuff, it's soft, wicks sweat, insulates, it's warm even when wet. Sheep don't grow cotton fleeces. Yup, you can find surplus gear (mis)listed as goretex, or under the generic term MVP (Moisture Vapour Permeable). I've just had cause to test a pair of surplus MVP over-trousers by cycling in torrential rain, and they did a decent job for much less than the cost of GoreTextm branded civvy stuff, and without the sweatiness of my previous rubberised vinyl trousers. I'm currently watching some MVP jackets/liners on eBay since the buy-it-nows tend to be £30+ upwards. In the meantime, I agree that cheap ponchos do a decent job, although they will leak and seep around the gaps once you start moving. Dubbin or copious globs of polish on your boots, or pick up some waterproof socks aka boot liners. Sealskinz or surplus both work. I'm always sceptical about waterproof gloves, as it's almost impossible to get all the seams full sealed. At that price though, they're worth a punt.
    3 points
  6. Issue CS95 smocks (presume that's what you mean) will stave off but the lightest of showers, they just get soaked in short order and being bulky things made of thick fabric they soak up a lot of water; take about a day to dry once hung up in a warm house. Cotton is not wicking, it is the opposite, it holds water for a comparatively very long time and is especially cold when wet compared to wool or synthetics. Being soaked is fine if it's warm enough and/or you run around enough. Being soaked through will ruin you in cool enough weather if you're not pretty consistently on the move. This is all real real basic stuff. Personally I really like the current issue polyester tshirts they dry lightning fast. Issue goretex can usually be had really cheaply and at a tiny fraction of the price of any commercial goretex jacket. But obviously anything waterproof like a poncho will be a lot better than any issued uniforms in standard fabrics.
    3 points
  7. My little nipper wants to play with my pistols, and while I taught him basics of safety it takes time to ingrain this in his mind. Kids have great imagination, but little understanding of consequences of their actions. Right now, he can play with his nerf guns and we shoot the shit out of each other, but I always try to make sure he understands the rules of the game. I think it may be good to demonstrate to them the “power” these Airsoft GBBs have compared to a nerf. This may (or may not) put a little respect in them towards firearms, imitation or not. I always treat any gun, Airsoft or otherwise, as it was real, loaded and ready to go. You should see the face of my mate when I’ve cleared the weapon three times before handing it over to him. “It’s just a toy!” Famous last words…
    2 points
  8. sounds like a standard peek out of cover to me. the clear-cut example of why deliberately aiming for headshots isn't a "dick move" in and of itself.
    2 points
  9. Rogerborg

    Airsoft black hole

    If headshots didn't count at a site, folk would just stick their mask and the muzzle of an HPA drum fed pistol above a barrel and play in God Mode. Gun hits seem to be about an even split between: ignore; takes the gun out of commission; counts as a kill. See rant upthread, site marshals don't always know the site rules. I like to play a little sub-game of test quizzing marshals by asking them about gun hits, and seeing how many different answers I get over the course of a day. Oh, marshals who misapply or don't apply site rules, or who prefer to spend the day chatting or on Facebook: please, no. I very much appreciate good marshalling, especially as it's often done for peanuts or less. But a disinterested or conflict-shy marshal is just hoarding a hi-vis from someone who could do a better job of it.
    2 points
  10. Blimey, the good old weathermen, eh? The forecast has now changed from "pissing on my chips" to "a bit cool with a breeze and a 20% chance of showers" I'm still going to pick up the poncho and the gloves... just in case the weather chappie changes his mind again £22. a bit of a jump in cost, but if they're actually useful in the long term - an investment. I'll take a look when I'm there!
    2 points
  11. If he’s a bit loose upstairs I’m guessing it would be worse downstairs
    2 points
  12. We was always at the mercy of the landlord. We didnt expect anyone to buy such a property in its condition but hey it is what it is. I've always been prepared for this and we already have in the works a similar sized site nearby
    2 points
  13. i'd agree, although we do need a culture shift to one where people actually pay attention to the rules on a given site. the number of times i've seen "that's not how it works where i normally play" used as an excuse for [insert discouragable aspect of airsoft gameplay] the most fun one i remember hearing was "headshots don't count", can't say i've ever played/heard of a site where that was the case outside of people using it to claim non-hit taking was ok (on a site where head-shots absolutely do count same as any other hit)
    2 points
  14. depends, tbh jacket alone isn't going to help much if your boots/trousers are getting soaked every time you walk through a hedge/long grass/kneel down up to you, depends how much you hate getting damp. t shirt will be fine, soldiers were fighting in the rain long before "wicking" was something people paid attention to, good idea to pack a fleece or other such extra layer(s) to add if you get too cold. every rainy game i've played with fingerless gloves and just accepted they're getting damp, depends on your own personal tolerance for cold/wet hands. i'd be much more concerned about waterproofness of boots. personally i find if i keep my core warm then my hands stay warm, however if you have issues with circulation in extremities etc then you'll need to put more effort into it. other things worth noting- plan to be soaked through by the end of the day, a car with a decent heater is going to be a godsend when your cold/wet on the drive home, likewise rubber mats/plastic bags to protect your interior from soaked gear on the drive home if you care about such things. the above said, don't leave your kit bagged up damp after the game day, get it out to air/dry/get washed as soon as you get home. optics can be annoying in the wet, blurring red dots (especially open type), you may wish to consider just running irons, or at least bring any tools required to pull any optics you have mid-day if needed. as with optics, eyepro gets super annoying in the wet, a hat with a peak to keep the worst of the rain off the exterior helps a lot. otherwise expect fogging to be exponentially worse than a dry day. often there's a balance to be struck between preventing yourself getting wet in the first place, or having yourself able to dry out quickly when the weather clears, it depends on the weather if your getting showers or constant rain. you'll find your own way, either taking care to keep yourself dry avoiding areas of undergrowth that'd get you soaked and seeking shelter at every opportunity, or just running around as normal happy as larry and not worrying about getting soaked to the skin, either path is good- remember you're playing to have fun, if you're not having fun (because of inclement weather) then it's totally fine to just go home and watch tv by the fire.
    2 points
  15. For airsoft you can't beat a good poncho, I use a snugpack patrol poncho when the rain is really bad.
    2 points
  16. When even Nuprol came up with a new sub-brand so as not to sully their, er... reputation, that was a bad sign.
    2 points
  17. And we're not saying that all Nuprol batteries and chargers will fail. But when we do hear about a battery, and especially a charger failure, far too often it's a Nuprol. I made the mistake of buying a Nuprol "smart" charger, a lot of people do. But when you see how much more a half decent charger (even an older B6) will do, it's immediately apparent why the Nuprol's couple of blinkenlights and an operating temperature close to the sun's corona does not make for a reassuring experience.
    2 points
  18. So, in the wake of Luke from Negative Airsoft dissing PTS PDR-C and vowing never to touch one again, I need to perform a piston swap on my vanilla PDR-C. However the last time I touched a gearbox was a long time ago (5-6 years), and I’d love to learn a bit more about precautions of disassembling this particular one before I actually do it. What should I watch out for? What type of piston should I look for? Any specific models I should consider? Are there any parts you’d recommend I should upgrade while I’m there? Any videos I should check out before performing an open heart surgery? (apart from NA ones, I watched all of his PDR ones) Any other suggestions, warnings, I’d appreciate, because quite frankly, all I want is to bring it back to life and improve its reliability. It has never failed me before and it’s just wear and tear I presume.
    1 point
  19. Rogerborg

    Airsoft black hole

    Sorry to hear that, and I think that was the right response. I honestly don't care that much what site rules are, so long as whatever rules they do have are enforced from the top down, without exceptions. As soon as one rule doesn't matter, none of them do. See the successes of zero tolerance policing, as grudgingly admitted by this Marxist cope.
    1 point
  20. Who knows what's going on in this photo though. He's wearing safety glasses and the mag isn't in. I can't tell if it's an AEG or GBBR but if it's an AEG then maybe he's confident the chamber has been cleared or maybe there's not even a battery in it. Worst case scenario he pings himself in the face with a BB. Obviously if it's a GBBR, it wouldn't even fire without the mag.
    1 point
  21. John_W

    Drug use at airsoft sites

    Reminds me of playing at a Big Game on a site near the South Coast where one of the Marshals was driving the "safety vehicle" while smoking weed...
    1 point
  22. tbf, a lot of the dumb stuff people do with airsoft pews is precisely because they're not real firearms. although that said, that still wouldnt stop people.
    1 point
  23. I have initially thought that it’s misfeeding because of the hop unit, but after testing this thoroughly that turned out to be a false assumption. After testing some more, I noticed that the air nozzle randomly stays retracted after cycling, which kind indicated a stripped piston (apparently, very common after several thousand rounds on this thing). I was going to give it to Luke, but he told me to pack it into a display case somewhere, yet apart from that little issue it’s firing perfectly at 340 fps, so I can’t just give up, right?
    1 point
  24. I think those pistols which have an insane fire rate can pretty much go to hell On top of that, support weapons like an M249 can go too, because they’re in possession of pretty much the same fps as a standard M4 or a random good quality carbine. Their only advantage may be their amount of bbs that can be stored, but then again,you can get a hi-cap mag for your AR. They’re a waste of space and I don’t see them as a good idea. (Pretty much just Tacticool) Non-hit takers can go too. If that is able to be said That being said, I wouldn’t mind the mag-dumping retards spontaneously combusting either
    1 point
  25. Just a quick note, those gloves are quite bulky and are fleecy type material. You may find they don't give much grip, particularly when they're dry, if you can stretch to them I'd suggest these instead https://www.gooutdoors.co.uk/15895026/sealskinz-ultra-grip-glove-15895026/?istCompanyId=c2ec8a5d-93c1-4850-a97a-f4d89d7c99c8&istFeedId=6d621985-aa60-4568-aedd-0f35fc1be5cb&istItemId=wapiwwxia&istBid=t
    1 point
  26. Tommikka

    Airsoft black hole

    No comment I avoid marshalling or any involvement in standard games so don’t need to be tied up in those Though once we did manipulate a false ‘disorganised’ game start pretending to not be ready so that I could disappear and the prop dummy came to life … and we did have a slight problem when our home made ejector seat was discovered to have been left in the garage and wasn’t in Marks car boot. We could have still run ‘find the pilot’ but the idea was to narrow the area by finding his seat, then find him. (We might have flipped two missions around, but if I recall correctly that was mission 2 so we started the first game and then the chair mission anyway with players hunting a non existent seat until Mark sped home & back and placed it in field)
    1 point
  27. Tommikka

    Airsoft black hole

    My favourite thing in life is to have players tell me what the rules are for the scenario that I produced
    1 point
  28. Lmao…There seems to be a joint hatred of scammers on this site, and rightly so. I didn’t think that Mr.Glennie would have carried on his tactic from 2018 for 3 years straight. Must be a bit loose in the head
    1 point
  29. As a base layer if that's what you have then yeah I'd say so. There's a reason shirts for people to play sports in are made from the fabrics that they are.
    1 point
  30. Are you sure hes on the left? 🤔
    1 point
  31. Very helpful advice, thanks guys! I've poked around on GoOutdoors, and if you have their annual £5 membership card you can get some nice discounts... so I've got these reserved: https://www.gooutdoors.co.uk/351741/freedom-trail-men-s-poncho-khaki-351741 That's your box-standard nylon poncho in semi-tactical green, looks alright to me at £7 And just in case my hands do get cold https://www.gooutdoors.co.uk/15902348/hi-gear-waterproof-thinsulate-glove-15902348 Black thinsulate waterproof gloves for £3! So for £15 (including that card that's already paid for itself with 'membership discounts') I should be able to keep dry, if I want to Top advice on the optics and the eyewear, hadn't thought about that so much. I've got ESS goggles and also a pair of Guarder wraparound ballistic specs. I bought a little tub of fogstop BUT BLOODY B******* HELL I'VE LOST IT Those Guarder specs.. the rubber frames have gone all... sticky. And not in a good way Ugggh. Hot water and soap hasn't helped, what's going on there? Edit: But some strong household cleaner has rescued them from Room 101 So I'd be better off with a football top instead? Oh yeah, footwear got a mention. I'm waiting on a pair of surplus Austrian Paratrooper boots to turn up. If they don't, or they don't fit, I'll be a bit b*ggered tbh.
    1 point
  32. So depending on how heavy the rain is, the S95 jacket will keep you dry to a degree but I’d say they’re more weather- than water-proof. I imagine that if you’re running about then you’ll be warm enough with just the base layer under. If it’s gonna be heavy rain and you’ll have periods of not moving about much then it’ll probably be worth picking up a cheap cagoule in a ‘tactical’ colour 😉
    1 point
  33. I reckon so. Sad times, we're always tenants of last resort. It's a brave person who'd sink time and money into developing an airsoft site.
    1 point
  34. Rogerborg

    Airsoft black hole

    I'm a fan of putting them on a big sign and saying "Read that". That removes any excuses for not knowing, both on the day, and if legal push comes to shove. After all, how would you prove what you actually said in a briefing?
    1 point
  35. AirSniper

    Car Setups

    Most sites offer hot beverages, check. Portable camping chair / stool. Cool box for keeping drinks cool on hot days. large box to put your dirty kit in car, I use an old suitcase on wheels. It holds everything I need including the RIF's, something that if you have a lot of kit is a good investment. If you have no cover on site, a large fishing umbrella won't go amiss. I also carry a change of clothes and a towel in case I get wet. Towel is useful for when you are hot and sweaty and need to wipe off the excess sweat.
    1 point
  36. I think the 'template' helps 😉
    1 point
  37. Thanks for the links. The Etsy is not a physical download but a PDF. that looked promising until it said PDF yet some of the reviews talk of receiving the items along with a gift. That makes it difficult to take to a print shop to get them to print off as they would need a copyright waiver off the author. Funny, google just wouldn't serve me anything like that when I asked for "top secret" papers, etc...
    1 point
  38. TheFull9

    Gun picture thread

    New TM. Eventually I'll sort some type of gucci US civvie build, for now I've got an HK F stock on the way and will probably get a real standard plastic handguard too for this original look. Wanted the SF 628 but oh lord no not for that much; may just get a GBB lighted forend. For now, just that HK aesthetic.
    1 point
  39. Try etsy etc. For stuff like this.... https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1085053956/top-secret-ufo-now-declassified-files?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=top+secret+files&ref=sc_gallery-1-1&plkey=f0081eedbdb69bdf90f8df9a47e996f54e685382%3A1085053956 or just make it up.
    1 point
  40. Wasn't she in the Rocky Horror Picture Show?
    1 point
  41. Hey, @leadly, fancy a mention in the “featured creators” section of the next PlayAirsoft newsletter issue? If so, gimme a shout. I’ll be happy to sort you out, since no one yet has sent me their recommendations. You’ll be first! The newsletter has quite a few subscribers now. Got an instagram? Shoot me a link too. If you guys know of any more indie channels, please let me know! PS: No sponsored clickbait bullshit content a la “n00bz gEt pOUndEd. sEe hIM rAGe!!!zzz”, plz.
    1 point
  42. Not sure which % I am as I’m more than happy to stick my neck out and say yes I’d report them , if I come across anyone using anything that can alter their mental state before , during or after the game day and before they drive home then yes I will report them , to the site during game time and the police out of these hours . I put absolutely no credence on “if it ain’t affecting me it’s not my business” as in any of these two situations it could have a very detrimental effect on me(and by the fact I don’t go on my own my friends AND my two sons)so nope sorry you gave up any understanding from me the minute you started taking these substances not in your own home or some other private or closed environment but in a public area where your coming in to contact with others who aren’t using . Some of you will know I work in A&E so on a regular bases I see the results of ‘it’s only a bit of weed ?” or “it’s only a couple of drinks he/she’s not harming anyone ?” When in fact yes they are actually harming/maiming/killing others due to their actions . Plus as OP said he almost lost his job(admittedly was a result of his own choice of putting him self in the environment)due to smelling of cannabis from being in a ‘weed filled’ party so even then yes you smoking it can have a detrimental effect on others .
    1 point
  43. Yeah. But publicity for his INSTA innit!
    1 point
  44. Let me hazard a guess: 98% of the 50 will tut and do nothing the remaining 2% (one person) will come on here and start a poll
    1 point
  45. Nuprol don't make anything they just rebrand other manufacturers. You generally have no guarantee of build quality or it it's even fit for purpose when buying Nuprol.
    1 point
  46. I’ve never had problems running any brand of mag in my G&G AFV , and I’ve run god knows how many different ones through it over the years ? plus another one saying completely avoid ANYTHING that has moving parts(to be honest I’d even think twice about stuff that DOSEN’T have moving parts !) sold by ‘’Nuprol’ . I genuinely think they must travel the world specifically looking for the cheapest , nastiest, poorest quality kit they can find to stick their brand name on !
    1 point
  47. hugo89

    What have you made?

    This is my Marui Next Gen M16A2 I modified an aeg upper, frontset and stock.
    1 point
  48. Leonine

    Airsoft black hole

    If by black hole you mean removing forever. I’ll throw in the overly long safety speeches which I get it, has to be done but surely sites can cut them down 🤨
    1 point
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