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Showing content with the highest reputation on 29/06/15 in all areas

  1. TM MP7 GBB - its freaking awesome.
    4 points
  2. Alex34

    CQB injuries

    3 points
  3. Mack


    Looks a bit gash to me. No thanks.
    2 points
  4. Number one most important thing to buy is proper eye protection followed closley by decent face protection too. And dont skimp and get ebay crap. Only get one pair of eyes and teeth are expensive too.
    2 points
  5. Esoterick

    25 kg sacks of bbs

    I get through 2-3 bottles a day running my LMG, mixture of it firing fast and people needing a bit of encouragement to take hits. Once full autoed someone for 5-10 seconds as he somehow thought he could get away with not taking it.
    2 points
  6. Does it matter? Since you already bought them. The beta is a bit short for proper woodland accuracy. Apart from that, it's ok.
    2 points

    25 kg sacks of bbs

    There's only one real solution in which can only be described in one word... Semi.
    2 points
  8. RILiON

    Airsoft confessions

    A grenade landed between my feet during my first game, everyone around me ran back behind hard cover but all I remember was the safety brief about opening your mouth to equalise the pressure so I stood there right on top of it staring down with my mouth wide open like a tit. Made me look like a pro tho as it turned out to be a dud and the others got pinned behind their cover I was the only one in a forward position lol
    2 points
  9. Fumps

    Airsoft confessions

    I'm very tempted by a granade launcher .......Very tempted
    2 points
  10. Allrighty then time to leave that one alone.
    2 points
  11. DEF

    CQB injuries

    First game, fIrst ever day out, I managed to get shot in the mouth and thought the bb had grazed the back of my tongue and bounced out again as there was nothing to spit out apart from a little blood. It wasn't until lunchtime that I decided to have a look in the mirror, as the graze was really annoying. I noticed a tiny little bit of white in the side of my tongue and gave it a little squeeze. Like a big zit, the embedded bb popped out. I still have it and it's in the inside pocket of my fatigues every time I play...
    2 points
  12. TheFull9

    The patch thread

    Brought a few of these in from the states.
    2 points
  13. Hi guys. Hope you are all doing well. First of all, I would like to shout out a massive thank you to all of you on this forum in helping me choose the right gun. I was going to place an order for a gun on justbbguns which I thought would be good until you guys came across and pointed me to the right directions. And thank you "Sitting Duck" for all your efforts. Much appreciated. Aside from Sitting Duck's views, do you guys have any recommended oil, lubricant or any solution for cleaning the gun barrel. I heard that 100% silicone oil works best. If you can also post some links for 'that' solution from eBay on here, I would really appreciate it. Thank You and take care.
    1 point
  14. Monty


    Welcome to the forums!
    1 point
  15. Don't really want to be sticking oil down the barrel, will cause problems with the hop rubber. I take the hop unit off the barrel, remove the rubber, cut up 2-3 strips of jay cloth, put one through the end of the barrel cleaning stick, dip it in white spirit and run it through the barrel repeatedly while twisting. Then take a clean bit of cloth, put that on the stick and then run it through again. Then just put it back together, if the hop rubber is oily then give it a wash in some warm water + washing up liquid.
    1 point
  16. Alcohol wipes do the trick for me. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200pcs-Box-Alcohol-Swabs-Pads-Wipes-Antiseptic-Cleanser-Cleaning-Sterilization-/251900860500?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item3aa6761854
    1 point
  17. Esoterick

    25 kg sacks of bbs

    All joking aside I see using a lot of ammo as almost being a playstyle. It was pretty funny yesterday though when we played a game that was semi auto only and suddenly lots of the players had trouble hitting people. One thing I like doing is filling all my mags up the day before so it feels like you've used even less. The fresh bottle of blasters I opened yesterday is now just under the level of where the label starts
    1 point
  18. Depends. If you're OK with running up and down flights of stairs in the pitch black, getting lost and totally gagglefucked at every corner, doorway and corridor.....then yes. I love it but then I know my way around It's a great site and it IS unique. But it's not for everyone.
    1 point
  19. Lozart

    25 kg sacks of bbs

    I've been using them, pretty good so far. I was going to use an expletive riddled comment in response to the OP but having spunked about 4000 rounds downrange on Sunday with the SAW I can kind of see the point. Of course if it was through an assault rifle then he needs to try aiming.
    1 point
  20. Its a title I never wanted, but took on as no one else wanted to look into them. Which was the same with the guns, chargers, ammo, mags. Everything really Except lunch. They sort out lunch
    1 point
  21. Fatknees

    25 kg sacks of bbs

    Gunfire.pl sell in bulk (blasters) never had a problem with them
    1 point
  22. As for recommendations, any cheap ebay replica will be fine for airsoft. An m88 rep will sell for as little as a tenner
    1 point
  23. The one with built in visor is not ballistic rated though dude so make sure if you do get one to keep proper ballistic eye pro under the visor anyway. And yea you can get covers and just unscre the rails the refit em over the cover.
    1 point
  24. Probably would do but the wife moans about how much I spend a month on airsoft now. If I spent a £150 on bbs it would be nothing compared the solicitors fees after.
    1 point
  25. ImTriggerHappy

    25 kg sacks of bbs

    Spot on I mainly use 40rnd mags and since doing so find I rarely use full auto and pick my shots more. Also set up your gun properly, if you fire 6000rnds then I guess your missing a lot. (a hell of a bloody lot)
    1 point
  26. I guess it depends if it's a saving over buying individually and if you mind having to put the money up front. For me it was getting a bit nasty spending £30 on ammo on days when I wanted to run the LMG.
    1 point
  27. Monty

    25 kg sacks of bbs

    Switch to low caps, changes your play style drastically and in your case, will save you money.
    1 point
  28. I used to use a lot maybe 4000 a day but I'm down to around 800-1000 a day now as I pick my shots rather than spray and pray.
    1 point
  29. MxHaze

    25 kg sacks of bbs

    You know that scene from predator? Were they find out it bleeds?
    1 point
  30. n1ckh

    Airsoft confessions

    I know you do mate but someone else could take it a bit further & that's when I step in Besides, we both know he deserves it most of the time lol
    1 point
  31. I have both the Motorolas and the Baofeng high power radios. The Motorolas are fine unless you want to talk across the length of the site.
    1 point
  32. They are the same in range as all PMR446 radios but the Motorolas are better built than most. Probably a few hundred metres in woodland. OK for teams in a firefight or moving together in a patrol. Its preferable to have a rotary volume knob so you can adjust it in a pouch without being able to see it. The 80 model has this where the 60 doesnt. I have the 80 model and its a nice radio. You dont need all the fancy functions really. They use a Motorola single pin connector and most headsets are available with this connection.
    1 point
  33. Tiger stripes for the fire hawk, not sure if I'm happy or go digi cam with the same colour configuration :/
    1 point
  34. n1ckh

    Airsoft confessions

    I have to 'fess up' to shooting my 15 year old son as he was pissing around & shooting my team mates But being his old man, I can only go so far but my mates could go a bit further, if he deserves a chewing out I don't mind but that's as far as I let people go
    1 point
  35. Mtemprell

    Airsoft confessions

    I once threw my tornado into a group of rentals wasting ammo on the range before a game. Safe to say I had a bounty on my head that game haha.
    1 point
  36. Dannn

    CQB injuries

    Yesterday..Got 2 good forehead welts between my eye pro and hat, awesome shots or lucky and the last game of the day is always real silly cqb within 5 meters sometimes, it was pistols on out team of 2 the other guys had pistols and a shotgun! Got 8 nice welts on my left arm from that, he got me at about 4m 😂
    1 point
  37. One of my common gripes when people say brand new but used grrrrr
    1 point
  38. GiantKiwi

    CQB injuries

    Private game playing in a laser tag arena, someone was using subpar ammunition and his gun got "stuck" in full auto as I was coming round the corner. Received a 3 second burst into my lower face mask, which would've been fine except the subpar bb's shattered and retained enough velocity passing through the mesh to wipe out half the teeth on my lower jaw. £600 dentist bill, which he graciously paid (well if he hadn't i'd probably have broken something of him >.> ) and he owes me pints for life.
    1 point
  39. "Condition: Brand New! Worn Twice" If its been worn twice it isn't bloody brand new then. Also that price is a piss take - http://uktactical.com/p-9113-warrior-ricas-compact-da556-black.aspx
    1 point
  40. proffrink

    Tm glock

    For the stronger green gasses you may need to upgrade your hammer spring simply so that it knocks the valve hard enough to release the gas. Other than that, you're good - it's TM so won't really require any specific upgrades; it's one of the best right out of the box. Other than that, there's nothing bad about it really. The front frame screw tends to go after a while, but you can prolong it by putting epoxy in the gap where it's been formed in the mould. This is about a 15 minute job, doesn't have any effect on the chassis and requires very little skill: http://i1255.photobucket.com/albums/hh623/e-luder/photocopy-3.jpg This thread is the best read regarding TM Glock parts: http://www.airsoftcanada.com/showthread.php?t=140496 If this is you first TM pistol then don't worry about gas escaping when you fill it (try to use a plastic nozzle'd can of gas to refill it to minimise this though) and remember to pull the follower back and fill the magazine with BBs holding it upside down and using a speedloader (this is hard to describe, but basically don't use an adapter and fill it from the top because this is pretty inefficient and will put undue wear on the lip). I can provide you with a picture if you'd like. Edit: Sorry, I should have read that you hadn't picked it up yet. Here's what I'd go through if I were buying it: When you're buying it just check that it cycles correctly (by this I mean that when you pull the slide back and release that it doesn't get caught on anything) and that the magazines hold gas. If they don't hold gas, I'd still buy them but get some money knocked off and use that extra cash to replace the o-rings (not a tough job, and disassembling/lubing the magazines is probably something that you'd want to be doing anyway). If the mags smell like arse then that's because the previous owner has been running propane through them without the applicable silicone oil, and nine times out of ten this means they'll be in awful condition. Other than that, if it works fine then you're good. We could go into taking a look inside to check the internals, but if you don't know what you're looking for in terms of wear then it'd be pointless. You may also wish to make sure that the safety is working (slide the serial tab under the barrel) - if you're into that sort of thing, heh. The only other problem I can think of is a warped/torn hop up bucking/rubber, and this will only reveal itself after a fair bit of usage at ranges of over 10m. It's about a £10 fix though, so not really a worry.
    1 point
  41. BBrotherwood

    Airsoft confessions

    I was the evil bastard sitting in the middle of the path in the pitch black stock still waiting until the enemy almost walks into me and bang killing them at the top of my voice I was amazed when 4 people decided they were dead!
    1 point
  42. GiantKiwi

    Gun picture thread

    Keeping it simple with this, Optic and a foregrip added.
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. Most fans will start at about 50% of their rated voltage they just run slower. On PCs I have used this fact for years to reduce 1300 rpm fans down to the 800 rpm range (nearly inaudible) with fan controls or basic voltage division to 7V from their usual 12V rating. Fans typically come in 12V but Evercool appear to also do 5V ones as well. It is quite easy to work out the run time of a battery. Most batteries come with a size in Amp Hours (or milli amp hours) and if we know how many amps the fan consumes we can work out how many hours it runs. So looking at the 18650 they look to be 2500mah. We also need the spec sheet for the fan which I believe is this one: http://www.evercool.com.tw/categories/global/fan/imges/3010.pdf. The fan consumes 0.08A at 12V (at a lower voltage it will decrease the spin speed and usually power consumption as well). 2500 mah = 2.5A hours Fan is 0.08A 2.5 / 0.8 = 31.25 hours But we aren't going to run it at 12V, we are likely going to run it at 7.4V with 2 batteries. So its probably 12 / 7.4 = 1.62 times longer, so 50 hours per battery. But then if you intend to run 3 batteries off of these you would only get 17 hours out of it.
    1 point
  45. I've very much found that people either love the Mall or just can't stand it. If you take the time to learn your way around it's a great place. They've recently changed the layout and opened up some more routes out of the basement so the spawn camping/funnel of doom should be less pronounced but it's ALWAYS an issue in an enclosed environment like that. Personally I love the place but I can see how it doesn't suit everyone!
    1 point
  46. I mainly play alone. I prefer just getting on and playing and not having to worry about anyone else. Or maybe I am just an antisocial barsteward
    1 point
  47. Lozart

    The patch thread

    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/WARHAMMER-40K-SPACE-WOLVES-PATCH-GAME102-/251276272816?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a813ba4b0 I've bought a few of mine from there (I have a very cool Brotherhood of Steel one they do).
    1 point
  48. 1 point
  49. I work in law and can tell you this is the case, 9/10 burglars want to break in undetected, take the stuff and leave without being caught. If they suspect anyone is coming in or has woken up they will always run rather than face a confrontation as 1) they can be identified (by picture or ID parade) , 2) a home owner is likly to be the living S**T out of them, 3) any tussle between them and the home-owner is likely to leave forensic (DNA or hair etc) traces on the home-owner which can be retrieved and analysed and finally 4) a lot of them are cowards and drug addled weaklings trying to fund a habit so would rather avoid the bother of confrontation. The 1/10 burglars are the ones entering the property with the explicit intent of harming you especially if you get up to nefarious activities and have rubbed someone up the wrong way, you don't necessarily have to steal in order to burgle, being a trespasser and causing GBH or Criminal Damage still counts as a burglary. Either way a burglar entering a home and stealing stuff is just a burglary but actually harming the home owner is aggravated which could add an additional 10 years to the sentence (if the courts were harsh (not that they ever are)).
    1 point
  50. I've recently moved to Hedge end near Southampton/Portsmouth. I'm a member at UCAP, I'm just wondering if there's anybody that lives near me? I would really like to get into a group, Gets a bit boring going on your own and all my mates either have kids or don't like airsoft. Anybody?
    1 point
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