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Unspoken rules in airsoft?


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11 hours ago, Pseudotectonic said:

Like is it generally frowned upon if you get too close to enemy spawn because it is spawn camping?


Should you call hits if your own team shot you?


Does ricochet count as hits?


How do you execute a knife kill, and does it only count if the enemy hasn't noticed you and if you do it , or can you engage a enemy around a corner and try to land a stab as they try to shoot you or is this not allowed?

Yes, it's annoying, borderline cheaty and guaranteed to get people mad at you.


Yes, call all your hits. Most sites I play at have the rule that blue on blue is a hit for both parties.


No, ricochets are not direct hits. Caveat, as others have said, if in doubt, take the hit.


Knife kills? You play airsoft to shoot people and be shot, not creepily tap your rubber Rambo knife on someone. Don't be weird; use your gun 😂 If you do want melee kills though, just my opinion, use something slightly realistic, not a cuddly toy, a rubber chicken or your mum's dildo.


Other unwritten rules. Help other players out, whether they're rentals who haven't been shown how to adjust the hop up, or experienced players having snags. We talk about the airsoft community, so do your part.


Never rub another man's rhubarb by picking up someone's gun or other equipment without asking. Truth is, we're all show offs and want you to see our toys, so ask and you'll generally get a positive response. 


Also, don't be afraid to share equipment if it gets the job done. I'm not a gung-ho banzai charger, but if someone is, here, take my pistol as well. 


Also, everyone goes to play their own type of game. "Push up!", "Be aggressive!" and "Fire and move!" are the airsoft equivalent of "Pass it!" and "Shoot!" in football. We get it. Calling out targets is much more helpful.


Edited by C-Diddy
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12 hours ago, Pseudotectonic said:

Like is it generally frowned upon if you get too close to enemy spawn because it is spawn camping?


Should you call hits if your own team shot you?


Does ricochet count as hits?


How do you execute a knife kill, and does it only count if the enemy hasn't noticed you and if you do it , or can you engage a enemy around a corner and try to land a stab as they try to shoot you or is this not allowed?


Spawn camping is cheap and you wind up people very fast for obvious reasons.


Friendly fire is always a question of site rules just like gaps.


Never played on a site when rico counts but it doesn't make any sense from a gameplay perspective.


Melee should be a gentle tap on the closest body part like wrist shoulder etc. 

Edited by Krisz
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14 hours ago, Pseudotectonic said:

Like is it generally frowned upon if you get too close to enemy spawn because it is spawn camping?


Site dependant, some places the play area can be within the effecitive pew range, but generally yes.


14 hours ago, Pseudotectonic said:

Should you call hits if your own team shot you?


Sites will have their own rule, but the one guaranteed thing to think when this happens is "how do you know its freindly fire?"


14 hours ago, Pseudotectonic said:

Does ricochet count as hits?


Generally a lot of sites say no, but as above you need to be sure it's a ricochet and not someone hitting you from an unexpected angle.


14 hours ago, Pseudotectonic said:

How do you execute a knife kill, and does it only count if the enemy hasn't noticed you and if you do it , or can you engage a enemy around a corner and try to land a stab as they try to shoot you or is this not allowed?


You tap them with your dummy knife and hope they get the memo.

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14 hours ago, MrTea said:

Edit: Forgot the most important one; ALWAYS help your rentals. Balance teams so rentals are even spaced and actually have a chance, not constantly getting demolished by the more experienced players and/or speedsoft lads. They're the lifeblood of this hobby/sport and preventing them from having fun means they'll never come again.


To be honest I don't care much about the other "unspoken rules" as we're all grown up boys and girls, mostly, so common sense should kick in, but the above unwritten rule should be No.1 on the list.


Personally I've been asked by a good marshal, at my local site, to look after a group of young teenage boys who were rentals and I stuck with them and helped them loads (losing game time that I paid for) as I want them to hopefully buy their own RIF's and come back and play in the future.

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If it's not an unspoken rule, it should be:

People who pretend to be dead and then shoot you.
The hit shouldn't count and you should be permitted to shoot them at 30m with a sniper rifle.
In the head. Repeatedly.
I loathe this dishonourable behaviour.

Basically, it means I shoot everyone who walks past me if they're on the opposing team, just to be sure. Which makes me the cnut.
But when I get hit by someone "dead" I still feel that I've been hit, so I should go out.


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2 minutes ago, Skullchewer said:

If they have their hand up they're dead.  

If they shoot me after that, and obviously haven't respawned, well done you're off for an early shower. 

If they're on the other team and don't have their hand in the air they're getting shot. Oh, you're already dead? Sorry, but you should have had your hand up. Your own fault. 

Beat me to it

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2 hours ago, sonofsammo said:

If it's not an unspoken rule, it should be:

People who pretend to be dead and then shoot you.
The hit shouldn't count and you should be permitted to shoot them at 30m with a sniper rifle.
In the head. Repeatedly.
I loathe this dishonourable behaviour.

Basically, it means I shoot everyone who walks past me if they're on the opposing team, just to be sure. Which makes me the cnut.
But when I get hit by someone "dead" I still feel that I've been hit, so I should go out.



2 hours ago, Skullchewer said:

If they have their hand up they're dead.  

If they shoot me after that, and obviously haven't respawned, well done you're off for an early shower. 

If they're on the other team and don't have their hand in the air they're getting shot. Oh, you're already dead? Sorry, but you should have had your hand up. Your own fault. 


2 hours ago, Cannonfodder said:

Beat me to it

Sneaky kills are encouraged in the majority of my rule sets.

I classify two valid forms of ‘non shooting’ kills:


1) Surrender - I get the drop on you and OFFER the opportunity to surrender.  You are not obliged to surrender

If you accept that you would have been shot by me catching you by surprise then you accept and take the kill, if you don’t want to then you can choose to shoot back. If I have sneaked up behind you then I should be able to shoot you first 

(I may or may not have been bluffing with an empty gun)


2) Tag / barrel tag / knife rule. I don’t require a knife/melee weapon.

If I sneak up on you and tap you on the shoulder then I have managed to be able to take a kill, but not opted to shoot up close.

If the rule is live then that’s an enforced kill


But sneaking must not be cheating.

If you walk around with your hand up then drop it you are a cheat


If someone from the opposition or unidentified is wandering around without their hand up then shoot them or challenge them.

If you shoot them then you know for sure

If you challenge an unidentified player and they lie about what side they are on - then they are cheating.
If they tell you they are eliminated then you know they are out


If they ignore you then you know that they are being sneaky so you need to shoot them first 

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One exception, I played a night game, got through the enemy lines via stealth but once I was in their harbour area I proceeded to "bimble" around like I was meant to be there, allowing me to enter their hq, open fire while pirouetting lol 🧚‍♀️, & end the game. 

But yeah, anything else is cheating unless it's specified in the game rules otherwise, kinda "brandenburger" shit etc. 

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2 minutes ago, Tackle said:

One exception, I played a night game, got through the enemy lines via stealth but once I was in their harbour area I proceeded to "bimble" around like I was meant to be there, allowing me to enter their hq, open fire while pirouetting lol 🧚‍♀️, & end the game. 

I played a tunnel game, got through, got into the enemy base …… and because I’m far too cocky attempted to get all the way in until someone on my side turned on a torch which sillouhetted me creeping up against the wall to keep my glow stick out of site —— plus the shape of my Angel wings ——- which was a very good indication that the leader of the angels was sneaking in

I got shot

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21 minutes ago, Tackle said:

One exception, I played a night game, got through the enemy lines via stealth but once I was in their harbour area I proceeded to "bimble" around like I was meant to be there, allowing me to enter their hq, open fire while pirouetting lol 🧚‍♀️, & end the game. 

But yeah, anything else is cheating unless it's specified in the game rules otherwise, kinda "brandenburger" shit etc. 


tis a tricky balance.


on the one hand a well executed sneaky play can be equal parts hilarious and effective, but on the other hand, if we can't trust someone is out when everything about their demeanour is saying so, then that's just gonna invite people to be sure, which whilst fair enough if their hands aren't up is regardless going to illicit salt from those who are genuinely out and just have their hand down.


yes you could argue that not having a hand up is fair game, but even outside of fatigue if you've got some tricky ground/obstacle to maneuver around/over you might need both hands to balance.

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22 hours ago, Pseudotectonic said:


There should be no ‘unwritten rules’

There are so called ‘unwritten rules’ among the regulars of a site.  But if you ask them what they are then they may be surprised about how each player thinks they vary


The rules ought to be the rules and the staff should provide them in the brief 

If in doubt then ask - particularly about sneaky knife kills etc and look around for the groups of players who think they do  and do not apply 

22 hours ago, Pseudotectonic said:


Like is it generally frowned upon if you get too close to enemy spawn because it is spawn camping?

This depends on the rules 

A player that can’t get out of respawn can tend to get grumpy and frown upon it

Its not spawn camping if you arrive at a spawn area then shoot everyone at it 

It would be spawn camping if you are camping upon the spawn.

If the site layout causes a situation where a player can dominate the spawn point then the site need a rule to allow it, disallow it or to have a point under which the spawners are being destroyed and a form of reset or temporary relocation are required




22 hours ago, Pseudotectonic said:


Should you call hits if your own team shot you?

If you’re hit then you’re hit - unless local rules say otherwise (and I would think such a rule is a bad rule unless justified for specific circumstances)

22 hours ago, Pseudotectonic said:


Does ricochet count as hits?

A ricochet is not a hit - unless local rules say otherwise (and I would think such a rule is a bad rule unless justified for specific circumstances)

22 hours ago, Pseudotectonic said:


How do you execute a knife kill,



Depends on local rules - either by contact or saying ‘tag’, ‘knife kill’ etc

It needs to be specified if the rule applies and how it applies


(eg the original barrel tag required contact with a barrel - so sneaky players carried a barrel in their hand, and a sensible barrel tag rule is to require that you are not stabbing with the tip of a barrel or conducting a negligent discharge with a barrel tip pressed into a player)


22 hours ago, Pseudotectonic said:

and does it only count if the enemy hasn't noticed you and if you do it ,

They need to notice that you have tagged / knived them. 
But if they notice you and let you walk right up to them then they deserve to be eliminated 

Local rules apply 


22 hours ago, Pseudotectonic said:

or can you engage a enemy around a corner and try to land a stab as



Sounds very much like blind firing - you need eyes on, such as stepping around the corner - but of course local rules apply 


22 hours ago, Pseudotectonic said:


they try to shoot you or is this not allowed?

This brings us back to my two versions

of surrender and tag - the local rules will apply

If I walk up to you but you shoot me first then that would be a legitimate kill

If I ask you to surrender but you shoot me then you have a legitimate kill - I should have made sure that I could enforce it (or i was bluffing) *

If I comply with tag/knife rules eliminating you and you then shoot me then unless it was in the same moment then you have cheated 


* at one game I was playing with my pistol, I spent too much time chatting and failed to change my co2. My pistol burped and I was ineffective 

Rather than just walk off I made myself a distraction target running directly at the castle - I made it to the castle alive

Sat for a moment deciding what to do, then stood up, leant over the wall, waved my pistol about and asked “Do you guys want to surrender?”

I captured the front wall of the castle

9 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


tis a tricky balance.

The balance is very important on the type of game 


A group of rentals aren’t going to have a good day out if the regulars appear to be ‘ cheating’ 

But an event is on the other side of the spectrum 

9 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


on the one hand a well executed sneaky play can be equal parts hilarious and effective, but on the other hand, if we can't trust someone is out when everything about their demeanour is saying so, then that's just gonna invite people to be sure, which whilst fair enough if their hands aren't up is regardless going to illicit salt from those who are genuinely out and just have their hand down.


9 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


yes you could argue that not having a hand up is fair game



‘Fair game’ is a good description - 

Not ‘fair game’ to rip into players ‘just to be sure’ 

But ‘fair game’ to challenge or shoot one

or a small burst

9 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:




, but even outside of fatigue if you've got some tricky ground/obstacle to maneuver around/over you might need both hands to balance.

Tricky ground (plus ladders etc) should come with common sense - but clear rules should also apply 

Such as - do not shoot players climbing/descending ladders

I like the idea of ‘dead flags’ - they can keep you hands free for obstacles, long walks etc 


A dead flag does not need to be a fancy flag that pulls out of a pouch, but could be a piece of fabric 

Arm band rules can also apply where you remove your armband 

(this won’t work with taped arm bands)

Velcro arm bands can be removed (though a few players will drop them)

I played a couple of events which had paper armbands - part of the scoring system was the number of armbands issued - medics were given a counted number and could therefore heal a set number of players before obtaining more


A site that does not have clear surrender/tag/knife rules can be heading to grumpy disputes 


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Re not having a hand up, I find giving a loud shout of dead man walking helps alot, especially if you're in an area where vegetation is thick or about to walk through a doorway etc 

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7 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

Re not having a hand up, I find giving a loud shout of dead man walking helps alot, especially if you're in an area where vegetation is thick or about to walk through a doorway etc 

“Marshall coming through” is a good phrase to call …… if you’re a Marshall 


I try to remember this as the first person I shot in game was a Marshall - his own fault for walking through bushes


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9 hours ago, Lozart said:

"CIA cuddles"

thats a new one


8 hours ago, Skullchewer said:

If they have their hand up they're dead.  

If they shoot me after that, and obviously haven't respawned, well done you're off for an early shower. 

If they're on the other team and don't have their hand in the air they're getting shot. Oh, you're already dead? Sorry, but you should have had your hand up. Your own fault. 

pretty much this, though i generally refrain from hosing anyone to avoid escalating things too much.  
if i hit someone and they dont take it, then i just keep shooting until they get the hint, or i get shot, then i go to respawn via the nearest marshal to let them know and i encourage other players to also report cheats rather than rage at them. (this happened to me once where i was using my lee enfield. shot a guy several times who kept responding by moving further and further down an earth bank and tried to hide behind a tree. this was witnessed and confirmed by another player, so i just did a "mad minute" and the guy finally took the hint)

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If I am hit and walk off dead, but leave a machine gun in place that's an invite to jump on it and have fun until I return.


If you lend out kit and it gets broken that's something you should be prepared for, within reason obviously. 


Work with the rentals, they are there just for a good time and will be happy to run into a wall of fire over and over again.



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On 24/07/2023 at 08:53, BigStew said:

Except 99% non hit takers are people that just didn't get hit. so some poor sod gets lit up because airporters can't judge distance under understand wind deflection. Like life the rule that should not need to be spoken is don't be a dick. 

This was CQB.  The chap was being hit in the body from 20 feet away by two people and flinching at the hits.  He'd been spoken to by other players, his mates and a marshal already.  


That 1% exists!  

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On 23/07/2023 at 21:45, Pseudotectonic said:

Like is it generally frowned upon if you get too close to enemy spawn because it is spawn camping?


Should you call hits if your own team shot you?


Does ricochet count as hits?


How do you execute a knife kill, and does it only count if the enemy hasn't noticed you and if you do it , or can you engage a enemy around a corner and try to land a stab as they try to shoot you or is this not allowed?


Yes, spawn camping is bad and you shouldn't do it. However, I've done it myself on a few very limited occasions. I will typically only do it if I'm on a team that is getting rolled super super hard, since I can usually sneak around the bulk of the enemy team, and even then only for a time as people will get annoyed by it. In general, spawn camping is bad though and shouldn't be done.


Yes, you should call your hits if your own team hits you. Friendly fire still counts, no matter the situation.


Ricochets depend on the site. I generally don't like it, since I think it can promote bad gameplay in my opinion, however I will take ricochets if the site's rules say that ricochets count, like at Gunman Namsoft events.


For me, knife kills depend on the event. I think for most games, they should be a stealth kill. A gentle tap on the shoulder and a "knife kill" whisper, with the person not then yelling out "hit", instead just walking off quietly. Because stealth kill. I prefer it this way as it stops over-energetic airsofters from running around the site potentially smacking some poor kiddie in the face yelling "melee kill". However, at some events I think it's fine to have melee kills that aren't stealth kills, as long as it's said beforehand. We've done a few private games with the Worthing lot at the UCAP bunker in Portsmouth where melee kills are allowed and it's a good laugh, but it has to be with a LARP safe weapon. Although, I have never used my jiujitsu for melee kills in airsoft and I think it would be frowned upon if I disarmed and threw an airsofter on the ground 😂


And about the other question that seems to have popped up about hit takers, I give them three strikes and they're out. Sometimes they just aren't hit and I think a lot of airsofters overestimate their guns. I've had people yelling "take your hits!" at me, while I'm watching their BBs land 10m in front of me, or they're shooting the wrong part of the bush I'm hiding under because they haven't actually seen me yet but think they have. However, if I hit someone, see it hit them (magnified scopes are great for this) and they don't take it, I'll give them another shot to the torso. If they don't take that one, I give them a Kicking Mustang special in the face. It generally doesn't come down to that as most people take the 2nd hit. Sometimes they just aren't sure it's a hit. Sometimes they think nobody can see them when they get hit, but are convinced when they get hit a 2nd time.


Also, trades happen. I don't think there should be any "yeah, but I hit you first" argument when we're talking about milliseconds. Obviously if the person hit first was hit way before hand, didn't take the hit and then shot back then sure, that's not a trade, but when two people see each other, shoot each other and get hit within milliseconds of each other, both players should call it and walk back to respawn or call for a medic, depending on site rules.

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Unwritten rule no.6, paragraph 3 - it’s just a game.

If you get hit, call it.

If it was a good shot, say so.

If you’re not sure, take the hit anyway.


You will always encounter people who don’t take a hit, whether because they just didn’t feel it (plate carriers etc) or because they’re a dick. You’ll also encounter people who miss, but swear blind they hit you. There’s two sides to every exchange on the field and we’ll all be on both of them.


Also, leave the marshals to deal with issues, no good comes from a confrontation where neither side will budge, you may as well just shout at a wall. Chill out, remove yourself from the situation and go have fun firing BBs at people that play nice.

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Regarding friendly fire, most sites I've been you just take the hit but on my local site you take it initially however if its then quickly established that it was friendly fire then the shooter takes the hit in your place and returns to spawn.

There is an unwritten rule here where regulars shot by rentals and noobs let them off and take the hit anyway gently letting them know by saying something along the lines of, "careful mate that's a team kill but I'm going to take it for you, you crack on".

It's also kind of an unwritten rule that if you've already walked 5 or so meters as a dead man before establishing it's friendly then you just crack on to spawn regardless.

Works well even though it sounds messy and it encourages trigger discipline however it's a small indoor site and I'm not sure it would work so well on a big outdoor site with lots of players where the walk to respawn is lengthy.

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