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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/04/24 in all areas

  1. Tackle


    @JinxDuh made a great point, get together some friends for a private game, maybe a smaller site or only part of your usual site, & whoever can sign the best shadow him 100% for the day. Gives him a good taster & you can judge how he'd cope on a larger scale ?
    3 points
  2. JinxDuh


    My main concern would be the kind of thing where for example a player has lost his eye pro out in the field and everybody is shouting blind man, and he’s still moving around looking to shoot at people because he’s not aware. Also hit calling, sometimes you don’t feel the hit but hear it. Airsofters tend to get annoyed at hits not being called, even if accidentally. If he had for example a plate carrier on and he got hit and didn’t see the bb bounce off of him I would assume he would carry on like nothing had happened. And marshals not being able to communicate with him if an issue was to arise. Obviously it’s a really sad situation, and like above I think everybody should be able to partake in the hobby regardless - It might be worth (as again stated above) doing a smaller private game with him so it’s easier on the staff to keep an eye and with people that are understanding of the situation as to not soil his experience.
    3 points
  3. Tommikka

    Paint jobs

    DEVGRU, AKA SEAL team 6 Mask or remove moving parts, lightly spray in layers, and make some rough patterns. Avoid too fancy factory type professional camouflage prints and go for a field expedient look … Like this …. https://youtu.be/wAeSKtluE-c?si=YozfS8ntxNmoPQlx
    3 points
  4. This. As much as I dislike the whole trial by social media and cancel culture bollocks, if someone is regularly being a cunt they need to be called out over it. Otherwise they'll just carry on and it gives the impression that sort of behaviour is ok
    3 points
  5. Tackle


    Hardly a question, you started a factual thread regarding an incident, one of many allegedly ?, & the outcome actions by the site, of which pretty much everyone here agreed was the right outcome. What you did ask was essentially "is any part of this discrimination ?", which I think we're all agreed on it wasn't, given the information provided & further background info gleaned regarding the sites other events designed to show inclusiveness of all disabilities, which should be applauded. Thing is, regarding a witch hunt ?, this is a public community forum, used by players & site organisers alike, all of whom it could be argued have a right to know if there's a potential timebomb stood next to them in the safety briefing, someone who could possibly harm them, or himself, if triggered. I'd call that a form of discrimination if that information was denied to the community, especially site owners, just to "protect" some pita bellend who's playing the wrong game, yes I get it he has a "disability", but if he knowingly exploits that to justify his poor & potentially dangerous behaviour, he's a pos that shouldn't be on any airsoft site, & he casts a dark shadow over everyone else who has a disability, of any kind, but can play without causing a shitstorm.
    3 points
  6. Lozart

    Upgrading my first AEG

    Ok, so for me, yes I would say go for a programmable mosfet (I personally prefer the Aster because I have the app on my phone and I can program it and get diagnostics without having to remember how many times I flicked the selector and what colour light means what). Consistency shot to shot is your friend when looking to improve performance at range so things like making sure you have a good airseal are more important than a shiny piston, as long as your compression parts are working well enough. My personal route would be: check your piston/cylinder airseal - take it out, put your finger over the cylinder head outlet and try to compress the cylinder. If it stops solid or at least gives you a good amount of resistance then it's fine, leave it alone. If it offers little to no resistance, it's garbage, change it out. https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/pistons-heads/xt-v2-v3-cylinder-piston-head-pom https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/pistons/xt-14-tooth-piston-blue https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/cylinders/zci-stainless-steel-cylinder-4-5 or https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/cylinders/xt-cylinder-anti-heat-4-5 IF your cylinder is damaged or not the right vent positioning https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/nozzles/xt-m4-nozzle-aluminium better nozzle with an airseal o-ring CLEAN the inside of the gearbox and your existing gears refit and shim the gears properly to reduce friction/slop LUBRICATE your gearbox properly - ie not excessive amounts of grease, use the right sort of grease (Abbey LT2 for the mating surfaces of the gears, applied with a small paintbrush). Don't overdo it, any optical MOSFET will throw a hissy fit if you get grease on the sensors. Make sure to lightly lube the rubber sealing parts (piston head o-ring, nozzle o-ring) with silicone grease. Set up your mosfet of choice with a bit of precocking if you want to but make sure any settings you make are appropriate for the motor/gear combination you have. Unless you want absolute hair trigger response, 13:1 or 12:1 gears are not always necessary and can lead to pre-engagement issues. Better hop rubber and nub - the Maple Leaf combo mentioned above is pretty much the easiest route right now but be aware that the ML rubbers have quite long feed lips so bear that in mind if you start to get feeding issues. the new XT inner barrels are VERY good there is a particularly good deal on the 6.00mm ones at the minute https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/inner-barrels/xt-inner-barrel-aeg-600mm Use (and I cannot stress this enough) DECENT ammo. I wouldn't necessarily say you need a super duper CNC hop unit but to say don't would be hypocritical of me (I have a few Maxx units and I'm looking at the Silent Industries Alpha one for a build too), but I have had perfectly good results from bog standard plastic hop units when paired with a good barrel and rubber. I would ABSOLUTELY recommend the XT motor over the Nuprol one https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/motors-parts/xt-high-torque-motor-22tpa-long-fan (mostly because he seems to be out of brushless ones for the minute). Alternatively you could look at the ASG Infinity CNC motors https://www.zerooneairsoft.com/products/ASG-Ultimate-Infinity-Motor-with-Long-Shaft-U-30000 Don't get caught up by the reddit and Faceache "experts" telling you that you have to short stroke/DSG/HPA the fuck out of everything and it all has to be made from CNC'd aircraft grade billet. Hope this helps.
    3 points
  7. Surely that should be V.A.T.S. included?
    3 points
  8. Written brief etc and someone with him I'd say. You can worry to much too. He's survived to 34 without being able to hear warning shouts etc. Appropriate dress to feel hits, a companion and very importantly, 'we have a deaf player today. He has as much right to enjoy the day as the rest of us, so help him by waving your hand clearly as well as calling hit. If you don't, don't cry to us if you're overshot,' during briefing. You could compile a notebook of obvious phrases, or pics to use and hand them to the marshals. Get everyone to draw a thumb across the throat for 'you're dead' use military hand signals between the two of you. On a similar note; a lass who worked in a local pub was a sign interpreter. She used to teach us to order ale in sign. It taught us quite a vocabulary (think daft real ale names). It was pretty easy too when used for something that you understood and needed to do. It was fun too, pissed blokes miming 'three pints of Old Cripple Cock, please love.' I used to be able to sign most of the alphabet for words that I didn't know. I've forgotten all of it over the last 20 years, but we all could know a bit I think. I expect that there's a few online courses about. Just a few ideas, I expect that some will be well wide of the individual mark, not knowing the chap. Players will forget and get it wrong around him, but they do already with the hearing, and that doesn't stop us. Hope you and his mates can sort something out and enjoy the day together.
    2 points
  9. That’s quite an upsetting situation for you and him to be in sadly. I do understand why a site would be reticent to allow him to play however I also believe that he should be given to opportunity to go. Perhaps you could speak the site and they might be willing to arrange a limited skirmish with people that will work at his pace or understanding? Just an idea really but I do think everyone should be able to enjoy the game but also safely for everyone else.
    2 points
  10. I swear I started a similar thread a while ago with the intent to post all maps I find..... But yeah, it doesn't need to be a work of art or even anything beyond simple line drawing with basic features and names. First time (awhile ago now) at a new site (ambush Botley) and they start talking about locations "yeah, but where is it?" - oh just follow someone.... By lunch we had a conversation with owner about it, we had done a very rough sketch of the rest of the afternoon by the end of the day, someone had found a dnd map maker and boom, a usable map was born. The Gaol do theirs very well, with the "long game" locations, timings and scoring options all listed. Shout out to Justin as it hits 10Years in May. CS used to hand a copy to all site first timers. Many smaller sites might not need to bother, Red1 chiselhurst for example is compact enough to have have its areas clear and easy to navigate. As is mentioned already, it doesn't need much. For me, the effort of getting a map either on website or handed on game day speaks volumes about the sites level of welcome to new to site visitors. Excluding of course the smaller sites that don't need to...
    2 points
  11. JinxDuh

    B&T Sling Mount

    It's close, but the B&T one is in the middle. Yeah, I'm aware they have them but it's a bit much imho once shipping and fees are added! Got a few of those knocking about, the Bundeswehr G36KA4 has a specific rail mount for their A4 rail and because I want to be as clone correct as possible, I may have to suck it up and get the proper thing 😂
    2 points
  12. Please don't start throwing names out. No its not this person you speak of, don't know them. I don't want this thread to turn into a witch hunt. It was a genuine question about whats going on.
    2 points
  13. Tackle


    The more I read, this guy sounds like an absolute nightmare. Feels like he needs to join the ranks of licking cumstain & be banned almost everywhere.
    2 points
  14. Lozart

    Paint jobs

    Angle grinder. That'll work. I'm with you on the factory fresh look. Ignore the haters, BLACK GUNS MATTER!!!!!!
    2 points
  15. My favorite little unknown shop. 😁 Tiny little unit in the arse end of nowhere and I love it. He's got a LOT of stuff in, mostly nato with a smattering of weird and wonderful. Oh and some really cool bikes (his other business is repairing and servicing bikes). So some dpm trousers and a gsxr1100 may take some explanation to the Mrs ...😂 Went down yesterday and as always he was happy to let me n the boys just go nuts. 😂
    2 points
  16. Aware of voltage not effecting the fps just answering the chaps question about battery specs. Yeah changing the barrel as it's just so long and want a cleaner finish with the suppressor coming out the rail unit. Thanks again friend
    2 points
  17. I'm a member of a couple of bike forums and angling forums. Christ alive they're dull. I got slated for sending a vid of me wheelieing the bloody bike, as well as advice such as, 'it's powerful enough as it is.' Two wheeled corpses I tell you. The angling one's livelier...
    2 points
  18. Just watching a shifty looking geezer in the library searching intently through ths 'S' section of the dictionary, he's stopped now. I think he's up to something.
    2 points
  19. hitmanNo2


    Beneficial to everyone I think. The number of times you step into the game zone and someone turns to you and asks, "what are we doing?" or "where are we going?" Which was literally just explained to everyone 60 seconds ago.
    1 point
  20. Leo Greer


    It's a tough situation to be sure, but I think the best answer is to give him a 100% shadow as Tackle suggests. When the shadow is hit, he has to be out as well, and if he's hit, the shadow is out. I can only imagine how quickly it could go wrong without the ability to communicate. A number of folks at my local site bring along their kids between the ages of 6 and 10, and this is probably a similar situation due to the communication difficulties. Basically, I think you'd need someone to take responsibility for him at all times. The additional difficulty is, of course, your own limited sign language vocabulary, which would likely need to be rectified with written site rules and explanations. It's hard, but I wish you good luck! I think almost everyone should be able to enjoy airsoft safely, and this is a barrier that can be overcome.
    1 point
  21. JinxDuh


    It would also help the site owner/staff I feel too, if they see it is possible and can run smoothly then it’ll be more likely open the door for other people with similar situations.
    1 point
  22. Finally got round to finishing my g26 slide. Works beautifully
    1 point
  23. I had the Krytac crb trident 2 as my first gun bought it used, it had an upgraded hop rubber and barrel other than that it was standard It was picky with aftermarket magazines, but shot flawlessly If I was starting out, with your budget (and a Ukara to avoid two toning an expensive pew) Id be looking at Tokyo Marui models As they need nothing done until you break them, which if left standard and untampered with, never happens 🤞
    1 point
  24. Nick G

    WE L85A2 Parts

    Here you go, the screws shown are M4 x 8mm You will probably want countersunk head ones. They are not screwd fully home in the pics and there is plenty of space if they end up protruding slightly. I suspect the stock ones are 5mm long, or even 4mm.
    1 point
  25. Madhouse

    "Custom paintjob"

    Personally, I'm like you and my pews are the same colours that they & their parts came in. Yes, there are plenty of examples of the custom paint job being one that was done to hide a pews two-tone origins and these are usually of a certain, somewhat poor quality. But then there are other examples where the pew is an expression of the owners personality or painted up because black isn't exactly camouflaged in the woods, there are some really nice paint jobs out there that would make me think twice about painting mine. That said, I have nowhere near the skill set to do a decent job and it'd end up looking worse than terrible so I'll just stick with black.
    1 point
  26. ak2m4

    Upgrading my first AEG

    As @Lozart mentioned, I think your CORE model has a 460mm inner barrel as standard, presuming a full cylinder? (you'll need to check). If you move to something around 360mm then something like a 4/5 cylinder would be better. I just received a new stock of Outer Barrel parts, not sure how much the Laylax set is?
    1 point
  27. Speedbird_666

    Paint jobs

    A long soak in Isopropyl Alcohol should help get rid of a lot of the paint. Shouldn't harm the plastic. My son's ebay-bought used Warhammer models have been left to soak for days with no ill effects. Back in the day - Fairy Power spray was awesome for removing krylon. Then they changed the recipe...😒 But that MP5 looks cool painted as-is. Black guns are boring anyway....
    1 point
  28. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop springfield 1911 loaded kj gbb airsoft deep marking cerakote silver two tone grip stainless steel grip screw detail fix
    1 point
  29. JimFromHorsham

    Paint jobs

    I wouldn’t advise soaking as such just incase the chinesium anodising goes funny , for odd shapes and awkward pieces I simply use an old tooth brush to work it in then rinse and repeat .
    1 point
  30. Lozart

    Upgrading my first AEG

    https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/pistons/xt-14-tooth-piston-blue That's my go-to piston these days. What is driving your decision making process on the parts you've mentioned? As for "will it all work well together" - only if it's put together well. This is going to sound harsh but you can't just throw shiny bits at a problem and expect it to be awesome. If you get cheaper parts and put them together well they can work as well if not better than all the shiny gizmos if they're just thrown together. You're changing A LOT in one go so expect to have some teething issues, especially as this is your first attempt at DIY tuning.
    1 point
  31. Yarp, £250 for a £190 gun (plus some stuff you probably already own) is beyond wildly optimistic. However, I think the most egregious sin is that half the beige two-tone has been blue two-toned. 🤢
    1 point
  32. Well, you got the patch that really counts. Shows you've contributed to the site's upkeep, which makes you one of the cool kids. If the 'real' one ever shows up, bonus.
    1 point
  33. JinxDuh

    WE L85A2 Parts

    Unable to take a picture of the pew because I can’t work out how to get the launcher off yet - but it’s part #150
    1 point
  34. Colin Allen

    Upgrading my first AEG

    I would ditch your suggested hop rubber and barrel and replace them with a 50 degree Maple Leaf Macaron with a red nub from AK2M4 and one of his XT barrels as well. I would also replace the Aster with a Perun Hybrid.
    1 point
  35. Nuprol "High Torque" Motor is definitely not high torque, it says it can only handle m110 which is something a low torque motor does. For the same money I'd get a Chihai 22 or 28 TPA motor from aliexpress. I would say no need to replace inner barrel, outer barrel, and hop chamber, because there is not much improvement you will get (these parts either work, or don't, there is little to gain), but will most likely get compatibility issues. A 13:1 gear should be drop in and play, you don't need to remove any teeth (aka short stroking). Personally I would prefer Perun hybrid with the Perun clicker (great fun) than a hair trigger with Aster. But this is personal opinion.
    1 point
  36. That is also possible but, if it is going nearly all the way back, it is more likely that the motor and/or the battery is not powerful enough. I realise that your question was not aimed at me; however, my answer would be that I have seen exactly that happen.
    1 point
  37. I'm not sure. The post was made at the start of the easter holiday and we all know how the number of stupid posts always goes up when the schools are out
    1 point
  38. I like my VFC MPX AEG but I've never been a fan of the fat handguard. So off to the secret underground lair and I knocked up a version I prefer.
    1 point
  39. This has got to be a trolling post. It has to be... it can't be anything else... *looks at kicking mustang's insta* It has to be... right?
    1 point
  40. BigStew

    Marui G36c+

    People keep saying that, but what exactly is a massive innovation that another company has made? Everything is still fundamentally based on TM designs. I notice no one has cloned a Recoil other than the AA12.
    1 point
  41. Since when have you needed a defense/UKARA to buy magazines? Edit: https://airsoftdirect.uk.com/product/g-g-airsoft-g-g-120-mid-capacity-magazine-box-of-5-black-gr16-m4-with-420-round-speed-loader/
    1 point
  42. Cannonfodder

    Marui G36c+

    Not sure I like the look of that ris rail for optics. Imo the older style carry handle rail added to the overall aesthetics
    1 point
  43. I have a few different shore rating spacers on their way to me and I’ll give them a go. I read up on the silicone mod and it sounds a bit fiddly but can be tuned to suit the build and customised. Just rebuilt the gear box with a full tooth sector and M105 spring - might be running a little quieter and an extra beep of pre-cocking it is still very snappy. Still need to check FPS but that is a bit of a PITA and I need to take it apart again for the buffer pad 😂
    1 point
  44. SheriffHD


    Okay, so controversial topic. I'm assuming this persons disability is something like ASC (not allowed refer to it as a spectrum now, which in itself is silly as there's a clear difference between functioning and non functioning imho) Anywho, the biggest disservice believe it or not for those with ASC that you can do, is to treat them any different than regular folk. (Applies to what we would call functioning ones) So, this person had to be shown that what they did was wrong and banning them because of their actions puts people at risk is fair and reasonable. It's not discrimination to do. In terms of other disabilities - well, last year at driver wood there was a guy in a wheel chair (running) an LMG and other than the poor bastard getting overshot because he cant both keep hand in the air and wheel himself back to spawn. Airsofters will generally accept every one due to one simple reason. Don't matter what you look like, what you believe in, or what's wrong with you.....we will happily shoot you without hesitation.
    1 point
  45. Last game at Red Alert (Newbury), pics courtesy of Dan
    1 point
  46. Yup, we do that, and they HAVE to go on the upper arm. No plate carriers or ankles or anything like that. One rule for everyone.
    1 point
  47. Had a very long but enjoyable day at Special Ops' new CQB site. Day started off a bit pooh though with me arriving without my battery bag. So had to rag it home in the car to get back in time for the briefing. I lost track of the number of games we played, but numbers started off with around 20 players. This dropped off significantly at lunch time; then again at 4pm there was only 9, then at 5 ish there were only 4 of us. Game of the day fro me was the VIP games where teams took it in turns to get the drunk VIP from the pub to the car at the opposite end of the building. Lots of close calls and last minute reprieves for both sides to be had. Then we had various rolling retreats, TDMs and "Get to the Choppa" games. Once the numbers were down to single figures we had the pyramid game where each player on a team was given a number; which resulted in said numbers being the rotation of the players in the game. At the start player 1s would be 1v1, then when that player died, they'd get player two for their side and so on. 5th kill was the end. This was a great game as the sides were very evenly balanced with a speedy boi softer on each side, a youngling/first timer, an experienced slower player and someone in the middle. The twist was that the game was played 4 times and they rotated the numbers around so every player got a chance to be 1v1. When it was just the 4 of us left; I was the more experienced, and physically much bigger player. There was a 14 year kid who was tiny, but turned out to be a deadly shot with his Glock which he was using for most of the day. There was an American teenager on his first time and an older teenager who is a regular at the outdoor site. This American dude got a tooth shot out in the morning in a freak incident with his full face mask, but he got back in the game and seemed to enjoy himself. We had a blast of "winner stays on", 2v2, and a fun game where I was a guard patrolling the centre of the game area on a fixed path whilst the remaining younglings had to sneaky sneaky around to get to the bank to retrieve the gold. Little buggers were lucky that when they made a dash for it, one of the marshalls was in the way LOL. Get to the Choppa was an unmitigated disaster for our team as the opposition had Thomas - the notorious Special Ops runner - and twice in a row they won the game in less than a minute with barely a shot fired. In my defence, I nearly got them on their approach, but my pistol mag had decided (unbeknownst to me) vent itself and pulling the trigger resulted in sweet feck all. Due to my size I tended to stick out past walls and couldn't always duck low enough for cover. As a result, I was domed more times than I can remember. I also managed to get a BB up my nose. Which I didn't notice until talking to a player at respawn and it rolled out mid sentence, much to his humour and my surprise. Comedy moment of the day also fell to me as I snuck up behind someone in the Bank and stood there with my pistol pointed at him for a good 20 seconds deciding where to shoot him - which in the end was the back of his helmet. The overseeing marshall and I exchanged a knowing glance. 😎 Its a great venue. I think 30 players is the practical limit before overcrowding and bottlenecking becomes an issue. Ironically as the numbers dwindled the day got more fun. Not because of the players, but Carlos and the marshals adapted the games to match the players. I have never run pistols as much as I had today. The Specna is still having troubles, so I needed up with my Double Eagle as rifle of choice, one of my WE glocks isn't cycling properly; but fortunately I had a spare (of course) and the Boy's TM Glock also served me very well. I managed to get all my mags leak free so was well stocked with 6. Also the Double Eagle was throwing out .2s bang on 349FPS, and won me a few lovely kills, one of which was the 14 year old whose eye level was the same as the partially opened window of the delivery van - I got him from the far end of the building under the tail of the Choppa. The day was certainly better than I expected - as a Woodland player mainly - and getting game play from 10am to 6pm (including a lunch break) was great. Now i am resisting the urge to buy a better pistol and a tracer unit. My face and legs however look like a dot to dot picture, and the guy behind the counter of my local shop wondered what had happened. Hopefully they will go down before the big family Easter Dinner tomorrow LOL.
    1 point
  48. Got to have a price, them's the rules. If you have no idea what it's worth (or what you'd realistically sell it for) then post in the Appraisals section. (And a pic of the RIF, with your username and the date written on a bit of paper next to it, would help people feel a bit more confident you're not one of them 'orrible oiks running a scam - seeing as you've got zero feedback at the moment)
    1 point
  49. Kortx

    Upgraded LCT PKP


    • For sale
    • Used

    Selling of my PKP just due to it not being used and wanting to fund other hobbies. I've had the gun for the better part of 6 years as I got this when they first released with this being serial number 94 it was part of the first batch LCT made. Since I've had it the gun has been used a fair bit but I have always looked after it and not let it rust. Last year I put this in to KOA for some upgrades and spent the better part of £500 on it. It now has- Warhead brushless motor Gate Warfet New micro switch Gearbox machined out to use 9mm bushes SHS Steel gearset Modify Quantum Titanium tooth piston Laylax tappet plate Prommy purple hop rubber Magazine+Gun rewired Since these bits have gone in to the gun it has only been used once as I have moved over to using gas guns more than my big support weapons. Looking for £1000 I am open to sensible offer and am happy to post it anywhere in the UK for £10 postage due to the gun weighing about 11kg.


    1 point
  50. She has just joined the site, @sofieb Everyone say hi. 😁
    1 point
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