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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/10/23 in all areas

  1. Oh I am sure the financial numbers are miles out - I was comparing to the other Channel where I know he is supporting his family from his YouTube income despite much smaller subs - although I forgot to mention he does live streams with extra Superchat revenue too. I assume too that his missus also has at least part time work. According to Social Blade, I get between £3 and £41 a year - which i can assure you is a massive over exaggeration. At least we are all united under the opinion he is a hateful POS doing the hobby more harm than good. 😁
    4 points
  2. 1x Leupold LTO Tracker 2 HD thermal imager for the team; 1x 2002 Land Rover Discovery II Definitely an airsoft purchase
    4 points
  3. Dan Robinson

    in a dilemma.

    I wish someone told me this advice when I was his age:
    4 points
  4. 3 points
  5. Did the Halloween game at Gunman Tuddenham this weekend, it was a night game and wow, I don't think I have ever seen a company put more effort into an event, let alone for just a 3 hour event. Around 70 players on site for it. They had: A pre game story A pre game video An aliens style egg/nest room Multiple alien face huggers 2 Fully dressed up, masked up Predators with appriate props, spears, skulls and spinal cords etc 2 Fully dressed up Xenomorphs A small (5 people I think) crew of space marines, with pulse rifles, those mounted machine guns things (not sure their real name), armour helmets, light over the shoulder etc. Also they shouted out appropriate lines from the movies as they got stuck into contacts. A set piece including the space marines unwelding a door with props A Predator hide/ritual room with "skinned" victims outside. Pretty darn good hit taking for a night game. Multiple prop signs Appropriate sound effects based on whether it was alien or predator. Custom software interface to get mission objects (which failed on the night, but the effort!) A motion sensor scanner prop And during all of this they wove in 4 Objective based games which were thoroughly enjoyable all on their own. I'd strongly recommend checking out gunmans instagram to see images of what they did.
    3 points
  6. The one piece of advice my father gave me about women is…… “the only one you regret asking is the one you didn’t ask out!” I’m paraphrasing that slightly, as I’m pretty sure he meant shagging and not asking out 😉 Bitd I was quite an insecure, nervous and shy lad I ended up with the prom Queen, quite obviously punching above my weight. RPReplay_Final1698657367.mov
    3 points
  7. Dan Robinson

    in a dilemma.

    Pretty sure that's where I bought my Auto 99 when we were there last christmas. I've just extended my stay this year so hopefully will have some time to go back. He's had another one since then LOL
    3 points
  8. Loaded up my Plat Peacekeeper with 8 magazines, some Mk5’s and a speedloader - once I’d tightened up the straps (lost some weight) it sat really comfortably at didn’t slide around at all. Definitely worth the money and I’d happily recommend one to anybody. Was achieving first time hits with the A1 out to about 60m, and with a bit of elevation even some out to 75m. Really happy with the rifle, but having a 16” barrel it’s not ideal for CQB. I could just take the barrel extension off .. or sell the MK18 and replace with an MP5? 😂 Was thinking of building a battle belt for a couple of extra rifle magazine etc, but the one I’ve got just didn’t sit well with the chest rig so I’ll probably sack that plan off.
    3 points
  9. Real world drills often fail when faced with a 14 year old with an ARP9 and a drum mag .
    3 points
  10. Tom251

    DCA top tier Cyma MP5


    • For sale
    • Used

    Here is my awesome Cyma MP5 Blue edition heavily upgraded by DCA with Titan MOSFET. It comes with all the stick mags in the picture and one Lipo. It’s a beast! including MLok rail and red dot, also you can see the front and rear sights have been removed the way SO19 did years ago to ensure better sight picture and cheek weld when firing. Folding UMP stock comes with it but I also have a J Stock to include with the package. Overall, I’ve used this a couple of times on the field and it is a laser. The internal upgrades from DCA make it such a beast on the field. I just don’t get the use it deserves. I payed 1k for it from DCA but I’m not expecting that back for it now. My asking price is 800 but open to offers as I’ve removed the Midwest rail and put that on my GBB MP5.


    South Cerney, Gloucester - GB

    2 points
  11. Makes you wonder why phoenix, & the very few others that allow him on site, still do so ?. His crap is well documented, as is the large scale site ban, I would think most of his YouTube following are initially noobs that don't know better & as their experience & community knowledge grows they mostly soon give up watching his shite (only to be replaced by the next wave of naive noobs, akuna mattata😜) I would imagine that knowing he's a regular at any site is likely to deter more players than it attracts, yet still they entertain his presence ?.
    2 points
  12. Absolutely right. To me, airsoft is about a bunch of (mostly) grown-ups playing dress-up and running around like toddlers on tartrazine, shooting each other and having a bloody good laugh at ourselves. I like seeing new players at site get bitten by the bug, learning off the experienced heads, showing off guns and gear, and generally being huge nerds. I don't see us as any different to model railway enthusiasts, stamp collectors or any other hobby that has a passionate, niche following. Boasting about hurting people, especially "noobs," generating drama where there is none or generally just being an obnoxious tit does nothing to take the hobby forward.
    2 points
  13. I said what I said, although in your defence, I walked it there in the morning and then only as far as adbridge on the way back as I said fuck this, and called a cab....
    2 points
  14. X4 IKEA pegboard and a shelf to create my armoruy display. Happy either how it turned out
    2 points
  15. We’ve spoken about my thoughts on the VFC MP7 ad nauseum, but I think it’s a couple of things. As winter comes along the GBB’s get stashed away, but it’s also possibly that life’s a bit more cash at the moment. If you have multiple guns, but things are a bit tight do you sell the AEG which can be used all year around, or the GBB which isn’t as effective for 1/3 year. You’ll prise my MP7 from my old arthritic hands before I sell it though!
    2 points
  16. Lozart

    Royal Marine KS1

    You could also have a look at the G&G KAC licenced SR16 https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/g-and-g-armament-knights-armament-sr15-e3-mod2-carbine-m-lok
    2 points
  17. I won't lie, I was waiting for this. Thanks for not letting me down chaps!
    2 points
  18. Egon_247

    What have you made?

    Oddly, I've just gone the other way with my SD. Boy wanted a collapsible stock on his mp5, so we swapped. But if a faff getting the wires to the front but a couple of deans plugs and it's reversible. 👍 Ignore the scope, we were having a giggle about the range of it, so I stuck a scope on it 😁😂
    2 points
  19. I agree 1000%, was actually thinking to myself yesterday, does he actually enjoy playing anymore, did the revenue generation change HIM, OR was he an absolute thundercunt before he started playing ?. Pretty sure he didn't set out to be the most hated figure in airsoft, But here he is smashing it lol
    2 points
  20. The thing is, he may be scraping a living from it, but he doesn't seem happy about it. Having to constantly generate more and more drama by travelling further and further to fewer and fewer sites doesn't seem like a winning strategy. If he wasn't giving such a piss poor impression of the hobby, I'd almost pity him.
    2 points
  21. Great day at Combat Airsoft Thetford today, was meant to be a battlesim but low numbers meant they changed it to a skirmish day. We felt the day ran really well, with far fewer stalemates and choke points than usual due to the low numbers. It was also great to see loads of rental players, especially quite a few who were airsofting for the first time. Finally got to field my NGRS A1 build as well which I’m really happy with 😁
    2 points
  22. The strength of that balcony shows the true quality of British building. Nearly 8000 men assembled on it during that raid!
    2 points
  23. mightyjebus

    What have you made?

    I like it when a plan comes together...finished results
    2 points
  24. I’ve owned a few airsoft guns over the years (M4, Glock 17, Sig P226), all being two-tones used for garden plinking. Either way, i should be attending my first airsoft game for the first time in a few weeks or so. I’ve got a real basic taste in firearms. I love Glocks, AR-pattern rifles and AK-pattern rifles. If it’s permissible, my dress style will be closer to militiaman than soldier or anything like that. So hi.
    1 point
  25. Bloody hell that sounds familiar. I started off at electrowerkz in 2004 for a couple of years before playing at Ft Amherst till CAGE stopped running games there. Anyway, back on topic. I've been eyeing up a MP7 for a while but sods law keeps getting in the way and something else comes up when one becomes available. Hopefully I can pick one up in the new year as I've started doing more cqb in the past 12 months
    1 point
  26. Thanks mate, I’m still on the fun side of old so there’s a few more summers in me yet. I’ll just keep it until I can’t play anymore (or pintle mount it to my zimmer frame) I did the maths recently, it’s nearly 20 years since we started!
    1 point
  27. LOL, I still see you as the relatively young guy when we first started playing together, I forget it's not just me that's got old & fooked🤣
    1 point
  28. He mostly only plays the same few sites that let him in (Phoenix is one I think). Doesn't matter where he plays really, as long as he can generate enough footage to convert into click bait then he's fine. He's always been quite open about how little of a shit he gives about airsoft as a whole. I did see him pop up in a couple of Savage Actual videos on YT about one of the big milsims but I think that even they got the arse with him talking a good fight but not really being there for the game so much as the chance to get some clicks.
    1 point
  29. I'm going to write a book about all the things I should've done with my life It'll be my oughtabiography
    1 point
  30. Sorry, the phone was doing odd things. I'll see if I can swap them over. 😂 Edit: that's better. 😂😂 I have a G3 that I'm slowly turning into a beastie too. Still overspinnininning but hey, I'll get it sorted.
    1 point
  31. @Egon_247 ... Australian, by any chance? Or are you just intent on making my neck hurt? I do love MP5's, gotta get me one some day. Or an HK53.
    1 point
  32. Awesome day Saturday at Driver Wood. My first full day, as i usually can only get away with mornings - but this time i got a pass from the wife as the rest of the family were out all day.... And what a difference that made to my game play. Rather than frantically rushing about in order to maximise my game play due to only having a few hours, i was able to slow things right down, and be a little more thinking. My usual 2:1 ratio of hitting enemy/being hit that i have been averaging, shot up to maybe 5:1. Goes to show just how much performance is affected by your mental state I think. There was also a few less players than normal (circa 25 per team), which i think helps my play style. First game i opted to run my L96 and Mk23, with just a slightly enhanced el cheapo chinese leaf jacket chucked on over to top of the faithful tiger stripe. Probably the first truly satisfying game I've had running as a sniper actually, and certainly the first where the L96 hits outweighed the hits i got with the Mk23 - I so often find the rifle ends up being a rather heavy decorative piece! Only downer was stacking it into a flooded drainage ditch, and snapping the suppressor off the holstered Mk23 when i stabbed it into the mud. Currently 3d printing a replacement to trial... Second game i ran the XM177, then for the two games in the afternoon, the DMR'd SR25 with WE Glock 19 as sidearm. Cracking games, fast paced, and the newly cleared patched of woodland at Driver Wood really played to the SR25s strengths - meaning that the MED disadvantage didn't outweigh the advantage of having slightly greater range . Still managed to get a few heroic charges into buildings and helicopters with the Glock though. All in, a great days airsofting, and despite almost always turning up to these days on my own, it turned out to be super sociable, chatting with some great guys over the day.
    1 point
  33. I was pondering those. My fingers are too thick to hold them down whilst filling too.
    1 point
  34. Mad dog 49

    Ics mars 3

    I sold a CXP Mars recently, the non-sss version, had similar upgrades but also a new cylinder and piston head in there as well, it was barely used and it went for £300, but that was mates rates and it had always suffered from mid-cap syndrome.
    1 point
  35. Herrgh

    in a dilemma.

    @son of dan Date idea - take your lady friend to 41px, floor B1, TamTam Hobby building in Akiba. It's north of the station. They've got a wicked shooting range there and they'll let you (and her) test fire anything they've got on display (which seems to be every airsoft gun in existence I think). I shot my first GBBR there and was immediately smitten. Then I saw the hairdryer to warm the mags back up...
    1 point
  36. It's all practice for the Zombie apocalypse.
    1 point
  37. Well, as an ex mil I can safely say I can burn an egg better than any of you wanka's. ACC (TA) 1989-1993, join the army & see the world... furthest I ever got was my basic training at Woolwich (was attached to the RA).
    1 point
  38. Exactly; a 14 year old with an ARP and a drum mag. That is why I prefer sites that are semi only or have an MED for full auto.
    1 point
  39. Definitely, I tend to cross-reference a selection of vids from a broad spectrum of producers, as well as looking for old skool written reviews, which unfortunately are getting few & far between these days, & finally even the likes of amazon type reviews just to be sure. Even then you may end up with a bit of kit that works for someone else but doesn't suit you, but at least you can say you tried, instead of relying on the opinion of a paid tosspot or a 12yo "operator" 🤣 Ain't that the truth, I was infantry, trained hard like mofo, but did nothing of note outside of the UK & Germany, so you'll never hear me claiming to be a war hero, but first time I attended a paintball event as a civvy didn't stop me feeling slightly superior than my non serving work colleagues, I say that, there was one other guy there who was a former fusilqueer, & his bro in law also ex rgj, so between we thought we were gonna dominate that shit. Whistle went & the 3 of us were off like greyhounds intent on seizing the tactical high ground etc.............. Yes, it was a very painful life lesson in humility, which we laughed about later, once the dozens of donut shaped welts stopped stinging🤕
    1 point
  40. Similarly, my YouTubing for airsoft is generally around finding 'How to' clips for when I inevitably cock something up. My go-to channels are Ollie Talks Airsoft, because he presents loads of useful information for the good of the GBB community, in a similar vein, @Bada Bing, because he's an OG GBBR-freak, making very well produced content for like-minded people (not shilling for dogshit companies) and AATV. Shame that Tom doesn't put much new content out anymore, but understandable. Also been clocking a lot of Jaeger Precision's MWS videos...but not the ones where he's building wanker-guns for the subject of this thread. Gameplay videos are just utter shite IMHO. The most successful channels are hosted by utter twats (we've established KM and NN as leaders in the field of whining-bitches-posing-as-alphas) while the lesser ones look like they've been filmed through a potato by people who don't understand that editing is a crucial part of filming. Just get out there and play.
    1 point
  41. Nothing special i know, but I've Just bought that silicone insert for the Odin.....wow! It makes a mahoosive difference. Thinking I'm going to have another crack at using mid caps. Have learnt that my Odin spits out 12 bbs for every turn, which hopefully will help me lift the curse of poorly feeding mags.
    1 point
  42. Luckily my warranty is taking care of it
    1 point
  43. Jacob Wright

    What have you made?

    Cracked on with the foam this afternoon .. didn’t consider that the bottom of the case isn’t flat sided so I’m having to chamfer the edges of it 😬
    1 point

    • For sale
    • Used

    Around 40RPS, 350FPS, Instant Trigger Response. With the hair trigger and feathering you can semi at around 25RPS. Build professionally. EdGI Custom Barrel 85 PROMETHEUS Hop Chamber 46 PROMETHEUS Bridge Nub 12.98 PDI Bucking 7 RETRO ARMS CNC Gearbox 125 PROMETHEUS Selector Plate 15 GUARDER Tappet Plate 9.99 RETRO ARMS Bushings x4 11 EZO Bearings x2 9 MAXX Nozzle 8.49 SHS Cylinder Head 12.79 PDI Cylinder 18 MODIFY Piston Head 16 CYMA FMR Piston 9.49 GUARDER Main Spring 12.3 SIEGETEK DSG Gear Set 149.99 LONEX ARL 9.9 WARHEAD CNC Motor 125 MAXX CNC Advanced Trigger 26 GATE TITAN Advanced 125 PTS EPG-C Grip 25 RETRO ARMS Fire Selector 14 RETRO ARMS Selector Cover 3 RETRO ARMS Trigger Pin 17.99 RETRO ARMS Mag Catch 20.2 Labor 250 CERAKOTE Painted 250 Krytac PDW 339.99 7x Lonex Flash Mags 163.17 5x Batteries 102.46 LiPo Charger Dual 79.99 Lipo Fireproof Bag 14.99 Total 2114.72 Paypal & Post (Included)


    1 point
  45. I'd never put silicone grease on a GBB pistol. Silicone oil is absolutely fine and just apply it when you have the most friction between two surfaces. But tons of video about this topic on YT. Silicone grease is good for BCG (bolt carrier group) lubrication.
    1 point
  46. Well, i never knew something like that existed! Just prompted me to do a search for 'empty felt tip pen' and voila, it appears that you can buy packs of empty/refillable felt tip markers! https://www.amazon.co.uk/SAVITA-Refillable-Markers-Painting-Graffiti/dp/B0B51H1J2B/ref=asc_df_B0B51H1J2B/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=641529185451&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3277307157925442133&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9044964&hvtargid=pla-1731300655915&psc=1 Perfect to fill with a light silicone RC shock oil or similar. Excellent, erm, tip!
    1 point
  47. neither of those brands should go anywhere near anything GBB tbh I tend to use white lithium grease from halfords for heavier applications and 4uad airsoft lubricant pens for more detailed stuff
    1 point
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