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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/06/23 in all areas

  1. Bro, just bank-transfer me half the value, then I'll bank-transfer you half the value back. My Canadian girlfriend can vouch for me.
    4 points
  2. This. Weirdly the website says max 350fps on a 0.2 (1.13j), but in the same sentence says they chrono at 1.3j using 0.25's - which is it? 1.3j is kicking on for 375fps on a 0.2. Of course it could be a typo and it's missing the extra '1' but I'll bet someone's setting their pew up for 1.3j "cos it says so on the website".
    3 points
  3. Rogerborg

    Opinions on UKAPU

    Well, we've already had our Shadrach in the furnace moment in the VCRA, and our regulatory reprieve by the grace of God (and the Association of British Airsoft, as-was). Now we're actually in a pretty strong position, as airsoft guns have been well defined in primary national legislation since 2017. Contrast with (e.g.) New York City which raged out and criminalised gel-blasters on a whim, with a definition so broad that it would also seem to cover all piston airsoft guns and many Nerfs as well (and had about as much effectiveness as you'd imagine). While it's true that we could lose RIFs at the stroke of some future Home Secretary's pen, I don't think it's actually likely. If there's one thing I'm sure of it's that Parliament hates to admit that legislation has failed, just that it needs more of the same. For example, constantly adding new and ever more specific types of weapon to the list of prohibited ones. We might see tweaks to the definition of our defence, but I'd be very surprised if it were removed entirely. In terms of the activity itself, nah, we'll be fine. Slinging small, low energy things at each on private land other isn't going anywhere any time soon. We might end up doing it with day-glo gel-blasters eventually, but the core of the activity (dressing up, yelling at each other, and taking it all far too seriously) is safe enough.
    3 points
  4. Skullchewer

    NAF ‘23

    I'll be keeping my eye pro on pretty much all weekend. 3000 or so macho men, weekend warriors and all the other kind of airsofters, with their pew pews? Someone's gonna be a dickhead, guaranteed, and that's before you factor in the alcohol.
    3 points
  5. Agree, it's right up there with Sellers who feel the need to stick "bargain" in their classifieds title, I think that's for others to make that distinction lol
    3 points
  6. In fact, buying such a mixed random loadout is actually more likely to saddle you with odd bits you don't need/want, so essentially your doing him a favour taking the tat as well as anything decent, so 50-60% is definitely the max I'd offer, if he don't like it, move on, nothing he's selling is particularly mouthwatering lol.
    2 points
  7. sonofsammo

    PSA Scam warning

    I don't know if people have come across this, but thought it worth noting, just in case peeps haven't. Potential purchasers are asking for pieces of paper next to the same items with the PURCHASERS name on it. It's obvious to say this, but just in case DO NOT DO THIS If anyone tried it, bring it to the mod's attention so they can be nuked.
    2 points
  8. 99.9% of the time prices go up over time not down so they're either talking out of their arse or know they were ripped off and so are trying to do the same to whoever buys it. Either way I'd walk away
    2 points
  9. 25% depreciation is only for high end and collectable items. For common stuff I would say more like 50-60% it in good condition. None of this stuff is particularly sought after.
    2 points
  10. No one is bothering anyone mate, everyone here is always happy to help if we can. Enjoy your new gat
    2 points
  11. Skullchewer

    NAF ‘23

    Pyrotechnics The use of pyrotechnics by players is strictly forbidden with the exceptions detailed below. This includes gas and CO2 devices not specifically specified below. Blank Firing Pistols / Rifles Dynatex Blank Firing Hand Grenade (9mm or .209 Primers only) Mad Bull & Ultraforce Landmines 40mm Gas Grenades Spring & Gas Claymores Blank firers and alcohol. WOOHOO
    2 points
  12. Hello. I know it's been a while but life has had me busy with other things. After a big U-turn I've decided to get the m906c (I said I was indecisive). The decision has been made and I will be ordering it this evening along with some sort of suppressor to stick on the end. I'll keep the stock that comes with is for the time being so will need to get the smaller batteries. I wasn't to get 11.1's so if someone could suggest a good brand/size that would be great. I'll also order the m105 spring to upgrade right away and a charger for the batteries. If anyone's wondering why I've changed my mind again I just realised that I'm definitely more of an "in the action" sort of player and a smaller, lighter gun suits me down to the ground. I cant wait to get it and get playing. Thanks again for your help, I'll stop bothering you all after I place the order this evening.
    2 points
  13. That's not including the player who knows exactly what they're doing but when caught says "but nobody said we can't"
    2 points
  14. Not when you're running power limits higher than most outdoor sites for CQB. Those power levels are unnecessary at close range. Also 1.3j with a 0.25g bb is 334fps, not 320 Taken from their website All guns on site will be chrono'd at a 0.25g, 1.3 joule max and a FPS of 320 tag will be put on your rifle.
    2 points
  15. Russia: 2021 - 2nd best army in the world 2022 - 2nd best army in Ukraine 2023 - 2nd best army in Russia
    2 points
  16. If the information on their website is accurate, this is a small site.
    2 points
  17. This would be better placed in https://airsoft-forums.uk/forum/51-skirmish-sites-stories-reviews/ I suspect. "Definitely worth checking it out" seems a bit disingenuous since you appear to be the operator, rather than an unrelated player giving a positive review... What makes you a "superior" (according to your website) skirmish site, anyway? Superior in what way, and compared to where else? 😊
    2 points
  18. @AirSniper If you want all of the stuff then offer what you’re willing to pay If not then don’t. He has the choice to sell partially or as a whole A bundle is handy for a starter, but it’s never what they really want - like @tackle said - it’s a few ancilllary items that you may or may not use, potentially could sell or pass on items But most of these things in bundles end up in the bottom of a bag or back of a cupboard
    1 point
  19. Trader Feedback is only meant for actual sales. Do not leave feedback if you did not buy (pay for) an item or sell (receive money for) an item.
    1 point
  20. To fit in the stock stock (har har), I used the likes of a Turnigy Nano Tech 1200 mAH stick battery (and I rewired to a Deans connector) You'll need a couple of those for a day's skirmishing. (I'd need 3 as I'm a trigger-happy chap) https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/143013311203 You might be able to find this cheaper elsewhere (should be £15), but it's hard to find stock. Edit: These guys are cheaper and will fit a Deans connector for a quid (worth doing), but the £8.50 p&p is a bit harsh. You might want to invest in an extra mag, and some BB's in the order to make the postage cost a bit more palatable! https://www.targetszone.co.uk/turnigy-111v-lipo-3-cell-1200mah-2010-p.asp Edit 2: "Bugger". I've just discovered I've broken the cardinal rule of owning a DE, I left a battery connected to it for more than a day. I've killed my battery (a chunky Titan Li-Ion which ain't cheap). Don't do that
    1 point
  21. As @Tackle said, you're not bothering anyone here Congrats on UKARA, and your new gun! Free from the rental mafia, you are now the proverbial lone wolf with your precious, hand-picked piece -- enjoy it! You don't have to disappear -- folks here are generally a social bunch, and pretty much happy to chat about anything airsoft-related (or not) -- and if someone can't help you with an issue, they'll generally be able to point you in the direction of another user or person who can 😊
    1 point
  22. Skullchewer

    NAF ‘23

    As a former "new age traveler" and life long rock festival fan, toilets don't bother me 😉 There's a no pyro rule at NAF. Bet people still bring pyro though.
    1 point
  23. It might just be me being cynical but when there's simple mistakes like that I can't help but wonder what other things they'll get wrong
    1 point
  24. JVacation

    PSA Scam warning

    To be honest I would never ever do a swap that wasn't in person. I takes some balls of steel and a lot of confidence in someone to do a swap in the post!
    1 point
  25. Both UKARA and UKAPU do the behind the scenes stuff.
    1 point
  26. Indeed the recent Bill C-21 from Canada and the CPSC-2023-0021 from the US are both excellent case studies. Both did not have any existing airsoft association or things of that nature, but both "communities" organised and mobilised themselves to do the lobbying. The retailers and field owners and players got together to achieve one goal, and they were effective at it and they succeeded. Youtube undoubtedly played a key role in both cases (especially for the US) because of how easy it is to have someone clearly explain a cause, and to have the link easily copy pastable, so words can spread quickly. Both are precisely the sort of threats we think about when we say airsoft needs protection. If something very similar were to happen in the UK, say some sort of bill being proposed affecting airsoft in some way, do we as a community have the resources for ad hoc organisation? In fact, isn't UKARA already doing all the behind-the-scene stuff? Heck, UKARA itself appears to be a very product of past lobbying that became quasi-official regulatory body if there is one. Which again brings the question of why would we need a "peacetime" airsoft association in the first place. It would seem evident that its entire raison d'être can be better served by a bunch of youtubers. What is it different about UK airsoft that we need something the Canadians and Americans don't?
    1 point
  27. typefish

    Opinions on UKAPU

    I wouldn't joke about that, as when shit has hit the fan, it's the brand ambassadors and content creators (which does include journalists) with actual reach that can help throw something important into the public eye that on the face of it, most people would not care about, even if to those in the know it is scary.
    1 point
  28. If you like Bollywood flicks, have you seen the original magnum opus? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnBbjc5hmho This is silly fun too:
    1 point
  29. Enid_Puceflange

    NAF ‘23

    Exactly why we are coming down mate All be it , with about a 10 hour drive 😂
    1 point
  30. After having dug to a depth of 10 feet last year, British scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 200 years and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 150 years ago. Not to be outdone by the British, in the weeks that followed, an American archaeologist dug to a depth of 20 feet, and shortly after, a story published in the New York Times: “American archaeologists, finding traces of 250-year-old copper wire, have concluded that their ancestors already had an advanced high-tech communications network 50 years earlier than the British”. One week later, Australia’s Northern Territory Times reported the following: “After digging as deep as 30 feet in his backyard in Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, Knackers Johnson, a self-taught archaeologist, reported that he found absolutely bugger-all. Knackers has therefore concluded that 250 years ago, Australia had already gone wireless".
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Luke at Negative Airsoft has just published an upgrade video of an M906C He gives it big love I think mine has definitely started to run at a lower RoF than it used to, really time to get a replacement motor in, and by the contents of this video I should crack open the gearbox to check the o-ring and piston etc are all ok I'll need some Brave Pills, nurse
    1 point
  33. I had an excellent airsoft day, thanks to the enormous kindness of @Cannonfodder who gifted me a bunch of SIG mags he was no longer using... it's made the gun skirmishable, and more handsome... You sir are a gentlemen and I owe you at least a couple of pints if we ever meet! Thank you ☺️
    1 point
  34. Small CQB sites can work - it just depends on the numbers, how they've handled the layout/cover and the rule set they employ for the games. Might get pretty boring after a visit or two though.
    1 point
  35. I thought the citadel was being turned into a computer/data centre. Or at least that's what I heard Having played the site at the AI500 a couple of years back, I can say that the site itself is a good mix of CQB in the cell blocks, (with one block spread over 3 landings,) and open lines between blocks and the notorious (at least in AI500 terms) sports field. Only issue though, as we found out at AI, is that when the wind picks up and the rain gets into the tiled doorways of the cell blocks, it gets very dicey. (I don't know if anything has been put in place since AI500 to mitigate those factors though) Playing at AI500, the wind was so strong between the cell blocks that it was impossible to shoot between buildings as the wind would just blow any weight of BB wildly off target, and several people slipped on the tiled floors just inside the doorways as they ran between cell blocks. The biggest issue that AI500 had was trying to cram nearly 500 players onto the site, as there became a few bottlenecks in he cell blocks, but I reckon with a lower player count the site will flow a lot more freely. And if there are some barricades set up on the sports field, that will help give more options to fight across the land, rather than trying to cross one large open area or the paths either side with minimal cover. Overall i thought it was a decent site, and one I would like to revisit if it wasn't so far away from where I live.
    1 point
  36. Couple of SCAR GBBs Need the appropriate suppressor for the H SC, but it'll do for now Edit: Also tried a black Scar L
    1 point
  37. Jacob Wright

    Gun picture thread

    Getting close to completion now, just need to sort some more rail covers and potentially some Liquid Metal to adapt the foresight. That said, I'm happy with it being a passable-at-a-distance L119 build. Probably not going to get a chance to run it until August now due to work/weddings/holidays but I'm really happy with how it's turning out
    1 point
  38. @Impulse I'll be interested to hear how you get on with running a chest rig + belt, as it's a combo I'm considering, as I too am finding the heavy GBBR mags (and / or bags of BBs in my pouches) are quite a thing to deal with (my belt has a harness but being slightly fat it must still be moving around a lot so I was giving everyone a flash of my bright-red-not-very-tactical boxers on Saturday whenever I was grovelling around for cover!)
    1 point
  39. mightyjebus

    Gun picture thread

    It would seem I'm developing a bit of a B&T obession.
    1 point
  40. Jacob Wright

    Opinions on UKAPU

    It's taken me a while to decide whether to reply to this, and if so, what I should say. As Shamal has rightly stated, I am the East of England UKAPU representative. I initially joined as a member, but decided that I would like to further support the community as a regional representative. During my interview for the position I too expressed reservations with regard to what the union provide - as others have pointed out, the social media pages are not frequently updated and there is little 'evidence'. All representatives are volunteers, and in any case, I believe that the Press Officer position is vacant. There is often assistance offered to player-members which unfortunately goes unreported due to this. This has involved helping with customs and import of RIFs, where players experienced issues - and similarly assisted players in Northern Ireland where I believe there have been further issues with customs. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the Union were approached by a number of game organisers/site owners to gauge the legality of running games during the lift of restriction levels. The Union provided this guidance, but it was highlighted that if Airsoft was registered as a sport (like paintball is), then we potentially could have returned sooner. However, in order to register as a sport we would require a national governing body. The membership was 'sold' to me as more of an insurance scheme; in case I should ever need assistance, but also to support the ongoing efforts of the Union to provide some kind of national governing body - which was well supported by representatives, members, non-members and site owners when discussed with them. Whilst it was before my time, I believe the references to 'proposed bans' etc relate to the VCRA 2007 bill. @Cannonfodder if you would like I will try to find more information relating to this. Unfortunately, our Chairman has suffered from issues with his personal circumstances lately, and this has led to our AGM not happening as early in the year as perhaps would be expected. Rest assured, I am actively pursuing this and hope it will be able to go ahead soon. With this in mind, I cannot comment on the plans going forward for the annual members skirmish or attendance at NAE. In the past I have attempted to arrange a members only game, but then struggled to find a site to host it at. It is on my list of things to arrange, and as soon as I have news I will share it. I do recognise that perhaps the communications from the Union have not been as good as would be expected, and for that please accept my apology. @Rogerborg - are you referring to the Operation Stigma II post on Facebook from May 2022 as this is all I can find? @RebelScum if you would like, please send me a message and I will do my best to chase up your patch - as it is of course not right that you have yet to receive it. Finally, I would like to address suggestions that members of the Union are in it to 'make a name' for themselves, or as an 'ego boost'. I appreciate this is personal opinion, but when engaging with other representatives I have not experienced this. I see the other representatives as individuals with only the interests of the players and the sport at heart. My inbox is always open, and I am always more than happy to engage with any player, whether they are a member or not. I've done my best to address what people have said, and am happy to discuss anything. - Jacob
    1 point
  41. As there's always one, what page is make the same shit jokes you make every week that nobody but you find funny?
    1 point
  42. "Don't be a dick" or "Don't be a genital" are a set of universal rules that trump most religions and philosophies for how to deal with life the universe and everything. Its a shame our political classes and traffic wardens haven't been introduced to them.
    1 point
  43. House was still standing this morning... Even after I converted the two l85s to Deans as well as the new 11.1 batteries. Although my mate who was being a second pair of hands got branded by my soldering iron 🤣🤣🤣
    1 point
  44. Most forums that I have used just limit the size per upload, and try to encourage the use of linked images etc Every forum has its hosting limits, and as with networks in the olden days could find themselves very overloaded by user content. Networks nowadays set user limits and will allocate a maximum storage level per user I like this forums way of managing image sizes as a limit per user, and gives the ability to the user to manage that rather than the forum owner/admins needing to either buy more space or purge files. I think I’ve only experienced the space issue preventing me from uploading once and dealt with it by reviewing my content and replacing larger files with scaled down copies. (Possibly just deleted some, but I prefer to downsize to keep the context of a post) Having just looked I’m 89% full, so I’ll remind myself to have another tidy up
    1 point
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