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Showing content with the highest reputation on 17/10/22 in all areas

  1. As someone who pretty much exclusively uses gas guns (gas snipers, worst of all!), it's a fun part of the hobby laying down a tarot reading, consulting the stars and making an offering to mother nature every night before a game day. Puts the ritual back in pre-game day rituals.
    3 points
  2. Gunman Airsoft. Frontline have a good rep too. If you want to tag along, I expect that @RebelScum or I would be more than willing to buddy up with you for a first game. I play VC, Rebelscum plays US. Pick a side, sign up to the Facebook group appropriate, get help with kit, meet new airsofters, get pissed in the woods. It's all good fun. Sierra Bravo Airsoft do the same type of games.
    3 points
  3. Presumably this video which is also on Youtube No captions to translate, but he doesn’t sound too impressed. He may be directly or indirectly referring to airsoft, lack of quality or just the lack of any armour and just mag pouches ….. which may or may not fit issued magazines Its not surprising though, with the kit donated to Ukraine from around the world and for Russia the combination of kit lost over the last 7 months and the sudden major conscription.
    2 points
  4. What Tackle said. That's really poor service. After the first error they should have taken it back and made sure everything was good.
    2 points
  5. Some pics I took today And a couple more
    2 points
  6. Do they not test their work ? If not I think they've used up all their "second" chances, especially given the time & mileage costs you've incurred, which technically you should be able to put a price on given their repeated failings. A courteous phone call, backed up by a courteous but strongly worded letter is your next step, indicating your unhappiness with the events so far, & that it's all now on them to put things right within a reasonable time frame, with no further costs or time wasted by you. Failure to meet your requests should result in possible small claims court proceedings for ALL costs incurred, including your time & travel expenses, as well as a very public name & shame exercise on all appropriate mediums. Its what I'd do, but to be honest I wouldn't have been as patient with them as you've already been, after the first return I'd have torn them a new one.
    2 points
  7. Having recently come back to Airsoft after a three year hiatus, I have recently discovered Gunman Airsoft in Eversley!! How did I never go here before! Great sites (Camps Alpha and Bravo), fair play (on the whole as the forcefielded ones get everywhere) and a bunch of top guys and girls running it. I experienced my first filmSim at Camp Alpha on Sunday. Having only ever played CQB or Skirmishes, I absolutely loved the longer games, more in-depth games. It also helped that I invested in a Radio and headset which helped with the immersion. Turned up on my own and made friends with a great bunch of lads that became a mini squad. Great fun, sneaking around trying to raid other bases etc. one funny part was myself and another team member spent 30 minutes creating to the main gate in the middle of the site. We were surrounded by enemies from the other 2 teams. All of a sudden, 4 well placed BBs came our way taking us both out. Arms went up, the call went out “Blue Medic”, short pause……. The guy that shot us says “ Wait, what colour are you?”. We obviously answered “Blue” followed by a loud “Shit!”. It was a case of Blue on blue… quite literally!! He was very apologetic but got shot as well whilst trying to heal us. I only did half a day as I headed home early to score brownie points with the other half so it was a win all round. Can’t wait for the next filmSim as that is my new favourite game mode.
    2 points
  8. that's god's way of telling you to use heavier ammo. for the most part @Rogerborg is spot on, although it's worth noting his numbers might not be what you'd see. as it's a gas gun, the assumption of more weight=more hop pressure=more bb resistance=less muzzle energy is being counteracted by the wonderful phenomenon of joule creep. this means you might see your energy rise with heavier ammo, possibly enough to put you foul of the limits, so be sure to chrono in joules with the ammo you're intending to use and have the appropriate weight set on the chrono (or know the conversion/limit for your chosen weight/site limit) quoted for truth
    2 points
  9. Shizbazki

    HPA Novice

    The Mancraft SDiKs upside is that it is a simpler design, no batteries or electrics. Its purely mechanical action from the bolt that cycles the HPA. Downsides is that it has to definitive way of internally regulating the air volume, its mostly stable but highly dependant upon the pre bolt regulator. It does work with CO2. Wolverine has a HPA system yes but it requires a battery, it has a solenoid, electrical contacts and wires. However the upside is that the solenoid does allow for very precise air volume, hence why all the best HPA systems use Solenoids. Mancrafts simpler design also means its cheaper, but his quality of work is very good and has gotten better over the years. Plus they operate from Poland which means getting spares will be easier, quicker (if they have stock) and in Metric. It used to be a lot cheaper as the UK was in the EU so we didn't have to pay import taxes but now do. Currently the SDiK for the Cyma 701 is £132 for just the bolt and £176.73 for the high end regulator, these two are the minimum you'll need to run a Mancraft SDiK with CO2. they will ofcourse be subject to taxation (damned brexit). Wolverine is from the States which will take longer and in Imperial measurements, try getting a 5/32 inch hex key, its not hard but in all likelihood most hex key sets you have will be in metric. Also if buy States side you will be subject to import taxes. In general the wolverine kit is about 1.3 to 1.5 times more expensive than the Mancraft stuff. Stocks wise: Mancraft - If it isn't in stock or you order an SDiK from him, likelihood you will have to wait a bit, he makes the product to order Wolverine stuff is dependant upon US stocks and those being shipped to the UK. Shops wise For Mancraft use the Mancraft store For Wolverine use High Pressure Airsoft (UK) or Amped Airsoft (US). Personally i would use the Mancraft stuff, i have used it before (Mancraft SDiK version 1 and CO2 regulator version 1). I found thee SDiK damned good, with a proper HPA tank (13CI tank) and decent regulator (Redline one) it was solidly consistent shot to shot and with a 13CI i never ran out, it was also quiet AF. The Version 1 Regulator using CO2 at that time was lacklustre, it never bedded in properly and always leaked CO2 liquid into the bolt chamber causing FPS fluctuations. I can only assume that the newer regulator has addressed those issues. I also used his HPA pistol lanyard on TM pistols and whilst great as it was a savings to use HPA over Green Gas, mag changes took longer but also it meat I had to carry two 13CI tanks (one for rifle and one for pistol). Now he has an inline regulator where you can run both rifle and pistol from one tank. This means Primary Regulator on Tank stepping PSI down to 800PSI, then secondary regulator to say 120PSI for main rifle, with an inline regulator for the pistol to bring the PSI down further
    2 points
  10. Hi all, I played at HQ Airsoft yesterday and was hit a couple times with a flashbang that i've never seen before. It looked to have a metal body, seemed to use a spoon release and once thrown it had a 2 sec delay followed by 6 to 9 bangs around 0.5 sec apart. It was reuseable and I believe it used primer rounds. Can't find anything online except for the CTS 7290-9 or some by Centanex which don't seem to be availiable for civilians. Any help would be greatly appriciated.
    1 point
  11. Yeah, as sated before, it is very expensive, but i think the value for money here is what makes it. You will not find a No4T anywhere near this price. And i don't think we will see another airsoft version like this, at this build quality, and accuracy for some time. A No. 32 MK I Sniper Scope alone, costs almost as much as this Airsoft version, and that's for a reproduction.
    1 point
  12. Not surprising. I remember a video a week or two ago of a bunch of conscripts saying they're having to scavenge ammo from the ground and surrounding areas. To compound this, of all the conscripts there not even 50% had a weapon. They had to sleep outside, no food, beg borrow and steal type situation.
    1 point
  13. Considering the wood stock, scope and crate ( dodgy markings but they can be painted over and re done ) I think the price is reasonable. Star / Ares Guns always look good as for performance well hell it airsoft, get tinkering.
    1 point
  14. They say that 50 is the new 30, but one traffic officer begged to differ and I ended up with 3 points on my driving licence ☹️ Well I think it's funny.
    1 point
  15. A mate had his L42 turn up today. seems very nice, bolt pull is smooth , first tests suggest it shoots well, the scope is very clear. Externals are great , feels very robust. The mate in question used one back when he was in and said it feels very familiar.
    1 point
  16. So it's someone with retail premises then 🤔
    1 point
  17. I will PM you Sorry that's all you are getting. I am sure the event will be fine, its just one of the personalities behind the company I wouldn't touch with a barge pole Try the Cold War games...even better. In a separate note, are you coming to the Cold War game 1st weekend in Nov?
    1 point
  18. If you haven't already, try asking on the HQ banter FB page - the owner of the grenade is probably on there and will be able to answer more easily than us 😄
    1 point
  19. Mine always over hopped on 28’s, 0.30’s where the sweet spot, stock rubber / nub.
    1 point
  20. You mean the tiny bit that's showing through your eye-pro that nobody's gonna spot from any distance that matters? 😂 In the last picture I thought you'd just uploaded one of another bloke entirely by accident.
    1 point
  21. Excellent! Paintball can act as a gateway drug for airsoft.
    1 point
  22. No game for me this weekend, as I had other stuff on today, however; yesterday we spent the day creating a new paintball arena for kids parties at Red Alert, much further away from the Airsoft areas. This means there will be fewer occasions when a boundary is determined by where the kiddiwinks are splatting each other. So bigger game area more often, with potential for other stuff we're not allowed to talk about yet 😁
    1 point
  23. I generally like .32s, but the stock rubber won't lift them out of the box and you may see it creep over the limit on certain gasses, however there's a very simple and cheap upgrade part called the sixG nub. Honestly, the sixG nub is the only upgrade you really need to do with these for them to shoot pretty damn well on green gas all year round (height of winter at temps under 5 celcius you may need red gas)
    1 point
  24. For those of you wanting to see what it was like, here's a tongue in cheek "mini documentary" about all the waiting around, rule changes, dark CP's and other miss-haps that went on over the event.
    1 point
  25. hitmanNo2

    VFC M3 Carl Gustaf

    $500. Hopefully shipping next month. TAG compatibility not confirmed at this point. https://www.octagonairsoft.com/product-page/vfc-us-socom-m3-maaws-gas-launcher-toy-airsoft-gun
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Gunman’s Namsoft series continued at Eversly Alpha with a one off objectives day to replace the sadly cancelled Cajun Chicken game. The weekend consisted of short-ish limited objectives in the rhododendron forest that stretches over chalk stream laced hills of mixed solid and marshy land. Part of the aim was to get the teams back into the team objective ethic. I think that Josh was tiring of the cat herding exercise tbh. Due to Covid a few players were down, and final team numbers were US 12, VC and PAVN 7. We were missing a couple of lipos for some reason, and I couldn’t use the support gun. Back to the spare/loaner CYMA AK47 then. Saturday morning saw the usual high standard of brief complete with maps and an A4 handout that covered rules and safety etc. We were issued our VC tunnel trapdoors. These act as re-spawn bags, and can only be set up by the VC players (not PAVN). We had to deploy three and stop them being found by the GIs. This was a real ding-dong battle to wake us up, as I think that we underestimated the size of the playing area and distributed the doors in too small an area. Luckily, we managed to distract the US team into a series of fights that led away from them. By close of play though, only one remained undiscovered. Second objective was to take three boxes to a specified drop off point, where they would be safe. A team of four took the boxes, two carrying and two on the flanks to guard them. The remaining three of us formed a fire team to engage and distract the US team. We did excel ourselves this time. We must have pinned down about a dozen or so players continuously. By rapidly moving, shooting and moving again, we fought for possession of the wall area of the site for what seemed forever, whilst the other squad sneaked two boxes through. Not a bad result, and a huge amount of fun. Absolute constant action and intelligent gameplay. After lunch, we had to defend the fort against the US players. This went less well. We were simply too small a force to hold a static objective. WE were quickly overrun, although another player and I managed to leave the fort and intercept the other team as they attacked, shooting a fair few in the back. In retrospect we were going to lose this from the start, but it was great fun ambushing the unsuspecting enemy players. By now we were sweating buckets and the post lunch dip had been chased away by sheer hard work. The fourth section was the best. For this, the US team had to push through a valley, which they were not allowed to leave, and take three objectives, whilst we occupied the sides/slopes. We deployed three VC one side, four PAVN the other. We really minced the US in this game. We actually pinned them down to the point that the marshal decided to make us retreat to the next objective. I was really impressed that no one threw a strop through frustration. There was none of the ‘they must be cheating to beat us so badly’ bollox. The last big push of the day was hilarious. As we had a radio, we asked for the next objective to be taken. When we arrived we were alone, and radioed in that we were two to 30. The reply was ‘do your best.’ In the event, the rest of the team had already deployed in front of us. The US were told that they faced two players… They sauntered up and got hammered. I was well dug into a shallow pit at the top of a hill. When we were finally pushed back, I lay undiscovered listening to my mate who was in charge; describe how the hill was basically clear, and that they had merely to rush it. I could hear someone breath the other side of the mound of earth that I lay behind and as I readied myself to shoot them the second that they showed themselves the final whistle went. The chap stood up and almost had a heart attack. Despite slotting several players in the course of their advance, I’d been forgotten about. I was perfectly placed to shoot the US team from the back if they had advanced. We went to our campfires feeling great with a lot of story swapping and I discovered that I had forgotten my bloody steak! Luckily another attendee gave me their left over chili and some pitta bread. We had a really decent talk around the camp fire as the rain drizzled. A fair few beers were drunk. A few new friends made and stories swapped. The previous evening, we’d all shared an exquisite curry that someone had made. We were eating and drinking like Gods all evening, and it was a bloody good laugh. Great bits: the whole scenario was a great idea and really appreciated as a replacement for Cajun Chicken. The gameplay was great, there was no arguing or bad sportsmanship. Wearing pure black teaches you proper field craft. There is no room for error when you stick out like a sore thumb. I was soon festooned with fern and green from scrambling through trees. Poor bits: the rain on Sunday led to mass departures. I ended up being the only opfor player, and the game was cancelled. I was asked if I wanted a glorified game of hide and seek, but Mrs TPH had developed a bug in the night and looked proper poorly, so I opted for an early bath. We packed up and by 11 it was lovely and sunny, and we could have played for a few hours, even if you were unprepared for playing in England in October… Seriously, throwing a poncho on is hardly hard work! This was one of the absolute best games that I have ever played. It really leaves skirmishes in the shade. I got home after a nearly five hour drive and still felt energized. Number 1 son slept the whole journey home through exhuastion; Mrs TPH was coughing but happy. Shame that people left so early and again the numbers were low. We should have been playing Cajun Chicken too, which matches the rain perfectly. This was cancelled due to low sales. I wonder if fuel bills and inflation will kill a few games from now onwards. Covid certainly kept a few away. I hope that this is a lull and not a trend. Given the quality of the event, a shame it had to end early. It was well worth the effort and expense, and I am really looking forward to next year’s Nam season. Du ban GI!
    1 point
  28. Pinovic

    Gun picture thread

    Glock family. Rubber, spring and GBB 😬
    1 point
  29. WE G3 GBBR 😁 Comes with a tactical dildo too 🤣
    1 point
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