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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/22 in all areas

  1. Picked up an auction lot of airsoft guns from what seems to have been a collector. Not a mark on any of them. All pristine condition and i am so damn excited for some of these.
    4 points
  2. Gunman’s Namsoft series continued at Eversly Alpha with a one off objectives day to replace the sadly cancelled Cajun Chicken game. The weekend consisted of short-ish limited objectives in the rhododendron forest that stretches over chalk stream laced hills of mixed solid and marshy land. Part of the aim was to get the teams back into the team objective ethic. I think that Josh was tiring of the cat herding exercise tbh. Due to Covid a few players were down, and final team numbers were US 12, VC and PAVN 7. We were missing a couple of lipos for some reason, and I couldn’t use the support gun. Back to the spare/loaner CYMA AK47 then. Saturday morning saw the usual high standard of brief complete with maps and an A4 handout that covered rules and safety etc. We were issued our VC tunnel trapdoors. These act as re-spawn bags, and can only be set up by the VC players (not PAVN). We had to deploy three and stop them being found by the GIs. This was a real ding-dong battle to wake us up, as I think that we underestimated the size of the playing area and distributed the doors in too small an area. Luckily, we managed to distract the US team into a series of fights that led away from them. By close of play though, only one remained undiscovered. Second objective was to take three boxes to a specified drop off point, where they would be safe. A team of four took the boxes, two carrying and two on the flanks to guard them. The remaining three of us formed a fire team to engage and distract the US team. We did excel ourselves this time. We must have pinned down about a dozen or so players continuously. By rapidly moving, shooting and moving again, we fought for possession of the wall area of the site for what seemed forever, whilst the other squad sneaked two boxes through. Not a bad result, and a huge amount of fun. Absolute constant action and intelligent gameplay. After lunch, we had to defend the fort against the US players. This went less well. We were simply too small a force to hold a static objective. WE were quickly overrun, although another player and I managed to leave the fort and intercept the other team as they attacked, shooting a fair few in the back. In retrospect we were going to lose this from the start, but it was great fun ambushing the unsuspecting enemy players. By now we were sweating buckets and the post lunch dip had been chased away by sheer hard work. The fourth section was the best. For this, the US team had to push through a valley, which they were not allowed to leave, and take three objectives, whilst we occupied the sides/slopes. We deployed three VC one side, four PAVN the other. We really minced the US in this game. We actually pinned them down to the point that the marshal decided to make us retreat to the next objective. I was really impressed that no one threw a strop through frustration. There was none of the ‘they must be cheating to beat us so badly’ bollox. The last big push of the day was hilarious. As we had a radio, we asked for the next objective to be taken. When we arrived we were alone, and radioed in that we were two to 30. The reply was ‘do your best.’ In the event, the rest of the team had already deployed in front of us. The US were told that they faced two players… They sauntered up and got hammered. I was well dug into a shallow pit at the top of a hill. When we were finally pushed back, I lay undiscovered listening to my mate who was in charge; describe how the hill was basically clear, and that they had merely to rush it. I could hear someone breath the other side of the mound of earth that I lay behind and as I readied myself to shoot them the second that they showed themselves the final whistle went. The chap stood up and almost had a heart attack. Despite slotting several players in the course of their advance, I’d been forgotten about. I was perfectly placed to shoot the US team from the back if they had advanced. We went to our campfires feeling great with a lot of story swapping and I discovered that I had forgotten my bloody steak! Luckily another attendee gave me their left over chili and some pitta bread. We had a really decent talk around the camp fire as the rain drizzled. A fair few beers were drunk. A few new friends made and stories swapped. The previous evening, we’d all shared an exquisite curry that someone had made. We were eating and drinking like Gods all evening, and it was a bloody good laugh. Great bits: the whole scenario was a great idea and really appreciated as a replacement for Cajun Chicken. The gameplay was great, there was no arguing or bad sportsmanship. Wearing pure black teaches you proper field craft. There is no room for error when you stick out like a sore thumb. I was soon festooned with fern and green from scrambling through trees. Poor bits: the rain on Sunday led to mass departures. I ended up being the only opfor player, and the game was cancelled. I was asked if I wanted a glorified game of hide and seek, but Mrs TPH had developed a bug in the night and looked proper poorly, so I opted for an early bath. We packed up and by 11 it was lovely and sunny, and we could have played for a few hours, even if you were unprepared for playing in England in October… Seriously, throwing a poncho on is hardly hard work! This was one of the absolute best games that I have ever played. It really leaves skirmishes in the shade. I got home after a nearly five hour drive and still felt energized. Number 1 son slept the whole journey home through exhuastion; Mrs TPH was coughing but happy. Shame that people left so early and again the numbers were low. We should have been playing Cajun Chicken too, which matches the rain perfectly. This was cancelled due to low sales. I wonder if fuel bills and inflation will kill a few games from now onwards. Covid certainly kept a few away. I hope that this is a lull and not a trend. Given the quality of the event, a shame it had to end early. It was well worth the effort and expense, and I am really looking forward to next year’s Nam season. Du ban GI!
    4 points
  3. Cannonfodder

    AI500 2022

    Exactly this ^^^^ While problems with cheating is caused by the players it's the marshal's job to stamp it out. If they're unable or unwilling to do so then that's on them
    3 points
  4. Do the "other rules" include not breaking the law? Because that's what you'll be doing buying an airsoft gun, regardless of whether it's a rif or if. It'd be wiser to keep the parents on your side as it'll show a level of maturity and mean they're more likely to be accommodating to your interest in airsoft Edit: another alternative to cover the bright paint on a 2 tone is a roll of sniper tape. Relatively cheap (should be about a fiver), can be put on and removed on site and will keep everything above board
    3 points
  5. Keldon


    For cqb I would recommend a tracer unit. I use the acetech lighter bt its a small tracer but also doubles up as a chrono which I like. If you only plan on cqb I wouldnt worry about sights, good old iron sights and watch my tracer should be enough. Im sure other will recommend even more gear.
    2 points
  6. AK47frizzle


    Haha, just imagine being born now and living to 20 again, still quite a fairly long time. Regarding good cqb rifles, the asg scorpion evo is quite universally liked. It works well at long range too. In airsoft, longer barrel doesn't equal longer range, so go ham.
    2 points
  7. Such a pity that you had to throw in a childish attempt at an insult at the end.
    2 points
  8. I was at a climbing centre yesterday, but someone had removed all of the toe-hold grips from the wall. Honestly, you couldn't make it up.
    2 points
  9. EDcase


    Welcome 🖐 Do you mean to actually play indoor CQB games? That's jumping into the fast action 😄 I'd recommend a good'ol MP5 (JG or CYMA depending if you want metal body) Or MP5K for extra CQB points 😆 I think many player prefer a good pistol for pure CQB?
    2 points
  10. Rogerborg

    AI500 2022

    And then they told players to STFU and follow the rules.
    2 points
  11. The Highways Act 1980 section 161. Although it's only an offence if you injure, interrupt or endanger someone on said highway. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1980/66/section/161/enacted Oops, my mistake
    2 points
  12. Rogerborg

    AI500 2022

    This event seems like an exemplar that hope is not a strategy. I'd offer up for consideration an alternative way that these large events could go, one which accepts reality without approving of it.
    2 points
  13. Player: "Hey, a lot of people aren't following the rules." Organiser: "STFU noob read rules." Player: "But.. I did, that's why I'm..." Organiser: "REED RULZE PLZ" Galaxy brain handling right there. Oh, and "cheat calling is mandatory" is the plot twist that nobody saw coming.
    2 points
  14. I wasn't going to turn this into a huge build I swear. It's not even finished yet. I'm still waiting for a sun shade for the scope and I haven't installed the new outer barrel. I'm also thinking it needs a suppressor sleeve and maybe some scrim net. The suppressor and weighted piston with air break piston head should make it whisper quiet. Edit. Just installed the fluted outer barrel. Looks badass
    2 points
  15. Will do…. it’s taken a week to leave China, having now just departed and is traceable on Royal Mails system I’m guessing a week or so to arrive I hope it’s full size and not a miniature that’d do for my old Action Man stashed in the attic But for £25, who knows . We have traveled over that way a good few times and bought several “looky-looky” items New sellers seem to start off with sensible local pricing until they realise just how much the tourists are willing to pay, then prices get ramped up!! Only time will tell 😁
    2 points
  16. Thanks for the advice, I will certainly do that. I did start this journey (prior to joining the forum) with some of the sticky topics around gear and rigs so have not gone to far off track. From what I have seen at the skirmish sessions I have attended, everyone has kit lust, most people think everyone else’s RIF is better. And the ones who have spent crazy money modifying them , spend most of their day complaining about how their set up needs x y z and is hampering their performance. That is quite funny to watch 😂
    2 points
  17. Cannonfodder

    AI500 2022

    Bullshit. They knew how many tickets they'd sold so they knew how many would turn up, how many people regularly pay £100 to go to an event and not bother turning up? Yes some people may have an unexpected turn of events meaning they can't go but they would be a minority
    2 points
  18. Got some Shadow Foam from Airsoft Anonymous. For the top layer of the extra large case I bought some velcro straps from Amazon, cut slots for them then glued the whole thing into the lid with a strong foam adhesive. I have a foam layer that sits in the middle when the case is shut. Decided to try something fancy for the other lid. The triskelion came out a bit wonky, but overall I'm very happy.
    2 points
  19. Alpha.s1

    AI500 2022

    A bit confused how they manage to find 400 odd people to give them money tbh, as far as i can remember these events, have the worst possible reputation, the last 3 at the very least have the exact same issues, 8 Marshall's - 400 players, unique site, but no idea how to actually run the site, weird inconsistent rulesets. 1 time it could be forgiven, if they improved, but doing it over and over is ridiculous. by the stories coming out each event you'd think this was their first run, not going on for 7 years now.
    1 point
  20. Thank you. I’ve not had chance to take it apart again but I hope to before the weekend
    1 point
  21. Fatboy40


    If we're talking full on CQB, the sort of stuff like they play here... https://zedadventures.co.uk/ ... then personally I've always wanted one of these... https://bombupairsoft.co.uk/products/ares-amoeba-tactical-m4-am-003-tan ... and if I ever get the money I want to buy one to use as the sidearm to my DMR 😈
    1 point
  22. I'm sure that my dad is looking down at us, wherever he is now. He's not dead, just very condescending.
    1 point
  23. Rogerborg


    Confused, this thread started as "What trousers with kneepads, 38" waist / 28-29" inside leg?"
    1 point
  24. Skullchewer


    Personally, and I'm biased to be fair, I like the KWA QRF range for cqb. I have the QRF MOD2, and it's great for cqb and medium range. Welcome to the forum, and the sport, fellow old fart.
    1 point
  25. No worries tbh I had to look it up mysrlf to be sure. To me it seems like a classic case of don't be a dick and you should be fine
    1 point
  26. Presumably they don't know that you're committing a criminal offence, with no defence or exception. I mention this as (mostly) a technicality, since you've already got one.
    1 point
  27. Sure about that?....not even a Nerf dart? The law is about endangering users of a public highway, pretty sure it doesn't stop you using an Airgun/RIF/Nerf Gun/Supersoaker/whatever - so long as you don't hurt, interrupt or endanger anyone in doing so. From the Home Office guide to Air Weapon Safety It is an offence to fire an air weapon without lawful authority or excuse within 50 feet (15 metres) of the centre of a public road in such a way as to cause a road user to be injured, interrupted or endangered.
    1 point
  28. Yup. There's no way that a mid-game / weekend rule change is going to be propagated clearly to 400+ players. I'd be astonished if it even made it to all the marshals.
    1 point
  29. Huh, that's a new one on me. What's the offence? Selling. There's no offence (or defence needed) for buying, if you're over 18. OP, you're right to be cautious, but just drop round your neighbours' first and let them all know. Use tabloid-level concepts that they'll understand: "like paintball without the paint", and "toy gun" rather than "RIF". Heck, tell them that you've got a loicence for it.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Impulse

    AI500 2022

    There were too many players for the site and it would've been way better with half the players (again. Like the Citadel) and marshalling could've been done better as CQB is a lot harder to marshall than woodland and they definitely didn't have enough experience on the marshall team nor the numbers to deal with the absolute asshats who were taking the piss when it came to hit-taking. However, what isn't being shared in this is that the most experienced marshall who was directing the games took a really nasty tumble, dislocated his knee and had to be rushed to hospital on the first day. He was back on crutches on day 2, which went a lot smoother. The Facebook drama went way, way too far in my opinion. Sure, there were some people offering constructive criticism, but there were others just dogpiling on the staff for player-led problems and as soon as that started happening, you lost me; the non-apology post by the staff wasn't great, but the response to it was a lot worse. At the end of the day, blaming marshalls for players not taking their hits is a bit weak; if players took their hits, marshalls don't get tied up in resolving the (countless) times non-hit taking was observed and can focus on keeping the game dynamic and interesting. If they had more numbers I think they could've done more about it (and that is where I think the blame there falls with them as you're always going to get at least some godmode meal team nine oper8rs at large events and need to plan for it), but I'll direct my annoyance more at the players who were taking the piss; probably about an 80:20 split of my ire for players and staff respectively. Seriously, the non-hit taking was absolutely awful at this event and was probably my biggest gripe; I personally saw a lot of it because I was silly(?) enough to bring a magnified optic to a CQB event and 5x zoom was helpful in spotting the BBs hitting their targets. Again, 2nd day was waaaaaaaaay better for hit-taking, though there were still some instances of clear piss-taking. Outside of that my only other gripe was their rules being a bit silly but I've already elaborated on that multiple times. I wanted to bring one of my (many) 1J bolt action builds, but they weren't allowed for reasons that still elude me. I went in with no expectations apart from the fact that I would make of the event what I would and I would find ways to enjoy myself. Honestly, I thoroughly enjoyed my weekend and had many good laughs. Did my sniper-y thing and crept into positions where I was either concealed in shadow (like a true edgyboi) or to where the target I was presenting the enemy was so tiny that it was never getting hit at those distances and just used the MWS for what it's great at. Next time (doubt there will be one at that venue though) I'll bring a bolt action if I'm allowed (😡) or at least my HPA m21 even if it's a CQB venue like that. Also, it was a fantastic workout because I used my heavy setup with the weighted plates in my plate carrier as well as a LOT of gas magazines; probably about 20kg of gear I was lugging around all weekend and I managed it! Didn't lighten my load or give up on the idea, and I was a lot more active on day 2, running around the place to get to positions or across an area being fought over. Met lots of great guys there and really enjoyed the social aspect too. Also, we found a pile of abandoned clothing in our day 2 CP and decided that we would have a bit of fun. We rocked up to the morning brief on day 2 like this: Anyway, I'm tired after a lovely 6 hour trip back down to the south coast and I'm going to go collapse into a pile and not wake until work on Tuesday!
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. This thread is now worthless without said memes.
    1 point
  34. I'm on it. That's exactly what literally Hitler would have said.
    1 point
  35. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 You'd be surprised by how many people that are indecently old play Airsoft. Your dad might like it.
    1 point
  36. Will you two stop being so horrendously nice and just fight already? I'm bored.
    1 point
  37. Ah fugggehdabbbahdid, I appreciate that, no offence taken. It's just a discussion on a forum that took a slightly odd turn.
    1 point
  38. OK, so the rig is missing the back strap, without which it will be pretty useless. As he mentions in the listing you can buy the strap separately - Tactical kit currently have it for £12.99 plus shipping which comes to a total of £16.74. If you add that on then you'd be paying £191.75 for a second hand chest rig you can in fact buy new (and complete) from Tactical Kit for £195 plus shipping.
    1 point
  39. Well, if that's the all-in price for everything listed, that's a pretty good deal (under half retail price). I just think that the advert is worded poorly. I've asked the seller for clarification. Don't get me wrong - 90% of LARPsofters or BBWarz players would be happy enough with a Viper or AliExpress knockoffs for a fraction of the price, but some get a chubby at the thought of gucci real-steel kit and are willing to pay the cost, which is fair enough. If I had £90 burning a hole in my pocket to spunk on some kit (which I don't sadly 😭) - I would be tempted.
    1 point
  40. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Make: ASG Gun/Model: Scorpion ECO BET Carbine Accessories: Please see the description. Condition: Excellent FPS: 343fps on 0.2g bbs. Splits/Swaps/Part Exchange: No, No, No Price/Payment: £300 Pictures: Yes Hi, up for sale is my Wolverine MTW 9, it is an excellent rifle and it works perfectly, there has been no work done to it but it has all of the following: Upgraded hop-enhanced hop gear so you can adjust by hand without an Allen key, Maple leaf MR hop rubber Upgraded spring guide Spring upgraded so shoots approx. 343fps on 0.2g bbs. Package includes: Rifle 4x 375 Rd ASG EVO High Cap Magazines (worth another £120) Original box & instruction manual. Red dot sight and lens protector I also have the following if folks are interested in completing the loadout have shown the cost price below: 2x Kydex Custom Scorpion Evo Magazine Carriers in Crye Multicam (£60) 3x Esstac CZ Scorpion Double Mid Length KYWI Pouches in Multicam (£100) Collection only from near Kettering Northamptonshire, if you want me to post ask the question but it’s all quite large and heavy If you want any other pictures just ask but there are a few things in my clear-out


    Kettering - US

    1 point
  41. So did Socrates. Just be careful around poisonous liquids. Hello, to a probably confused @Dobbin66. It all makes sense after a while mate.* *Seriously, have a gander at the Good Grief thread. 😉
    1 point
  42. Fella, there are no cliques here. Only those who think KM is a cunt, and you. I couldn't tell you who half these people are let alone what they think, so take your KM love and your weird conspiracies elsewhere.
    1 point
  43. Wtf you on about, I'm not even sure who your rambling response is aimed at. Regarding km, 40 odd sites ban him & you, a noob, are telling another noob "ooh don't be swayed, make up your own mind" as if some new km evidence will come to light that explains away all his transgressions. What's your stance on covid vaccines & flat earth ?
    1 point
  44. Sounds like we've got a new Mr_No_Face here. Full of piss'n'vinegar and holier than thou opinions. I miss him and his insults towards older players. Good times.
    1 point
  45. Is it a charging handle?
    1 point
  46. EvilMonkee


    That would be a miracle considering its a GBBR....
    1 point
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