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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/09/22 in all areas

  1. Easiest solution, if the player is not able to display his tape/armband where it should be (& is clearly visible), then it should be placed at the end of his forestock, as close to the muzzle as possible where it can't be covered by the players hand.
    4 points
  2. (This may be a sign I have too much time on my hands)
    3 points
  3. 3 points
  4. What’s the difference between a hippo and a Zippo? One's really heavy and the other is a little lighter.
    3 points
  5. This might be useful to someone, I Recently bought a CYMA CM.045 AKS-74U and just wanted to share that Its possible to add a B&T tracer unit with a 1" barrel extender and HFX 212 grommet from Halfords, which means you don't need to cut 2-3cm from the inner barrel and lose any range
    2 points
  6. I honestly honestly read foreskin then 😂, not forestock. Man these night shifts are taking their toll on me!!
    1 point
  7. I was considering responding with the one liner you do have too much time on your hands (Unless readers got the context then the one liner response might have liked slightly odd!!!!)
    1 point
  8. OP, this means not from a site with "BB" in the name.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Haha I was there too, I'm the big lad who got you at the end of the zombie warm-up game by complete accident (and then got shot by everyone for the next couple of hours). I enjoyed KIllzone, disappointing I couldn't stay the whole day but I'll be back on the 2nd. Really enjoyed the woodlands CQB feel they're going for.
    1 point
  11. Thanks for the replies folks. I'm leaning towards WE as it at least looks like I can buy parts (and even just mags!) for them. If I were to get the WE XM177, are there any immediate upgrades I should do to improve its durability/reliability?
    1 point
  12. Did you know, if you have a sore back and you rub some olive oil and a bit of sea salt into it, it will feel instantly greasier and grittier!
    1 point
  13. If you are talking about a standard V3 Switch/shuttle assembly then no, I don't think so. The gearbox shell is not a standard V3 from what I can see around the switch area. A simple cheapo Gate Nano-ASR (which is micro switch compatible with it's debounce function baked in) will remove the electrical stress on the switch though - it *should* significantly improve the life of the unit. Problem is, by the time you've paid £17-20 for a Mosfet (and not botched the install), you are only a few quid away from a better class of gun overall (i.e. Double Eagle etc.). So - if I was buying a G36 for myself, I would opt for the Specna just for the better quality plastics and with the intention of stripping/lubing/shimming/mosfet etc from the outset. But for a first AEG? Hands down JG/CYMA IMHO - from reputable dealer than chronos their guns before dispatch.
    1 point
  14. No mosfets in Specna G36s (OP was asking about the SA-G12 model) - just a microswitch which is not actually rated for the voltages/current that it will experience during Airsoft use.
    1 point
  15. Just to stick my two pence in, I sent Luke my M14 a couple of years ago. I fell into the classic trap of not really using it before deciding I wanted to DMR it, so sent it to a local tech, and, being honest, it was a cluster from the off. Not only did I not want a DMR as it really doesn't suit how I play, but the work done on it was dogshit. Locked to semi eh? So how come when I put a battery in the gun in the safe zone, it'd dry fire on auto?! That made me popular! I asked Luke to basically turn it back to it's original state, and to add a MOSFET. Throughout the process he was really informative (as @TheFull9says, you get lots of updates, voice messages and videos) and came across as a thoroughly decent and honest chap. He had to change a couple of parts, basically because the original tech was a mong, and his advice was always based on getting the best return for your budget. The gun came back and was fantastic, and is the one gun I've since sold that I wish I'd kept hold of.
    1 point
  16. The invader gear multicam kit faded after 10 washes. I washed the them as instructed on labels. Maybe a qc/batch issue. I dyed mine with a mild brown in the end. Structure wise they're flawless. By the speed novs site adds new product, I expect a tactical wash detergent anytime soon.
    1 point
  17. scar527

    THE TM MWS thread

    Krylon Ultra flat Matt paint works the best in my experience. I'd do a few layers(2-3) for your base color, and then stencil with the secondary colors after that as you see fit. It will need a touch up from time to time as it will wear, but as that is what you are going for that shouldn't be a problem.
    1 point
  18. Have not read the entire 3 pages but the answer is simple and should be universal. ALL PLAYERS IRRELEVANT OF ROLE SHOULD WEAR ARM BAND ON UPPER ARM SO THAT IT IS CLEARLY VISIBLE. If "snipers" hide it on ankle area then they are simply shit at sniping and will be shot at by both teams as a result. Comes down to the sites to have any common sense to apply rules mind.
    1 point
  19. I watched for something like a year-ish and decided to drop in 3 AR AEGs for him to upgrade. Far as I can tell his bread and butter is internals and specifically AR/M4/M16 family V2 AEGs and I own a good few from the days before anything decent came with a mosfet. I've done them up externally long ago to how I wanted them but I'm just not interested in AEG internals, so it seemed to make sense and he's not too far from me. Only slight downside is I'm in a rather unpredictable line of work (especially this week) and once he starts working on whatever RIF you've given him he'll be sending quite a lot of messages/short videos and asking questions etc through the process, and right now I don't actually know when I'll have the free time to be able to get on my phone at any given moment. If your schedule is more consistent though it's a pretty big upside really, you can give feedback and make budget decisions as the work's being done. Whether his way of upgrading AEGs is 'the' very bestest way... meh, I don't think there is one. Airsoft is a cottage industry, it's simply not big enough of a business such that there are universally proven best ways to squeeze out the best reliability/performance and tolerances are all over the shop with these cheap parts. What these guns are not is F1 cars or military jets where people with doctorates are 3D modelling airflows around every component, weighing every milligram and timing every system to 1/100000th of a second because people's lives and £billions are hanging in the balance etc etc. Arguing on the internet about filing gears and X69 vs Y96 hop rubber is stupid.
    1 point
  20. I have a second hand TM 1911. It's reliable. It does what you need a pistol to do. My lad has a well abused G17. When it finally refused to cycle (after two years plus IIRC), I must have cleaned about two ounces of crap out of it. The side was damaged by all the grit graunching around in it. Wet and dry and grease fixed it good as new. You can fuck about with other makes and get good results, but I'd rather buy once, cry once.
    1 point
  21. Thats a sintered filter not a piercer
    1 point
  22. Do mirrors reflect your image? Ghillie suit or otherwise. Well, from now on, you're going to be invisible to me.
    1 point
  23. If you have been going to sites that allow you to wear an ARMband around your leg or ankle then that's fine, its their decision. Speaking from a marshaling perspective on the sites I have worked on my position is this. If I got a complaint about someone be it sniper or not generally someone will come to me and so "so and so on green team is doing this that and the other" if you are wearing that ARMband on your ankle and decide you want to do something knobbish or is perceived as being knobbish by the other team it doesn't leave much for someone to give a decent description or tell me what team you are on. This then forces the occasional scenario where EVERYONE wearing a ghillie that day has to be told off together as, as a marshal we cant get a positive ID. My personal thoughts on it are this. Bollocks to how much you have spent on your suit, its a mute point. You are playing a team based game where by you are marked so the other team can positively identify you and shoot you. If you choose to hide that after a marshal has placed that on your arm because it ruins the aesthetic of the tree you are trying to emulate then you are cheating (if playing on a site that states you have to have it on show). If you are playing on a site that allows you to move it then again, their site, their rules. I will however say that I have been to sites that allow this and the amount of snipers that then bitch and moan all day about being lit up is a hell of a lot more than the one or two people on this thread who "accept" that risk - take one of mustangs recent video as case and point, constantly gets hit by his own team but if he were wearing the band on his arm, more than likely would have been less of a problem but then again they could have just had it out for him. Not sure why but this whole thread takes me back to a day at copehill down when a sniper got very very salty and complained to the DS running the event that he'd spent in excess of £500 building and crafting his suit only to spend most of his weekend either dead waiting for a medic or having to leave it in the harbor area because a large number of people on the other team had either thermal scopes or helmet mounted thermal. Not the same situation but did make me LOL. My post is not directed at anyone so no toy throwing please. Just my thoughts based off of posts already made.
    1 point
  24. But if one person, or a minority, is acting in a way that negatively affects everyone else's day shoud they be allowed to carry on?
    1 point
  25. If one day we have a perfect invisible tech (let's call it magic suit) anyone wearing the magic invisible suit will be fully expected to wear armbands at the very minimum, probably leg bands as well, if not just for safety and ID reasons. I think the visible armband rule should be mandatory to all players to maintain fairness, if the guy in normal suits have to keep his armband visible (and not allowed to hide it), a ghillie should not enjoy any privilege to be able to remove or relocate or obscure their armband just because they choose to dress in leafs. I would even argue ghillies should have mandatory leg bands in addition to armbands as to allow prone position identification for friendlies. If I decided to put my armband in my pocket just because I am dressed in some magical optical cloaking tech (therefore should be "fully invisible") they would have kicked me out of the site. The thing is, this is ultimately a game, and any game needs some sort of balance for A. a fun experience for all and B. for the health of the hobby in general. By and large the real world counters to real snipers are not commonly practised in airsoft or have a much higher bar of entry than just paying £50 for a ghillie overall. This is also a game legally limited to 1J plastic bullets and the rules should be designed around the gameplay that emerge from it and I would say perfect invisibility should be ruled out. At the minimum team identification should be visible from any angle. Outside of the armbands, you can be as invisible as you want but keep the armbands visible. Moreover if you wear a ghillie you should still need to make the armband (and leg band) visible even just for identification reasons alone. If someone has the rare skills to identify you from under the bush before you can shoot him but not able to tell you are friend or foe, they will be forced to either shoot you or ask you verbally which team you are on, which frankly both are merely workarounds of a problem that should not be allowed to take place in the first place. So this is as much as a class-privilege problem and a practical gameplay rule-set problem.
    1 point
  26. Well done on completely missing the point. You claimed you're not putting on your leg to hide the band but also say putting it on your arm will make you stick out so it goes on your leg. How is that not trying to hide it?
    1 point
  27. I've really enjoyed watching him, and have learnt a bit (not quite enough to be able to replicate his work!) The only slightly worrying thing is he used to make a video, and then a couple of videos down the line he'd make a comment along the lines of "I snuck that in to fool you, bet you never noticed", so perhaps some of it is designed to hoodwink the techies who are stealing his ideas or business, and consequently you can't 100% trust every word!
    1 point
  28. Straight talking and no BS. What's not to like? I also like that while he's willing to tell you what's a load of junk, he won't recommend anything because it's just not worth the hassle. Apart from maybe a Gate Warfet, he does seem to think they're worth the money.
    1 point
  29. He thinks you're a cunt.
    1 point
  30. When it comes to airsoft youtubers he's definitely one of the better ones. No clickbait made up bullshit or trying to make out he's the airsoft equivalent of Jason Bourne unlike certain others
    1 point
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