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  1. He thinks you're a cunt.
    6 points
  2. I wear mine round my leg when i'm wearing my ghillie, if the site allows it. As others have mentioned, I run the risk of getting shot by friendlies but that happens some of the time anyway, regardless of where I put my arm band or what in wearing. I've learnt no matter what you do, people will always moan. Wear a ghillie, someone will have an issue, use HPA, someone will have an issue, wear a ghillie and use HPA, then you better look out for pitchforks 😂😂
    5 points
  3. Not marshaling but taking photos I learnt this the hard way, a player could only see my head and fired thinking i was opfor. Fortunately I took the shots rather than the camera and since then I tied a hi vis around the hat.
    4 points
  4. While I agree with the general consensus that anything waterproof will leave you as a hot sticky mess, being sensible about the rain is recommended. Unless it's really chucking it down, I'd recommend avoiding goretex and other water proofs. Windproof is where I think you'll get the most benefit, in most showers they cope ok and if they do get soaked, well you're wet but the wind isn't an issue and it's the wind that is often the big problem of being wet. You'll generate loads of heat moving around. There is a bunch of wise people that recommend windproof under your camo of choice, it's much harder to get it wet, still windproof and if your out layer gets soaked - again, not the end of the world. I find baseball caps are super useful for keeping the worst of the rain off your glass/goggles and if you're comfortable with mesh, having a pair of mesh goggles in your bag for those super wet days. Some people like boonies, I have never got on with them but I have a weird head. I find trousers, socks and footwear more important for general comfort. I don't always recommend waterproof boots, they can be good but not cheap, need maintaining and often heavy. I like having a pair of sealskinz in the bag, when it's wet enough to soak my boots I just wear those, not great for 2-3 days straight, but an average skrimish day is fine. If doing multiple day events, good waterproof boots are sensible, talc and sock changes. Gaiters are massively under appreciated, often it's not even that rainy but your feet and lower legs get soaked from wet grass - gaiters are your friend. When it comes to trousers, a choice that dries relatively quick (not jeans) and isn't cotton (poly cotton is ok I find), so your average camo pants work fine, some clones of crye pants aren't great and it's this sort of thing where having real ones can make a big different to your comfort. A spare pair of gloves is a nice luxury as well, putting wet gloves back on after lunch just sucks, as does getting shot in a freezing cold, wet hand that doesn't have a glove on because your only paid is wet. Check out mechanix, i think their originals line is awesome and well worth the cash. When wet I find they still keep my hand less cold than without them.
    3 points
  5. Which will be enforced even less than muzzle energy. And nobody here has said that. We're baffled by why some toy guns are being arbitrarily restricted in ammo and usage based purely on their external appearance. What's changed once is likely to change again. Not that it matters much at the end of the day, it just winds me up because I like to play strictly by the letter and spirit of any rules, but it's impossibru to do that if they keep changing. And one of my least favourite parts is being howled at by a marshal because they didn't read the last-second update, or - as I'm sure we've all experienced - didn't even listen to the safety or game brief. Now, here, I 100% agree. However. It's less work to get things right than to get them wrong. When organisers still choose to make it up as they go along, and hope for the best, they deserve to be admonished for it. Make shaming great again.
    3 points
  6. lokkers

    Gun picture thread

    Just treated myself to a HAO MK16 rail for the TM MWS. Really pleased with the quality - feels very solid.
    2 points
  7. The hop on mine is outstanding and easily lifts the 0.30g I use and beyond. Accuracy is really good too if you can learn to pull the trigger correctly which takes some getting used to if you are only used to Airsoft triggers
    2 points
  8. when he's not intentionally trolling with the sneaky internet "facts", he does know his stuff. certainly he's on a short list of names that'd add value if i saw it in a classified ad. it's worth remembering though that his approach to certain topics is that of a professional tech, someone who's being paid to put in a better standard of work than most folk could do at home. for example his stance on ptfe tape to seal cylinder heads is based on it being messy and unprofessional. this is true, and you'd expect a professional to do a proper job. but if it's your own gun and you're not worried about the next guy who has to work on it then it's one of those bodges that does actually work.
    2 points
  9. This, even with the fanciest breathable waterproofs you're going to get hot running around. Personally I tend to wear a regular smock as while it's nowhere near waterproof the rain helps me to not get too hot as I like to keep moving, but if you're the sort to sit in a bush then something a bit more waterproof may be more suitable. Whatever you decide to go with remember this quote from Sir Ranulph Fiennes "There's no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing" I have very little sympathy for those who don't dress for the conditions and then spend all day whinning about being cold and wet
    2 points
  10. "And then James May repeated the words of my brother from over forty years previously. Meccano put deliberate mistakes into their instructions to encourage young minds to find their own engineering solutions. And creeping up behind me like an unwelcome proctologist, the sense of betrayal returned."
    2 points
  11. I've really enjoyed watching him, and have learnt a bit (not quite enough to be able to replicate his work!) The only slightly worrying thing is he used to make a video, and then a couple of videos down the line he'd make a comment along the lines of "I snuck that in to fool you, bet you never noticed", so perhaps some of it is designed to hoodwink the techies who are stealing his ideas or business, and consequently you can't 100% trust every word!
    2 points
  12. There was a dvd released years ago (called airsoft guide iirc) where an aeg and gbb were tested to see how much water they could take. Both were able to be left submerged in a fish tank and were able to fire just fine (although the water resistance meant the muzzle energy was very low). As for other kit, even the cheapest Chinese made webbing or BDUs should be able to cope with a soaking so if it falls apart after that then, yes you do need better kit. I agree that you get idiots everywhere, but certain events tend to attract certain types of players and it's down to the organisers to act when the idiots play up. AI seam to have trouble doing this. As for the retort of "play better" that's not so easy when the teams are so unevenly stacked that one side is unable to move. Once again this is down to the organisers to sort out. The website and fb page giving different info could easily cause confusion as not everyone is on facebook, or follow airsoft pages and so could easily miss something which is updated on one but not the other As you posted, you can only go off your experience, but likewise I can only go off mine and wasn't great
    2 points
  13. Tiercel

    Newbie & Wet Weather

    Pick up a new hobby for wet days Anything properly waterproof is going to be hot, sweaty and gross to run around in, anything not hot sweaty and gross isnt going to be waterproof. Playing in the rain is rubbish, your eyepro turns into a wet mess of not being able to see anything through wet fogged up lenses, or water droplets clinging to mesh, and was that a BB hitting me or a large drop of rain? Most heavy woodland sites youll have enough tree cover overhead from the rain anyway that standard gear will be fine, just pack a change of dry clothes to go home in, or find indoors CQB sites. Ive done a few game days on wide open sites like old airfields, quarries etc with no overhead cover and its just been a totally miserable experience that most people packed up and went home by lunch time. Dont forget to waterproof your gun as well, getting water in the electrics and shorting out your trigger contacts etc can lead to a frantic scrabble to eject the mag and pull the battery out because it wont stop firing full auto. Snow is good fun to play in though!
    2 points
  14. Pretty much. As much as I'd love to still try sniping with a 2.3J bolt action and a 30m MED in this shopping mall (and I do think it'd be very useful, but incredibly niche and different), the main gripe I have is this. What constitutes a "DMR" over a regular rifle, and why are they just pointlessly handicapped for no reason? As I said, I reckon my MWS will be called a DMR because it has a LPVO and with a suppressor it can look quite long. I'd probably not use it in close quarters too much anyway, just because it's long and my little spring breacher shotgun and/or pistol will be far more useful in that environment, but it's nice to have options just in case! Also, why not allow bolt actions at 1.1J too? There are weirdos like me who have 1.1J bolt action builds, as well as WW2 airsofters who are used to using 1J bolt actions in close quarters environments. Yes, it's a lot less practical, but some of us prefer bolt actions because of how they feel. Also, as @Rogerborgsaid, there will probably be pistols running hot. Fortunately, my mk23 is about 1.05J on .32s (and is part of the reason I don't run heavier because joule creep is whack in gas guns), so .28s will be fine, and my HK45 is easily below, but a lot of mk23 builds creep hot, as do CO2 pistols. The .28 BB weight limit should help gas guns keep fairly low power, but I reckon you'll still get some pistols running hot.
    2 points
  15. I disagree. Some people are just fucking stupid. It wouldn't surprise me if someone did it with the intention of setting the sprinklers off. Also if your kit is going to be destroyed by a bit of water then you should probably get better kit (not that it means such behaviour isnt twatish) But the discussion is about using a rif with a muzzle energy within site limits. Saying a rif can't be used just because it's got a magnifying optic, regardless of the muzzle energy shows the organisers are either incompetent or just can't be arsed. This combined with the way the rules differ between what's on faceache and the website and the way they keep changing don't give me confidence that they won't fuck it up again
    2 points
  16. Inability to spot the catastrophic use of "your" instead of "you're". The joke sir, is you on YOU sir! I must admit I'm surprised @Fatboy40 you're having a problem with the DE. I simply swapped out the stock rubber and nub for the usual 50 degree Macaron + Omega nub combo... I didn't see any obvious improvement in accuracy when I did my target testing at ~15M, but I was very happy with the distances I was getting out on the field. I've used both 0.28 and 0.30 BBs. Good luck with the Maxx hop. It wouldn't have been my choice given the usual noise around their "value proposition" but whatever works is good - let's hope it works for you!
    2 points
  17. Tackle

    Good Grief

    To be honest, I occasionally buy the sun, but in my defence its because my elderly demented mum in law likes the TV mag, the rest goes in the budgie cage🐦 to be shat on. If only we could find a similar use for KM🤣
    2 points
  18. Badgerlicious

    Newbie & Wet Weather

    Softshell is pretty nice. I have some jack pyke digicam stuff that's decently waterproof and not too hot. That plus a waterpoof boonie and I'm pretty happy in the rain. Fortunately my local site has heavy tree cover so it's not so bad, the worst is really the ground and puddles, so some waterproof boots and soft shell trousers work out pretty well, even if I go lighter on the top.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Update. It's a gorgeous collector's piece, but awful to skirmish with. Like I said before, the hop is awful and the trigger is hyper-unrealistic. It's not very accurate beyond 10 or so metres too. I ended up selling mine, but it would be good for someone using it for drills, possibly joining the military or armed police etc.
    1 point
  21. I did a thread on this a few months back. I ended up buying a cheap poncho from Go Outdoors in case it really tipped down, but I've just been rained on a couple of times since then, and my Brit Army surplus stuff and decent para boots kept me sort-of dry and warm enough to get through it. This is outdoor woodland when there wasn't much leaf cover. Very much enjoyed the change of undershirt and gloves at lunchtime, and dry clothes at the end. ESS goggles + mesh lower face mask worked ok actually. The poncho remains unused. I've probably got wetter through sweating too much tbh, so take from all that what you will
    1 point
  22. Thanks for input gents, seems in this game there's very few perfect rif choices straight out of the box and some tinkering disregarding general servicing is almost inevitable regardless of whether you spend £300 or £1500 on the initial purchase (perhaps more so on the £1500 varieties), that in mind I like his approach of swap out the problem factors only as oppose to update the whole gun, especially with my budget, although it seems sometimes upgrading one part creates a need for numerous other parts in order to work well together or avoid one stripping the other etc. If anyone has other YT characters with this kind of standpoint feel free to list them here so I can add them to my watch list as I'm absorbing a lot at the minute and it would help me avoid wasted watch time, money and cementing bad information. Yeah I noticed that too, he said everyone lies to you even me, "I do my best to sneak a lie into every video to see if you can spot it" or words to that effect. Appreciate the heads up. Good read, thanks!
    1 point
  23. Strikes me as open and honest, and I enjoy his presentation of whatever does. Similarly to madmole, my experiences of opening and working on rifs seems to mirror his opinions. I also still own an ares rif, though only one.
    1 point
  24. Straight talking and no BS. What's not to like? I also like that while he's willing to tell you what's a load of junk, he won't recommend anything because it's just not worth the hassle. Apart from maybe a Gate Warfet, he does seem to think they're worth the money.
    1 point
  25. Watch his video's you will learn a lot. some wont agree with everything he does and say, but my tinkering experiences match his and at least he tells it like it is I still own some VFC's and Ares though!
    1 point
  26. When it comes to airsoft youtubers he's definitely one of the better ones. No clickbait made up bullshit or trying to make out he's the airsoft equivalent of Jason Bourne unlike certain others
    1 point
  27. Not necessarily, some gearboxes now come with microswitches without any sort of electronics, which is a bad move because microswitches are way more fragile than regular switches. A too long nozzle will prevent the gun from feeding, not firing in FA. And the opposite will lead to air leaks and power drops. Anyway, @Picklerick90what do you mean by full auto? Multiple, distinct gearbox cycles or simply that it fires more than one BB at the time? Is it possible to have a clear, detailed video of the issue?
    1 point
  28. Can't stand all the headshots.
    1 point
  29. That 5% is like a cancer and will grow as others (not all, but some) see people cheating and getting away with it, and decide "if they can do it so can I"
    1 point
  30. What I hope is that you'll do an honest appraisal of the MaXXX versus the ZCI, ideally a before-and-after bench test with the variables and human factors minimised. So much of this hobby is about feeling good about what we fit rather than any objective benefit.
    1 point
  31. concretesnail

    Newbie & Wet Weather

    Playing in the wet ccan be great, i have a very fond memories of playing night games in extremely heavy rain. Kit wise it's good boots and a pair of rab gaiters which sorts the below knee and above its left to quick drying trousers, personally I go for clawgear. The top half is a mixed depending on the style of play, if it's a slow and steady type game or a long one then waterproof jacket that is breathable, breathable is a must. Shorter or very active games, then just my ubacs and base layer. Vision I play in ess glasses so it a treatment and a hat; tilley, boonie, cap. Water proofing the rif i do with a touch of conformal coating on exposed connections and swapping all plugs to xt type connectors. Then ts the little things and the nicer things like a charcoal hand warmer and ziplock bags for anything carried which needs to be kept dry. Spare clothes, towel and thermos in the van.
    1 point
  32. He knows his stuff, but in some cases I think he goes over the top with ridiculous arguments (fitting a Maxx unit takes less time and brain cells than making a gearbox feed and seal on a warhead motor, that is undeniable, yet he is willing to go great lengths to fit a warhead but won't bother doing slight adjustments to fit a Maxx, for some obscure reason) Back on topic: Are you on a tight budget? ZCI Do you care about squeezing every bit of performance out of your gun? Maxx
    1 point
  33. They can be finnicky in some recievers, and theyre a lot more expensive for not a lot more bb lobbing performance compared to the zci's But if it sits nice in your gun, and you're the type to care about climbing that diminishing returns curve/the shiny extras, then they are good units.
    1 point
  34. We all agree that you can bring DMRs and me being a weirdo wishes I could bring a bolt action at 1.1J. What we're saying is that what constitutes a DMR varies from person to person and DMRs are needlessly limited vs regular non-DMR rifles. Having half the ammo per life and being unable to use them inside the shops just makes them pointless vs bringing a regular rifle. In my opinion they should allow all types of guns and just limit them to 1.1J and no full-auto. As long as your gun fits that, you should be allowed to use it, support guns and bolt actions included.
    1 point
  35. july_pi

    custom gbb

    【CUSTOM GBB WORKSHOP】 COLT M16A1 MODEL 603 E&C AEG base deep marking Anodizing detail fix
    1 point
  36. Enjoy his videos, curious what people's thoughts are on him and his knowledge, comes across as no bullshit, simple upgrades mostly stock just choose a good system in the first place which appeals to me being new to the game but that lack of experience also means one knows not who to trust. He openly admits that many people dispute him but that just makes me trust him more. I'll go start a thread on this save steering the topic away, thinking out loud right now, apologies.
    1 point
  37. The typical "4 BB fall-out" pisses me off! I do most of my test firing in the lounge out to the garden, and inevitably manage to drop a couple of BBs on to the hardwood floor, then spend time chasing them around under the furniture etc. If Maxx hop units stop that, I'd be inclined to buy 'em - please tell me more! To be fair, much (almost all?) of that noise that I've heard/seen is from Luke at Neg Airsoft loudly dissing them and bigging up the ZCI hops. That usually carries some weight...?
    1 point
  38. Skara

    Am I Now An Airsoft W**ker?

    Best M4 hop unit, once you get past a few compatibility niggles. Whoever says otherwise is just wrong.
    1 point
  39. Generally speaking, you’re only an airsoft wanker f you go binary or hpa a pistol with a drum mag adapter. So you are good mate; for now.
    1 point
  40. No, no, don't hold back, say what you really mean 🤣
    1 point
  41. Cannonfodder

    Good Grief

    He's probably into that sort of thing
    1 point
  42. Just picked up this VFC Mp5 a5 Super snappy , has a tracer built into the hop unit 😎 With the wrong (but looks cool) B&T supressor, I quite fancy a tri lug barrel tip somebody must have a tri lug muzzle flash that’s redundant 🤞
    1 point
  43. Great weekend run by Gunman at Eversley Alpha. The unusual feature of this event was that the VC and PAVN forces would have to stand and fight as a conventional unit. Two man fire teams were possible, but both units would fight as groups. Since both outfits tent to be harder to heard than cats, this promised an interesting weekend! Friday night was the usual banter around a roaring fire, plenty of beers and the now traditional brandy and cigars. Obviously one wishes to prepare oneself before a weekend of vigorous activity; and a few coronas and balloons of Courvoisier help tremendously. These were enjoyed after a large helping of exquisite curry cooked by one of the players. Just because we’re in tents doesn’t mean that we slum it. Saturday morning saw a few regulars and several newcomers take to the field. Being VC, our task was to kill and capture when possible GIs. The PAVN faction had a whole set of objectives that our hit and run chaos was to aid. We would tie the GIs up, whilst the PAVN did their thing. This was really enjoyable as we formed a three man fire team and played havoc with tripwires and ambushes, occasionally posing as civilians in order to delay or divert the enemy. Being equipped with explosives and an LSW, we had a fair bit of wallop when we did attack. A good feature of the site is the regular fly pasts by vintage aircraft. The noise allowed for seriously rapid deployment in deep cover as the noise covered the sound of the movement. In the area around the brewery section of the site, I played a blinder. Being separated from my team as one player had become separated, and the other lost their rifle playing civilian, I attacked alone. Seriously I was on the ball, and managed kill after kill with no hits to myself. I was located at one point, but both grenades that were thrown failed to explode. I must have trodden in some lucky shit I think. For the first time I wished that I had kept count of the kill/death ratio. Another team member claimed 18/3. My personal highlight was locating the enemy in a trench and earwigging their plans, radioing these to command and getting comfortable until they moved out twenty minutes later. When I got eyes on, I realised that the players were two regulars and my son. I laughed out loud as I took each one out. The family that sprays together etc… At close of play, we had given the GIs a good pasting as a team, with the PAVN having carried out all of their objectives. The US players had recovered quickly after each attack and also done well, so good work all round. For the first time ever at one of these games, someone mentioned hit taking, which I think shocked us all, but I think with hindsight that someone was playing less than switched on rather than taking the piss. The heat was not too bad, but humidity was really high, and I can understand a bit of sloppy play at days end. Everyone was seriously wilting. The night time was very relaxed after the day’s events. The new bars were still full of singing idiots until late and we talked over the day’s game over steaks and scotch. Sunday was more objective based. A series of escape routes had to be closed by the US and defended by the Vietnamese. This went less well than Saturday. Two Viet fireteams came across almost the whole US force, and not realising their error, stood and fought. The outcome was inevitable and we lost all three citations and only hid our equipment box by luck. We all went back to respawn well chastened. Bollox! Splitting our team into two we felt on more familiar ground. As a team of four we re-entered the field and followed in the US’s path. Doing this we retrieved our equipment and hid it ready for another opportunity. We also managed to win a quick firefight with a recce squad that we bumped. This cheered us up considerably. Close of play was frustrating. We prepared a damn good all units ambush only for the US to rumble our plans and some fool to open fire all too soon. We got a thorough drubbing and deserved it for the lack of fire discipline. One thing or so of note: The new players were not as switched on as the old hands. I noticed that when we patrolled, the experienced players held their rifs at the ready whilst the newbies used the carry handles right into the objectives. New players not only talked, but did so loudly, actually bickering about plans rather than confirming quietly via radio. Loose buckles rattled, equipment thunked and twigs cracked like gunshots. None knew any hand signals either. It soon became an educational weekend too. Hits of the weekend: I honestly played better than ever before Saturday. The social was fantastic. My wife played too, and is developing into a seriously good player. She now wants a lightweight machine pistol. What would anyone recommend? We will try her with the lads Skorpion, but I expect that she’ll want her own 60’s rapid fire sidearm soon. She also fancies a lightweight sniper rifle. You can imagine how gutted I am at the thought of yet another gun. Favourite bit: chap shaking hands at the end of game stating that we were the sneakiest bastards that he’d ever played against. This was especially generous as I aimed for his rucksack as he ran away… and all five/six shots hit him on the arse. I did apologise. The heroes who got us a couple of gallons of water from Tesco deserve a mention too. Moans: where were we all? The best games on the whole calendar IMHO and we were seriously depleted. I would say that only a third of the expected players were there. This did not affect the gameplay as such, which was great, but I did miss a few faces. Seriously, playing this type of event once a month leaves our old bi-weekly skirmishing routine lacking. Anyhow, another great Gunman event, as expected. I’ll do the next at the end of the month, and one in October. I might just skirmish over the winter unless a Soviet themed game comes up, or possibly partisan based. Whatever, it will be a blast.
    1 point
  44. DaktariT

    Atmospheric Photos

    Curry night?
    1 point
  45. Rogerborg

    Sig Mpx AEG

    And yet people will keep buying them. It's the triumph of optimism over experience.
    1 point
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