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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/07/22 in all areas

  1. Thus many (most? all?) sites requiring anyone with a MED primary to also have a sub-1.13J secondary.
    7 points
  2. Isn't it obvious, he's a plasterer & he got to a job & realised he'd left his tools in the other motor, if he wanted to get paid he had to improvise with what he had in the boot. Simples😜
    6 points
  3. Reminds me of the time that SWMBO left the boy unattended with a catering sized tub of E45 cream..... Have a picture somewhere LOL Yep.... Looks about right 🤣🤣🤣
    6 points
  4. Lozart

    Atmospheric Photos

    Personal fave by Studio 13 photography at Gunman Bravo
    5 points
  5. Not really. Yours is very, very vague, almost "how long is a piece of string" vague. This is what I mean. You already have a no MED "sniper rifle", which you don't seem to enjoy (if you were, you wouldn't have made this thread). Then you ask for a no MED "sniper rifle". That you already own. And that you don't like. You can get away with a basic M4, a good air seal and a good hop rubber, while retaining the fun switch. HPA if you can afford it and your site has the logistics to keep you going (compressor/fill station). As you can see there are a million + 1 possible answers to your "reasonable" question. No need to go full new age feminist in here. Not a good start. For silly, completely unnecessary "advice", Facebook and Reddit are great places where the various Skylar the bedroom techs will always tell you to use PTFE and sorbo pads and that high speed motors are better. I suggest you rephrase the question, this time with more details on what you actually want.
    5 points
  6. Gunman Namsoft at Alpha 2019(?)
    4 points
  7. Always liked this one, though I have had to drastically crop it to get around the max file size for posting
    4 points
  8. >Insert "show me where they touched you" meme here<
    4 points
  9. This came up tangentially a while back, and I'll just paraphrase what I said then; that the 'DMR' role - and it is more a role within a group than a personal strategy - is more a state of mind than about what particular gun you are using. My 'DMR' setup is a bog standard Lancer gen3 AEG with an ACOG on top, only internal mods are a new hop rubber and nub. I rarely stray into full auto, take considered shots, try and back up my team where marksmanship is required. The fact that I still have access to the Fun Switch if I happen to need it is all to the good. If you don't want an MED - and I don't! - then the world is your oyster, you can pick from literally any AEG as long as it meets the criteria for accuracy and your own personal aesthetic and ergonomic choices.
    4 points
  10. ‘Painters radio’ certainly springs to mind 😂
    4 points
  11. Lurks in smaller than pistol calibre DMR. Mind you, if it’s good enough for the Israeli defence force, it’s good enough for me 689DEB9D-B1B7-4767-8323-93724441560D.webp
    3 points
  12. That is a very good point. It's interesting that even with the ebb and flow of users over the years, it's managed to (just about) hold the delicate balance of piss-taking and education without becoming something altogether more...churlish. I wonder if @Mack had any clue what he was going to inadvertently create here.
    3 points
  13. tis a curious system, don't think i've seen anything like it on other hobbyist forums but i can't deny for the most part it seems to work. ofc very easy for something like this to go south if folk don't approach it with the attitude of it being advice with a bit of humour rather than flaming folk for no good reason.
    3 points
  14. If I were king of an airsoft site, I'd mandate that for DMRs, with a 2 second delay. Then I'd test them all at every respawn. Then I'd just ban them all anyway.
    3 points
  15. Water + pork pies and peanuts. Eh, if you have no body fat. Simple carbs are just extra fuel on the fire for the rest of us. I guess this gets us back to the "Why don't sites provide free / at cost water" handbag fight again. [Winds up for a swing]
    3 points
  16. I run a G&G MBR556 as a DMR. I'm not going to die on this hill as don't have enough knowledge of "real world situations" (although as an airsofter I have to shoehorn in that I have shot RS in 7.62 and .308) but my understanding is that DMR's are often chambered in the same calibre as the main squad rife, just tuned for long range precision. As such modern DMR's are also found in 5.56 I will add that I have electronic "sniper delay" setup and only use 90 round mags. Combine that with some sites requiring as low as 400fps for their DMR players, I don't see how people could take issue with what I do, just because I don't have a SR25 style stock on my RIF.
    3 points
  17. Paint stripper - meet TM Plastics. Needless to say, that relationship did not end well.
    3 points
  18. As mentioned already, stay hydrated. I played on saturday and got through around 5 litres (which for me is a lot). I took a few litres frozen as well which meant I had lovely ice cold water. Something I would recommend considering with the hydration is some sort of electrolyte drink, I have literally sweated most of them out before and been exhausted from that as without the salts and minerals it's hard on the body to function, SIS in most tescos have tabs you can add to water, you can find them with the running gels, protein bars/powders. Try to avoid caffeine and energy drinks. I may have poured some of the water over my head to help keep me cool! It was a filmsim game at gunman tuddenham and the pace is a bit slower than a skirmish, lovely little chill time, sitting in the shade, feeling the breeze, even had a hare come up to about 2 feet away. Then think sensibly about your gear choices and clothes, chest rigs/belt kits etc are more comfortable in the heat that plate carriers. Don't be the guy wearing a hoody and wool balaclava (yes there were a few on saturday), if you are still getting tired - take a break. I know the site well and took the chance to wear high top vans instead of chunky combat boots, felt so much nicer for it. That was a risk but one I felt was worth it. Hats etc all help. Would also suggest sun tan lotion and bug repellant
    3 points
  19. Lightweight loadouts are king. I went airsofting on Sunday and had no issues whatsoever, but I was running a very lightweight loadout. Trousers, t-shirt, belt kit, no rig as I was using my VSR but could've run a lightweight chest rig if I needed to, and a simple cobra hood instead of a full ghillie. Keeping at least your back uncovered by extra layers, backpacks or load-bearing kit really helps you to keep cool as it allows you to sweat, then that sweat to evaporate which is how your body cools itself. If you have too many layers, you sweat but then that sweat gets trapped in those layers and you don't cool off as effectively (don't cite me on this, I am no scientist but this is what I've found through experience). I wouldn't want to play CQB unless there was some sort of environmental control to keep the temperature down and to cycle the air as it's going to get really, really stuffy in there really, really quickly; woodland is far better when it's hot because the air doesn't get stale and stuffy like it would at an indoor venue, due to being outdoors. The most important thing, so important that I give it its own paragraph, is keeping hydrated. Your body uses water to keep your body temperature at healthy levels, so while dehydration is really bad, it's worse in the heat and can lead to heatstroke (which can be life-threatening faster than dehydration!). I think I went through about 6 or 7 litres of water on Sunday. Fortunately, it typically it doesn't get too bad in this country. When I did airsoft in the south of Spain, we'd have to finish by 2pm because it just starts getting dangerously hot (hottest day when I lived in Spain I think was about 45 degrees celcius)
    3 points
  20. Just remember... In the winter well all be moaning about the cold, the wet, and how our gas pews don't shoot further than dog can piss. Hydration is the key.
    3 points
  21. Does that come with the shotgun?
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. I'll get some fresh sheets ready.
    2 points
  24. With SWMBO or out of the country I have access to a Louise Viton.... The DMR of handbags. Pucker up beeatch, and I'll Amber Heard you. 😜
    2 points
  25. Some might wonder how we'd notice. Some might say "I'm leathering it because I'm really tired" isn't exactly being careful, now.
    2 points
  26. No, it looks like Macks is doing it's job as a deterrent for idiots. Can't help those young'uns that use Discord and the various other websites to buy their Airsoft wares, but at least this forum is actively calling out the deluded, ignorant, or downright scamming sellers.
    2 points
  27. Usually shorter is only an option at 420mm, because most barrels aren't cut for m14 hop ups. However, the ZCI barrels have both regular and m14 hop unit cuts, so you could go with the 494mm and you won't have any issues. The outer barrel on the m14 hugs the inner barrel the whole way through, so I don't think you'd even have any issues with it being off-centre either. And it's not a stupid question. Even with me google searching these issues, I ended up buying a 509mm barrel from Umbrella Armory for a pretty penny to stick in my m14 back in the day, only to realise it didn't fit. It has been sitting in my parts drawers for years and I'm only now finally digging it out for my SR-25 build
    2 points
  28. I put a 3 litre platypus bladder in the freezer saturday night and took it to work yesterday (mainly for the commute rather than when I'm at work), it stayed icy all day and I actually took it to bed with me last night as a cold water bottle. Wrapped it in a t-shirt and just laid it on my chest. No bursting or splitting, or on the other one that's in the freezer now, though I made sure not to fill it 100% full.
    2 points
  29. Hydration, Hydration, Hydration! (Possibly the most disturbing Phil and Kirsty spin-off!) Spartan Woodland was bearable on Sunday. Light weight clothing, minimal load-out (I even took the AK with a high-cap incase I wanted to ditch the chest rig and GBBR mags....turned out ok) Marshal team were good at keeping the games shorter and giving a good turn-around time to re-hydrate. Cooler with ice packs for lunch and drinks was essential and worth it! I did take some extra instant cold packs in the first aid kit incase one of the "running around wearing all the gear and only drinking Monster" crew had a "I feel a bit funny" spell but everyone was refreshingly sensible. Remember, if you don't need to piss you aren't drinking enough!
    2 points
  30. Well, I took the plunge & now own my first Italian, & also my first twin, initial impressions so far are good, pulls like a train (even with my fat arse on it lol) & generally feels great. Only 20 miles done this evening but I've got a pre-op on Thursday so I'll do another 100 then, mostly winding Country lanes so good opportunity to test the handling 😁 & yeah I will be losing the cissy backrest 🤮
    2 points
  31. Daveoc33

    TM centimeter master nbb

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    This is my toyko marui nbb centimeter master. Its in very good condition with a few marks on the lower frame. Ive no idea about the fps but I doubt its skirmishable. It has a sealed 2004 TM catalogue in there as well. Its a classic. I won't be able to post the maintenance gas with it. I forgot to remove that for the pictures. £40 all in I will only sell if you have ukara.


    1 point
  32. I don't take anything in the newspaper seriously, except for fish and chips. And even that I take with a pinch of salt.
    1 point
  33. Ever watched this? It's brilliant.
    1 point
  34. I take a gallon of water with me to leave at respawn. The last two games, lazy fuckers have drunk the lot. I don't mind helping a man out, but leaving me dry is taking the piss, especially mid-viral borne pandemic. I had more in the van, but next game I'm spitting in the bastard loudly and demonstrably before game on... Figure a litre plus an hour in this and you'll be fine if you know the signs of heatstroke to watch out for.
    1 point
  35. Seller is BritForceFam tho. You not wanting to help our heroes, m8?
    1 point
  36. Totally agree I can be sarcastic as fornication at times(I am Welsh after all , it’s our TRUE national sport) BUT I do try to temper it slightly if an add does seem overly hopeful or just “oh dear that seller really hasn’t a clue on resale value do they !” and on the whole I do think Mac’s sticks to that BUT I do also enjoy it when some wankspanggle gets called out for claiming something their selling is blatantly not(SPR anyone ?🤦‍♂️)what they claim it is AND then try doubling down on it ! 🤦‍♂️ when are these dumbasses ever going to realise this forum is populated buy a lot of players with even more knowledge about the game and the kit than most retailers ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 EDIT , And low and behold I give you my exact point ! it’s an AA SA80A1 tarted up so I’m hoping it’s lack of resale value knowledge . seller says based in Andover ? more like Bendover at that price ! 😳
    1 point
  37. Floperator

    One for the bikers ???

    Sounds good to me. If only the London Met were as conscientious.
    1 point
  38. I think most sensible people are fine with that. Hell, the SR-25 itself has multiple stock options and one is an extendable stock like on an M4. Where most people get annoyed is when you get someone turning up with an ARP9 or an mp5 as a DMR. I will say I generally dislike the rules for DMRs at most sites, and the 1.48J/400fps DMR rules just make me go 1.1J instead. I typically subscribe to the idea that the role =/= RIF classification. After all, I play like a "sniper" with 1.1J guns all the time, some people play the squad "designated marksman" role with a 2.3J bolt action etc. But as I said above, it's more when people turn up with an SMG or an m4 with a drum mag as a "DMR" at 1.88J or whatever the local limit is that I start to ask questions.
    1 point
  39. the problem is that with such a vague definition of a semi-capable pew that's sub 350fps and can have a scope mounted you could recommend pretty much anything. for example: m14 sr25 dragonuv/svu vss/val fal g3 psg1 and that's a non-exhaustive list off the top of my head based on the vague notion of them being chambered in "dmr" cartridges (well, maybe not the vss/val but they commonly get used in airsoft for that purpose anyway). Needless to say they're available from multiple manufacturers according to your budget/taste, a few are available as gbb's, and all of them can, with varying degrees of effort, be converted to hpa. if we're not limiting ourselves to looking the part and only care about bb lobbing then you can add pretty much every aeg and even mk23 carbine conversions to that list (although granted that's assuming a level of tweaking over stock). so for example i could recommend you buy an RS dragonuv and install a polarstar F2, but that wouldn't be helpful if you didn't want to spend that much, if you didn't like hpa, or if you just simply don't like the dragonuv. likewise @Lozart's suggestion of the cyma m14 is totally valid, unless you just happened to not like the m14 in which case it's kinda pointless. if you want more targeted advice then it's worth thinking about how you're phrasing the question, eg; what sort of guns do you like the looks of? do you want it to look like a dmr or just be good at lobbing bb's? are you willing/able to modify over stock levels of performance? do you care if it's also capable of auto? do you want it to be a gbb, or is a regular aeg fine? what sort of budget do you have?
    1 point
  40. Absolutely. That and a Maple Leaf rubber and nub and a patient and methodical approach to stripping it down. I've put a Rocket 28TPA motor in ome of mine and that has improve the RoF quite nicely too.
    1 point
  41. loctez

    E&L AKS74N essential


    • For sale
    • Used

    Very good condition ak, has had circa 20 hours of game time. Incredibly solid bit of kit that happily plugs little plastic balls towards your foes. Really pleasant shooting experience with superb externals. Comes with 1 mid cap and fitted with a surplus Soviet sling. Price include PF48 postage. Will take a tenner off for collection around north Nottingham.



    1 point
  42. Key point to take away is; water. Stay hydrated and you’d be surprised how much of a difference it makes. Take as much as you can carry, but I’d be looking to drink probably at least a litre an hour, possibly more. Frequent breaks somewhere out of the sun if possible, be mindful that even shaded areas can get hot. We’re all guilty of carrying ‘extras’ on our kit which in all reality we probably won’t need. Have a good look at what you’d normally take and then cut it down. Do you need those spare 6 magazines or can you manage with 3? Are you really going to need that sidearm? As others have said, suncream and top it up regularly. Personally I don’t think there’s anything worse than waking up the next day and finding that I’m burnt.
    1 point
  43. Looks good fella. The nose is 'period correct' as a lot of the tourer/adventure bikes had the pod style front end. Part of me quite likes the back rest.... don't worry, I'll see myself out
    1 point
  44. Mine works! 👍 Now to buy 1500 tracer bbs for a hypothetical night game that I might not play for 6 months...
    1 point
  45. A five-year-old girl went to the office with her father on”Take Your Kid to Work Day". As they were walking around the office,the young girl started crying and getting very cranky.Her father asked what was wrong with her. As the staff gathered round,she sobbed loudly:”Daddy,where are all the clowns that you said you worked with?”
    1 point
  46. First game in 5 weeks and I've missed this. Took the m21 and my 1.1J spring VSR to the site, but they didn't have .32s in stock (or at least they didn't have any of the brands I like and I'm picky with my ammo) so I ended up running my spring VSR. Was a really great day, as there were lower numbers due to people getting scared of a bit of sunshine and warmth and there were very few ghillies for once, which felt great being one of them even though I was only using my Russian cobra hood because I didn't want to cook. Skill level was... pretty poor. I spent a lot of time being the front line with my bolt action rifle as I slowly crawled up along the flanks, because nobody was pushing all day so my stealthy slow-crawl was faster than the rest of my team. During one of the afternoon games, I did a slight naughty because our team was getting stomped horribly on a rolling assault where we were the attackers. We just weren't making any ground and I was the front line with my sniper rifle, so I continued slow crawling until I was fairly near their spawn. They could've easily avoided me by going through the foliage, they could've easily overwhelmed me by charging past (they had no idea where I was, but with a bolt action I can't hit that many of them if they just charge past), but they kept walking slowly down the path towards my kill-zone and I ended up spawn trapping a good portion of the enemy team for about 10 mins. Desperate times called for desperate measures and my team still didn't push, even with a bunch of the enemy team not able to reinforce the base we needed to take. When it was clear my team still wasn't pushing the objectives, a marshall asked me politely to move on and so I did and that's where I called it for the day. Was almost out of ammo in my VSR after keeping them pinned anyway, but if that wouldn't get my team to push, nothing would. That said, I got a lot of great shots, but more importantly I played with an MED in mind, despite not having one as I wanted to see if I could bring my 2.3J VSR along and still be effective. Next game day I will take the plunge and bring the 2.3J HPA VSR instead because there were many shots I could've done if I had it today, but there were no shots taken under 30m. I think I have the site knowledge and the skill to make it work, even though Worthing Airsoft is so overgrown right now, plus I found a bunch of new spots to play around. Used my p226 as my sidearm and every time I do I come away saying to myself I need to use this pistol more. It's by far my best performing GBB pistol, reaching out accurately to 50m and can still fairly reliably hit the 60m target, plus it cycles like a dream. Also, the magazines don't have those damned pins in the bottom, having a screw in the baseplate instead so they're so much easier to maintain and work on. Highlight of the day is definitely dropping a shot onto a player at about 80m with my 1.1J VSR. Fired one and there's no way it went anywhere near the guy, so I angled it slightly, took another shot and then a second or two later the guy put his hand up and looked over in my direction with a confused expression on his face. He didn't see me, but the shot felt amazing. 80m with a 1.1J bolt action is a nice shot whichever way you look at it, especially using grey BBs like I do so I had to adjust based on my estimate of the range and my knowledge of how my rifle works because I couldn't see the BBs themselves Already looking forward to next game day. Will bring my big boy VSR next time and try running it alongside an mp5k on a sling and my p226 to try and get used to it. If not, worst case if I want to run an SMG alongside a BASR/DMR I can always use the mp7 in a leg holster, but I'd like to run a pistol because I love my pistols
    1 point
  47. Sneaky

    Airsoft cherry popped

    Welcome to the real world, were we can have fun and do our own thing (as long no one gets hurt or offended).
    1 point
  48. No disputing it's a cool bit of kit, but it's not cheap for an occasional Airsoft loadout that's fairly limited in its use, for example, no Hydration capabilities, would I want to wear a full suit just to achieve the "look" at this time of year ? 😜 PS, wasn't there an rmp covert vest not unlike that for considerably less shekels ?
    1 point
  49. Tackle

    One for the bikers ???

    Wish I had your wisdom 30 years ago, I only 'kin married her 😭. Seriously though guys, thanks for the advice so far, yeah I knew about ducati's issues back in the 80's/90's, chocolate head studs that didn't like riding from cold etc, they were definitely meant for owners with deeper pockets when it came to servicing but I'm told this particular engine became the "go to" lump in the millennium, & this model was detuned so actually less stress than the other models that shared the poweplant. But as well as getting as much positive info on the bike model, I'm approaching it the way I do when I'm buying a rif, studying the owner as much as what he's selling, in this case he's just got the latest incarnation of the multistrada, so as a brand he's had no major issues, plus he has a very well looked after HD bobber, & a classic Honda vf750, again well looked after 👍 As for what I'm considering, it's got new mot, no advisories, New back tyre, full Duke luggage & some other bits, all of which add up to quite a lot of £. & the biggest plus, I've got the missus backing 😳, never saw that coming lol.
    1 point
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