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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/12/21 in all areas

  1. kasaran

    New Pews for Christmas

    TM MK18 NGRS from the wife
    5 points
  2. We bought my eldest a Glock pistol and a grenade along with a dummy knife for CQB, he’s stoked. The Mrs bought me KWA Skorpion with additional larger mag, leg holster, grenade and a large gun case. The eldest bought me a dummy knife too. I’ve done bloody well!! Now trying to plan my ‘pluck’ foam interior layout.
    4 points
  3. This is my new pew. Doesn't fire very far though.
    4 points
  4. EDcase

    JD Airsoft

    A friends order arrived 🤪
    4 points
  5. Careful, your tin foil hat is slipping
    4 points
  6. So, come on then, who got new pews or pew related kit for Christmas ? I got a WE M4 GBBR and loads of bits towards a long L119 A2 build from my lovely wife 😀
    3 points
  7. Yes!! Result!! Two tm mk23 mags and a Daniel defence g shock stock. 😀 Gord bless ya Santa baby🎅 lol. Regards
    2 points
  8. NeatBeard

    Gun picture thread

    The Mrs bought me a new toy, KWA Skorpion with a larger mag, can’t wait to try it out! She also got me a gun case (and a few other goodies) so I’m planning out the ‘pluck foam’ layout.
    2 points
  9. EDcase

    Gun picture thread

    ...and the RMR? 😉
    2 points
  10. Nick G

    Gun picture thread

    Happy now ? 🤣 Weighs a bloody ton !
    2 points
  11. Got any sources for that pile of bollocks?
    2 points
  12. strykerles

    JD Airsoft

    18000!!! trigger happy are we? 😂
    2 points
  13. All the data shows that vaccines work to reduce the risk of infection and transmission of the virus. Does it give 100% protection? No but it significantly reduces the chance of infection and if you do get infected the chances of being hospitalised are far lower. All I'm hearing from the anti vaxx crowd is that it's a attack on their freedoms and other such nonsense. Nobody is being descriminated against or rounded up and its worth remembering that your rights end when your actions affect others.
    2 points
  14. I take it that was an over 18s only event? If not the organisers could've got themselves in serious trouble with child protection laws Gimmicks like some bint getting her tits out make me wonder how good the site actually is if they have to use cheap stunts like this to pull in the punters. Concentrate on making sure the games are well run and you'll get players wanting to come back.
    2 points
  15. Which ones? Just so I know where to avoid obviously.
    1 point
  16. mickyboy

    ASG Tactical Sniper

    Shame, I'll keep looking for now, and then may be, I'll tackle a bit off fettling.
    1 point
  17. Tackle

    ASG Tactical Sniper

    You might struggle to find one, consider an alternative maybe ?, little bit of fettling it'll probably fit
    1 point
  18. Blinged up a little with my Kobra, my cheap suppressor and a stock sling adapter that's too short to fit where it ought to go, but does fit nicely through the thumbhole and over the RIS which looks like it'll be fine. It's a cool beast Chrono'd at 270Fps on 0.20g. My spare M100 will go in sharpish, but there's actually two extra springs inside the box, I'll maybe try them too, out of curiosity! The hop unit is cheap feeling compared to the nice one in my DE M906C so I think I'll be finding a replacement sooner rather than later. The hop when applied looks off center, so not expecting much accuracy as it is. Happy Xmas everyone 😊
    1 point
  19. Fatboy40

    New Pews for Christmas

    My son is well chuffed with his DE M906C... but more importantly I can now muck around with his G&G Firehawk and fit a GATE Titan. His best friend got a Lancer Tactical LT-04 GEN2 with battery / charger / red dot, and he's over the moon with it, primarily as they can now skirmish together (I so need a "Dad Taxi" sticker for my car).
    1 point
  20. EDcase

    New Pews for Christmas

    Its not a pewpew its a twangtwang 👍
    1 point
  21. Nick G

    Gun picture thread

    Got one spare as it goes , need to dig a battery out for it !
    1 point
  22. BigStew

    New Pews for Christmas

    you could go full Antonio Banderas and convert it in to a shotgun.
    1 point
  23. Should last you until lunchtime.
    1 point
  24. Merry Christmas all you flingers of plastic. Let's hope that the airsoft Santa brings all that you desire.
    1 point
  25. Jesus wept... and on his birthday too.
    1 point
  26. EDcase

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    You got that from a cracker didn't you? 🙄😆
    1 point
  27. Paul72

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    Why does Santa always enter through the chimney? Because it soots him
    1 point
  28. Some things that are grossly overlooked with Omicron. Sure it was South Africa that thisd appeared in, however, the Chinese community in Africa is numbering 20 million and most are regulars in travelling between the major cities that were responsible for the initial outbreak of Wuhan Flu which the CCP objected to because they are over sensitive about and that the WHO obliged and gave it a name that hid the origin... This SA variant was like all these world pandemics and like the annual flu outbreaks, came from the same place as all pandemics originate, China. The main reason being that their glitzy cities, travel less than 20 miles out of a major city and you have stepped back in time to a period that is more like the early years of serfdom in the UK, peasant farmers living with their livestock in horrendous conditions and easy transmission of viruses that break the zoonotic barrier. China pushes out an image of a modern society when nearly half of the people in china are still living in a level of poverty that makes their peasant farmers earn less than an illegal miner does in a day in South Africa. Also note that in the last 10 years, China has been gearing up for war, who with, I D K but they are amassing tech that they never had 10 years ago, so like a bunch of kids are itching to try their toys out that were intellectual property of the west. I am not about to venture down the growing body of evidence that Wuhan Flu aka COVID was a leaked bio-weeapon that the CCP were working on... I am just waiting fore that fact bubble to burst. Evidence of this research was discovered but quickly covered up and people disappeared. A couple of youtubers who spent a combined 20 years living in and have Chinese wives, commented on a number of things given their network of people that they are still in contact with, have better intelligence than the USA's NSA and what the Five Eyes collaboration brings to the table. So for my end here, Omicron variant of Wuhan Flu came from the same place the original came from and weas trucked in via an executives or their family or family members coming over to stay with relatives escaping the outbreaks that keep on happening in China but news of is suppressed and the WHO has its woll pulled again because Tredos is a bought and paid shill and member of the CCP, evidence was presented to that fact as were tow other members of the WHO board sitting on this COVID committee in the WHO. This is no conspiracy as all the evidence has surfaced and been presented by many people who have picked up on these investigators having direct links to the Wuhan research lab, previous work for the CCP... so its to me is just a cover up of another outbreak they worked so hard to cover Wuhan flu up that they missed evidence that was leaked by people and the discovery by the Chinese Doctor that got admonished for "Disrupting social harmony" was arrested and made to sign a retraction... So remember to look up in future, how many Chinese citizens and if that country is part of the belt and road initatives, then they will have a huge chinese population like Africa has over 20 million chinese there at any given moment... so its not hard to work out that the latest variant may have come out of Africa but it was trucked in from the usual suspect aka China. Food for thought.
    1 point
  29. Thank you, she really does look the part now. potentially your right as the site I am going to is closing down soon, they are looking for a new site but not sure if they have found one yet. If they close before mid February, I wouldn’t have been able to get my UKARA through them anyways so I am glad I found out about the MVT.
    1 point
  30. Looks good Here's a thought. With all the sites that have closed in the last year, there's probably quite a lot of long time players who now don't have site membership. I wonder if this is pushing impatient players to buy a defence and retailers to be a bit more open to other defences. I'm not saying it's OK, just that it might be a factor
    1 point
  31. Druid799

    Gun picture thread

    I freely admit I’ve a penchant for dodgy paint jobs (hello kitty cannon and don’t carebear Bizon to name but two) BUT some of those paint schemes are just f***king horrendous ! Look like a low resolution unicorn barfed over them ! 🤢🤢🤮 so welcome to the madhouse ! 🤪
    1 point
  32. Apocalypse at Royston have their first game of the year on the 2nd
    1 point
  33. RostokMcSpoons

    JD Airsoft

    Yeah it's always struck me as super-easy to piss someone off with a high p&p cost. Amazon have made a whole business (Prime) out of selling us the ability to get things 'fast and free' because it makes the purchase so painless. Of course we've paid £70 (or whatever it is these days) up-front for the privilege, but damn, it works. Human psychology is a blunder-ful thing! You can see some higher unit prices on eBay too, but again they'll often capture my business even if the total is the same or slightly lower, along with the 'free p&p' wording. Ant Supplies will always get business from me because they'll do anything p&p included, though I feel guilty when I'm buying cheap stuff and the costs must surely be destroying their profit margin. One day I'll buy something more substantial, just to assuage my guilt! Anyway - JD's charge of £11 for my F2000 and 18,000 BB's and other bits'n'bobs in a hefty box was fair.
    1 point
  34. Have a merry Christmas, you moody mares, I hope you all get exactly what you deserve. I've rattled Mrs Borg's box and reckon it's some wire strippers, so I'll be rewiring all the things while watching a Die Hard marathon (or maybe just Die Hard five or six times, same difference). See you when we're all sober again.
    1 point
  35. Ah, sorry Roger if I didn't make myself clear, it's being anti-mask as well as anti-vax that I have an issue with. I appreciate your point regarding the vaccines is fair and valid especially given the new strain breaking through the immunity. For the previous strains we knew it was never 100% but still demonstrably doing a good job in reducing infections. If everyone in the UK had got their jabs done, it wouldn't have stopped Omicron from appearing - that's a failure of the SA govt and the international community.
    1 point
  36. To everyone who cites civil liberties & freedoms, & the alleged attempts by government to remove those said freedoms (for the greater good of the many), what's your opinion on conscription, in particular in wartime 🤔 For everyone screaming about their freedoms, remember without government taking decisive action in 1939, essentially breaking families up, many never to be reunited again, was necessary to ensure even the most basic rights & freedoms. Kinda puts the mild restrictions we face today in to perspective, those that disagree should all get together & give each other a big unmasked hug 😏
    1 point
  37. ahh the bane of many an airsoft argument. "headshots don't count".... on a site where they did.... "he didn't take a bang kill"..... at a site with no enforced bang rule..... "gun hits count".... at a site where they didn't..... even worse is when a site can't even be consistent within itself, had games where the initial brief was X zone was out of play, except when the game bogged down the owner told one team they could use that zone, leading to a lot of "i hit you!" "yeah but you're out of bounds so it doesn't count" arguments. sites should really work out exactly what variants of rules they're going to enforce, put them up on a board, then consistently enforce them. for example i don't care if a bang rule states you have to take them, if you take them voluntarily, or you never take them, so long as i know exactly which variant i'm playing to and wether or not to be prepared for folk trying to pull a john wick.
    1 point
  38. Rate of fire on some rifles and pistols are ridiculous. High rates of fire spoil game play, turns players away. HPA is a menace in CQB, I have seen 20 or so new players come and play once and call it a day, the comments I hear are often centred around "I can't hit anyone because I keep getting hit" or that they can't return fire because they are unable to break cover because the bb's are coming in thick and fast. From my observations in game, HPA's ruin game play on indoor CQB, it is more suited to outdoor use than indoor. The main issue IMHO is that there are too many sites where there are varying rules and this leads to confusion on new sites and why rules get broken and people get pissy with people not taking hits, one site I know says that kids are not targets and your hits on the kids don't count... well great, teach cheating to the young. There needs to be a set of standardised rules that can be agreed upon that is a guide and also those setting the rules need to have insurance companies onboard as they are the guys that have to cover sites for liability cover, so a site can't stipulate different rules that are dangerous to players as the insurance company would be on the hook. Players that want higher rates of fire and power should hire venues and advertise it as a free for all and go shoot yourselves up to your hearts content, leave airsoft to those who want to enjoy game play and not get beat up in a game, there is a certain thing that is called enjoyment that can rapidly diminish and the sooner players recognise this (the ones insisting on high power and rates of fire) wake up to this fact, the sport might improve to attract more players. As I say, if you want higher power, go airgun or powder round shooting or clay pigeon shooting...
    1 point
  39. Happy Christmas to all on the forum 🥳 I shall raise a glass on the day to the health and prosperity of all in the coming new year. ✨. Best wishes to all 🥂 Regards
    1 point
  40. the other fun one is if they're within your range, and assume because you can shoot that far so can they.
    1 point
  41. Aiden Chen

    Gun picture thread

    Thanks mate! I think it's been deactivated or decayed itself because it's over 30 years old and the illumination was very weak when it arrived. But I believe modern made ones are much brighter
    1 point
  42. Shamal

    Acceptable rates of fire

    A ripper? Wot a knife weilding maniac intent on parting people from their vital organs?? Or maybe a stripper?🙂 Much better proposition( dribble)😉 Of course I would have removed myself from the site immediately! 🙄 Regards
    1 point
  43. How come every topic I start ends up messy 😂
    1 point
  44. SBoardley

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    Heard this one the other day: Q: Why is Santas sack so big? A: Because he only comes once a year!!
    1 point
  45. snuff

    Acceptable rates of fire

    Shit my nana said she was at knitting club.....fine figure of a lady there.
    1 point
  46. Mad-Al

    Gun picture thread

    I think i may have a new favourite! LCT LK53 ARMS mount Vector frenzy VFC torch grip HK 3 point sling Perun hybrid, maple leaf macron, omega nub.
    1 point
  47. Cannonfodder

    Krylon vs Halfords

    Tbh I tend not to bother prepping the surface more than a quick wipe down, but that's because I like the worn look. Also Krylon OG and Halfords green are the same shade, as I found out when painting my M4
    1 point
  48. Jacob Wright

    Krylon vs Halfords

    This is one of my rifles, 4 years after being painted with Halfords paint. It’s worn but in general still looking good. Having spent large portions of my life painting surfaces, I’d say prep it every time. Yeah it might take a bit of work but the results will always be worth it.
    1 point
  49. I've got a complete New Generation frame (for the G17) and they're the best on the market, barring possibly the GHK G17 which is receiving a lot of stick online for its apocalyptically bad trigger. It is indeed glass-filled nylon. The only stainless part I can think of in the complete frame is the front chassis block. Guarder stainless steel is actually stainless steel, which is why those slides are expensive. Everyone has experience with Guarder, they make just about everything. Their build quality is dependent on the product but the high-end stuff is comparable to VT.
    1 point
  50. What's your budget? You have companies like FPR, ALC, Nova putting out steel 1911s, 2011s, Glocks and Desert Eagles but we're talking fairly hefty price tags. http://www.fpr.hk/index.php?route=common/home
    1 point
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