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  1. New to Newcastle area and looking to get back into the hobby. Any teams about or recommendations for sites near here? I'm thinking normal skirmish days but I'm more into casual milsim. By that I mean, team stuff, but not hard-core seal/so all must wear exact everything. If this makes little to no sense then general local info would be appreciated.
    2 points
  2. Thought I’d do a little write-up of this event that myself and my team attended last Sunday. I’ve played Longmoor a couple of times in the past and it’s a great site, with lots of potential for long-distance engagements as well as close quarters fighting inside and between the buildings. With this in mind we decided to book on and make a team outing out of it, 3 of us attending. It took me about an hour and a half to get down to Longmoor, and once there queued up with the other punters to be escorted to the car park area. Once there and parked up by the DS, it was a pretty standard get your kit ready and wait for the safety brief. I believe there was an indoor area that could be used for this but most people were working from their vehicles. There were good, clean toilets available as well and a shop although I didn’t visit it. Interestingly there was No mandatory chrono, although I know this has been covered in previous threads so won’t go into it. The safety brief was succint, covering the salient points and general rules. Maps, rules and briefs had been emailed out the week leading up to the event so we felt well prepared. This was one of Legions’ ‘Battlesim’ events, so once the game began there would be no breaks and it would be down to players to manage themselves as required. We had some initial objectives that would span the first couple of hours and once these were complete we would receive further objectives. Fairly simple and I’d say everyone pretty much knew what they were doing. We carried our kit (including ammo, food and water) out to our initial regen point and the game kicked off at probably about 1030-1100. We were split down into 7 callsigns, and as I had a radio programmed to the command net I took the role of RO as well as TL for my callsign. I won’t go into detail of every objective and engagement but it was a fairly normal ‘Hold building X until X time to score 100 points’ or ‘go and take the ammo crates to the helicopter’. This meant that things didn’t get complicated, and there weren’t many/any occasions where people didn’t know what was happening. From the safety brief we’d seen that we (Barbarian/Green team) seemed fairly well outnumbered by the Legion/Tan team which meant that we got plenty of trigger time with the enemy, but at the same time we were still able to move about some areas relatively sneakily/unhindered. As we entered the early afternoon it did feel as though some of the enemy had disappeared (gone for lunch/left) which made our objectives quite easy to take and hold. This isn’t a complaint, I’ve played long enough to know the game is what you make it so I made sure to keep in contact with our commander to keep the taskings coming so we didn’t get bored. In the last couple of hours there were a fair few big pushes from both sides with the patrol base changing hands a number of times, accompanied by lovely colourful smoke grenade clouds and plenty of pyro!! We actually held the enemy HQ until end-ex was called at 1700, despite numerous counter attacks and at one point taking fire from all sides. Did we enjoy it? Yes! Would I recommend it? Definitely! The standard of gameplay from our point of view was very high, and the coordination and teamwork from the rest of our team was also great. We’ll definitely be back in the future, and for anyone who wants a kind of milsim-lite experience I couldn’t recommend it enough!
    2 points
  3. So after recieving a bit of money and going against all advice offered in the New Players and Arrivals thread i went ahead and purchased a NE STEN Mk2(S). I also purchased a WE G18C because i had a go with one and just found it incredibly fun (dont judge me haha). Anyway the STEN is a absolutely lovely but heavy piece of kit. The kick the recoil gives is actually quite a lot more than expected which suprised me. After a bit of faffing around i figured out how to load my one mag with a speed loader i went about setting the bolt stop feature up which added to realism which will add more bonus points in my honest opinion. I have a bit of a kink for historical WW2 weapons and am waiting on the day when a Lee Enfield gets released. I'd love put together a British WW2 loadout, although maybe not the uniform (the 37 webbing would do), however the Webley having no hop up and being supposedly over 400fps is a no go and the Browning has faults and bad reviews (although supposedly the 2020/2021 one is better). This leaves me with the 1911 as an option which will probably be purchased later rather than sooner. As you can see from the pics i had to bodge a front sling mount with paracord and a heavy duty key ring but it works and is rock solid. I went with a three point sling as after trying a two point i found it impossible to transition shoulders and with the 3 point its just easier although not as quick as a one point. A one point sling would be pretty impossible with this STEN as it swinging about and catching me in the nuts would absolutely fudging kill. I recently got a tax rebate and am waiting for the mags to be restocked at AirsoftWorld, once i have a minimum of five i'll take it to a skirmish but until then its just sitting there looking pretty. Ohhh another thing, NE's customer service is exceptional, i had a few problems with the mag and NE are sending me replacements (and spare extra parts for the future) free of charge from Taiwan (hopefully the planned Chinese invasion of Taiwan doesn't happen soon and put a halt to Taiwanese exports) which is some of the best customer service ive experienced. I'll update this thread when i actually field it and give more impressions but as a bit of retail therapy from an absolute shit year of dickhead employers its really cheared me up.
    2 points
  4. Hi, new to the forums, started playing airsoft this year and have become addicted to it. Based in Surrey and trying to sample as many different sites as we can. Have played at Ace Combat in Kent, echelon in gravesend and driverwood in Crawley. Have also booked up Dogtag in Crawley for this coming weekend. hoping to pick up some tips, tricks and advise from the airsoft community which has been very welcoming so far.
    2 points
  5. Chicken pie

    Welsh expert newbie!

    Loving my later in life start to airsoft. Bit knackered at 50 plus and arthritis in 1 knee but giving it a go at Hard Target Airsoft near Bridgend. Well set up and run I must say. I'm learning slowly and really enjoying it. So much to try and work out, mainly " where the fluck did that shot come from " lol
    2 points
  6. Any of them should fit really, they clamp to the lower rail and the back end sits around the magwell. Get a cheap one though, you'll probably get sick of the extra weight after a while and leave it in your bag same as everyone else does.
    2 points
  7. Yup, @Lozartflagged that earlier, it does look like the black one, and is quite hard - which is why I thought it might be a ZCI 70. Oh, hold the phone! I know where I've seen that style of nub before... In this very Specna Arms SA-E02 Edge. Clearish rather than black, but that profile, I'd never seen one like that before, and that does seem to be advertised as a flat hop nub. Well, I reckon this could be the stock Specna bucking then, which I replaced with a Maple Leaf bucking and Omega nub right out of the box. I'd never seen them advertised as having a flat hop bucking, but mine did come with that style of nub, and I'm fresh out of ideas as to where else this bucking could have come from. I wonder if anyone with a stock Specna could shed any light on it. No, it's quite hard and stiff. Fnar.
    2 points
  8. Brophy

    Generic New Guy

    Hiya dude, welcome to the forum and glad you are enjoying the hobby. You'll more than likely find the answer you need somewhere on here or if not, just ask, the guys are friendly enough as long as you don't mention certain airsofters from youtube
    2 points
  9. Welcome to the forum and the hobby dude. I thought starting at the age of 33 (nearly 2 years ago) was "old" but soon found out I'm one of the younger models 😆
    2 points
  10. When everyone had tape decks in their cars there was a phenomenon whereby once you had enough cassettes in your glove box, one of them would mutate into a copy of Queen's Greatest Hits. Probably the same pixies at work here.
    2 points
  11. Masonruss2

    Two tone guns

    Yeahhh I understand, he literally gave it to me as we will be going to airsoft quite abit now , just thought it would save abit of money. Me and him will both be going so we can get ukara membership. I was just making sure because it’s painted all black now so looks real. I will be going to a good airsoft site he went to get his in Essex which is properly insured so I should be alright , obviously I will keep it in a bag at all times until we get into the game and stuff . appreciate the reply
    2 points
  12. Hi there! I'm down the road a bit in Hartlepool. You've got several sites in the area: NSC near the airport. Woodland gaming on a Paintball site. No limits - indoor CQB in Gateshead NTAC - small woodland site near Pittington Dirty dog - probably the main site in the area, a container village with woodland and open ground. Located at Shildon District 23 - similar to no limits. Billingham by the train station. Adrenalin - another Paintball site, near Richmond. Stirling airsoft - themed airsoft that tends to run weekend events around once a month, set on Catterick army base.
    2 points
  13. see, what i read there is: i'll confess to not being the biggest expert on the intricacies of ak furniture, but i thought the 74 pattern was a side swivel not bottom? it's hard to tell from the pics but it looks like it might just not have a muzzle device installed, or at the very least just a thread protector. eh, wouldn't be the first time folk have run "incorrect" mags because either they don't care or couldn't find the ones they wanted in stock.
    2 points
  14. This is my TM next gen build. The 20rd magazin isnt ready, but soon.
    1 point
  15. My new (to me, but second hand) TM H&K416 Devgru, upgraded by Daves Customs
    1 point
  16. Shamal

    Welsh expert newbie!

    Haha yeah you probably still got the marks on your legs where your nappies were! 👶 🤭 Regards
    1 point
  17. willi_338

    New to Newcastle area.

    Slightly. I already have a king arms m4 moe that needs a service and will be gtg and have my TM 416 devgru finally coming home after being sold to a mate but not being used so I'm taking custody back end of the year 🤣 Already have a PC and helmet and have always skirmished in old bdu pants since the days when blachawk down getup were the one. Need to look at a replacement sidearm as my old glock is a bit a chonky for real holsters.
    1 point
  18. Interesting review. Pity about the lack of chrono.
    1 point
  19. GAMBLE

    Generic New Guy

    Hi @ShootingBlanks 👋 Welcome to the forum, full of advice and like minded players! 🔫🤪👍 Glad to hear your stuck in, I have a channel aimed at beginners, if interested? One tip, you see the enemy, shoot first, then chat afterwards! 😂👍 💷GAMBLE💷
    1 point
  20. EvilMonkee

    First time GBBR?

    M4 - TM MWS AK - GHK MP5 - WE or VFC if feeling flush /thread
    1 point
  21. Nick G

    First time GBBR?

    The MWS M4 is always going to be a popular choice, but I cant fault my WE M4 . Used it as a base for L119 A1 build. I'ts been used at every game I've been to this year with absolutly no issues at all. Keep taking an AEG 'just in case' and it never leaves the safe zone ! I'm running a Maple leaf rubber, omega nub and crazy jet barrel in it and am more than happy with range and accuracy etc. I run 5 mags and a speed loader , one gas fill gives me about 2.5 loads of BBs .
    1 point
  22. Hold on, have you been into my gun cupboard and nicked my GHK??? Cos that one looks a lot like mine does currently
    1 point
  23. GAMBLE

    Welsh expert newbie!

    Hi @Chicken pie 👋 Welcome to the forum, full of advice and like minded players! 🔫🤪👍 Good luck getting started and watch your six! 😵 💷GAMBLE💷
    1 point
  24. EDcase

    Welsh expert newbie!

    Welcome 👍 A little secret... I'm also in my 50s
    1 point
  25. Huh, that is what it looks like, even down to being slightly dry and rough looking (e.g. rubber, "Perfect for using with R-Hop") rather than slick texture (silicone, for direct contact). But I've got no record nor recollection of ever getting one, or why I'd have done so. My DIY'd flat hop bucking was done to use with an S-hop (tried and abandoned), and I have no other use for one. @Adolf Hamstercould be right, I might have acquired it some other way than retail, but I'm struggling to think how, as all my AEGs (pauses to check...) were bought new. Maybe I've just acquired enough Bits in the Box that they are now attracting random parts from hyperspace?
    1 point
  26. Modify do a black flat hop rubber with no nubby bit https://www.skirmshop.co.uk/modify-flat-bucking-black.html maybe it's one of those?
    1 point
  27. that is super strange, never seen that before. I just checked a few of the ones I still have here and they all have the nub and ridge in place. It's possible that you do have a molded mutant on your hands there
    1 point
  28. If he was importing stock for a shop then he wouldn’t need a UKARA number
    1 point
  29. I think someone on the forum posted that they had a problem with an import because one digit of the UKARA was wrong so I guess they do check at least sometimes 🤔
    1 point
  30. hmm removing the keying ridge is a common enough part of the flat-hop process, but as you say it doesn't look like it's been done by hand. if it were a pre-made flat hop then it would presumably retain the ridge as the only reason it's removed normally is to rotate the bucking to get a fresh contact patch. a mystery for sure. also, are the feedlips as torn up as they look in those pics?
    1 point
  31. And there’s me, hoping the postie doesn’t straight up lose mine
    1 point
  32. Yeah, I was a bit rough with the minimum time for doing the 3 games but at the two sites I obtained and renewed my UKARA it was at their discretion. I do wonder if border farce actually check them properly or just look for a common format.
    1 point
  33. Ak 101. although early model 74 look strikingly similar to the akm, in that they both have fixed stock and wooden furniture; apart from chambering different rounds, the main visual ‘tell’ is the gas block: Ak47 have a distinctive curve whereas the 74 has more of a vertical stature. this being the pmc akm, I would quite easily see someone buying this and selling the five 74 mags and the furniture and gas tube for say £275. And setting it back in pic mode, leaving them with a perfectly respectably upgrade rif for £325. don’t sound like too bad a deal when you break it down? Yeah yeah why don’t I but it? Ghk baby….
    1 point
  34. Can we guess what the next video may contain?
    1 point
  35. Tommikka

    Two tone guns

    Any offence was committed at the time that it was painted (Modification of an IF into a RIF) In the first drafts of the VCR bill this was a standalone offence, in the final VCRA it’s arguable that the intent of airsoft skirmishing becomes a valid Defence to the original offence of painting it Gifting is a grey area - It’s a technical work around normally applied to players under the age of 18 as they cannot purchase either an IF or RIF He could sell it to you if he wishes, as you are over 18 so can legally buy an IF or RIF You don’t have UKARA membership to document yourself as an airsofter, but if he can satisfy himself that your intent is to play airsoft skirmishing on insured sites then that is all the law requires, and a sale of a RIF is legal However nobody will know or care how you came to be in possession of an IF that has been painted.
    1 point
  36. I don't see why the site couldn't give him a membership and then when he turns 18 issue a UKARA number. Their discretion though, crazy idea, why doesn't your friend ask the site?
    1 point
  37. Ajax

    First time GBBR?

    Since you said you are open to other platforms let me recommend you WE G39c. This is working mule and fairly cheap one as well. Those replicas are easy to maintain and repair and have good opinion to be reliable. May be hard to get new (I managed to find one) but there are plenty second hand as well. In the world of m4 dare to be different other recommendation will be WE Apache series (mp5).
    1 point
  38. Nice one, the one I have is damn sweet and he's told me the print quality is even better again! Well worth the movement to a single platform IMO. Am going to be trying my hand indoors with gas mags soon as well rather than HPA, see how that fairs up lol.
    1 point
  39. paradoxum

    Gun picture thread

    Finally got my MAWL today: My heavily customized ICS Hera I'm calling 'Orion'. I've still got the lower receiver the change and the handguard. Strike Industries pins, and an Acetech Blaster supp/tracer unit.
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. Gask99

    Gun picture thread

    The family
    1 point
  42. MalHollywood

    Gun picture thread

    My current collection. Only a handful… for now 😂
    1 point
  43. Finished the case for my lovely new pistol
    1 point
  44. SeniorSpaz87

    Gun picture thread

    Well, a lot of work later and shes finished. HPA'd STAR L86. R-hopped 550mm IB, Polarstar F2 engine inside a custom designed and 3D printed gearbox, custom wiring and microswitches, modifications done to fit the IGL, and more. Max range about 85m (not accurate range for you haters). Im happy. Still need to sort out the two side pins behind the magwell, look into adding a grip of some sort if needed, and toss a light on it.
    1 point
  45. alxndrhll

    Gun picture thread

    This little puppy is back with me after some extensive work. Will likely swap out the B19 for a B19N at some point simply because I think they look nicer, and likely swap the grip/handstop to an RK-6. Will be adding paracord to the stock and I think it’s about there.
    1 point
  46. scorpssells

    Gun picture thread

    BEFORE and AFTER for reference Went mad with the ol' grate polish Also used some brown shoe polish on black to give it a subtle bakelitey tinge
    1 point
  47. Go with a 7.4 stick lipo thats what i use in my mp5`s
    1 point
  48. Tri-shotguns. You can tell yourself that the instant trigger response and BBs spread are an advantage, but at ranges where the response matters, the spread is minimal, and at ranges where you get spread, you could put a lot more BBs downrange with any auto or fully-semi-automatic AEG or gas gun. They're still hella satisfying when you get a hit, but that's from putting in the effort, not because they're particularly effective.
    1 point
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