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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/21 in all areas

  1. One of my holy grail guns - LCT AMD-65 x2 ASG/Lonex AK Flash mags.
    4 points
  2. 3 points
  3. Groot

    THE TM MWS thread

    2 points
  4. quango2k

    THE TM MWS thread

    2 points
  5. Go on then I'll bite. GHK L119A2. painted Kryptek by the wife, topped with a couple real steel bits. And no, I refuse to paint the Vortex lol
    2 points
  6. That's what most people do. Stand by it, looking wistfully at the pile of frayed nylon and split seams wishing they'd bought something better.
    2 points
  7. What brands are the SA80’s ? will make a big difference to the value .
    1 point
  8. Adolf Hamster

    What have you made?

    and you were doing so well too.....
    1 point
  9. its the M908B and the idea is to get run the longer one in woodland. I'll find out this weekend what needs tweaking.
    1 point
  10. Alimcd

    What have you made?

    Not exactly as polished as what’s being shown off in this thread but… Got really frustrated reloading my new HPA DMR build so necessity being the mother of innovation, this happened
    1 point
  11. Why, exactly? I've seen it often asserted, but never explained. This NHS page, for example, asserts that "Carbohydrates are important to your health for several reasons." and then goes on to explain glucose -> glycogen -> fat, but provides zero (I counted them twice) reasons why this is necessary, specifically in the context of tubbies needing to get rid of fat rather than storing it. There's no fatty or amino acids in carbs - those are essential. Body fat gets turned into ketones, which we're able to use quite handily as an energy source, including for our brains. So, really, I'm fascinated to see some clinical evidence of what we actually need carbs for, or what negative things happen when we go into ketosis. Aside, it's essentially impossible to eat zero carbs, I wouldn't advocate trying that. For one thing, we do need fibre for digestive health, and that always comes with some digestible carbs as well. But I've never felt better than when keeping carbs to a minimum. What's not working?
    1 point
  12. Brown rice is actually really nice just take eons to cook!
    1 point
  13. I actually lost a bunch of weight when my partner was pregnant (no not because she ate all my food!) She was diagnosed with gestational diabetes so she had to make some changes to keep her and the baby healthy and of course I made the same changes to support her. We got a diabetic's cook book and followed a lot of the advice in there. Cutting down on sugar, smaller portion sizes, finding healthy snacks to have instead of chocolate or cake switching to wholemeal flour products like bread and pasta and brown rice. All really simple and doable changes that resulted in me losing a stone in about 6 months even though I wasn't doing nearly enough exercise at the time.
    1 point
  14. Well, I respectfully disagree, they're fine to limit that too, or to have a two-or-three-shot-then-pause rule. What matters is that they only say what they mean, that they mean everything that they say, and that they sack up and enforce the rules against individuals, not doing counter-productive collective punishment. This is a bit like when I worked in an office where they sent out an email to the whole company, flagged as "important" saying "Whoever keeps defecating on the men's bathroom floor, stop it. This is totally unacceptable!" Well, good job, you solved that problem. I'm sure someone sociopathic enough to do that will stop now that you've let them know that it's "unacceptable." In both cases, if you're going to do a group communication, don't bother haranguing the toxic people who don't care. Ask the decent people to identify them, then deal with the bad individuals. This really isn't that hard a concept to grasp, surely?
    1 point
  15. Rogerborg

    Ni-mh - Lipo

    Done in an explosion containment pie dish, low current, cells being touched and tested for heat, back door open, and ready to hurl the whole lot out there so it'll burn down my neighbour's house. Serves him right for building up to the property line.
    1 point
  16. If you wake up one more and have the urge to start fitting more cardio exercise in, are you likely to head out for a full 26 mile marathon or a 5km walk? If you decide you want to start lifting some weights you're going to find your 1 rep max and work from there (or at least that'll generally be the advice when creating a plan in my experience), not jump straight in consistently trying to lift heavier than you can. Nutrition should be treated no differently. TLDR, in my opinion (and seemingly others too), changes in nutrition should be implemented at the correct pace... hence me saying over and over, if adjusting is something you want to it it's worth talking to a professional. So many just blindly follow what has worked for others, often strangers from the internet, expecting the same results in a similar timeframe... while only replicating one element of that persons lifestyle. It's entirely daft, but it's more convenient than getting assistance from those that are qualified to advise you on the best steps to a healthier body... often with a healthier mind as part of the package. The number on the scales isn't the only thing that matters in the equation, so don't be a slave to it. 15 stone can be carried in a variety of different ways on your body.
    1 point
  17. It seems on farcebook there are quite a few people saying the same thing too. It's both slightly comforting to know it wasn't just us who thought it's a shit show, and really shit that they've become such a poor site happy to take good money for shit service.
    1 point
  18. How else do you lose weight though? Eat less, or stuff your face and then dancercise it off. I'd certainly advocate vitamin and maybe some mineral supplements if you're reducing your food intake. Eh? Weight loss only happens if you're unbalanced, and burning more than you're eating. All good points, although what works for Alice might not work for Bob. I find it easier to stick to hard rules than a sliding scale which can result in backsliding. Truth to tell though, when I'm airsofting, I still allow myself a bacon and egg sammich breakfast, with multi-seeded wholemeal bread and lashings of brown sauce.
    1 point
  19. Ooohh he’s set the quote of the mth bar ridiculous high and it’s only the 5th ! 😱 🤣🤣🤣👍
    1 point
  20. I was very surprised by Firesupport acceptance of SA membership as a defence, (don’t they actually run the UKARA data base), I think once they did except it others followed suit.
    1 point
  21. Skara

    Ni-mh - Lipo

    For science, sometimes, it's worth sacrificing a building and all its occupants.
    1 point
  22. Shamal

    Ni-mh - Lipo

    I've done similar with dead lipos by putting them on a nicad setting for few mins. Always stay with batt though and be ready to disconnect. But never had a problem. Regards
    1 point
  23. I have indeed, had good results. Ive also tried intermittent fasting on 8 and 6 hour eating windows. But similar, i wouldn't suggest them to the average joe trying to loose 2 stone. When I say I don't agree with it, I dont agree that you should have to make such a huge change in lifestyle to achieve a more healthy weight / view on yourself / whatever the goal is. If someone is trying to loose weight and opt for healthier life styles, I don't think it should be the go to option. People should focus more on there relationship with food. Knowing how many calories are in your meal, being able to deal with a bit of mental hunger cravings because youre frankly bored. I just think there is more sustainable choices for the average person; not disputing it doesnt work. I feel that most people with a bad relationship with food will struggle to see if through. The most important thing is just doing what works for you and what you enjoy as ultimately that will be the easier to sustain.
    1 point
  24. Never knew it was the same bellend who ran Special Airsoft Supplies! That puts it straight on the avoid list for that alone to be honest.
    1 point
  25. I went once years ago and I don't think I've ever had a worse airsoft experience. Here's why Rediculous amounts of cheating done in front of marshalls who did nothing. For example one game had a single respawn fir both teams and a click divided into coloured sections. If the minute hand was in your teams colour you can go back into the game. One player (with a Marshall watching) moved the hand to put it in his teams colour and the Marshall did nothing. Marshalls more interested in the supposed status of being staff than doing the job. Rules made to give their regulars a massive advantage Rules changed I'd game whenever the regulars started to get beaten Stupidly long wait between games. Anything up to half an hour Lastly the owner is a cunt who'll be your best mate to your face but start slagging you off behind your back. He's also a thieving shit who'll take money for guns he doesn't have, just search any social media for special airsoft supplies to read up on the bullshit this guy has pulled
    1 point
  26. Adolf Hamster

    Ni-mh - Lipo

    iirc think was about 6 months to burn out the f2000 primary contacts. but yes short term you can get away with, especially for a standard platform where new contacts can be easily got. however you need to pay very careful attention to not over-draining the batteries as that'll kill them, same applies for basic mosfets that don't have a cutoff. a lipo checker is your freind.
    1 point
  27. Rogerborg

    Ni-mh - Lipo

    All, right, I'm down, stop kicking.
    1 point
  28. They're close, but the 2021 Edge hop I've just bought has slightly different external greeblies to my 2018 ZCI plastic hop. I'd say "closely related", although they could very well be from the same factory, and the dimensions and components are indistinguishable. They both work well enough. I'm also liking a Maple Leaf macaron with the Specna hop and rubber. It's a unusual rubber, Ω shaped but longer front-to-back, as opposed to a ML omega rubber which is side-to-side. Does the job anyway.
    1 point
  29. Speedbird_666

    Ni-mh - Lipo

    Still £32 and in stock on HobbyRC: https://www.hobbyrc.co.uk/skyrc-s65-65w-6a-ac-balance-charger
    1 point
  30. Lozart

    Ni-mh - Lipo

    https://hobbyking.com/en_us/accuell-s60-ac-charger-uk-plug.html?wrh_pdp=1&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=google_gb_shopping&countrycode=GB&gclid=Cj0KCQjw24qHBhCnARIsAPbdtlLl-CE4uNqggF55uvqaeXGHKdZHn2BVdzEHcyXS0T7celUyX3Cb5psaAs_9EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds&___store=en_us Basically the same ting in a different box. I have one and it works well.
    1 point
  31. I recommend using myfitnesspal to help track calories in/out. The free version is enough to see what's what. Been using it on my long awaited cut and it (depending on the person) makes you thik about what you're eating- do i need that bag of crisps at 10pm or is it because im bored? Can I have a banana or some more protein instead?
    1 point
  32. Why avoid promoting something that works? If you want to lose fat, the only way to do it is to go into ketosis. It's not scary witchcraft, it just describes the state of burning fat instead of carbs for energy. You can do this by either exercising enough to burn all the carbs that you've eaten (congratulations, you are now in scary-ketosis), or by eating less of them in the first place. If it helps, stick a different label on it: low-carb diet, paleo diet, or whatever you fancy. It doesn't mean zero carbs, you'll always get some, it's just about keeping them low. There's nothing healthy or necessary about sugar (including fruit / "natural" sugar), bread, pasta, crisps, chocolate. You can make an argument for some carby fruits and veg, but if you eat them, you'll need to burn those carbs off, and there's very little in in there that you can't get through vitamin and mineral supplement, or just sticking to non-carby greens. Keto doesn't mean nothing but cheese and bacon (unless you're trying to maintain or gain weight and are highly active or in training, and I wouldn't recommend it for that). Weight loss keto can mean mostly above-ground veg, nuts, fish and chicken. Just keep all the healthy things from your regular diet, and drop the starch and sugar. Last night's dinner was cabbage, kale and broccoli with finger chillies, mushrooms and cashew nuts fried in a little butter with lashings of garlic, ginger and then pan-steamed in rice wine vinegar. I've been doing it for about three months to lose the lockdown lard. The first week is tough, sugar and carbs really are addictive, and you'll curse anyone in your household who toasts bread or bagels. But once you've kicked the habit, wow, the benefits. I don't eat breakfast now and don't miss it, so it's also a restricted-hours diet. I've shed significant visceral fat, my blood pressure has come down, I'm clearer headed, have more energy and more consistent energy, and feel far less hungry - hunger pangs seem to be a symptom of burning the last of your carbs, and your body saying "No! More cheap energy! Don't starve me, bro!" - but the only way to burn fat is to starve, it's not a dirty word. I'm aware that this is the zealotry of a convert, but I really would suggest giving it go if you want to lose fat. It's sustainable if you can get over that first week or two, and change your shopping habits. If you crack and give in, well, then you'll have learned something interesting about carb addiction.
    1 point
  33. Reap

    THE TM MWS thread

    I have been to a skirmish today and learnt something valuable about the MWS…….It much prefers Abbey ultra predator over Nuprol 2.0. Since last October I have run my MWS on nuprol 2.0 (green can) and I was instantly impressed by the range and accuracy but not the full auto, almost to the point where I thought it’s pointless this gun having a full auto. I even tried in hot temperature all 6 mags didn’t want to cycle on full auto. First time today I switched to Abbey ultra predator (red can) and just wow!!!! It’s like a completely different gun. Won’t be using nuprol 2.0 ever again on this weapon system.
    1 point
  34. Hi, everyone thanks for checking this post out. I have come up with an idea that I think may intrest some people who like building hi-capas. The basic idea is that you send me an email or tell me what kind of serations, engravings, colour and cut outs you want on a hi-capa slide and i make it with aluminium (what 90% of slides are made of). The price will be about £600-800 depending on the complexity. I can provide some examples of what i've already done. If there is enough intrest i'll put up a site where you can lsee what can be done and how to contact me. The image below is a example of what i can do. Posting this on general because didn't really know where to put this.
    1 point
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